The husband kicked his wife out of the house & started living with mistress. Cheating revenge story

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True Love and Other Fables
"I fell in love with another woman, and we're expecting a baby," the husband said, and started livin...
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and left the supermarket with full bags of groceries rushing to get home to prepare a festive dinner to celebrate her 40th birthday only close friends and their families were invited lost in thought she stepped off the sidewalk onto the parking lot Road and was knocked off her feet by a sharp push from behind she fell dropping the bags onto the asphalt and scattering their contents and screamed in Surprise and pain excuse me lady for God's sake I don't know how it happened where did you come from the frightened driver of the car helped Anne to
her feet very upset about what had happened you almost ran over me who even gives such people a driver's license and exclaimed rubbing her injured hand from the fall well you're good too you should have looked around protested the stranger and gave him a fiery look the man lowered his tone I'm sorry I was wrong let me take you home I'll get the groceries now the man picking up the bag began to collect the scattered products Anne coming to her senses a little realized that she was partly to blame for the accident she softened her
tone a little you're right it's my fault I was lost in thought this is the result if you could give me a ride home I would be very grateful my name is Matthew the man smiled and held out his hand to the stranger and she replied smiling on the way home Anne and Matthew had an easy conversation your husband is lucky beautiful smart wife unfortunately I was not so lucky my wife left me with a little daughter in my arms that's how we live do you have children Anne's face changed at the question the question
of children was her pain having been married for a long time she never managed to become a mother of course Anne was not going to talk to a stranger about this and she replied briefly no we don't have children we've arrived thank you for the ride have a nice day the car stopped at the High Gate behind which was a large beautiful house Anne I'm sorry if I offended you Matthew said noticing that he had upset the new acquaintance but he did not understand what exactly no you forgive me my nerves have been giving way
lately thank you again Anne quickly unpacked the groceries and started preparing dinner when the table in the living room was already set and there was very little time left before the guests arrived Anne called her husband but he did not answer the call and sighed heavily lately her husband had been staying at work until late at night he often got irritated at all of Anne's questions and said he had a critical project with time and got used to her husband not being at home and learned to live with it there was a doorbell on the
intercom looking at the screen and saw Gwen and Wes smiling they had been friends with a couple since their college Years and were probably the only friends of Anne and her husband Christopher preferred not to let strangers into their home and life except for friends from their youth Anne you are such a beauty it seems like you are forever 25 no more said Gwen admiringly you are wonderful happy birthday dear this is for you Wes handed a beautiful bouquet to Anne and where is our hard worker is he not here yet well you know it's
always urgent projects meetings and business for Christopher Anne replied I don't understand how you can endure such a life you're always alone maybe you should go to work Wes is actually looking for a new specialist and as you know finding a good architect is as difficult as finding a surgeon I remember you were the best in the course Gwen suggested feeling that the oppressive atmosphere in her friend's home I would be happy to but you know that Christopher is against it and replied and forgive me of course but I will say what I think about
it Christopher is selfish and you are foolish don't you see that he has turned you into a housekeeper and spends his time when he wants it's so convenient for him Gwen expressed her opinion well my dears I am glad to see you please come to the table as for Christopher I hope he can join us soon and try to smooth the situation leading other guests to the festive table after some time when the company had eaten their fill and were now remembering the Curious stories of their student ears Christopher finally returned home the man was
serious and smiled at the guests more out of politeness than Joy Christopher you could have come earlier today we haven't seen each other for so long and it's your wife's birthday today and where are the flowers for the hostess and beloved woman Gwen couldn't remain silent when she saw Christopher walk into the room empty-handed I am also glad to see you but work doesn't wait where's probably understands me the man replied showing everyone that he did not like listening to such speeches I didn't have time to buy flowers I was rushing as you see Anne
happy birthday thank you dear Ann opened the box and smiled sadly Christopher never bothered about getting her a gift he always gave his wife something from jewelry and this year was no exception the table became a little more cheerful with the arrival of the homeowner but constant messages on his mobile phone interrupted conversations at the end of the evening after saying goodbye to Anne and Christopher friends left the big house and silence fell again Anne began to clean up the table and Christopher was constantly absorbed in his phone when the cleaning was done and turned
to her husband Christopher don't you think that even when you're at home you're very far from it in your thoughts and don't nitpick I'm working okay I understand the woman said silently and walked to the bedroom barely holding back tears she entered the room and allowed herself to cry despite being married Anne felt very lonely and unwanted her father passed away when she was young and her relationship with her stepfather never really worked out thankfully Anne's friends never disappeared from her life otherwise she would have been completely alone and remembered her conversation with her friends
