this has got to be the best faceless YouTube channel idea that anybody can do to start earning over $500 for every single video uploaded I'm going to show you exactly how to create these videos in under only 5 minutes and I'm also going to show you how to maximize the amount of views that you can get to your videos by ranking your videos at the top of the YouTube search results when people are searching for in demand topics and the best part about this strategy is we can start making money straight after uploading our first video so let's get into it step one you want to head over to getyourguide. com this website is going to allow us to start making money on YouTube shortly after uploading our first video let me explain how this works get your guide if you haven't seen it before guys is a travel activity site allowing people to book different activities for various destinations all across the world such as this destination right here for example to Washington DC which goes at $75 per person now when anybody books any of these travel activities via a link which I'm going to be showing you exactly how to retrieve for these activities we're going to get paid a cut of 8% that is a 8% affiliate marketing commission and we're able to promote these links which I'm going to show you exactly how to get over on YouTube and I want to give you an example of how people are doing exactly that so here is a channel right here it's called before you go and they're making these different travel guide videos for various different cities all across the world now the type of people who watch these videos have likely already booked a vacation or are planning their vacation to these different destinations and if we look at the most popular videos some of them are getting hundreds of thousands of views now granted these guys are earning around or over $5,000 on YouTube every single month in Google ad Revenue but that is just a fraction of what they're actually earning the real money that they're earning is coming from these affiliate links that they're placing into the description of their videos so here's an example of one of their videos it is a travel guide video for the best things to do in Melbourne Australia people who are booking a vacation to this particular destination will watch this video and we can see this video has got over 110,000 views and they'll start planning their trip by looking at these different activities that they can book and as you can see in the description of this video guys you've got a few of these different links to some of those Key activities now these are affiliate links meaning if I click onto any one of these links such as this one right here for the Great Ocean Road I'm taken to this page right here now we can see this travel activity is going for $104 if anybody books this activity via that link in the description of that video the creator of this video will get paid a commission and there is a ton of money that they are making in the form of those affiliate marketing commissions and if you look at another video right here for example guys here's a similar sort of Niche again in the travel Niche it's looking at the top 10 best hotels in Tokyo Japan and if we look at the different links in the video video description you got these different recommendations for hotels and activities if I click onto this link right here I'm taken directly to booking. com this is a hotel booking website and I arrived on this website via that affiliate link and again guys if anyone books any one of these hotels via that link the creator of this video will get paid an affiliate marketing commission especially with these hotels since they're so highly priced they'll get paid a really good commission for every single person who books of these hotels via those different links now the problem with these different websites such as booking.
com in order to get access to these affiliate links that they put into their YouTube video description you really need to apply to their affiliate program which involves a review process and the majority of people won't be accepted onto the affiliate program because you need to Showcase that you already have a substantial amount of followers or subscribers but that is not the case with getyourguide. com this has got to be the only travel website where literally anybody can sign up to their affiliate program and get instant access so we can start promoting any one of these thousands of different activities on YouTube via those affiliate links once you are signed up to the get your guide affiliate program I can literally type in any destination right here let's say London for example I can click onto this travel activity right here for this Buckingham Palace tour and as you can see guys here is my affiliate link which I can start making money with immediately mediately after uploading my first video on YouTube but I'm going to show you exactly how to create these videos in literally under 5 minutes in such a way that our videos can get a high number of views and it's very important that these videos do get a high number of views so that we can maximize the amount of clicks that we also get onto the affiliate links which we're going to be placing into the YouTube video description before I show you exactly how to do that guys let's get signed up to the get your guide affiliate program so we can get instant access to any one of these different affiliate links for these thousands of different destinations all across the world to do that again you want to head over to getyourguide. com and you just want to scroll down to the bottom of the website and you want to click onto where it says as an affiliate partner right here once you've clicked onto that link you'll then be taken to a page like this and again guys here you can see we're going to be earning a minimum commission rate of 8% which is going to be paid monthly so you want to click onto where it says sign up right here and you simply want to enter in your email address and password before clicking onto where it says sign up you then want to select I am a content creator before again clicking onto where it says next and you just want to enter in your name right here the currency that you want to get paid in and you want to make sure that you check I post on social media right here now over where it says enter your YouTube account here is where you want to type in the name of the YouTube account that we're going to be creating just make sure that the name is available guys for the sake of this video I'm just going to call it real travel guide strategies and you then want to click on to where it says next again and you'll get an email sent to your email address containing a link that you want to click on to confirm your email and once you've done that guys you are all signed up to the gety guide affiliate program now before I show you exactly how to retrieve those affiliate links and how to start promoting those links on YouTube and we're going to be creating these incredible looking videos in literally under 5 minutes you first want to make sure that you set up your payment details on getyourguide.
