'It's a big deal': MSNBC panel reacts to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris

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An MSNBC panel reacts to the magnitude and influence of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris ...
Video Transcript:
Joy may I just want to point out that Taylor Swift has 283 million followers oh and 1 million people have already liked that Instagram post and it already has 1 million likes and it came out during our interview with Tim wol it happened a little before he came out yes and it's not even the the first post she posted she's posted like three other things since then so she Taylor Swift is not just a celebrity she actually you know commands a humongous um Squad of particularly young white women and and I think it's important to
point that out because one of the places that Democrats have of have have never been able to do well is among white voters even young white voters even young white women dos has changed a lot but you've also had people like Taylor Swift come in and culturally put forward a version of young Womanhood that is super modern and she has been relentlessly attacked by the JD Vance world as being a bad role model because she is unmarried and so she now is leaning into the exact demographic that J Vance relentlessly targets that he relentlessly disrespects
and she commands so much popularity among her super fans that they've Chang the NFL in a lot of ways so it's not a small endorsement it's a big deal and a lot of her fans are too young to vote and too young to buy concert tickets and don't have revenue streams to afford the concert tickets so Taylor Swift's fandom is made up of her fans and their parents their moms and their dads and if there were ever a campaign in a candidacy Taylor Made for a push for girl dads on choice on eliminating exceptions for
rape and incest on the positive role model and Leadership and humility and joy that Harris is bringing this may be a a sort of door swinging open for the girl dads for Harris Can can I just say as a as a hopeless bleeding heart liberal who's also an enormous football fan I didn't think we were going to get football in the National divorce but I I with the tra Travis Kelce situation like I did not see that coming but somehow we're sort of ending up with it and I'm just gonna say I'll I will take
it and note that Kendrick Lamar is going to be in new and he's going to be the halftime show and it's like it's it's also a theme of the Harris campaign is they not like us in a real way to your point about you know this Taylor Swift and and Travis Kelce and that you know what that is sort of a pop cultural phenomenon you know this idea of the sort of weirdness and extremism and JD Vance going on all these podcasts where in the manosphere you like talk about how you know you know the
the the the purpose of a post-menopausal woman and all this stuff that it is really true that like this sort of Fringe weirdness is a huge part of what is the modern right what is the Donald Trump Coalition and like the RFK endorsement all this stuff and it is a strange cultural moment which like that is that is their play their play is like the RFK vote and the manosphere podcast you know versus the Taylor Swift Travis K ARA JD Vance is the Protege the only jobs he has really ever had are as the Protege
of an eccentric right-wing German billionaire who says democracy should have never been attempted and everything's gone downhill since women had the right to vote that's the only person ever had jobs working for and that's who bought him his US senate seat $15 million to we give him that senate seat it's the only election he's ever run in and they put him as vice president to Donald Trump they could have picked somebody to normalize Donal Trump but instead they picked the intern to The Eccentric billionaire who doesn't believe in democracy and who spent a good part
of his own political life trying to convince his fellow Rich eccentric right-wing billionaires that they should move to floating shipping containers in the middle of the sea because no landbased continent could contain their their brilant and by the way he is now the person with this the second closest finger on the button to a 78-year-old declining senior citizen who you can see right now is cognitively declining and not only that but they are running against the whole culture it's Beyonce and Taylor Swift and Kendrick Budweiser and the NFL it's all of it all but it's
a 50-50 race I me just like I hate I hate to wrench us back to reality but it's like literally a tide race you know I've never been uh impressed by celebrity endorsements I think they are helpful to the base that you already have they they tend to be people who the base already identifies with this is someone who crosses it all uh this is I think the most important celebrity endorsement we've ever seen in a presidential campaign especially because it is so close and it can make that kind of difference the Harris for president
campaign now has the two most perfectly timed and most important endorsements of this campaign Joe Biden's 27 minute timed endorsement after he said I'm not the candidate perfect timing it just put a rocket on on her uh to the nomination this about 27 minutes after the end of the debate and it's so important I think to the people who are going to be consuming that Taylor Swift endorsement including those fathers of 8-year-old girls and that that she said I watched the debate yes I didn't decide this yesterday this is a new candidate it's a new
candidate for all of us and so I watched a more than 90minut debate I watched this candidate against the other candidate and I thought about it and here I am and here's my endorsement the the timing on it is absolutely Exquisite the wording of it is Flawless and perfect right down down to the cat lady stuff it it is for someone who's never been impressed by a celebrity endorsement this is perfect and Powerful there is also something that is amazing non bookends about the Taylor Swift endorsement and the Dick Cheney endorsement I'm just going to
say same campaign Coalition really big coalition
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