3 Hours of English Conversation Practice - Improve Speaking Skills

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Video Transcript:
want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at englishclass101.com top 10 language learning strategies let's begin befriending or dating someone who speaks english watching movies or listening to music in english read english newspapers or magazines record your voice and compare your pronunciation with native english speakers download dialogue tracks and listen to english conversations repeat the phrases that you hear out loud again and again review all the lessons on englishclass101.com to master them completely read lines slowly at first then re-read and increase your speed set small and measurable
learning goals with your personal deadlines try harder lessons to challenge yourself and improve faster 10 ways to stop translating in your head let's get started identify objects around you in english the first way to stop translating in your head is to identify the objects around you in your target language so if you're studying english that means you look at the objects around the room look at the things in your life don't think of them in your native language first think of them in your target language first so if i look around the room i see
a computer i shouldn't think my native language word i should think my target language word so start with the items and the situations in your everyday life if i say computer in english maybe i should say computa in japanese i should say not i don't know water in english i should say omizu in japanese so start associating the words in your target language with your everyday life now so if you're studying english that means start getting familiar with the things in your everyday life in english repeat phrases you hear native speakers use tip number two
is to repeat the phrases that you hear native speakers use so if you're watching this channel for example or you're watching a tv show or a movie listen for the way that native speakers make those phrases if you hear a phrase you have never heard before or you hear an interesting combination of words try to repeat them yourself don't just listen try to say them yourself if you're in a public space and it's difficult for you to do that fine practice in a place where you feel more comfortable maybe if you have some private space
to practice just repeat them get your mouth used to saying the words the way that the speakers the native speakers do so if you never actually say words if you're only taking in if you're only listening and you're not actually producing the language it's it's kind of hard to to practice and to to really hone your pronunciation to improve your pronunciation so when you listen to native speakers try to repeat after them so for example if you're studying english you can try to repeat after this video you can repeat after the things i'm saying because
maybe i'm using an expression or i'm using a certain series of vocabulary words together the way a native speaker would and it's maybe a good idea to try to practice the ways that native speakers put their words together so try to repeat after native speakers especially when you're looking at media and you can do this when you're reading books too you can try to read out read out loud interesting lines of books that you find or something that maybe is difficult for you very nice practice tip make a situation where you can't escape into your
native language make a situation where you can't escape into your native language essentially means immerse yourself of course going to that country or going to a place where you can speak only that language is very difficult for some of you totally understand but if in your life you can create a situation in your library in your room in your house somewhere for just an hour or i don't know maybe a day i don't know what your schedule is like but if you can create a situation or create an environment where you have no choice but
to use that language and you cannot escape meaning you cannot go back to using your native language as a crutch you can't use the native language at all it forces you to use the language that you're studying so of course if you are lucky enough to live in the country or to live in a place where people speak the language you're studying great but you have to go out and interact with people you have to put yourself in a place where you have no choice but to speak it's very hard and it's very scary and
it's very embarrassing at first but if you take time to find places and to make environments that are comfortable for you where you feel comfortable making mistakes and asking questions it's very valuable for your learning process this is actually something that i did totally i totally did this my japanese wasn't very good for a long time but then i started making friends who could not speak english actually i just did this through finding hobbies there was a hobby that i had i joined a group i joined actually a school to where i could learn how
to do that hobby and everything was taught only in japanese and the people in my class only spoke japanese mostly and then maybe we would go out for drinks and food late at night or on the weekends and everybody spoke only japanese and if i couldn't communicate even simply in japanese i had no hope of keeping that friendship together so it forced me to study it forced me to think about the words they were using and to try to learn those words those patterns as well as how to produce them naturally myself so i was
learning the vocabulary words the people around me were using and learning how to apply them on my own that was only possible because i had no escape in those situations so try to do that even if you can do it yourself in your house it's super helpful i think watch tv and movies in your target language without subtitles tip number four is to watch tv and movies in your target language without subtitles without subtitles so i think that watching with subtitles can be very beneficial so if i'm watching something or if you want to watch
something with subtitles on great but i sometimes find that i can in my case i i think too much about reading the subtitles and i forget to listen so maybe if you've seen a movie in your target language a few times with the subtitles on try turning the subtitles off and think about the like character's body language the words they're using um you can always look that up later look up the you know the words you don't know in a dictionary but try to do it where you're focusing completely on the way that people are
using their words try not to use the subtitles so um kind of play around with it a little bit if there's a word that's difficult for you to hear you can actually turn on the subtitles in like the in the native language of the movie as well that's something that i've done like if uh like if i wanted to study japanese it's very useful when the actual words spoken in japanese appear on the screen sometimes it's easier for me to catch a word if i see it visually and i hear it at the same time
so another way to kind of explore how you can use tv and movies is to actually turn on the closed captions like the the the words on the screen in the native language of the movie so uh so this is sort of two points in one so one watch movies without subtitles meaning subtitles in your native language and hint two is to watch movies um with closed captioning on not to your available okay so give me a second here so i understand the dictionaries especially electronic dictionaries we have them on our phones now are very
very convenient of course it's important to use them and it's a they're a great resource to have however one thing that uh really bothers me and that i think is detrimental it's not helpful for students is when uh students are in a lesson and they're practicing conversation and they reach a point in the conversation where they don't know the word they want to use they know it in their native language and they don't know how to say it in their target language they pull out their dictionary they say to this the person listening to them
their practice partner in their lesson where they have a limited period of time just a moment and then they look it up on their phone it takes a few seconds the flow of the conversation stops and then they say a word and it's like whoa no that's not you don't have that ability you don't have the ability to do that in a conversation with a native speaker most people like if you go to a bank and try to open a bank account are you really gonna pull out your dictionary and sit there and try to
communicate you know just a moment just a moment as you look up each word you don't know no or if you do that's not a real conversation so instead try using a different strategy by that i mean if you find a word you don't know in conversation explain the word to your conversation partner maybe they know the word if you're speaking with a native speaker this is a chance for them to teach you a word i find that when people take the time to teach me a word i remember the word much better than just
looking it up on my dictionary so try to resist maybe you can bring a dictionary to your lesson but don't use it or try not to use it in your conversation practice it's just it destroys the flow of a conversation so instead practice the skill of describing the vocabulary word you want to use and learn how to ask the meaning of a word or learn how to ask for a vocabulary word from your partner so you can use an expression like ah what's the word that means blah blah blah or um you know it's this
thing that does this and this and this so this is an opportunity for you to describe characteristics of something or find a different way you can use your body language you can use whatever you have a lot of tools but try not to use a dictionary in a conversation because it's not realistic train responses to common questions number six is a quick one i think number six hint number six i have is just to train responses to common questions train responses to common questions so for example a very common question in english is hey how
are you you should know how to answer this question just have a default response hey how are you i'm good if it takes you a long time to answer the question hey how are you you need to practice i think that's a pretty good uh a pretty good indicator so for example sometimes i ask students a question like that they they haven't quite gotten the idea of how to respond just yet they they're not so quick at responding i say uh hey how are you and they say yes and then they think and they go
i'm uh i'm good and it's like that's a very common question so think about just a default response that you can spit out that you can quickly say if it's how was your weekend or hey what's up or what do you want to do for dinner tonight think about like just a handful meaning just a few responses to those questions and train them quickly just how are you i'm good how are you i'm okay how are you not bad there's three so it's just training responses to those questions there's no reason to be surprised by
a question like how are you like that's a very common question so for those common questions train responses to that we've got a bunch of videos especially beginner level videos for some example responses you can do so don't get stuck with these little questions just train a few responses practice a few responses till they feel natural to you it'll save you time and it'll help the person asking the question too to move forward in the conversation [Music] study with materials that don't provide a translation the next tip is to study with materials that don't provide
