Backstabbed By His Own Father How This Boy Forged Demon Sword & Take Revenge...

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Backstabbed By His Own Father How This Boy Forged Demon Sword & Take Revenge...
Video Transcript:
a boy named Hollow vermilio was kneeling in front of his father Breathing heavily Hollow is under the watchful eyes of his two brothers and Mrs Sarah he is taking a basic test for Magical abilities but he does not succeed prompting him to attempt it again if holl can pass this test he will have the opportunity to learn magic alongside his brothers hollow's father holds high hopes for him there are expectations for the hollow to become a proficient magic user who upholds the Dignity of the vermilia family suddenly everything blurs before his eyes and he collapses
once more H's father is furious with him but Mrs Sarah notices the signs and realizes that Hollow is overly sensitive to Magic hollow's father angrily asked Mrs Sarah about that and Mrs Sarah frighteningly explains that under normal circumstances magic is sure to be found in a human's body magic is then used to draw energy from our surroundings and it is then polished into what we call magic spells before releasing that energy and the accuracy of spells depends on the amount of magic that the individual Poss possesses further she explains in hollow's case his body couldn't
handle the magic that was inside him and this resulted in his body rejecting it the boy looks at his father nervously meanwhile Mrs sta continues to say that Hollow might also naturally have too much magic or it could be something related Hollow calls out to his father and waits for a response his father told him that Hollow obtained this power at the cost of his mother's life which shocks Hollow after this Revelation hollow's father recalls the past recounting how how his wife Yuna died after giving birth to their third son the doctor had informed him
that the child was healthy and even without an appraisal ceremony they could confirm that he possessed magic far superior to that of his two older brothers the doctor noted that this terrifying magic belonged to Lady Yuna and hollow's father then began to look at his youngest son Hollow filled with anger hollow's father states that despite Hollow possessing this formidable power he still wants to make him the next head of the family however he points out that as the third son Hollow cannot even use magic and he shouts at him comparing him to domestic livestock Miss
Sarah criticizes the Lord for his harsh words but H's father orders Mrs Sarah to remain silent reminding of her position as a private tutor he concludes that a person incapable of using magic is unnecessary to the vermilia family abruptly he grabs his wand intending to Brand his son as a mark of his uselessness he scolded Hollow to understand his own inability down to every inch of his being in a sudden turn holl's brother Ain tries to intervene and try to stop his father but their other brother quen steps in front of them quen expresses his
agreement with his father's decision and loudly declares that this punishment is for the death of their mother urging their father to proceed Hollow felt bad and was about to cry Mrs Sarah covers her eyes with her hands unwilling to witness the scene as the father prepares to act on his intentions out of nowhere a magic circle begins to to Glow around Hollow the main character Hollow cries as he looks at the palm of his hand where a brand has appeared his father turns away from him making a speech that the name of vermilia represents a
legacy of Heroes hollow's father emphasizes that inheriting this Legacy means carrying its spirit and will to protect the country and its people noting that their dignity lies in showing bravery his father goes on to express concerns about how hollow will represent the people of this country without the ability to use magic in the end hollow's father challenges his son to prove his worth using his own hands hollow's father leaves he is not fully able to understand what has happened to his son with such a body meanwhile Hollow continues to see the brand on his palm
a long time passed and was around 5 years and Hollow now became a 10-year-old Hollow is practicing fencing with Mrs Sarah he wins the match and celebrates his success over the course of the year the boy achieved 158 victories but he also faced 242 defeats Mrs Sarah tells Hollow that he will soon catch up to her skills Hollow requests another training session but Mrs Sarah tells Hollow that she is no longer in her prime and lacks the stamina necessary for continued practice she compliments Hollow on his dedication noting that despite his young age he has
made major progress in fencing Hollow comes to the realization that he will not improve in Magic and he decides to focus solely on swordsmanship only despite any kind of difficulties he may encounter Hollow goes to refill his water informing Mrs Sarah as he leaves Mrs Sarah then turns her attention to quen suggesting that he should work on mastering the trajectory of his magic quen confidently responds telling her to Feast her eyes on the results of his training and he suddenly summons a fireball aiming it at the Target however instead of hitting the target the fireball
flies past him and towards Hollow Quinn casually apologizes and concludes that he needs to practice more Mrs Sarah is frightened and rushes to check on Hollow but finds that he is unharmed despite the Fireball flying at such an incredible speed it was also unexpected coming from his blind spot Hollow stands confidently holding a steaming sword Mrs Sarah sigh in relief and she was happy to see that Hollow is safe but they are both astonished by what happened as the hollow actually cut the fireball in half quen noticing Aron's brother quickly runs away angered by this
Mrs Sarah warns that he will be reprimanded in the next lesson Mrs Sarah tells Hollow to go home as well noting that Aron has been back for a while Hollow agrees and hurriedly leaves to find his brother Aran while Mrs Sarah follows him with a concerned expression she wonders if this is a force capable of destroying magic but concludes that it is merely a fairy tale about a legendary hero which is quite amusing they all Gather in the Mansion where Arland greets quen and his father his father asks if Arland is enjoying life at the
Academy and the boy confidently affirms the positive rumors about rce magical Academy stating that it offers highquality education and has exceptional students proud of Arlon for being elected class president his father encourages him to maintain his spirit before leaving with quen to prepare for dinner Aran notices Hollow approaching and joyfully calls out to him Hollow runs up to his brother Arland with a smile and greets him the elder brother notices hollow's thin frame and questions whether he continues to practice magic upon receiving an affirmative reply Arland playfully Ruffles in hollow's hair as they climb the
stairs arand advises Hollow to take care of his health and not to make himself sick reminding him that if he does nothing he eats will be absorbed Hollow reassures him not to worry about him and then his brother Arlan inquires to hollow about his relationship with their father and quen Hollow shares that their parents still do not recognize his existence and that brother quen still holds animosity towards him trying to mask his feelings with a smile the boy justifies their behavior by claiming he cannot use magic and feels guilty about their mother's death Aran out
raged by this reasoning interrupts him and reminds Hollow for the countless times that their mother's death was not his fault and although he cannot use magic he possesses an excellent talent for swordsmanship sitting across from Hollow and holding his hands Aron encourages him to be proud of this talent and to never forget that he is his beloved younger brother harlon's words help lift hollow's Spirits distracting him from the serious subject the elder brother Aran asks if Hollow wants to join everyone for lunch to which the cheerful Hollow responds that he will likely grab something and
run off to do practice the elder brother teasingly recalls the asbel forest and asks if he still runs there hollow full of excitement agrees and tells arand to get ready because he will soon surpass him the elder brother happily replies acknowledging How brave Hollow is hollow then goes outside heading to his favorite hangout spot that place is located to the north of their home and within the asbel forest it is a secret dungeon that he discovered one day while exploring it was was hidden away in the corners of the asbel Forest Hollow reminds that when
he found the dungeon it was sealed with magic but being oversensitive to Magic he mysteriously found himself at the entrance of the dungeon after spending two weeks around the boy he and the monster had a great fight for the first time and that fight taught him a lot due to his location the battle was not like a regular training session he could see how his swordsmanship had improved today he decides to look inside and suddenly he finds a door guarded with magical locks Hollow reminds him of of the training of that day where he cuts
the fireball of Queen with sword and that was as if he reflected it by trying to defend himself and he was sure that he could cut that with his own Hollow used his sword to cut that magic chain and open the gates the view was a spectacular view of the Magnificent tree he walks in and found a throne in front of him which makes him surprise Hollow goes upstairs and sees a sword thrown at the throne suddenly a voice is heard in his head the voice asks who is here and how did someone manage to
destroy the strong seal the frightened boy screams and grabs his ear he assumes there is a monster the voice in his head still screaming at the fact that he dared to disturb his peace and he closes his eyes and demands that the boy leave his head after that comes silence a quiet voice is already ringing telling him to calm down and look ahead Hollow opens his eyes and slowly removes his hands from his ears he turns his attention back to the sword it turned out to be the voice of the sword that was sealed there
as the magic sword itself had informed Kumi the boy smiled as this was the first time he had seen a magic sword he then asked why it was sealed to which the sword replied that it was just a long story Hollow assumed that the sword belonged to the wizard King but during the conversation Hollow realized that it was the sword of the hero Hollow wonders why such a famous sword like that was sealed away in such a dungeon sword replied that it's because she was something that world was better off without and after all she
didn't want to spend 600 years alone and she wish that by leaving that place she want to stand next to someone and go on adventures together with someone sword ask that a world without swords would be a better place Hollow agreed with that and tell that the world still had its conflicts but it's true that swords were no longer needed and that was now a place where everyone uses magic Kumi agreed with that and mentioned that a hero no longer need a sword just Hollow mentioned that he need a sword Hollow told the sword that
she can become important again to this world when he offers to Kumi to become his sword and they can explore adventures together Hollow captured a new idea he takes a sword Edge to which sword becomes a bit angry with sword doesn't understand what Hollow is trying to do because the place was supposed to be sealed and can't be pulled out ignoring the sound of the sword Hollow raises the sword sword can't believe what happened and wonders who he is the boy then excitedly replies that his name is hollow of remilia and in a world where
magic rules everything he wants to be the strongest swordsman as soon as he finishes his speech the blade turns out into the hand of the lovely girl holding the hollow's hand and falls upon Him sh introduces herself as Kumi the magic sword she was happy to meet him with a smile calling him as dear Swordsmen all the black sword that was lying in the dungeon suddenly turned into a silver-haired girl Hollow doesn't believe sword became a human Kumi then declares that she is one of the nine sword Wizards in this world and she is the
most special among them and the only one who can take human form though she doesn't know much about the other eight swords she added that Hollow found a very rare item because Hollow removed the seal the girl starts calling Hollow as a master confused by this however Hollow asks her to call him by name the girl agreed with Hollow and started calling him by his name Hollow was confused on how to bring Kumi home at this point H wraps her as a sword in a cloth and rushes towards his room but on his way there
H's father stops him and asks what he was carrying Hala replied by saying it's a sword further he added that he found this in the Armory during the weight training after knowing this H's father immediately loses interest in him as he takes no notice of the sword and leaves but quen asked to father it is okay for him and asked to take it as his father had no interest in it he told to leave it after that brother quen reluctantly manages to throw a couple of sharp words telling him to stop fooling around as they
leave Hollow tells Kumi that they were his father and brother Quinn and he was glad no one took the sword from him Hollow goes to his room and brings something out of the kitchen for Kumi to eat she was outraged by such an act because she was a sword and could live without food the boy was surprised that she did not eat food but the girl changed her mind and told him that she could eat it in her human form after eating it she was surprised by The Taste This amuses the boy and he laughs
at her this confused cumini and she thought as if she had already spoken to someone like this noticing the strange face Hollow wonders if everything is okay reflecting on it she says her memory is very vague as if it has slowly faded the boy holds her hand and takes the Girl by The Hing her hand up the stairs encouragingly trusting that the memories will come sooner or later he shows me his favorite place the tower has a beautiful view and creates shared memories from that time as time goes on and she spends time with hollo
at the library she wondered why he still studied on his own when he had a private tutor to which Hollow told that the adults don't want him to teach anything about the outside world while being with him she further asked him why he seed his own clothes even as an aristocrat to which he told he didn't get to have any assistance at the practice she asked about Mrs Sarah if weren't for her he wouldn't have known anything thing about swordsmanship to which Hollow agreed and said meeting her makes it all the more exciting then as
Hollow sleeps she thinks everyone in this house is cold towards Hollow to think that he'd be treated like this just because he can't use magic she promises him that everything will be all right and she will be his sword Kumi also falls asleep while thinking the next day Hala started waking Kumi up since it was early in the morning meanwhile Kumi was dreaming of the hollow which had grown larger than it had since he was a small boy the day for but that Hollow sound appeared like a dream Vision because Hollow met Kumi exercise is
done every morning as a daily routine she taught in the ways of former skilled Swordsmen and the amazing power came from this sword by using these techniques memories and experiences of kasumi's proxy battles it took a long time for hollow to assert his position continuing to learn how to use magic recently Hollow was practicing with his sword in the shade of a tree Mrs Sarah just came up to him and told how fast time was flying because he would soon be 15 today was their last magic lesson that Hall was asked to watch out for
