What is agriculture 4. 0? And how is it making a difference in country life?
What's up Engineering Lovers, my name is Igor Felipe, and today I am here in the countryside, to show you that engineering is also helping in the development of agriculture. So, first of all, leave your like, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell to receive our notifications of new videos. But then, what does 4.
0 agriculture mean? Digital Agriculture 4. 0 incorporates automation and connectivity.
It is the use of machines, autonomous vehicles, drones, robots and sensors in animals and plants. The information collected goes to the cloud and forms a valuable database that allows for much more accurate decision making. This system is known as Smart Agriculture The benefits of using these technologies in agriculture are several, such as: increased productivity, reduced water consumption, decreased environmental impacts, increased safety, detection of nutrient shortages in the soil, reduced consumption of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as cost reduction and increased profit.
Smart Agriculture, Precision Agriculture and Agriculture 4. 0 involve the integration of advanced technologies in the field of agriculture to increase production efficiency and product quality, in addition to reducing overall costs. The use of new technologies in agriculture is inevitable, as it is a way of maintaining this profitable practice and being able to adhere to environmental regulations.
To get an idea of the growth, the global market for smart agriculture solutions reached revenues of around 10. 2 billion dollars in 2016 and is expected to reach a level of 38. 1 billion by the end of 2024.
That is, the agricultural technology market is already a billion dollar market. The increasing adoption of advanced technology in agriculture, whether with agricultural drones, precision seeding systems, automatic feeding systems or harvesting robots, have encouraged traditional agricultural companies to invest in intelligent solutions. The implementation of this advanced agro-technology has the potential to allow a greater focus on non-profit tasks, such as farm maintenance and environmental practices.
The reduction of heavy work and tedious tasks can also lead to improvements in the balance between the farmer's health and professional life. And to start, how about we talk about simpler tasks. In the same way that we see robots in the aid of domestic tasks, like vacuum cleaners, today we have lawn mowers robots.
Fully autonomous lawn mowers, powered by solar energy, which can be applied both in grass pruning work, and can also be applied to plantations by eliminating weeds between the vines of a vineyard or the spaces between coffee trees in coffee plantations. It sounds simple, but that would reduce legwork in the field, making the focus on what really matters. In addition, now on a much larger scale, we have GPS-guided tractors used to plant seeds, apply pesticides and mainly for use in harvesting processes, enabling performance gains and reduced downtime.
The use of integrated systems was another major innovation in recent years. The possibility of accessing all data and viewing various indicators through any computer, or smartphone, allowed managers to have total control of the entire plantation. And just like me right now, a lot of farmers are using drones for a number of applications.
The agricultural drone market is expected to grow a lot by 2025. This technology has innovated agriculture, as it allows through its images and specific algorithms to collect information such as: Plant count, Plantation height measurement, Pest detection, Measuring the effectiveness of treatments and the use of pesticides, Monitoring the need for water or inputs and topography of the land At this moment, I will scan an area to make the topography of this place with the drone, with that, the farmer will be able to optimize better areas for coffee plantation. If you want to know more about the use of drones for surveying, leave here in the comments that I make an exclusive video, ok?
Another technology that has revolutionized agriculture is the use of sensors. They enable full monitoring of the plantation. These sensors are able to capture the health of the plantation, the need for water and even the nitrogen content in the soil.
These sensors in line with 4G connection technology allow constant and real-time monitoring of the plantation. Each farmer can search for the type of sensor that best suits his needs. There are many different types of sensors on the market that can monitor various details of the plantation.
All of these technologies, drones and sensors generate a massive amount of information, and this is where we have a new technology that we call Big Data. Data from agricultural technologies can still be used for the formulation of indicators, which make it possible to monitor plantation performance over time. In other words, the use of Big Data in decision making can lead to even better results for farmers.
All the data generated form a database that, when analyzed, allows a very precise diagnosis about the conditions of your plantation or your animals. The most important thing is not the amount of information, but what can be done with it. Big Data has been implemented in precision agriculture and has enabled the best flow of information and has led to better decisions and the creation of strategies.
This agricultural technology was only viable due to the advanced ones regarding wireless and 4G connections. Big Data favors the exchange of information, making farmers faster and more assertive in making decisions, which become much more based on data than just knowledge passed down from generation to generation. I have selected here two videos about technologies that I am sure you will like.
Click on one of them here on the side to check it out. If you liked the video, leave your like here, subscribe to the channel and share the video on your social media. That's it my friends, all the best and bye !
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