a translation so by this i mean if you're using worksheets and or some kind of textbook or whatever and it has your target language the language you're studying and it has your native language next to it while this can be useful i feel that if you can studying your materials only in your target language and then simplified explanations for more detailed points also in your target language can be a little bit better so i don't want to say like you should only study things in your target language and nothing from your native language because of
course like it can be helpful sometimes to look up a word or to understand a grammar point in your native language but where possible if you can find something that provides simplified explanations in your target language it can be really really helpful because again you're thinking you're learning to think on like a simpler on a more basic level about the language you're studying in the language that you're studying so this can be really really good so finding some materials to use where there's no translation maybe you can practice of course with with books and with
written materials but also with like video materials as well so there are a variety of different ways that you can find materials in your target language like in video and tv so some things to think about there are the level of vocabulary words people are using in the media content you're watching who the media content is intended for children young adults adults uh the speed at which the speaker is talking so like i have the ability to change the level of difficulty of uh videos based on the rate of speech the vocabulary words that i
use and how many like idioms and things i use so i could make a video very difficult we could make a very like a very difficult video series by leveling up our vocabulary use or by speaking very quickly or as you might see in like our english and three minutes series um we can also use very simple vocabulary and speak at a low rate of speech so maybe right now this is a very intermediate level video so please think about that so not just for um written materials but also for your audio and visual materials
think about um who your audience is the level of the material and so on it can be really fun uh and it can be helpful to think about your your target language in your target language all right we're almost done study phrases in addition to single vocabulary the next tip is study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words so yes of course vocabulary is important but i find it personally very very useful to look at how a vocabulary word is used in a phrase because sometimes using it in a phrase helps you understand the nuance
of that vocabulary word really really well so if i like a word like crazy for example in english depending on the situation where the word crazy is used it could mean something different it could mean like a person who's mentally confused or mixed up it could also mean something really good it could mean something really bad so if we look only at the word crazy it's quite difficult to understand really the meaning of the word but if you look at the way the word is used in a phrase you can get a lot more information
so take a look at the way people use words in phrases not just as single vocabulary words you can learn a lot more that way i think do your daily activities in english where possible the next tip is to do your daily activities in your target language so if you're studying english that means trying to do some daily activities in english if possible so this can be very very boring stuff but just think about it when you're doing the activity so like right now i'm filming a video for englishclass101.com or i'm going to work i'm
cooking breakfast i'm doing the laundry what do i have to do tomorrow so try thinking about your everyday life in english if you're studying english try thinking about your everyday activities the people that you meet what are you doing so this is a way to help you practice your verbs so if you don't know if you're i don't know you're doing something at work and you're like oh my gosh how do i explain the what's the verb for you know a picture like i want to blah blah a picture what's the word you can check
a dictionary at that point and go ah it's draw i i need to use the verb draw for draw a picture so you can find these little gaps in your everyday life these little gaps in your knowledge if you think about your everyday activities in your target language if you don't think about it in your target language you might not realize you have vocabulary gaps or phrase gaps here and there so this is a really good and kind of funny actually way to study use a learner's dictionary for new words the last tip is to
use a learner's dictionary for new words so in english there are learners dictionaries available in english so my favorite my personal favorite is merriam-webster merriam-webster is a fantastic dictionary resource they're so interesting and they have tons of like historical information i really do just sit and like read things on the dictionary page lately it's true but um of course there's a definition there's a meaning for words there are example sentences for words but merriam-webster also has what's called a learner's dictionary if you find a word that you don't recognize you can check it in a
dictionary in a learner's dictionary and it gives you a simplified a simple explanation in simple english of that word so instead of checking it in your native language you can check it in your target language so again this helps you to understand the word um that you are that you're focused on but you understand it from the language you're studying not from your native language so using a learner's dictionary can be really really useful as well all right how are your english listening skills first you'll see an image and hear a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end a man and a woman are talking what are they going to do first [Music] what do you want to do today i want to go see a movie okay i want to watch the baseball game on tv also i want to go shopping the baseball game starts at one o'clock okay so let's see the movie first and then you can watch the baseball game alright then we'll go shopping in the evening what are they going to do
first a man and a woman are talking what are they going to do first what do you want to do today i want to go see a movie ok i want to watch the baseball game on tv also i want to go shopping the baseball game starts at one o'clock okay so let's see the movie first and then you can watch the baseball game all right then we'll go shopping in the evening a teacher and a student are talking when will the student go to the teacher's office [Music] i didn't really understand today's class i
see what was confusing several things do you have time now actually i'm a little busy could you come to my office in the afternoon i'll be there from 1pm to 4pm ok i'll be there at 2pm when will the student go to the teacher's office a teacher and a student are talking when will the student go to the teacher's office i didn't really understand today's class i see what was confusing several things do you have time now actually i'm a little busy could you come to my office in the afternoon i'll be there from 1pm
to 4pm okay i'll be there at 2pm a woman is having lunch in a restaurant what is she going to order [Music] would you like to have coffee or dessert after the meal what desserts do you have we have pudding and apple pie hmm actually i'll just have coffee do you want cream or sugar cream please what is she going to order a woman is having lunch in a restaurant what is she going to order would you like to have coffee or dessert after the meal what desserts do you have we have pudding and apple
pie hmm actually i'll just have coffee do you want cream or sugar cream please did you get it good evening in room dining this is alex how may i be of service hello i would like to order some food of course ma'am just to confirm this is mrs rossen in room 417 yes it is excellent may i take your order yes i would like a turkey sandwich on a parmesan bagel and what to drink a diet coke will there be anything else yes i would also like a wake-up call for seven a woman is waiting
for a man where is the woman now [Music] hey really sorry but it looks like i'll be 30 minutes late okay i'll wait for you at the cafe cafe where is it it's next to the bookstore there's a bakery across from the cafe okay where is the woman now a woman is waiting for a man where is the woman now hey really sorry but it looks like i'll be 30 minutes late okay i'll wait for you at the cafe cafe where is it it's next to the bookstore there's a bakery across from the cafe okay
a man and a woman are talking about summer vacation what is the woman going to do on her summer vacation [Music] have you already planned for the summer vacation not yet i'm thinking about going to the sea or the mountains i'm going to the beach with some friends we're going surfing sounds nice why don't you come with us wow sure thanks what is the woman going to do on her summer vacation a man and a woman are talking about summer vacation what is the woman going to do on her summer vacation have you already planned
for the summer vacation not yet i'm thinking about going to the sea or the mountains i'm going to the beach with some friends we're going surfing sounds nice why don't you come with us wow sure thanks a man and a woman are talking what did the woman eat this morning [Music] oh i'm hungry did you eat anything for breakfast yes i did but only a little what did you eat i had yogurt and coffee that's not enough you'll need some bread and fruit too what did the woman eat this morning a man and a woman
are talking what did the woman eat this morning oh i'm hungry did you eat anything for breakfast yes i did but only a little what did you eat i had yogurt and coffee that's not enough you'll need some bread and fruit too did you forget our study date at 10 this morning i'm sorry naomi at 10 i was talking with my professor and couldn't get away i'm sorry i should have called that's okay so how did the meeting go with the professor it went fine he gave me an extension on my paper and i can
still take the midterm how was your study group yesterday well we were studying together during lunch when i noticed an old friend of mine from high school in the same cafe my concentration quickly switched from class to catching up with my friend so i didn't get much done you've taken that class before right yeah last semester i was always asking questions in that class because it was so difficult well i was hoping that you could lend me a hand with my paper i can't think of anything else to write sure no problem that is if
you can help me study for our history test sounds like a deal hi everyone i'm gabriella how are your english listening skills in this video you'll have a chance to test them out with a quiz first you'll see an image and hear a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end are you ready a woman is in a department store which floor is she going to [Music] excuse me where are the children's clothes they're on the fifth and sixth floors do
you also have baby clothes yes they're on the sixth floor we have a lot there thank you very much i'll go and have a look there which floor is she going to a woman is in a department store which floor is she going to excuse me where are the children's clothes they're on the fifth and sixth floors do you also have baby clothes yes they're on the sixth floor we have a lot there thank you very much i'll go and have a look there a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which