and seriously considered the need to start working she could spend her time productively and not feel so lonely the next morning Anne woke up early and noticed that her husband wasn't next to her she had a bad feeling and knew that something wasn't right Anne peeked into her husband's slightly open study door and saw Christopher sleeping on the couch hiding under a jacket her heart raced in her chest something was definitely going on with her husband and their family as a whole after taking a shower and getting ready Anne went downstairs to the living room
Christopher was sitting in a chair staring thoughtfully at the landscape beyond the window with a cup of coffee in his hands he didn't notice his wife's Presence at first and when Anne greeted him Christopher jumped in Surprise you've been acting strange lately are you okay you slept in the office are you avoiding me Christopher do you encounter problems at work what's going on Anne asked all the questions that bothered her we need to talk Christopher replied in a calm voice yes I wanted to talk to you as well I know you'll be against it but
I've decided to start working I've fallen in love with another woman she's pregnant and we're expecting a child Christopher answered in the same mundane tone of voice Anne's Vision blurred she swayed and could barely stand but how long has your Affair been going on was all she could ask what does it matter I found out about the pregnancy yesterday if it's so important to you Christopher said thank you for not ruining my birthday whispered Anne and her tears streamed down her face listen let's do without hysterics Christopher said Christopher don't you care about my feelings
at all and what do you care about mine Anne I'm 40 years old and all of my acquaintances already have children and what do we have Christopher raised his voice completely unaffected by his wife's tears how dare you blame me for not having children you'd know how much I've been through how many doctors I've seen and stop this spectacle why all this tragedy thousands of people get divorced and move on understand I will soon have a son and I will finally be happy tonight when I come back we will discuss the details of the divorce
Christopher said and left slamming the door behind him and collapsed on the floor crying from Pain and humiliation Christopher decided that the first thing he would do was to stop by his mistress Ellen and let her know that he had finally confessed everything to his spouse and that they would soon get divorced he planned to legalize his relationship with Ellen afterward Christopher used his key to open the door to the apartment he rented for Ellen but was surprised to see her packing her things in a huge suitcase I'm home why isn't anyone greeting me and
what's going on here are we going somewhere he asked with a smile Ellen was surprised to see Christopher ah hi darling I didn't expect you so early she said so you didn't answer me are we going somewhere Christopher asked twirling Ellen in his arms the young woman pouted theatrically Christopher looked at her questioningly yes we're going to your beautiful country house where your wife is currently enjoying life well dear she has nowhere else to go for now I have to buy her an apartment understand I can't just throw Anne out onto the street Christopher explained
frowning but Ellen wasn't listening to him I don't want to understand anything we're a family there are almost three of us and we are huddled in this miserable tiny apartment while she lives alone in her pleasure in the big house besides our baby needs fresh air and we're forced to live in the city and breathe this polluted air Ellen was almost in tears gently stroking her stomach for greater persuasiveness you're probably right don't be upset don't upset our son well then we'll move Christopher said Anne was shocked by her husband's betrayal and couldn't gather her
thoughts after sitting on the couch for half a day she thought it was just a cruel silly joke Christopher will come and say that it's a prank just a prank and repeated aloud like a spell the incoming call on her mobile phone made the woman tremble she didn't want to talk to anyone but wiping away her tears and looked at the phone screen her heart was pounding wildly in her chest Christopher was calling flicking her finger up the screen she answered the call but the knot in her throat didn't allow her to say a word
are you there okay you don't have to say anything listen I found you an apartment you need to take a look at it Christopher said and didn't bother to listen to her husband's delusional speech and simply hung up she believed that such issues should be discussed face to face not over the phone Brewing herself a cup of herbal tea and settled on the Cozy Terrace of her home she loved this house very much they bought it together with her husband when they were very young invested their souls in it and gradually built their lives together
and now Christopher as if nothing had happened as if all those years together had never happened says that he found her an apartment scoundrel and hissed aloud wiping away her tears she tried to pull herself together but the happy moments of their married life that surfaced in her memory wouldn't let her rest the woman was in a broken State seriously considering whether she should continue living with emptiness and loneliness ahead unnoticed by Anne evening arrived she was still lost in thought and didn't even notice when her husband returned home Christopher found his wife and immediately
