"This Is PROOF Your Beliefs Create Your Reality" - Dr Bruce Lipton

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Tony Robbins
Welcome to an eye-opening and timeless presentation from Dr. Bruce Lipton, a world-renowned cellula...
Video Transcript:
there's a science behind every bit of this how you got here was not accident and if you understand how you got here and you understand the mechanism there is no limitation on your life we have a little tape for a moment our first Speaker we've been trying to get for 5 years that we love him to death just has been bad timing each time so we're so thrilled and he's not scared of Co so he came in person so that deserves a hand all by itself he's not not scared of it cuz he knows the
facts take a look who's your first Speaker Bruce Lipton bestselling author of the biology of belief is an internationally recognized leader in Bridging the Gap between science and spirit enter the vast world of your cells and experience the wisdom within as Dr Lipton explains the science of epigenetics in a way that is fun and easy to understand epigenetics as the name implies EP means above genetics is the genetic activity so epigenetics means actions above the genes it was environmental signals that control the activity of the gene genes do not control themselves genes respond to signals
in the environment and join Dr Lipton in a journey beyond the infinite I want to thank everybody out there because you are the cultural creatives I'm going to talk about science and the reason I'm going to talk about science is because I didn't believe in any new age stuff like that I didn't believe in spirituality I was teaching medical students the story of genes and genes controlling Our Lives I have now a completely different story to tell you I was uh very fortunate to see something 53 years ago 53 years ago I was doing research
on stem cells 53 years ago there weren't more than two dozen people in the whole world that even knew what the hell we were doing but I saw something and it was so profound that at some point I had to leave teaching medical school I had tenure and I walked out because I saw that they wanted me to teach of course the conventional curriculum and my research challenged that completely because I saw that jeans don't control life at some point I left the system and then Stanford University who had a bigger open mind than other
places said come on in and try it and I did some research at Stanford that again emphasizes everything I'm going to talk about so why I'm talking about this it's not like oh please believe me in this it's because there's a science behind every bit of this how you got here was not accident and if you understand how you got here and you understand the mechanism there is no limitation on your life and this this is what we're going to go into so I'm going to start off with an understanding a basic building I I
just saw this video I said geez they just said in about three and a half minutes what I was going to spend over 90 minutes so um maybe I should just leave I think that was the point of everything simple Point knowledge is power yes knowledge is power that's an absolute fact and I go so what and I say well we always talk about knowledge is power but let me give you the coraly the coraly is this a lack of knowledge is a lack of power I go wow for sure but let me add this
one a misperception is something you buy to be true but it's false so any misperception you hold by definition has disempowered you A misperception is a false thing and I want to start off with one of the most important misperceptions that you have all been programmed with and in fact I even help program to Medical Doctors over 40 years ago and what is this all about and the answer is this story of DNA oh that famous story I remember the day that was announced in the newspaper I lived in New York City we had the
Daily News which was some tabloid always had a big picture of something on the front car accidents Mobsters killing each other something like wow I'd run out on the porch and go what's the picture today and the first time I ever went out and opened up the daily news there wasn't even a picture on the front page the whole page just had a block print secret of life discovered the DNA secret came out in 1953 and what does it mean oh it was the belief that jeans control the characters of who we are and I
go well first of all is this Watson and crick's work well in a me too world it's time to make another announcement here it wasn't them who discovered the DNA double helix it was a woman her name is Rosalyn Franklin her major advisor gave her research to Watson and Crick and and guess what she didn't even know about it and they took her research and created their story and they didn't even cite her name in the references even though they took the research of a double helix from a woman and never assigned any value to
that so it's rosin Franklin who is one of the big people in his story so I say so what does all this represent what we bought into a belief that genes turn on and off and in the process control Our Lives I go wow that that's a science called genetic determinism genes determine the characteristics of your life I go yeah that's what we all bought into that idea and I even contributed that 40 or 50 years ago but look at this cover of Life magazine were you born that way not only our physical structur is
attributed to genes but our emotional and our Behavior are apparently caused by genes and I go here's the most important questions I can ask you as far as you know did you pick the jeans you came with not as far as we know if you don't like the characteristics can you just go change these jeans no and then we're told that the genes turn on and off by themselves and all of a sudden I say what was I teaching in that school and and the teaching was victimization that you are victims of your heredity oh
my God there's cancer running in my family oh my God people in my family die before 70 I'm 68 I'm going to die uh and all this belief that genes are going to control your life and the reality of that is not real it's totally false but people are programmed with this belief this is a page out of the National Institute of Health the science voice of go of science I mean the government's voice of science I said what is the chapter this chapter is called the nucleus the brain of the cell well why is
it the brain of the cell because the nucleus has all the genes in it and the genes apparently turn on and off just like nerve cells so that they're plotting your life inside that nucleus so that's the brain of the cell it's in all the textbooks I go well here's an important part by definition the brain is what coordin Ates all the functions of an organism and I said well what happened if you take an organism and you remove the brain from an organism I said what's the result of something like that the answer is
quite simple the organism dies that's what happened if you take the brain out and throw it away then I say well what about in a nucleus of a cell because we said the nucleus is the brain I said what happens you take them out I actually did this work in 196 62 and I pulled out the nucleus with a micropipet and guess what the cells in this process called enucleation the cells stay alive their behavior is unaffected and the whole point is this they didn't need genes and all of a sudden it's like well the
belief that genes were controlling all this and the answer is if you throw out the genes and the control is still there then the simple point is this the nucleus is not the brain of the cell I go wow well let me give you a fact and this is the most important fact genes do not control biology You' have been led to believe that genes turn on and off it's like they have some kind of ability to manifest their life and in fact this is not true genes do not control biology and a very important
fact because it affects so many people they believe as it said in that little intro that genes cause cancer the answer is there is not one gene that causes canc cancer I go well what do you mean I say the genes didn't cause cancer they're correlated we'll talk about that I say so why is it relevant people believe this and beautiful young women who find they have a brca breast cancer Gene go to the extreme of having double Mass ectomy while they're young and healthy with the idea I will avoid that future and the reality
is what is that Gene cause cancer the answer is no you know why 50% of the women that have that Gene never get the cancer so what's the point possession of the gene itself does not cause cancer we have to separate two important words that people mix up causation and correlation causation means the act or agency which produces an effect correlation means something that is associated a relationship existing with something cancer doesn't have a gene that causes it cancer is correlated with a cause but it's not the cause and all of a sudden I said
well let me tell you now because I want to say jeans don't cause something okay there about half a dozen diseases associated with a single Gene I'll just list them for you right now if you have one of these genes in your system you'll likely experience this and I go so yeah some jeans cost stuff I go yeah but how much of the disease and illness on this planet can you attribute to the genes and the answer is simply less than 1% less than 1% of all disease on this planet is even connected to genes
and we don't talk about it I go what do you mean I got 99% of illness and had nothing to do with the genes and it has to do with two main things okay lifestyle and environment I say why is that important because those are two things you absolutely control so the idea of having a disease is a loss of control and you've lost it in this point this a very important fact so I say what the hell did I learn in 1967 well I was culturing stem cells so let me give you first a
little backup a human body looks like a single entity but from a cell biologist point of view you're made out of 50 trillion cells the cells are the living entity You by definition are a community of 50 trillion cells cells have the same functions as you have there's not one new function in this entire human body that's not present in almost every cell where did you get a digestive system from cells already had it nervous system reproductive cells even have an immune system so all of a sudden I go well what's the function of a
stem cell what the hell is a stem cell well you remember you got 50 trillion cells in the community but guess what you're losing millions of cells every every minute every minute millions of cells are dying I go wow how long can you live if you're losing millions of cells every minute and answer is not very long so the point is this then how can you stay alive and the answer is there Are embryonic cells scattered throughout your body whose function is to replace all the dying cells I say what they're called embryonic cells I
say no before you were born the cell was called an embryonic cell the moment you were born the same cell is now called a stem cell stem cell is an embryonic cell do you have stem cells well you're here so congratulations everyone if you's got stem cells or you wouldn't be here right at this moment I say what was my research I'd isolate one stem cell put it in a dish by itself it divides every 10 hours about vers is 1 2 4 8 16 32 doubling and doubling after one week 30,000 cells in the
Petri what's the most important point they all came from one parent cell this is called cloning I say so what was relevant then the 30,000 cells are genetically identical 30,000 genetically identical cells I say that's not the experiment here's the experiment I take the cells out of that dish and split it into three dishes and I feed them a slightly different culture medium chemistry you go okay now what the hell is that relevant to here's what's relevant what is culture medium the laboratory version of blood if I grow human cells I say what are human
cells made you know the blood of humans I make a culture medium based on that if I grow Mouse cells I look at the blood of a mouse and I make a culture medium based on that so I can change some of the constituents so I make three different culture media these are the envi culture media is the environment in which cells live so I take out one3 of the cells put them in a dish with with environment a culture medium a they form muscle I take another group of cells out of that dish put
in a second dish with a second culture medium environment B the cells form bone I take a third dish add more genetically identical cells change the environment and they form fat cells well this is back in 1967 I'm teaching in the classroom students genes control life but this study said no I said what do you mean it says no they all had the same jeans so what made them different from each other it wasn't the jeans it was the environment and all of a sudden I said wait a minute it's the environment is controlling the