book does the woman want to see excuse me i'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf which book would you like the one about cars one moment please this one yep that's right here you go which book does the woman want to see a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which book does the woman want to see excuse me i'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf which book would you like the one about cars one moment please this one yep that's right here
you go a man and a woman are looking over a menu at a restaurant what's the man going to order [Music] what are you going to order the pizza looks delicious i think i'll go with that i had pizza yesterday so okay then what about the hamburger sounds good i'll go with that what's the man going to order a man and a woman are looking over a menu at a restaurant what's the man going to order what are you going to order the pizza looks delicious i think i'll go with that i had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger sounds good i'll go with that a man is calling the doctor's what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by [Music] hello how can i help you what time do you close today we close at six o'clock but please come in before 5 30. okay thank you what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by a man is calling the doctor's office what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by hello how can i help you what time do you
close today we close at six o'clock but please come in before 5 30. okay thank you did you guys ma'am may i have your first and last names melissa west thank you ma'am i have found a reservation here's the registration information does everything look correct to you yes it seems to be correct excellent now i will just need a photo id for legal purposes will my passport do that would be just fine ma'am checkout is between noon and two o'clock you may request an extension of up to five hours free of charge what if i
need more time then a late charge of five 5 will be added to your bill how are your english listening skills first you'll see an image and hear a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end a boy is reading from his journal what was the first thing the boy did today [Music] the weather was great today i went swimming this afternoon at the pool and i went to a movie in the evening i also studied all morning today wasn't bad
what was the first thing the boy did today a boy is reading from his journal what was the first thing the boy did today the weather was great today i went swimming this afternoon at the pool and i went to a movie in the evening i also studied all morning today wasn't bad a woman and a man are looking at a photograph which photo are they looking at [Music] this is a photo of the soccer team your son is on isn't it which one is your son this one oh he's the tallest one yep he's
even taller than the coach which photo are they looking at a woman and a man are looking at a photograph which photo are they looking at this is a photo of the soccer team your son is on isn't it which one is your son this one oh he's the tallest one yep he's even taller than the coach a man and a woman are talking when are they going to see the movie [Music] why don't we go see a movie on saturday yes i'd love to but i have to work a shift in the morning what
time will you finish i'll finish at 2 o'clock then let's meet up at the cafe at three o'clock and see a movie at four o'clock okay when are they going to see the movie a man and a woman are talking when are they going to see the movie why don't we go see a movie on saturday yes i'd love to but i have to work a shift in the morning what time will you finish i'll finish at two o'clock then let's meet up at the cafe at three o'clock and see a movie at four o'clock
okay hi everybody my name is alicia and today i'm going to talk about the correct use of the word only let's take a look at a few examples and see how moving the word only around in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence all right let's begin first i want to define the word only and how i'm going to use it for this lesson the word only for this lesson we're going to look at it as an adverb so an adverb which means a single case or a single instance of something so there's
nothing different nothing more nothing less there's just this one thing this one case of something but i want to focus for this lesson on the importance of the position of only in a sentence um so one key to keep in mind when you use the word only and this is a point for native speakers and for non-native speakers we need to place the word only as close as possible to the word or to the phrase that it modifies and by modifies i mean only is connected to that phrase only is changing that phrase in some
way and when i say places at place it as close as possible to that word i mean before that word it needs to come before the word it's changing before the word it's modifying so i want to show a few examples of how to do this but i'm going to move the word only around in the same sentence so let's take a look i'll show you what i mean let's take a look at this this sentence uh the base sentence here is sarah saw michael at the park a simple sentence so there are two people
involved one action in this case the past tense saw and then a location at the park but i'm going to use the word only here in a few different positions to show how much it can change the meaning of the sentence depending on where we place it so the first example here i have is only sarah saw michael at the park here the word only comes before sarah so that means that these two words are connected only is modifying sarah in this case this sentence therefore means that sarah perhaps in a group of people or
with somebody else sarah was the only person the single person who saw michael at the park maybe there were other people in the group she was with but she was the single person the only person who saw michael so only sarah saw michael at the park that's the meaning with the placement of only before sarah here let's look at the next sentence sarah only saw michael at the park so here only is coming before the word saw so in this case it's modifying this verb saw this sentence therefore means that sarah the only thing sarah
did her only action was to see she only saw michael at the park meaning no other actions happened sarah did not wave to michael sarah did not greet michael sarah did not throw something at michael uh whatever there was no other action the only action the single action the soul action was that she saw michael sarah only saw michael at the part so the placement before the verb gives us this meaning let's look at one more example sarah saw only michael at the park here only comes before michael in this case so the connection the
modification is happening here sarah saw only michael at the park means she did not see any other people at the park so this could mean that there were no other people at the park or that maybe she just she just didn't see anybody at the park so this sentence is a little bit tricky it's a little hard to understand exactly what the writer wants to say but it could mean that there were perhaps no people at the park no other people at the park that sarah saw so she went to the park she saw only
michael there was only one person a single person it was michael that sarah saw so placing only before in this case michael gives us this meaning all right one more sentence sarah saw michael only at the park so here the word only is coming before this phrase at the park this location in this case meaning that there was a single place where sarah saw michael so sarah did not see michael at the supermarket she did not see him at the store she did not see him at school she saw him only at the park so
there's a single location where she saw michael so these four sentences show us how much the meaning of a sentence can change depending on our placement of the of the word only so it's important to keep in mind another thing that i've done throughout this lesson a little bit is i've emphasized with my voice the word that only is modifying but i want to make one more point here in speech when it's actually speaking we can stress words for emphasis and for clarity to make it very clear which word in the sentence we want to
emphasize which word we want only to modify so for example i can say only sarah saw michael at the park or sarah only saw michael at the park so with your voice you have the ability to emphasize certain words and certain phrases in the sentences however in in writing it's not possible to do this so correct placement of the word only is quite important so i wanted to give you a few examples uh and it's just something to think about the next time you use the word only so make sure that you're placing the word
only as close as possible to the word that it modifies so just something to keep in mind all right so that's it for this lesson if you have any questions or comments please feel free to let us know in the comment section below this video if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and check us out at englishclass101.com for some other resources thanks very much for watching this lesson and i'll see you again soon bye bye hi everybody my name is alicia today i'm going to talk about how to
use the word almost i'm going to show a few different example sentences and give you a couple pointers some things to watch out for when you're using this word so first let's look at the meaning of the word almost so almost is an adverb it's a word that means nearly or not quite or not completely it can also mean similar to something but not exactly like something so i've got a lot of example sentences here that i hope to uh talk about to kind of explain um the use of almost before i do that though
i want to mention um this point over here almost comes before the word it modifies so modifies means like almost is attached you can think of it as being attached to another word and almost changes the meaning of that word so using almost before another word or before another phrase adds this meaning of nearly or not quite or not completely to that word or to that phrase so let's begin with that and look at a few examples i almost forgot my homework so here almost comes before the verb forgot in this case meaning i nearly
forgot my homework so the word almost like i said almost should come before the word it modifies so here it's modifying the word forgot so i nearly forgot my homework i was very close to forgetting my homework another example he almost always calls on his way home so here it comes before the uh it comes before the word always in this case almost always meaning maybe like 95 of the time or 90 of the time so not always but merely very nearly always calls on his way home is the meaning of this sentence okay let's
look at another one maybe an opposite meaning here they almost never leave the house so here we we've got never as the word that almost is modifying so almost never means you can think of it in terms of a percentage for example like five percent of the time they leave the house very very close to zero but not quite zero so almost never not quite never but very near to never uh the next one you're almost finished you're almost finished so here almost is modifying the word finished so in other words you're nearly finished in