got down to serious talk and what was that you hung up the phone and didn't answer my calls we are adults after all let's part peacefully and amicably I'm not holding you back what do you mean what don't you understand I'm not holding you back go to your mistress if you want I found you an apartment then go there I'm in my own home and I'm not going to vacate it for your mistress in the worst case we will sell it and divide the money I think that would be fair Anne this is actually a
house bought under my mother's name if you remember moreover it cannot be sold as it is under mortgage excellent there now I understand why you insisted on registering the house in your mother's name you covered your back very well do you remember that I sold my apartment years ago and invested everything I had in this house I remember everything that's why I'm telling you that I found you an apartment you need to see it and then we can finalize the deal and also the divorce well fine live here but remember you have to answer for
everything in this life for everything and you will definitely answer for the pain you caused me the next day Anne went to see the apartment her spouse had found for her along the way she remembered how happy she and Christopher had been how much they had gone through together to achieve what they wanted what it had cost to arrange their home and how strongly she supported her husband Anne had sacrificed her own career for her spouse she had helped him with complex projects and now the woman simply couldn't understand how Christopher could easily find a
replacement Anne understood that the main reason that she was at the divorce stage was the lack of children this topic was very painful how many times had you run around to the best doctors offices how many pills had she taken how many injections had she endured but all in vain doctors had just Shrugged and couldn't explain why after so many years spent together she and her husband had no children Christopher never blamed his wife for this problem directly but nevertheless he was sure that the problem was with his spouse Anne was very pained to listen
to when Christopher talked about Gwen and Wes their growing son lost in thought the woman didn't notice that she was standing right in front of the entrance to her new home the apartment was on the fifth floor turned out to be quite spacious and bright of course it couldn't compare to a private house but it was suitable for comfortable living where I started once I end now muttered Anne the next day her suitcases were almost packed she took only what was hers and sadly looked back at her home alas she never found true happiness there
Christopher what is she doing here a woman cried out behind her and turned around to see a young girl standing in front of her she was about 20 years younger than Anne beautiful and confident and could have easily been Christopher's daughter and smiled feeling a lump in her throat she wanted to run away from these people but she composed herself and calmly replied I am still at my own home darling and by the way I am still your lovers lawful wife as for what you are doing here that is a good question no shame no
conscience where do you all come from disgusting people and turned to her husband I think I said that your mistress shouldn't be here before I left she is not a mistress but the mother of my son and stop the hysterics it will lead us nowhere good we are modern people the man said in a raised voice very modern indeed the woman laughed Christopher you have never understood people and you are very wrong now look at her there is a scrolling line on her forehead I'm looking for a rich daddy the man frowned but remained silent
Ellen rolled her eyes theatrically and began to lightly touch her still very flat stomach and could not help but laugh girl what is your name Anne asked dear Christopher this girl is a natural actress I am certain that the surprises in your life are just beginning and heard a sound of an incoming SMS on her phone and breathed a sigh of relief the taxi had arrived at the gates of the house taking two large suitcases she rolled them towards the exit Christopher watched his wife leave with sadness in his heart something was bothering him something
unpleasant in his soul and at some point he even wanted to stop this madness that was happening in their life but Ellen quickly resumed playing her role as if sensing that something was wrong and tried to shift the attention of the man she adored to herself Christopher my dear something hurts badly in my lower abdomen Ellen complained the man quickly came to his senses my dear you should not worry rest and stay in peace and quiet as the doctor said remember said the man and holding the waste of his beloved he gently sat her down
Anne left the walls of her once beloved home holding on to her dignity until the end it was unbearable for her to see the woman who destroyed their family being treated with such tenderness and Care by her husband and what awaited Anne herself ahead she was even afraid to imagine in the taxi she let her tears flow the driver sympathetically looked at the passenger in the rear view mirror and eventually asked are you okay may I help you with something I'm sorry I just couldn't hold back my emotions anymore it's just that my husband brought
his pregnant mistress into our home that's all and replied with sadness tears streaming down her face you know but I'm not certain that such a beautiful woman can be replaced what a fool your husband is replied the driver well where is that beauty I'm already 40. he found himself a young girl and responded dear woman you're only 40. it's the perfect time to love live and Thrive as for the Youth people they've got nothing but wind in their heads what's the use of their youth I'm 67. trust me as an experienced man everything will be
fine for you and when that happens your husband will come back but will you need him later it may seem like the end of the world now but believe me you will soon remember this situation with complete indifference you may even laugh about it later and was truly grateful to this wonderful stranger for his support and kind words she listened to him and in her heart hope for a happy future began to grow in her first month in her new place Anne was arranging her life the apartment in the new building was spacious and comfortable