com and to do that you want to make sure that you click onto your your name on the top right hand corner right here and you just want to click onto where it says payment details you can then enter in your bank account details for a wide range of different countries this method is worldwide guys or you can click onto where it says PayPal right here and enter in your PayPal address for clicking onto where it says save for us to actually start making money with this strategy which we can do shortly after uploading our first video you want to make sure that you're creating a video whose title contains certain keywords that will allow your video to rank at the top of the YouTube search result thereby getting a high number of views but you also want to make sure that there isn't a lot of competition for those keywords which leads us onto step two you want to head straight over to vid IQ and I'll leave a link in the description box below once you're signed up to vid IQ you want to click onto this keywords feature right here now let's say for example that we did want to promote some of these london-based travel activities which means we therefore create a video showcasing those activities which I'm going to be showing you exactly how to do in the next few steps what you want to do guys is you want to head straight back over to vid IQ and you simply want to type in a very broad sort of generic video title idea related to that video so let's say for example I'll type in London travel guide and I'll then hit enter and what you can see here are the scores that have been assigned to this search term on YouTube so here we can see the search volume occurring every single month which is very high uh almost 26,000 people are typing in this exact search term into YouTube every single month so that's a tick from us but what isn't a tick from us is the competition score right here as you can see guys this search term has been given a score of 49. 4 which is a medium competition score now as a new channel to rank your video at the top of the YouTube search results you want to make sure that this competition rating has been given a score assigned to it that is low or very low look what happens if we type in London travel guide into YouTube this video right here which is very established it has over 400,000 views is already ranking at the top of the YouTube search results therefore if we created a video with that title London travel guide we would not appear at the top of the YouTube search results in fact our video would be buried among all of these different videos containing those keywords London travel guide so instead what you want to do guys you want to head back over to vid IQ and you simply want to click onto where it says Rel related keywords and here we can see a ton of different related keywords many of which are somewhat synonymous with this keyword term London travel guide and as you can see guys here is the search volume Associated for every one of these different keyword Search terms that is the amount of people who are typing these exact keyword Search terms into YouTube every single month but most importantly you want to pay close attention to this column right here which is for the competition score assigned to each one of these keyword Search terms as a new YouTuber guys you don't want to be relying on the YouTube algorithm you want to make sure that your video can attract a high number of views by ranking it at the top of the YouTube search results by ensuring that the competition score is very low or at least low so what I'll do is I will sort this column right here and I'll scroll down and as you can see guys there are a handful of keyword Search terms that are indeed very low and one that's caught my attention is this one right here itinerary for 3 Days in London we can create an Incredible video around this topic which I'm going to be showing you exactly how to do in the next step and what we can see guys is that almost 2,000 people are typing in this exact search term onto YouTube every single month and even better it's been assigned a competition ranking of very low meaning we can rank our video and get those views every single month and obviously the more views that we get to our video the more people click onto our affiliate links and the more money that we make in the form of those affiliate marketing commissions so again guys when you're over on vid IQ you do want to make sure that there is a decent search volume at least you know 500 plus every single month and you also want to make sure that the competition ranking is assigned a rating of very low and if you click onto my link in the description box of this video for vid IQ as you can see guys is you can access vid IQ for the next 30 days for literally $1 the standard price is $49 per month this is a98 8% discount I strongly recommend signing up to IQ it really is a staple these days guys I personally use it for every single video that I upload and it's especially important as a new YouTuber when you're not relying on the YouTube algorithm and you do need to rack up those views by ranking on YouTube search so once you are signed up to vid IQ and you've got your low competition high ranking keywords and you're also signed up to the get your guide affiliate program before I show you exactly how to create a video on the itinerary for three days in London using an incredible AI tour which I'm super excited to show you guys they've just had an awesome new feature upgrade you first want to make sure that you select some affiliate links from gety guide so that we can place those links into the YouTube video description for that video so you first want to go over to getyourguide. com and you just want to type in the destination for the video that you'll be creating so in our example our video is going to be around London so I've typed it in and I've hit search and as you can see guys there are a t ton of different London activities whose links we can retrieve and promote in the video description of our video you can click onto where it says show more right here you can select from all of these different activity categories now let's say for the sake of this video that one of the activities that we want to promote is this London Warner Brothers Studio activity we can see it's a popular activity with over 800 people that have assigned it a rating of over 4.
