9 MANEIRAS DE DESTRUIR seu inimigo sem LUTAR - Estoicismo

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Have you ever felt that someone is against everything you say or do, just for the pleasure of attacking you? There is a story about a firefly that was being chased by a snake, which wanted to devour it anyway. The firefly flew a lot, trying to escape, until it was left with no way out.
About to be caught, he asked the snake to ask him three questions. The snake, knowing that he was already cornered and had no escape, said yes. The firefly asked if it was part of what the snake normally eats, and the snake said no.
Then he asked if he had done something bad to her, and the snake also said no. Finally, the firefly wanted to know why the snake wanted to catch him. The snake replied, "Because I can't stand to see you shining.
" It doesn't matter what you do in life, it doesn't matter how good you are or how much you care about not harming others. Or when you work hard at your job, understand that there will always be people against you. We've all come across someone like this, whether it's a co-worker with abusive attitudes, at college, friends or even within our own family.
By adopting the practical philosophy of Stoicism, you learn to deal with those people who envy the brilliance of others without having to fight or argue, with intelligence and wisdom. Stoicism is seen as one of the most practical and profound schools of thought, and teaches us to focus our energy and strength on the things we can control, while learning to accept those that are beyond our reach. If you don't learn to position yourself in life, you end up being stepped on by others, including those who don't like you.
So, being stoic does not mean being passive or holding a grudge in silence, but rather having a firm stance and being in control of what you feel , thinking before acting. Therefore, first receive our hug and feel at home to learn ancient concepts that teach us to live more wisely and lightly. And for this video to reach you, another person subscribed to our channel, liked it and left a comment.
So do the same, and you help us bring this mental clarity to many. Now, how exactly can stoicism help you overcome your challenges without conflict? In this video, we're going to talk about nine ways you can do this.
So let's start. First. Ignore it, intentionally.
There is no show without an audience. Being ignored can be one of the worst feelings, so use it to your advantage. If possible, start intentionally ignoring those who declare themselves your enemy or don't like you.
This strategy, while simple, requires a lot of self-control. Because you consciously choose not to pay any more attention to the person's provocations, mean jokes, actions or even presence. Understand that the power of some people lies precisely in causing us emotional turmoil, there are people who find satisfaction in causing us.
And when you start ignoring them, you automatically nullify that power. Sending a clear message that they have no influence over your emotions or decisions. This way, attempts to affect you are nothing more than attempts.
Be a person committed to your moral development and don't get into the fight. When you start ignoring your mind is free to focus on what really matters. You create a mental and emotional space to value every moment of your life, to work on your goals and really focus on what you have control over.
Instead of having your energy sucked away by negative distractions or allowing yourself to be consumed for hours, thinking about the answers you could have given, how you could take revenge or morally degrade that person, you start using this space and time on what is really important to you. . The strength of those who provoke you or try to harm you lies precisely in the degree of influence and importance they have in your life.
And, only you can decide the degree each one occupies. You can decide not to feel harmed and instead of giving in to provocations, choose wisdom and non-participation. This decision also protects us from the harmful effects of resentment, anger, and allows us to cultivate resilience and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
This does not mean denying or pretending that conflicts exist, but rather that you chose not to be trapped in an unpleasant situation that someone else created. Following this path, we become architects of our happiness and guardians of our inner peace. Second.
Win using your head. Our second strategy for how to solve problems without fighting is to be smarter than the other person. This means using your reasoning, your creativity and your ability to think of plans to understand the problem and find a solution without needing verbal confrontation or a direct fight.
By acting like this, you make use of the stoic virtue of wisdom and manage to avoid problems before they even happen. India's struggle to gain independence from the United Kingdom is a clear example of how it is possible to win using smart strategies without physical violence. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Indians chose to protest peacefully and not use violence.
Gandhi organized peaceful marches, strikes and asked people not to buy British products, such as salt, defying the rules that only allowed salt to be purchased from the British. These actions caught worldwide attention, weakened the British's control over the Indian economy, and increased political pressure for them to leave India. Finally, in 1947, India gained its independence, and Gandhi demonstrated to the world the power of nonviolent resistance, using peaceful strategies to achieve political and social goals.
In the same way, we can act intelligently in our conflicts and not take unnecessary risks. Gandhi was only able to lead the achievement of India's independence because he had a macro view of the entire situation, that is, he thought about the situation completely: what were England's weaknesses , what actions could pressure them to leave, how they could do this peacefully and how they could use their weaknesses as strength. Using your head means learning to think, looking at the entire context, in a macro way.
If Gandhi had fought physically, he would have highlighted his physical and military unpreparedness and thousands would have died. But, he turned his people's weaknesses into strengths. And he used intelligence to win.