but it couldn't compare to the Cozy home where she had spent many years perhaps the woman would have gone crazy from loneliness and sad memories if it weren't for her childhood friends Gwen and Wes who supported her as best they could Wares took Ann on at his company without hesitation little by little Anne settled into her new work environment where she was greeted warmly by the team and when she received her first paycheck in many years her happiness and joy knew no bounds Gwen was a frequent visitor to her friend's home whereas in turn on
his own initiative stopped communicating with Christopher the man only called him once as soon as he found out what had happened and of course did not support his friend's betrayal one night Anne stayed at work late there was an urgent project that they couldn't seem to finish on time for the client Wares was already desperate and was sure that his company would fail the project and the client would go to a competitor but Anne remembering everything she had been taught at the University for many years worked hard and fixed the situation leaving the finished project
on Wes's desk she left the office it was quite damp and cold outside the piercing wind literally blew through her coat and shivered from the cold oh my bad I should have caught a taxi in advance the woman scolded herself aloud looking around and saw the headlights of a parked car on the other side of the street the road was empty so deciding to take a shortcut she resolutely moved forward to cross the four lanes of the roadway a second later as soon as Anne stepped onto the road a car jumped out from around the
corner the headlights blinded her she heard the squeal of brakes and stumbled out of fright you're crazy and probably tired of living she heard the voice of a man getting out of the car is you who's Crazy watch where you're driving snapped the woman fully aware that she was in the wrong oh an old acquaintance hello the same people are always on the road heard Anne a mocking male voice although he seemed familiar to her the headlights still blinded her and she couldn't see the face of the driver who had approached her let me give
you a hand I'll help you up thanks I've already been helped my knees and hands are bruised tomorrow is an important day for me I have to present the project to the client and you've ruined everything for me what will the clan think of me and said reproachfully and you should tell this person the truth that you're a frivolous person who often throws herself under the wheels of a car replied the driver you're a boar you're right that's the type of person I am either way get in the car I'll take you home or leave
the road I'm in a hurry okay okay I don't want to go in this state take me home take me home it's your responsibility because you practically hit me with your car and quickly got up from the wet asphalt and plopped down on the passenger seat when the driver turned to her she said in Surprise you Matthew if I remember your name correctly yes that's me I recognized you right away You're Anne the man and the woman laughed what a coincidence that she practically got the wheels of the same car as a few months ago
well I remember where to take you the man said with a smile but Anne smiled sadly in response a lot has changed in my life now I have another address you know there are new apartment buildings not far from the South Bridge yes I know so it turns out we're neighbors now the man smiled excuse my curiosity why did you move from a house to an apartment my daughter and I are dreaming of moving into a house the air is cleaner there everything is different I divorced my husband he bought me this apartment so I
moved and replied I'm sorry but as far as I remember you had a happy family not long ago it's all by now I couldn't have children with my husband but his mistress got pregnant now they live in my house enjoying life and I'm in the apartment that's it I've satisfied your curiosity let's be quiet now I have an important day at work tomorrow I'm sorry Anne I didn't realize it was like this Matthew was silent for the rest of the way to Anne's house when they arrived the man smiled we're neighbors I live across the
street I hope this isn't the last time we meet only let us under different circumstances thank you for the ride and smiled she only fell asleep towards morning thinking about the work she had done on the projects and about Matthew the man was handsome and being with him felt simple and easy and found herself hoping to meet him again but under more pleasant circumstances in the morning barely opening her eyes and looked at the clock and was horrified I overslept oh not today she rushed around her apartment trying to get ready as quickly as possible
within 10 minutes she was fully dressed had managed to touch up her lashes apply blush and tie her long hair in a tight bun she cursed herself for not calling a taxi in advance again and now had to waste precious time waiting for a car good morning neighbor and heard a familiar voice behind her turning around she breathed a sigh of relief Matthew help me I'm late for an important meeting she ran towards the car where her recent acquaintance was waiting I had been working until late last night on a project and it's critical for
my future and the company's reputation the boss says the client is very picky and only I know the nuances of the Project's execution therefore only I can convince the customer that our project is the right fit for him well how can I refuse a beautiful woman by the way I'm also in a hurry for an important meeting it's not far from here where you almost hit me yesterday remember and pleaded with the man he noted her natural beauty with minimal makeup I agree but I have a condition we'll have lunch together sometime Matthew anything you
