FREE AI Agents Course: Build & Automate ANYTHING

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Julian Goldie SEO
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Video Transcript:
in this free AI agents course you're going to learn how to basically automate anything using AI agents now one of the first tools that we're going to kick this off with is n8n this can build seriously powerful AI agents in fact your only limit is your imagination let me show you exactly what what I've worked on and we'll start with the basics and then we'll get more and more advanced as we go through we're going to be talking about how to use Gemini deep seek chat chpt agents how to insert feedback loops human approval Loops
even how to for example browse the web and scrape the web with AI agents and even some of my best workflows including AI avatars web scraping sales agents Etc super excited to show you everything that exists inside here now if you just want to get started with the basics and you can just go inside na1 click create workflow and from here you can add a step which is an AI agent right and basically what you're doing inside n you're essentially creating workflows that link AI apis using these workflows you can build all sorts of complex
High custom agents that you would have never found before now I'll show you some example workflows in a minute but this how it works now usually when you're building out these AI agents you want to have a trigger so this could be for example like a telegram message it could be a WhatsApp message it could be just adding a chat inside the chat down here so you can talk with your AI agent directly all right now once you've done that you're going to add a row to an AI agent like you can see and inside
this AI agent you can just give different directions now you got two choices here you can number one take the prompt from the chat Trigger or you can Define The Prompt that you want right so if I go into the chat I can set that as a trigger and that could be the prompt for the AI agent or what I can do is I can click on Define below and take the input inside the chat over here plug that into the text or just change it to something like you are a friendly assistant right and
then what you can also do is you can have system message so a system message is like giving instructions on who that agent is and this way it knows exactly what it's role is how it can use how it's using its AI what is is basically its main priority all right so once you set up your AI agent then you can go inside the chat model here and you've got all these choices of AI so you can use for example anthropic Azor deep seek Google Gemini Gemini is actually free you can grab an API from
AI Studio and then plug that for free directly into Google Gemini you could use Gro that's also got some free options mistr a llama is free that's hosted locally open rout open AI now to keep things really simple I'm going to use open router and the reason for that is because you get access to all these different apis directly inside it right so if you select open router and you plug in your credentials here just click on the drop down go to create new credential then you can plug in your API key now if you're
wondering okay how do you get an API I key from open rout just go to open rout dot you're going to sign into your account or create one and once you've done that just go down to your settings in the top to hover over your profile picture click on keys and then from here you can create your API key that you're going to plug into na10 and the good thing is once this is set up every workflow you create is already plug in and ready to go so you've got access to all these different apis
directly in here if you want to go free if you want to go on a budget for example you can actually just type in free on the model section and choose between all these different options so you've got deep seek there Google Gemini flash experimental llama llama is very fast normally people know or use it and you got quen as well which is another Chinese AI from Alibaba so for example we can just go with deep seek chat for example or flashlight preview and then we're good to go on that all right so that's our
AI plugged into the agent now this agent won't work without adding a chat model of course you've always got to ad that and inside the tool section over here you can select between all the different apps and tools you want want to select right so for example you could insert a tool like https this would basically scrape the internet right so you can scrape the internet based on the URLs you give it and it can just read live web pages you can also for example connect this to Gmail so if we type in gmail on
the tools over here we've got the Gmail tool we could plug in an extra tool you don't have to have one tool as well you can plug this into multiple places so you could for example link a super base database we could add inside here tint right and look at our LinkedIn profile and you can see all these different branches of tools that we can build in here we could also add Twitter and then we can link our AI agent to multiple different apps I'll show you how to connect these later in the video but
essentially that's what you can do with the power of this now inside the memory section here this basically gives the AI agent recognition of all the other stuff that you've created so if we click on window buffer memory this is by far the easiest to set up and once you set that up you can basically read previous interactions that you've had with AI agent the agent has a memory of your interactions with the chat box now that's useful because the more context your AI agent has of how you like to interact with it the better
the outputs of what you get from that AI agent so we could add for example like 10 different messages and this would read a 10 past interactions with the model and it would look at those as context of what we've done so far and if you want to delete any of this just right click the module or just click on the bin at the top there and there you go all right now if you wanted to test this workflow out this is basically how to build your own AI agent custom build to what you want
in literally a couple of seconds in literally a few clicks like you can see today then we can say okay are you working and that's going to trigger the AI agent to work and it's okay I will be a friendly assistant how can I help you today all and so you've built your first AI agent in space of a few clicks very simple and also the API didn't cost you anything because we're using Google 2.0 flashlight preview be in mind like when you're using some of these apis if you're using a reason model you're going
to get slower responses and I wouldn't recommend if you need quick responses or you want a quick workflow I would recommend just using an API for example flashlight preview that seems to get much faster responses without the deep thinking mode all right so that's something to bear in mind as well otherwise what you can have is like a chain thought in the reply which is quite time consuming quite annoying Etc now if you want to for example turn this AI agent into a chatbot right so you don't want to use it inside na10 directly but
you do want to use it as a chatbot you can just visit anytime then you can click on active over here so you can make your workflow active and then inside the chat message you can click on make chat publicly available that will give you a URL that you can navigate to then we're going to go back over here we'll hit save on this and now we can navigate to our chat right so this is URL we got from na1 we got our chat bot ready to go we can say are you working and it's
great I'm ready to help in a friendly way what can I do for you today all that was so easy to set up an agent custom build to whatever what now if we hide the chat and then if you want to know how to like scroll you can just press command and that'll help you scroll to the left or to the right inside the chat here you can also add a more complex system message you can actually take the inputs from the previous workflow for example we can take the chat input and then put that
as a prompt that it works with over here so we've dragged that in you see how it says json. chat input that is the input from the previous workflow and that previous step is the chat like we can see and then you can also choose whether you want like a conversational agent a tools agent all sorts of different agents there and inside the settings as well you can see all these different options you get as well right so you can say stop workflow on the error or continue and just pass a message on and carry
on and then for the next output you can actually link the output to another AI so you can have different AI agents with different roles or what you can do in here is you can say okay send this message that we got from the AI agent over Twitter right whatever you want so that is the basics of sing up an AI agent inside n 10 it's going to get a lot more complex all the way to the point where you're building stuff like this where you got positive feedback loops you got like four different agents
in one SLE workflow is working with Gmail and it's got filters for the messages you send so whether stuff is approved or declined and you got multiple different AIS and apis working together like you can see we're going to cover that later in this course but for now if you want to know how to do web scraping inside what you can do is you can connect a p request and this will look at your live website so for example we've plugged in Julian as the URL to get and then that's going to send over
to our AI agent and you can see as the prompt inside this AI agent with said rewrite the copy on this page plus make it more interesting and fun add some emojis and write it in HTML as a beautifully designed landing page all right now if you wanted to test out we can go over to the chat here we can say get start started and basically what this is going to do is is going to scrape the web so scrape my homepage and it's taking that live data and now it's using that to create the
HTML and the output that we get back from the AI agent is going to be available once the workflow is done and you can move the chat up or down like that just click on the arrows poting up and down so we'll wait for that to load and I'll show you what you can do with this so for example you could take live data from the web you could take headlines you could use that as research you could also for example use it to create your own website anything that you can do with a web
scraper you can now plug that straight into AI agent and you ready to go on that and I think this is super powerful to know because a lot of people love these AI tools but most of them are based on outdated data right you got stuff like for example Claude that's outdated you got these other AI tools that are outdated whereas this can plug live into the internet so we got the HTML here to preview if you go on to live we can preview the HTML that's Rewritten from our main homepage so I'm just
going to delete the previous stuff that was here plug that in and we've got our landing page recreated like right and that was based on the live page that we have over here right there's no CSS in this but there is the HTML content which is what we've Rewritten with AI on autopilot when you're doing all this stuff your only limit is your imagination I've seen some absolutely mind-blowing workflows that I never actually thought was possible um honestly you can create something that's better than a SAS like you can create your own startup s in
the space of minute you get faster and faster as he uses more and additionally it's all personalized to you and your situations I not code I don't understand code but I can easily build an AI agent that does and I can create a team that's almost like a team of employees working together but instead of waiting days or weeks for the work to get done it gets done in one click like you can see today so with that let's get straight into the rest of the course I'm going to show you how to build AI
agents using Gemini 2.0 completely for free so first thing you want to do is go over to na10 get your free trial for 2 weeks and then also from there you're going to grab a free API key now the way to do that is you are going to go to then you're going to go to get API key from here you're going to click on create API key and this is completely free and you can just click create an API key right once you've done that you can actually plug that into an AI agent
workflow like you can see inside na10 now I'll give you access to all of the tutorials and templates from today inside the AI profit bordering but essentially what you can see here is we've got an AI agent ready to go plugged in we've tested are you working it is working it's beautiful it's easy and it's very simple to create these oneclick AI ages for free let me show you exactly how we set it up step by step delete that we'll start from scratch just for you people at home watching we're going to click on add
a new step now and inside the AI workflow you want to make sure that you have ai agent set up right or what you can also do is just add a first step and if you want to trigger the workflow with a chat trigger so for example when you chat to your AI then you can easily do that using this method right here so what you can see is you're building out an agentic workflow and it's really simple and easy inside na1 and you just click on AI agent right so you can connect different apps
and automate a lot of different things using this autonomous AI agent right so if we click on AI agent so it's going to connect it over here we've got the options I'll come on to exactly how to set that up in a second but essentially when a chat message received that will trigger the AI agent and then inside chat model over here you want to select Google and we're going to select Google Gemini chat model so that we can use the latest now if you're wondering okay how do you connect the API that you got
from Gemini SEC inside here right so the way that you do that create a new credential and inside the Google Gemini account section here you can leave the host as a default and then plug in your API key which again you get from AI Studio click get API key create API key and then you can plug that in pretty simple stuff now the good thing is once it's set up inside N1 you got your credentials saved they're ready to go you can select them any time now the important thing here is that you're not going
to use a default model selected so it's going to start off with Gemini 1.0 Pro obviously you don't want that you want to go for 2.0 and the latest model so you can see here we've got different dates on the releases so if we look at the drop down for example we've got like 2.0 flash experimental 2.0 flash which is great but we want the ones that have just been updated on February the 5th so for example we've got Gemini 2.0 flashlight preview and Gemini 2.0 flashlight preview 5th of February all right so those are
the two that you want to focus on so we'll go with this one for now and that is ready to go and set up if you want to just test it works once you've added your API key and the chat trigger then you can go inside the chat and just say are you working just to double check okay is this actually working is it have we got the AI system ready to that and if it's set up correctly with the right API key and everything else then it'll say okay yes I'm working I'm an AI
and always ready to assist okay all right once we've done that if you want to just reset the workspace and zoom out a bit then I press Commander zero that just zooms me out and now we can zoom out and look at everything now from here what you can actually do is just connect tools so you don't just have to set this up as a standalone chat Bo you can for example like connect different apps different tools over here and this is super useful because now the AI agent can take the data from whatever tools
you connect and then you can easily feed in that information so let's say for example you want to create a AI content creator using Gemini we can take this PR right here that I use for creating content we're going to plug that into to our AI agent and inside the add option section down here we're going to select systems message and instead of having the default which is you are a helpful assistant we're going to switch that now to create an SEO optimized article for this keyword equals the keyword I give you we're going to
test that step now so if we go inside the chat and we'll say keyword equals what is SEO now going to write that content for us right so you see here we've got the whole article ready to go and this is all customized to The Prompt we plugged in earlier so you can see it's actually created a full article how long is that that's a th000 words with one little prompt we just give it the keyword and it does everything else so it's like why is this and the content itself is written really nicely but
you can see here how you can optimize blog content SEO content Twitter content whatever you want even YouTube scripts you could easily do and it's written it really nicely as you can see it's also formatted it super nicely and we've got bullet points we've got SE optimized content and here's the other thing as well it's actually personalized all the content and bear in mind this is free right this is not costing you anything because you're using the free API from Google and you're using the free trial from na10 and if you don't like it then
