Nanny Hired To Take Care Of A Boy, Turns Out He Isn't An Ordinary Boy

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Millicent is taking a semester off from her studies to take care of Johnny, a sickly, mute child wit...
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hi mystery recap here today I'm going to explain a horror drama film called Spoonful of Sugar spoilers ahead watch out and take care the movie begins with a girl named melicent on a bus longingly watching a woman breastfeed her baby as we all do from time to time shortly after she gets off the bus and heads to a house turns out she's here for an interview for a babysitter position melison then meets a woman named Rebecca who inquires about her age qualifications and experience in this field melicent explains that she's 21 years old and doesn't
have prior babysitting experience this worries Rebecca but the girl quickly clarifies that she's good with kids and is currently working on her thesis about allergic children next Rebecca introduces melicent to her mute son Johnny who is dressed in a spacit and busy drawing the woman explains that Johnny has several allergies that require him to wear protective gear when he's outside when Millis approaches and talks to the boy he also gently touches her arm seeing this Rebecca is stunned and comments that he seems to like her she then hires melicent and informs her that apart from
the babysitting she'll be required to do lighthous work Rebecca is an overworked author with a new book about to be released which is why she needs help at home later while walking around the house melison notices Johnny's Carpenter dad Jacob working in the distance she is Smitten by the side of the shirtless man and he soon approaches her to introduce himself as the two are talking rebecca suddenly arrives and asks her husband to put put on some clothes but but he responds by shamelessly attempting to touch her in front of Millis causing an awkward situation
later when returning home on the bus melicent is accidentally touched by an older man which makes her nervous she then begins to imagine herself being intimate with a horned creature when the bus stops she rushes out and takes a few drops of LSD which calms her down melicent then heads to an appointment with her therapist Dr Welsh He suggests that they reduce her medication dosage since it can cause hallucinations during this time melicent hallucinates mutilated hands moving around the room but she assures him that she's fine and wants to continue the medicine afterward she opens
up about her longing for family and describes how she has been abused by her foster fathers throughout her life she also shares her hatred for people who are ungrateful to their children and don't pay attention to them melicent confesses that she's prone to violence but the doctor disagrees he tells her that women are incapable of violence and regards her as an empathetic person who just wants to be a good mother in another scene Rebecca and Jacob are making love at home when she asks him to choke her the man proceeds to do so but immediately
pulls back and says he can't do it he explains that since she's a mother now he sees her in a different light at this moment they hear Johnny screaming in his room and rush to help him Rebecca tries to calm him down but the boy fiercely hits his mother she then notices a chocolate wrapper and realizes that it must have triggered him as he's allergic to sugar as a result she scolds her husband for keeping the chocolate there but Jacob claims that their son doesn't have any allergies Johnny is actually ually mentally ill which makes
him a danger to himself and others Jacob states that he has found a facility that cares for kids like him and suggests putting him there however Rebecca refuses to abandon her son to strangers the next morning we see melicent and her foster father Roger having breakfast together she begins talking about her new job and claims that the family's dad seems like a good guy with a good B I mean morals hearing this Roger feels very jealous and it turns out that he's romantically interested in her he puts his hat on her lap and begs her
not to leave him reminding her of everything he has done for her this annoys melicent but she assures the old man that she isn't going anywhere but perhaps the writer of this movie should go to jail in the afternoon melicent is at Johnny's House when she notices him digging something in the yard she approaches him to help and shockingly finds a dead rabbit that he had killed she also discovers that he has killed and buried many bunnies like this throughout the house but millison doesn't seem concerned instead she takes a knife and cuts off the
dead Bunny's Paws she then hands them to johnie saying they will bring him good luck before heading home melison steals a picture of Jacob as well as one of Rebecca's dresses later in bed she takes him LSD and begins pleasuring herself while looking at Jacob's picture the picture morphs into things like Bigfoot and Michael Sarah but that only gets her going more in the morning melison Gets Ready carefully to look pretty and heads to her job she spends the day painting with Johnny and they playfully stain each other's clothes in the evening Rebecca calls Jacob
to inform him that she won't be coming home tonight as she's busy preparing for her book lunch he's certainly annoyed but she asks him to have melicent stay to care for Johnny later that night Millis and Jacob throw a small party to celebrate the boy's birthday they excitedly bring him a cake but upon seeing the candles Johnny becomes terrified he begins screaming so millison Comforts him and takes him to his room later when the boy finally falls asleep millison decides to go home but she soon comes across a drunk Jacob and they start talking he
then suddenly gets very close to her and tries to make a move however they are interrup Ed by the arrival of Johnny who is wet himself early the next morning Rebecca returns home and immediately goes to check on her son she lies down with him and wishes she weren't so afraid of him but when she gently touches him Johnny suddenly becomes aggressive and hits her again feeling distressed Rebecca goes to the bathroom and injures herself with a blade we also notice several scars on her body indicating that this isn't the first time she has hurt
herself the next day melison takes Johnny to a place she used to visit often when she was a kid they lie down together on the ground and she suddenly takes off his astronaut helmet which terrifies the boy however the babysitter assures him that he has no allergies as they're all made up by his mother she urges him to breathe and when he does he's shocked to realize that he's still fine the scene then cuts to millison therapy session where she starts crying out of nowhere she leans against Dr Welsh's shoulder wondering if she'll ever have
