A young woman posed as an orderly in her own clinic…when the head doctor accused her of theft she

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Life Narrated
A young woman posed as an orderly in her own clinic…when the head doctor accused her of theft she
Video Transcript:
Hazel Carson alighted from the cab waiting for the driver to get her bags for her she didn't plan that she was going to be coming back here for this reason of all times to come back here her father decided to let go of this world in thickest time of cold winter she hated it more than anything even more now than ever she felt a light tap on her forearm causing her to shake out of her long train of thoughts Miss are you all right the driver asked asked looking concerned nodding she handed the fair to
him and grabbed her bags I'm all right thank you not paying him any attention anymore she began to walk up to the porch of the house she had lived in for 18 years of her life it wasn't like she wanted to care one bit about her father's death she just couldn't leave it either her father was still the man who sang her lullab to bed and made her hair in a bun because she asked when the call came in for her to come over she felt numb all over it took a while before she was
able to snap out of it Hazel stepped onto the porch and a wave of nostalgia washed over her everything looked exactly as she'd left it the same worn wooden boards polished to a soft Sheen by years of footsteps her father's old rocking chair sat empty yet still seemed to hold his presence as if waiting for him to return and resume his gentle swaying she was surprised that it was still this way because Mia liked everything modern in the house she raised her hand to knock when the door was suddenly opened Mia her stepmother was still
clad by her night robe which hung Loosely around her shoulders her hair looked so silky as tendrils fell forward on her face oh it's you oh Hazel threw her a questioning glance were you expecting someone else she looked behind her to see if anyone was coming but there was no one don't mind me come in she said stepped backwards giving Hazel room to carry her bags but not offering assistance in any way for someone who just lost her husband Mia looked like she was having the best time of her life finally decided to show up
huh Mia had her back to her as she closed the door well make yourself at home again Hazel heaved a sigh doing her best to keep her mouth shut she had done that before so she was still capable of doing it again as expected Mia hadn't changed one one bit my room Mia turned to face her and Shrugged I'm sure you still remember how to walk there Hazel watched as Mia went over to the kitchen humming a funky sound Mia didn't look like someone who just lost a husband she looked like someone who was ready
to have fun besides we all handle grief differently she muttered to herself carrying her bags in the direction of her old room the sight she met made her jaw fall the room was a disaster on its own all cluttered with several bags and Dusty as the Sahar and desert how could you just leave my room like this Mia Hazel asked as soon as she got to the kitchen Mia slowly took another spoon of the ice cream she was taking and Shrugged you left it not me clean it up yourself maybe if you came home once
in a while it wouldn't be like this but no you were too busy with your own life Hazel's anger flared no one wanted me here anyway you made that clear years ago you chose to leave remember of course just the same way you chose to get all my father's attention from me what's your angle tell me now because now you have gotten him dead Mia's face rened as the cup of ice cream fell to the ground how dare you I loved Charles and I took care of this family love you call this love leaving my
room to rot not taking care of him that's not love Mia that's neglect you have no right to judge me you abandoned us Hazel you abandoned your father Hazel's eyes welled up for the first time since she heard of her father's death I didn't abandon him you drove me away Mia you and your perfect facade I'm sure you've gotten what you wanted he's dead Bravo she began to clap and cheer Mia on you should watch what you say smart pants maybe if your mother hadn't died Mia sneered at her hissing as she left Hazel alone
in the kitchen few minutes later Mia was out of the house as she slammed the door it was only then that Hazel went on her knees with her head bowed and began to let go of the tears she thought she had kept rained in different thoughts ran through her head making her head hurt all over would he have survived if she were here was there anything that could have been done with her presence dad that single word was a plea that rang from her mouth as she recalled every single moment that they spent together why
did you just go like that why she continued to mutter to herself over and over again suddenly she heard someone knock on the door at first she thought she was hearing things but it happened again again she was in no mood to get herself up from the floor and go open the door as Hazel wiped away her tears the insistent knocking continued she hesitantly approached the door peering through the peephole to see A well-dressed man in his late 50s in a tailored navy blue shirt and a leather briefcase in his right hand seeing that he
was looking like someone important she quickly tried to compose herself before she opened the door good afternoon you must be Hazel the man smiled the minute he saw her my name is Kevin Thompson your father's lawyer may I come in please she simply nodded stepping aside for him to enter then she closed the door shut as she led him to the sitting room she realized that he was scanning the whole area of the house as far as his eyes could carry I take it that Mia isn't home right it was then she understood his tension