you can get rid of it after two weeks if it doesn't get you the ROI right and you get expert help look SEO can be complex my agency has done this if you want to join the SEO Le Circle go here if if you want to book in a call go here and if we click on that it's created a personalized link to our funnels right so we've easily automated personalized content that's better than most humans can write nicely formatted and ready to go into block and if we actually hide that chat now we can
select this to go out to a blog or a Shopify block right so if we type in Shopify you can connect this to your e-commerce store if you want to automate blog content or if you want to automate content on WordPress you can just click on WordPress right there let's have a look if it's got web as well I know few people switched into that recently including Authority hackers saw that recently so yeah you can connect this to web flow as well and then you can just automate really high quality content personalized to you with
all your internal links in and boom Shack you've done it for free using the free API from Google AI Studio crazy stuff now if we type in WordPress over here we're going to click WordPress then we're going to click on create a post and from here we can select what we want to do so we can say resource post operation create title we can put as what is SEO or whatever your keyword is and then inside the ad Field section here you're going to add your content and you can add a slug as well so
I'm just going to delete slug for now because I don't want to manually fill it in and then for the content itself you can just grab the Alpa like so and what I'm actually going to do inside the AI agent as well is I'm going to say write this as boom all right and what that's going to do using the chat feature is just create super personalized content with internal links nicely written for for free in literally a minute and then send it over to Wordpress super easy crazy how powerful this is right so let's
just test this works all right I'm just going to log into WordPress happy days and then we need to link the chat message to the AI agent that was unlink a second ago I'm going to go over to the chat I'm going to refresh the chat just delete all that and we'll say Okay keyword equals SEO training Japan that's going to write the content if we just load that slightly so we can see what's happening so basically just to explain the workflow in case you're unsure what's going on here basically we've taken the chat message
which is just plugging in our keyword the AI agent the SEO AI agent is taking Google Gemini taking our prompt which is keyword equals writing the content and then creating a post over at WordPress now if we go to Wordpress so we'll go into posts we've got the title of the article we just created just here and click on preview boom look at that so easy simple to do how long did that take literally just one single prompt plus a keyword we're ready to go off that super powerful and easy to do and then it
said to us okay SEO training Japan you guys crushing it in the Japanese market and the content itself super nicely written additionally what it's done is is actually linked to our funnel Pages where we want to send traffic and get clients and it's personalized all the content to us as well obviously you would edit it before you publish it this is just a draft which is the beauty of this so you quality contr it before you publish it but you can create free aiso agents that can create blog content or create social media content and
you can do it using Gemini Pro which is the latest model from Google absolutely amazing so what we can also do here is if we move this over here we'll move that over there we'll move this over here and what we're going to do from here is we're actually going to duplicate that AI agent and I'm going to unlink this so let's delete the link between the AI agent and that and we're going to connect that to another AI agent right and so what this is doing now is we're going to have Google Gemini over
here as well inside the Google Gemini chat model we're going to select 2.0 and the febrary the fifth model so the latest version of Gemini and then we're going to say inside this AI agent right which is totally different from this one this one's going to be for writing content and this one's going to be for actually coming up with keywords and so I'm going to say inside this AI agent when I ask you for a keyword give me a keyword that's related to my Niche one single keyword no other responses all right and what
I'm looking for here is like longtail localized simple EG SEO trage pan SEO training in London all right and you can plug this prompt in however you want I'm just doing this for Speed obviously it's a YouTube video we're not going to go too in depth on that but basically what we're trying to do here is we're going to ask for a keyword that's going to run through the keyword agent and I'm just going to rename this agent SEO keyword agent we rename that and then inside this agent this is actually going to be our
SEO content writer agent right and so now we can automate the keyword send that over to our content writer agent and then send that over to Wordpress in one smooth workflow now inside here what you're going to do is you going to execute the previous nodes all right so I'm going to click on play over here then we're going to open this up and we're going to take the output from the previous keyword agent and plug that into our SEO content writer agent so if I take the output we're going to take that and we'll
plug it into the keyword section over here all right and so now every time this agent runs I'm going to say pick one keyword from this use that to write the article okay so now basically what it's going to do is it's going to pick one keyword from the outputs of our SEO keyword agent and it's going to use that to write the article so if we go back to the keyword agent now we just to really give it some clear instructions and exactly what it needs so I'm put that inside the chat input which
is our prompt into the chat and say based on this when I ask you for a keyword give me one single keyword that's relevant to my Niche one single keyword no other keywords this will be used for an AI agent to write an article okay longtail localize simple G SEO train fan SEO train in London and you can personalize this prompt to you you need whatever I want to show you how personalized you can make it we'll say okay now SEO training the buy all right we'll put examples of keywords equals this okay so now
we're going to test that step and you can see here the output so it's giving us an output here and so if we go into our chat model we'll refresh the chat so reset the session I'm just going to hit save on that as well so we can save our progress and if we run the whole workflow now I'm going to run the chat and going to say okay my Niche equals SEO agency and just going back to the SEO content writer agent so if you want to edit that click on that you want to
Define change the source for prompt from connected chat trigger mode to Define below and so now put keyword equals and that's going to be the chat trigger for our SEO content writer agent right so it's all linked together and now we're going to test it so I'm going to say my she go SEO agency that's gone straight through the keyword agent light and fast now it's right in the content and that should plug over to Wordpress so we'll just go back over to our posts inside WordPress now and we've got the article ready to go
so let's click on preview and boom look at that right the AI picked out the article for us the keyword all we have to do was tell it our Niche right and it did everything else now if we go over to Wordpress and the output here now that we've got the keywords from the keyword node we can actually plug those into the title cuz that's picking the keyword for us which is the title and also if we add the field here we can select Slug and then inside the slug we can also put the keyword
from the AI agent so if we just grab that we'll plug that in and if you understand what we're doing here I'm flying through it because obviously it's a YouTube video and this could be like an hour long but essentially what we're doing here is we are literally automating our whole SEO strategy not just a Content not just a publishing not just a keyword research literally all we need to do is just go here's my Niche the AI agent will figure out the keyword then the AI agent will figure out the content and then it's
going to send it to Wordpress so let's try that workflow again I've already shown you it works but I want to show you something else now so we're going to click off that and we'll refresh the chat sell we've reset that and then inside here I can say for example okay Niche equals SEO agency we'll head into so that's feeding into the keyword agent now it's feeding into the content writer agent and boom we've just sent that to Wordpress is na10 is by far the best platform the easiest platform to use once you get your
head round I started using this like 2 weeks ago properly I actually started testing out about a year and a half ago couldn't get my head around it and now it is absolutely amazing see cuz here we've got a nicely formatted article it's all personalized to us we didn't even have to think about the keyword that we were going for and the AI has come up with the keyword come up with the content personalize it to us send it to Wordpress created a draft and that is absolutely amazing now this could be an infinite workflow
right so you don't just have to send this to Wordpress if you wanted you could add another action in that so if you click here you can actually send this over to Twitter as well and you could for example like create a tweet right and you can automate all your social media content not just your SEO content you could even for example like create a video script for that and then send that over to whatever your favorite AI video content creator is but the main thing about this is you are creating an absolutely amazing workflow
based on this AI agent so what I'm actually going to do is I will take the workflow from today the Json file and if you want to import that into na10 yourself so you can import the Json so then what I'll do is I'm going to plug this into the AI profit boardroom if you go to srps we add a new page autonomous in Gemini 2.0 AI agents and we'll call that Gemini 2.0 AO agent likes all right and also what I'll do is I'll take the transcript from today turn that into an sap and
then you got thep plus the template from today additionally if you go inside the AI profit boardroom because we're still building it out right now for example like hel Lima posted recently saying I'm Looking For assistance with designing the opin page setting a Blog and building up a website and so what we actually did was I just created custom scps and tutorials for them directly here right so if you want to be a part of this community and you actually want something customized to you I'm building out these AI agents completely for you for free
to help you and you can get all of that inside the AI profit boardroom normally you paying agencies like $2,000 to $55,000 to do that for you we did it within 24 hours for Hala just to help her because we want to build the best AI community in the world so feel free to join that link in the comments description and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session that shows you our we websites from 0 to 145,000 bits this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on autopilot
feel free to book that free SEO strategy session in Miss free link building acceleration session you get a free SEO domination plan discover the secrets SEO link booing answer any questions you have one to one you'll learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quick our ranking competitors and how to 10x SEO traffic based on what's working for us and our happy clients feel free to get that link in the comments description today I'm going to show you how to build one click deep seek AI agents using a new workflow I've
never shown before so what we're going to do is first place you're going to start is at na10 doio and then once you're logged in you're going to go to create wordflow and over here you're going to add a new step now inside this new Step what we're going to do is we're going to click on chat trigger and that will trigger our automation based on the actual chat right you can even make this publicly available if you want so you can share it with people that sort of thing and by the way I will
give you the blueprint at the end of this video so make sure you keep watching if you just want to steal this workflow from me now from here what we're going to do is inside this workflow we're going to click on AI agent right so if we click on the plus side we can now create an AI agent using deep seek and we can trigger that to run our automations so we set up the chat trigger which means the automation will start as soon as you start chatting with the AI agent how do you start
chatting you just click on chat down at the bottom and then how do you add deep seek to the AI agent now at this point we need to connect deep seek how do we do that so if you're using an older version of N1 like me we need to update the workspace so what we're going to do is we're going to make sure that we update this hit save changes the workspace will go offline for a minute or two but then if we go back to our dashboard once that's updated which should just take a
minute then we can get back into the game all right so that was super quick and literally took about a minute so from here what we're going to do is we're going to go back into the workflow all right and once you're back in your workflow you're just going to hit on chat model there's two ways you can Implement deep seek right so they actually have a deep seek chat model where you can plug in the API directly or what you can do is you can plug in open roer now the beauty of open routa
is that you can actually add in your credentials right here and just get an API key from open routa so if we go to Keys over here and click create key and create your API key like so once you've added a new credential plug on your API key hit save that's going to say connection tested successfully once you've done that you can actually flick between many different models right so you don't have to be limited to just deep seek but if you do want to use deep seek then you actually get access to R1 distilled
llama which is a distilled version of Deep seek R1 and that's completely free and additionally you get access to deep seek chat for free as well right and you can have deep seek R1 for free as well so you can Leverage The Power of deep seek and it's API complete for free and you can between many different models we've got mistra Nvidia open chat quen and so it's crazy what you get and how you can use it for free for example if we select DC chat likes we now have that plugged into our AI agent
so if we go into chat and just check it works we'll say are you working that's going to trigger the Automation and we can see if open rut is actually working or not inside here we can test see AI agent if we just say are you working we've got that running like so AI agent running through open routa using deep seek and that chat model was working right there now I've selected deep seek chat you can choose whatever you want but that's B basically how it works step by step right now what we can do
is inside the tool section we can connect this to many different apps and also we can give custom instructions to the AI agent so if we delete that we're going to refresh the chat here and we'll hide that chat what we're going to do from here is we're going to select add option system message we're going to see inside here using a previous prompt that I've used for creating video transcript blogs we're going to plug this directly into the system message over here and basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a
AI agent that can basically take the transcripts from my videos and then turn that into a blog post ranks for SEO now you might say okay why would you do that actually a lot of my transcripts written with AI are actually ranking really well you can see for example all this traffic that we're getting with potential leads for are relevant keywords so you want to get on Google right so here's a keyword here's a page and these pages are written with AI using the transcript from our video example right here the same for example inside
perplexity as well we can rank our video but also our blog content inside these AI search Ines get more customers out we now what you can also do is we can delete this model right here so let's delete that and we can stop the whole workflow and then we can actually add deep seat directly in here as well so if click on deep seat chat model then we're going to add a credential from Deep seek directly so it's gone to deep seek went to the API platform this is available at platform. then we're going
to go over to API Keys create a new API key and then inside the credentials here we can just add those in as you can see hit save that's connected nice and easy inside the AI agent we've got the same prompt same system message Etc and we can take the chat input inside the system message section we'll plug that into the top so now the system messages using this input which is a video transcript when I paste in my video transcript write part one of the article okay then we'll test the step and then you