he was grateful to her he thanked her for teaching him not only how to use the sword but also all the magic in the world and even how to fight magic with the sword suddenly the wind blew around the tree tearing off all the leaves and surrounding the two of them with a beautiful fall of leaves Mrs Sarah LIF at Hollow and praised him it was not easy for him to learn magic he has worked hard for the last 10 years years and this is his latest lesson for him later she asked Hollow if he
had decided what to do next all the family members and Mrs sah were seated at the Grand dinner table and waited on by the servants Mrs Sarah said she hadn't seen Arin or quen together since a long time Arlin responded that he had only been back for a month and he finished school in chival recorder and is ready to enter Royal service next Autumn while Quinn claims to have topped his class in Magic exams it has not happened before in the history of the academy Hollow mind begins to be preoccupied by the thoughts Arland wonders
why Hollow is not eating Hollow would still rather talk seriously to his father about how he took all of his classes from Mrs Sarah that day and also adds that unlike his brothers who aspired to go to the Royal Palace Academy where their mother wants them he wants to become an adventurer this disconcerted everybody everyone is Amazed by his decision quen who screams this accusation at him and screamed an adventurer someone from the vermilia family told him to stop fooling around and called them Shameless moreover arand disagrees with it too as he thinks it is
dangerous and impossible because Hollow can't be an adventurer without magic the father is no less angry hitting the table with his fist and shouting at his son is unforgivable all that time they have concealed such a failure from the world and the reputation of the family will be much hurt if someone finds out about it from the parents point of view to which Hollow finds a simple solution by announcing that he won't be carrying the vermilia family name he is going to change his name his father reminds him what the crest on his left hand
means adding no matter how hard he trains he is incompetent Hollow angrily approved but it's like what his father said adding that he is going to make out of this body of his hollow stands up for the table and says nothing will change if he is still locked up in this Mansion after these words his father gives his consent but sets him the condition that tomorrow he will have a duel with quen and he has to defeat him with the help of Sword skills alone and only then he will be allowed to leave home and
become an adventurer or at least a beggar arand doesn't like these words and tries to change his mind but quen grins happily Hollow is satisfied at everything and leaves the dining room making a promise to his father at last he will be able to fight magic and suddenly Kumi greets him in the room and praises the speech she is happy that finally Hollow will be out of this house but Hollow has his doubts if he loses for all he knew he had only practiced with her and it was always the swords he never face to-
face fought magic and the bigger problem is his very own brother quen who is supposedly good at Magic Hollow felt a little down and wondered what if he could actually not even manage to stand against the Rays it will just mean that he is useless even with a sword Kumi interrupts his sad thoughts and indignantly reminds him of his promise during their first meeting he said that he would pick her up and together they would go on an adventure she encourages him saying that she will prove his strength she also told him to remember that
she always is with him Hala thanked her for the support and apology for her concerns he added that he will never really be verbal about this stuff he takes her by the hand asking Kumi to borrow her strength at that instant the girl is turning again into a sword the day of the duel arrives two facing each other quen with a stick and Hollow with a sword beside them their father brother Ain and Mrs Sarah looking away Mrs Sarah moans that it's ridiculous to fight with swords beside magic the Elder son Aram again tries to
refuse to his father but his father is not in he wants to see at what level their strength is in turn quen is full of desire to take revenge on his younger brother and is immersed in his own thoughts he remembers how happy their family was while their mother was alive every day was filled with joy everyone was happy everyone was loved from the very day that mother had died the Mansion never glimmered and was filled with a dark Aura into that aura hollow's voice carried with him everything Hollow became a ray of hope everybody
said that he was the bearer of the greatest retention of Mag magic power of all time Quinn also heard rumors that Hollow was supposed to take in all of his mother's magic power upon being born it turns out he did not only take his mother away from him but he did not even meet expectations and let everyone down Quinn insults Hollow calling him a defective animal and starts the fight with the release of a fireball Hollow gets his sword ready as well the fireball is a missile moving at a constant speed with the range up
to 60 M he is right to control the range between him and Hollow without allowing him any Clos Closer by even a meter after the casting of the spell the minimum duration of the fireball is 0.8 seconds the trajectory is based on the angle and way of the magic wand Hollow on the other hand is able to anticipate the direction where the wand will point so he easily Dodges the projectiles quen is shocked and cannot understand how his younger brother is able to move forward under the hail of his attack Hollow slowly realizes that the
sword's main weakness was its reach he needs to get close to the attack but as a magic user they need to control their path and take down the Enemy at the beginning of the fight close combat is the last thing they want Hollow runs forward with his full power and swings his sword quen builds a mud wall in front of him at the last moment quen was a magic double user that the world rarely sees the hollows didn't see him using Earth Magic much Hollow was annoyed that his brother quen used Earth Magic that he
doesn't use very often but standing on that mud wall Hollow mocks his brother by saying that as expected from his brother quen and he further added that for a prodigy from a school of magic quen isn't all that Charming quen became Furious and threw a sand spear at Hollow with another spell in response to his younger brother Hollow at that moment Hollow Falls a little far away from the wall quen stands behind the wall and declares that he cannot attack him because of the wall in between meanwhile quen uses his magic to shoot sand flying
out of the wall towards the hollow in different directions and that the sand guns are about to hit so arand tells Mrs Sarah to stay back Hollow abuses his brother saying he is eager to attack his blind Hollow gathers all the strength and power in his hands and runs forward towards the wall but he doesn't care about the wall when he can just break through the wall with one swing of his sword Hollow slices through the wall in front of him what happened shocks everyone the sword almost flies the wall was cut into small pieces
quen steps back and he indulges in his memories of his father giving Mrs Sarah orders that Hollow not to be seen by the world quen listening behind was happy to hear that think thinking Hollow was an idiot and adding that this was finally going to be useless in all Mrs Sarah tells Hollow that he needs to get ready to do it himself which Hollow thinks may have been at his father's order Mrs Sarah explains that he can do it to grow into a better young man Hollow happily agreed while Hollow was practicing well with Mrs
Sarah to whom Mrs Sarah was praising for his excellent performance with a sword when quen heard this he became jealous because he admired hollow's inability to use magic his older brother Arlan also praised Hollow as Hollow was being praised quen grew infuriated he always thought he was better than him more valuable towards reality he doesn't understand how his younger brother surpasses him in every way then everything has vanished from his breath Hala points the sword at quen's throat Hala remembers that it was first time they quarreled Mrs Sarah and Ain run up to them their
father was worried and he saw the whole picture as the father approached there hollow backed off his sword by telling his brother that it was so much fun quen was still lying on the floor in shock after a while Hollow was ready to go before leaving he meet with Mrs Sarah and his brother Arlan Alin begs him not to leave so soon and ask Hollow that he can come with him until they reach the imperial capital Hollow replied that it was fine and he was on his own in the first place anyway Hollow tells him
to send letters as well Mrs stah asked him to visit as she is in the imperial capital A Satisfied look from his father from the balcony to hollow with a single sentence Hollow says goodbye and leaves the house ever since his father put his brand on his hand he was determined to challenge this world and now with a sword in his hand he will create his own path forward Kumi was so happy looking up at the bird after leaving the Mansion on the third day the hollow dressed in a cloak and heading towards the imperial
capital of ridwell with Kumi the holla was worried about Kumi pointing out that if she got tired of walking suggesting that she take the form of a sword but Kumi begs not to worry and wants to walk next to him in response she asks if he's hot in that hood he is wearing Hollow agreed but he promised not to call it Vermilion so it would be best not to reveal it until they left the lands of vermilia but holla pulls it off anyway because they are not so far from the building he wonders if Travelers
around these places have a rare opportunity he promised not to use the vermilia name so he is trying to keep it down in the distance Hollow spots some villagers and something has happened he saw something happening to a carriage he went to people and found out what the problem was the man there in the car C replies that they are stuck in the drain the girl with them says they could have used magic to lift out the cart but she is a fire magician and the other girl has water magic their power is useless in
these situations holla thinks he will fix the problem and assumes he can help lift it the girl excitedly asks if he has Earth or wind magic which the hollow Surprises by answering that he doesn't have any magic but the joyful Hollow was confident in his strength the girls just laugh at him and don't believe him about how he thinks he can actually lift it meanwhile Kumi angrily states that Hollow can do anything don't judge him by not even trying and he can definitely do it Hollow offers to show them the man told Hollow that they
hop to get a nice reward for getting rid of all this stuff he lifts in on the three count pulls the cart out of the drain and raises it the girls and the man left in shock Hollow was glad he was able to pick it out Kumi warmly complimented Hollow on his work the man thanked Hollow for his help the man began to discuss with the hollow that he didn't think he could actually lift it he couldn't have done it without everyone's help the man allows Hollow and Kumi to go with them Hollow thanked them
for letting him ride with them the man in the carriage wonders why they are going to rid well Hollow says he lives alone so he decided to become an adventurer they learned from the man that girls are adventurers too and now they are transporting cargo one girl with short hair says her name is Karen and the other introduces herself as Shan they have just acquired Azure class adventurers Kumi is shocked and asks what's that she explained by pointing to an Azure badge with a wolf picture on it saying it is an adventurer tag the Azure
class comes within an Azure tag adventurers differentiate each other with these colors there are eight classes in total it goes in order of white red Azure purple rainbow silver gold and platinum it seems like a lot but there aren't really many adventurers above rainbow class Azure class is around the middle of the bunch Hollow celebrates with them and asks shine again about her water magic it was the first time Hollow had encountered once since he had not met any water magician yet shy is shocked and says that her magic can be very strong but she
can't control it properly so she didn't try to pull the card out Karen explains that they are experts in Marshall magic and alongside Hollow they were a really big help and was really thankful of him Hollow starts talking to them about the basics but fire and water are well used by many in combat but he thinks they're really good all-rounders for defense and support equipment he also believes that variety from other sources is really interesting there's a magical light coming from the air that he thinks is really cool Kumi scolds him noting that he still
doesn't know anything about magic Karen is surprised that even though he can't use magic he likes it cheyen shouts at her offering to put himself in the guy's place Hollow assures them that there is nothing to worry about since his body couldn't withstand the magic he has to become an adventurer to learn how to use the sword properly Karen turns serious and asks if he kill anyone on his exploration ation he not only encounters monsters but may eventually have to fight humans as well there is nothing he can do without determination she also tries not
to look down on him because he is young but he needs to find something else suddenly The Carriage started to shake Karen shouted asking what was going on outside they are attacked by Bandits and Karen's father is grabbed the girls run to save him and cheyen asks Hol to stay there and hide somewhere but Hollow wants to take a look at it the bandits say leave the cart and no one will get hurt Hollow looks at them and counts 13 in response Karen insists on rescuing her father who is mocked by the bandits Bandits seen
towards the girls thinking how beautiful the girls are Shen and Karen stand shoulder-to-shoulder and Shian mentioned that it was always like that and those Bandits say the same thing Karen added to let show them what they were made of then just the bandits gets ready to use the magic to attack them as the battle of the magic started Hollow was amazed and thinks that it was a chance storm and that was his first time seeing a battle between many Magic users at once he was amazed at their cooperation showing that the bandits are strong Kumi
tells Hollow that those two girls weren't seems like enough so she asked Hollow to let us go to help them but Hollow replied to wait for a while Heron and cheyen used their magic to confidently deal with the bandits both girls have proven to be very strong they fight off with the bandits one by one as H looks at them he thinks about Karen's last words in the cart if he ever hurt anyone all this time he was just competing with other people but unlike the two girls he was not prepared suddenly one of the
bandits freezes Shen then the boss of the bandits come there by asking to quite the Affinity they haven't and as they gets bored so he will play with girls a bit girls gets that it was the Arts which and there was a bounty of a class on him Arts tell that he didn't hate feisty women Oh's quartz reflects Karen's flaming pillar with the freezing spell he admires her noting that Karen won't let go of her wand until she dies confused she tries to point the small flame at the enemy but is blocked by Ice bullets