given the way he spoke it was like he didn't want to see her around she left the house not so long ago all right Miss Hazel I need to discuss with you about your father's estate and some important matters that require your attention are you feeling up to it or should I come another time it's all right she tried to keep her face composed not to reveal any emotions it's just that I just got back as long as it won't be too long Kevin opened his briefcase pulling out a stack of documents Hazel your father's
will is quite specific he's left you he paused scanning the documents before continuing the Riverside Clinic all its assets and Associated properties he's also bequeathed you his Investments Securities and personal belongings Hazel's eyes widened as Kevin handed her a folder containing the documents your father was very clear about his wishes Hazel he wanted you to have control and ownership of the clinic ensuring his legacy continues her mind reeled she had expected nothing given her estrangement from her father but I don't know if I can run the clinic Kevin I have no experience I just finished
Medical School Kevin nodded understandingly your father believed in you Hazel he left detailed instructions and a capable team to support you despite Kevin's reassurances Hazel felt overwhelmed she hadn't reconciled with her father's passing and now she was faced with the daunting task of taking over his legacy can't it be sold I'd eventually have to go back to finish some things up at school what if I just sell it to someone who'd make good use of the clinic if you sell ownership transfers to Mia your stepmother Hazel's gut Twisted at the thought she couldn't bear the
idea of Mia profiting from her father's hard work what are my alternative Hazel began to think about things that could be done in order to keep the clinic in check she hasn't even been there for a long time you could hire a manager or partner with someone experienced Kevin suggested or take time to learn and grow into the role however I'd personally advise that you disguise yourself as a staff first that caught Hazel's attention why do you say so before your father died he mentioned that there were some Corrupt Practices going on in the clinic
but before he could do anything his heart condition worsened terribly leaving it unresolved if you just go in as the Director now you might not find out Hazel took in a deep breath as she replayed what the lawyer had said if she decides to go back to her life Mia would make a mess of what her father had taken years to build if she stays she'd have to be extra sensitive to what goes on in the company can I have some time to think about it of course just bear in mind that if you delay
the clinic is at risk she nodded slowly taking in his words but how would I get a job there leave that to me that is super easy I'd like to know your decision as soon as you have decided here is my card he handed over a card that had purple slashed over it that's my business card just a cool would do with that he rose to his feet ready to leave Hazel Rose too as she followed him to the door thank you Mr Thompson I'm grateful it's nothing take care of yourself and I'd be expecting
your call and he was out of the house already she walked back to the kitchen grabbed a cup of ice cream and walked back to the sitting room still thinking her phone vibrated in her pocket bringing her to check her phone for the first time that day it was a message from one of her colleagues from college she was there when Hazel got the news about her father's death so she texted to ask if if she had gotten home safely Hazel typed a quick reply sent it and switched off her phone immediately she just wanted
all the rest that she could get your father believed in you Hazel she didn't doubt that one bit every first day of the week her father would text her a good morning message encouraging her and asking about her well-being but she would only reply a few times because she felt she wasn't welcomed around him and Mia made it worse the cup of ice cream was sitting gently on her lap it wasn't until she picked up the lawyer's business card before she remembered it taking a big scoop she flicked the card a couple of times before
putting her phone on again her father's death made her realize how much he loved her even till his death there was only one way to make sure that he'd be smiling from Heaven she quickly typed out a message and sent it to the lawyer all she had to do now was prepare everything that would be needed did for her new job and that meant she had to sort out everything in the room to keep it tidy nice one Mia nice one she muttered taking more spoons of ice cream her eyes wandered to the portrait of
her father that was placed next to the television and she began to cry again it wasn't until the next week that Hazel was asked to resume her job at her father's Clinic initially she feared that there would be an issue with her name but Kevin was quick to remind her that her father didn't go by Charles Carson anymore ever since her mom died he had changed it for the past one week that Hazel had been back in her father's house she only crossed paths with Mia twice she often came back at midnight drunk to stuper