can see here for example I did simplify the prompt just to make it faster for the sake of this demo video but you can see here will say create a blog from my video transcript that I give you and then inside the response here it's giving us a video transcript we plug that into a new document we've got the blog ready to go right there let's have a look at that so it's taken that transcript and then create a nice little block so really simple to create these AI agents and then what we can actually
do is we can actually create multiple different AI agents and feed them together okay so if we click on AI agent over here this is going to take the input from The Source prompt then we're going to add the system message write the second part of this article like so this will just carry along in a long line now we're going to link this back to open router again you can use deep seek if you want to we'll select open rout for now then we'll select DC chat DVC chat is a lot faster and it's
better for writing content you will get the output but you will also get the thinking and reasoning behind that output which is not very useful so what's better to use is the Deep seek version 3 which is the chat model right here so what we've got over here is an AI agent that's programmed to create content and then another a agent and you can link these both to deep seek inside these modules here so that you can write part one and part two of your article so for example if we open up this AI agent
you can see here we've got tools agent then we've put source for the prompt defined below and then we said based on my video transcript that I paste in create a blog and basically this chat input is the chat transcript that I would take from descript so I've got my video transcript right here and then I've taken that and plugged it directly into the chat what's going to form part of the prompt so this bit is dynamic it changes every single time you write a prompt now inside the system message these are the instructions on
how to write the article how to prompt it Etc how to get the best out of it right and so what we're going to do is we're going to call this transcript one part one and then we'll call this one part two so we got part one and part two and then what we can actually do is so we take the transcripts Exel and then we're going to link this to Wordpress create post I've already got my WordPress credentials plugged in right there we'll just call this example one just so you can see how it
works and then inside the content section we are going to take the transcript from part one now inside the WordPress section what we're actually going to do is take the outputs right from the AI agent so we got transcript part two and you can just drag drop that into the output section over here and what that will do is actually take the outputs and plug them over into WordPress so let's test his step likees and you can see his work nicely now if we refresh the page we've got the preview ready to go so if
we click on preview this is the example and you can see we got the content from the page and actually it's pretty long right that's all personalized to the transcript that we plugged in if we check the word counter it's 1,200 words however there's an issue here because what you can actually see is it's written in markdown right so you got these hashtags and all that sort of thing so what you would do inside the prompts earlier in the workflow if we go back to NN now we'll press escape to get out of there and
inside here we going to say okay output Hyo so output in HMO and we'll do the same inside part two as well there we go and that's just going to make it better formatting for when it goes over to Wordpress so if we go back inside the chat now and we'll test this out so I'm going to grab this transcript so plug that into the chat hit enter that's going to run the automation nicely and now it's on to part two of the transcript and it's writing the content and then it's pluging it over to
Wordpress so if we refresh WordPress now we can preview this and that's running over to Wordpress now now the one thing I want to say over here is that inside the chat right if you're loading in something quite big like a long article complex like you can see right here you got multiple chains inside the steps multiple agents working together like these transcript agents then you can use other apis right for example if you find like deep seek is too slow for you then you could use something like mistra which is super fast or you
could use Google Flash thinking right so it depends what you optimize it for so we're just going to refresh the page now we have the preview ready to go let's open this bad boy up and now we have the content ready to go like you can see it's all updated even as CTA to join the free AO accelerator which is our Facebook group so it's all customized to us nicely formatted ready to go and obviously you would quality control it before you publish it but you get the idea you could also delete that and you
could add like a different app so for example we type in apps over here so if we click the plus sign we can actually type in for example like Google Docs you could output that to Google Docs if you actually wanted to publish it directly to LinkedIn they do have this LinkedIn tool and then you can click create a post and if you want to delete any modules see add you can do that too but yeah super powerful and simple now also based on this what we can do is we can click on Advanced gu
agent set up another deep seek module right here and this can be our keyword agent right so let's say for example if we add open router select deep seek this can be our keyword agent that basically finds a relevant keyword and title for our article so we'll click on Define below inside this module then we're going to grab the output from the transcript and I'm going to say suggest a relevant SEO keyword for the article below should be short relevant plus SEO optimized okay let's test that and it's giving us the output but you can
see and I think it's good for you to see this so for example at Deep seek AI tutorial but the problem with this is It's given us multiple and it's giv us a lot of fluff around it whereas we just want the title and I'll show you why in a second cuz basically what we're going to do is plug this into WordPress so I'm going to say don't give me anything else but the keyword and it should be one single keyword idea all right pick the best one now we're going to test out and the
good thing about this is you can test the steps you can see what you think you can trial each stage of the progress before you get what you want okay so for example it's come back to us with deep seek AI automation workflow perfect we just don't want any quote marks Let's test it out again and the better you get your prompts the less you need to edit the content and the outputs later right so the more time you spend on the prompts down the less time you have to waste later getting best output so
you can see here for example we've gone from a massive paragraph to five different keyword ideas to one single keyword idea but it had a hyon and quot marks to like a title and the keyword that's ready to go boom right now if we zoom out of this workflow we're going to go back into WordPress and what we're going to do over here is we're going to take the keyword output and we're going to plug that into the title right we'll delete the previous title which was example one we don't need that and also inside
here we're going to add a field called slug inside the slug we'll grab the output and that's going to be the URL of our article so using that keyword stage we've now got a title and a URL for our article so for example like Julian deep seeken AI hyen automation now I saw a YouTube comment the other day that was asking should you ask it to come up with an SEO title and a meta description and all that I don't bother with all that right I want to make this as optimized and as fast
as possible and bear in mind like 50% of the time Google when it comes to SEO is just going to come up with a Rewritten meta description based on the content so most of the time you don't need to specify a meta description most of the time as long as the keyword is relevant you good to go we've got that automation looking really good now you might ask as well like why would you have two different sections for the transcripts right if you're writing one single article the problem with that is if you just have
one section it's just going to write 400 words 500 Words the article is not going to be long or is in depth as as is required for a good article so it's better to have two different steps get the article and the research and the depth you need get the keyword so that you can filter that to Wordpress and the cool thing about this is it's all set up and ready to go now so every time I create a video I can create a nice transcript that's just ready to go over and over again every
time I return to this workflow it saves me so much time and we're absolutely flying so now let's test this all out together I'm just going to make sure I save this always save your progress on end 10 otherwise when you back out the workflow it's not going to be there for you anymore then if you want to change the name of your workflow like for example video transcript Creator you just basically do that now if we go back to the chat and you want to delete the history you can reset the history likes and
then we can just plug in a video transcript it's creating part one now it's generating part two seems to be going pretty smoothly so far now we've got the keyword generating and that's gone to Wordpress wow now you might be saying as well okay but why not just use like one of those SEO tools that you can build AI with or why not just use chat GPT but the thing is the whole point of this is it's an automation right so you literally just paste the trans script and it customizes everything to you your business
plugs it into WordPress saves you a lot of time inserts your internal links writes it in HTML writes it exactly how you want it using the API that you want to use and gives you so much Freedom over the process so much control and the best possible outputs you can get all right so if we go to the article we've got the title right there with the keyword which is and it's chosen deep seek AI agent techniques automation has finished running through like you can see perfect now if to refresh the post section on WordPress
we can click on preview on the latest article and it's picked the title so the keyword tools agent has then plugged in the title right there so we've got the Su optimized keyword title additionally that's going to be the slug of the article as well when we publish it then we've got a nicely written article so it said want to build killer content fast ever wondered how to automate your content creation using AI then you've come to write place I'm going to show you how to build one click deep seek AI agencies in a workflow
that can seriously streamline your content process and then you see it says watch the video tutorial below and you just insert the URL that you want to embed everything is nicely set up as well as you can see it's all nicely formatted and additionally it's linked out to our funnels right so for example this is all customized to us our brand it's giving us some it's insert some nice techniques how to maximize efficiency AI tools and then also a CTA at the End plus some FAQs again and that was super simple and easy to do
now before you publish of course you want to always quality control anything that is client facing in your business so I've got a checklist that will include inside the AI profit boardroom along with the workflow from today but that's basically how you can build like deep seek AI agents so you can customize it to whatever you want so today for example I wanted to create an AI agent that could take my video transcripts into SE optimize articles but basically any repetitive process that you're using day in day out you can now automate using deep seek
and it's very linear plus it's just like drag and drop you there's no coding involved here is absolutely amazing the other thing I tend to find is it's a lot simpler and breaks less than zappia zafia constantly gives you errors and is a lot more complicated to setup a lot more things can go wrong whereas N1 once you get your head round it it's just absolutely amazing this is really powerful now some other cool stuff as well you can do if we go back to the chat trigger over here we can actually click on
make chat publicly available if we select that URL is now ready for us to just start using using as a chat bot plugged into our na10 automation right and then you can change the initial message here so for example you can say hi there what's the video transcript you want to use you can have authentication as well so if you want a password protect that you can then if we save that click on the URL you can see inside the chat here is hi there what's the video transcript you want to use and then you
just plug in the video transcript that you want to create content for as an example of that we've just pasted in this video transcript is running the automation like so we'll just wait for that to roll out and then once that automation is finished it will plug it into WordPress pretty simple and easy to use so I'm just going to unselect and then if you don't want it to be available anymore just deselect make chat publicly available yeah that's basically it now what you could even do is you could have another Branch off here and
you could say Okay Twitter create a tweet and then based on the video transcript that you created a Blog around you could also for example like create LinkedIn content or Twitter content or whatever platform you prefer to post on so there's loads and loads of potential to this so much power but something like that would normally take me like 5 to 10 minutes going back and forth with Claude so for example like normally I'm using this project inside Claude for creating blogs around my YouTube videos I can now easily automate inside na10 and the outputs
are going to be 10 times better so crazy stuff so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to download the Json file and if you want access to that I will plug that inside the classroom inside the S&S and then we'll add a new section called Deep seek AI agents and we could just upload a file here we'll call that video transcript Creator and then if you want access to that I'm my SEO checklist for Quality controlling your content you can get that directly inside the AI profit boardroom along with an AI crash
course recommended watches all my best recips and weekly calls directly with me plus a community that you can post him and that's for help any time so feel free to join that link in the comments description and if you want to get a free 1 to1 SEO strategy session feel free to build in we'll show you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 businesses per month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and a bot on this free link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan discover the secrets SEO
link building ask any questions you have one to one you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quol rank your competitiv to link building and how to stand traffic based on what's working for us and a happy clients like you see right here feel free to get that link in the comments description appreciate you watching these new Google gini 2.0 computer use Asians are absolutely insane these who basically go off use your laptop Ser the internet do whatever task you wanted to automated it in one click I'll show you exactly
how so what you can see here is we've got the LM configuration as the new model of Gemini so you can select which model of Gemini want and obviously the latest 2.0 update just came out over the last few days and if we go over to run anent we say okay go Toc and tell me where I can buy sleeves or my t-shirt all right and then we'll hit run agent what this is going to go off and do like you can see over here if we open this up is it's now going to start
going off easy Google automating whatever task we give it then she just took one click right he can see I'm not holding doing anything I'm not typing anything and you can see how it's analyzed in the page cuz it highlights the different visual elements and then this okay let's figure out where we can get this man SLE for his T-shirt all right and he can even read for example Google Maps and if we go over to the results section over here not only do we have the latest recording from what we just did with the
agent right you you see that's a 31 second recorded but also what you can see here is actually giving us the details of where we can buy sleev through our t-shir all right absolutely amazing what you can do with 2025 this didn't cost us a penny there there's also some really cool new features for example like deep research and you can also configure many different LMS right so you don't have to use goog if you don't want to I would say it's probably the easiest one and I'll show you that how to set up in
a second and also say you got a choice between open AI atropic deep SE goo or llama as all M out as well now one of the best things about Google is not only that it's a very new model and not only is completely free but also it seems to work much better and something kind like deep seek where typically if you use deep seek as the AI so if you select deep seek down there the problem with that is it doesn't have Vision right so it's not going to be able to analyze a page
and also if you're using deep c car 1 in side the chat right here the problem with that is that if you're using the reasonable model then it's going to take a lot longer for the responses because it's going to have to think in multiple steps before it takes any action whereas if you get G 2.0 flash experimental the job is let boom let's go off and do our magic and all we need to do is plug in the API key now if you wondering okay how do I get the API key then you just