want let's go as they drove up to the office and jumped out of the car and hurried into the building Matthew looked at her with a smile understand the man who of his own free will will let such a woman out of his life after parking the car Matthew headed towards the same office building meanwhile Anne panting literally flew into the office pew he got here in time Wes have you looked at the project I did everything I could and even more there are some questions construction is planned by the river and I solved the
flooding problem like this and took a pencil from the desk and showed the way to solve the problem on the unfolded sheet of paper with drawings for a few seconds Wes was stunned with admiration Anne you're a miracle you did in one evening what my best Specialists couldn't think of My Dear Ann the client will be here from minute to minute and All My Hope Is On You Will you present your project where's of course don't worry I'll do everything at the highest level said Anne sorry for being late hearing a familiar voice and could
barely stand on her feet Matthew what are you doing here and asked turning to The Voice what a pleasant surprise Anne I suppose I'm the picky client who made you work late last night the man smiled at first Wes was tense but seeing the friendly atmosphere of the Gathering he felt relieved good day Mr Foy and you it turns out are acquainted with Aran where's extended his hand in greeting good day yes Anan and I are friends and we live next door I'm sure I'll like everything in the project and please let's move on to
the presentation the negotiations went on in a pleasant atmosphere Matthew was impressed by the professionalism of this lovely woman to be honest I approached another company with a similar question but their project turned out to be a failure they couldn't think of the details of how to deal with possible seasonal flooding but you and succeeded but it's not just my Merit our whole team has been working on the house project and replied a little embarrassed I like everything Anne I would like to invite you to our site where the house will be located in the
future I also wanted to discuss some details will tomorrow suit you Matthew asked and blushed even more and looked at where's well Anne you have an excellent understanding with the client so congratulations you will lead this project to the end Wes smiled all day Anne was in a cheerful mood everything was gradually improving in her life she hardly thought about her ex-husband who had betrayed her the way Anne looked at Matthew could not be hidden from the friend of her youth Matthew himself did not hide his Sympathy for the beautiful woman and where's sincerely wishing
and happiness entrusted her with this project understanding how important it is for her now at the end of the work day and left the office and looking around for some reason she felt like Matthew was nearby and what are you looking for are you 20 years old the woman asked herself aloud and prudently went to the regulated Crossing in the morning as agreed Anne was waiting for Matthew at the entrance and hated unpunctuality so when she spotted Matthew in the distance Anne became indignant hello Matthew I've been waiting for you in the rain for half
an hour hello sorry for God's sake but my daughter got sick her temperature Rose at night I haven't written down your number so I just couldn't warn you our trip is canceled oh I'm sorry Matthew the woman asked guiltily is there anything I can do to help you know I really need your help I don't want to leave Eva alone I need to go to the pharmacy let's do it this way you go home and I'll go to the pharmacy write down my number if you need anything else call me and you can call me
anytime I'll always help now tell me your apartment number I'll quickly buy everything and bring it over you're really helping me out fifteen minutes later Anne returned from the supermarket with a bag containing fruits and Medicine bought from the list take off your coat and come in please Eva fell asleep I made tea you're all wet and I wouldn't want you to get sick because of me Matthew said tenderly helped Anne take off her coat and invited her to the kitchen to and surprise the atmosphere in Matthew's apartment was quite modest she knew that the
amount of money needed for Matthew's project was quite large however based on the situation in the apartment it could be concluded that he was not a wealthy man during tea Matthew and Anne talked a lot including about his little daughter Eva who was only five years old the girl was born healthy but a month later doctors diagnosed her with a congenital heart defect when the baby was one year old doctors performed a successful operation and Eva quickly recovered a year after the operation Eva had her first asthma attack Matthew did everything he could for his
daughter but no one was able to cure her completely the only thing doctors recommended was to take the child out of the city more often and change the environment fresh clean air will certainly be good for her and maybe the disease will go away altogether she will grow up and be completely healthy that's why I thought building a house now is the way to go the only problem was that the house would be practically by the river you're the only one who could solve that problem Matthew please excuse my curiosity but what do you do
where do you work it must be difficult to raise a daughter alone you're a mum and a dad to the little girl well of course it's very difficult sometimes especially when my daughter is sick I'm terribly worried when Eva is healthy I take her to daycare and go to work myself I'm a mechanic at a technical service station how do you manage to do everything I'm used to it I can't afford not to manage everything myself because there's no one else to take care of Eva we're trying to do everything together now we're eagerly waiting