7 and we can see that this activity is priced at $124 per person now bear in mind guys the higher the activity is priced the more money that we'll make in the form of those affiliate marketing commissions since we're going to be earning 8% of that purchase price so let's say for example that we want to retrieve an affiliate link for this Warner Brothers Studio activity I'll head back over to partner. getyourguide. com I'll then click onto where it says tools and then where it says links I can then simply type in London Warner right here and there it is and if I scroll down guys here is our affiliate link I'm simply going to copy that affiliate link and I'm going to save it somewhere safe and what I'm going to do guys I'm going to go back over to getyourguide.
com and I'm just going to pick out three or four of these different activities that are a mixture of both relatively high priced or high ticket such as this activity right here remember guys the more high priced the activity is the more money that we're going to make in the form of that 8% affiliate marketing commission and you also want to look for relatively popular activities this activity over here for example has had over 12,000 different ratings the more ratings an activity has the more likely they are to book that activity via our affiliate link so I've retrieved these four affiliate links for these london-based activities and I'm now going to show you how we can actually start to make money with these affiliate links on YouTube by creating an incredible high quality faceless video around the exact topic of an itinerary for 3 Days in London with literally the click of a button and the AI driven platform we're going to be utilizing to rapidly generate this video for us in literally under 5 minutes is in video Ai and I'll leave a link in the description of this video this incredible AI video generator is going to allow us to create a high quality professional YouTube video on this exact Topic in under only 5 minutes it's not only going to script the entire video for us but it's also going to give us highly impressive video stock footage background music subtitles a highly realistic human like sounding voice over or even better I'm going to show you how to use inv video AI voice cloning feature so we can use our own voice across the entire video and even better they've just released a brand new feature which is going to allow our videos to get even more views so we can make even more money with this strategy which I'm super excited to show you about so to actually get signed up to nid AI so we can start uploading our videos to YouTube you simply want to click onto where it says sign up right here you can either join with Google Apple or enter in your email address before clicking on to where it says create account so that you can get signed up and logged into your free Nvidia AI account so once you're signed up and you are logged into your free Nvidia AI account you'll then see this prompt box right here and here is where we can literally type in a single line of text click on to where it says generate a video right here and that entire high quality video will be generated for us in under 5 minutes way under but before we do that guys there are two things that you want to do to one make your videos out and two ensure that your videos get even more views so that we can make even more money with this strategy so the first thing you want to do guys you want to make sure that you click onto the top right hand corner right here you then want to click onto where it says settings and very importantly you want to make sure that you enable beta features as such by enabling beta features we now have the ability to rapidly generate these videos in a wide range of different languages all of which you can see right here and the reason why that's going to allow us to make a lot more money with this particular strategy with these different travel guide videos is we can now literally generate these videos not only in English but also in any one of those languages pretty much at the same time and I want to show you just how much money that we can make by doing this if I go over to YouTube guys if I type in this term right here this is a French term is literally translated to the top 10 things to do in London you can see just how many views are coming from these French viewers for these different travel guide videos then that's no surprise guys I've actually gone over to chat GPT and I've typed in which nationalities visit London the most give me a table and as we can see guys French speakers are the second most common nationality to visit London every single year totaling almost 2 million so by uploading your video to YouTube for these different travel guide destinations in multiple different languages is an incredibly easy way to make a lot more money and it's a quick win it's super easy to do with nid AI we can literally generate one video in multiple different languages pretty much at the click of a button allowing us to tap into a much larger audience and get a lot more views on YouTube to make a lot more money especially in the form of those affiliate marketing commissions and by the way if I go back over to get your guide if I go to the bottom of the page I can change the language from English to French for example and if I scroll back up over here what I can actually do guys if I type in the French word for London there is a bit of translating required it's this word right here I can copy it go back over to get your guide type in that term as such and here again we have