go to ai. studio. and you can grab an API key completely for free here you just click create an AP I key that's it super works and then you plug that in down here you leave the air Point Blank and you did to together and then you just select whichever model you want and now also you might be wondering okay but how do you actually get the browser use web you are so here's the actual page and this is the GitHub right so you can install this locally that's another benefit to this is if
it's stored locally it's more private Etc and also you can use your own custom browser right so it says you can use your own browser over tool eliminate in the need to log into sites or deal with other authentication challenges this feature also supports high definition screen recording you can also choose to keep the browser window open between AI tasks so it doesn't automatically complete it and you can see the history of AI interactions and if you scroll down here they've got the steps on how to set it up locally like you can see I'm
running down here in the terminal right now if you want to see the EXA steps on how I set it up I'll include that inside the AI profit border Link in the comments description if you want need access to that we'll just go to classroom over here SS and you get all the video notes from today directly in there so if you want to follow the instructions step by step we've got all the links and we've got the details and how to set it up in the mag along with all these other modules including our
crash course plus weekly coaching with me so let's get straight back into this link in the comments description to that AI profit bordering what we can also do over here is we can select deep research and we can actually create a deep research report now you might be wondering okay what does that even mean so inside chat GPT for example have this deep research option right you click that and it will take about 10 minutes to generate a very deep research report that's absolutely amazing but it's going to cost you $2,400 per year because it's
$200 per month for the chap GPT Pro Plan which is where you get access to the reset really good feature but expensive and unaffordable for a lot of people right and so if you go to the Deep research section in here you can actually use this free and create a deep research Rapport using the API and you flug into browser use web you right so you can see now it's beginning to do the research it's searching the web right this is the other thing is it's connecting Google's Gemini 2.0 which is not normally connected to
the web and then it's going and it's doing all the research like you can see and it's just browsed in the web whil else we don't do anything and the other cool thing about this is if you have it open in a different window like you can see right here so this is running on chromium which is a totally separate browser to our main Chrome it's like a a virtual environment then it's going to go off it's going to do the research you can do whatever work you want want to do on your own separate
tabs and then you come back in 10 20 minutes boom shakalaka you got the Deep research ready to go now if you want to see okay what's going on and then you can see here is processing the data in the background once this is done obviously it's going to take anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes to get that back to us and then we can download the research report was his done also you can see now if for go back here he's already doing the research he's accessing different papers around the web and this is
all whilst I'm recording a video talking to you all right it's just in the background doing this m magic searching the web and again this is completely free plus when I set this up this morning between set another web UI and inserting the API for Google AI Studio it literally took me like 5 minutes right it's so quick and fast to use these especially once you get a bit of experience setting this all up now inside the Run agent section as well you can also add some additional information so light some pints on to help
the LM complete tasks so for example potentially you could give it like some login details if you feel comfortable with that and then it can go off and start logging into different places and doing this magic obviously if you're scared about privacy you wouldn't do and then also you can click here and select use your own browser right so this is how you can configure the browser settings inside user web UI to just go off and start using your own browser so that you don't need to log in then because we're using a vision module
AK because the API from Google Gemini can actually see your screen and interact with it and understand what's going on then you can select use Vision here which can't get with many other models there's not many models that use Vision as multi to be able to operate internet also here you can change the actions per step so you can say right I would need to take 10 actions per step maximum so that for example if you're using something like open AI then you don't get rinsed on the credits and also if you're using a free
API then you can have more actions if you want to go more in depth without it getting stuck you can also change the temperature the amount of Randomness in the model outputs and you can even load like a previous config file right so if youve got like a a configuration that you relied every time you set this up locally let's say I close a terminal and then have to set this up again then I can load the previous config file and we're good to go now I did stock the Deep research early just because I'm
recording the video I don't want to be waiting 20 to 30 minutes to complete the video before we get back to it but here's what we got back from the deep research agent so it's actually formatted it really nicely it's created a nice report bear in mind only let it run for 120 seconds and it already did all of this if you go to the word counter it's already come back with 700 words of research connected to the to then and that is very useful that's an natural use case I know a lot of people
say with agents they don't have a use case or that sort of thing but actually this does this is research is something particularly if you're a content creator or business owner you're going to be doing that every single week or every single month so super powerful to very useful to have it there so what we're testing out now as I've said go to lakoda do together. a and build out a to-do list app and you can see he's already typing out using Quin 2.5 Coda it's just running in the background building out an app for
us I can't even code that I'm getting an AI agent to do it for us sooning this all locally it's not costing us a penny now if you see it struggling like that for example what we can say inside the compass we can say wait 15 seconds for the Cod to build out the app plus be patient man don't you can't rush greatness all right then hit run asan like no at this point you're probably going okay that's great can code for you can build apps for you but it's using chromium which is not logged
in with your current sessions you can't interact with your actual environment maybe some people watch you this are feeling a little bit crazy and want to test something out so what you can actually do is you can set up the EMV file inside that I've got details on how to do that inside the AI profit border and if you select use your own browser run your Chrome in debug mode and set up the EMV file correctly then what you can actually do is just get the agent to run directly in your Chrome browser which is
absolutely wild stuff let me show you an example of this right so if we say now inside run agent go to or say go to AI studio. new chat stop chatting leave the AI and about the LM configuration is Google gem 2. flasher experimental we run the agent inside this current browser session so so that the AI is speaking to the other Ai and we just get really M here so if we run the Asian likes that's going to open up a new tab now you can see it's navigated to the correct window and
it's analyzing the screen is hello AI right and by the way this is really weird now because you got an AI speaking to an AI and they're just having a cheeky chat back and forth aren't they says St and it's messing around it seems to be messing around with the temperature it's having a little conversation a little bit of small talk and it's what can you do and so now the AI are both going back and forth of each other and you generate images all right so you can see how the AI can interact with
another Ai and then what you've got is an army like a swarm of AI agents all working together to get whatever workflows you want to get done right so this is really a previous limitation of AI so you couldn't get it to generate blobs for you without you being there to supervise it but with this method you could go off you could create a cup of tea and who knows what they're talking about in the background no I don't recommend it this is is probably not a safe way to use AI particularly if you've got
all your login so details stored inside the browser but I will take that risk on for you just to show you how crazy this can be and then one day maybe I'll get sleeves on my t-shirt all right I'm going to set that browser session for now you get the idea if we go over to results now and you can see that it's giving us the final results from what happened how it worked Etc and that was just with a super basic prompt if I said go to studio. and then and create the best
possible SEO of article you can about AI SEO with Gemini 2.0 and we say not make sure it's beautifully formatted conversational add some Moy tonality plus add some Emoji SL subheadings so we run the agent and now we can basically automate anything inside our existing browser for this agent to just go off and do Stu for example if you actually said okay go over to Amazon and order something for me like I'm pretty sure it could do it for you if you already loved it to am directly on De or for example let's say you
wanted it to watch a YouTube video and then tell you exactly okay what happened on there what was going on Etc then they could probably do that too at this point because it's logged into your browser because it's completely free it's super fast it can use AI directly Etc you can really do some interest in stuff like and I think this is the way things to go and give it a few months VI all chat gbt Etc the going to release their own version of this so you can see here for example like the AI
say write an article about SEO it's going to hit run on there I didn't Tye that in the AI agent did that directly we've got the blog written and drafted like you can see that was super simple and easy to do the other thing to note here is if you switch back to your tab Let's test something else out now someone say go to YouTube analyze M's Channel Julian Goldie and G me for really in depth analysis of his channel run the agent so it's going off to YouTube now and here's the other thing right
if if we actually go to a new tab so I'm inside the web UI tab now but you can see it's still running in the background right so it's still processing information inside that extra tab that you've got and if we switch back to it it's searching Julian gold SEO it's going off it's doing own thing it's wild stuff you can see it's now browsing YouTube It's seeing what's happening Etc is analyzing my channel and this is the worst it's ever going to be let's be honest you can actually manually intervene as well so you
can see it's scrolling through the page is doing his own magic but you can manually to the in and click off or stop it if you need to but basically you can see how it's analyzing the page and it can scroll up and down the page it can analyze it can look at the images with this Vision mode it can scroll through see everything's happening here and understand what's going on so thanks so much for watching that was basically how to use dle and it's free API and it's just recently released inside browser use web
UI and then you can get these asias to control your browser go off and do tasks ultimate basically any all basic ad in task you want it can do research deep research even just that feature alone is saving you $200 per month and you can see how it's connected to the internet and how these AI agents work plus how to set them up using webui now if you want all the instructions on how to set up the terminal commands how to get this running into our browser and also all of my best videos and tutorials
and SS on exam how to use AI automation to make make more money online and BR business feel free to get that link in the comments description and if you want to get a free one to1 SF strategy session that shows you how we their websites from 0 to 145,000 this is small and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on all TL feel free to book that in on this free link building acceleration session you get a free SEO domination B the secret SEO linking whereas any questions you have you'll learn the best
building strategy for your website plus how to quickly our ranking comp now it's 10 SSU traffic based on what's working for us and a happy class like you can see right here feel free to get that link in the comments description appreciate you watching the new GitHub co-pilot agent mode is absolutely insane and it is free to get access to I'm not paying for this plan and you can see here we've got access to GitHub cpilot chat now I'm going to show you exactly what you can build with it how you can use it they
got two different modes they've just updated it to agent mode as well and if we select between edit mode we actually get free access to gp3 mini preview along with claw 3.5 Sonic and gini 2.0 Flash and they are free and available to use so I'm going to show you exactly how you can get this set up first thing you want to do is make sure that you download visual studio code insiders that is completely free you can download it on the website I'll include the links inside the SB as well today and then once
you've done that you want to make sure that you go down to extensions once you've installed this and then make sure that you have GitHub co-pilot installed like you can see right here additionally we can also install Cline and this can help you build apps tools websites Etc if we install the extension Cline which is also free so we're going to click trust publisher and install then we go into the settings down here we can select visual code LM API and then we can actually get free access to code inside client 3.3 using 03 mini
claw 3.5 Sony and you are not paying for these right pretty crazy stuff so let me show you examply how you can build apps websites tools with this process so the first way that we're going to do this is we're going to get a prompt from my custom GPT if you want free access to this it will be inside the SCP in the video notes from today and we're going to say for example create an AI automation consultancy landing page selling me what I do Etc this will be used within Hub co-pilot and then we'll
just get the prompt from this this is one of the best ways you can generate prompts for creating websites in the Finos because you lever in the power of the AI to come up with the most relevant prompt for you so that you can easily and quickly build this out you can also include information about you who you are Etc and if you go back to co-pilot now inside Visual Studio code it's important to not that you do need inside as for this you need Visual Studio code inside as for this and then we're going
to start using asent mode over here we'll plug the prompt in also here as well just to knowe you've got the chat version you got co-pilot edits right two different modes right there something else to know is that with the free plan you get 2,000 completions plus 50 chat requests if you're using the paid plan you get a lot more but for most people they won't even go over those sort of limits then what we've done is we've taken the code from copilot as you can see plug that into the edit mode it's created the
HTML over here and we've got that good to go and now if we switch to agent mode which you can do down here so you can select between edit and agent say now run this just make sure when you're doing this if you're creating a new file from scratch you would make sure you save the file this is how easy it is so for example we've said create a website that looks like eBay using me agentic mode and it's setting up the CSS and HTML structure and if you want to open up a new folder
and let's say you just want to store your files all in one place you can click on open set up a new folder and then if you want to toggle the co-pilot on and off just click on open chat over here and that would start generating stuff for you now you'll see two two different icons right here so let me zoom in you say obvious but you've got the chat and you've got the co-pilot edits so co-pilot edits is where you're going to find the agent and you switch between edit mode and agent mode right
so if we go to agent mode and then we'll say something like okay create a website that looks like eBay it's just going to start setting that project up for us now what you can see is it's creating the files for the project at the top and if you need to switch between the files like all you do is you click on the top left over here where it says Explorer and this is where you can see your project files you can can be a little bit confusing but that's basically how you use this in