this case maybe you're nearly finished with your job for the day or you're nearly finished with your homework for example you're almost finished is the meaning here let's look at the next sentence then so the next sentence is we're almost home we're almost home in this case almost is modifying the word home home in this case means uh at your place of residence so to be in a status and a status of being at your at your place yet you're dwelling at your residence so to be almost home means nearly at your house in other
words so we can modify in this way uh similar to this negative i used up here with never we've got there's almost nothing left in the refrigerator so again almost nothing in this case so very nearly no things very nearly maybe nothing to eat or no food in the refrigerator so this sentence means there's something in the refrigerator a few things maybe but almost nothing so very little of something okay the next sentence shows another point that i want to make about the placement of the word almost i mentioned in these initial example sentences that
the word almost comes before the word it modifies as we've seen so far however when you're using the verb to be and the variations of it like was and were for example almost comes after that verb so let's look at an example of that here we have here here i have uh he was almost fired from his job so here is my 2b verb in this case using was he was almost fired from his job so here almost follows the verb to be this is a slight change i'll show you one more example sentence later
so again let's go back to this first pattern almost no one came to her party so here almost begins the sentence it's modifying the word no one almost no one came to her party so meaning very few people came to her party lastly let's look at one more to be example here i was almost late for the movie so again here's our to be verb i was and almost follows that to be verb i was almost late for the movie okay so these are quite a few examples of how we can use almost i want
to talk a little bit about some other ways to use almost we use almost with time and quantity expressions so in these cases we use the word almost before the time or before the quantity let's look at some examples for example we've been waiting almost two hours so here two hours um is a length of time we use almost before that so nearly two hours not quite two hours but nearly two hours the next example i've lived here for almost five years so that doesn't mean five years exactly but very nearly five years same thing
here he said they were almost i'm sorry he said there were almost 5 000 people so almost 5 000 not quite maybe like 4 900 for example very nearly 5 000. again the recipe made almost 200 cookies so again not quite is the meaning here so all of these kind of um we use this when it may be it's easier to round up to use like the next easily recognizable number like it might sound strange in the last example to say the recipe made 498 cookies it sounds very very specific and it also sounds like
maybe the speaker counted each individual cookie so sometimes that's really not reasonable or it might just sound a little bit strange so um or also it's just sometimes not possible to count exactly how many people or how many of something were in a situation but using almost we can make a guess sometimes so this is quite a useful thing for time and quantity expressions okay so as we've seen so far in this lesson we can use always with words like always and never i used it over here for example he almost always and they almost
never so just keep in mind that these have very very different meanings kind of opposite meanings so i almost always means very nearly always and almost never means very nearly never but not quite same thing with all or nothing or no so i used an example here there's almost nothing for example um so here it means very close to zero if i used almost all like almost all the people were happy it means very nearly everybody as well so you can kind of see a pattern here and the same one is we can see here
at the end everyone and no one it's like extreme so um like 100 versus zero percent of something so all or nothing everyone or no one um we can use almost to show that we are very near to these levels but not quite at these levels the last thing i want to mention in this lesson is a word of caution just be careful about where you place almost in a sentence because it can really affect the meaning of the sentence so here let's look at two very similar sentences one he almost told his boss all
the secrets and two he told his boss almost all the secrets these are very different sentences but they seem very similar here i've used almost before the verb told so almost is modifying the word told here he almost told his boss all the secrets meaning he very nearly told his boss all the secrets but he did not he did not so here almost modifies this verb told meaning the action itself he almost did this action but he did not do the action in this sentence however he told his boss almost all the secrets almost because
of its positioning is modifying the word all he told his boss almost all the secrets meaning he told his boss very nearly everything all of the secrets so maybe like 95 90 to 95 percent of the secrets he told his boss so the action happened he did tell his boss but he didn't tell everything in this case so please keep this in mind your placement the place in the sentence where you use the word almost can create very very different meanings so remember this point here almost should come before the word it modifies so when
you're writing and when you're speaking you should think carefully about this also remember when you're using the verb to be almost should come after that verb finally when you're speaking as i am right now we do have the ability to use our voices we can emphasize key words uh we can stress them with our voices to make it clear which word we want to emphasize however we can't really do that in writing so it's really important to consider to think about where we place the word almost when we're writing so i hope that this lesson
was useful for you if you have any questions or any comments please feel free to let us know in the comments section below this video if you liked the video give us a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and check us out at englishclass101.com thanks very much for watching this lesson and i will see you again soon bye-bye hi everybody my name is alicia today i'm going to talk about the difference between which and that which and that are both relative pronouns but a lot of people confuse the two so let's talk about how to
use them okay first a quick overview which first we use which in what are called non-restrictive relative clauses we use that on the other hand in restrictive relative clauses so before we continue let's talk about the difference between non-restrictive clauses and restrictive clauses the difference here a non-restrictive clause first of all where we use which is a clause that does not have information essential to understanding the noun it is connected to i'll show you some examples in just a minute a restrictive clause however is a clause that has information essential to our understanding of that
noun so we need the information in the restrictive clause to completely understand the noun or the noun phrase it is attached to a non-restrictive clause is sort of extra information we don't need the information to understand the noun or the noun phrase it just provides some more information so let's take a look at a few examples of this the first example i have is rather extreme but it's just to show the differences between these two first the school that i parked my car next to is dangerous so here my noun is school here i've got
the relative pronoun that i have the school that i parked my car next to is dangerous i've used that here because my claws is a restrictive clause i need this information the school that i parked my car next to is dangerous if i remove this the school is dangerous the sentence is correct however the meaning changes uh the key here is that i parked my car there so i want to explain that specifically the school that i parked my car next to this school in particular is dangerous so that shows us that it's a restrictive
clause we have to use that in this sentence because the information is essential to our understanding in this sentence however the school which has a tennis court is dangerous i've used which so which is a non-restrictive is used in non-restrictive clauses this shows us it is extra information the school has a tennis court do i need to know this information no it's just extra information if i remove this clause the school is dangerous the root sentence the basic sentence stays the same this is just extra information it doesn't necessarily tell us essential information about the
situation so we use which to show that it's a non-restrictive relative clause as i said this is a rather extreme example so let's take a look at something that's a little bit more uh complex okay let's look at the next two sentences first the car which i bought last year is already having trouble and the car that i bought last year is already having trouble these are very similar sounding sentences however our choice of which or that as well as the commas which i'll talk about later have changed the meaning so there are a couple
key differences here one by seeing that in the first sentence that we're using a non-restrictive clause here with which we see the car which i bought last year this shows us that this is extra information about the car here however we see that this is essential information the car that i bought last year is already having trouble so the speaker could be saying here with this sentence the second sentence the car that i bought last year specifically a car that the speaker purchased the previous year this sentence means therefore the speaker might have other cars
the speaker is specifically meaning this specific car that they he or she bought last year in this sentence with the non-restrictive clause we don't have the same nuance the car which i bought last year is just extra information in this sentence so here the car that i bought last year this is indicating a specific car this one with the non-restrictive claws it's just giving us extra information so the speaker may or may not have another car we don't know so that's all i want to say about that okay but a question that many people have
is how do you know whether it's a restrictive or a non-restrictive clause so this is a quick tip a quick hint uh for native speakers and non-native speakers actually is it restrictive non-restrictive how do i know to do that remove the clause just take the clause out of the sentence is the meaning of the sentence the same is the sentence still grammatically correct is it okay if yes if the sentence is okay the meaning is the same it's a non-restrictive clause if no if the meaning changes if you lose some key information it is a
restrictive clause so this is a quick hint if you're not sure whether to use which or whether to use that try this test this quick test just take it out and see if the meaning changes the last thing i want to talk about here is the use of commas so you'll notice i used commas throughout this lesson and also when i was reading they kind of create a natural pause around this extra information but when do you use them we should use commas around non-restrictive clauses so you can see i used them here and here
