Best Conversation Starters

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Shimon Davis
Try these conversations and see how well they work for you ________________________________________...
Video Transcript:
if you want to avoid dry conversations I have the best starters for you so first and foremost when you get to know a person or you talking to a person you got to get to know them you know what I mean you got to communicate some sort of plan some type of goal this can go for texting or in person all right by the way texting is not a primary source of communication texting is used to set up things it is logistical it is practical you shouldn't be trying to make somebody like you through text
you understand what I'm saying but like I said these uh conversation starters can help you with text or in person so first and foremost you want to learn about this person ask them about them people like to talk about themselves and if they don't they really do so ask them about them where they from get to know they family get to know all these things because it will help you start more conversations so if you're ex a girl you know let's say um where did she go to school right and she said oh I went
to River rid High you like River Ridge High I heard there was some crazy stuff going on around even if you don't know about River Ridge High it's playful teasing teasing it works but you don't want to make them feel uncomfortable you don't want to offend them like I heard everyone from riveridge high is a are you a that's crazy you understand what I'm saying so just ask them about them find ways to make conversation you know as they talk about themselves whether they talk about their family whether they talk about where they from things
like that what they like to do all that good stuff right now moving on to like the next area which is kind of the same but ask them about things they've always wanted to do that they never done or if they had a day to do three things or go to three places they wanted to uh go to or experience uh where would they go what would they do these things can help you not only learn about who they are but learn how you can move in the future when you planning dates when you planning
trips when you're doing these things if y'all make it to that point if not it just gives you something to talk about maybe y'all might have a place or thing that y'all both want to do y'all might find common interest you know in talking about things that y'all want to do or places y'all want to go y'all both might have a dream to go to Hawaii y'all can you know get together build yourselves up save up some money as y'all get older y'all might go on a trip to Hawaii you know what I'm saying so
find out what they like find out where they want to go find out their interest simple now one of my very favorites and I'll tell you how I use this right I always ask about love language how do you like to be love is it touch is it the affirmations what do you want cuz not only will you be able to provide those things and make them feel loved in the way they like to be loved but it lets it also lets you know their boundaries some people don't like to be touched like that until
they get to certain level of people so if you come off the wrong way and touch somebody you know without knowing that they don't really you know they very sensitive to touch they hard to pet you know what I'm saying you know you can avoid that but what I like to do is like yo what's what's your love language and they usually say um words of affirmation quality time you know that type of thing and I kind of postpone mine you know or maybe I'll throw mine out there first but I will always say you
know mine is quality time and physical touch I'm heavy on touch you know what I'm saying and then this is where I sprinkle in my little sauce usually I do this once I know the girl is in interested and you know I got it to that point I usually like man if I like you I act like a baby around you I I can't stop touching you and I could immediately see them going into their brain remembering how I just sit there and just play with their fingers like just rub their skin like I I
used to rub all up under my girl neck like I was a baby and when I told her the F the same thing for the first time she like got all cuz she knew like I could not stop touching that girl and damn that sounds crazy anyways I'm a very touchy person you know I I know my limits though I don't just walk around like let me touch you you know what I'm saying make sure you comfortable make sure you know those things are you know good before we get into all that right so physical
touch I mean love language love language that's conversation topic that's the start of what's your love language how do you like to be loved you know what what sets you off right what turns you on huh anyways next conversation starter food drinks snacks this is a cheat Cod when I first started talking to this little lady one time I I I got her favorite meals her um favorite drinks favorite snacks I got all those things down and I read them wrote damn I wrote them down okay I wrote them down and I tucked them away
because I didn't want to you know just come off like hey here's everything you want that's not even a point I'm making but I wrote all these things down so when I ran out of not necessarily gift ideas but when I just wanted to do something special do something sentimental I always had something to look back on right so I remember you know in April met this girl ask what was her favorite chocolate she said Hershey's so she was kind of you know dieting and stuff like that going to the gym a lot so like
