You're In Big Trouble With God If You Do These Things As A Christian

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these five things should be avoided by every Christian iasa iasa is a drink that has powerful psychoactive effects that people have been using for thousands of years just like any drug this can have extremely harmful effects on a person especially their mind now there are substances that can make someone become susceptible to being oppressed by demonic forces I want your soul however iasa is worse in this regard the reason iasa is worse is because of the context and intentions that this drink is used with if you Google iasa its Wikipedia page says iasa is a
South American psychoactive beverage traditionally used by indigenous cultures and folk healers in the Amazon and Oronoco basins for Spiritual ceremonies divination and healing a variety of psychosomatic complaints this drink is used in rituals that are specifically used for divination that word is used all over the Bible so we as Christians should have a solid understanding of what it means divination is when a person is seeking insight into something that they would otherwise not be able to obtain by natural methods we see these kind of things all around us tarot cards have become very popular over
the last few years as people look to Powers Beyond themselves to gain them Insight people are seeking more than just healing as some users of aasa claim many people willingly choose to not only dabble with this drink but also participate in the rituals that are required for divination we as Christians know that we should not be involved in these kinds of rituals however the Allure of Enlightenment Discovery and insight is too much of a Temptation for some people who try iasa often hallucinate for hours or even days there are reports of people interacting with demons
when they fall into this helpless State this is right where the devil wants them in First Peter 5: 8 the Bible admonishes us be sober minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prows around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour we cannot be sober minded and watchful when we're in an altered state of reality this makes someone hallucinating on aasa an easy target for all kinds of demonic spirits to enter just as the lion stalks the herd and singles out the weak link so is the devil looking for a quick and easy meal if
you will this idea of leaving your body and being somewhere else in your mind is dangerous and demonic we are to be of a sound mind when we choose to enter into these planes of existence that we do not normally or naturally roam in it's no surprise we meet demonic forces that we otherwise would not interact with these are not enlightening or healing experiences these are terrifying demonic nightmares think about this all throughout the Bible we see people falling on their faces in utter Terror at the sight of an angel angels are on God's side
for good they aren't evil and yet even the sight of them makes people fall on their faces in fear how much more a fallen angel and toou of the devil friend we simply were not meant to see into the spiritual realm there are a few isolated and amazing incidents in the Bible where this happens but we should try not to force it upon ourselves through drug use no matter the Allure no matter the reason behind it it is never okay for a Christian to try iasa astrology astrology is very common around the world this pseudo
science is used as pure entertainment by some however many people truly trust their zodiac sign to guide their path in life some people treat their daily horoscope reading as a Christian would treat their morning Bible reading as Christians we have heard that we need to avoid astrology and I agree with that let's take a look at what astrology is and see why it is simply incompatible with the Christian Life astrology is the study of how planets and stars impact us here on Earth the day someone is born and where the stars and planets were aligned
on that day is basically the backbone of this horoscope sham it's believed that based on someone's position to the stars and planets on the day they were born that this will influence their lives and affect the way the person is wired and how they'll behave in day-to-day situations are we supposed to trust horoscopes are we supposed to believe that PL planets and stars can shape our future and dictate our Behavior certainly not our future is in God's hands he can help us be the people he wants us to be we can see from scripture that
our guidance should only be from God and His word Proverbs 3:5-6 says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight who will make our paths straight who will make it clear which direction we should go decisions we should make and how we should live and conduct ourselves dayto day God alone when we attempt to navigate life through other means such as horoscopes we're leaning on our own understanding one more verse to really drive this home
your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path astrology is at best a complete sham and waste of time at worst astrology is a vain attempt at replacing God in a person's life as the Director sustainer and revealer astrology is nothing but a shallow imitation of what we could have if we just learn to trust God to guide us in our day-to-day lives yoga it's all just stretching and deep breathing right sadly no if that were the case I would highly encourage it stretching and deep breathing are great things but
yoga is much more than that when a person is actively doing yoga they leaving the door wide open for demons for starters the name yoga is not just a random word that someone assigned it has a deeper meaning in Sanskrit it means to unite with when a person does does yoga they are participating in a practice that was invented to yoke up or Unite with over 3,300 million so-called Gods this reminds me of what the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:20 rather that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not
to God and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons the Bible tells us that back in the Bible days people people were making offerings to false gods we still see this happening today all over the world you'll find people offering food to little false god statues but of course we understand that these are not Gods at all friend there is only one God all other beings that are worshiped as gods are nothing more than a demon and what are we told not to do partner up with demons what is a person doing
