Why was Judas specifically chosen to betray Jesus

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Why was Judas specifically chosen to betray Jesus Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!!!
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at the heart of one of the most intriguing accounts in the New Testament lies Judas es scariot often seen as the ultimate betrayer but was Judas merely a porn in a Divine game destined to play this Infamous role as we delve into the details of his life you'll discover that his journey may not be as black and white as many think follow along with this video Until the End to uncover hidden layers of this narrative questioning what you've always thought you knew about fate and Free Will are you ready to challenge your own beliefs many
folks often debate why only Judas became notorious for betraying Jesus and not another follower some argue that God specifically appointed Judas for this particular Mission While others believe Judas was just a victim ens snared in the Divine Plan of Redemption so was Judas truly just a victim definitely not initially the no that Judas was deliberately created by God to betray Jesus is not supported by scripture and represents a misinterpretation of God's nature Judas wasn't the only follower of Jesus he was one of the 12 disciples therefore betrayal could have been perpetrated by any of them
a closer examination of the Bible shows that Judas iscariot's betrayal was not an isolated incident but the result of a sequence of events the vast majority fixat solely on on the Final Act of betrayal losing sight of earlier Clues when these details are analyzed it becomes evident that Judas wasn't as innocent as he might seem he wasn't a victim he was fully aware of the choices he made fulfilling a prophecy that was already foretold on several occasions it was predicted that one of Jesus's disciples would betray him this prophecy was open-ended meaning it could have
been anyone similar to how the Bible describes that the devil prows around like a roaring lion looking for someone to Devour the expression seeking whom he may devour indicates that the devil didn't have a specific person in mind similarly there wasn't an individual predestined for betrayal Satan was seeking any volunteer who could be used Judas es scariot voluntarily chose to be that person upon closer examination we identify three main reasons why Satan chose Judas the first reason quite clear was the fact that Judas never acknowledged Jesus as his Lord and Savior throughout Jesus's Ministry there's
no record of Judas referring to him as Lord whenever Judas mentioned Jesus he called him teacher or Rabbi this indicates that Judas saw Jesus only as a teacher and nothing more for example in Matthew 26:25 when Judas was about to betray him he said surely not I Rabbi Jesus replied you have said so this exchange underscores that for Judas Jesus was merely a religious leader not the Messiah in Matthew 26:49 the Bible reports that Judas approached Jesus and said greetings Rabbi and kissed him this scene is repeated in Mark 14:45 whereafter approaching Judas again calls
Jesus Rabbi and kisses him these passages highlight that Judas always referred to Jesus as Rabbi which simply means teacher emphasizing a strictly academic perception and distancing from any recognition of divinity on the other hand the way other disciples like Peter addressed Jesus reveals a significant difference for example in John 2028 Thomas addresses him saying my Lord and my God in Luke 5 eight after being called by Jesus Simon Peter falls at his feet exclaiming depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man and in John 6:68 Simon Peter acknowledges Jesus saying Lord to whom
shall we go you have the words of eternal life these Expressions demonstrate a deep belief and a personal relationship with Jesus as the Messiah and savior Judas contrasting with the others saw Jesus only as an educational leader a rabbi without recognizing him as the Son of God this Viewpoint reflects that he was a disciple only nominally not truly devoted or converted in the heart judas's lack of genuine faith and his limited view of Jesus as merely an instructor are indicative of why he could become the channel for betrayal not realizing the true magnitude and Holiness
of whom he was betraying so as Judas never truly believed in someone who could save him it was easier for him to betray Jesus the second reason why Judas betrayed Jesus was that he had an extremely hardened heart this means there was nothing that could redeem him which explains why Jesus never prayed for Judas conversely Satan also tempted Peter but Jesus interceded for him in the Book of Luke 22:31 Jesus warns Peter Simon Simon behold Satan demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat here Satan desired to destroy Peter just as he
desired to destroy Judas the difference is that Peter harbored genuine love for Jesus justifying his restoration later on judas's heart on the other hand was so hardened that he even became irritated when Jesus was anointed by Mary Jesus warned Judas both directly and indirectly about his future betrayal but this didn't change his course this hardened attitude of Judas contrasting with Peter's sincere Faith illustrates not only the individual choices of each disciple but also Jesus's willingness to seek Redemption for those who remain open and receptive to his love and teachings judas's story is a sad reminder
that even in the face of the greatest opportunities for transformation Redemption remains Out Of Reach For Those Who close their hearts to the true of faith in Matthew 26 610 Jesus rebukes Judas for scolding Mary for anointing his feet an action Judas criticized as wasteful the Bible narrates that immediately after being rebuked by Jesus Judas Rose and sought the chief priests to negotiate his betrayal asking how much they would pay him this was a missed opportunity for Judas to seek help and repentance but instead he chose the path of betrayal this Behavior reveals the hardness