she wondered what her father ever saw in her if her mother were alive her father wouldn't even look Mia in the eye her earliest memories of her mother was her mother's warm smile before fate cruy snatched her away when she was just three her father was completely heartbroken she remembered the time she'd walk into a room to see him crying while her mother's picture not long after that he threw himself into creating something new pouring his grief in it years passed and the Riverside Clinic flourished Beyond his expectations she grew up watching him work tirelessly
day and night she spent hours was playing in the Clinic's halls with a dream to be like him then everything suddenly changed her father met Mia who was a patient at the clinic she remembered how her father would spend time with Mia instead of her Mia who was extremely stunning left her dad drooling each time as they became much closer a 13-year-old Hazel was completely sidelined she watched as Mia would constantly play on her father's love combined with her awful remarks when it came to her her father caught in the middle struggled to balance his
love between both of them despite Mia's influence he still cherished her and encouraged her to follow in his footsteps she was eager to please her father so she did everything needed from her until her father finally disclosed that he'd be marrying Mia she was deeply hurt and angry even though she saw it coming her father loved her but he became distant and she couldn't help it she loved him deeply and missed him more than anything looking in the mirror she tried to smile telling her subconscious that if she began to cry now she wouldn't be
able to make it to work her bag containing her brush safety pin lipstick and some cash was sitting on her bed looking around the room she smiled because it took her a lot of effort to bring the room to what it is now Hazel Carson silently said a word of Prayer in her heart and made her way out of the house to meet up with the opening of the clinic on getting to the clinic she was surprised as she marveled at how beautiful it was the last time she was here there was nothing much for
infrastructure but now she was glad and proud of her father Hazel started as a medical records Clerk learning the ropes and assisting wherever needed she was paired up with a senior in the field who taught her how to file and maintain patient records and also retrieve files for someone in her field she never knew about what other staff of a hospital or clinic went through being in the clinic opened her eyes to see what was really happening in the field hi Hazel thank you for those books you are a godsend Amy one of the nurses
dropped by after the day's work how come you have those books I've looked for them everywhere don't mention I just happen to have them what about your colleague was she able to sort out everything Amy Shrugged you give yourself too much of a headache you know I can't count how many people you have assisted since you came here some of them don't even value it it doesn't matter if they do or not as long as the problem is solved I see that you are ready to go we had a lot of patience today I'm surprised
that I'm still standing why are you still here though you should have been done with your work like an hour ago or so Amy checked the phone nodding I'm waiting for Lily I should walk her to the bus stop since it's getting late you and Lily again the friendship you share with her is unique even despite her age Amy commented as Hazel smiled glancing at the hallway to see if Lily was coming I'm leaving see you tomorrow I've told you not to wait for me again I might be in my late 60s that doesn't mean
I can't walk or do other things Lily chided Hazel who was surprised that she was done Lily was one of the people that she felt incredibly drawn to she was a Slender Woman yet had a sturdy build her silver hair was cut in a short curly bob that perfectly fit her heart-shaped face and more often than none she preferred to wear floral print blouses that complimented her skin tone Hazel carried her handbag putting it across her chest and brought her attention back to Lily you don't get to tell me what to do Mom let's just
go you act so much like my grandson if it were up to me I'd stay in that house huddled under covers doing nothing all day I'd very much prefer that being a janitor is stressful as it is they walked out of the clinic together turning left to the street that's why you have backaches every time life wasn't always like this Hazel I used to be a nurse at the clinic and everything went well but the the owner died Hazel glanced at her with curiosity written all over her face how did that affect you you know
David right Hazel nodded eagerly she knew David very well because he had been itching to point out all her mistakes lately he became the head doctor and made me choose between letting go of my job as a nurse at the clinic or being a janitor what on Earth did he do that for hazel halted angered by what Lily had said that's not right Lily put her hand on Hazel's forearm it's nothing child just let it go Hazel closed her eyes and took in deep breaths I can go to the bus stop on my own now
go along Hazel did as Lily said but she couldn't stop thinking about how she was treated unfairly the weeks passed by quickly and Hazel was able to settle in very well she hadn't seen Mia for weeks on end and she wasn't about to bother about someone who would still talk down on her her day began quite early as she was needed to be at the clinic to sort things out she started by reviewing patient files and preparing for the morning's appointments as she sipped her IED Americano she began to plan out certain schedules for David