And in the same way, you can use intelligence instead of physical strength or ignorance. Winning with intelligence is not just about having skill, but also understanding what makes each person act the way they do. Thinking about the consequences of what you do shows that you dominate the situation.
By doing this, you show yourself as a real leader. Third. Turn opponents into teachers.
One of the concepts of Stoic philosophy is to transform adversity into a path. In other words, instead of facing your opponents or enemies with hostility, you begin to see them as opportunities to grow and learn. Truly like teachers on the journey of life.
Because, they test our limits, expose our weaknesses, reveal our vices, show us clearly where we need to improve. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, who was the most powerful man in the world as a Roman emperor: “the best revenge is not to be like the one who harms us”. Instead of reacting with anger, use these challenges to strengthen your resilience, wisdom, and virtues.
When you are responded to rudely, by being rude, you also become rude. If you are disrespected by doing the same, you also become someone who has no respect for others. Train your patience, your tolerance and especially your calm.
In this way, the obstacle becomes the path. Furthermore, Marcus Aurelius also advises us: “when we are faced with the temptation to criticize someone, stop and reflect on your own faults first”. And, ask yourself, "What flaw do I have that most closely resembles the one I'm about to criticize?
" Sometimes we demand from others, which even we cannot do. Thinking this way provides humility and empathy. It also helps us understand and appreciate the lessons our adversaries can teach us.
Instead of harboring negative feelings or seeking revenge against your enemies, be grateful for growth opportunities you wouldn't otherwise have. Change the way you view these people from threats to opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. As Epictetus reminds us, what would Hercules be without all the monsters, fights, and challenges?
He would just be an ordinary man, who would never be remembered. It was their enemies that made them a great legend. When you do this, it completely changes the dynamics of your relationship with these people.
They may still not like you, but you've stopped caring about that and stopped wasting your time and energy on them. Fourth. Recognize that your enemy is not the cause of your suffering.
The real reason for your suffering does not come from who you consider your opponent or your enemy, or the person you are having problems with, but rather from the way you judge and face each situation that happens in your life. It's not that person's actions that make you angry or hurt. It's how you see and react that determines how you feel.
In fact, this person, whoever it is, helps you see what is happening inside you, shows you where you think wrongly or react emotionally unnecessarily. Your enemy gives you the chance to see where you are placing too many expectations or getting too attached to what you shouldn't. Epictetus, who went from slave to admired Stoic teacher, taught something very simple but powerful: “it is not the things that happen around us that make us upset, but rather the judgments we make about them.
” He challenges the idea that external events have the power to disturb our inner peace. Rather, it is the way we interpret these events that shapes our emotional response. For Epictetus, even when something bad happens, what really matters is how we face it, this helps us recognize that our perceptions and interpretations play a fundamental role in our emotional states.
Epictetus believed that we have the power to choose how we react to things, and that choice can make all the difference. When you realize that what bothers you is not the person or the situation itself, but what you think about it, you can change how you react and develop more emotional strength, without letting yourself be shaken by provocations. Furthermore, this requires a profound change in perspective, moving from blaming the external world to taking responsibility for your interpretations and emotional responses.
Instead of blaming others or harboring resentment, we can start asking ourselves these questions: Why did this offend me so much? Why did what so-and-so said make me so angry or irritated? Why did that person's actions hurt me like that?
Think of your "enemy" as a mirror that reflects parts of you that may need attention, examine how you feel and why you felt that way. Changing the way you see these people helps you change the way you deal with them and also helps you understand yourself better. This wisdom brings a new view of the situation.
You begin to think differently when you recognize that your judgment is the key to your emotional state. Look at the importance of understanding this: Your judgment is the key to your emotional state. Instead of reacting automatically, you can cultivate a more balanced mind and have the ability to respond rationally and consciously.
Furthermore, this paradigm shift will bring more lightness and joy to your life. This can help you grow and improve as a person, as you know that your strength and courage do not reside in another person and are no longer controlled by the actions, mood or consideration of others, thus unlocking immense potential for personal growth. Fifth.
Choose to be great in forgiving. Forgiving is an act of greatness, it is like exchanging hurts and desires for revenge, to find peace within yourself. Forgiving someone does not mean that you have to hang out with the person who hurt you, or invite the person to stay in your house, but rather that you choose to free yourself from all anger, hurt or resentment.
Forgiveness has nothing to do with those who hurt you, It has to do with you not locking bad feelings inside your chest. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength and nobility. By forgiving you show that you control your emotions and create your own destiny.
It is an elevation of consciousness that involves accepting the reality of what happened, regardless of whether or not you understand the reasons behind it. When you forgive, you break a cycle of resentment and restore balance to your emotional and mental life. When we allow ourselves to be carried away by pride, we close ourselves off from the world and create barriers that make any type of reconciliation difficult.