genes not the genes controlling themselves well I started to bring that to all my colleagues and they all challenged me well how does that work I didn't know how it worked I could show them results it was repeatable every time I did the experiment I couldn't show them but so they ignored me they said that's not relevant you can't show anything about it it's not relevant and at some point I show them every time I can do the experiment it always comes out the same it's predictable and I say what's relevant in science predictability is
relevant and so I said I can't handle this anymore I left the system I got into some quantum physics which I'm going to give you a little bit of but don't be afraid it's going to be easy and all of a sudden I realize oh my God the mechanism I found the key mechanism of life that sounds really important but it was really cool it was really cool I'm going to show it to you and how it works okay so I said well what's going on here environment is controlling the cells I go this is
the science of epigenetics it was founded as a science in 1990 I already had 20 plus years of research on this before they even named the science so I was way ahead of the group fortunately and the relevance is this what we're going to understand is how life works and first thing is this you're made out of proteins your cells the building blocks are proteins I say what's the word protein Pro firsten Part all of a sudden it says proteins are the first important part but we've been forgetting that and went to the DNA there
are 100,000 different proteins and if you Max and mix in other words it's sort of somewhat very much like uh a producer of your structure proteins give you your Anatomy okay okay I go well that's really cool how does it work it's like a Lego set I got 100,000 different parts you assemble these parts you make a muscle cell you assemble these parts you make a nerve cell you take some from each of those put them together you get a skin cell so basically what is it all of the 200 different types of cells are
built out of these building blocks proteins and so proteins become the foundation of life and then all of a sudden what's really [Music] oh secret of life it's the secret of life I got to give you the secret of life and here it is and don't don't get too excited because it's not that complicated it's so simple that we missed it because we weren't looking for it so here's what the secret of life is all about you're made out of 100,000 different proteins proteins have an anatomy they have a structure each one has a different
structure as I said when you put them together you get all these different cell types I say great but here's something you have to add and that is this cells respond to environmental signals information in the environment can complement a different protein and cause it to move movement is the secret of life action comes from proteins moving what's the difference between aive person and a dead person the dead person the proteins don't move anymore and all of a sudden it's like well then where's Life coming from the signal plus the protein generates movement that's where
life comes from Anatomy is created by proteins and now physiology proteins are the fundamental business how can proteins create something as vast and as magnificent as a human body well here's a picture of the Tesla Factory in California the red machines are equivalent to proteins why they each have a structure and they each have a very specific movement and so when you activate the movement it does a movement each one does the same movement all over and over again but watch what happens when you line them up all of a sudden guess what they're building
a car do you see a human on this assembly line there's no human there the machines are building the car I go what's the relevance proteins are machines and inside your body you have some of them lined up to give you respiration other proteins line up like this and give you digestion other proteins give you nerve functions so all of the characteristics of your body are due to proteins and their movement so here's the bottom line secret of life you're made out of protein signals from the environment that will complement that protein when joining to
the protein cause the protein to move that's called Behavior where did life come from protein's moving when does life end protein's not moving and all of a sudden it says wow this is really interesting because how does it work well signals from the the environment land on the surface of the cell and then the membrane translates that signal and sends a signal inside the cell and some of the signals engage the proteins to do respiration digestion movement all those things like that but if they protein is not in the cell that is needed what does
the cell do how it needs a protein to respond to the environment the answer is the signal goes into the nucleus and that's the signal that activates the genes so the geneses are not activated by themselves the genes are activated by environmental signals so as you go from one environment to another environment you're changing your genetic activity and this is a new science called epigenetics Epi as this video said before means above so when I say old story this character is under genetic control I'm saying genes control this character that's a false Story the character
is under epigenetic control I say what does it mean Epi means Above So epigenetic control means control above the genes the genes have no control you have the control why because it's due to how you respond to the world around you you're changing your genetic activity I say how does it work I say a chromosome has a DNA core and a protein sleeve I go so what so I say well well what causes a protein to change shape that's one of the things that's the most important fact you ready can you remember okay I hope
you do environmental signal so I said how does it work I go look here's a chromosome my arm is the DNA my sleeve is a protein sleeve I say I take a magic marker and I write the gene for blue eyes and I hold up my DNA and I say can you read the gene for blue eyes I pretend I put Magic marker okay can you read say yes or no so say yes okay yeah and I say yeah but what does it look like when it's inside the nucleus oh looks like this can you
read the gene for blue eyes but if you want to read the gene for blue eyes what must you do take the sleeve off what's the sleeve made out of protein so a signal from the environment actually causes the sleeve to come off and activate the gene the gene didn't do it itself so here's a uh animation of a chromosome with a DNA core and on the beginning of each gene there's a special protein called regulatory protein I say how does it work it goes like this a signal from the environment comes into the nucleus
the signal the environmental signal complements a specific regulatory protein when that signal binds to the regulatory protein it causes the protein to change shape and when the protein changes shape the sleeve pops off now the gene is exposed then I say then what I say another protein comes up I'll Just Let It Go by video here the sleeve pops off another protein comes up and copies that DNA and the copy is called RNA that's the blueprint for a protein that's going to go into the cell and I say after the signal is over the sleeves
covered up and the gene is inactivated now all the years we've rooted for Jean's controlling stuff let's watch and say come on Jean do something come on Jean do something come on you come on Jean and you realize what that Jean didn't do a damn thing and you have you really put jeans as the core of how you live your life on this planet and jeans have no action at all jeans are blueprints that's all they are and I go in the old days some of us can remember when television wasn't on 24 hours a
day and at the end of the broadcast day they put a signal on a test pattern I say a pattern is like a gene a gene is a pattern I say this pattern doesn't come from the TV set it's being broadcast but if I turn the dials on the TV set I can turn it on and off I can turn the volume up I can change the shape look I'll change look I Chang the shape of the pattern okay did I changed the original broadcast yes or no say no oh good you follow good no
it's still the original one I just altered it with my dials okay let me change it again here's an alter it again I'm altering the pattern same blueprint but altering the pattern I never changed the original pattern this is the truth about epigenetics epigenetics changes the readout of a gene but does not change the original genetic code I go how does it work I go well DNA let's take this little Loop this is where the gene is that's about 3% of the DNA and I say well what's the rest of the DNA called well since
they said the 3% makes us the gene blueprints the rest they call junk DNA they called it junk because they said just like humans totally inefficient oh my God were they wrong every bit of that DNA is functional I say what does it represent I say in that 97% actually there are proteins called modules that are before after the gene I go so what do they represent simplification they're the equivalent of the dials on the television set so in other words the gene is a blueprint pattern but the dials can change the readout and the
dials are adjusted by what your Consciousness and the environment you can control your Consciousness you can control the environment so you're not a victim of your jeans you're the master of your jeans but you never knew do that because the program was you're a victim of them epigenetics changes the U dials the environment sends signals to the proteins the proteins move and change the the dial on these modules which changes the readout some epigenetics go in and actually can cause a gene not to be read or cause one to be read and I say yeah
but epigenetics didn't come from the genes it came from the environment so the relevance is really important say how can you create and this is the big Blockbuster of the Human Genome Project because when they went into the project they said it took a gene blueprint to make a protein and guess what they already had number 100,000 proteins 100,000 genes they did the Human Genome Project guess what 20,000 genes 20,000 genes the same number of genes is in some of the smallest organisms on this planet there's a worm a studi behavior in called cenor dius
elegans it's got 20,000 genes it's got 1,250 cells same number of genes as us and all of a sudden you go well we got the same number of genes as a worm and all of a sudden that changes the whole game because how do you make 100,000 proteins from 20,000 genes and the answer is those little modules here's what they do when I have a gene that has a code and I'm going to call this the reading Gene and I say this is a copy of the reading Gene I made a copy of the original
Gene this is called RNA a copy but what epigenetics can do is paper and tape so epigenetics can take that code and cut it and change the reading now it's a read chain or I can change it again I can make the ding genene or I can cut it and separate it make the ad gene or cut out the middle join the two back together again make the ring Jean and all of a sudden I just showed you look with epid genetic control I can take any Gene in your body and create over 3,000 different
proteins from the same gene I say why is irrelevant you don't have to have any enco genes you don't have to have any bad genes to have a disease why a normal Gene will create a disease with the environment and Consciousness that will take the Gene and make a protein out of it it's not functional that's where disease comes from okay so what's the relevance we also know a very interesting story about uh uh what happens with twins twins that are born are called identical came from the same genes one egg split into two two
siblings have the exact same jeans but guess what one can grow up to be a 100 the other could die at 50 with cancer that they very different in their final life experiences yet they came from the same genes how does that happen well they looked at the siblings genetic readout the moment they were born they almost had the exact same readout they came a year later and now there were differences between the siblings 10 years later massive differences 20 years later and I go what was going on their life experiences changed their genetics differently
and so all of a sudden it said they came with the same genes one could die with cancer and the other could live to be a hundred and all of a sudden it wasn't the genes that were the problem it was the life experiences that altered these genes Dean ornish um an internist in San Francisco uh did work with prostate cancer patients here's listen what he did he takes his prostate cancer patient splits him into two groups one group gets the conventional medical treatment pharmaceutical radiation whatever the hell it is the other group no treatment