the Bandit taunts him for being too fast but they're a few steps ahead and sick can't get out at that point the Bandit strikes with a thunderstorm at her the Bandit's leader brags that if he hits her again with that Thunder she'll be immobilized forever Kumi yells at Hollow and tells him to make a decision O's courts grabs Karen's face and tells her how to have fun with her Kazumi yells at Hollow that for what thing they were there the Bandit gets distracted and throws the girl aside Hollow holds the sword in his hand Kumi
helped him decide if he was hurting someone or not the only thing that matters is why he decided he could Master the sword Karen begs Hollow not to fool him because he cannot defeat those Bandits Shan asked Hollow to ran away from there the Bandit asks questions because it's a stupid thing called Hollow in ordered to kill him Hollow flies High into the air and slams into the bodies of his opponents the bandits scream that he is in the sky and the guy flying over them activates a wind front and a shock wave the men
don't understand what he is doing they scream but Hollow keeps defeating the bandits one by one the blonde robber activates ice projection and tries to attack the hollow but the hollow keeps moving towards him with his full power o quartz doesn't understand what he is trying to do with his sword he cannot believe that anyone can respond to such an attack Hala finishes off the rest of the bandits and sees the bearded man oie quartz who was the leader of that Bandits having a curved wand in his hand and scared of hollow suddenly he uses
thunder magic and Hollow runs towards the Oz quartz with all his strength and power lots of sparks flying around shy closes her eyes and Karen screams hollow's name loudly Hollow jumps up with full force and is about to hit his opponent the man screams and asks how he can still walk after that he starts slashing his sword towards two oy quarts that hurt him the standing oy quartz falls to the ground and the hollow lands gracefully and finally all the opponents were defeated the driver of the cart bursts into tears and Embraces Hollow they tie
up the Bandit leader and Hollow tells that Bandit leader that he already treated him so tell him to stay tight until they reach ridwell and in general Bandits shouldn't forget to shower either because it stinks cheyen said she should have just left him alone Karen agrees who would have thought that they would have injured the bandits to the point that they would need treatment if there were other adventurers here they would remember it for the rest of their lives and she clutches her head shy tells Hollow to be more careful next time Hollow agrees saying
that as they said he has no experience yet but has decided to use his sword Hollow and Kumi looked at each other and Kumi told the girl not to worry about them the man who was daging the cart calls the guys and informs them that they will be at ridwell soon there is a beautiful view of the river and mountains from the front of the carriage in the city surrounded by a fortress and in the middle they can see a large Castle holla watches from the carriage and Marvels at the size of the city jumi
asks Hollow to take a look in the city Hollow sees a lot of things he has never seen before a lot of people litting together and a lot of Tradesmen Karen asks Hollow not to be embarrassed and to go to Guild base with them these guys will be sent in so shyen asks if they want to join the guild when they reach a guild an employee over their reaches for the magic circle and says that the detention has been confirmed the employee over there who was a girl tells them that the leader of Bandit O's
courts who have the a class Bounty into the hands of the guild to think he was taken alive as he expects from Mrs Karen and Mrs cheyen Karen refuses and tries to explain to her about the situation but the employee asks permission to give them an award the employee provides them compensation for the capture of A-Class criminals is 60 gold coins shine offers to share 60% with them and the other 40% with Hollow Karen screams and asks what she's saying all this money belongs to the hollow but to get it you need to be an
adventurer there are strict rules that they must follow to which Karen immediately replied no and offered Hollow the entire package as his compensation Hollow asks if they are sure about this hollow Wonders that this is the first money he ever made on his own Karen forgot to say thanks for helping them if it hadn't been for there they might have died Hollow clutches his head as he feels shy Karen asks what the matter is and if Hollow was embarrassed the employee at the counter was shocked and asked why the girls gave that prize to the
boy Karen crumbles out her hollow's hair and explains that it's all because he defeated all the O Bandits after listening to this everyone in the guild starts staring at Hollow and starts Whispering the employee notifies to a girl that her application for the adventure test has been accepted she mentioned that it was so Lively there the employee mentions that the Oz Bandits have been caught and asks if the girl also wants to be an adventurer and do such a thing she denied it because she was a Demon Hunter Hollow and Kumi go to the town
and Kumi says to hollow that they were so happy to meet Karen and others on their Journey Hollow adds that he has also applied to join the ranks of adventurers in the guild the employee at the guild asked him if he wanted to be an adventurer too because in that case he would have to sign up immediately as today was the last day of reg rtion shine explained that they were just at the perfect time and told holla to come over and get started for the registration process Karen promised to take them to a great
place to relax his head just for her sake in addition they will be thankful that everything went well the adventure test involves camping Outdoors for 3 Days Karen offered to go through the dungeon to buy the equipment they needed for the exam Kumi suggests Hollow go into the store and they go to the counter of that store Hollow grabs kasumi's shoulder and asks her to be careful Kumi is about to hit the weird girl and Kumi apologizes but the weird girl explains that she doesn't need to apologize and she is also inconsiderate and apologetic that
strange girl that holla saw in front of the desk in the guild when he asked for an apology holla thinks if the strange girl will participate in the examination as well Kumi tells Hollow to move on he agrees but the strange girl they meet tells Hollow to wait she held out a card and asked if this was of them holla sweats and screams that the card is of him he almost lost it he thinks about how he is being so careless and is very grateful to that stranger girl the girl asks Hollow about his age
to which holla replies that he is 14 years old the strange girl reacts a bit angrily whether he knows because in that state the entrance exam is an order of magnitude higher than anywhere else Hollow asks what she meant the stranger girl breathlessly says previous generations of adventurers of this country have left behind many historical Legends over the time consequently there is a high demand for experienced adventurers compared to others in this country being famous in this country is very important and they pay a higher salary than anyone else in this country as a result
the test there is more difficult than in other countries he could die if the boy really wants to pass it the strange girl advises him to pull out if he really wants to pass the exam the strange girl hands Hollow his card and explains she was just looking out for the younger ones and the strange girl leaves from there meanwhile Kumi over there teasingly repeats her words as she is looking at the younger ones and she says so by describing herself in the presence of a 600-year-old hollow also comments that Karen said the same thing
but asks if he really sounds so weak Kumi screams over the hollow in his head everything is fine and she knows how wonderful he is Kumi and Hollow keep going soon they bought everything they wanted for the exam the day of the exam arrives Hollow stands with his sword in his hand and Kumi tell that is going to be very exciting candidates are asked to go one step further all candidates entered the dungeon through a single door and climbed the stairs leading down to them there were several giant trees and they were welcomed into the
underground dungeon of the guild base at the bottom of the abys forest the employee girl over there told all the candidates that the exam will go on for the last 3 days the employee girl starts asking for the numbers provided to the candidates as 1 8 13 2 39 and tells them to step forward holla wonders if they are making up groups with other candidates it looks like number six was Hollow who was allocated to go into the igniz team Now They will announce a task for each team Hollow notices that the stranger girl that
he met on the street was in his team and the employee over there explains that the assignment of Team Tera Squad is looking for scarlet crystals the aqua Squad goes in search of the forest Keepers binoculars the ventti squad collects the eggs of the deep crab and the egai squad will gather Beast mushrooms a man in the cap told them that's all furthermore they will not answer any of their questions regarding the exam all the candidates in the dungeon opened their mouths in Surprise and left shocked a guy who was a candidate in the dungeon
asks to wait and start asking questions regarding the exam rules regarding the requirements to pass the exam if they have any time limit on whether participants get credit as soon as the team gets what they need the employee explains that they can't answer their questions holla was all clear and they checked how they thought and acted he believes that the exam will begin soon he thinks the trial will start soon another man in the hollow team with a large backpack on his back approaches the hollow and the stranger girl and invites them to introduce themselves
the man who identified himself as woodan he says they will work together as a team and give their best Hollow introduces himself and says he is happy to meet the man a male voice asks loudly if they have a team a darkhaired stranger with a scarf introduces himself and explains that he thinks once they join the same team they will be Rivals but despite this he will show up anyway and he tells them to remember his name he starts explaining the meaning of his name as the wind God Hollow asks about the wind God the
strange girl asks if he named himself as when God is too lame Kai screams asking if that is too lame and Promises to kill the girl W one CS Kai down and yells that he will be going to remember her the strange girl introduces herself as Cecilia and tells her to trust that she is not interested in joining the team woodan tells them to listen to him it's embarrassing to admit him but it is his fourth time taking this examp am this fact alone already suggests that this is not a walk in the park for
them Kai begs him not to tell him this way but the man goes on to explain that there is an advantage that this is his fourth time in this dungeon so he asks if there could be a more reliable source of information everyone in the team will be benefited holla knows it won't be easy for them Cecilia apologizes but explains that she would still be better off alone that she has information ready to buy Kai again screams that she is not strong enough he plays by his own rules when sticking with average toes like them
woodan misunderstands them H thinking that every other team is figuring out how to deal with the other teams but meanwhile his group is right here figuring out if he even needs one hollow wonders if there could be two Foresters binoculars hiding in that dungeon at the same time Hollow calls wood onean and says he thinks he can go with him Hollow told them that they now did not know how many monstrous mushrooms they would need and what condition they would have to go through and there was a risk that others will try to steal the
findings and it was important for them to work together as a team but the most important thing now was how they got along with others he doesn't mind facing WT one but Kai interrupts Hollow with a shout and says that being in the same team is and always will be synonymous with being a rival Hollow shrugs at wood Wan's pain they all decide to separate now woodan asks Hollow to be careful and wishes them well Hollow waves his hand towards woodan wishing him luck too and thanking him as Hollow apart from woodon Kazumi takes the
human form and they both were having the land lamps in their hand they were currently in the plant-based cave and he mentioned that it was his first time in there and those surrounding things looks like the trees Kazumi mentioned that it also gets very scary at night Kumi asks how the mushrooms survive in a dungeon with absolutely no sunlight there are bats and other insects there jumi seems likely to have places that are somehow connected to the outside world Hollow mentions that this entire dungeon is called The Forest of the abyss and the name itself
suggests that it may be connected to a forest in the background shumi begins to understand everything in this case the mushrooms then grow closer to the environment of the outside world Hollow said to look around the sunlight now Kumi and Hollow continue to support each other Hollow investigates and notices a few wild animals Kumi sits on the ground and talks about being tired she wonders if they are just wandering around aimlessly Hollow admits it's exhausting and the sun was also almost down he thinks that's enough for today and suggests they should head back to Camp
to which Kumi agrees Kumi and Hollow are standing in front of a lake on the other side of which there are also future adventurers Hollow sits down and says there are more lanterns than before at night apparently it seems that people love to Camp there more Kumi looks around and says there is a water fountain nearby that was very useful Kumi bends over to the water and fills the picture suddenly on the other hand Cecilia yells for Kumi to look and be careful Kumi lifts her head and a large tooth fish flies out of the
water slamming into her Cecilia attacks the monster like a fish with her wand and Hollow pulls Kumi out of the water Cecilia holds a magic wand in her hand as swirls of water fly towards her Cecilia asks Kumi and Hollow if they are okay to which Kumi replies that she is fine and thanking her for the help Hollow cheerfully says that it was cool that Cecilia sent that big fish flying like a water ball Cecilia turns away and replies it's nothing much just a few Basics Hollow asks Cecilia if she wants to help her with
dinner as he points towards the dead fish and explains that this guy will be the main course Cecilia asks if they want to eat that big fish but how hollow and Kazumi looked at each other and then makes the fire Cecilia asks didn't they give up on teamwork while eating some food Kumi reiterates not to worry about such little stuff Cecilia reminds the guys that they said they wanted to explore the Dungeon Hollow confirms that he and Kumi applied for the exam together so that they could go on assignment together Hala starts thinking that Kumi