it if you click on accept all the changes we can click done and then if we click run this it will open it up in your browser like you can see right here if we say Okay create a beautiful SE landing page I'll plug in some information about me who I am Etc and then it will start going off and coding this the good thing about agent mode is you can self iterate right so you can see the errors you can see any problems in the project and then go off and fix them so you
see here how it says apply and edits and it gives us a percentage you can basically like scan for all your code and be like okay we're going to edit this edit that Etc here's what we need to improve here's how we can change the existing code that we've got and also the cool thing about this is because it can make edits itself it can just go off code the project you can go and do something else and then in the background this is running and coding and editing again I'm not clicking anything or typing
anything but we can build all sorts of apps and that sort of thing and again I have not paid a single penny for any of this CL 3.5 Sonic is normally a paid API but it's free with visual code within the limits and it's now coding out the style CSS the other benefit of this say versus something like bold. new is it is hosted locally so you've got the project folder with all the files and then you can come back to it later it's now finished running that project and it's going to offer to run
this in the terminal so we open it up and there's our website ready to go pretty nice actually to be fair I think it's got links to all our social media accounts nice and clean full landing page ready to go see even inserted some icons and that sort of thing thing and then you can build out the rest of the pages later so if you wanted to build out the rest of the website you just feel out okay now create the about me page and the agent can just go off and do that now whilst
that's running in the background we can also run a new window so if you right click the icon and then open up a new window you can open up another project and then code like multiple Pages multiple websites Etc all at the same time because this is running on autopilot as an agent in the background so for example if we open up a new folder and then we go over to edit mode we'll select gp03 mini just test it out see what that's like obviously that only came out what about less than two weeks ago
it's the newest API from open air normally paid we get it for free inside GitHub co-pilot and that's just going to go off and do its magic now we've got the about me page on the other website ready to go so let's click and open this and there we go we have the about me page built out on the website so we got the homepage ready to go and then we've also got the about me page built out as well and it wrote all of this content just by itself the thing as well like you
can attach images to the project later and insert those in but yeah it's pretty nicely formatted as well includes some information about us achievements information about me Etc we're good to go on there we can also take the files from the project and then just run it through live weave especially if it's a simple one like HTML uh CSS and JavaScript so if we go back to the project we've taken the HTML already now we're going to take the style CSS go back to live plug that in down here and then grab the JavaScript
as well for the game and now we have our game built out collect the backlinks game you can see the score is updating in the background we have the website ready to go like you can see and if we go back to that project down here we can switch to CL 3.5 Sonic for actually improving the front end right so for example gp03 mini it would do a great job for coding the back end but like you can see like the design is not that nice when you actually land on the page so even though
it's functional it doesn't look that nice so the way that you can improve that is if you go back here say Okay improve the design of the website make it more beautiful modern sleek and interesting it's now going to start editing the page like you see so it's generating the edits going through the page figuring out what to improve and we don't have to do anything right it's really Bridge a gap between someone who can't code but has an idea and just getting that implemented really quickly within the space of 15 minutes of testing this
out and using it it's really quick and easy to figure out okay here's how you use it here's how it works Etc and also you can see it's generating the edits for the sty CSS and the index HTML at the same time and improving the GS so it seems to be able to edit like multiple Pages at the same time which is pretty cool now we could take that go back to live weave or'll grab the JavaScript again plug that in here and already it's looking a lot nicer right so if you saw what we
previously had versus now it looks a lot nicer even the design of the game looks a lot nicer so claw 3.5 Sonic is probably your best bet for the front and for the back end gp03 mini does the job so if we go back to this page now we've got the game ready to go think the goal is collect the green ones avoid the red ones game over if you hit the red ones that's it that's how to build a game and a website at the same time for free using co-pilot and AI in one
single prompt pretty crazy stuff and the way that we generated this idea right here was again using this prompt Forge AI method which is a custom GPT built specifically for promp in bolt. new co-pilot client Etc to get really good outputs if you want access to that it's inside the AI profit boardroom along with our crash course on how to make money and save time with AI and if you go to the sap section over here you will find the link to the GPT now if you want to get access for free directly to World
3.5 Sonic and to code big projects out with that what you can actually do is if you go to clein so make sure you've got Klein 3.3 installed inside the extensions Marketplace you go two extensions clim install that once you done that go down to client here and then inside your settings to click the Cog in the top right select vs code LM API and then in this list you going to find for example copilot GPC 4 40 mini 40 03 mini CL 3.5 Sonic and Gemini 2.0 flash now you can also insert instructions here
so you can insert custom instructions on how to use it let me show you some examples of what I've used previously so inside here inside the custom instructions I've said you're a coder for Goldie Agency information about us here's what we do here's the links to our funnels is what to use Etc you can also include like your brand colors and also information about your social media links each project can actually include inside the design so let's test for example inside client 3.3 we said build out a to-do list we're using visual studio code and
call 3.5 Sonic we'll allow that we'll close co-pilot for now and you can see it's based on this task to build a to deal this app in the current environment and it's using the custom instructions that we gave it before now it's building out the file as you can see so it's creating the index.html and the good thing about client as well is that you can set it on auto approve so you don't need to keep clicking approve or anything like that it's just going to approve and build everything out for you and then you've
got the files stored locally so for example it switched from building out the index HTML to the style CSS and then eventually it will add a JavaScript for the functionality of the actual app now it's ready to go so if we hit run command that's going to open up the project now we've got the project ready to it's created the whole landing page Etc and it's given us some example tasks already Let's test if this works we'll say test client 3.3 add the task and you can see it's added perfectly plus we've got a link
to our fre strategy session on the page and I think one of the best ways to use this is let you find recommended tools games apps Etc that people are searching for inside your Niche and then you can easily create these mini landing pages or mini websites host them rank them quite easy to do so as in example of this is a great lead generation method so if we put for example SEO game you can see here people are searching that on Google as an SEO agency we could easily create this build it out with
co-pilot or client 3.3 get it hosted and boom we've got a new lead generation method same for example if we put calculator there's so many terms you can rank for around that and obviously whatever industry you're in you would change this right so if you're in the finance Niche you can build finance calculator or if you're in the health Niche you can put Health calculator or health game that's actually pretty easy to rank for decent traffic potential and there's a bunch of other keyword ideas down here it's so easy to build out these apps tools
websites Games Etc using a combination of Clan 3.3 or GitHub co-pilot and by the way if you're wondering okay like how do you get this hosted for example if we open this up if we reveal that and finder we've got the project files right here now if we go to netlify and this is a service someone could sell easily is building out landing pages or apps or tools for a client you can just go to add a new site import from an existing project NFI drop grab that folder from before drag it in there and
then you can just easily deploy your files like you can see and that Lally took a minute or two if we open that up we've now got this hosted on the subdomain we can share this with people for example if we open this up in a new incognito tab we've now got a subdomain hosted with our to-do list or our game or our tool and we built it all out for free even hosting it on the subdomain on netlify is completely free and just to be clear here you're not paying for client you're not paying
for cohop pilot or I haven't paid for it and you've seen how much I've used it today you're not paying for visual studio code Insider you're not paying to host it on a subdomain like all of this is free it's pretty wild stuff plus you've got it hosted locally so you can come back to the project whenever you want and if you've never coded before you could get this to work within a day you can figure this stuff out so thanks so much watching what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to plug in
all the saps all the links and all the prompts from today directly inside the AI profit bard if you go inside the classroom you get a ton of courses here but we're actually going to plug this inside the SCP section along with all my latest video scps if we add a new page here called Hub co- pilot agent mode you can find a link to our custom GPT for programming these pretty easily if you want the custom instructions for client I've added that inside here as well so you can just personalize those and copy and
paste them in if you want the example prompt from the game I've also plugged that in along with a link to an example site that we built just now as you can see and if you want the step-by-step instructions on exactly how you or your team or your virtual assistant can set all of this up for you and you can sell this as a service you could do it for yourself you could scale lots of tools out internally to save your team time then I plugged in the sap directly into the video notes from today
that's inside the AI profit boardroom Link in the comments description and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session that shows you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 Vis this month feel free to book that in Link in the comments and description on this free link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan so you'll get custom tailored link building PL so you can generate more lead sales and profits your website you'll discover the secrets of SEO link building or answer any questions you have one to one
you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quickly out rank your competitors link building and how to 10s your traffic based on what's working for us feel free to get that link in the comments description appreciate you watching deep seek computer use agents are absolutely insane and they're completely free so what you can actually do is you can install browser use webui and this is running locally on our terminal like you can see right here and basically this a free AI agent that you can install using deep seek to basically
run your browser and run commands so for example if we go into LM configuration over here you will see that we have a llama and then inside a llama they've just got a new update where you can actually have a llama with deep seek R11 14b or deep seek R1 32b running in the background and then from here you can just run the Asian and just ask it to go off and do whatever you want so as an example of this we can even use our own browser and if you're wondering okay how do you
set up deep secet llama this is pretty simple to do all you're going to do is you're going to download o llama this is completely free and it's like a oneclick install then once you've done that you're going to go to deep seek R1 then you're going to select B from the drop- down list copy that code go over to terminal start a new window all right so right click the icon start a new window plug that in make sure you have a llama to running so it will show up with the icon right there
plug that in and now you have deep seek R 1114b running along with browser use webui ready to go now that is a pretty powerful model if you're struggling to run that locally then you can always press contrl and D that will close the terminal like you can see so you can stop it running and then what you can do instead if you prefer is you can actually go over to AI studio in Google grab a new API key from Google which is completely free as well and then go over to LM configuration you're going
to select Google from the list and you can plug in your API key down here all right but whether you're using deep seek you can also use deep seek and the API right here but obviously you have to understand that's going to cost money whereas if you're running o llama locally with deep seek and also supports quen and llama 2 and deep seek R1 then that's completely free so this is a free way to get access to the browser agent now here's the other thing right chat GPT operat which is the open AI release from
browser agents this which is open AI is equivalent basically to browser use web UI is only available to Pro users and it costs $200 per month but by watching this and understanding how you can use browser use web UI instead with a llama then you're saving yourself $200 per month and not only that chat chbt and open also released deep research agents but even if you're paying $200 per month you're limited to three searches per day so if you want to use this feature it's going to cost you $200 per month and then you can
only have three searches per day you are limited to 100 per month instead what you can do is you can go over to browse East webui and once you've configured your API you can then go over to deep research and you can ask it to research whatever you want and that's basically going to use the internet to do a lot of research on whatever you're trying to find information about and it will even give you a research report but either way number one you get to select the API you can run number two it's completely
local so it's more private number three you can run the agent in your browser and get it to do tasks and number four you can use deep research and download the research reports so let me show you exactly how this works step by step so if you just want to use the agent and let's say for example you just want to go to and check the SMP 500 shares today all right we can run the agent you can see it's processing over here so we've got the information processed and now you can see inside
our own browser look I'm not typing anything out you can get deep seek or you can get whatever API you want to use the internet and this is all W it's logged in to your existing account you shouldn't do this you shouldn't have it but I want to take that risk for you and you can see here now it's interacting directly inside my Chrome it's not like in a virtual environment which you can run by default I'll show you how to set up in a second but this is actually inside my main Chrome crazy stuff
all right and then if you go to results you'll see the information from The Prompt that you just ran Additionally you can also go to recordings and you can watch back your recordings by the way if you want to know exactly how to set this up step by step I've got it inside the AI proper Board Room Link in the comments description if you go to the sap section then scroll down to the computer used agent section you can get all the instructions in the terminal commands I use to not just set it up also
to set it up inside Chrome because you have to give it a special command for doing that and if you don't want to use your own browser because obviously it is a little bit dangerous is you are letting an AI Control your whole browser then you would deselect that so let me show you an example so if we go back to run agent now and we'll say okay go to Twitter and create an interesting tweet about SEO then post it let's see if it can actually do that I imagine it's probably going to get stuck
before it can post but it might just draft it so let's see what happens next it's going over to Twitter so it's navigating there it's figuring out what's popping what's going ansers you can see how it's selecting the whole screen and using its mode to really understand what's happening on screen now it's actually writing this is crazy this is crazy stuff and now it is analyzing the page is it going to post it now you can see if we go back to the model fors it didn't post I think it's going to have limits on