Feist the head doctor he had been making her do some of his assistant's work for a while now not that she complained throughout the morning she assisted the nurses and some doctors by fetching records and preparing exam rooms it wasn't until her stomach growled that she remembered that she hadn't eaten anything solid so she made her way to the cafeteria where other staff were as Hazel balanced her tray scanning the cafeteria for a quiet spot she cited Lily not so far from where she stood everyone gather around I have an important announcement the head doctor
announced garnering the attention of everyone at the cafeteria Hazel's eyes met Lily who beckoned her to come over David cleared his throat surveying the room with a self important gaze as you know our Clinic's reputation relies on trust and integrity unfortunately I've discovered a betrayal of that trust it has come to my attention that medical supplies have gone missing there were a series of gasps that echoed through the cafeteria alongside murmurings from others I was also shocked myself because we don't do that here everyone knows that we stand for the truth that made me do
a little bit of investigation and it seems Hazel's excessive kindness was just a ruse to get to us she's been stealing from us all this while another round of gasps echoed around the room as she felt their stairs bore into her own body her face burned with anger but she remained Frozen unable to say a word David sneered I'm sure some of you are shocked but I'm not I've seen her overly friendly Behavior always trying to gain attention he looked around the room with a smug smile on his face I wanted to let her go
but I guess this is a better way Hazel stood Frozen her tray still clutched in her hand as David's words hung in the air the cafeteria fell silent as all eyes were on her David's gaze lingered on her expecting a reaction but Hazel's expression remained neutral she simply just shook her head without a word she turned and walked away her trade is still in hand the room erupted into Whispers And murmurs but Hazel didn't Flinch she pushed through the doors leaving the cafeteria and its judgmental glances behind her footsteps were measured as she walked up
to her station still silent Hazel wait she heard Lily call her but she didn't reduce her Pace neither did she look back she disappeared into the hospital's corridors leaving everything behind her silence makes everyone think that she was really the one who stole the medical supplies but she didn't care from that day on she received snide remarks sorrowful and rude gazes from some nurses some of them didn't allow her to give them any of the medical records needed because according to them they didn't want their patient information stolen Lily and other nurses made sure to
let her know that they had her back and wouldn't allow this head doctor to spoil her image they didn't know the reason why Hazel allowed people to believe that she stole the medical supplies just a few weeks after her arrival she had noticed that there were some funds that were removed from the Clinic's account that were used to do nothing it wasn't like she had planned to check but the files landed on her desk because David the head doctor wanted to use her as his assistant again she called Kevin and told him about her findings
he on the other hand told her to lay low so as not to allow anyone to find out who she was that wasn't a problem for hazel now that she had been accused David brought a lot of work to her desk wanting her to complain but as usual she gave him a sweet smile he didn't know that he was helping her her ears were always open to hear any gossip or information that the nurses carried among themselves it was from there that she confirmed that some nurses were receiving more pay because the head doctor liked
them While others received peanuts unknowingly to them the iron would be stried hot so she had to wait until the right time before she would do anything an opportunity would surely pose itself soon all she just had to do was to wait but it wasn't easy to just stand still when she could just barge in action saying she's the daughter of Charles it just wasn't time yet to do any of that Dad I wish you were still here maybe all this would be taken care of neatly I miss you she mumbled up to her father
wherever he was it was easier to just do that Friday evening after work Hazel walked alongside Lily who whined earlier that she could walk to the bus stop by herself she immediately told her that she was going to decide whether she liked it or not my grandson would be around to spend the weekend with me he's finally taking a break from that high stress Finance job to spend some quality time with his old grandma Lily beamed like she had just gotten the best seats at the cinema he such a sweet boy always making me proud
Hazel smiled familiar with Lily's fondness for her grandson how's he doing still working hard yes he's doing well but I worry about him he's so focused on his career never takes time for himself or a social life for that matter Hazel chuckled At The Mention Of not having time for social life you mean he's still not settled down no and it worries me he's 27 years old Hazel when will he find a nice girl and give me great grandchildren give him time Lily he'll find someone special Lily shook her head I hope so anyway I
want to bake his favorite cake and make some sweets he still has a sweet tooth just like his grandfather I'd love to help you bake Lily it'll be fun it's been a very long while since I've done anything of such and bother you again no you should since you have the weekend to rest I'd do just fine on my own Hazel sighed clutching her bag tighter can you just allow me something for you once every time you want me to rest and do nothing why don't you play outdoor games tomorrow Hazel shot her a look