didn't actually serve anything if it turns out may be disqualified Cecilia says that she has no troubles with teamwork unless she does not find the act of working collectively being Cordis Hollow reminds Cecilia that she prefers to work alone and that she can understand people at the first glance the hollow adds that it was so kind of her she helped Kumi and hollow out today too Hollow even told Cecilia that she was a little cruel with him the first time they met but she was just concerned about Hollow jumi tells a friend that he is
so considerate Cecilia drops her fish and tells them that she had a younger brother he could be the same age as Hollow now be that as it may she does not think it is important Hollow assumed that cilia's younger brother is no longer Cecilia says that when she was 10 years old it happened except Cecilia her whole family was killed by demons Kumi and Hollow start listening to Cecilia very carefully Cecilia further told that as she was all alone she was taken to an orphanage and that orphan was located deep in the woods she lost
her family at a tender age and thus socialization was hard for her though she lived in an orphanage she was all alone and finally she became self-dependent Cecilia decided to hunt demons she will kill every demon that dares to kill anyone she does not want other people to go through what she has gone through and that is why she doesn't care about Fain or money maybe she just wants to help people cumi thinks Cecilia tells that it's true and that is why she wants to become an adventurer The Hollow Falls silent and they all rise
their heads Towards the Sky they see the night stones and trees glow Hala stands up and wonders of course each of them has their reasons for becoming adventurers but what about H's reason to become an adventurer he is just looking for something he can do after some time Hollow woke up and saw that Cecilia was standing far alone Hollow greeted her and asked if she knew what time it was Cecilia responded that the light of the night Stones gradually flickered she thinks it is going to be morning soon H stood up but Kumi held him
by the waist and asked him to sleep more Cecilia assumes that Hollow is in what kind of relationship with her Hollow explains that Kumi cannot sleep unless she hugs something that lets her relax Hollow tries to push Kumi away from him and asks if Cecilia is leaving already Cecilia confirms that she is leaving and she thanks them for helping her out and apologizes if she has been a bother she also asks to thank Kumi Hollow agrees and asks Cecilia to take care of herself soon Kumi wakes up and asks if Cecilia has already left Hollow
hands her hot water and tells her that they need to try hard today they're sure that they will definitely find those mushrooms today Halla notices the screams of a voice calling someone and asking them to pull themselves together Hollow jumps up and realizes that it is Cecilia's voice she might be in trouble Hollow and Kumi run with lamps in their hands towards Cecilia Hollow shout and ask her what happened Cecilia sits on the ground slapping the cheeks of dark-haired guy Kai who was one of their teammates she screams and asks him to wake up K
was lying on the ground now holla was surprised to see k lying on the ground and asked what had happened to the guy Cecilia explains these are demons and there are a few scars on his body that were left by a demon his whole body is cut up there is an angry demon hiding somewhere close by in this dungeon Cecilia screams Kai's name the man begins to sigh Hollow and Cecilia were shocked to see his position Hollow tell that they had to stop the blood so he asked Cecilia to hurry and use the emergency flare
to call in some higher ups from The Guild and he asked Kumi to go and bring his stuffs a dream Kumi leave from there the employee from The Guild arrived Kai was put on a stretcher and the employed member of The Guild praised them for having called them first the member further asked them not to forget to protect themselves during the exam They Carried Kai away on a stretcher Hollow said in a state of senselessness that they are lucky that the demons did not appear against them they reached a place and noticed a heap of
Bones where the demon was dining Cecilia decides that they should vacate out of this place in any case she gets into a cream and asks Kumi and Hollow if they do not sense any kind of danger they wouldn't last very long adjourned in a demon's Nest they decided to walk in a team from that time Kumi has an empty Scabbard and is unarmed by this hollow says they should get in there first and have a look Cecilia thinks they should have to go on the hills and she agrees with them soon the guys are roaming
in the woods and Illuminating with the nearby lamps in different directions Hollow has found something and Kumi assumes that they may be the traces of a demon Hollow explains these as K's bag they don't understand what it was doing there hollow explains further that in the first it was unnoticeable because the bag was blocking the view but when Hollow was treating Kai's wounds and other injuries caught his eyes and some of the injuries that weren't made by demon but someone else left them it looked like he got them by falling off the cliffs so Hollow
immediately started wondering if there was something above on the cliff when Kumi thinks as an attacker passer by that way Hala started thinking when he was treating Kai from the back of his body that time time he couldn't understand what it was suddenly Cecilia calls Hollow and asks to come here she points down and shows them there are tracks of some kind Hollow saying them as she is correct and that looks like the base of some kind of plant Kumi asks if it's in a place like this Cecilia presents to the guys the lighting system
and tells them that the lantern serves as a light source that helps plants to grow and take shape so The Rock has become moist and has started growing mushrooms that is a phenomenon that only happens in caves that have special monsters in it Hollow and Sicilia excitedly say that these are the footprints of monsters Hollow gives Sicilia a high five and says she's right surely they are not the only ones here meanwhile the girl offers to keep searching holla thinks that these mushrooms have already been picked and only recently he assumes that Kai picked them
but in the bag of Kai he did not find anything cilia calls Kumi to look at this place Kumi says a few more Tracks Of Monsters she adds that they are so deep that it is with a thick layer of wool Hollow decides perfect just enough for two Cecilia Hollow and Kumi sit down under the tree and Hollow suggests returning to the camp they are near the Demon's nest and it is not worth wasting too much time there Cecilia says that she is going to get some water and won't take much time Hollow and Kumi
say that they possibly have a waterfront Kumi makes up her mind and says that she will go with Cecilia now because she really needs to go to the toilet Cecilia explains that she is only going to get some water and asks Hollow not to get any kind of wrong idea for her alone in the forest somewhere Hollow is left all to his own devices he saw a male body far away suddenly woodan shouts out hollow's name and says that thank God that he's fine woodan is holding his hand and Hollow thinks that he is hurt
woodan insists Hollow not to worry about him because they need to get out of here Hollow saw the wounds on Wood's Body and asked if something was wrong with him and Kai woodw starts to explain that he did not see Kai for a while as miss each other further wood one added that other than that they're in the Demon's nest and need to get out of here right away Hollow realizes that these were not the wounds a demon is going to leave but by wind magic W one asks what he's saying because he hasn't even
seen them W one explains that he is mistaken that's all in fact he inflicted these wounds on himself would one just had quietly listened this wouldn't have happen wood one pulls his wand out and grabs hollow's hand he yells and asks if he has any monster tracks ordering him to be given him Hollow questions if he would want to attack a person who has a wand unarmed wood one speaks of being such an idiot which is why he targeted him at that moment Kumi and Cecilia appear nearby the girls scream and ask what wood one
is doing Kumi shouted to release the hollow's hand and Cecilia asked what was happening and asked would one put his wand away Hollow sadly told that he was the one who pushed Kai off the cliff there were traces of wind Magic on Kai's body at its back they wouldn't be there if he was fighting a demon woodan starts to sweat and explains that he didn't want it to happen like this he just wanted to negotiate with them and so he begged Kai to design to sell him a few mushrooms so first he offers him five
gold coins then 10 golden coins Kai disagreed and told woodan that this was the fourth time woodw had not passed this exam he cannot even work hard enough next time some adventurers aspired to go on adventures Kai declined wood one to not sell him anything further Kai added that if wood one decided to take the easy way then it's better for him to go home woodw told them more after Kai's words he shouted to Kai that this was indeed his goal but he had to be an adventurer for this Kai called wood one pitiful person
and told him to stop asking for mushroom Kai angrily then hit woodan in the head Kai stopped woodan and told him to stop trying woodan turned at his bag and realized he should have done this from the beginning after that he pointed his wand at Kai's back and yelled at Kai for insulting him so he sent him flying he was just innocent enough to fall into a demon infested cave mushroom fell out of his bag and he picked it up wood one summed up the whole situation between him and Kai he is a mage of
war between them would one asks what since this is a test and not some sort of mushroom or vegetable Gathering contest he also shouted that it was wrong Cecilia asks if she knew Kai fell into the monster Nest wood Von replies that of course if he doesn't let his tongue out if he knew about everything he just had to give them to him wood one showed them the mushroom he took from Kai and told them that Kay's mushroom was fake anyway but they got the real ones Hollow saw that scale and asked if it was
fake Cecilia drops the lamp reaches down and asks if this is all there is just about the mushroom Cecilia raises her magic wand and starts using magic so stupidly causing such pain Kumi and Hollow exchanged glances at that moment Cecilia directs a water cage towards woodw through her magic wand jumi calls Cecilia and asks what she is doing Cecilia orders Kumi to go back but realizes that the hollow can be hurt as well as Hollow was near woodan at that moment wood one jumps up and Cecilia screams not to let him she orders the water
cage to catch him as woodw flies off he explains with a shout that he will cut her off and activates his magic wand wood one cuts through the water in front of him and aims to hit them and summons a wreck Hollow Dodges his attack and Cecilia tell wooden tot he won't get away he strangles and traps his opponent in a of water as he begins choking him woodan tries to catch his breath and Cecilia screams that she won't forgive him for saying that woodan was someone who threw the man into the hands of demons
Hollow realizes what's going on and yells at Cecilia that she's had enough still Cecilia didn't stop and explain that people like him don't deserve forgiveness Hollow further tries to stop her by saying that she will kill him and this is too much Cecilia doesn't stop screaming and explains that he put the injured man in danger meanwhile Hollow Falls on the ground so Kumi screams his name Hollow tells Kumi to stay because as she is now a human she is weak Kumi tries to refuse and Cecilia orders the hollow to stand out from her way because
he could get hurt Hollow doesn't move and Cecilia screams for trouble on him she asks him to step back suddenly Kumi sees this happening again a strange glow in the marks at the hollow's left hand Palm Hollow reaches out to Cecilia and says she can't kill him Hollow approached Cecilia he picks up his wand and tells her to remember Cecilia wondering if her magic is starting to fade and she doesn't understand what is going on Hollow takes the wand and asks what she promised to herself Hollow takes the magic wand from Cecilia and reminds her
that she said she wanted to be an adventurer to save people Cecilia starts getting blush and Hollow smiles and asks if that's not right woodw coughs hard and falls to the ground he tries to reach out his wand but Hollow tells him not to try he and his magic are no match for Cecilia and adding that also Kai is still alive if he thinks there is no repentance he is mistaken at that moment suddenly Hollow approaches him slowly and shouts to wooden that something is behind him suddenly a six-eyed wolf appeared behind woodan he is
coughing and frightened he glanced back menacingly but suddenly the six-eyed wolf opened his mouth wood one rushes over and screams for help meanwhile Hollow yells for Kumi to hurry up and Kumi holds out hollow's hand indicating that she is here Hollow screams to be saved and calls Kumi Cecilia doesn't understand and is surprised because Kumi has turned into a sword after holding H's hand Hollow runs up to the monster and slash in the head with his sword the water made the ground slippery Hollow deflected the monster's punches but pulled back with a shout he explains
that he can't fight well on his feet Hollow tells woodan to get up because there's no time to lose his mind Cecilia looks through clenched teeth the six-eyed wolf again returns to woodan Cecilia tells Hollow not to approach woodan the monster focuses on him she will surround himself with water to protect him Hollow escapes and asks Cecilia to take care of him Cecilia sees this as her responsibility she activates the magic and traps wood one in the water Hollow jumps up and is about to strike from above he shouts to the wolf that he has
been caught and asks to receive after which he cuts off the Monstrous head with one blow holl looks at Cecilia and woodan a girl jumps up with a wand in her birth hand and shouts that they won they killed the monster Kumi tells Cecilia not to forget to take her with them Cecilia remembers and tells Kumi they did at this point the hollow realizes that there is something behind the monster and at this point Cecilia asks Kumi who she is and what happened to her Kumi doesn't understand what she is talking about Hollow grabs a
mushroom from the monster's back after a while one of the guild employees has mushrooms in their hands and excitedly points out that this is what they needed really delicious horribly messy mushrooms holla thinks it's a mushroom That Grew on the monster's back he doesn't like to eat that mushroom which grows on the back of a monster the woman on the counter says what a shame she would have thought it would be woodan has already given the test four times but this was also their mistake in allowing them to participate in the exam with combat teenss
unfortunately he can't be an adventurer he betrayed the ideals of the adventurers anyway the employee hands Hollow and Sicilia their triangular Badges of adventurers having this will act as a pass for them and pay for many things Cecilia spots a white wolf on the batch which the employee provided them the employee of the guild explains that with hard work they can change the color of their badge further she asks to accept her congratulations because from that moment they become adventurers Hollow exclaimed in excitement as he ran outside and took the first step to become an