in the example sentences we use commas around non-restrictive clauses only again this lesson comma which is being recorded comma is about which and that so when you're reading it creates a natural pause so the reader knows there's going to be like extra information there the reader can understand through use of these commas however do not use commas around restrictive clauses for example the lesson that i just taught was about how to use which and that this is a restrictive clause so i mean specifically this lesson that i just taught was about how to use which
and that i should not include commas here because i'm not including any extra information all of the information is essential it's the same with all of the other example sentences i used in this lesson there are no commas included because all of the information is essential the reader needs to understand everything in one piece you can think of it that way okay so that's an overview of the differences between which and that uh restrictive clauses as well and a couple of comma tips too so i hope that this was a useful lesson for you if
you have any questions of course please feel free to let us know in the comments if you liked the video give us a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and check us out for more good stuff at englishclass101.com thanks very much for watching and i will see you again soon bye-bye 10 ways to report speech let's go say the first word is say say as a verb say is a very neutral word you can use to report someone's speech to explain something someone said in the past so for example he said
the barbecue was cancelled just a simple neutral report tell the next verb is tell tell is used when one person is giving information to another to tell someone something they did not know before don't say tell me your phone number that's weird but like can you tell me where the station is can you tell me where to buy a hamburger can you tell me where to pick up my new car like so giving someone information they don't know or or on the other hand explaining something one way to another person so don't tell me what
i can't do is a very good lost reference if you've ever watched lost so tell another example sentence my boss told me i was doing a good job speak the next one is speak speak so we use speak when we're talking about language ability like i speak english i speak japanese we can use speak in the past tense to report something but it usually sounds a little more formal so like i spoke to my boss about or i spoke to my parents about or i spoke to my boyfriend or girlfriend about blah blah blah that
using speak instead of talked makes it sound a little bit more formal so you can use speak but it's going to sound polite in a sentence my colleague spoke with me about an upcoming project was like okay the next one uh the next two actually are very very casual expressions so when you're speaking with friends and you're kind of talking about a quick maybe somewhat emotional conversation you will hear native speakers especially americans perhaps this is unique somewhat to americans use the phrase was like i was like he was like she was like this is
a very casual way to report speech and you'll hear it often very very quickly together so someone will say i was like what and then she was like no and then i was like yeah that's the kind of pattern you'll hear it in very very quick ways to report speech but the subject changes i was like he was like she was like we were like this is a way to share what happens quickly instead of i said he said she said which might sound a little too formal we can use i was like he was
like to do that instead so this is a really fun one and if you can use this uh naturally i think that it'll really help you sound more natural too so in a sentence and then he was like i love that movie was all the next one is also similar to was like we have the expression was all so was all don't worry about all all does not have the meaning of the whole of something or a complete something instead was all this set phrase is used to report speech usually this one is used when
there's some kind of emotional uh emotional aspect to your conversation or it's a little dramatic or maybe a little exciting we use it the same way as was like in that very very quick style of speaking and then he was like and i was all and then she was like and i was all we use those together but i was all has a little more emphasis i feel i tend to use it when my when i want to express a stronger emotion and i was all no way or and i was all what so you
can use it for those very like surprised emotions or maybe angry emotions was like and was all are both used in very casual situations so in a sentence and i was all oh my god me too talk the next word is talk so talk similar to uh say is a fairly neutral verb when reporting speech you'll use it in a situation where someone is giving new information uh to you but maybe it's a two-way conversation so for example we talked about blah blah blah for a topic or my boss talked to me about blah blah
blah so maybe new information is being exchanged but the conversation is two way there are multiple participants with tell it's like the nuance is sort of one person is reporting information giving information with talked it's there's an exchange happening there so keep in mind when you use the word talk you will say either i i talked to or i talked with someone and then you'll usually have a topic so i talked to my friend about blah blah blah i talked to my friend about my new apartment i talked to my boss about a raise i
talked to my boss no i talked to my dog about what dogs do so there's some kind of there's some kind of exchange happening there you'll need to use to or with when you're referring to the person or entity you're talking to and you'll use about to refer to the subject so you can use this one um yeah when you're when you want to discuss exchanges of information so in a sentence she talked to me about my family mention let's go to the next one the next one is mention mention is used when like something
is just there's just one small point in a conversation like just a little side note or maybe it's not the focus of a conversation but just something someone says quickly or there's just a little thing that you hear oh you mentioned something about blah blah blah or you mentioned that a new project like it's it's maybe not the focus of the conversation but something that you heard a little bit about that's that's when we use the verb mention we can also use it in a statement like please mention any skills you have on a resume
so the nuance is sort of like a like just a little bit of information is when we use mention so in a sentence our manager mentioned upcoming changes at the company to go on and on okay the next expression is to go on and on so to go on and on means just to talk for a very long time so maybe you have a co-worker or a friend or a family member that just talks and does not stop talking we say to go on and on that's the expression we use so in a sentence the
speaker at the seminar was going on and on about the topic if you really want to emphasize it you can say what's going on and on and on and on and on that really emphasizes that the person continues to speak so if you know somebody who does that a lot you can use this expression to talk about them according to uh the next expression here is according to according to is used uh actually in the news or like to officially report something so according to sources or according to the police according to the government official
according to my teacher according to my mother these are like direct reports of information and they're direct reports of information from a specific source so according to the newspaper my f neighborhood has 50 000 amazing ramen shops that's not true but if i want to instead of just saying my neighborhood has 50 000 amazing ramen shops i'm giving a source for that so according to my newspaper this is this is where i got the information so this is important to use in news in newspapers and any kind of official documentation you will see and hear
according to in these cases ah in a sentence according to a witness at the scene the suspect escaped report great so um the next one is report so reports similar to according to we use reports in more official situations so to officially share information like to report to the police to report to your teacher to report to your boss sometimes it means to submit documentation like to to give someone a written report sometimes it's to share information officially just just with your voice to report news or to report an update so when you want to
give and give official information we'll use the verb report so in a sentence sources in the area report that the accident was not serious thank goodness all right top 10 must-know phrases for the restaurant let's get started a table for three please a table for three please you tell them the number of people that you are total so that the host can bring you to an appropriate table a table for two please a table for five please could i please see a menu could i please see a menu usually menus are given to you as
soon as you sit down at your table but if that's not the case and you need to ask this is a polite way to do it could i please see a menu i'd like to try this dish i'd like to try this dish when looking at a menu hopefully you'll find something you want to eat i'd like to try this dish could you leave out the onions could you leave out the onions if there's an ingredient in the dish that you're ordering that you don't want you can always ask the waiter if it could be
prepared without that ingredient so for example i might say can i get the burger but with no cheese could you pass the salt could you pass the salt when you're at a restaurant especially if you're at a big table with a lot of people you might not always be able to reach things so you would ask could you pass me the salt could you pass me the ketchup could you pass me another napkin waiter waiter a waiter is someone who takes your order and brings you food in america and in many other western countries it's
more polite to call a waiter to your table by simply saying excuse me or if you see another waiter walking by but it's not your waiter you can always say excuse me if you see our waiter could you please let them know to come to our table is there any dairy in this dish is there any dairy in this dish this is something you would say if you have a dairy allergy a dairy intolerance or you just don't like dairy you're asking the waiter about the ingredients in a particular dish i do this all the
time is there any cheese in this no okay and if there is an ingredient that you don't want for example onions you could say are there any onions in this and the waiter might say yes and if you don't want it you could always request could you leave out the onions could you prepare it without the onions please can we get separate checks can we get separate checks this is actually something that's very common especially in america if you might go out with a group of friends or even if you're on a date sometimes you
might want to get separate checks pay for your own things that way you can all pay separately just for what you yourself ordered and you won't have to worry about owing each other money or calculating off a big huge bill are there any specials today are there any specials today a special at a restaurant is a dish that isn't usually on the menu it's something that's special but it's a special that the chef is offering that day or that week or that month so sometimes if you don't see what the specials are you'd ask your