as the elderly woman smiled pointing to the bus stop there was no further discussion on it as Lily made her way waiting for the bus the next day Hazel stood before the beautiful Bungalow that boasted a a cheerful yellow facade which was complimented by nice flower beds and a clean Green Lawn a Winding Stone path led to the front door decorated with a welcoming wreath she took in the sight of the house delightfully before moving on to knock her knock was answered by a surprised Lily who opened the door with a flower dusted apron around
her waist that was the exact expression I knew you would make forget that how did you get here I'm sure I haven't described where I stay Hazel smiled involuntarily I asked nurse Thompson and she generously provided your address she also said something like you are so famous and I'd find my way in no time Lily's expression turned sheepish well I suppose I Can't Turn You Away come on in dear as she stepped in her nose was quick to carry the enticing Aromas of sweet treats and fresh coffee that reminded her of her father her eyes
began to water almost immediately what's wrong are you all right the tears rushed forth shamelessly as Lily held her as she opened her mouth to speak she cited a picture just by the wall and had to Blink to be sure she wasn't hallucinating how come you have that picture was that you years ago Lily took a glance at where Hazel's gaze led to and nodded wondering how that was related to her tears I have a picture just like that my father said it was my babysitter's picture and that we were so close wait who's your
father Charles swisser Lily stepped back in shock as her eyes widened she took another look at the lady before her reflecting on what she had just said it was then everything clicked Hazel Charles swisser was the man who gave me a job as a nurse when I needed it how did I fail to recognize you after taking care of you for such a long time hey began to tear up again as she walked over to Lily and hugged her tight I didn't recognize you either oh child I'm so sorry about his death I'm so sorry
Lily whispered into her ears and Hazel continued to let all her tears out they stayed in that position for a while before Hazel let go your father was like my son I'd lost mine in an accident years ago but your father filled up that void up until his death I'm sorry Hazel can I have some coffee of course let's go to the kitchen then Lily LED Hazel to the kitchen where she cited a flower covered counter and mixing bowls that revealed that Lily had started baking don't mind the mess I'm making his favorite chocolate cake
and some sugar cookies Lily poured her some coffee in a pink cup and gently placed it in her hands thank you Lily Hazel took a sip and sighed dreamingly my Dad loved fresh coffee every morning he'd make some for himself if it wasn't until I got older that he allowed me to take a little he was always like that I remember but tell me your father owns the clinic why are you working as a medical records Clerk you should take over I remember your father told me that you were in medical school Hazel took another
sip of her coffee allowing it to swirl around her tongue I can't take over until I find who is behind the fraudulent activities in the clinic that was why you decided to join as a staff and see for yourself Hazel nodded about to speak when there was a knock on the door Lily quickly excused herself and suddenly there was a man's voice that went round the room meaning that her grandson was around making sure that she looked presentable she walked into the sitting room to find them hugging as they let go of each other the
man straightened himself and their eyes met hi you must be Hazel she wouldn't stop talking about you recently forgive my manners I'm Tom he stretched his hand out for a handshake and she took it what she didn't expect was for Tom to look so handsome that even the handshake made her insides turn to jelly Hazel didn't plan to spend her weekend hanging out with Tom Lily's grandson but it just happened he had taken her to an amusement park on Sunday after which they went back to Lily's place for a quick lunch for a moment she
wished that the weekend could last longer than it already did she couldn't remember the last time she laughed so heartily even before her father's death however the next day rushed quickly leaving her wanting more of the weekend but she had to Face Reality as she was to be at work she was already at her desk at her usual time with her iced Americano sorting out some files when two nurses greeted her before proceeding to stand just by her desk I told you that she was his girlfriend but you didn't believe me did you see the
clothes she War she must have spent a fortune on her the first nurse giggled like a high schooler they were literally all over each other a while ago despite it being so early I think her name is Mia or something it's none of my business though I don't want any issues with him the first nurse sighed gazing in the direction of the entrance of the clinic let's go see if they are still there as they waddled up to the entrance Hazel was a bit curious too about David's girlfriend seeing that she could just quickly Peak
and return she made her way to the entrance she hadn't gotten to the entrance yet when her legs froze in its place there she was MIA her late father's wife and her stepmother giving the head Doctor David Feist kisses on his lips David held her so tight like he wouldn't be able to let her go her leagues felt so weak and she didn't trust them to carry her back to her desk if they were this chummy together it meant it had been going on for a long while even before her father's death Mia hadn't been