what did he do in the second group he taught him how to have a better diet he taught him how to reduce stress and he and he taught him how to go out and enjoy life lifestyle changes nothing chemical nothing drugs nothing I say so how' the experiment go they read the genes in both groups at the start of the experiment and for 90 days that's how long the experiment runs 90 days the check the genes of the group that got conventional medical treatment 90 days after the same genes were still being expressed but the
group that changed lifestyle they read the genes before and 90 days later they read the genes 500 genes changed their function by changing lifestyle diet and stress taught them how to meditate and all of a sudden it's like these were the genes that were precipitating the cancer what was the result they were eliminating the cancer not by killing the cancer cells they were eliminating the cancer by changing the Consciousness and the lifestyle of the person there is no Gene that causes cancer they looked at meditators and they said read a genes on two genes that
affected inflammation they meditated 8 hours8 hours and the genes changed their function what was the point you've been more or less programmed that the genes are concrete the genes are your life that's your genes that's your life and it goes no it's not you have absolute control over it but in all respects it's all based on are you living in harmony are you living with your power or did you give up your power and that's the big story that we're going to get into so before I go all of us have been programmed this is
in the textbooks it's still in the textbook information goes from DNA to RNA to protein and we talk about Primacy of DNA the DNA controls your life they left stuff out what they leave out the proteins on the sleeve and these are the ones that control whether the gene is available or not available yeah but the proteins didn't make that decision it was environment the environment caused the proteins to change and all of a sudden it says then the environment controls your genetics and then all of a sudden it says yeah but you control the
environment and therefore you should never have any of these problems okay I said well what's going on here how does it work well it's the Primacy of the environment we go back and we say signal plus protein equals Behavior the signals come from the environment the signals but what hell are the signals that control your biology this is the cool part yet again I go why is it cool because our conventional understanding based on what is called Newtonian physics splits the universe into energy and matter the rule energy does not affect matter so since you're
a matter machine if you want to change your biology then by definition science says you have to change the matter and that is why we buy drugs drugs are matter to change matter and I go well that's it except in 1927 World change quantum mechanics come in I go what was different quantum mechanics it said the universe isn't made out of matter and energy the universe is only made out of energy it's the only that exists matter is an illusion welcome to the illusion all around you you see all this matter you're sitting on the
table you can hit the table you can touch your friend and you say that's physical I go no energy is invisible you're made out of energy so the first question is this well if energy is invisible how the hell can I see you and the answer is very simple you ready the lights are on and you go it sounds funny but here's the reason why you're made out of energy but photons of light particles of light when they hit the energy are reflected back so you don't see me you see a veneer of photons from
these lights bouncing back and all of a sudden I go you're you're just seeing a reflection of light I'm not seeing you you can't see you you're invisible I go what does that mean I go the original idea of an adom came from the Greek and the word Adam in Greek means simply uncuttable that meant the smallest of the universe and up until 1895 science said yep an atom is a small little particle there are a bunch of different types and like recipes you can put the atoms together and create all different kinds of things
and then in 1895 guess what there's something inside an atom they shot beams of light into the atom and they got deflected meaning there's something inside and a new version of the atom came and it's called the bore atom this is the one that we all grew up up with the miniature solar system with a nucleus and electrons running all around I go that was smaller particles but by 1927 game changed why they said what the hell are the smaller particles made out of and when they looked inside something like a proton they looked at
what's in a [Music] proton there's nothing wrong with the slide there's nothing in a proton it's a Vortex of energy it's like a nano tornado it's not physical at all there's adom is made out of energy which you're made out of atom so by definition you're made out of energy you are energy well Einstein reality is merely an illusion albe it a very persistent one this is an illusion this is taking a new science and the new science quantum physics and it's most important because our belief in the old Newtonian physics atoms were particles like
Marbles and chemistry is when the atoms come together boom and they create something new I say this is an illusion anything you've ever seen like this is incorrect why because atoms aren't particles atoms are energy I go so what is an atom it's ripples in a pond ripples are energy moving through water okay you can't see the energy but the energy is shaping the water into ripples that's what energy is so this vision of newtonium physics is wrong you want to know what an atom looks like then you have to look at it this way
an atom is a bunch of ripples in a pond the middle doesn't exist that's illusion again because there isn't anything physical an atom is a vortex of energy I go why is that relevant and the answer is this there's no such thing as Adam's touching each other or isn't anything physical what touches each other are the energy waves that's inter interference patterns come out of the energy by en atoms interacting with one another I say what do you call the energy and the answer is the field and I say what is the field you're in
it and I go what is it it's invisible energy I go yeah what's in here I can't see it radio waves television waves cell phone conversations are going on solar energy is running in here and you are radiating energy because you are all energy beings and all of a sudden energy is the primary word here for this I said well what is the meaning of it here's a simple experiment I take a piece of paper I take a piece of iron and a file and I file down that iron I get a pile of iron
dust called iron filings and I sprinkle those iron filings like an assault Shaker I sprinkle it on this piece of paper experiment one how beautiful what do you mean how beautiful that that is what happens when you sprinkle iron filings on a paper throw it away sprinkle it again get the same damn thing just random piles of iron filings ah but this time I do the experiment I put a magnet underneath the paper now when I put the paper on the top and now when I sprinkle the iron filings guess what happens I get the
ornate shape of this structure which reflects what the magnetic field what's the point pattern where did the pattern come from the pattern didn't come from the iron filings the pattern came from the invisible energy the field so what's the result and this is critical whether think about it whether this is iron filings or tumor cells same answer the tumor didn't come from the the tumor cells it came from the field which generated a tumor and you can change the field and that's when people have remission they change the field I go so why is it
relevant the answer is profoundly simple matter plus field equals structure matter no field no structure so what you see in structure is not a coincidence it's due to a field now here's an important quote from Albert Einstein the field is the sole governing agency of the partical well let's put it up to the field is the sole governing agency of matter you are being shaped by a field a human field your life is being shaped by the energy that you're putting out because your energy fields are altering the fields around you field shape matter you
are creating your life this is the fundamental principle of quantum physics and I need to tell you this because quantum physics is the most valid science on this planet this is an MRI scan it can see through the body but you can see all the structures I go well what the hell are you looking at that's not photons that's not a camera it's looking at energy and I say yep every structure in your body has a unique energy its own field that's why it has that structure and all of a sudden it's like you're seeing
energy you're not seeing the body in this picture Okay so fact very quantum physics the most valid science on this planet there has been no science tested more and affirmed to be truer than quantum physics I go so why is that relevant you ready the first principle of quantum physics the most valid science on the planet is consciousness is creating your life experiences and that's not a suggestion that is the hardest fact of science I go so why is it relevant well the answer is obvious change the consciousness change the structure and all of a
sudden it says you are generating a life it's not an accident MOX plank one of the founders of quantum physics all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force we must assume behind this Force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind the mind is the Matrix of all matter mind is creating this as hard as it is to believe after you grew up in a world that focused on a matter to come into the truth of quantum physics that says mind is creating this relevance change your mind change your life you've already
done that that's why you're here in the first place you change your mind and your Consciousness two other quotes Sir James jeans same time the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non- mechanical reality the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine mind no longer appears to be an accidental Intruder into the realm of matter we ought rather hail it as the Creator and the governor of the realm of matter mind that's exactly what it's about mind the Creator and the governor of Realm of matter one last quote
from Edington another physicist at the time his is a simple quote it is difficult for the matter of fact physicist to accept the view that the substratum of everything is of mental character so it's not a suggestion this a fact of science I go why is IR relevant change your Consciousness and your world will change automatically as soon as you do this that's what the whole structure is you've been creating all of this time and this is more recent those were from when quantum physics came in this is from the journal Nature this is so
cool why nature is the most prestigious scientific journal on the planet look at the conclusion I'll just show you the last two sentences the universe is immaterial it's mental and spiritual live and enjoy quantum physics in the most scientific journal on this planet acknowledges that of course it's immaterial matter is an illusion but it's due to mental and spiritual characteristics and that if you change those two you change the character of your life completely you are a Creator you are not a victim except for belief which we'll get into so quantum physics Consciousness creates our
life experience how's that working for you are you getting everything you want on this planet are you enjoying your life are you realizing which I will conclude now I'll tell you the conclusion in case you leave before I finish a lot of lot of people think you die and go to heaven I'm going to offer a different suggestion folks you were born into heaven this is where you came to create and this is why you're [Applause] here so the idea of creation is what brought you into this group in the first place and you've changed
your creation obviously you still wouldn't be in the group and the idea is you know how you change changed it but did you know how you created what you created where the hell did that come from well we go back and I tell you the same thing proteins give you the mechanism that's a mechanism but the signals are the control the control of that mechanism and I go so where's the signal come from the environment and I go yep and I say in our conventional Newtonian world you buy matter to affect a body made out
of matter so that's chemistry and drugs but in quantum physics they don't count matter in quantum physics it's energy that does all this and so the idea of drugs are irrelevant and matter of fact they're not even very damn efficient as a matter of fact 300,000 Americans die every year from prescription drugs about 35,000 Americans die from illegal drugs and we have a war on illegal drugs 300,000 people taking pharmaceutical drugs they die and they call that the cost of doing medicine that's how they analyze it 300,000 people die we ignore it okay fact of