of his heart even after the Betrayal was consummated and he realized he had delivered Jesus Judas didn't seek forgiveness from Jesus on the contrary he returned to the chief priests and threw the 30 pieces of silver before them this action shows that Judas didn't seek forgiveness from the correct Source he tried to find Redemption and relief from his guilt through the chief priests and elders but they neither had the ability nor the willingness to forgive him as they were the ones who encouraged him to commit the Betrayal in Matthew 27 35 it is reported that
Judas upon seeing that Jesus was condemned felt remorse and tried to return the 30 pieces of silver confessing to the chief priests and Elders I have sinned by betraying innocent blood however they replied what is that to us see to it yourself their response highlights their indifference to judas's suffering reinforcing that only Jesus could offer the Forgiveness that Judas needed but he failed to seek it directly this narrative underscores the tragedy of Judas who chose the path of betrayal and couldn't find his way back to genuine repentance and Redemption before the only one who could
forgive him facing the gravity of his actions Judas made a drastic decision he threw the silver coins into the temple left and ended up taking his own life at this critical moment instead of seeking Jesus the only one who could truly offer him forgiveness and salvation Judas sought Redemption through inadequate sources he expressed remorse for his decision but didn't demonstrate genuine repentance his regret was focused on the consequences of his actions not on the wrong nature of them Judas felt sorry for himself self but didn't show compassion for Jesus or Genuine remorse for the harm
he caused judas's attempt to rectify his wrongs was ineffective he returned the money he received for betraying Jesus but didn't seek Jesus for forgiveness he confessed his sin to the chief priests and elders but didn't address God the third and final reason for Judas being the traitor was his pre-existing greed as mentioned earlier Judas didn't need to betray Jesus he chose to do so his greed and love for money created the opportunity for Satan to influence his thoughts the Bible informs us that Judas was a thief and that he had been diverting resources intended for
the group of disciples these aspects illustrate how judas's internal flaws specifically his greed and lack of true Faith made him susceptible to evil influence and ultimately to the act of betrayal highlight in a critical lesson about the importance of integrity and sincerity in spiritual life the incident described in John 12 36 reveals a crucial aspect of judas's personality and the underlying dynamics of his betrayal a few days before Passover during a visit to Bethany where Lazarus lived who Jesus had raised from the dead Mary lazarus's sister anoints Jesus's feet with pure nard an EXT extremely
expensive perfume she demonstrates her respect and Devotion to Jesus by wiping his feet with her own hair and the fragrance of the perfume fills the whole house however Judas es scariot who would later betray Jesus expresses his objection to this act of devotion questioning why the perfume wasn't sold and the money given to the poor this questioning might seem virtuous but the Gospel of John clarifies that judas's concern wasn't for the poor but rather motivated by his own greed being in charge of the group's common purse Judas frequently pilfered from it for his own benefit
this episode illustrates that despite constantly being in Jesus's company and witnessing many of his miracles Judas maintained an attitude of deviation and greed Jesus knew judas's nature as a thief but still gave him the opportunity to change and be part of his Inner Circle judas's refusal to change even in the face of repeated opportunities to witness Jesus's love and mercy highlights the depth of his resistance to accepting the true nature and mission of Jesus judas's reaction to Mary's anointing symbolizes his misunderstanding of spiritual value and the importance of personal sacrifice evidencing his materialistic and selfish
perspective which ultimately led him to betrayal Judas failed to appreciate the love and devotion that Mary showed to Jesus not understanding that she was anointing Jesus for his burial as Jesus himself explained he wasn't concerned about Jesus's imminent death nor genuinely about the poor his only concern was himself and his financial gain Judas was a hypocrite and a liar he pretended to care about the poor but in reality was focused on his own benefit it this episode marked the beginning of his final downfall Judas had already allowed greed and disbelief to infiltrate his heart and
now allowed resentment and bitterness to take hold he felt offended by Jesus's acceptance of Mary's worshipful gesture and envied her relationship with Jesus thus he prepared to betray Jesus and actively sought an opportunity to do so this moment arises as described in Matthew 26 six 14 16 where Judas es scariot one of the 12 goes to the chief priests and negotiates Jesus's betrayal for 30 pieces of silver then waiting for the chance to hand him over this is the sad and impactful story of Judas es scariot the man who betrayed Jesus judas's Journey reminds us
of the Grave consequences of greed and moral deviation and the importance of maintaining integrity and genuine faith in our hearts thank you for watching and reflecting on this significant narrative to conclude the story of Judas es scariot offers us a powerful lesson about the choices we make and the consequences of our actions judas's journey permeated by decisions Guided by greed and disillusionment serves as a mirror to our own lives have you ever stop to think about how your choices are shaping your future don't forget to subscribe to the channel give it a like and turn
on notifications share this video with friends and family and leave your comment below how do you think small choices can change the course of a life let's discover more together in each video your participation is essential to continue this journey of learning and reflection
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