what it can do depending on which API you use I'm pretty sure if you use something like deep seek it's probably just going to post it straight out but you can see here you've got the model thoughts so it's told you exactly what it's doing how it's doing it what it wrote Etc it was incredibly fast at typing actually that was unbelievable now if you want to stop at any time you can just click stop and that will stop the AI agent let's test something else out now so I'm going to say go to Amazon
and find me the link building Mastery Book by Julian Goldie let's see if it does it so run the agent now you can see it's running there so you're going to see if you know you're going to know if it's working or not just by the bottom and also this can just work in the background right so once you're running this you can just carry on doing whatever you want to do so it's going to run in a new tab separate tab like you can see and it's going to figure out okay here's what we're
doing here's how we're doing it right you can see it's searching for the book it's analyzing which book to click and then you can see in the final results so go to the results tab it says the book link building Master you how to rank higher grow your SEO draft and build Authority with backlinks why Julian Goldie is found right so read the whole title from the book found it boom ready to go so it actually has a use case now because it can go offing it can draft messages for you on Twitter it could
probably go onto WordPress for you if you wanted to and start drafting a post and it can also do deep research so for example if we say Okay research how AI is impacting the SEO industry and websites General we're going to run the Deep research report like so you can now see it's running and it's just going to open up a new tab and start doing the research for us so honestly I think it's getting to the point now where it can do a lot for you right it can open multiple tabs it can control
your browser with all your logins in there it can write tweets for you and draft them so you just have to hit post it can search for stuff on Amazon you can build like full research reports like you can see and it can do this all in the background whilst you do something else as you can see this is still researching still still looking things up in the background whilst we get other stuff done now another AI browser I want to show you this quickly because a lot of people are actually saying this is better
than the chat GPT operator as well which is Convergence do and basically you can get AI to complete your tasks here now this is basically like a fully automated AI assistant so for example let's say we want to summarize the top news stories today we can just go to daily news for me and it already has these workflows built out so for example like you will produce a daily update for the topics of technology and economics now you can see a search in the web so it's actually gone on to Guardian says navigate to the
technology section visit Guardian pick a new story click on the story and read it fully and this is basically like another virtual environment so it's a bit safer than running browsy web UI inside your own Chrome login much safer to have it in a virtual environment the only thing that I would say with this is it seems to be a lot slower than using in some of the other apis who were looking at before so whether that's because of so much demand or something like that you can see here it's still stuck on stage one
you can see here is gradually working through it but I think if you gave browser use web UI the same prompt it would get better results let test is actually we're going to say the same thing now so these are results from convergence and this is browser use webui actually just doing the same thing but live inside our browser now convergence has come back to us and it's giving us like technology and new summary as you can see as well as a business new summary so that is quite useful I think you could use chat
GPT 40 for the same thing I don't think you actually need a browser for that and you can see the browser used webui is just doing its magic but it's already been 2 minutes we're going to stop it there and see how it went yeah I would say convergence AI actually got a better report I think because of all the popups convergence AI actually did a better result than the computer use agent ins side brows use webui when you're doing this as well just a little tip here is like if you're going to run the
Deep research report don't run it in the same browser use a separate browser cuz it's going to open up many tabs seems to be quite buggy if you use it in your own browser so for running the agent that's great for using it in Chrome and by the way all the sap all the instructions all the commands that I used to set up are inside the AI profit boardroom but if you're going to do deep research reports just make sure you don't have that selected so if we go back to browser use webui now and
we check out the Deep research report on AI and we can check the report we'll see how long this was so this is a 588 word article on how SEO is changing the AI landscape and you can see and it's actually it's nicely formatted it's nicely written Etc talks about how to Future proof your strategy it's not bad at all it's nowhere near as long as deep research reports from chat GPT but I think 99% of people are not going to read a 10,000w report like have you ever seen the reports from chat gbt unless
you are trying to create a dissertation you probably don't need that much research or you're going to ask chat GPT to reduce it anyway and condense it anyway so thanks so much for watching that is exactly how to set this up the other thing I was going to say is you do get agent settings so you can choose between for example how many run steps to the maximum number of run steps in each action the maximum number of actions per step and whether you want to use Vision or not when you're running the agent additionally
this seems to be getting updated all the time so I can imagine it's only going to get better it's already better better than most browser agents I've seen out there so pretty powerful stuff so thanks so much for watching if you want to get access to theb and how to set this up for yourself feel free to get that see inside the AI profit boardroom Link in the comments description just go to the sap section and then computer use and you'll see all the terminal commands additionally this comes with a crash course to save you
hundreds of hours plus weekly coaching calls and Q&A calls with me additionally all the q&as are recorded and you can ask inside the community if you have any questions you can see it's absolutely popping up we've got 78 people in there already and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session feel free to get that link in the comments description we'll show you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 B this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on autopilot on this free link building acceleration session you'll
get a free SEO domination plan so you'll get a custom tabl link building plan so you can generate more lead sales and profits you'll discover the secrets as your link building where is any questions you have you learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to ranking competitors lity and how to turn traffic based on what's working for us and a happy glass like you see right here feel free to get that link in the comments description appreciate watching perplexity have just released deep research now this is like an alternative to open
a eyes deep research except here's the biggest difference normally you would pay $200 for deep research capabilities inside chat GPT Pro but now you get access to it for free inside per Plexi so you get up to five queries per day for nonsubscribers and 500 queries per day for pro users bear in mind chat gpt's deep research limit is 100 per month for operator whereas if you're on the free plan on plexity you get five queries per day you can see an action right here here's an example of the benchmarks so if we pull this
up this is comparison for QA of plexity deep research versus open Ai and you can see a huge difference right there which is pretty wild we've got the Deep research stats on perplexity scores so it scored 21.1% on Humanity's last exam out performing Gemini thinking 03 mini 01 deep SE G one and other top models we'll be testing out today I'll show you exactly how to get access and how to use this step by step but I'm super excited the B you always come up with a good so let's get straight into it so if
you want to get started with this just open up a new thread and then you're going to select deep research from the dropdown so this is what you can use and if we say for example okay tell me about how AI will impact SEO in 2025 we'll plug that in and you can see it's now beginning to do the Deep research now it says deep research often takes a few minutes to complete I'll start by preparing a research plan now bear in mind if you're using chat GPT and the Deep research functioning there it's usually
going to take about 10 to 30 minutes per research report so we'll put exactly the same prompt into chat gbt versus complexity and compare the Deep research functionalities here but here what chat GPC often does it will come back to you and say can you clarify a few aspects I'm just going to say give me all of them and it will go off and start doing the research but here you can see that it's actually going to take quite a long time to get that back if you come on to perplexity it seems to be
a lot faster when we're getting the results now if we click on starting research there's no feedback from chat chbt but if we go back toxity it's already telling us okay we've looked at 25 sources here's what we're going to do step by steps it's like think it out as a reasoning model it's giving us all the sources and then once it's ready it's going to tell us exactly what we need to do so if we have a look at these steps first first of all I need to search a web for information on how
AI is expected to impact SEO Trends 2025 right from the most recent research I found a weal of information suggesting that AI is significantly transforming SEO blah blah blah and it's just going off and do the magic now the answer is already come back to us and we've got a pretty detailed report here now it's still reeling off but that is pretty powerful stuff now for sure this has been triggered by the release from chat GPT on deep research but you can see you get very similar outputs except the perplexity seems to be a lot
faster so chat GPT is not even I would say it's probably about 20% of the way through this so it's going to take quite a while to get that back whereas perplexity has already come back to us with the goods you can also inside here as to search images videos and generate an image as well and it also gives you follow-up questions right here top of that you can share this with people so you can share with your team if we open this up on a new incognito we'll check what we got back here so
if we open this up we can X off that and we can actually share it with people like they don't need to log in or anything like that and then we've got the sources so you can see these numbers here these are sources of the research that was used so it's using for example like BR Dean's exploding topics article on the future of SEO and this was published in 2025 so it's not using like really old data from what I can see let's have a look at this one yeah again this is a pretty recent
blog that we can see from and it summarizes the key findings and then the evolution of everything so it seems to be a lot faster and again you can do this for free you get five free queries per day for nonsubscribers so you don't need to sign up to the Premium plan you don't need to pay for this and this is like a very valid alternative to using chat GPT Ste research which cost $200 per month now that's halfway through I would say at this point it's already used 22 sources on chat GPT but
again like if you want Speedy fast results you don't want to wait 30 minutes and open up chat GPT and then close it and then wait ages then this is probably the best alternative now what I want to test as well is whether we can do multiple different research reports in different tabs so I'm going to say for example research similar alternatives to profit bordering community and we'll plug that in so let's see if we can upload images directly inside here yes so you can upload images which is pretty useful let's have a look if
you can do that inside chat GPT deep research options so if we select deep research yeah you can upload images inside chat GPT deep research too and then I want to say based on my community that the AI profit boardroom give me a breakdown on the market and my competitors plus what I need to think about in this industry to improve my offer by the way if you want to join the AI profit boardroom Link in the comments description so we've given that to perplexity to figure out now and it's researching in the profit boardrooms
Market in competitors so that's pretty cool and then if we go inside here we can say okay do a research report on automation agencies here's some info about my agency services for AI automation right and then for this one we're just going to get some information from our website we'll copy that we'll plug it into perplexity and see what we get back now the thing I like as well is it doesn't ask us for more information it just goes off and does it whereas for example GPT makes it a little bit more complex because it
gives you loads of questions right before you can even get the answer and so like I think some people just be like I can't be bothered answering all these questions I'm just going to go off and get the Rapport honestly and then you've got the report already back from perplexity on the community ideas and then also it's doing the research on the AI automation so you can open multiple tabs and then do multiple research reports at the same time which is great because then you don't have to wait for one report then do another and
otherwise you're going to be wasting a lot of time so let's have a look at some of the key ideas and stats from this report and just really analyze it in detail so it's got key findings AI views dominate the serup content quality over quantity that makes sense fragmented search behavior these are pretty valid key finders I would say this is the way AI is going if you seen my interview of Neo Patel then you have seen this Insight on fragmented search behavior and how we were talking about how in 2025 it's really like a
search everywhere not just search Google SEO strategy that you want to be implementing and then also this is a pretty good stat as well automation efficiency 86% of SEO professionals leverage AI tools to save 12.5 hours weekly on tasks like keyword research and site audits pretty useful stuff right there then it's talked about the rise of AI first search engines for example I search GP and Google search champ of experience everything in here feels better than what you would get normally from a research report everything in here is quite to the point as well these
are very valid insights but it's not too wordy and it's not too long if we take that whole report let's see what we got here so we'll take that open up and it is in total 1,200 words so it's not too long chat GPT is still coming back to us meanwhile perplex has already done two different research reports so it's done three research reports essentially in the time that chat GPT is still doing one and we'll compare the insights from chat let's have a look on the next one so it's giving us a market overview
and the global AI Market is experiencing rapid growth with an expected annual growth rate of 36% good time to be in the market by the way some ideas on different communities that we're competing with I've never actually heard of any of these to be fair I see where they're getting that from these are more like AI tools I wouldn't say they're direct competitors so I don't know how it's got that insight to be honest so indirect compet AI business tools and Consulting Services direct competitors these are not direct competitors to be fair like for example
board mix that seems to be more like an AI tool not a community so it's not really a competitor not very useful honestly I I would definitely say like the SEO report is much more useful than the AI Community report that's come back to us then it's given us key considerations for improving your offer and we've already Incorporated a lot of this stuff on the page so that's not very useful either and then it's given us some actional report rep and it said conduct a detailed competitor analysis using tools like board mix inves in developing
or integrating Cod and Edge AI features regularly engage members thank you Captain Obvious if you have a community of course you're going to do that monitor industry Trends so here's what I'm thinking right and my opinion has changed dramatically from this report versus the first one on like industry insights super useful like this stuff this is great right the second report that we got back for community and how to improve the offer all this stuff is super obvious and not very relevant right I would say it's very generic I would rate this report probably about