life journal American Medical Association 2001 in the journal that doctors it's a journal for doctors it was identified that medicine allopathic conventional medicine is the third leading cause of death in the United States it's called iatrogenic illness so nobody knows what the hell science is like the church we put in Latin and nobody knows what the hell we're talking about but oogenic illness means illness as a result of medical treatment it's the third leading cause of death that was 2001 the British medical journal just did the study again two years ago and guess what medicine
is the third leading cause of death still in the United States and the reason is this it's run by the pharmaceutical company it's not run by a curriculum of intelligence it's run to support the drug companies okay they're not your friends I go so what's relevant about all this and the answer is well the cells have the proteins which create life but the signals come from the environment so somehow or other the signals have to get into the cell so they can attach to the protein and manifest behavior and this is where my research took
me after my colleague said well how how does that work I went to the cell membrane the skin and here's what I found cell membrane is a crystall in structure those are called phospholipids they're all lined up like a crystal it's called a liquid Crystal I say but what's in there and they didn't see it all those years are proteins built into it some proteins have antennas on them other proteins don't the ones with the antennas are called receptors do you have receptors yes or no give me a big [Music] one ears eyes nose taste
touch pain temperature pressure where are your receptors built into the skin same as the cell cells got primitive receptors they got antennas to read the vibrations the other protein in my pair is called in this case a channel okay it it's a protein that's called an effector it makes an effect so the Channel makes an effect and I go well how does it work this is this is going to reveal something major in one second if I get through it maybe more than one second but here's the point the receptor reads environmental signals the channel
translates the signal and sends a signal into the cell that activates the functions it's a switch this switch controls your biology I say how does it work well the receptor is a stimulus receiver the channel makes a response stimulus response that's how it works like go wow this is a switch Yeah the signal activates the receptor the Channel couples with it and sends a signal inside the cell it's an information processor and I'll give you the truth but I don't have a lot of time to go into it so here's a little brief moment of
truth without a lot of explanation you ready the definition of the cell membrane that I recognized one night at 1985 at about 1:00 in the morning I wrote a definition of the cell membrane changed my life forever and here's the definition the cell membrane is a crystal semiconductor with Gates and channels the moment I wrote that I said geez I just read that somewhere it was in my I bought a Macintosh my first computer a book from Radio Shack understanding your microprocessor I look up in the right in the in the in ction a chip
is a crystal semiconductor with Gates and channels I go what a coincidence and then I looked at it I looked at each part each part and I said oh my God it's not like a chip it is a chip it's an organic chip the cell membrane is an organic chip the nucleus is hard drive with programs in it okay I say how does it work well I go here's a receptor and a channel when the switch is not working they're not coupled I say well how does it work I say well the receptor with its
antenna is looking for a signal from the environment there's the connector look at the shape of the connector look at the shape of the protein I can't connect the two together but when a signal comes in a signal changes the shape of the protein now I can couple it to the channel which then changes its shape opens up and sends a signal into the cell when the environment signal is gone the switch is broken that function is not working when the signal shows back up the receptor connects to the channel drives the function inside the
cell and that's how life is controlled by the environment the signals from the environment are controlling this cell I go so what's significant it's a switch there are 100,000 of them on a cell and I go so what does this mean I go well what is the switch so I'll give you the latiny stuff the switch is is a receptor refector integral membrane protein complex oh big deal what the hell does that mean I'll tell you what it means but before I tell you I want you to recognize the fact you ready the switch controls
a function in the cell respiration digestion excretion movement whatever it is I go and that switch got that very complicated name and I go wait a minute Define the function of the switch what's the function of your receptors to read the environment that's what you see smell touch taste what's the function of the channel send a signal into the cell a physical sensation is going in the cell so I say then what's the definition of switch it's going to make a movement here is going to be big I hope the definition of the switch awareness
of the environment through physical sensation like go there's a word in the dictionary we already had a word yep what's the word perception perception is awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation stop for a second and recognize what's the name of the switch perception what's the function of the switch control your biology I go your perceptions are controlling your life when you change your perceptions you change the functions of your cells and all of a sudden it says you're not a victim you're the one that can create it a switch is a perception
oh very important Point are all your perceptions accurate are all your perceptions of Life accurate some of them may not be accurate so let's change the word instead of just perceptions it's belief it's your belief that controls your biology you you change your belief and you change your biology and all of a sudden you start to realize how your life is being created by your perceptions I go wow where the heck do you get these perceptions well I told you I grew these cells in culture and changed the culture medium but now let's come back
to a fact you are a skin covered petri dish underneath your skin you got 50 trillion cells and you have the original culture medium culture medium is blood yeah but wait wait what did the culture show me when I put the cells in the dish I change the composition of the blood or the culture medium and I Chang the function of the cell and all of a sudden it says your blood is more than nutrition your blood sends signals to the cells and those signals control the genetics and the behavior of cell what's in blood
we always talk about nutrition yeah that's important but what people don't talk about is there are signals in the blood signals that control who you are control your functions I said where do these signals come from the environment internal and external signals come from the environment I say yeah but what reads those signals the brain perception the source of your perception then what does the brain do it sends a signal through the nervous system and the blood to where your cells and those signals do what what environmental signals do control genetics and behavior so your
perceptions are controlling your biology you walk out the door and it's hot out the receptors on the skin say it's hot what are they going to do engage a cooling off mechanism cause the sweat glands to perspire and all that you walk out and it's cold out I say now what oh the reception of cold all of a sudden causes your genes to turn on and turn up the heat and keep your temperature warm your temperature isn't controlled by jeans it's controlled by the environment so is everything is a matter of fact but I left
something out this is the critical part here we go what did I leave out and the answer is and well this is not what I left out this is the conclusion of this environment is controlling your behavior and genes what I left out was simply this I left out the mind I go wow why or what function is the mind in this story interpretation of the signals that's how two people can be in the exact same environment with the exact same signals coming in and have totally different behavior and response because you interpret your signals
from your experiences and so if a signal shows up and you had an experience you're already engaged in a behavior pattern I said well where do you get these Behavior patterns from and I go the beliefs yeah but where do you get these beliefs that control your behavior and genes well here's how it works the brain is the chemist and when you have a thought the brain translates the thought into complimentary chemistry to give an example if you close your eyes and you open them and you see someone you love guess what love causes the
brain to release some wonderful chemical dopamine pleasure yeah dopamine causes pleasure when you're in love you get pleasure from the chemistry going in the blood oxytocin binds you to that source of love so you can keep that chemistry going vasopressin is released makes you more attractive to keep your partner and most importantly growth hormone does exactly what it says when you're in love you're in growth you're in health you're in Vitality I say yeah but wait wait wait same person close their eyes and when they open up their eyes they see something that scares them
H well now you're in fear guess what love chemistry is not coming out of the brain fear chemistry comes out what is fear chemistry stress hormones cortisol norepinephrine hormones that shut off the immune system cyto kindes and histamine I go wow that's a different environment and all of a sudden I say yeah love environment creates health and vitality a fear environment shuts down the system protection is shut down okay so I go wow so where do you learn or where do you get all this stuff I said well the function of the mind if you're
going to write one thing down this is a good one the function of the mind is to create coherence between your beliefs and your reality so if you have a belief it's not going to work guess what the behavior that you will generate will prove to you that it won't work because you will create the chemistry to cause failure you will manifest what you believe to happen and this is critical when people are told oh my God you could get cancer and they believe it they can create cancer from belief nothing more than that so
all of a sudden it says your life is not an accident you are creating with your beliefs oh now of course the question is where the hell the beliefs come from well the Buddha 2500 years ago already knew he says what we think we become that's a fact of science as it is right now 2500 years ago your thought are the source and the Brain makes sure those thoughts manifest whatever the thought is positive thoughts will give you a positive result negative thoughts will produce a negative consequence why because then everything makes sense guess what
if you thought you know this is the way life is and you wake up and it changes every day it's like wow you'd be crazy but guess what life works out the way you expected it to work out what a coincidence it's not a coincidence it's a manifestation I've been talking about belief controlling life for 30 plus years now here's an article from a scientist at UCLA Medical School a researcher in epigenetics and I want to just show you what he wrote because after all those years I love it he writes to an extent that
immunologists and psychologists rarely appreciate we are architects of our own experience okay that's a nice phrase It's the next one the next one goes your subjective experience carries more power than your objective situation well that's a bunch of big words let's simplify guess what subject subve experience what do you think that is it's belief that's subjective experience what do you think objective situation is that's reality Now read the sentence your belief carries more power than your reality and all of a sudden that's why your beliefs are manifesting your life experience it's not a coincidence it
comes from the mind and that already is a problem the mind mind like there's one mind no there are two interdependent minds they learn in different ways and they function totally differently but they work interdependently so I said what are they I said well the latest evolution of the brain is at the prefrontal cortex right behind your forehead that's where this part is that's the seat of conscious processing okay the remaining 90% and of the brain was there before that conscious processing that's called the subconscious I say What's the difference now watch this because this