waiter excuse me are there any specials today could we have the bill please could we have the bill please this is how you request that the check or the bill comes to your table can we get the check please could we get the bill please you're asking this to your waiter who will then bring you the check and you can pay about 10 words that you can use at a bar let's go to buy a round the first expression is to buy a round to buy a round means to buy a round of drinks essentially
a round of drinks means one drink for everyone in your group one drink for everyone in your party by the way the word party is used to mean group at a bar or restaurant the number of people in your party is the number of people in your group so to buy a round means to buy a drink for everybody in a sentence our boss began the party by buying everyone around in a different sentence you're buying the next round on the rocks the next expression is on the rocks on the rocks is a way to
order a drink when you say on the rocks it means your drink on ice only so rocks are the ice in your glass so you can imagine the ice the pieces of ice in your glass the ice cubes or an ice ball these are like rocks so saying i'd like a whiskey for example on the rocks means just whiskey served over ice that's what on the rocks mean so in a sentence i'd like a gin on the rocks straight up the next expression is straight up so a straight up drink is different from an on
the rocks drink a straight up drink is chilled with ice but it's strained so there's no ice in the drink but it is it has been chilled with ice so a straight-up drink there's nothing else in the glass but it is a chilled drink in a sentence i'd like a martini straight up some people use the word straight or straight up but they mean neat which is the next word we're going to talk about so keep in mind straight or straight up means chilled that's one of the key points here so yeah a martini straight
up is a chilled martini neat so the next expression is neat to order a drink neat means the drink is not chilled and there is no ice it's just it's just the the alcohol it's just the liquor there's nothing special about it a neat drink is only the drink that's it nothing happens to it so in a sentence i'd like a whiskey neat pint half pint the next expression is really two expressions these are words you use when you order beer they are pint and half pint depending on the country that you live in pint
can be a different size they vary uh by a few milliliters depending on the country where you live in a half pint then is roughly half of the pint size so a half pint and a pint are two ways two sizes we use to order beer in a sentence can i have a half pint of this stout chaser the next expression is chaser so a chaser is something you use to follow an alcoholic drink chasers are often used after shots so shots are small drinks that are usually kind of strong in alcohol content and they
have a very strong taste so some people like to have something after that and they call it a chaser so the image is that the the second drink is chasing the first drink into your body you can think of it that way the chaser is a non-alcoholic drink so it could be water it could be soda it could be something like that juice maybe so chaser in a sentence shots of tequila are often followed with chasers to be tipsy the next word is to be tipsy to be tipsy is a way to describe your feeling
when you're drinking so if you can imagine when you're when you're standing straight up uh when you're standing as regular you're very like confident and tall and you don't move very much but if you feel tipsy this comes from the verb to tip like this so something tips uh to one side or another uh think of your body in this way so we use the word uh tipsy the adjective tipsy um to describe this feeling maybe you're not so steady on your feet you could tip over ah at any time that's called being tipsy from
alcohol okay so in a sentence uh let's see i'm a little tipsy i need some water to be drunk the next expression is to be drunk so we talked about the word tipsy so tipsy is a little bit like a little unsteady but drunk is just a mess you're just you're just a disaster maybe you're being noisy you're being loud it's difficult to control your body or your friend's body whatever so drunk is usually seen as a negative thing um so yeah so drunk uh expresses yeah it's it's just not pretty sometimes so in a
sentence your friend is drunk let's take him home to call it a night the next expression is to call it a night to call it a night means to decide to finish at the bar to go home uh you're ready to be done so here i'm going to call it i'm going to say this is tonight tonight is finished so in a sentence uh it's been a long evening i'm gonna call it a night i mean i'm going to go home i'm done it's a casual expression hangover and then one more that you can use
maybe the day after you visit a bar is hangover so a hangover is a noun hangover is the word we use to describe the feelings after drinking too much so maybe you feel sick to your stomach you have a headache your body is sore there are a number of different feelings you might have when you feel hung over to be hungover is another way to say it but when you have a hangover it usually doesn't feel very good in a sentence i have a hangover today i'm not going drinking tonight about the top 25 english
phrases so let's get started the first phrase is hello hello of course is used as a greeting you can greet your friends you can greet your co-workers your family with this phrase just by saying hello hey hi what's up hello sup yo pretty much any time of day you can use hello hello the next phrase is good morning good morning is used as a greeting in the morning you can kind of feel when morning ends for you good morning is nice and polite or even just morning with your close friends or close co-workers the next
phrase is good night good night is fine we don't use this to greet other people we use it when we're saying goodbye to other people at night uh family members particularly mothers and fathers to say good night to their children before they put them to bed you can say it to your friend in a text message or in an email if you've been talking for a while good night so the next word to talk about is goodbye uh use it when you say goodbye to your friends when you leave your friends goodbye bye of course
take care have a nice day peace out that's another way to say goodbye okay the next phrase is i'm plus your name of course this is a way to introduce yourself you can use i'm in my case alicia i'm alicia to introduce yourself in any situation new friend i'm alicia okay the next phrase is what's your name what's your name is used to ask someone else what their name is so what is your name sounds a bit tried to use what's your name if you forget someone's name you can say sorry what's your name or
sorry what's your name again next phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet you anytime you meet someone new nice to meet you is fine good to meet you is a little more casual great to meet you sounds very excited pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or a business context okay the next phrase is how are you how are you is it's just a friendly way to check in with the other person you can use it with friends your family your co-workers maybe even your boss to a certain degree uh
how are you how are you doing the next phrase is i'm fine thanks and you uh if you saw english in three minutes we talked a lot about this phrase uh instead of i'm fine thank you and you say i'm good thanks how are you just shorten it make it a little bit more natural how are you good how are you great how are you not so good how are you okay and so on so when someone says how are you offer i usually say i'm good this week i blah blah give some information about
what you've been up to maybe a hobby something that you did recently an event something interesting you saw whatever people want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance for you to continue speaking the next word is please please is a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else you can use this as a response when someone offers you something like in a restaurant for example would you like more water would you like something to drink oh please the next phrase is thank you thank you is used to express your
appreciation you can use thank you with everybody the next phrase is you're welcome you're welcome when someone says thank you you can say you're welcome ah no biggie i use no biggie as in no biggie is short for no big problem the next word is yes yes of course yes means is any positive expression someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh yeah no next i'm guessing i know it yep the next word is no no is a negative response to something when you have to give
a negative answer so as you can probably guess um the long form of no is negative i like to use nope it's very very casual not gonna happen my parents would use that with me to soften that a little bit if you want to show a negative response to something like let's go for dinner tonight what do you want to do like do you want to go out not really no i don't think so to soften it the next word is okay okay this word comes from copy editors okay when they had to check a
manuscript they had to label the manuscript all clear ac but because they were copy editors and they have a very very sick sense of humor they thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and k do not start all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world anyway okay uh is used to agree with somebody else well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight negative i feel transitioning in your conversation you can say okay now we're going to talk
about blah blah blah okay the next phrase is excuse me excuse me it's used to get someone's attention in english when you don't know the other person for example in a store a supermarket maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions you can use excuse me you can use excuse me in the supermarket excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce is if you've done something rude in public you can use excuse me i personally do not do rude things in public ever i'm sorry is the next word we're going
to talk about i'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know has made a mistake and you're connected to it or you just feel bad you can use i'm sorry you made a mistake at work i'm sorry you forgot to feed your cat i'm sorry sorry about that you bump someone next to you oh sorry what time is it is the next phrase when you need to check what time it is what time is it when you ask someone else what time it is maybe you say this to
yourself too check your watch check your phone check a clock pretty straightforward phrase there aren't really any short versions so that's an easy one where is that plus a location so you can use this for um a building or a store we don't we're not going to use this where is the for a place a city name or a state name or a country name to do that you would need to remove the but where is the bank where is the post office you can use this to ask directions to ask for help in your
house or at work where is the copy machine where is the file i need where is the blah blah blah where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know the next one is may i use the restroom may i use the restroom is a polite and soft expression that you can use if you need to use the toilet you need to use the washroom when you're at someone's house for the very first time when you're in a place that you're that is new to you you can ask may i use the restroom