home in weeks meaning that she was definitely staying at David's place she closed her eyes for a minute and made her way back to her desk something needed to be done she thought long and hard about what to do but nothing of importance came to mind if she confronted David privately he'd do all within his power to shut her off and probably put more accusations against her there was certain things she also noticed about the activities going on in the clinic her position made it possible for her to review patients files and she noticed some
excessive charges for Unnecessary procedures one of the patients bills for a simple consultation was inflated with costly tests and medications that the patient didn't need one time she had an opportunity to be in a meeting where a new medication was promoted at the clinic it wasn't until later that she discovered that there was a lucrative contract between the clinic and the pharmaceutical company with incentives for each prescription this wasn't made known to the nurses and some other doctors either David was indeed at the center of it all she remembered when a new nurse was brought
to work and she watched as the nurse was struggling to administer a simple medication at first she thought that it was due to her being nervous until Lily told her that she was David's third cousin and the girl was clearly inexperienced Lily had informed her previously about a time when there were discrepancies in a patient's file and how the doctor later admitted to altering the records to cover up the medical error and he wasn't punished or anything of the sort there were things that she needed to take care of as soon as possible she picked
up her phone and quickly sent a text to Kevin requesting that he advise her he was one person that she could trust because her father really trusted him you okay I saw you dazed a minute ago one of the nurses asked as she was about to pass by Hazel smiled as her heart warmed at the way people were still concerned about her I'm all right thank you the nurse nodded and went her way ever since the incident at the cafeteria some nurses gave her the cold shoulder while some checked up on her every now and
then it seemed like they knew that she didn't do what she was accused of she went about her daily activities making sure she had the right reports and miles it was lunchtime when her phone buzzed in her pocket checking it she smiled Kevin had texted her saying that he'd be at the clinic soon according to him almost all the staff knew him as Charles's lawyer and also the person in charge of anything involving law and the court his presence was highly important for what would happen soon the next few minutes passed and she met him
at the entrance of the clinic you said something about letting everyone know do we we have to call a meeting or what the cafeteria is quite full now let's use that to our advantage those who aren't there would get the news on time because there'd be a lot of side talks they made their way to the cafeteria and Hazel could feel everyone's eyes on them good day everyone may I get your attention Kevin waited allowing their attention to be on him solely I'm sure many of you know who I am if you don't I'm Mr
Kevin Thompson late Mr Mr Charles's lawyer I don't mean to take too much of your time but Mr Charles left a will stating that all his properties be given to miss Hazel the almost quiet cafeteria became noisier than ever because of the shocking news that isn't possible Charles's daughter can't be Hazel I'm sure of that I don't know what you are playing at David charged at Hazel and Kevin huffed up did you bother to check his table ever since his death you didn't even tell anyone to clean up his office I'm Carson and his will
is written here in his writing and his signature is there the whole room went quiet again the murmurs subsiding as they waited to see what would come next David's eyes narrowed that's not possible Charles would never leave the clinic to to he glanced at Hazel with disdain written all over his face you're just a stranger claiming to be his daughter anyone can forge a will I assure you David this is is genuine Kevin show him the will again Kevin hesitated then handed David the document David scanned it checking every word over and over again this
could be a fake David insisted Charles's handwritting was distinctive I've seen it countless times this this could be a forgery David stopped denying the truth my father's lawyer verified the Will's authenticity you're just trying to protect your own interest rests the room fell silent awaiting David's response his eyes darted between Hazel and Kevin and he sighed angrily his daughter just finished from Medical College you might want to step out and call Mia she'd be able to explain if I'm his daughter or not David took a step back realizing that all of it was actually true
can we go to a private place and talk his voice became subdued as he moved closer to her David your actions have compromised IED patient care and betrayed my father's Legacy you're fired effective immediately David's mask of charm crumbled revealing A desperate man Hazel please we can work through this I'll do anything I'll make it right I promise your anything has harmed innocent people you've exploited this clinic for personal gain it's too late for apologies his face turned red as he realized his charm had worn off you'll regret reget this Hazel I've built relationships connections