adventurer after some time Hollow became hungry and says he will go somewhere and with that Hollow asks Cecilia to join him but Cecilia was so silent thinking deeply Hollow asks what the matter is in Sicilia asks Hollow to be careful and from next time don't let the other people know that Kumi has turned into a sword she also added that she had heard terrifying rumors of a bloodthirsty killer lying in wait for a magic sword the corroded magic Knight Cecilia further told him that if his sword touches the person's body will begin to melt she
had always thought magic swords were a fancy fairy tale but she really never thought they existed and could be transformed into humans she realized something quite possibly Kumi is one of the rarest things ever existed the next scene unfolds as a tiny rabbit flying over the city Hollow swings his sword and puts the little horn monsters in one pile an old man the town approaches Hollow from behind and informs him that ever since the outbreak of the alarid rabbits they thought they had been for but to think that Hollow accomplished so much in Just One
Day Hollow thinks vegetables should be planted that prevent such harm to animals the old man signs the letter and man informs them that he is very nice to them Hollow sees a mountain of alarid rabbits and wants them to enjoy the cleaning the fifth day is an adventure being a white rank the boy focuses exclusively on daily tasks Hollow PS the rabbit cart that Kumi is sitted on Kumi says it's a bit like sword fighting training the types of requests are divided by classes the first layer the white layer is capable of only minor tasks
for example manual labor in fact All That Remains is for them to climb the ladder of classes and for them to gain confidence through small accomplishments the employee at the counters words that the mission is completed and confirmed so she gives them their reward additionally she added that Hollow must be working harder these days and is almost in the red class Hollow asks if it's true he was very happy and told Kumi that they will have the same spirit and take on more tasks the girl also says that as soon as they get the announcement
they will buy sweats and celebrate it the employee on the counter smiles and says it's so nice to see them moved the Strang places a package on the counter and asks Kuka if she can help him the employee agrees and the man finds out that this boy comes here often the employee asks if he's talking about Hollow the boy became the youngest Adventurer in Guild history although he may be young he was actually quite mature and Charming to tell the truth the man thought curiously this time Sicilia comes up to the hollow and asks how
they are doing Hollow replies that there is nothing else they keep accumulating accomplishments Cecilia thought so in added that she wanted to thank him for introducing her to Karen and friends she was taught a lot about running for business and also Karen promised to answer all her questions soon they will reach the red class Cecilia is open to doing the jobs she wants to do hollow asks if she is talking about these quests she is interested in choosing extermination of the orc Hideout to the west of ridwell and the extermination of the general orc after
the achievement of The Exterminating 50% of the orc's there Cecilia confirms and afterwards she added that they need to be adventurers for from Red class and above have completed Hollow asks if she wants to join Karen and Shan he believes Cecilia is best suited for the role of supporting the team if she works with them they will have a balanced team Cecilia insists that she must not talk about this but that she will think about it if invited Kumi says she doesn't seem to like the idea Cecilia yells that it's all hollow's fault and asks
the guy if he thought about teaming up with someone Hollow explains that he can't use Magic he thinks no one wants to take him where Kumi starts screaming and explains that his sword skills are no worse than magic they are strong and useful in front of them Kumi Egan says she tells him the same thing Cecilia asks Hollow not to underestimate your importance Hollow raises his hand and apologizes he says there are rumors that another magic sword Hunter has popped up recently Cecilia seems to have heard the same rumors and witnessed it too he also
learned that she was a magician who used various strange spells she continues to hurt and his body slowly begins to deteriorate until it is completely nothing Hollow asks if it's not magic Knight rotting since they don't seem to know what they're doing but they're paying attention anyway Hollow tells Kumi that this applies to Kumi as well and kindly acts with a sense of risk Kumi tells them not to worry about her because it would never occur to anyone that such a beauty could turn into one and immediately Hollow and Cecilia put their hand on kasumi's
face and ask her to calm down Cecilia explains that it's not about her Kumi blushes and smiles and scratches the back of her head outside hollow points to Cecilia and says he's glad to see her he begs Cecilia not to disappear Hollow asks Kumi if they are going back to work Kumi agrees and calls him sir after that they go deeper into the Forest Hollow fights the wind and gathers vegetables and fruits then he cleanses the city of dust and demons The Guild staff gives the guy a new badge and loudly congratulates him on being
promoted to the red class the youngest adventurer who reached the red Rank and even in such a short time the legend of hollow has begun Kumi throws himself on his hollow's back and suggest celebrating out loud Hollow says she's overreacting but thanks to her He suggests Kumi to watch the red class event the girl responds by asking if he is more excited about the opportunity to do new projects instead of celebrating a man pressing against the wall in front of him cuts off the hollow's path Hollow stops but the man puts his foot in front
of him and asks to listen to him a blonde stranger girl runs up to the man and hits him as she starts to get angry the girl hits the guy on his head she yells at the man for being angry on Hollow and calling that guy an idiot but she swears he was a very good person the other man explained that they did not want to intimidate him they just wanted to talk to hollow the man asked what the hell happened because he tried to greet him the girl angrily tells the man calls him an
idiot and explains that he argues with whoever he meets meanwhile another man kneels down in front of the hollow and tell tells him not to be afraid and asks him if he wants candy Hollow was scared and refused by saying thank him and told him he was fine Kumi comes near hollow's shoulder and then Hollow asks if they want to ask anything a strange man said and offered to join their team with a shout the other guy in the group asks how he invited him Hollow is surprised and soon the guys are standing outside on
the street and the blonde girl from the other team asks permission to introduce herself her name is Shia white she uses wind magic and protects the rear and was also responsible for the treatment the man with earrings in his ears introduces himself as a baron and is an expert in research and uses earth magic girl Shia pointed to the other guy and called him a fool the man with the blonde bangs introduces himself as rise ignal he does fire type magic in his specialty as kamay attacks but even here he is somewhat of a leader
they are all red class adventurers Hollow introduces himself to all of them and explains that he is a Swordsman with this he introduces Kumi as if she's not adventurous but immediately Kumi interrupts and hugs Holo from behind and exclaims that she was her partner Riz assumes she was a babysitter but Kumi screams again and explains she is partner the group leader says it doesn't matter that they had no reason to invite him they want to work to destroy the Orcs in ridwell Forest to the West if they win they will stand out in the Azure
category Hollow reminds him that this Mission requires at least four red rank adventurers Riz explains that it takes a while to catch up Hollow asks why because he believes someone else will join the guild Riz replied because they like him Shia told him that this meant that someone who worked hard in the guild would be identified immediately Hollow performed several tasks each day and the guild workers seemed to enjoy him and his work Riz says that he looked after him for two days they decided he could be counted among their team that is why he
is invited Hala thanks the guys for explaining that he can't use magic in battle he he carries only a sword Shia and baron immediately get up and ask him out loud rise presses his forehead against Hollows and grabs him by the shoulders saying that he is a perfect match the leader explains that Shia is the daughter of a medicine Master but is allergic to pollen so she can't touch herbs and baron is the son of a soldier but can't use Marshall magic Riz confidently states that his father is a priest but when it comes to
reading letters he absolutely zeros in on it he didn't even know the Bible very well they each have their own flock so they decided to be adventurers when the village abandoned them Riz further added that it's okay that Hollow doesn't have magic skills they will help him solve problems that he cannot solve and vice versa the leader grabs Hollow by the shoulder Riz confidently reaches out to hollow and invites him to join their team Hollow gets up and explains that he might make them feel better but since they are being invited he would be happy
to join them the guys talk about how they can't wait to work with hollow hollow soon jumped into the air and swung his sword Baron says that there are still a few monsters ahead looking at the dead Wolf Hollow asks how many hellhounds are needed Shia explains that it's about five she looks at the pile of corpses and thinks that she's had more than enough Shia asks Hollow what the hell is going on and if he's really that strong Baron says it feels like they really picked the right person who would have thought that so
many hellhounds would come to the nearby Road said Hollow adding that it was dangerous that as many wild animals as possible should be killed to make the area safer the baron wondered what force startled him Shia explains that he is in charge of the treatment while the baron does the research Riz just seems pointless the leader of the group activates the fire in his palm and explains with a shout that he can also deal with a couple of hellhounds Hollow begs not to worry because if he accidentally Burns something to work with it makes no
sense for him to do so so he tells him to just stand back and watch out Riz realizes he is absolutely right in size Baron notices that this is the first time he has heard him make such sounds RZ turns around and decides there's nothing he can do he won't bother Hollow suddenly a muscular monster appears and starts roaring causing Shia to fall to the ground but Hollow came in between with his sword Hollow kills the monster with one blow Hollow immediately goes to Shia and apologizes for losing his alertness hollow asks shiat if she
is okay picks her up from the ground and says thank God that she is safe Rez watches the action and exclaims that it was so damn cool that he feels like a failure Baron asks if they will help him solve problems that he cannot and Shia asks if there is another way around the leader asks the guys to shut up because he is a leader which means he didn't needs to contribute Shia immediately replied that Riz was uncool to which the baron also tells Riz to stop exposing them and his disgrace Hollow laughs pointing out
that he has joined a rather interesting Squad he figures to calm them down and tells the guys that Kumi likes them and this squad is fun holla just feels so much stronger living with them the the men laugh and tell Hollow to put it down and stop being arrogant covered in night the dark-haired man walks down one of the city streets a strange female voice calls out to him asking if he knew anything about the incredibly powerful sword the man asks the figure in Black which she is holding explaining that she is looking for a
sword the townsmen draw his weapons and start fighting with the girl she explains that it is a majestic Sword and the man asks her to stand still and explains that he is a war veteran despite this the Strang easily bypasses him from the side and says that it does not look like a shame she grabs the man's weapon and throws it on the floor the man begins to crumble into pieces and scream loudly they have big mountains in front of them and they are a little afraid Orcs Den a large dungeon that looks like a
layered Colony the leader of the team told them even though they have already gone so high up what is with this amount of Orcs as they got closer they saw several Orcs there with weapons in their hands that is a layered Colony dungeon in order for the team to defeat the general orc they had to go through all the layers at that point the Baron told them that the Orcs were just coming to it sheer replied that they had almost reached the top the leader of the Teen RZ ordered them to build a wall so
that they can Retreat and then the baron took his magic wand and shouted wall meanwhile Hollow asked Riz if he couldn't use his Flames to wipe them out at once to which Rez replied that it would be dangerous to use his flames in such a confined space it will put them all in danger if RZ uses his fire magic to destroy them with flames their skin will burn in the process but it is dangerous to try and Retreat on the same route they came from they are at risk with the Orcs waiting for them at
the top Riz the leader of the group told them they had no choice at that moment Hollow drew his sword and wondered if he could get the Orcs attention he could do anything himself Hollow starts running towards the Orcs and tells his teammates to leave him alone and go without him but Riz kept screaming hollow's name Hollow standing aside Of Orcs shouted on them indicating them to come here Hollow further teased Orcs by saying that they all are slow with their big bodies Hollow was planning on becoming a decoy Hollow again taunted the Orcs for
not being able to kill even a rogue fly creature at that time Baron said Hollow sucks at that Hollow staying on guard taking on this many is really bad he knows even taking on one orc is tough enough as it is the hollow is now crowded with more Orcs Hollow thinks but this should give other teammates enough time to escape if he can make a smooth path he can fight them one way it will be like one by one hollow was with them and ready to deal with the Orcs as he was about to draw
his sword he suddenly heard a loud voice saying ground armor Hollow was confused and saw Shia coming towards him he used his magic in a whirlwind meanwhile other teammates arrive Hollow was completely confused about what they were doing both Shia and baron start attacking on the Orcs and Riz also joins them with his fire magic Riz screamed as the dragon breathed and His Hands burst out flames there was a huge explosion as all three teammates manipulated their magic to destroy the Orcs Hollow saw that and just thought that extensive flame magic so that is what
this armor was for but still this really Burns this armor won't hold up for long at this point Shia shouted to RZ that the fire flames had started strong and asked if he was done afterwards he desperately requested to return to the hollow the Flames were very high but Riz continued to work his magic Hollow tried to save himself from those Flames Hollow asked everyone why and told them all right the Flames stopped and everything was fine Hollow went inside a big hole over there Baron approached the hole and helped hollow out Riz followed his