all of these different london-based activities in French if I click onto this one right here it appears to be that Warner Brothers activity as such here is the affiliate link if I copy that affiliate link guys what I can actually do is type it into the address bar right here and as you can see guys anybody who clicks onto this link for our French video that we can upload and generate from in video AI everything will be in French so not only are we tapping into a much wider audience by uploading videos in these different languages which I'm going to show you exactly how to do but we can also place these different affiliate links into the YouTube description for these videos so that when anybody clicks onto these links from these various different countries it'll be super easy for them to read what the activity is about and it will maximize the amount of people that actually purchase these activities via our link which is a super easy way to scale the amount of affiliate marketing commissions that we can earn by tapping into all of these different audiences so once you do have the beta features enabled giving us the ability to generate our video in a wide range of different languages we're almost ready to generate our video again guys we're literally going to be able to type in a single line of text click on to where it to generate a video and that video will be ready for us to upload to Youtube in literally a couple of minutes but before we do that to make our videos stand out even more although in video AI does have an incredible selection of humanlike sounding voice over what I recommend you do guys is first of all to clone your voice so that you can use your own voice across any video and to do that you want to click onto this navigation bar on the top left right here and under where it says plugins you simply want to click onto where it says voices and to clone your voice you just want to click onto where it says add voice right here and you just want to make sure that you follow these instructions you want to make sure that you submit a recording of your own voice of at least 30 seconds now guys the higher quality the recording the better these days even your iPhone microphone is absolutely fine and you want to make sure the very first thing that you say in that 30second recording is I give in video AI the permission to use my voice in this workspace and you just want to make sure that you continue to speak for at least 30 seconds doesn't really matter what you say guys just make sure that you speak naturally and you pause in between sentences like you normally would and I've just recorded a 30-second recording of my own voice I've saved the file onto my computer I'm going to drag it onto to the canvas as such and just wait for it to upload so I can use this recording to clone my own voice I can give it a quick sample by clicking on to where it says play right here I give in video AI the permission to use my voice in this workspace and once you're happy with the sample recording you just want to make sure that you check all of these boxes before clicking onto where it says my sample looks good in video AI we'll then analyze your recording just to make sure that the permission is verified and everything checks out you then want to click onto where it says done and you then see a saved copy of your cloned voice and now for the exciting part guys now we're going to actually create a video on this exact topic which we can then upload to Youtube with those affiliate links so we can start making money shortly after uploading our first video now to do that I'm going to click onto where it says use for my cloned voice will then be taken to the inv video AI prompt box as such and I'm simply going to give it a single prompt that says create a 3 minute YouTube video around the best places to visit for a 3-day itinerary to London include well-known popular destinations and speak with an enthusiastic casual tone also add subtitles and here you can see guys it's also inserted this prompt right here to say use my voice voice one Justin's voice which is the cloned voice that I just uploaded I'm then simply going to click onto where it says generate a video you then want to select your audience I'm going to change it from travel enthusiasts to City Explorers look and feel I'm going to keep it at energetic and for the platform we're going to keep it at YouTube before clicking on where it says continue and in literally a few minutes guys our entire video will be generated for us so I'm just going to pause the video that took under 2 minutes to generate which is quicker than expected I'm super excited to see how our videos turned out I want to hear my cloned voice see if it sounds realistic so let's hit play and take a look at our Resort everyone if you've got just 3 days to explore London buckle up because I'm about to take you on a whirlwind tour of this iconic City day one kicks off at the Grand bucking Palace imagine standing outside those Majestic Gates maybe even catching The Changing of the Guard if you're lucky it's a spectacle you won't want to miss full of pump and pageantry next let's stroll through the Lush Greenery of St James's Park a perfect spot for a midm morning break snap some photos by the lake or just watch the world go by refreshed good because up next is the Towering Westminster Abbey steeped in history this is where kings and queens have been crowned since 1066 after grabbing a bite it's time to hit the London Eye and as you can see guys that video was absolutely impressive not only did it give us really high