a family of her own melison then abruptly vomits on his clothes making them all wet this embarrasses her greatly and she apologizes but the doctor assures her it's fine as soon as he leaves to change his clothes though melison steals some LSD bottles from his drawer the next day Johnny's parents go on a dinner date leaving him at home with mcent later the babysitter gives him some LSD drops claiming that they will help him see things more clearly she asks him not to tell his parents and he agrees without hesitation soon after both of them
begin getting high dancing and having fun around the house they eventually run through the streets without Johnny wearing his usual space suit but shortly after the parents return home woman nearly hit Johnny with their car this makes Rebecca Furious and she scolds millison for letting her son run in the streets and without his protective gear to make matters worse Johnny starts vomiting up candy something Rebecca had forbidden him to eat she continues to yell at millant but then Johnny speaks up for the first time and says mommy this leaves everyone shocked and happy as well
however things Tak an awkward turn when Johnny rushes into Mill's arms implying that he considers her his mother in a fit of rage Rebecca snatches her child back and orders ment to stay away from their lives once inside she angrily demands that Johnny speak again but he doesn't say anything give me some acid first she carefully informs him that she's his real mother and begs him to talk to her but to no avail meanwhile Jacob is dropping ment off at home and she's very upset that she messed everything up however he assures her that it's
not her fault and that he's thankful that Johnny spoke for the first time because of her in this vulnerable moment melison sits on his lap and begins kissing him passionately Jacob also kisses her back and the two eventually make love in the car later when millison returns home she is confronted by Roger who is upset that she's late he then reminds her of their deal in which she agreed to sleep with him once she turns 18 it turns out that Roger even killed his wife so that he could be with the young girl hearing this
ment apologizes and says she knows he has been patient with her and it is now time to repay him she then gets down on her knees and starts unzipping his pants the old man is excited but to his shock millison suddenly begins choking him with his belt and kills him she then throws his body into a pool where Roger's wife's rotting corpse is already lying afterward we see melison flicking through a journal containing the names of her various Foster fathers it turns out that they all had abused her in some way and she murdered them
she has carefully decorated each page with locks of their hair as a souvenir millant then arrives at rogers's page and detaches his hair to it as she turns the pages we notice that Dr Welsh has touched her several times times and she now intends to kill him as well the next morning when millant arrives at the house she sees Rebecca chatting with Dr Welsh the girl is shocked to discover that her therapist has been looking after Johnny as well he comments that it's great Johnny spoke and credits it to the new babysitter unaware that it
is melicent Rebecca insists that she doesn't want that girl in the house again but Dr Welsh advises her to set aside her differences and do what's best for her son as a result Millis is back to the house to look after Johnny Jacob is delighted to to see her knowing he can have fun with her in his wife's absence later when the two are flirting in the kitchen Johnny suddenly arrives and gets jealous of their closeness he then angrily stabs his father in the leg with a fork injuring him seeing this ment quickly takes Johnny
to his room and tells him that he shouldn't hurt his dad like that she instead hands him a flick knife and urges him to kill Rebecca when the opportunity arises melicent assures him that once she dies the three of them can finally be a happy family together later melicent is working in the garden when Jacob arrives and immediately begins making love with her he even aggressively chokes her something he couldn't do with his wife however unbeknownst to him Johnny is angrily observing them from the window later Rebecca and Johnny are drawing together when she notices
him drawing multiple sketches of ment and Jacob live in large in bone toown in the garden this infuriates her and she immediately throws all the sketches away she then asks Johnny if he likes melicent more than his mother but the boy doesn't respond the next morning millison decides that she won't take D anymore as she feels cured now she admits that whatever she's doing is solely for Johnny so they can be forever together we then see Dr Welsh lying dead on the floor foaming from his mouth millant approaches him and admits that she initially thought
he was different from the others only to be proven wrong later she arrives at her workplace but Rebecca informs her that they no longer need her despite this the babysitter attempts to forcefully enter the house but Rebecca stops her and shuts the door afterward she approaches her son and explains that she'll always be there for him regardless of what he is to her shock the boy suddenly stabs her in the hand causing her to scream in pain Rebecca then locks her son in the room and angrily goes outside with a knife meanwhile as melicent is
trying to get inside through the back door she comes across Jacob she asks if he loves her but he makes it clear that she doesn't mean anything to him more than a fling despite this the babysitter doesn't give up and begins to seduce him they soon begin making love and during this time melicent asks him to get rid of his wife so the three of them can live as a happy family just then an incensed Rebecca shows up and immediately stabs ment in the back this prompts the babysitter to run for her life but Rebecca
continues to follow her not long after Johnny arrives outside with the flick knife in his hand melicent feels relieved to see him and urges him to kill his mother but to her utter shock Johnny begins stabbing her repeatedly until she dies Jacob urges his son to stop but Rebecca stands by and watches the whole scene in Amusement in the final scene we see the couple burying melon's body in their backyard despite the entire drama the only thing that upsets Rebecca is the fact that she has to find another babysitter she comments that if their son
keeps doing this she'll have to write another book to purchase more plots of land as the movie concludes we see melison buried underground alongside the previous babysitters who met the same tragic fate at the hands of John a subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
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