more casually can i go to the bathroom to be very polite you can say may i go to the bathroom the next phrase is i would like to order something you can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place an order i'd like a pizza i'd like a beer can i get the check please this will be used at a restaurant when you've finished your meal and it's time to go can i get the check please in a very very casual situation you can just say check please that's
fine the next phrase is see you soon see you soon is used with friends and family members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them this is used at the end of the conversation you're going separate directions see you soon see ya is also good or just see you to make it a little more formal you can say i'll see you again soon make a full sentence out of it that way the next phrases see you later see you later is very similar to see you soon but the point
is with cu later is that you're probably going to meet that person again later on in the same day the last phrase is really really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you're interested in a conversation with upward intonation really really tell me more or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation really so there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way like seriously or oh oh and so on so it's a really good practice for your intonation ways
to say hi this should be fun let's get started first is yo this one is a little bit casual in case you couldn't tell used for close friends maybe family members if you have kind of a silly relationship with them just quick short easy to do in a sentence yo how's it going howdy howdy uh traditionally associated with cowboy culture i suppose you should play a banjo maybe or you've just gotten off a horse i don't know i use howdy from time to time howdy howdy howdy that's my banjo yeah in a sentence you might
say howdy folks welcome to the barbecue place next is hey hey is good friendly phrase you can usually use hay with a wave and smile look happy if you don't people might think that you're down in the dumps people might think you're not in a very good mood in a sentence hey uh i heard you got engaged last week congratulations something like that it's usually kind of a cheery happy expression all right next is what's up uh what's up is the long form of sup this does not literally mean what is above you right now
if you want to be funny you can say the ceiling or the sky but that joke gets old really fast and chances are the person you're talking to has already heard it before it just means what are you up to what is going on with you in a sentence what's up did you have a good weekend typical response to what's up is not much find out some more responses in english in three minutes we did an episode on this nothing much how about you that's pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good i don't know
what i'm doing the next one is long time no see you can use this when you haven't seen the other person for a long time you're at a party or an event or whatever anytime it's been a long break you can decide how long long is not the day before or the week before maybe a few weeks or a month whatever is unusual for you and this other person when you see them you can say hey long time no see how have you been about 10 words for talking about beauty and skin care so let's
begin all right the first word is makeup makeup is all makeup everything we're going to talk about almost everything we're going to talk about later is makeup makeup is usually used by women but maybe men use makeup too makeup is usually put on the face to change the appearance of the face in some way so in a sentence i use makeup almost every day or i wear makeup almost every day use and wear are both okay the next word is eye shadow so eye shadow is makeup which goes on top of the eye so the
eye lid this part is called your eye lid eye shadow goes here on top of the eyelid so in a sentence what kind of eye shadow do you use the next word is eye liner eyeliner so eyeliner is used to draw a line to draw lines near the eyes that means it's safe to use near eyes it depends on the person and their style but maybe they use eyeliner to make lines in different ways uh on their on their face on near their near their eyes in a sentence eyeliner is really difficult to put on
okay the next word is lipstick lipstick uh there's also lip gloss too uh lipstick is kind of the traditional just like a single color you apply it just on your lips and it gives i don't know not sometimes shiny sometimes a very neutral i don't know depends on the lipstick lip gloss gives lips like this very glossy almost like liquidy appearance so lipstick and lip gloss have different effects in a sentence you have a lot of lipstick the next expression is foundation foundation is the makeup product it is applied to the skin usually of the
face so it's used to make the face seem like all one color foundation maybe people apply it with i don't know like a spongy thing or with their hands or a brush there's like a i forgot what it's called isn't it like a sponge i don't know something is it a beauty blender is that a thing i think so i i don't know i don't know i'm the wrong person i don't know is it it's a beauty blender a thing i'm not very good at the beauty stuff either i don't know anyway foundation is intended
to make your skin color appear even foundation so it's called foundation because it's like the base the foundation for the rest of your makeup so the foundation is the kind of the basis so once your skin color is all correct and the same then the other parts we can fix the other parts that's my theory anyway in a sentence there are a few different types of foundation all right the next expression is blush blush is usually applied on your cheeks and it's like a pink or red color it gives the appearance of blushing so when
we feel embarrassed or maybe we feel excited our cheeks might turn red so blush is makeup which creates that effect of blushing this is usually a pink or red color to simulate to make it look like you're blushing even if you're not really in a sentence do you wear blush the next expression is bronzer bronzer so we talked about blush which is supposed to give your skin the appearance of being pink or blushing bronzer gives skin the appearance of being more bronze or more tan so you can apply this maybe in summer and it makes
your skin look a little more tan which you might like other people also may use bronzer to create shadows because it makes the skin a little bit darker in the places where it's applied so there are a few different ways to use bronzer in a sentence bronzer is nice in summer the next word is face wash face wash so this is a special soap that's for your face specifically for the face maybe your face is very sensitive or you have some trouble spots or i don't know there's a specific wash you use for your face
only in a sentence a good face wash is important for clear skin oh the next word oh the dreaded i have a couple words here that are maybe problems all of us deal with the first kind of problem word on this list is acne acne is an uncountable noun acne refers to usually this is this a problem happens for like teenagers or people around that age but adults can also have acne acne is like imperfections in the skin sometimes they're itchy or they're painful red bumps on your skin or maybe they're not painful but they're
just blotches or a number of different ways that acne can can be an issue which we'll talk about in the next word too but acne is an uncountable noun is just about that problem skin problem in general acne bad acne in a sentence i had acne when i was a teenager so the next word for today there are two words here there's pimple and zit these are both words we use to refer to the individual parts of acne acne we can say i have bad acne or maybe my acne is improving today but acne is
maybe the whole condition of your face like everything your face is situation each part each one of those little uh problem spots we we call that a pimple or a zit the difference pimple sounds a little bit smaller usually zit sounds a bit bigger and maybe maybe more painful so but either way pimples and zits are both words we can use to describe acne so in a sentence i hate getting pimples 10 words you can use to talk about hygiene or cleanliness so let's begin to wash your hands the first expression is to wash your
hands to wash your hands is with soap and water uh in the restroom somewhere so wash your hands before cooking or wash your hands after using the toilet for example in a sentence wash your hands after using the bathroom to shower the next expression is to shower to shower or to shower or maybe you prefer to take a bath so to shower is usually standing up though you can do it sitting down depending on the country you live in i suppose to shower is that yeah the water just hits you continuously to take a bath
is you sit in the bathtub you sit down and you are surrounded by water that is a bath surrounded by one sitting down surrounded by water in your home on purpose is a bath if it's not on purpose you should probably call a plumber because that is not a bath that is an emergency all right uh in a sentence i shower every day or i love taking a bath every once in a while to brush your teeth the next expression is to brush your teeth to brush your teeth so with a toothbrush usually in the
morning maybe at night as well you brush your teeth you clean your teeth uh in a sentence make sure to brush your teeth in the morning to style your hair uh the next expression is to style your hair to style your hair means to to arrange or to fix your hair the way you like it so today i styled my hair like this you styled your hair like that eyes tomorrow maybe i'll style my hair in a ponytail i probably won't maybe you can put your you can style your hair in a mohawk or in
a faux hawk or in a bouffant bouffant that's that focus oh yeah it's focusing yeah that's a bouffant all right so to style your hair uh in a sentence uh it takes a long time to style my hair that's true my hair is naturally explosive and so i have to straighten it before like everything and then as soon as humidity gets it it goes it makes that sound too to shave the next expression is to shave to shave is to remove hair like if you're a man here usually uh to remove the hair here with
a razor with another like a a blade of some kind or maybe you remove body hair or hair on your legs whatever uh you we use the verb to shave to shave with a razor in a sentence shaving is a pain for sure meaning shaving is troublesome soap or cleanser the next word is soap or cleanser so soap is just used to clean your skin or yeah to clean your face maybe to clean your hands we do not use soap for the stuff you use to clean your teeth soap is used for like body cleaner
or maybe um what you use to wash your clothes so soap or a body cleanser in a sentence i like nice smelling soaps and cleansers that is true who does not deodorant the next word is deodorant deodorant so deodorant is the product you might put on your body to prevent unpleasant smells so usually it goes in this region so this is called the armpit this region so arm and then pit so like yeah kind of this cavish area in your arm we call the armpit but it's common to apply deodorant here you might put it