Forgiving is reacting to evil with kindness. The Stoic philosopher Epictetus summed up the meaning of forgiveness quite profoundly: “it is superior to revenge because it demonstrates kindness, while revenge reflects a savage nature. ” This wisdom highlights how forgiveness can transform lives, as it is founded on the compassion and understanding of an enlightened spirit.
When we think about revenge, we are just reacting, letting others control our actions. Remaining, in a way, trapped in the situation, always as a victim. But by forgiving, you free yourself and regain your power over yourself.
Friday. Transform your relationship with your enemies. This means acting with kindness, understanding and kindness to bring about positive change in both the environment and people's behavior.
This new way of looking at problems encourages us to promote good even to those who try to harm us. It is not easy to demonstrate this greatness and act like this, so allow me to share this story with you: Of a very rich man who decided to give a gift to a poor man on his birthday and with irony ordered a tray full of rubbish and dirt to be prepared. But, to really humiliate that man, the rich man gave the gift in the presence of all his friends and subordinates.
The birthday boy, in his naivety, received the gift with great joy, and kindly thanked and asked the man to wait a few minutes, as he would like to return the kindness. So the poor man threw away all the rubbish, washed and disinfected the tray, filled it with beautiful flowers, and returned it to the rich man with a card, saying: "We give the best we have. " This story shows that you can't expect people to give what they don't have.
Each of us has a baggage of feelings and attitudes. Some may only offer a tray full of rubbish. While others choose flowers.
Choosing love over anger is not only good for the other person, but it also helps us grow, expanding our vision and moral strength. In the story, the rich man tried to spread hate and negativity, but his actions did not faze the poor man, who responded with love and kindness. Likewise, we too can transcend our primal instincts and choose to act with love and kindness.
By doing this, you rise above the bullshit bickering and bickering and show that you are not just part of the problem, but also an essential part of the solution. Seventh. Face it head on.
The seventh strategy we can use to solve problems without fighting is to face the problem directly. I like a quote from Dr Matt Murdock that says, "The unconfronted enemy tends to grow stronger. " Confronting someone means having a direct and objective conversation , you can start by saying: "I noticed that you have been doing this and that, and I don't think it's right.
I didn't do anything to you and I want you to stop referring to me that way. " This is confronting - it's not about physical violence, but rather showing that you are aware of and do not tolerate certain behaviors. Of course, each situation is unique.
If it's your boss, for example, the approach needs to be different. Confronting is not synonymous with fighting, but with knowing how to position yourself. If you don't show firmness, others may make fun of you.
This doesn't mean you need to pick a fight. When you show that you won't accept everything silently, most of the time, the person gets the message and the situation doesn't turn into a fight. If you accept it once, people will do it twice, three times and so on.
Therefore, it is important to be ready to assert yourself when necessary. Eighth. Focus on Yourself.
When we waste time thinking about revenge or dwelling on each situation, we end up canceling out the essential thing, focusing on ourselves. Think about it this way, every minute of your life that you waste thinking about what hurt you or how things could have turned out differently is one minute less of you. Sometimes we think that the person who offended us might regret it and go back on it, but deep down this thought reveals that we are still waiting to be recognized by that person.
Our value and recognition must first come from us. No one will ever do this for you. Focusing on yourself means taking on this responsibility.
And, stop worrying about other people's opinions and recognition, especially those who don't like you. The Stoics remind us that we have the power to choose how we react to any situation, allowing us to make informed decisions that align with our values. By following these teachings, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, overcoming ignorance, forgiving and cultivating love, breaking down barriers that prevent us from achieving virtue, wisdom and happiness.
Nona. Control is yours. You are the only one who has control over your emotions.
When someone manages to affect you, it's because you allowed it to happen. No one has the power to destroy your peace, take away your sleep, ruin your day or diminish your smile. This control is all yours.
No one can harm you unless you allow them to, because the control of your emotions is in your hands. It's difficult to have to live with someone who wants to harm us gratuitously, but understand that these people, like the snake at the beginning of the video, can't stand seeing someone in their own light. What shows who you really are is what you feel and how you react to it.
So it doesn't matter if you have many enemies; What really matters is how many people you don't consider enemies and don't feel angry with. The important thing is not what others think of you, but what you think about yourself. It doesn't matter how many people try to hurt you; What counts is that you don't try to hurt anyone.
If your life is not going well, it is not because of others, but because of you. What complicates your life is not how much others dislike you, but whether you hold a grudge against them. It's not the bad desires of others that matter, but how you feel and act toward them.
You have the power to change things in your life. Including how affected he feels by his enemies. As Marcus Aurelius advises us in Meditations: “Choose not to be harmed – and you will not feel harmed.
Don’t feel undermined – and you won’t be. ” And if you made it this far, comment: “Gratitude”. This way, you confirm your desire to change for the better.
Now, to discover the power of calm with Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus, watch the video on your left. Thanks again for being here.
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