a 2 out of 10 this report is probably coming in at a 7 out of 10 and probably better than most humans can do let's check the last one so now we've asked for details on like research report on AI automation agencies based on what we're doing so let's see what it's come back here we'll check the word count first of all 1,000 words honestly like the word count is not that different from your typical perplexity Port the whole headline feels like very AI if that makes sense like the transformative role of AI automation agencies
pretty generic and feels like AI fluff this is all fluff this is pretty useful stuff to know so it's giving us some ideas on what we could sell pricing models that's super useful to be fair it's giving us some ideas on what we can charge how much people are charged in for like SAS tools in the same space retainers and also challenges and ethical considerations so I'm rating this one I would say this is probably about a 6 out of 10 maybe a 7 out of 10 the conclusion isn't bad yeah I'm giving that a
6 out of 10 let's have a look what chat GPT came back to us with W we're still waiting for that could be waiting all day for that this could be a long video just waiting around for chat GPT to generate the research reports let's see what else we can do here so you can add it to a space you can also convert it to a page so when you convert this to a page what that means is it's indexable and sharable to pretty much everyone on pxi so for example if we type in on
Google pxi SL page which which is all where all thexy pages are stored you can see there's 10 different pages of content right and this stuff actually ranks on Google if we go into Google Now if we actually check out perplexity rankings and how much traffic they get from their Pages section you can see they're getting like 122k traffic just from the pages category including subfolders which is pretty impressive to be fair and also this stuff index is on Google if we look over the last week you can see stuff is indexing and ranking on
Google within the last few days so that's pretty useful as well it's a nice little feature and also you can design this page once you published it as a page and then insert sections add media edit different bits insert more content at the bottom Etc and add a cover as well you can actually generate the cover using AI so if we click on generate image and then photograph it will actually generate like a cover image for our Plexi page based on the original report that we created let's see what other sources it's used here so
it's using some pretty irrelevant stuff as well from the list so I can see not bad to be fair like the reports not bad by the way that is a terrible image on the Plexi page that's published so I think it's a great free alternative very quick that's what I like about it it definitely is a competive chat to chat gbt deep research I like the way that it cuts out the fluff as well and also the stats and the insights pretty useful in the majority of cases all right so came back 20 minutes later
and the chat gbt deep research report is still thinking it's been stuck on like the last bit of progress right there for about 5 or 10 minutes doesn't seem to have come back to us so from what I can see perplexity is definitely a better option it's cheaper it's free it works quickly you actually get results the resources I would say they're better than your average researcher but they're probably not going to beat like a specialist researcher if that makes sense so someone who like if you were if you're comparing this versus a PhD researcher
I think you're going to get better results back from a human but it's still pretty powerful and super useful you can ask follow-ups and go deeper into the topics you want after you've done the first set of deep research and you can keep that selected on deep research down there now if you want to see a previous report that actually worked on chat GPT for deep research you can see this example this was actually done in just 9 Minutes using 19 resources now if we actually look the research you get back from chat gbt is
much more in depth than publicity right there's a much higher word count here if we actually count the word count let me have a look in a second see what we got here so that is in total 10,600 words so it's a lot more in depth but there's a lot more fluff in there as well if you want to just get straight to the facts he's going to do that job for you like you can see right here but if you need dissertation level research report then this is probably more in depth than a human
can actually do however what you can see here is that quite often it will it will Source places that are not that reliable right so for example if you were trying to create an expert research report you probably not going to check on forums on Reddit where anyone can post but inside chat gbt actually does do that quite often and additionally it's just got a lot of fluff in there to actually read this report it's going to take you about an hour or so to get through 10,000 words so thanks so much for watching plexy
deep research is a great option like you can see completely free you can get access to it now and if you want to get access to the AI profit boardroom which comes with CLE Hot Seat calls my best AI SEO tons of training on AI agents social media platforms Etc feel free to get that link in the comments description and additionally it comes with a community of nearly 100 people interested in AI along with weekly calls directly with me in the group and if you want to get a free one to1 SEO strategy session feel
free to book that link in the comments description we'll show you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 bit this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and aut p on this free link building acceleration session you'll get a free SEO domination plan store the SEC SEO link building answer any questions you have one to one so today we're going to be testing out data button which is like an AI agent that can essentially do a full stack code for you so this is Way Beyond for example oneclick no code tools
like bolt or anything like that because you can actually build the full stack and you can deploy to a domain it's very easy to do that you can even for example integrate stripe processing and you can do it without coding because you can just go back and forth in the chat and connect Firebase as well so let's Cate straight into this we're going to click click get started so you can also connect it to your GitHub account which is super useful for pushing this live and then once you've logged in you can basically build whatever
software you want so inside the description here you can just explain what it is what you're trying to build how it works Etc so here's an example we're going to say build an SEO jobboard app add a login page full stack application for SEO agencies trying to add seos allow them to upload jobs Etc and then we're going to click continue now from here what you can actually do is upload specifications requirements user stories prompts quotes Etc and then I'm going to use a custom GPT to prompt this is inside the AI profit boardroom I'm
going to say for prompting data button full stack AI Creator give the prompt build an SEO jobboard app add a login page full stack application for SEO agencies trying to hire seos allow them to upload jobs Etc and then include information on requirements user story specification and quote now this just allows me to plan out the whole project using Ai and this custom cheap T is built for example like PR in cheet apps like rot code Klein GitHub co-pilot and also bolt so you can see here for example it's coming up with the specifications so
we'll be using Firebase for authentication then adding some quotes Etc and we'll copy that prompt and then plug it straight into Data button so let's download that then we'll drag and drop it in here so that's uploading the requirements then once that's uploading we can click on continue it says you have any websites or images we can use for inspiration let's take a screenshot of for inspiration like you can see obviously you need to be careful with copy right and stuff like that I'm not planning to launch a job app this is just for a
demo on a website but you can see how we're building that out step by step then for creating accounts you can actually link fire which will allow people to log in with for example with their Google accounts for example and also we can set up stripes the stripe will allow for payment processing you can also link this to super base as well so there's some awesome stuff you can do with this for authentication let's go with Firebase and now is creating the app step by step what I love about this is just how easy it
is and you can build MVP so you can see here the AI agent is saying I'm taking the information you've provided and turning it into a plans we can follow to build an MVP users will love all right so we're filled in the description the requirements the inspiration the Integrations now this goes far beyond something you can build with bolt. new or these other apps like this is creating something that's far bigger right if you just want to create a simple landing page simple game a simple tool bolt. new is great for that but if
you want to build something pretty epic like this like you can see we're it's even giv us the idea for the SEO agency jobboard name which is SEO connect Hub and you can see step by step it plans out exactly how to build this plus you've got a chat if you want to ask any questions and you can see here is hello it's wonderful to chat with you I'm excited to help you bring your SEO job board Vision to life I've created a detailed implement ation plan that will take us from concept to a fully
functional MVP and the whole process is just so easy all you need is the idea and let's be honest like you could ask chat GPT specific for 20 different ideas in your Niche and then you can launch all these apps share them for free use it for lead generation or whatever you want you can also see there's a deploy option over here now if we want to add Firebase we can do it like so it gives us the instructions and it's pretty easy to set up and now we can start going off and completing each
task step by step so if we click on start Task this is now going to start working as magic like you can see it's just going off and it's right now I'm going to create the landing page so it's got the observations the plan and the next steps on what to do bear in mind like I have zero coding experience never learned code but now I can build a full stack app using this process you can see some of the other steps as well so for example like building job posting management for agencies implementing the
job search and listing page developing the agency dashboard the job Seeker dashboard and creating a basic admin panel for Content moderation now we've got an update it said implemented professional landing page with clean navigation bar hero section features grid and strong if you want to check this out you can just click on here so you're just going to add a custom username that you can use on the app then you can click on deploy app and it's got the subdomain ready to go so we've got the app deploying in the top right like you can
see right here so it's got like a loading status now once it's deploying it might take a few minutes to deploy that what you're going to see is a a loading section like this now we have the subdomain deployed and boom look at that that is very much inspired by obw so it's got SEO connect you can sign in you've got a signin page you can post a job browse the jobs and create an account and it's looking pretty good so far that's just stage one so we can mark that as done now and
now we can move on to setting up the Firebase implementation so this is how people can log in get their usernames Etc so if we click on start Task we're going to go over to Firebase go to our project then we need to go to project settings so if you go to overview and then project settings it would be better if it told you exactly where to go CU this is pretty General to be honest if you if you're trying to figure this out for the first time if you're not sure what to do here
what we can actually do is just take like a screenshot of that and then I'm going to go over to clae paste in the image from data button and say how to set this up so now we need to click the code icon here we go give the app a nickname so we'll put data button here register the app then we need to take the code from here go over to data button plug that in and now all these links are linked right so if we go back here we're going to click on or get
started authorize domains inside the setting section so go to settings authorized domains then we're going to copy this we'll add that domain and we'll add that one here we go you can also enable fir store datab base which will allow you to collect used data and then we'll install this so it's creating a login page for the app now that was fairly simple and easy to do and by the way if you want the sap for all this stuff that we're doing step by step feel free to get it inside the AI Prof boardroom including
all my best agents and everything else so if you're getting stuck or if you need weekly coaching or you want to jump on a call with me you can join the AI profit boardroom and we do weekly coaching calls plus you can watch back and ask any questions you have inside the community so it's setting that up now and this was easier than I expected I thought something would go wrong there usually if you're using something like bolt you get loads of Errors you have to go back and forth a lot but this seems to
be much much easier which is great all right so we've set that up now this should be looking pretty good if we go onto our domain we've completed step number two which is beautiful and now we're just going to keep running through each section step by step so we've completed stage two can mark that as done let's get started with this the rest of it should be pretty easily it's really only the Firebase bit that's a bit tricky because you have to integrate connecting the domains and authoriz in it and that just takes a couple
of minutes to get your head round the first time you're trying it but apart from that this is pretty simple stuff I'm no genius so this should be good to go now I've got the job management dashboard the implementation of the management system the edit job page we can test that it works as well if you have any errors along the way what you can also do is say for example whatever your problem is you can say okay when I try to test this and it doesn't work here's the error right and then data button
will actually fix any errors and troubleshoot them for you as well bear in mind as well when you deploy you want to deploy the current version of it each time you want to test to change so for example this was last deployed 19 minutes ago so we want to deploy the new version now and once that's done you'll get a successfully deployed app notification let's refresh the page see what we got here and if we click on post a job which wasn't working before the deployment now we can sign in with Google and test out
and now we've logged in with the Gmail account and that was beautiful so now if we put in the details of the job okay SEO agency VA we'll put in here job description for an SEO agency VA on chat GPT just so we can plug this in with some demo data one thing to bear in mind here when you're setting this up you want to make sure that you have if you're testing this on the test domain make sure that you have the test domain set up as well right so we've got for example Julian
gold. datab button.a allowed on the domains list otherwise you won't be able to sign in with Google we're going to just put in this dummy data right here as an example location Zimbabwe of course 100 we're feeling a little bit stingy maximum salary want 10 million cuz sometimes you never know and then we're going to click create job post and we could just go off and create our job post so it's all pretty simple and easy to do I've shown you how you can log in post jobs you can build this within a few minutes
you sit down by half an hour you can get this deployed and set up and it's really powerful like it's pretty amazing this is by far like the best way I've seen to create something to create some sort of big one thing to note here as well is that we haven't actually paid for this at all so if we go to profile and then we're going to select our plan we're not on any pay plan here this is completely free so far they do have premium options but from what I've seen so far I've not
been charged which is absolutely wild now if you're making UI changes and that sort of thing so for example at this point we're working on task number four which is adding the job search feature so you can see that you can actually preview different parts of the project so where it said add job board job card component search we can preview that and have a look here we can also look at the code that's been updated as well so this is for the job search section so it's easy to see changes as you go along
which is pretty cool you can also change the brand color so if we say okay change the projects brand colors to these it's now updating the code across the project updating the index. CSS of the project files you've got all these project files as well on the left hand side so you can see as well you got like the sign up page the UI components and you can see that's now been updated with our brand colors so we added the orange that's looking pretty nice now the only thing that I would warn you about is