is your life right here and how it works the conscious brain is connected to your unique identity your Source your spirit you are in the conscious brain no other brain conscious brain has you in it the subconscious is different we'll talk about it but I say so what's the main character of the conscious brain this is beautiful creativity the conscious brain is creative this is why humans Excel over other animals we can create we have imagination and we can use that to create I say so then what's the function of it it offers you your
wishes your desires and your aspirations if I ask anyone of you tell me what you want from your life and you have a visual picture of it guess what the job of the ious mind is to manifest that visual picture that's the function remember the mind take the the belief and manifest it okay it's also connected to positive thinking it gets a very bad wrap but guess what for 75 years scien has recognized something called the placebo effect what is the placebo effect you got a disease the doctor says I got the greatest new medication
purple it's greater it's better the that was an ad purple it made it better the purple pill and I go you take this pill you get better and then you find out the pill was a sugar pill so tell me what healed you the sugar pill absolutely not your belief in the pill that's positive thinking that's where it comes from positive thinking and I go okay so that's that's what the conscious mind's functions are I say what about subconscious I go totally different function it's a record playback mechanism it's a hard drive download a program
push the button it'll play that program for the rest of your life okay and so it's the Habit mind it's not creative it's habitual it will repeat the same damn thing forever it's not negative people always say oh the subconscious where the evil is let me give you a positive thought for just a second about it when did you learn how to walk before you were two are you still walking yes can you still walk after 100 yes when did that learning come in before you were two so walking is a habit and all of
a sudden it's very wonderful because you don't have to think with a habit it was automatic so I say then where do they come from instincts and experience yeah walking is an experience and you learned it but here comes the problem the biggest problem all of us on this planet are experiencing except for maybe the 1% and here's what it is many of the programs you got in your subconscious mind did not come from you matter of fact the majority did not come from you you were programmed in the first seven years of your life
and these become the foundational programs that operate in your brain so I say well how does it work I say well the brain is an information processor exactly it's the most powerful computer on the planet but it has the same functions so I can now relate to you very simply how does your computer work you go to the store you buy a brand new computer you take it home you push start it boots up okay okay push start Boot It Up Now what do something make a drawing or write an essay do something no can't
do anything why not what do you need first before you can do something programs you have to have programs put in where do they go the programs are in the hard drive the memory which is the subconscious in this case okay I say once you put the programs in now you can work the computer I say now what I say ah now you can type on the keyboard that's where creativity comes from and I go so what's interesting about it and I go the hard drive is a subconscious mind it's got programs in it push
the button you walk without thinking about it drive the car after you've learned how to do it you don't have to think about it not like the first day you got in a car you can get in a conversation with somebody in the car drive 10 minutes and then look out the window and go oh my God I haven't paid attention to the road for the last 10 minutes unfortunately there's not a whole bunch of wreckage behind you and so what was the reality you weren't paying attention and who was driving the car give you
a simple example you're in a conversation with a passenger that's why you get engaged and you get so excited and you get in a conversation and then you look out the window and go I didn't pay attention to the road but now I ask you two questions you ready this is profoundly important I ask two questions tell me what your conversation was about and you go oh we talked about this and this and this and I go great now tell me what was on the road in that 10-minute period you go I have no idea
I say what was relevant when your conscious mind isn't paying attention the subconscious mind is autopilot it took over but it takes over based on the programs that are in it okay so the conscious mind gives you a chance to change the programs but the subconscious mind is just play the program so I go what's relevant when did you get your programs that's fundamental how did you put the program in the damn system and here's the point the startup system of your brain is working in the last trimester of pregnancy and then what happens then
you start to get experiences your mother's Head Start program your mother is going to tell you as a fetus what's the world like out there if she's under stress then it's a threatening situation it changes the genetics of the fetus if she sees life as wonderful and healthy and happy then that also has a different effect on fetus when the mother is Happy the brain of the child gets fully developed you want to hear a scary number if the mother is stressed you can lose up to 50% of your conscious ability 50% lost IQ Consciousness
from a mother in stress why because the mother in stress that means the world is stressful and Consciousness doesn't get you through a stressful world you know what gets you through muscles hind brain that's the sports person the street fighter and how do they survive physical not conscious so I said well how does the program work I said the first year and a half or so uh of your life is you're mainly in Delta Delta is the vibration read by EEG Electro and cograph wires it's the lowest vibration that's sleeping but between 2 and 7
the the brain gets a higher vibration called Theta Theta is characterized by imagination that's why children under seven can have a tea party pour nothing into the cup drink nothing and talk about how wonderful the tea is Imagination this is the mother give me the Broom the kid is writing it it's not a broom to the kid now it's a horse conscious this is what's happening in Theta imagination mixing but by age seven it ramps up to the higher vibration Alpha that's calm Consciousness you start to become conscious around 7 and around 12 it jumps
up to schoolroom Consciousness beta work Consciousness I go wow I say so why is it relevant note the baby the child doesn't experience Consciousness for the first seven years of its life it's in Theta I say what is Theta hypnosis and I say what is it doing stop for a second and say A baby is going to grow up in a family what does it need to do it needs to know all the rules of how to survive in a family what are the rules and when you go out into the public you got to
have rules social rules you got to learn all these think you don't go out and be crazy so guess what a child has to learn thousands of rules but he can't read he's under seven I say how's nature going to do this say hypnosis the brain is just observing the mother the behavior observing the father observing the behavior in hypnosis is downloading programs so the fundamental programs that are built into your computer do not come from you I go why is it relevant because they most definitely don't really support your wishes and desires or somebody
else's life and most of the download 70% is disempowering self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs when you operating from your subconscious mind you're operating from those programs I say what's the function of the program and culturation learn thousands of rules not by reading by observing and recording okay and self-identity and this is where we got screwed I'll tell you why cuz parents act like coaches on a team I go what do you mean the kids's not behaving right what does the coach do when a player isn't playing coach says come on you can do better than that
who do you think you are you're not that good you don't deserve to be on this team I go if the kid is older they're conscious they're over seven they're conscious and they go oh yeah the coach is telling me that because I got to work harder so I'm going to work harder I understand but tell that to a kid under seven it's not conscious it's recording so I say then what did that child get not good enough not smart enough not beautiful enough not capable not worthy not deserving parents were thinking they were helping
the kid by sticking them a little bit but they didn't realize the kid downloaded every word they said and that became a program okay so what's the point your subconscious programs are screwed you got a lot of bad programs you got good ones but you got a lot of bad ones in there okay relevant I won't use the subconscious I just operate from conscious mind good idea totally false reality and the reality is this a secret mind how your unconscious really shapes your your experiences it goes according to cognitive neuroscientists we are conscious of only
about 5% of our cognitive activity well that what does that mean 5% of the day you are operating with a conscious mind with cre creative wishes and desires what you want but why only 5% remember the story about the car if your Consciousness isn't focused on what you're looking at subconscious is autopilot the moment you take your Consciousness off subconscious grabs the wheel and drives you where to whatever the hell the program was good program or bad program well that's what it says 95% of your life is because when you are thinking you're not looking
out at the world thinking is inside I can ask you all right now tell me what you're doing on Sunday at 2:00 if it's not written in front of you in a very short time you'll probably go yeah yeah I think I'm doing this I go but you didn't realize just what happened I asked you that question the answer is not out here you took your conscious mind and went inside thinking is an inside job the moment you're thinking you're not paying attention and all all a sudden I say well the moment you're not paying
attention doesn't mean everything stops it just means autopilot steps in but it controls your behavior based on the program were they good programs most of them no I say so why is it relevant because you are creating a life that you didn't even observe okay give you the same story 30 years same story I'm looking for a better one but here's the one again repeated you have a friend you know your friend's Behavior very very well and you know your friend's parent and one day you see your friend has the exact same behavior as their
parent and you got to tell them you just got to say hey Bill you're just like your dad back away from Bill the moment you say that I can assure you bill is going to say how the hell can you compare me to my dad I'm nothing like my dad most of you have experienced this I say why is it relevant because it's so profound why everybody else can see that bill behaves like his dad the only one who doesn't say it is Bill I say how come he doesn't see it why is he playing
his dad's program cuz he's not paying attention therefore whatever the hell the program is coming out 95% of the day Bill does not see it now we are all Bill all right I'm going to ask you right now do you know what programs do you have do you know what program you got when you were in the last trimester of development do you remember the program you got when you were zero do you remember the program you got when you were one okay how about the program you got when you were two here's the point
you weren't conscious so you had no idea what the hell the programs are but now I'm going to help you you ready 95% of your life is coming from the program your life is a print out of your programs I say so why is it relevant answer simple the things you like that come into your life they come into your life because you have a program to acknowledge that but the things that you want things you desire and wish for if it's a struggle and you have to work hard you have to sweat over and
you're putting a lot of effort I'm going to make it happen I'm going to make it happen I say why are you working so hard and the answer is the program you got doesn't support that conclusion and you're going to try and take the conscious mind and override that program good luck it won't work what's the point your life is a print out of your program if you see part to your life that aren't working right it's because of a program but we can change those programs and if you know how to change those programs