you can't just dismiss me wait explain the accusations that you made against me were they true or not should I go on to how the clinic has funded your vacations with your and it's not even accounted for you ripped my father off of what he built and even had the audacity to take over his wife so watch me do this as security guards approached David looked around and lounged towards him Hazel but the security guards were quick to get him away from her you'll pay for this Hazel mark my words Hazel didn't Flinch I'm not
afraid of you David you've underestimated me for the last time everyone watched as David was escorted out of the cafeteria and couldn't believe what was happening I understand the shock and confusion surrounding my true identity I'd like to explain why I disguised myself as a new employee this might not be the time and place as we all need to get back to our work as fast as possible however I just give a quick rundown she took a deep breath before saying more after my father's passing I was given the will by Kevin who explained that
I was now the person to take over the clinic believe me I wasn't interested one bit because I was still not used to the fact that my father was dead but when I was told that there were some irregularities in the Clinic's affair Affairs I knew I needed to step up by assuming a new identity I could observe and gather evidence without alerting those responsible Hazel paused scanning the room I was appalled by the corruption negligence and exploitation I witnessed patients were being harmed and my father's Legacy was being tarnished I knew I had to
act David's actions in particular were alarming his greed and disre regard for patient care compelled me to take drastic measures by working alongside him I gathered evidence of his wrongdoing I understand some of you may feel deceived or betrayed please know my intention was never to harm or manipulate I sought to protect this Clinic its patients and my father's dream as Hazel finished speaking the room erupted into thunderous Applause staff members Rose from their seats whistling and cheering the tension and skepticism dissipated and was immediately replaced by admiration and gratitude Dr Patel a respected physician
approached Hazel beaming Hazel your bravery and determination are inspiring you've saved this Clinic from ruin I'm glad your father made you take over I'm looking forward to working with you on how to move the clinic forward one by one several nurses and doctors congratulated her and the effort she put into investigating all that was happening Hazel was quite surprised by the reactions she had gotten she expected them to have mixed feelings but what she didn't know was that most of them knew what David and some other doctors were doing but because of fear they couldn't
do anything she stood by Kevin's side watching as the cafeteria was getting empty little by little it turned out quite well I guess she glanced at Kevin who was grinning from ear to ear it did let me congratulate you on your appointment of becoming the head doctor of Riverside Clinic it should have happened much earlier but I guess it just had to be this way thank you Kevin it wouldn't have been possible if not for your contribution don't let me keep you here she motioned towards the door realizing that he would have other things to
do I'd reach out to you concerning some other things that would need to get sorted out too she continued as they walked out of the clinic congratulations once CE again Hazel you deserve this Kevin smiled as he made his way to the cab that was waiting for him Hazel was already walking back into the clinic when she heard someone call her name and as she turned it was MIA she wore a black leather bodycon that had a v-shaped neckline showing her cleavage much a Hermes bag was on her shoulder and she wore her Jimmy cheu
her eyes widened in alarm as her voice trembled slightly Hazel what are you doing here I could ask you the same thing Mia what are you doing here because I know you never came here to see my father when he was alive what do you mean I'm just asking because you ought to be at school why are you still here Hazel smiled shaking her head if you had come to the house just once you'd have known that I never left at all but I realized that you must have been chilling at David's house that's such
a harsh accusation I just knew David from a long time back and I didn't come home because it reminded me too much of Charles save your and Bull story for someone else Mia tell me why would you kiss him like there was no tomorrow you weren't even ashamed to kiss him out in public I also went through the clinic account and found out that he had been sending you money from the Clinic's fund even before my father fell ill Mia looked sideways putting her hand on her head it isn't what you think just let me
give an explanation same thing your boyfriend tried to do earlier not that I'm interested anyway Hazel clasped her hands together like she was praying I'm sure you've come to see him you should call him because he's no longer working here Mia suddenly walked up to Hazel holding her hands what do you mean by he's no longer working here he's the head doctor of this Clinic he was not anymore Mia my father willed the clinic to me Mia I I'm now the head doctor please do well to tell him to come get his belongings before the
end of the week if he doesn't it will end up in the bin she turned towards the clinic heading inside leaving Mia too stunned to utter a word a week had passed since the tumultuous events at the clinic Hazel had successfully ousted David and Mia and a sense of calm had returned she had begun her executive duties after the whole issue was sorted out she called for a meeting the past weekend where there were a series of discussions on how to improve the clinic and also the well-being of the staff knowing that it was impossible