the coding and the changes back and forth they do take a little bit of time so just be prepared for that and then once it's done that you can just redeploy this so it's asking you to redeploy the app we can click on yes okay let's go and then we can go back to our plan right so in the top left here as well just one thing to note is you've got a plan and you've got a preview section so preview you can preview what's going on inside the project and then plan you've got the
step-by-step tasks for each section of this project and then once you've done each part you can just click on Mark's done there and just tick it off so that is deploying now we've got that good to go so let's open it up and it's looking a lot better you can see you got themed orange the CTA burdens orange Etc we can sign in as well let's try that and you can also see here on the sign up page you can choose between being a jobseeker or being an agency so thanks so much for watching if
you want to get the full step-by-step sap for you or your team so you can go off and create full stack apps with data button and there's no coding required here and this is all free as well you can see everything that I've done today is free I've showing you proof of that and inside the AI profit boardroom I'll put the sap directly inside there this will also include the custom GPT for prompting data button along with the full instructions on how to implement Firebase and follow all of this step by step along with that
this also comes with an amazing community of people interested in scaling saving hundreds of hours and making more money with AI you can post in the community if you have any questions there's tons of courses and video tutorials like you can see in here that you won't find anywhere else and also there's weekly Q&A so if you want to just jump on a call with me ask me some questions so you can do that each week inside the q&as and if you can't make them the Q&A calls are recorded back link to that is inside
the comments in description and if you want to get a free SEO strategy session that shows you how we take websites from 0 to 145,000 bits this month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales on autopilot feel free to get that link in the comments and description we'll show you on this free link building acceleration session 1:1 will'll give you a free SEO domination plan so you get a custom tailored link building plan to generate more lead sales and profits to your website you'll discover the secrets SEO link building or answer any questions
you have want to one you'll learn the best link building strategy for your website plus how to quickly rank you competi to link building and how to 10s your traffic based on what's working for us and our happy clients feel free to get that link in the comments description appreciate you watching these new oneclick deep seek AI agents are absolutely insane so what you can see here is a brand new workflow I've been working for and this also up with where you can basically just plug in a message and it will automate a whole workflow
for you from step by step now I'm going to explain exactly what's going on here how it works but one of the most important parts of this process is that we actually have a human in the loop method for approving and then Crea feedb but Loops inside our AI agent process so let me show you exactly what I mean step by step so inside here for example you can see we are actually using deep seek and you can use a free API from open rout inside here I'll show you how to set it up in
a second and this is on a platform called n now inside n10 you can actually build AI agent workflows so connect to app so for example this is connected to our Gmail then we've got different AI agents like a research agent an introduction agent an agent for rewriting content like you can see right here and step by step this is going to go off and do its magic for us right now what you also see inside this section over here is we have a research agent each of these agents inside the workflow has different functions
so what I'm trying to do in this workflow and you can apply this to anything that you're trying to automate inside your business I think it's it's really good for you to see the power of n10 and how you can set this up but essentially what we're trying to do here is automate the process of creating video transcripts for our YouTube channels for example inside my YouTube channel here we create Avatar videos with my AI functionality like this this is not me this is an AI and this is 18 minutes long it got 26,000 views
so I was like why don't we use that process to create a really nice transcript inside na 10 and we can basically automate the whole workflow with deep seek and one click step by step so first of all what I'm going to show you is how the workflow runs step by step and how it goes so if we go inside the chat over here and we say okay here's my video title so I'm going to just put robots right new AI meta robots from partner and what this is going to do step by step is
trigger the workflow so just by typing in and One clicking that title it's now going to send that over to the research agent and the research agent is basically doing the research on the internet live to figure out okay what can we talk about in this process then we've got the introduction agent so this is going to write the introduction for our video so that we can automate that and now we have a process where the research agent has given the research to the introduction agent the introduction agent has written it send it over to
this feature right here I'll explain it in a minute and now we can approve the content content that's come into the script before we go any further in the workflow right and this is great for any sort of workflows where you need like a human sort of feedback loop to give and improve the content that you create inside your AI agents process so essentially what this Gmail functionality here is doing is is asking me to approve the email of the content we just produced so you can see we get an email to our inbox it
says approval required as please approve this introduction before we carry on and so we've got the introduction for our video and you can see this is actually using real data to create the content now this video transcript itself is pretty cool and then if we click on respond here we can actually give a response on whether this is approved or not and then depending on whether the transcript is approved if it's approved it will go to the AI agent for creating content and if it's declined then it will go to the rewriting agent which is
then going to feedb that back into the feedback loop to improve the process says if this is approved great send is the next H if it's not approved let's make sure we improve it with another agent until it finally is good to go and the actual content itself is written really nicely using deep seek as well so if we look at this introduction this is better than I could come up with on the spot and you can see here it says hey everyone today I'm going to blow your mind with something that's about to change
the game forever imagine robots working side by side with humans like their best friends sounds crazy right meta just dropped something called partner and trust me it's massive this isn't just about robots it's about making them smarter faster and way more helpful then you have thought POS then you have thought possible now partner really only got announced like a few days ago right so this is based on recent data This research process the way that we come up with the data is we use this model right here open route to chat model we use in
perplexity Sona now Sona is a pretty amazing API where you could build your own generative search capabilities right and it's using real time research from the internet to figure that out and it's pretty cheap it's very quick to use and for doing research inside your AI agents this is one of the best things you can possibly insert so now we can say okay is this approved or not so let me pull up an example right here so you can see the process in real time right here as you can see this AI agent workflow afterwards
is not complete I just want to show you how powerful this can be as a feedback loop first of all and so if we go to our email for approval from na10 if you like it you can say approved and if we hit submit so what that's going to do is approve it and send it to the next stage of the workflow so it's using a text classifier to figure that out along with deep seek so it's analyzing the response from us and then it sends it over to this process right here now if this
is declined let me show you an example so if we go to the chat and we'll run the workflow again and say it's declined and just one thing to note here is inside the AI agents as well we have these two agents linking directly to open rout over here so if we go back to our emails now now we just need to say okay remove the ctas from the content hit submit and that's going to decline the workflow and send it through to our rewriting agent like you can see and so we create like a
feedback loop where we can reset the whole process based on the feedback we've given the AI agent so it can rewrite the content and then we're good to go on that is put it through the rewriting agent the rewriting agent is on a green tick so that's work successfully then it send it over to the edit Field section and now we have a new set of content to approve so you can see this has just come through a minute later 10:49 a.m. versus 10:48 a.m. and that's the new content to approve so if you ever
want to stop the workflow when you're testing it just click stop and I'll explain exactly how this process works step by step all right the workflow begins when we set up the new chat message if we delete that we'll hide the chat to trigger this whole workflow you just click on chat and by the way if you want the whole blueprint from me from today we'll click download on this and inside the sap section of the AI profit border room and going to add a new page called Deep seek na10 agents and we'll upload the
blueprint from this agent workflow right there so if you want to just import it and copy and steal it from me you can inside the AI profit boardroom in the sap section additionally this comes with weekly coaching calls of me so if you have any problems as you go along feel free to ask me on the weekly coaching calls and like I was saying this process we start with a chat that's how we trigger the message then inside here we've got the research agent research agent is essentially going to go off and research this particular
topic all right so if we put meta AI robots into the chat the research agent will use perplexities API using Sona to research that topic that's going to feed into the introduction agent and you can see here that we have connected the chat model so the API from Deep seek R1 distilled llama now honestly for writing content I would say deep seat chat 2.5 is good chat is good as well whatever you want to use here if you type in deep seek once You' set up your open rout account then you get access to all
these other models as well so you even get quen distilled R1 chat is probably the best for writing I also like claw 3.5 Sonic as well and then inside the introduction agent let me show you the prompts we use here so we've got a system prompt and we have an user prompt right so if we click this right here this is going to open up the prompt in full screen so you can see what we're saying here so we say topic see the content from this website also don't ask me any questions just write the
content don't mention title or teaser just write the script Nothing Else do not say title the reason that we're saying that is because when we're using this process I don't want like any notes I want it to be able to just go straight into my AI Avatar video creator by the way tons of training inside the AI profit boardroom for that as well and using that process we can easily create the introduction for our transcripts now we don't want to create the full transcript because we want to make sure the AI agent has written the
introduction first and then we can go step by step into the rest of this process now the key of this is really having a solid process for the system message right so this is a user prompt that's Dynamic each time and this is a system message that stays the same each time it's like a custom GPT but it's plugged into the rest of the workflows it's more like an AI agent and you can imagine here that you've got a team working together right so you got the research agent working alongside the introduction agent and then
you have the rewriting agent that's working with the human feedback I give to the process and so inside the introduction agent inside the system message we've said you're my video transcript agent aim for 15 to 20 minutes per video is the topic in the first line which is dynamic each time so that's fed in from the chat so if we say talk about AI robots then this is fed into the user prompt above then from here we said create an amazing 46 line teaser for my video Etc blah blah blah everything else is good to
go on that now that's going to go into a email set module right here now you might be wondering okay what is that so this is edit field set and you manually map and this is great when you've got two different agents feeding into one place cuz what it's going to do is take the previous output from the process right and then send it to Gmail for approval so this module right here the Gmail one this is actually a human in the loop module so if you go to add module inside na1 and by the
way if you're not familiar with all the basics on N1 check out my other videos on YouTube about this and it'll talk you through step byep how to do it but essentially you can add like apps agents Etc inside andit and Link them together and these arrows show you exactly what's linked together and how so if we go inside the nodes here and click on human in the loop you can see that we can approve manually the content we've got so far from the introduction agent Gmail or Google CH slack or telegram I think telegram
would be great but I also think that telegram has a character limit so that's why I focus on Gmail instead and now that's going to connect to our text classifier all right so this will send an email to my emails like you saw earlier in the workflow we can approve or we can say no to that and then inside the text here this basically sets a filter so if the script is approved it goes to the next part of the workflow if it's declined it goes to the rewriting engent and that fires it back over
to the set field for human approval now if we go to the text classifier we've got two different options here so we got a category for Approved which means that we've approved the process like it looks good to go whatever and then we've also got the option for declined and if we open this up the AI agent know knows this is declined now this is linked to AI as well so you can see here the model is linked down to open rout using deep seek as well to figure out okay is this declined or is
this approved are we good to go on that and we can send it over or does it need more Improvement and then finally we've got the rewriting agent so the rewriting agent is also linked to deep seek and it's linked to this modu over here you can actually link multiple chat models from the AI agents to the same AI like you can see and the instructions for this are basically take my feedback which is the human feedback I give by email improve the script which you can see right here and then you can also get
the research for the script as well down there and then if we open up the prompt for this is you're an AI powered script improver your job is to enhance and provided script based on human feedback improve Clarity accuracy structure and alignment with the requested Focus whilst maintaining natural readability boom all right and that's basically the whole process and it's absolutely mind-blowing like I only started using this probably I would say about 2 or 3 weeks ago and it felt really complicated now it feels like you can build anything that's personalized to you in literally
a few hours and it's a lot of fun as well it's so much fun building out these feedback loops so if you want to get all my best trainings and SBS on you can get that inside the AI profit Border Room just type in NM once you join and you'll see all these different workflows right here additionally if you want to get the actual template from today just go down to thep section and then go to deep seek na10 agents and you can download the feedback loop method right there really good for for creating content
because obviously content creation if you post it without checking it using AI can be hallucinated it can have facts wrong and that's why you need a human in the loop feedback method like this and hopefully it just gets approved in one click but if not you give it the feedback you can improve it and then review it again once it's done additionally if you want to jump on calls with me weekly you'll get that inside the AI profit boardroom along with a community of 124 members like you can see and if you want to get
a free one to1 SEO strategy session feel free to book that in we'll show you how we take we sites from zero you 145,000 V month and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and aut free link building acceleration session you get a free SEO domination plan discover the secret SEO link building as any questions the have one to one you learn the best link building strategy for your website Plus have to 10x SEO traffic based on what's working for us and a happy CLI like you can see right here feel free to get
that link in the comments description appreciate you watching byebye
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