then you have all the power in the world okay we'll talk about that but I can also tell you something interesting yeah you're only creating about 5% it's not what you want so I say so you're actually living off behavior and belief you got from other people okay you've been programmed that's a fact you have been programmed not not something new something we've known for a while but let me tell you about the program first of all EEG wires on your head I can read your conscious patterns and behaviors okay and the point about it
is the belief is oh my God it's going on inside and I could read what's going on inside your head if I put these wires on it and I go that was true until a device called Magneto andil graph this is a a very primitive picture as they were developing it I want you to know what is it doing the Magneto andil graph reads magnetic fields not electric fields of your functioning brain and I say so it's reading Consciousness yeah but what's important about it what's important you ready where the hell's the probe it's not
even touching your head the probe is reading your thoughts and your Consciousness out here you go so what I say your thoughts are not contained in your head you're broadcasting them into the field this is the newer version of that just to show you they've come a little bit way from the original one but what's the point you can read somebody's Consciousness not in their head but outside of their head it's a field Consciousness is a field wait wait Fields shapes matter quantum physics again your thoughts are broadcast into the field as the field and
they shape matter because matter is shaped by the field you are creating a field with your Consciousness you're broadcasting I say well what are you broadcasting I say 5% of the day you're broadcasting energy that will create things that you want but 95% of the day you are broadcasting subconscious program most of them actually disempowering and that's why life is a struggle because we don't see our Behavior I said what do you mean like Bill if you wake up in the morning and say today is my success day I'm getting the best job I'm getting
you know healthy today I'm finding a great relationship 8:00 in the morning you're fired up and you go to work and at 5:00 it didn't happen didn't happen today and you come home and I said' what did you think happened today I came forwards with wishes and desires and something out there stop me I am a victim why you're not a victim why because you didn't realize like Bill you were shaping that experience before you left the house and so what you were creating was from your Consciousness and it wasn't good and you didn't see
it and you therefore bu victim and that's what the biggest problem on the planet today is everybody's a fraking victim give me a child for the first seven years they knew exactly the program period and they said I'll give you the man because they already knew 95% of your life is coming from that program you've all been programmed by people have known this for 400 years and the programming is what disempowerment why how can somebody control you if you're a creator making your own power but if I take away your creative ability you become a
victim and that programming for most of people occurred then the movie The Matrix as mentioned in the video is a documentary yes we've all been programmed but what was cool about the documentary is they got a choice of a red pill and a blue pill you take the blue pill you wake up and life is just the way it was every day but if you take the red pill you wake up and you're not in the program I say take the red pill most of you have already taken the red pill and you didn't even
know it you know when it occurred occurred when you fell in love your life could be blah blah blah blah blah and then you meet somebody 24 4 hours later oh man life's beautiful I love my life I'm having a great life I'm in love so what happened you found yourself in a state of exuberant Health when you fell in love why love releases growth hormone and all those good things oh guess what you had Abundant Life Energy come on some of you made love for days and didn't stop for sleep or food right all
right but the result was what you experienced heaven on Earth I say what was relevant you went blah blah blah blah blah blah blah then one day 24 hours later Heaven on Earth you know what it was there the entire time you were just playing programs 95% of the time falling in love stops the program it's scientific a Wandering mind is an unhappy mind what's it mean if the conscious mind is wandering you're running from subconscious programs most of which are negative and it says well what does it do it says mind wandering occurs in
all activities and I'll just underline it except making love I go what does that mean making love is not the time to think making love is time to be present so that was what was different you stop playing the program and how fast was the change 24 hours 24 hours from from Hell on Earth To Heaven on Earth and all it was you stopped playing the program you stay mindful being mindful means you stop thinking and stay in the present moment but that's difficult as hell why there's too much busyness in this world it forces
you to think and every time you think you let go of your power okay I want to close with this and I'm going to come back on the question of changing the program but I want to add this last part to me this is important part for the following reason I did not believe in spirituality I believed in genes proteins chromosomes I was a biologist but once I understood the membrane I said wait a minute no two people are the same no two people are the same I can tell you why take cells out of
your body put it into another person's body and guess what their immune system will say not self and Destroy them what's the point well your cells must have an identity because the recipient of those cells their system read that identity said that's not us so there's identity each of us has a unique identity where the hell is it well here's what we got two liver cells I could pick two brain cells two skin cells two muscle cells I wanted two identical cells reason most of that cytoplasm is all involved with liver function so I say
okay so the both cells are doing the same thing but one is Bruce's cell and one is Margaret's cell and I say but they're different because I can't put my cells in her body and she can't put hers in the mine so I say so where is the self and here it comes I'm going to erase the color from everything that's the same between the two cells leaving behind where are two people different from each other okay I know the nuclei are not the same but let's go back to an experiment I mentioned earlier take
the nucleus out throw it away we don't need it right now okay so here it goes removing the color of everything the same where are two people different from each other where are they different I hope you see the color if you're red green color blind you may not see it but the color is in the membrane no two people have something different they have something different in their membrane I say what is it well scientists have recognized it for a long time they gave it a name I love it self receptors but in a
Newtonian World they were looking at the protein receptor as What Makes You Different in a Quantum world the protein is a receiver of a signal it's a receptor remember antenna well guess what no two people have the same set of self- receptors they're group a larger number of these receptors they're like a u Social Security number so to speak no two people have the same set and know two people are different I go yeah but what does that mean I go well let me show you if I take uh my receptors off of my cell
my cell is now generic it's not even my cell I can implant it in anybody why there's no personal identity to it now watch I go to Margaret's cell take her recept of self off of her cell put it onto my cell it's not my cell anymore if I put that cell back in my body my immune system will rejected but if I put in Margaret's body she'll accept it I say then ownership identity is due to a set of these receptors called self- receptors I go yeah but what was the meaning The receptors aren't
the source of difference it's a signal received by the receptor where do the signals come from environment you say so what's the relevance most unbelievable thing in the whole world I'll start with this go back to physics the word field has a definition remember we're all in a field I say What's the definition a field invisible moving forces that influence the physical world now there's another word with exact same definition what's that word Spirit invisible moving forces that influence the physical world quantum physics is revealing to you a very important Insight your identity is a
energy field it's a broadcast relevant the cells are like televisions that are receiving a broadcast from the field which you can call Spirit you can call field I don't care which one you call it okay the cell it's like a television set television has antenna on it those are receptors I say what happens a signal will be picked up by the antenna and put a pattern on that screen where the hell did the signal come from inside the TV no it came from the environment and picked up by the antenna I go wow that's really
interesting because the signal comes from outside the systems picked up by and I go yes but listen to this just listen to this cuz this is the whole thing you ready you're watching ing a TV and it breaks and what do we say TV's dead TV's dead question did the broadcast die as well uh-uh broadcast is there why get another TV tune it into the same station and now playing on a different TV set I go why is it relevant because a cell has antennas on it receiving a signal of self for you that nobody
else receives and so your identity is picked up by what are called self- receptors and the source is the signal is the environment is called a field or spirit I go why is it relevant you are not in here you are out here and you are playing through these antennas and I first moment I said wait a minute oh my God I am a spirit but I am a body and my scientific mind got very curious at that moment and asked myself a question why have a body if I already have a spirit and 50
trillion cells welled up with an answer finding out their Jewish comedian cells I asked a question they answered with a question I asked why have both a body and a spirit and the cells said to me Bruce if you're just a spirit what does chocolate taste like that is the most profound answer in the shortest little sentence I can tell you I'll tell you why an energy field has no receptivity it can't it can't feel things it can't see as we see this is a virtual reality suit you get into the suit and you can
smell and touch and see and feel and have emotions that's from this body the body is a fabulous extension it gives us a spirit can say love yeah that could be really nice what is love get a body get love hormones going through the body you'll feel what the heck love is all about okay the body enhances the nature of the spirit but the body is a television set it can die broadcast is still here and guess what a future embryo shows up with the same set of receptors that you have on yourselves right now
and you are back but in a different TV does it make a difference as male or female nope that's the TV set doesn't make a difference of white brown black yellow red no that's the TV set you are not the TV set you are the source that is driving this system and if you understand this and you realize the most important thing in the world there's no such thing as death you can't die you're not even in here your spirit goes on but you influence it that's Karma because remember the brain study the Consciousness is
not contained in the head it's sent back to the source and all of a sudden there's a whole new insight to why you have this body and why you should enjoy it for every moment you're not receiving sensitivity you are losing the function of your life and Men I'm so sorry because I grew up as a man and I say what was that I said it was quite different than growing up as a woman why growing up as a woman you can be sensitive and that's part of being a woman but men cannot be sensitive
and what do we do as young guys hey let me hit you in the shoulder see if you Flinch let me see if you know you you cried you're a no and what was the point they beat sensitivity out of men why because you cannot be a soldier and be sensitive we have to take sensitivity out so I can give you a gun you can go kill any damn thing out there we tell you but if you're sensitive it's not going to work we lost lost the women lost because they're always going why are you