mouth and told everyone that they had somehow reached the top while Shia shouting tensely saying re name RZ told him that he was fine his throat is just really dry further Shia asked everyone that she will prepare some medicine and asked everyone if they were all right or if anyone had been burned to which the baron replied that they were all right though if they stayed longer they would turn into stone statues Hollow asked everyone why they would all do something so reckless to which RZ yelled at him for being the Reckless one calling him
an idiot Riz began to cough heavily Shia told Riz not to raise his voice and gave him some water Shia held riz's face from his hand and put some water in riz's mouth Riz stopped coughing and asked Hollow why he was trying to fight all alone Riz also claimed to be the leader of their group and if he agreed to that play earlier Hollow shouted that it wasn't that is the concept of sacrifice Riz shouted loudly indicating that the hollows didn't trust them the hollow left empty he felt guilty for making it alone RZ told
Hollow not to even try to think anymore if he thought they were comrades Hollow agreed without a word Baron approaches Hollow and calls him Pat by touching hollow's hair the hollow kindly looked at the baron and called out his name laying his hand on Hollow the Baron told him again that Hollow had always done his best however when Hollow jumped right in he really worried for him Hollow listened intently to the baron and felt wrong for doing all that Hollow apologized for bothering them Baron told Hollow that he was injured near his wrist Hollow looked
at his wrist and said he is really injured sh called to him with first aid Hollow noticed his wrist burned and told her that it is not that big of a deal though sheigh and tells Hollow that he has always fought alone until now Hollow was confused by her words she had treated Hof for a scar on his wrist and maintained that they are with him now she smiled and told him all right at all for now Hollow holds his hand wrist where Shia treated his wounds and thinks what a nice team Hollow asked Rez
to listen to him RZ turned around but suddenly at that moment something was coming towards them so rid shouted what was that something coming that is a general orc there was a huge big Orc in front of them General orc supervisors all the Orcs it is Superior in all aspects to other Orcs such as psychic intelligence and more the general orc shouted out that his army had been partially wiped out Hollow is shocked and thinks he can talk this is the first time he has seen an orc that understands human language and on top of
that it is really great the general orc stood on one side the hollow and his team on the other the general orc warned them not to think they were living this place alive at that moment Riz brought his hand in front of that orc to use his fire magic and shouted for them to fall back a large light produced towards that orc riz's hands are enlightened by the fire flames and further shouted blast thrust he fired up a big blast towards the general orc and leaves a big explosion over there hollow was shocked to see
that suddenly Hollow came near Riz and pulled him aside to protect him from the fire flames as the general orc dodged the fire attack on him Hollow pulled Riz aside and shouted to watch out the general orc holding a weapon in his hand he was not even haunted a little by those firef Flames there was a lot of smoke around the general orc RZ and Hollow fall behind Ray was shocked to see that his flame hadn't even touched that orc this guy uses armor of dying Flames to think an orc has a rarity behind him
Shia shouted that he had stolen from other adventurers Riz then asked Hollow if he could destroy the armor Riz offered to help Hollow and told him to leave Hollow shouted confidently to leave it to him Hollow ran with all his might towards the general orc Riz warned Hollow not to accidentally run into his attack to which Hollow replied not to worry about it as he could avoid them and told Riz to just shoot away Riz replied even if Hollow says that it scares him Hala was now standing in front of the general orc with his
sword meanwhile Riz and Shia show up to the general Orcs with their magic wand in hand shouting and using fire arrows and Tailwind magic Hollow leaps into the air with all his might and strength swinging his sword at the general orc meanwhile Shia and Riz were working their magic towards the general Orcs behind them Hollow after swing the sword towards the general orc and it starts falling the general orc exclaimed that he was too strong for a human Hollow landed safely on the ground in some distance from that General orc Hollow told Riz to up
his magic and be ready the hollow leaps towards the general orc with full force and again tries to attack the general orc with his sword the general orc shouted angrily that he would soon break that Shield the general orc attacked on Hollow with his full power which results in pushing Hollow behind other teammates shouted hollow's name but somehow Hollow managed to land safely the general orc shouted on Hollow getting quite cocky for humans like him this type of Shield is just for show he also asked Hollow how it was now is he now satisfied the
general orc shouted loudly that Orcs are born as Warriors from the very beginning like they did ever be crushed by worms who use magic Hollow was still standing in front of him then the general orc raised his weapon holding in his hand and shouted move out calling Hollow his Brethren the scene unfolds with Shack where Shia is angrily shouting on Hollow that he has totally burned himself calling him a fool he lies back on the bed with the bandages all over his back Hollow is crying lying on the bed and apologizing Riz excitedly comments that
he's glad they got back to the end before the storm to which Baron told he was able to complete the quiz so quickly and thanked Hollow but the baron was really surprised Hollow agrees in size he began to think asking what could happen he doesn't really have confidence in himself he couldn't really use magic but while he was concentrating on his swordsmanship he suddenly realized he could cut through magic as well it was amazing like he did that Hollow would dig deeper into the reasons behind it but since it's so easy right now it's whatever
he seems to be working on Riz said that if he knew that Riz was thinking of an ability to shatter sorcery or so of aend says Hollow confused and Shia asked if Hollow knows tales of the Brave hero about 600 years ago an ominous Demon King and his minions suddenly appeared plunging the world into chaos but then a hero emerged with the power to slice through magic with that extraordinary skill he decimated the King in his army restoring balance to the world Riz said the hero's power is known as magical damage a fairly familiar story
Hollow thinks he knows he also believes that the hero's name is Wilfred vermilia it is spread in the province of asbel because it comes from the vermilia family but still Hollow holds his head and with a fake smile tells them he just can't believe he has the power they know he has dug up that myth likee crazy Shai replied clearly that it could be absolutely true this world exists with with extraordinary power just through magic and Beyond Hollow asked about that extraordinary power Riz interrupted and called out Shia's name which Shia said she knew and
told Hollow that it is best if he heads back to the Inn it is getting late Hollow agreed Riz said he heard the storm was brewing so it was wise to get back before it started raining Hollow agreed with him while Hollow was heading out Riz also told him that tomorrow once they had collected their Bounty at the guild they would discuss what would happen next Hollow moved ahead down towards the stairs and Kumi tell that it had a hint of something H replied he won't pry there are plenty of things he can't talk about
either a man in the reception room asked Hollow what it was why is he not staying here to which Hollow replied that he had already set his tab elsewhere Hollow dressed like a cloak and moved outside of the shack Hollow felt the strong wind outside the man at reception appeared to close the door as Hollow left but told Hollow that ridwell has sometimes been swept away by storms at this time but that if the sword master was around they should be safe from danger since all the shops are closed today it would be wise to
return before they close Hollow turned holding his head because of storm and told him he will do just that H starts walking forward on the street saying that he camped last night he wants to sleep on the bed that Kumi said she also suddenly Hollow became very terrified Kumi said she felt a strange Aura Hollow asked about the presence jumi told him that her whole body was tingling something dangerous lies nearby Hollow starts moving jumi tells Hollow to be careful suddenly Hollow saw a person in front of him wearing a shack just like him Hollow
was horrified to see the person the person begins to crumble into pieces Hollow asked the person who this person is the person smiled devilishly and said Hollow got the fancy sword on the spot Hollow thinks this could be the demon sword Hunter Cecilia mentioned Hollow started searching the hallway the person told Hollow how embarrassing it was it felt like they had an unwanted guest this time the Hollow jumped through the wall but Kumi told him not to go too far jumping up there hollow claimed to stumble over a clumsy opponent the two guards behind the
hollow warned him to not dare to move and called Hollow a knight further asked him what he is doing here and calling him a corrupted sword master after listening Hollow became very angry they were told to just throw the weapons aside he explained that he only heard the commotion and rushed up to the wall the guard asked Hollow to show in his hand Hollow agreed and said he looked suspicious but saw no blood on him the guards also told Hollow to lower his weapon and show his hand Hollow menacingly agreed telling them he is putting
his weapon away the guards warned Hollow not to muscle in and pull any funny trick they were asking him to surrender his weapon at that point jumi told him to put down his bow Hollow then said there was no way the guards there question what he said suddenly the hollow cried out that this sword is his very Soul he added that no suspect would ever drop it no matter who ordered it the guards took their magic wands in their hands and told Hollow to get ready the guards struck Hollow with their magic wand Hollow countered
that magic with the help of the sword the guard was surprised to see it and said that they had not the attack has been thwarted The Defenders don't move and they hit hard Kumi asked Hollow why and Hollow replied that although his suspicions were clear he couldn't let that damn sword fall into someone else's hands hearing the hollow's words Kumi felt emotional as she called out the hollow's name the guards constantly attacked Hollow with their magic wands and Hollow tried to dodge those attacks as Hollow tried to run away from the guards the guards suddenly
appeared in front of hollow hollow is trying to tell the guards that they see the corrosive sword take that fend he calls them a case of folable humans Hollow keeps running to avoid the attacks guards kept firing the cannon rallying the troops and told Hollow saying him Knights and keep his sword in check and don't go swimming around the streets the guards confronted the hollow and decided to arrest him saying the hollow had a escaped at that moment the hollow came at the guards with great speed and jumped up from top of the guards the
guards were taken aback by the action in which one guard said what in the world is like that and the other guard said don't just stand there in awe and ordered them to move don't let him run away the guy uses his sword to deflect magic at that point Hala falls on the ground is saww a big wall in front of him Kumi told him that it is a dead end they seem to have no choice but to fight Hollow said he really wanted to stay out of the Dual with the Knights at this point
Hollow heard the guard's voice searching for the hollow as they just turned that corner Hollow was terrified and told Kumi that she might have to get a little rough Hollow grabbed the sword and threw it at the wall screaming for Mercy Kumi was confused by his actions the blade plunged into the wall Kumi said what a terrible idea to come up with Hollow starts running towards the wall and jumps over the wall and yells at Kumi to which Kumi replies to leave it on as Hala was about to grab the sword she turned into a
girl and held hollow's hand the girl jumped off the wall and transformed back into a sword the guards were shocked to see this one of the Guard said he was just turning that corner where the other guard asked if they had finally rounded their Corner the guard said he wasn't here and indicated he was on top of the Hut overlooking the guards one of the guards said he must be joking even with wind magic such Heights cannot be cleared the hollow above told Kumi that the only way seemed to be to jump over the walls
and paus for her to which Kumi replied that she gets this is another night under the stars for them then the hollow jumped from the other side of the wall and said that the cursed sword master would no longer roam with him Hollow started running and got scared suddenly he was attacked and somehow managed to jump away Hollow was sitting on the ground and a strong storm occurred Hollow shouted who was going there suddenly a lot of smoke occurs in front of him throughout the smoke the shadow of the corpse was shown telling the hollow
that he had dodged his attack Hollow was completely confused wondering what that incredibly large pressure was the shadow of his body appeared holding a sword The Voice appears that he had crossed paths with Hollow wild dispatch for storm Duty looks like he's running out of luck doomed swordmaster the hollow tensley believe that he is so overwhelmed by the loudness that he cannot even speak this guy is no ordinary foe the person in front of the hollow told him that her job was to protect the people of this Earth and to eliminate anything that threatened human
life the woman was seen wearing a tall and glorious Shack like suit with long hair and a sword in her hand she introduces herself as Valentine Ashcroft 14th sword saint of the prestigious order of Royal Knights this is the sword of the Nations rising to the challenge Hala wonders if kensai is a sword Saint thinking of how the bad situation has worsened hollow told her that it was a misunderstanding he is not the one who corrupts the sword the sword Saint asked what that is quite the young one and a boy is it the sword
Saint also told Hollow that the reporter said the woman was a blade owner to which Hollow asked if he said it was a case of mistaken identity the sword Saint laughed and said there was no way he was going to miss her based on such a sloppy verification Hollow thought carefully the sword Saint also told Hollow if he was making fun of the knights if he is innocent accept the question running away means he has something to hide Hala thinks so if the knights investigate they can reveal his true identity and if the Vermilion find
out there will be real trouble above all he can't let anyone know he's holding a Dan sword for now the only option is to escape it's sad that he'll at least say Kumi the sword Saint smiled devilishly and said that was a total surprise Hollow really thinks he can get away with it the following shall be tightly bound they two face each other and begin to fight out with their swords as he fights Hollow has been thrown out he couldn't handle it they are continuously fighting with swords swinging their swords at each other Hollow tried