for the construction of our dream home to begin when we finish I hope everything will get easier my childhood friend built a sawmill in the village not far from my plot he says he really needs me as a good Woodsman wow do you understand this kind of work Anne was surprised of course my father did it all his life we had a profitable word processing business by the way I've been in this area since I was a child but when my mother died my father eventually met another woman and sold everything I didn't even think
about doing this business I just wanted to leave for the city my father gave me a large sum of money from the sale of the business I graduated from agricultural College I know everything about forestry I became a car mechanic because my profession wasn't in demand in the city but I made good money enough for me and Eva I still plan to leave the city and do what I love and listened to Matthew with admiration she had never met such simple and sincere people in her life except for Gwen and Wes of course Matthew shared
a lot about his plans for the future and liked everything about him his sense of humor Simplicity way of communicating care and attention she especially liked his sincere eyes and smile Matthew and Anne were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice Eva entering the kitchen daddy who is this lady Eva asked Eva darling how are you feeling Matthew smiled turning to his daughter come here I'll introduce you to my friend this is Anne she lives next door to us and came to help us as soon as she found out that you were sick
hello Anne I'm Eva very pleased to meet you Eva you're a very cute and beautiful girl and said looking at her new acquaintance with curiosity you're also very beautiful do you have a daughter the little girl asked unfortunately no I would really like to have a smart daughter like you Anne replied sincerely well if Eva agrees I suggest we order pizza and watch an interesting movie we have an unplanned day off tomorrow anyway Matthew suggested Eva clapped her hands with joy and hugged everyone hooray will Anne also be with us Matthew looked imploringly at the
confused woman well if you accept me into your team I would be happy to join you and said stroking the little girls unruly curls and the girl leaned against her putting her head on her shoulder and was touched by the child's sincerity warmth and openness from that day on a true friendship blossomed between Anne and Matthew Eva was pleased that Anne had become a frequent guest in their home the friendly company spent time together perfectly playing board games watching educational films about animals and often going to amusement parks and zoos after spending months together Anne
could no longer imagine her life without Matthew and Eva just as Matthew and his daughter couldn't imagine their lives without Anne the house construction was progressing rapidly West entrusted Anne with another complex project which she handled brilliantly the employees now consulted Anne on difficult matters and she never refused to help them one day when Wes came to the office he was acting differently than usual and noticed this and decided to find out from her friend what was troubling him why has may I come in I made coffee and knocked on the boss's office door with
a cup in her hand hello Anne come in of course you're always welcome where's smiled did something happen you seem upset and said yes and you're right something happened remember Christopher gave me some money well he's having some problems with his business and other things Ellen seems to have given birth to a son and he demanded the money back sooner than expected and that's not all Anne he asked me to tell you that the apartment you live in in two words he has his own family and he won't pay the loan for it anymore yeah
that's to be expected it was a surprise to me that the property was bought on credit but Christopher promised to pay for it regularly once again I believed him and he cheated again I'll pay back my debt within a week and I don't understand how he could do this to you we've been together for so long you sold your apartment and invested every penny in the house where he now lives with another woman I really wanted to hit him hard but this coward refused to even meet with me he said I should put the money
in his account and since I supported you he said we have nothing more to talk about where's our manage the apartment is in my name I earn good money and I have a wonderful boss so I'll pay off the loan myself now I've learned a lesson for life I was foolish young and didn't think it would all end like this but he has a son now you know Christopher always wanted children and of course he should think about his future now Anne sadly smiled oh come on do you still feel pity for him after all
he had done oh Anne but anyway you're not alone Gwen and I will help you our company's reputation has grown thanks to your efforts that's why I decided to give you a well-deserved raise thank you dear can I leave early today everything is done at work I want to stop by the store on the way home today is my birthday we've already picked out a gift with Matthew we just need to pick it up wow you've picked the gift out with Matthew where smiled is everything serious oh I don't know why I think I should
trust fate if it gives you a second chance Matthew is a very good person and Eva is so cute a girl they brought me back to life your eyes are glowing Anne don't miss the chance for happiness you're right trust fate thank you I'm Overjoyed that you and Gwen are there for me otherwise I would have gone crazy from loneliness a year passed well guys you did an impressive job your house is just amazing and you calculated everything perfectly with the river now no flood can harm it when are you planning to move in where's
admired the view from the house Terrace which overlooked the river probably when the time comes Anne rubbed her rounding belly and looked at Matthew with eyes full of happiness the man hugged his wife and gently kissed her cheek we have a little more to do the workers are finishing the work inside the house and that's it besides Anne and I have decided to live in the city until the baby is born and then we'll think about moving great job guys I'm thrilled for your new family said where's oh where's I never thought a person could