quality video stock footage but it was also accurate video stock footage it perfectly corresponded with the video script and that cloned voice over if you ask me it did sound really realistic which is pretty interesting now let's say that we wanted to edit any elements of this video we can absolutely do that and there are two ways that you can do that the first way is you can literally give the Nvidia a i to a prompt let's say for example that we wanted to change the English subtitles to French subtitles for example I can literally say replace the English subtitles with French subtitles and click onto where it says generate right here as you can see guys our video now has French subtitles and I've actually gone one further as mentioned I was going to show you how to create these videos in multiple different languages such as French for example so I've literally said change voice over to French using my cloned voice and I've literally copied over the name of my SA clone voice typed it in right here and clicked on to generate now if I hit play it's literally my cloned voice speaking French with a French accent absolutely incredible and as you can see guys it is super easy to change the languages of these videos so we can upload our video in multiple different languages on YouTube to maximize the amount of views that we get and the amount of money that we can make in the form form of those affiliate marketing commissions now for the sake of this video I've actually changed the video language and subtitles back to English by using a single prompt which I've typed into this command box right here and if you did want to edit any of the text or media stock footage you could absolutely do so in exactly the same way I can type in something such as make this chapter half as long it's too wordy change the current stock to a video of Big Ben for example or what you can do guys is you can actually change it manually I can click onto where it says edit right here and as you can see I can literally select any one of these scenes such as this first scene right here and if I wanted to replace it with a video of Big Ben I can literally type in Big Ben into this search box as such before hitting enter and I can literally select from any one of this vast selection of really high quality copyright free video stock footage to replace that scene let's go with this one over here for example you can see it's been replaced and I can then click onto where it says apply changes and as you can see guys the media has instantly been changed if you did want to edit any of the video script you can also do that in a similar fashion I can literally click onto where it says edit right here and then go over to where it says edit script as such and I can highlight any one of these words that I want to edit I can literally delete it I can type in a replacement word and so on and once you've done that guys you just want to click again onto where it says apply changes now I'm very happy with the current script that it has given us I'm going to click onto where it says discard once you're happy with your video we're now ready to export it so we can actually upload it to YouTube and start making money with this strategy now to export your video you simply want to click on to where it says export right here and then click onto where it says export video now here you have the options to remove the Nvidia AI Watermark now I strongly recommend that you select this option guys it really does add to the quality and credibility of your videos now this does require upgrading to the plus plan which starts at only $20 per month it's definitely worth it guys not only is the invidio AI Watermark removed but you also get access to that voice cloning feat you get unlimited video exports and you get access to a ton of that I stock or high quality video stock footage every single month now I currently have the max plan as you can see right here it is by far the best value I recommend going for it if you can guys and a reason for that is with the max plan I get access to four times as much of that high quality copyright free video stock footage every single month really adding to the quality of my videos now to export your videos guys you want to make sure that you select 108 p and click onto where it says continue right here your video will then render and you can literally click onto where it says download as such to upload your video straight over to YouTube now this can also be done on your phone guys in video AI also have an app on iOS which uses the exact same user interface so you can follow the exact same steps that we just went through on your phone as well so once you have downloaded your video and you are able to upload it over to YouTube you want to make sure guys that the title that you retrieved from vid IQ Q for that low competition yet highly searched keyword search term is being used for your video so when you do upload your video guys you want to make sure that you paste that title into the title text box right here and I've added a few things into the video description this part is super important guys it's how we're actually going to be able to make money shortly after uploading our first video when we do start getting those views via that low competition highly searched keyword search time in our title as you can see guys I've simply said here are the best things to do in London England recommended tours in London and I've simply pasted in all of those different affiliate links for those different london-based travel activities that I retrieved from getyourguide.