his best to dodge her attack but the sword Saint was fighting with all her power as at this point the sword Saint swung the sword hard at Hollow causing Hollow to push back but he somehow managed to land on the ground meanwhile Hollow thinks he hesitated to block it with the one-handed sword even from a crouched position the strength at their core slices with Relentless tenacity the strikes were a testament to their refined balance and power Hollow also believes that his blow outweighs that of any orc by Miles thinking of the sword Saint as a
monster with such vast combat experience it is quite impossible to escape any favor at that moment it started to rain the sword Saint asked if the atmosphere had just changed holla thinking deeply and with an evil grin The Sword Saints said this is great fun sword Saints said she is personally intrigued and she made up her mind she will reveal his name after all the sword Saint raised her sword and said she would arrest him and force him to reveal his master's name their duel ends here from now on his battle is with magic sword
man the sword Saint pointed her sword at Hollow and asked him to give it all back suddenly the sword Saint strikes with her sword which the hollow tells her how far she is willingly to go for him it was raining heavily Hollow tries to dodge her attack but falls back now the battle was more intense Hollow does his best to avoid her attack sword Saints said absolutely fantastic immediately considering its skill sensitive reaction speed even soldiers cannot use their swords so gracefully Hollow responds positively and to be honest he would love to be with a
sword master like her he needs to be pumped for a attack the hollow told her that he no longer had the treasure sword Saint smiled and told Hollow what's wrong if he wasn't paying attention how he feels like that is the real edge of the sword the sword Saint attacks the hollow with her magic from various angles with the hollow jumping up and intercepting all of her attacks the sword Saint rushed off and told Hollow that he was indeed dang the poth hold super pass is her wildest idea and incredible technique she has never witnessed
before is that sword for real the sword Saint further told him it has been ages since she had this much fun referring that she found hollow hollow and sword saints were fighting and the guards came and shouted to look there there was the sword Saint whom the other guards called a fool if they fought the sword Saint the guard took their magic wand in their hands and aimed at the hollow they were joining forces with the sword Saint and fired on the hollow such an act shocked the sword Saint there were several Fireballs near the
hollow where the hollow jumped up and dodged them all at once with his sword fir spray began to fall and heavy rain began to fall the attack doesn't even touch Hollow and Defenders wonder if their attack was just empty the sword Saints shouted wouldn't they dare intervene they were no match for the hollow this was her fight to knock down her opponent the sword Saint took her blade and with this action the guards were frightened Those whom one of the guards told him that this was wrong would be arrested and ordered to return another guard
asked what on Earth was going on to which the guard replied unobtrusively that he didn't know the Lord of Swords was a master of storm magic who cleared a huge storm two years ago it was then that the sword Saint began casting her strong magic and a violent storm began in heavy rain the guard asked if that was just a rumor the sword Saint told them that it was okay the sword Saint was here again this year to prepare for the storm she pointed to the giant storm above them and told them that the sky
there goes wild it comes down and not only does she not clear the storm but she absorbs it the sword Saint continued to work her magic saying that this was a rare opportunity to show her full power against a human thinking of how hollow will react to it Hollow said strong magic has been for years he has seen this colossal spell from Ms Hollow enthusiastically told the sword Saint how interesting Magic The Art of Witchcraft to which Kumi replied that this was no time for daydreaming Hollow said that when the chips are down he just
wants to run away with nothing but a handful of Stardust Kumi asked what he was talking about Hollow just wasn't someone he could lose the hollow believed that magic is a wonderful gem a testament to the wisdom and insight of their ancestors but sadly the gods did not give him that gift instead Kumi handed him her gift their Crystal spirit and Relentless training sword art is the art of cutting Hollow confidently stated that sword St Valentine would rise to the challenge with this blade to which sword Saint exclaimed for how fun and exciting it was
to ask Hollow what he got and let him Bear all that he is and Shine the sword Saint activates her magic saying Dragon storm slash unleash the storm of the Dragon with that Al large Dragon appeared in front of hollow the dragon was so powerful that the entire Sky there turned black the dragon shot a huge Fireball at the hollow hollow was trying his best to avoid the attack as he flew through the air he used all his strength but could not avoid it meanwhile Kumi shouted hollow's name the sword Saint was happy to see
him Hollow was on the verge of losing he hoped that even the gods could lose the truth under the Moonlight if there is a second chance he wants another Destiny the sword Saint was saying farewell to Hollow calling him swordmaster but suddenly Hollow jumps through the dragon and uses his glowing claws the power of the sword to knock the dragon down three times seeing that the sword Saints and guards they were shocked and at that moment a lot of fireworks began covering the sky showing a beautiful view of Night fireworks the guard over there said
awesome and asked if they had seen that to which the other guard was amazed and asked what just happened a guard told the master Swordsmen what is this the sword Saint had taken him down the sword Saint told how it appeared to be perfectly honest the great magic seemed to have disintegrated and dissolved in the Mist the guardian said the sword Saint told as she was assessed seeming to use her magic as a stepping stone to escape the sword Saint declared that she had stopped her magic with her sword he was quite Brave guards said
they would continue to investigate and follow up the sword Saint was pleased with this that to slice through magic the blade of magic Severance Hollow somehow managed to escape and made it to safety Kumi told the hollow that it was strange for her to withstand such an attack to which the hollow replied that he imagined he couldn't do anything he added that he could think of using the attack to jump over the walls once more suddenly Hollow wasn't feeling well so Kumi asked if he was okay he seemed to be in pain and their nearby
end was not available Hollow began vomiting large amounts of blood he fell to the ground and began to feel very low Kumi asked if he was kidding and shouted hollow's name they reached the base of Riz and his team Kumi started knocking on their door as everyone went upstairs the baron approached the door and asked if anyone was going there at this late hour to which Kumi replied that Hollow is in critical condition Baron and Shia were puzzled when they opened the door and found Kumi carrying Hollow on her back they laid Hollow down on
the bed in critical condition the team member asked what on Earth happened with the hollow and Hollow replied he had some trouble with the Knights when he returned taking a direct hit from the saint of Swords Riz asked about the sword Saint as well as how ited happened Shia examined Hollow and mentioned that there weren't any significant external injuries indicating it could be an internal problem hollow's breathing is shallow and he is in critical condition Hollow was about to faint so everyone there asked if he was all right and Hollow asked why Riz and others
were here Kumi said he actually came all the way here Hollow asked surprisingly and of course he unconsciously leaned against Riz and his legs just led him here Riz Shia and baron were confused Hollow further told them that he is okay and he is just sleepy so ask them to let him rest a little to which Kumi shouted no way and asked to get a grip Shia told Kumi that if she really wanted to help the hollow she would have to swear that she would never tell what she was about to find out Kumi vowed
to swear something and asked if the hollow could actually be saved to which Shia said she couldn't promise at that time Shia took her magic wand and said if this power can save him then yes she activates her magic to heal and Rise a great light began to gather in her w Hollow opened his eyes and stood up Hollow said the pain subsided and asked Shia what she was doing Shia happily told him that there are wonderful powers in this world that go beyond magic this is the power of witches she embraced it she carries
the witch blood that the baron asked the witch inside her Hollow said they disappeared several years ago sh said it was right about that centuries ago witches were feared for their power and haunted down they claim that the bloodline has been severed but that is not the truth the The Witches have quietly hidden away continuing to pass on their bloodline and claiming that she is their descendants Hollow is surprised by this and says how it is an amazing ability to heal wounds with this ability she really needs to get herself used to it Riz said
but the witch's power can't stop there witches can amplify their magic through rigorous training if the child born is a girl she can pass her magic down to their children Hollow panicked and asked to wait so it makes sense Riz said that if their magic was enriched over Generations they could un leash the unimaginable power that the hollow answered and that was why witches were so feared that they persecuted them he asked to hold on for a second and asks why he tells them such a dangerous secret if this statement is true if more people
knew about the existence and power of a witch Shia will surely be prayed upon by those who covet his greatness this is a matter of life and death for Shia both Riz and Shia glare at each other and Riz asks Hollow if he wants to stand by them on this a journey to destroy the power of witches begged to lose witch power Shia said she wants to use this power for the benefit of others but her future child could face cruelty Baron said that in a world thriving on Magic just having Shia power can spell
danger Shia sigh and says that she wants to be able to choose to be free of this power Riz told them that's why they were traveling to find the blood Sage who knew the way Kumi claims to be a living legend who has seen the world for centuries since the time of the demon king and hero that one might just know the secret behind H's magic destruction power Hollow asked as she was talking about him suddenly a voice starts coming from the window when they looked down from the window guards were asking if there was
any Night Hollow told Kumi that he thought he couldn't stay in this town anymore Hollow then said to Riz that he would accompany them to meet the sage of blood and advise them to continue the journey with just their team Kumi thinks the witch is blood that can pass down the immense magical power of descendants if this strength becomes public knowledge Shia will be snatched up by the nobility they might reduced to Mere tools forced to beat children just to harvest that power she's child would then be nothing more than a pawn in their power
gains facing the same fate at their new home this is still a relatively mild scenario she fura thinks to herself what if she got caught by a slavery she can't even bear to think about it Hollow asked about a power that can heal he wonders what kind of energy powers this Force Kumi says it starting that is the basic idea of the modern understanding of magic for which Shia explains that mobile magic uses natural forces and can be accessed by anyone which craft abilities are special gifts given through a particular lineage but magic is just
a trick that mimics the powers of witches born long ago Hollow asked wondering if that was really true the sorcerer's powers are an improved version of the original magic source so that means which powers can do healing that magic can't before magic humans were the weakest of all species with the birth of sorcery humans finally gained the ability to compete with other species the power of witches is Central to the development of human history Hollow also asked how they could be completely unknown there may be many Secrets hidden there as well the hollow said excitedly
that he had to meet the blood Sage soon Kumi grabbed hollow's shoulder and told him to calm down saying that is enough for today Hollow said he needs to sleep better at night Riz felt sleepy and told Kumi and Hollow to just stay over here at night Baron inquired about the bed and then Riz and baron settled on one bed giving their other bed to Hollow Kumi and Shia were sharing a bed for sleeping at the same time Kumi was feeling uneasy because she simply wanted to Cozy up next to the Restless Hollow at that
moment Shia woke up and went outside Kumi sees this and follows her Shia looked up at the sky and Kumi came behind her and asked Shia if she couldn't sleep Shia confessed to Kumi about her inability to shake off her wakefulness and feeling buzzing this marked the first time she had opened up to someone other than Riz and the others Kumi then called out Shia's name and questioned why Shia chose to share her secret with her Hollow Maya fought on the same team but never said a word Shia said Kumi fought them Kumi asked her
about her secret and she had told her that she knew everything Kumi asked angrily why Shai began sharing that during the initial night of battling General Oak when Hollow fell asleep the three of them were having a chat their teammates advised Shia to go to bed early and get some rest while Hal was sleeping with his sword in the middle of the night Shia woke up and saw the sword transformed into Kumi Shia pulled Kumi aside when she was half asleep and expressed that if they were ever caught off guard and stunned she would have
reverted back to the sword Shia mentioned that until then Hollow Converses with his sword and refers to it with a woman's name she thought about how lonely and isolated Hollow seemed to be Kumi and Shia burst into laughter Kumi said to Shia that if Hollow discovers what happened she'll be in deep trouble Kumi couldn't believe she transformed turned back into a person while half asleep Shia assured Kumi that she wouldn't tell anyone about it Kumi said that Shia is like her own stuff both are keepers of Secrets Shia maintained that she had decided to stop
living in Hidden fear being in the outside world it takes courage to be able to trust others Kumi approached Shia took her hand and mentioned that Shia has a talent for understanding people Kumi reassured Shia that she would protect her along with Hollow they shared a moment of Happiness as they exchanged glances the next day they all raised their badges saying the level up to the Azure rank up to new heights Riz excitedly mentioned that they captured the prize for taking down the general Oak so let's hit breakfast while they picture their next big adventure
Karen and Cheyenne were coming towards them tensely shouting hollow's name Hollow was happy to see them he began to tell them that he had been promoted to the Azure rank Karen grabbed Hollow by the shoulder and shouted who cares about this nonsense she also yelled at him that he was now a wanted criminal behind him shy showed him a flyer everyone over there looked at that paper on that flyer a figure was printed resembling Hollow with red hair bright red carrying a sword average height a teenager and a reward for capturing someone the key figure