be so happy and summed up you're a bright example dear Matthew don't hesitate to ask for help I'll always help Anne's family is my family that's our rule thank you Wes help will really be needed I decided to get into woodworking I'm like a fish in water in this business so soon I'm going to set up production locally wonderful but I won't let Ann go don't even dream about it and laughed where's I won't leave you either you and Gwen have helped me so much I remember kindness and value our friendship and I enjoy my
work and money won't hurt us right now all right enough about business let's go see Gwen and the kids they're probably missing us when they returned home they saw the children playing with the ball Gwen was setting the table she brought the treat having prepared it in advance at home by this time the life of the abandoned cheated woman was gradually getting better the apartment issue was resolved thanks to a lawyer hired by Wes thanks to the decent payment for her work and diligently paid off the mortgage on the property she married Matthew six months
after they met and Eva was pleased that she now had a mum like all her friends they developed warm trusting friendly relationships that many girls could Envy Matthew adored his wife and appreciated her contribution to raising his daughter Eva was happy that she would soon have a brother or sister together with Anne they went shopping and bought various babies items for the future baby and could no longer imagine another life without Matthew and Eva one day when Matthew went out of town Anne went for a planned appointment to the woman's consultation Gwen kindly agreed to
stay with Eva especially since her son Tommy was eagerly waiting to play with his new friend again and left the woman's doctor's office in a good mood the baby was developing well the heartbeat was normal and despite the future mother's age no pregnancy pathologies were detected as she left the clinic the woman decided to go to the mall and look for toys for Eve and Tommy however an unpleasant surprise awaited Anne at the shopping center she came face to face with her ex-husband Christopher who froze upon seeing her pregnancy Anne how yes my wife didn't
grieve for long glad to see you the man couldn't even express his thoughts his surprise hello Christopher it's not your business at all I heard your son was born congratulations I'll say it's good to see you but it's not I need to go goodbye Christopher and continued on her way and Christopher Stood Still for a while watching his ex-wife go when he returned home his little son ran to meet him Ellen sat on the couch in the living room all her attention focused on the phone screen hi Alan are we going to have dinner Christopher
asked from the doorway Ellen gave the man a dissatisfied look I asked you to transfer money to my card did you forget she asked ignoring Christopher's question Ellen is that all you want to say to me you've been acting strange lately is everything okay with you I'm not strange Christopher I just don't like it when you ignore my requests this is not a request it sounds more like a demand I'm having difficulties at work we need to be smart with our money not like you're used to you have been married once to someone who handled
the money wisely and how did it end I need to update my wardrobe I don't want to look like a slob like her shut up and don't you dare talk about Anne you're not worth her little finger if it weren't for our son Christopher didn't finish and went to the playroom with the baby Ellen realizing she had gone too far went to the kitchen to prepare something for her husband's dinner Christopher tried to calm down focusing his attention on his son but what the two-year-old had told him had left some doubts in the man's mind
the little boy shared with his father how he spent his day telling him in his own childish way that he had ice cream and played with his uncle that night Christopher put off the unpleasant conversation with his wife but asked what they had been doing today Ellen answered vaguely that they had stayed home all the day at night Christopher couldn't get Anne out of his head he noted to himself how good she still looked and how pregnancy suited her the thought that his ex-wife was happy with someone else drove him crazy a sudden wave of
unfounded jealousy overwhelmed him again and again the next day Christopher went to work as usual unexpectedly he said to Ellen as he left the house I sent you the money you asked for on your card so update your wardrobe after hearing these words Ellen smiled and literally jumped on her husband wrapping her arms around his neck my dear thank you I love you my love see you tonight said Christopher he carefully pushed his wife aside and left the house until evening the man did not go to work that day instead he decided to follow Ellen
to see if she really would go shopping with their son and soon he got very disappointed because he caught his spouse in the act of deception as soon as Ellen left the house with their son Christopher set off after her he drove cautiously so as not to be noticed it was immediately alarming that his wife went to a residential area of the city where she parked the car in front of a 10-story building took their son in her arms and went inside Christopher patiently waited for her to come back out which didn't happen until closer
to the evening Ellen left someone else's house accompanied by a young man carrying Christopher's son on his shoulders Christopher barely contained his anger but didn't reveal himself he wanted to get to the truth and began to have doubts in his head meanwhile Matthew and Anne finished building their dream home and planned to spend the weekend there with their friends Wes and Gwen Matthew I'm going to my apartment for a minute I need to water the flowers we won't be here for a few days can you handle it yourself maybe take Eva with you yes my