like 4 months later one day I just randomly show up with a Hershey's and she's like oh my gosh how how did you know I love and I was like you know I was just drawn to it I just I know you anyways you know what I'm saying find out what their favorite foods what their favorite drinks are because this also sets up future date ideas this also sets up those future sentimental moments to where you you don't have to think too much hey what do you like to eat all this it gets all that
out the way so you know what I'm saying get those things down y'all might share a common interest with food snacks a favorite restaurant you never really know so just ask really what the point of this video is is just find out things the best conversation starters are curiosity you know what I'm saying they come in the form of curiosity questions right and you could you could go deep with it you know what I'm saying like um what do you think happens after we die Are You Afraid Of Death I wouldn't start without I'm afraid
of death until she's comfortable because that sound like you're getting ready to kill her like imagine meeting a girl and the first thing you say is are you afraid to die I'm going be like um yeah are you going to kill me yeah you know what I'm saying don't come off like that so you know you could just say like um y'all could get on biggest fears that's another one you could talk about biggest fears and then you could you you could use mine right and say well I kind of overcame this lately but uh
when I was growing up I was afraid of dying because I I mean I just couldn't fathom what happens like I know with sleep you you have dreams and things like this but it's like you never remember falling asleep you only remember waking up so when you die is it just blackout like sleep do you have dreams do you roam the Earth as a spirit or is it just nothingness what is it and you know you ask them what they think about all those things man really um dive into yourself what are things you're curious
about just ask them for their opinions and things like that and you know the more you become closer to a person the less you have to try to find out and you know you don't really have have to have conversation starters because it gets to the point to where you know y'all just a part of each other's lives like some days when I used to go by my girl when we were together like we wouldn't even talk like that we sat on the floor for like 5 hours I played in her hair I brushed her
hair scratched her scalp she rubbed my back and I don't even think we said a word to each other for like 5 hours we just look up and laugh at each other every you know few minutes you know what I'm saying so like don't put too much stress on it but simply you know simply just simplifying it all conversation starters are essentially just talking points there are gateways for you to get to know a person to where you don't have to rely on these things because think about it do you need a conversation starter for
your mom do you need a conversation starter for your brother it's just like hey bro come come here dude come here you know what I'm saying so just get those things fill them out learn who they are and one thing I I must say this before I leave you're not going to be compatible with everybody some people are just boring and I don't mean boring in the sense of low quality some people just don't have that energy for you right like I I can talk right but I love to listen if you never open up
you never talk you just shallow you don't really have nothing to talk about you talk about nothing or you always complain I'm not going to be around you long you know what I'm saying and if you're a person who can't shut up and you never let me speak and every time I speak you try to cut me off and try to finish my sentences when my sentences sentences were nowhere near where the hell you going I'm not going to want to be around you long if it's someone who just talks about you know we we
are all compatible with certain people so I stress this man if you like somebody you know if it doesn't work out if the conversation's not good it's cool my dude it's cool sis you know what I'm saying life goes on and you'll be fine okay so if that doesn't help you um I'm going to still find a way to help you but yeah man y'all can uh comment you know what's going on in y'all Lives I Can comment scenarios y'all may need help with um what kind of problems you may be facing while conversating and
things like that and um you know what I'm saying I I could help you out to the best of my ability on that too but uh yeah man it's simply just you getting to know people that's all it is communicating a certain um feeling a certain interest a certain goal that's all it is so just get to know him my friend every conversation is not going to be Suave like M yeah how are you doing my beloved she's like oh I'm doing fine he was like oh how lovely it is for you to be so
fine would you like for me to take you out and show you the world like bro life is a movie but it's not those okay chill out get to know the person and you'll be fine okay and also know when to leave like if the conversation goes dead leave go do something for God's sake and you don't have to say oh I'm going now you can preference that cuz some people need that like yo I'mma let me let me get this knocked out real quick I'll hit you back but most of the time I just
go away cuz why do I have to announce that I'm busy I'm not glued to my phone all day anyways I'm yapping now um I'm about to get up and go to the side hustle so uh y'all take it easy man love you always thanks for listening I hope I helped you and I'm out of here
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