guys such insensitive louds it wasn't our intention it was a program and when you understand it then it turn it around and go I want sensitivity and if I like something I'm going to do it again if I don't like it I'm not going to do it again but I want sensitivity that changed my entire life because we're all looking for that sensitivity is more important than materiality people think if I buy this you know uh Maserati I'm going to be happy I said you could be happy without buying a Maserati but we have connected
buying things to represent and we live in a material world that's why we got so much material they got places to rent you can throw your extra material in there you don't have enough room in your own house but we have taken the material out of the planet and that is why we are facing the end and so the last thing I need to show you is this two two more slides I'll get you out two more slides one three cells what's different ah a Muslim cell a Jewish cell a Christian cell my God they're
different where the hell did they get different well here's the important part it was called programming because why because we all came from the same Source it is that programming that causes dissension in the ranks that is the program one people against another people most wars were religious wars when it comes down to it and the reality is what programming you've been programmed you have lost your power there are people that are very powerful and they say how did they get to be so powerful no they didn't get more power they took away your power
and now the program is what well you're here with sage and Tony to do what get your power back I'm running out of time but I guess I have to tell you the most important ending of this because if you can't change the program what a pain in the ass this lecture is why is it difficult to change the subconscious the answer is the subconscious is a habit mind if it changes easily then there are no habits habits resist change so the subconscious mind resists change but it got programmed so if you know how it
got programmed you could use the same technique to reprogram so how' you get programmed the first seven years hypnosis you got hypnosis brain was in Theta whatever was coming in wasn't going into the conscious mind it was going into the subconscious mind so if you get in Theta you can do a hypnosis can you get in Theta of course every night you get in Theta you know why because you wake up you're coming out of Delta sleep and the first thing is Twilight revery where you're mixing the real world and the dream world and then
you wake up and you're in Alpha Consciousness and that's the calm morning and then you go to work and now you're in beta Consciousness and this is now running your life but when you come home you relax and beta calms down into Alpha and just at the moment you close your eyes and go to sleep the brain is now dropped into Theta well that's hypnosis so I say so what would you do I say you put earphones on when you go to bed and you get a program what you want relationship job money health I
don't care what the programs you get all these programs you put the earphones on when you go to bed you'll hear a little bit of the program while you're still awake but the moment you fall asleep conscious mind shuts off you hear nothing but the subconscious is working and so it's downloading while you're sleeping God that's great that's like homework without doing any work all you have to do is go to sleep so that is called self hypnosis and you repeat that every night when you go to bed secondly but hypnosis only worked till you
were seven but you learn things after seven how to drive a car how to play an instrument all these different kinds of things I say how did you learn that because they now habits I say repetition you repeated what you wanted over and over again you practice you practice there's a new Agy thing that goes uh fake it till you make it and what does that mean he says well if you're not a happy person what do you do all day long every time you can remember every just all day long go I happy I
am happy you could be the most miserable son of a but you're going I am happy I am happy and I say why repetition and repetition causes habit and through that repetition one day you wake up you don't have to repeat it anymore because now it's a habit and you become happy without any work at all that's the cool part once the program is in it happens automatically subconscious is going to control you and last but not least one of the most important things is called Energy psychology on my website very simple Bruce lipton.com I
have about 25 energy psychology modalities what does it represent super learning say what the hell is super learning do you ever see somebody read a book by moving their finger down the page as fast as they moved it they read every word they can stand in a Bookshop in five minutes flip through the page and read the entire book if you engage super learning in downloading a program you can create a new program in minutes versus the habituation process or the self hypnosis process which is repetition with energy psychology you can create change in about
15 20 minutes and walk away it's really important it's your power to do that so I said I put a whole bunch of them down there in my website read one that you like find want try it out and the most important thing is this you have become empowered and the work is so cool because in 15 minutes you walk away and there's no more effort to do anything that's the beautiful part about this once the program's in it operates 95% of the time automatically you don't even have to make an effort it's been operating
anyway and so why is this relevant we're facing an evolution and the evolution is due to human behavior that is up bending the web of life that we live in Behavior has to change you are the Leading Edge of Behavioral change because you have teachers that were important sage and Tony they were helping you move into this new Consciousness and it's required because you are the butterfly that is forming and the caterpillar is going downhill and anybody who holds on to that cerar is going to have the most miserable existence from this point going on
it doesn't work and you have already got the Head Start that's what makes it easy for me to talk about this I don't have to say you think this works you already know it works but you can make it work even better you can make it work so effectively that you can change your biology on the inside and your life experiences on the outside why quantum physics Consciousness is creating your life experiences that's your gift to yourself self by Consciousness it will create heaven on Earth you've already done it if you fell in love and
then you lost the honeymoon you know why you lost the honeymoon how did you get the honeymoon you stopped thinking but there's a point where yeah but you still have a job and you have chores and responsibilities and all of a sudden you start bringing those back into the relationship it blows the relationship to for you know why because you never played any of those negative programs during the honeymoon your partner knows you only from your wishes and desires that you're manifesting then one day my partner Margaret comes up I'm having a thought she asks
me a simple question I go blah blah blah she looks at me and goes who are you she never saw this before why I didn't play these negative programs and as one comes up and another and they come up from both partners and they start to come up and all of a sudden that honeymoon is not the same heaven on Earth anymore because now it's coming back to more regular life why because you are now back into playing programs and the programs kept you from heaven on Earth and the reality is heaven on Earth is
a reality you don't die to experience heaven on Earth you're born to experience heaven on Earth and you're making differences and that's the most powerful thing in your life because when you see you are making a difference that's fuel that's the fuel that says I want more differences and you can do that and you're in the right place with the right people I'm honored to be with you because we're not starting at zero in this room we already got magnificent people thank you so much for listening to me before you go I know it's late
but I want to ask you one question since we talked about this outside just take a seat just for one second would you just address uh you you touched a little bit about placebos but give people a sense of how powerful they are and what percentage they were compared to drugs yeah you see things like statins that people take that's that's ridiculous drug just touch statins and touch on Prozac as an example that's another ridiculous drug you'll just mention what your perception your experience about the science of Co for a second okay the science of
Co is very interesting because Co is a new species of virus it's a different species we have lots of Corona viruses we've had lots of experiences you've had colds before most of those are Corona virus why is this one different because it's new to the human population so none of us have been exposed before I say so why is it relevant because now everybody is susceptible because nobody has any immunological memory of experiencing it and then I go well yeah but the damn thing is so lethal I go no it is not lethal it's hardly
any more lethal than a flu I said then where's the problem coming from and the problem is this you're being scared to death and fear as I already showed you shuts down the immune system fear shuts it off because the immune system uses a lot of energy and many of you have been sick didn't even get out of bed because of how much energy uh uh you know a flu like thing can cause and I go but if you're being chased by a saber-tooth tiger does it make any difference about your bacterial infection absolutely not
if the tiger catches you the bacterial infection is not your problem anymore and so what's the point the point is when you are in fear you shut down all systems that are not supporting protection that means the gut shuts down stress hormones cause the blood blood vessels in the gut to squeeze shut you've experienced it's called butterflies in the stomach when you start to get a little queasy and a little things aren't working right blood vessels shutting down why I don't need to maintain my body the blood has the energy if I use the energy
in my gut I I'm running from a tiger I need the energy in my arms and legs three things happen ready number one stress hormones shut down the blood vessels in the gut why I don't need to do body maintenance until I survive okay then the second thing it does stress hormones shut off the immune system why as I said if you got a bacterial infection and a tiger is going to eat you bacterial infection is not a big deal anymore and the energy that disease and illness take from your body will prevent you from
running away successfully so stress hormones shut down the immune system so effective that doctors give patients that are going to receive a transplant stress hormones before they transplant a foreign organ why because if you put the foreign organ in the recipient's immune system will reject it but if you give the patient stress hormones it shuts off the immune system so that the graft can take so stress hormones are even used therapeutically to shut off your immune system and then there's an insult to injury for this reason when you're running away from a saber-tooth tiger do
you think you need conscious processing or hindbrain reflex conscious processing is a little slow oh the Tiger's coming oh no remember I told you the stress hormone shut the blood vessels in the in the gut they shut the blood vessels in the forebrain so that the blood is pushed to the hind brain where reflex Behavior no thinking reflex Behavior I go so what's the consequence of this stress it debilitates you physiologically shuts off your immune system opens you up to more disease and makes you stupid because you give up Consciousness to buy other people's stories
who are the protectors the one with the bigger stick the one what ever and the idea is that is the direct result of stress it's a way to save your life but when you start to realize it's compromising your life then it's no longer useful to do this to you you have to get out of fear fear is what will destabilize the entire system remember it was very useful when sabertooth tigers were here why because if the tiger was coming you want to get the hell out of there but guess what that stress only lasts
about 10 or 15 minutes if you escape that tiger no more stress and you're back into growth and health and maintenance but in today's world as you all know stress is 247365 you have compromised your immune system the people that have the biggest problems with the covid virus are already compromised people that are healthy will have a flu get over it and have immunological memory and never have to worry about this damn virus again the idea that oh we're going to put everybody in the quarantine and I go well that was to slow down the