love of course with Eva we'll do it faster Eva did her best deftly watering the flowers and entertaining Anne by humming a tune the sudden knock on the door didn't surprise the woman with the child it's probably Daddy please open the door dear but first ask who's there and turned to the little girl okay Mama Anne I'll be right there running to the door Eva asked who was there hearing a stranger's voice behind the door she immediately called for Anne when the woman looked through the peephole she was very surprised to see an Uninvited Guest
Christopher what are you doing here the woman asked opening the door we need to talk I'm a Fool forgive me I apologize for what I've done to you let's start over please Anne looked at Eva and smiled at her Eva go check if we watered all the flowers together I need to talk to this person for a few minutes the little girl obediently nodded her head and disappeared behind the door of the room Christopher are you out of your mind I have a different life now I'm expecting a child with my beloved once upon a
time you said you were finally happy and you were about to have a son remember well now I understand what you meant Christopher I'm finally happy I have a daughter and another child is on the way I don't love you I let you go a long time ago and no you can't I was a fool I'm divorcing Alan she lied to me from the very beginning she was with me for the money my son he isn't mine it's all a long story I did a DNA test Ellen gave birth to a son by another man
and the worst part is all this time while I wasn't home she was spending time with the boy's biological father Ellen provided for her lover at my expense and I'm all alone now forgive me and come back to our home remember how happy we were together there I will love your child as my own I will be lost without you Christopher looked hopefully at his ex-wife now you understand how I felt when you betrayed me only Christopher let's be honest I was a faithful wife I never betrayed you you destroyed everything yourself so it turns
out that the fact we didn't have children is not my fault at all Christopher you got what you deserved but it came back to you like a boomerang leave and never dare to come here again I will never come back to you Christopher was in despair the apartment door opened and Matthew appeared on the doorstep he had unintentionally overheard the conversation between his wife and her ex-husband dear you and Eva were gone for a long time I decided to check if everything was okay he said Wes and Gwen have already arrived and Tommy couldn't wait
for Eva having said this Matthew looked sternly at The Uninvited Guest and what are you doing here actually I bought this apartment I have the right Christopher replied oh what a wretch you are this apartment belongs to my wife and only to her have you forgotten what it means to be a man what other rights do you dare to claim here Matthew sharply interrupted Christopher Christopher it's better to leave it's all over said Anne there was nothing to say Christopher couldn't hold back a tear rolling down his cheek he sincerely regretted his actions realizing that
he had lost his happiness and had destroyed everything himself turning around he slowly headed for the exit at the doorstep he turned back and unexpectedly said forgive me Anne and you he turned to Matthew take care of her there is no one like Anne in the whole wide world don't worry I won't miss my chance at happiness Matthew replied coldly and closing the door behind the guest went to his wife are you okay he asked yes everything is fine Anne answered and closed her eyes with pleasure in the arms of her beloved Eva it's time
for us and called the little girl and the three of them went to their home when the happy family cheerfully left the entrance of the building they had no idea that a lonely man in a car opposite was watching them gripping the steering wheel tightly it was Christopher he just sat and watched Anne and her family disappear knowing that he would never have her again three years passed and a company of happy people came to spend time in Pleasant company on the bank of the river in a cozy Paradise corner Matthew and Wes were busy
at the barbecue Tommy helped Eva teach her younger brother how to ride a three-wheeled bike Anne and Gwen watched their loved ones lying on soft lounges by the riverbank I look at my family ones and can't believe how happy I am Gwen it's scary to even imagine how I would live without them oh and I don't think it could have been any other way you deserve your happiness don't be offended but I even Envy you in a good way every day spent together is like a honeymoon you loved you and he can move mountains and
even more for you yes Gwen you're right it's like wings Sprout from your back Matthew is a great man he has his production set up and work is booming by the way I'm almost finished with the project of your dream house so we'll live nearby and see each other more frequently said Anne joyfully girls the meat is ready let's eat while it's hot Matthew called where's watched the approaching beloved women and couldn't hide his excitement Matthew we're lucky to have them Matthew turned around and smiled seeing beautiful and cheerful women in front of him and
thanked fate for everything that happened in her life for both the Bad and the good now she knew what a real family joy and love were the life of a deceived woman abandoned in a moment changed fundamentally precisely when she least expected it nothing happens for no reason every meeting is for something it's important to correctly recognize the signs of Fate so as not to miss happiness passing you by every day looking at how her beloved husband Matthew plays with the children and how happily they laugh and thanked God for the chance of a happy
and carefree future she loves and she is loved and now knew for sure that life could be started even at 40.
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