for her to do it alone she also asked for their advice the weekend got much better when Tom asked if she could join him for dinner she agreed quickly knowing it was something she so much wanted he gave her several pieces of advice on how she could manage the clinic funds start compulsory savings for staff and how to calculate profit one thing that struck her about him was the the way he listened to her he wouldn't even interrupt her once instead he waited until she was done before asking questions it was another new week and
she was concerned about one thing when she had told Mia that she was now the head doctor she didn't really mean it there were a lot of things that were to be put in place things that she felt she couldn't handle Lily can I talk to you for a moment Hazel asked standing by the entrance of the room where Lily was taking care of of Lily glanced at the doorway nodding of course Hazel I've been thinking with the Clinic's New Direction I'd like to offer you the position of head doctor Lily's hands hung Midway as
she blinked her eyes like she wasn't seeing right me head doctor oh Hazel you're joking I know nothing when it comes to being a head doctor after all it's not my name in the will it's yours dear Hazel's ression remained serious I'm completely serious Lily you're an exceptional doctor and the staff respects you Lily shook her head still chuckling I'm flattered but I'm not suited for such an important role I'm happy being a janitor remember that my father trusted you to be a nurse now I'm trusting you to do better I believe that you can
do better than that time Lily stopped what she was doing completely giving Hazel her full attention it's been a long time since that happened dear I'm serious when I say I'm not suited for such Hazel saw sense in what Lily was saying times had changed and she couldn't take on the role as she would have been able to I'm always here dear if there's something that you believe that you need help on come here I'd do my best to help in any way that I can what about Tom we discussed how to manage the Clinic's
finances but but I'm not so good in that area I'd need his help Lily beamed you both are like two peas in a pod I'm so proud of what you share Hazel he mentioned a few things on ways he could help so I suggest that you work with him in that aspect that way there wouldn't be too much workload on you now hurry along I'm sure you have things to do hazel did a little victory dance before going into the room and giving Lily a hug I'll see what can be done and don't miss me
too much she Saed out of the room with her phone in hand as she texted Tom on the latest development they were a great Duo 6 months later Hazel stood before the mirror watching as her wedding gown shimmered in the soft light she gazed at her reflection thinking of how the past 6 months went by the Clinic's transformation to becoming known worldwide due to several surgeries that were carried out by the exceptional surgeons Lily's decision to stop working as a janitor and finally rest Tom's un wavering support and her own personal Journey there were times
when it seemed like she went away from everyone due to stress but Tom her ever-patient man would calmly call her back at a point David actually carried out his threats by going to other clinics and trying to spoil the relationship that Riverside Clinic had with them but he was greatly disappointed she would have taken legal action against him and Mia after the incident just to get closure but it was of no use use her father wouldn't have wanted that her eyes dropped to the ring on her finger a stunning Platinum Band designed with a radiant
diamond and two smaller sapphires The Sapphires reminded her of how her father would play with her with glitter not minding the ones that got on his body she was often reminded of her childhood memories ever since her dad died it hurt her that he wasted his time and efforts on Mia who never deserved any of it as she gazed at the ring a lump formed in her throat she remembered the struggles the tears and triumphs that she encountered during this short period he wasn't there physically but it was like he was guiding her each step
of the way Hazel's Vision blurred and she fought back tears she recalled the day she confronted David and Mia the moment she claimed her rightful place at the clinic it didn't seem like she'd survive all those times but she did and she survived better than anyone would imagine with a deep breath hazelle lifted her gaze upwards dad your baby girl is doing good I really wish you were here to walk me down the EA like a proud father would do she took a final glance at the Ring The Sapphires sparkling like her father's eyes I'll
keep making you proud dad I promise a final glance at herself in the mirror she picked up her bouquet and walked out of the room less than an hour later she shared a kiss with the love of her life till we grow old and our hairs are gray we'll be together Tom kissed her again holding her in his arms she met the one person who knew her like she wanted someone who heard her even when she didn't speak someone who would tear Every Mountain down if she asked till we grow old she muttered to herself
holding him tight months ago if she was told that she'd feel so much at peace she wouldn't have believed it one bit life was good to her
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