number of people showing up at the hospital the idea that many people somewhere got along like well they've been in quarantine so now they're safe I go that's a bunch of BS that's belief system and and the reason why is simply this these group of people are meat for that virus soon as you let them out the viruses are still here they don't have any immune activity of course there's a second Spike what the hell would you expect and the problem is we're getting into the third Spike and I say what's that all about I'll
give you a fact that you may not know the viruses like covid don't reproduce at body temperature if the body is 98.5 or whatever six if the body is at the temp tempature the virus can't reproduce that's why it's called a cold virus it will attach itself to anything in the body that is colder than 98 I go what's that respiratory system why you're breathing in outside air it's not body temperature and so the respiratory tract has got a lower temperature than the rest of the body that's why it's the victim of the covid because
at that lower temperature the covid could reproduce so now that we're into Colder Weather well now you've you know enhanced that virus's function in this case because now your in respiratory system is a bit cooler what's the net result though if you in a good state of health eat well not industrial Farm Food Eat natural organic food just think about it if you ever seen industrial farmers in the farm they're wearing Hazard suits and spraying the food you're going to eat if they can't be in a damn place with that spray then how come you
could eat it because it's Market okay and the relevance about this is we need that also there's a shortage of U minerals and vitamins the two most important things to strengthen your immune system vitamin C in massive doses two grams a day and vitamin D which enhances the function of the immune system most of us don't get enough vitamin D and then lastly so we have what eating right tating V vitamins and supplements exercising because it pushes the system and gets the blood to operate through all of the functions of your body when you're exercising
and the last one the most important which is the moment we've been talking about is do not be afraid because the moment you're afraid you are now making yourself susceptible you've shut down the immune system in fear and that's what television has been doing to everyone everywhere around the world scaring the hell out of them and what is it doing it's causing the end and I'll also tell you this do not if you can help it ever take an injection under the skin because you bypass the intelligence of the body the body has a natural
intelligence system people had immunity long before medical schools ever showed up we wouldn't be here if there wasn't natural immunity I say then what is natural immunity and this is a screw up there are the things in the throat called tonsils if you look in the textbooks most of them say they're there to protect you uh you know and destroy bacteria and viruses that come in through your mouth nose ears and eyes which pass through the throat so they say they're for protection no they're not they're Learning Centers they are open to the outside with
channels they sample everything coming in this is why an infant instinctively puts everything in their world into their mouth natural immunity when you bypass this and go under the skin you've taken the most advanced piece of Machinery in the universe and then bypassed its function and you expect it to work uh-uh vaccines cause problems vaccine there used to be something called a swine flu back in the 76 and everybody was going to line up and get the shot thank God that it never showed up because most people by the time the vaccine became available said
nah I'm not going to get that vaccine except they gave it to all the kids and to the old people and I go so what was the consequence it was billion dollars worth of insurance the government had to pay because the vaccine companies would not Ensure that their vaccines were safe insurance companies would not ensure vaccines the government had to take out insurance which is against the Constitution and the point was what there were more people that got serious Guan baret Syndrome from getting a vaccine there were only a couple of people that had the
swine flu it was blown out of proportion I really want to say as a biologist and a scientist I do not support fouchy I do not support Bill Gates these are money making people somebody's paying for vaccines if everyone in the world is getting a vaccine someone is making it and someone is getting a lot of money they're pushing it and I'll also give you my last fact about it by law they do not have to tell you what's in a vaccine and I want to tell you you let let somebody inject unknown crap into
your system that's a violation of Human Rights you don't let that happen and so the point is very simply this encourage your immune system to be healthy eat well vitamins exercise and keep your Consciousness clear and as you'll find out up to what 85 95% of the people have a flu it's people that are compromised they're the ones that have to take special precautions not us if you're not compromised so basically it's the world government somehow a small group of people have made the entire world respond to their decision and all of a sudden you
are seeing what is going to be the foundation of in the future world government will say we must make decisions for the world their decisions are crap they're based on money and bad science I teach Immunology I'm familiar with all of this okay and the reality is this you want a vaccine then do it the way nature does it oral vaccines that is the way it's always been and that is the only proper way to get a vaccine because your system will manage whatever is coming in the mouth it has always done it last question
I just want to plant with you no sio versus PL sibo explain to people how their mind can do that and will you just cover the two most uh abused and used drugs what happens you use something like Prozac how effective is it compared to any you know Placebo okay Perhaps Perhaps secondly address what people are being told every day because of the heart they needed to take okay number one the whole idea that cholesterol is the Violator of your health and happiness is a totally false assumption that the system does not take in dietary
cholesterol you can eat all the damn cholesterol you want the system will not take it in it creates its own cholesterol so that has now been taken off of you know the forbidden list don't eat egg yolks and all that kind of stuff and fat it's like you must eat that because the brain is white for a reason because it's 90% fat and that's what makes it work the lipids make it work so the idea of statins was to cut down the cholesterol but the simple re ity is this where did they come up with
a number for cholesterol well they went out and checked 100,000 people and measured the cholesterol and they found there was a guy in the middle that had the average amount and all of a sudden that is the amount of cholesterol if you have more than that you must take a drug according to the people and the fact is no two people are the same cholesterol levels vary from one person to next there is no standard cholesterol number it's a false false thing statins interfere with cholesterol metabolism in the body I go and what does that
result in it messes up your neurological processing your brain depends on cholesterol cholesterol is not the problem I worked in a lab where what we did is we put so much cholesterol into a rat that the blood was not red it was milky white and guess what if you just put the cholesterol in there up to that level the stress causes atherosclerosis okay but here's the part that's cool you give them that much cholesterol and you give them an antihistamine and there's no atherosclerosis what was the point the the excess cholesterol they were claiming was
actually involving histamine not cholesterol it's the histamine the stress hormone and the stress hormone is why what do people have in vascular disease blood pressure that goes goes up and then comes back to normal and then goes up and comes back to normal and goes up and I say why is it relevant I'm sorry for this a blood vessel has to do carry blood but it also has to do two things it has to be able to shrink and shut down or slow down the blood flow but it also has to be able to open
up to allow faster blood flow so there's a median size the amount of fluid going through I should be able to relax and let it go through fast faster and I should make it contract and I go so what's the relevance when the blood pressure is high the feedback is the too much pressure we need to replicate the cells in the lining of the blood vessel to make a bigger blood vessel so then the cells start to divide but then you go home and they have less stress at some point and now it's like well
we don't need any more of those cells but then they get back and get high stress and you make more of those cells that creates what's called plaque the plaque is a layer of cells that keep getting induced to form when high blood pressure is going and then not used when the blood pressure goes down erratic blood pressure so what's the point about it is the cholesterol had nothing to do with it it was the stress on the blood vessel walls that caused this problem and antihistamines can stop that and all of a sudden there's
an overcount of drug simple antihistamine that can stop diabetes retinopathy diabetes loss of finger same problem and uh the issue with atherosclerosis and heart problems and all of a sudden it's like statins had nothing to do with it matter of fact here's a a fact of science number out of a 100 people that take statins three have a positive effect from the Statin he okay and 27 of those taking stattin will have a negative effect so the result of Statin is it creates more problems than it actually helps anybody with very few Statin are a
biggest Money Maker for pharmaceutical companies why this year the cholesterol number is XX plus 3 and everybody with higher than that has to get a drug and then a few years later the high level that was x x +1 it's even lower but you still got to they keep dro the level of the cholesterols and raising the number of people who get the prescription every time they drop the cholesterol level more people now are required to take Statin it's a money-making Venture changes every 10 years and it's disruptive as hell what's the nobo effect what's
the placebo effect we talked about positive thinking positive thinking creates the things you want what is the result of negative thinking nobody ever talks about that but here's the most important fact negative thinking is equally powerful in controlling your life as is positive thinking but it works in the opposite direction negative thinking can cause any disease on this planet epigenetics and negative thinking can kill you just by the fear negative thinking is the complete opposite function of positive thinking and then you find out that I forgot what the number is is but it's greater than
50% of our thoughts are negative and redundant and therefore every day we go out and we sabotage ourselves because nobody says negative thinking can kill you and it will and all of a sudden it says that's where the biggest problems come from negative thinking with a mind what's the function of the Mind take the thinking and manifest it negative thinking if you believe you're going to get cancer you can get cancer just by having the belief of cancer and you can heal yourself from cancer with a positive belief but and all of a sudden it
says belief again quantum physics is what controls the character of your life not the presumable genes and all that stuff we were taught completely wrong but disempowering at every level because if you follow that conventional information you will not heal yourself you will just find yourself in the lower part of the pack you will sabotage yourself all day long and so negative thinking equally powerful to positive thinking but it works in the opposite direction every negative thought you have is throwing out a vibration that will cancel a positive reality it comes down to that and
everyone looking for so hard for mechanisms and like that it's basically not it's basically what are your thoughts and Tony and Sage have been trying to you know and have not been unsuccessful because you're all here of raising your thoughts raising the value of who you are and recognizing you are truly creators you are not victims of Life your belief makes you a victim but your belief can make you the Creator and that's uh the most fundamental message I can give and say um sage and Tony saving you me and the world with all of
this work and I'm deeply honored to be here thank you very much
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