and the sword master of the corruption slashing incident Hollow became very terrified after seeing that flyer and read that described someone using a bizarre technique to slice magic with a magic sword Hollow said it must be about him Karen was screaming loudly on the hollow about what he was doing on Earth telling him that the soldiers distribute leaflets throughout the city adventurers are gunning for this too he better stay away from the guild Hollow thinks ominously that he's so glad he stopped by the guild before the news broke Riz said in a situation like this
hold on with no other option he ordered them to lead the city immediately Hollow wore his cloak and said is bad Karen and cheyen saw a few people coming towards them Karen told them a messenger from the knight's order had arrived while they hold them off Hollow and the team Escape they start running out of town Hollow holding Kazumi's hand Hollow stepped back and thanked them both he also told them when they saw Cecilia to please tell her about it Karen excitedly tells him that she paid the debt and cheyen tells him to stay safe
Karen and cheyen begin to distract the messenger there meanwhile hollo and his team Escape there are many people in this city Hollow and his team were leaving the city at the time Hollow turned back and thought of ridwell City first Kumi tells Hollow to leave which Hollow agrees Hollow asked his teen where they were going next next to which R replied that that was what they were supposed to be doing telling them about the capital orthus Hollow smiled and told orthus and began to think that n Sarah would be sure to rock up at her
place when they reached the capital he also believes that the palace capital is home to Sarah's teachers residence and her brother alur's night Brigade and he did not forget brother quen's Royal education Kumi asked the sage of blood Kumi size placing her hand on her stomach and saying that she feels all fuzzy and lost about that name it seems to linger and sink into her mind Hollow thinks yes it is definitely better than the throat Hollow smiles and tell speaking of which they haven't eaten anything since morning Riz replied that they forgot to find people
let's find some food first Riz happily agreed with Hollow they all sit down together and start eating after a while they start moving forward towards their destination they reached a gate and crossed it where they reached a large city Shia pointed to the town and asked them to look at the bustling post town it looks like it can be done before sunset in that area once they reach that Village next time they take a horse they all are very happy in heading towards the village Hollow was being happy suddenly a voice tell that she found
Hollow and then a woman with long hair and a large sword ran towards them they were all scared and confused the woman attacks Baron and Shia once with her sword and also Cuts Ray's wrist Hollow saw the handcuffs fall from Ray's waist in front of him Hollow was shocked and Kumi screamed hollow's name at that moment the unconscious bubbles begin to be obtained in Riz Shia and baron where they are cut down by the woman's sword Kumi holds hollow's hand as she repeats Hollow name Hala threatened to ask if she was a corrupt swordmaster and
the woman laughed at him and said that she had no idea but that she did when it came to hunting for mythical swords holding hollow's hand Kumi turned into a sword the one in front of the hollow tells him that she holds a magic sword just like him identifying herself as Lydia and further asked Hollow about his little magic sword and she is definitely going to take it the two began to fight each other with their swords Hollow shouted angrily not to mess with him Kumi told Hollow to not lay a finger on the sword
of corruption on the other hand Riz Baron and Shia were struggling with their wounds Shia shouted that there was no way corruption was spreading Hollow thinks he was that stupid Cecilia warned him of the danger he covered everyone with chaos Riz was behind the woman trying to attack her but then the woman turned turned around and called RZ an idiot and fired arrows at RZ Riz was badly injured when he was attacked by a woman the woman smiled and told RZ that his hair was signed if it were his dominant hand he would be in
real trouble Hollow angrily screamed at women don't she dare lay a hand on his friends face him instead she laughed and said it wasn't Perfect by any means because they woved together love friendship relationships it will turn into a bubbling gooey mess of nothing it's not nice to ask Hollow Hollow screamed what in the world she was and asked for her identity Hollow also wondered why she was after a magic sword the woman replied if Hollow don't know that when he gathers all nine magic swords something truly marvelous happens they are the oraron cult a
delightful friend with plans to resurrect the Dark Lord oraron she doesn't really do that in the Demon Lord on the other side the baron painfully called Shia to which Shia told she is going to tentacles him right now Baron screamed in pain that forgot about him and just used her healing magic sha was confused and began to think that the witch's power might just work as a Healer but the witch's power was so strong that it could drain her magic she can't continuously use it Shia also thinks Baron knows that too she can only use
this once she can only save one person Shia became very Panic thinking who was referring to help them Hollow asked the woman about the dark lord and what she was talking about Hala thinks it has nothing to do with Riz and the others he must save them quickly it's his fault there in this mess he cannot think clearly they must be rescued immediately with no one else able to move luring this guy away to a spot where everyone is safe from Magic is their best bet Riz screened hollow's name sha was very worried to see
Riz in that condition Riz said he is the leader of this crewp he was the one who brought Hollow into this crew and ordered to quit that frowning he further said it's not just his responsibility they all pitch in for one another that's their party Hollow worriedly took riz's name Hollow side and confidently told everyone to hang in tight the woman smiled devilishly Hollow also said he would wrap this up in no time the woman laughed and said it was absolutely fabulous this is topnotch and was exactly how it should be she also said that
she would close that unwavering spiritual heart breaking it in that moment she was mesmerized by Pleasure your pleasure Kumi told Hollow to be careful the woman can easily wield a great sword and is an insane authoritarian H really thinks Lydia's Arrow serves no purpose she is just having a blast playing with people the bodies of Riz Baron and Shia slowly turn into foam the woman said that this was where the real show began called the hollow sweetheart and then asked him to show her the power of his magic sword Hollow was Furious now now he
dodged the woman's onslaught of rifles and mud cannons Hollow asked Kumi if they Clash he won't just melt away to which Kumi replied she refuses to be defeated by a sword that is just bait and bulky she added that it was very important to take care of him with that cursed cut he turned into a foam and broke out of the wound Hollow said no way if just a scratch can turn things to foam a light and slender sword will be just fine he gambled to trigger that jump telling Kumi to land the deadly blow
the woman said the energy he felt was great but if he ran around he would just Tire himself out the hollow was ready to attack and ordered Kumi to get ready then holl ran full force towards the woman and cracked open with his sword splashing with his sword saying soil spear ground Javelin both blades collided the woman was a little confused and thinks that's super fast and his strength is just amazing for a kid Hollow then splashed the sword with both Rock explosions and thick foul air the woman exclaimed that that cursed sword could rebel
against magic that's incredible now she absolutely craves it Hala then asked Kumi what exactly Lydia was saying when she mentioned the power of the magic sword to which Kumi showed no answer Hala then thought with a smile Clueless the woman asked Hollow if it wasn't the magical sword's power to absorb spells Hollow measures devil listener the woman also said that seriously she didn't think that because she was a magic sword she could be human the woman then told Hollow to get ready she goes to show her the true power of the magic sword the sword
the woman is holding begins to foam the woman told to call it corrosion is utterly outrageous her magic is a mystical darling that melts everything into a 40 Delight after a while the woman's sword turned into quite a foam and she told that her little bubble wanted to be friends with him he was about to attack Hollow Kumi manipulated Hollow to tell him to be careful Baron on the other hand has been very critical with Shia worriedly calling Baron's name at that point Riz saw the situation and tried to attack the women with Fireballs the
woman said no way that kids done for with those injuries the foam will eat away at them in no time she added that Hollow may walk small on his feet but now he carries the weight of three lives she will turn that tension into a swirling mess for him like heat suddenly the woman aimed her sword towards Hollow and said bog down in the muck Hollow then becomes terrified seeing that and he thinks of the wide- ranged magic of the dark arts they'll all get into that Quagmire if they keep doing it on the other
side The Baron's whole body was about to be covered in foam but suddenly he picked up his magic wand from the ground and said trailblazing fortification Baron told holl he would set up a foot stool and not worry about them put that thing down with Baron's magic the hollow moved forward with more energy and said he would be there in a moment to hang tight until then Shia took Baron's name who told her to quickly use her healing and make a run for it Hollow keeps him busy and she has to escape herself Baron's face
was completely Frozen and he told Shia it was only a matter of time before she drowned in the mud he can't hold his support much longer Shia sadly thinks she is the one running away is she leaving everyone to fight Baron further said he wants that for both him and Riz and not to blame Hollow he begged her to do so he just wants them to live and find happiness Shia asked seriously as she cried she has always known deep down as she lived like a shadow in the village an outsider in her own skin
Baron was always there as his Vigilant bodyguard Shia took his magic wand and apologized she wept bitterly and apologized to the baron Shia stood up with a magic wand in both hands causing a great glow and said that Baron had always been her protector so why did he leave her unprotected on the other hand hand the woman told Hollow there is a huge gap in the back suddenly after the woman attacked Hollow he was pushed behind and saw that the ground had vanished beneath him Hollow wonders what a monster with such physical Powers but sadly
her guide can no longer lift a finger Hollow tensely thinks of Baron the woman smiled and told Hollow that his ability to cancel magic was interesting he is absolutely ridiculous as a cursed belt and told him to watch closely now thus the power of the magic sword of invincibility is released the woman ran towards the hollow with all her might Hollow somehow managed to avoid the attack but was hit in the leg by the woman's sword Hollow shivered and remembered the muddy swamp as bubbling and churning the woman said her precious bubbles could dissolve anything
she will take her time tormenting him from here she further asked if he fused the traits of the Earth Magic with those of the enchanted sword the woman further used her magic on Hollow saying trailblazing fortification due to which Hollow was covered with a lot of attack Hollow tried his best to hold it in which the woman said was incredibly strange but how long could they keep this up Hollow thinks he's barely holding out if this continues a fatal blow is inevitable the woman was about to attack on the hollow again saying that life is
fleeting and ephemeral which makes it even more beautiful the woman laughed loudly and said Fizz in Scatter like bubbles the hollow was shocked by what he saw and suddenly he was attacked violently he was unable to do anything and was about to be fully covered with her magic then a voice King Phoenix arrow wings of the flame Emperor suddenly all of the woman's magic disappeared Hollow saw Riz coming towards him Riz asked Hollow if he was okay and told to lead the backup for him Hollow saw that Riz was fine and thinks the erosion from
the corrosive foam had disappeared Riz somehow able to attack women with Fire magic Hollow took his sword and moved forward at that moment Baron used his trailblazing fortification and claimed that he was stuck in the swamp like rise Baron was also recovered and asked this hollow if they were both all right Kumi told that Shia is using her healing magic at that point Shia was about to save them her magic her life she wants to throw everything away in this life and then sh shout what is the point of the power of a witch such
strength sh used her magic wand seen in the sky above Kumi told Hollow that Shia use any more power she is pushing her limits Hollow asked if it was dangerous the woman was attacked with Fireballs to which she screamed that her face her body was scarred she screamed how dare he leave her marks hent shouted at the woman that the pain was just a word compared to the weight of life he had trampled on to which the woman screamed she won't forgive him calling him a brat Hollow further screamed he is right there with her
the woman warned Hollow to get ready the woman ran into the hollow and Hollow held his sword and told her to come out Lydia he also told her to bring this war to a great end the woman used her magic towards Hollow saying unleash the chaos Hollow was confidently armed with his sword his magic touching and he made a circle around it letting dance in a whirlwind of Joy he successfully dodged her attack and the woman fell to the ground and said she couldn't stand it living on in such an ugly way asking to wrap
this up Hollow realized it was much easier to just pull over and fight and survive then she will truly understand the burden of Life the woman fell to the ground Kumi ran to Shia and shouted her name and baron held Shia and told her that it was all over Reay and him are safe and sound Hala was holding RZ in his arms Kumi exclaimed looking at the nonchalant thing to do Baron held Shia and Shia said thank goodness they are both safe Kumi says Shia's wounds are already healing to which Shia starts saying when she
used her healing she thought she would help them by losing something it's like something has exploded inside her Kumi said it's not surprising that when she's in a pinch unexpected powers can come out Shea saying she feels like she's being protected Hollow holding RZ came near them and said Bound by Blood for six centuries thanking to countless witches Riz said happily that they actually got through it Shia smiled and said it was the team that led them to Victory Riz Shia Baron Hollow and Kumi all sat down and said they were all United they fought
for their comrades together they won this fierce battle
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