when they do yoga exactly according to the purpose of inventing yoga and according to the very definition of the word itself yoga is partnering up with demons what can happen to a Christian who opens themsel up to this world of demons first let's ask ourselves what would a demon want with me as those words leave our mouths we as Christians immediately know what the answer is they want to hurt us the very act that a Christian is thinking they are doing to improve their lives is the very invitation that a demon waiting to hurt them
is ready to accept yoga certainly brings about demonic oppression what a win for the devil when an unsaved person falls victim to demonic oppression but what an even greater Victory when a Christian becomes the receiver of Affliction that only the devil can bring what kind of affliction according to Jena former psychic turned Christian anxiety confusion planting seeds of Doubt sickness sometimes even they can actually affect your health again as the Christian spiritual confusion spiritual vulnerability not wanting to go to church or open your Bible anything that will be leading you away from God that's what
the battle is terrifying stuff right not only will yoga hurt you in so many ways both mental and physical but even worse demons will stop at nothing to make sure that your walk with God is hindered Christians should absolutely abstain from practicing yoga secular music a popular downfall of Christians today even worldwide is the immersion of themselves into secular music now music can be a powerful gift from God that has the ability to inspire but more often than not we see it as a tool of the devil that draws Christians away from God some Christians
are oblivious to the messages they are choosing to consume often times secular music has messages and themes that are a direct contradiction to God all of these values you find in secular music are wicked in nature even when a Christian is aware of this they might fool themselves into thinking it does not affect them however music is so powerful that it does in fact shape our thoughts the Bible shows us in a few different places that people of God should strive to immerse themselves in music that honors God Christians should prioritize music that lifts him
up and causes them to worship Him the Bible also says this in Philippians 4:8 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things the things that we dwell on matter to God we need to make sure our time is spent contemplating things that are Godly good and pure we should focus on things that honor Christ and draw us closer to him we should avoid secular music because we do not want a wedge to
be inserted between us and God secular music has the ability to draw even the strongest Believers further from God and therefore should be avoided by Christians chasing [Music] wealth it's a sad symptom of our culture today to see many men and women even of Faith pursuing wealth can God bless a Christian with wealth and Financial Security absolutely is money a tool where we're forced to opt in on in order to survive certainly however the problem arises when a Christian begins to trade their spiritual well-being or materialism and vanity the problem intensifies when greed takes over
and money no longer becomes a useful tool for survival comfort and overall contentment contrary to what the world around us says money is not the key to happiness the Bible speaks to this matter as well 1 Timothy 6:9-10 tells us those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction For the Love of Money is a root of all kinds of evil notice that the Bible is not calling out the person who is Rich but instead is emphasizing the person
who wants to be rich this may seem like splitting hairs but it's really not there is a major difference on one hand you could have a Christian who is Rich but humble and this person lives day byday trying to Faithfully serve the Lord and honor him with the resources and Financial Freedom he has given to them on the other hand you could have the type of Christian that the Bible is referencing here this person is chasing wealth their thoughts and actions are consumed by the desire to not just be comfortable or honor God or be
content but rather to Relish in the fact that they have made it according to the standards of culture today they desire to accumulate more and more for themselves friend we as Christians have to be careful that we do not allow ourselves to fall into the Trap of loving money by all means we should appreciate and value the things that money can bring us but we should never love money itself the reason for this is that the love of the money itself has great potential to breed all kinds of wickedness in our lives I've personally seen
money change other Christians for the worse sometimes when a Christian begins to have seemingly Limitless amounts of cash at their disposal their sinful nature can begin to take over and suddenly everything they seek to accomplish in life is for the purpose of obtaining wealth as a result God is often placed aside while the race for riches intensifies Christian please do not fall into the Trap of chasing wealth I hope these were all insightful and will help you in your faith Journey all of these things mentioned are worth avoiding and will help you guard your spiritual
well-being if done so if you find yourself steeped in any of the points mentioned if you pray to God he can help you overcome it if you find yourself seeking or actively participating in one of these recognizing the dangers is the first step and you're already on the right track with God's help you can steer clear of these five things that we should be avoiding as followers of Jesus Hebrews 12:2 says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame
and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God when you look to Jesus there is no devil no demon that can blind you when you look to Jesus there can be no love for money in your heart because your love for Christ is greater when you look to Jesus you cannot be blinded distracted or whisked away by immorality sin greed or pleasure I encourage you to really focus be fixated on the Lord this way you can't go wrong
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