in other areas on your body but the goal is to prevent bad smells or to in some cases just stop sweating completely so this is deodorant well deodorant actually if i'm going to be strict here deodorant is used to stop unpleasant smells antiperspirant is used to prevent sweating so perspirant comes from perspire so to perspire means to sweat anti means not or stop so an anti-perspirant is a product to make you stop sweating so deodorant is the smell one antiperspirant is the sweat one sometimes you can buy a deodorant and antiperspirant together great in a
sentence wearing deodorant is important especially in summer mouthwash the next word is mouthwash mouthwash i hope is easy to understand it's wash it's something to clean the inside of your mouth so uh you can use this like in the morning maybe after you brush your teeth or after lunch maybe to keep your breath uh smelling fresh but it usually is in like a blue or a green or maybe an orange color and kind of has a minty or citrusy taste but you put it in your mouth and kind of swish like i don't know i
can't swish nothing you swish it around in your mouth and then spit it out and that's mouthwash so you've washed your mouth with this product in a sentence i like minty mouthwash toothpaste the next word is toothpaste so toothpaste we do not say like tooth soap or tooth cleaner or whatever we use tooth paste for uh the product to clean our teeth the product we use to brush our teeth is called tooth paste so in a sentence i need to buy more toothpaste shampoo and conditioner the next expression is shampoo and conditioner so shampoo and
conditioner are commonly used together in the shower or in the bath maybe shampoo usually comes first we shampoo shampoo is soap for your hair really and then conditioner is a treatment for your hair conditioner is used to make your hair feel softer or more moisturized so oftentimes they're used for shampoo and then conditioner together as a set so in a sentence i like trying new shampoos and conditioner want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at englishclass101.com know your verbs look at your verbs look at your verbs
hi everybody my name is alicia welcome back to know your verbs in this episode we're going to talk about the verb look so let's go the basic definition of the verb look is to use your eyes to use your skills of vision uh to yeah to use your eyes to look to turn your eyes towards something to use your vision is to look uh the difference between the verb see if you watch the c episode of know your verbs c means to perceive something with the eyes look means like to focus the eyes on something
to direct your attention towards something whereas c is like to take in something to perceive to gain information with the eyes look is just focusing your attention in something on something conjugations let's check out the conjugations of this verb present tense look or looks past tense looked past participle looked progressive or continuous tense looking so let's check out some of the additional meetings of the verb look first to appear in accordance with here are some examples she's had a rough year yeah she looks it burn second example he's 60 he doesn't look it okay so
in these example sentences look is referring to matching some other information about a person or about a condition about a situation so in this case in the first example sentence we hear she's had a rough year and then the response to that is yeah she looks it so it means it in other words the it here means as though she's had a rough year she looks meaning she appears in accordance with the fact she has had a rough year but that's a very long thing to say instead we say yeah she looks it she's her
appearance suggests what you have just said she's had a rough year yeah she looks it where it equals rough year and looks shows that matches so her look matches this rough year fact we've learned about her the second sentence is similar someone says he's 60 meaning he's 60 years old but we hear the negative response he doesn't look it meaning he does not appear as a 60 year old man meaning in other words he probably looks much younger than 60. he doesn't look it could be that he seems way way older than 60 years old
like if someone looks ancient if someone has the appearance of a very very old person and you go oh my gosh he's 60 he doesn't look it that's possible too that's possible i suppose so you just have to gauge based on the intonation so we can use an expression like that to mean someone is significantly younger or older the next meaning is to seem to seem here are some examples this looks pretty tough this is looking like it's going to be easier than i thought in these example sentences we can replace the verb look with
seem and the meaning stays the same so this looks pretty tough has the same meaning as this seems pretty tough so to seem and to look have the same meaning in these examples in the second example sentence we saw this is looking like it's going to be easier than i thought we can replace looking with seeming and the meaning stays the same this is seeming like it's going to be easier than i thought so both of these we can simply replace the verb and we have the same meaning in these cases so look means to
seem why would you use look instead of seam what is the difference here for me personally i think seam sounds slightly more formal than look i would not use seam in most cases i would say looks in most cases when i want to say seam if i want to sound slightly more formal or slightly more polite i would probably use seam this seems to be the problem what seems to be the problem instead of what looks like the problem look or it looks like this one's your problem like look sounds like not nearly as formal
all right next is to have in mind as a goal to have in mind as a goal here are some examples we're looking to buy a new car by the end of the month he's looking to complete his job transfer by next month so both of these sentences define a goal they explain a goal we're also using the progressive form of looking so that means we are in the progress of working towards a goal or in the progress of completing a goal in the first example sentence we're looking to buy a new car by the
end of the month means our goal is to buy a new car by the end of the month and we are currently trying to do that but this is quite a long expression so instead we use look we are looking to buy a new car i suppose we could replace this with the verb aiming to we're aiming to buy a new car aiming um but aiming sounds rather formal and looking is a little bit more casual so we're looking to buy a new car in the second sentence he's looking to complete his job transfer by
next month we see the same thing his goal is to complete his job transfer and his aim is to do it by next month so he is currently working towards his goal he's looking to complete something we use it in the progressive tense to show he is currently trying to achieve this goal to achieve this outcome the next meaning is to express with your eyes or with your face so you're actually you're creating an appearance with your eyes or your face an expression in other words here are some examples she looked surprised they look pretty
angry here both of these examples are talking about an expression a facial expression or some appearance that is created with the face or with the eyes so in the first example we see she looked surprised in past tense this indicates that with her face something about her face or her eyes showed surprise she created a surprised face with her facial expression in other words so she looked surprised in the second example they look pretty angry present tense they look pretty angry means their facial expression appears angry they're what something they are doing with their face
or their eyes creates an angry look look is a noun here so uh to they look pretty angry is their expression appears angry let's go on to some variations of this how can we pair other words with look to create a new meaning first is look into look into this means to investigate here are some examples we need to look into these accusations have you looked into the requirements for your license both of these mean to examine or to investigate something so in the first example sentence we need to look into these accusations means we
need to investigate these accusations we need to maybe research we need to search for more information about something so look into kind of contains all of that find more information about something but look into is much shorter and easier to say to look into something it does sound more casual uh you could replace this with the verb investigate we need to investigate these accusations instead of look into these accusations investigate sounds more formal than look into in the second sentence have you looked into the requirements for your license we see the same thing have you
investigated the requirements for your license but investigated sounds quite polite quite formal so instead we use have you looked into past tense have you looked into the requirements past tense shows investigation but it doesn't sound so formal as investigate the next variation is look the other way look the other way this means to direct your attention away from something unpleasant here are some examples you can't just look the other way while your boss mistreats the employees in your company we shouldn't look the other way when our fellow humans are in trouble so these example sentences
show the use of look the other way meaning to look away from something unpleasant in the first example about a boss mistreating employees in a company it means we can't just turn our attention away from the mistreatment of the employees in the company or we should not do that that's a bad idea we should not direct our attention away from this unpleasant situation if there's a bad situation there we should not ignore that situation in other words we should not look the other way we should not turn our attention away from this bad situation and
in the second example sentence we shouldn't look the other way when our fellow humans are in trouble it's a more general statement but if other humans fellow humans other people are in trouble we should not uh ignore it we should not ignore it we should not turn our attention in another way okay so i hope that this video helped you level up your understanding of the verb look if you have any questions or comments or know some other uses of the word look please let us know in the comment section below this video thanks very
much for watching this episode of know your verbs if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and check us out at englishclass101.com for other good things too thanks very much for watching and i'll see you again next time so many verbs luke i am your father look at that look at that look at that look at that extremely correct yes excellent work french tour guide examine i looked away i went i didn't realize how much i used the verb look oh my gosh oh my gosh look hi everybody my
name is alicia welcome back to know your verbs in this episode we're going to talk about the verb keep let's get started the basic definition of the verb keep is to have in possession so like to own something or to hold something is to keep here are the conjugations for this verb present tense keep keeps past tense kept past participle tense kept progressive tense keeping now let's talk about some additional meanings of this verb the first additional meaning for this lesson is to stop something from going somewhere this can mean to stop a person like
from leaving or from going to another place or to stop an object from moving or from going uh somewhere let's look at some examples is our manager at the office can you keep her there for 10 more minutes okay next one keep that car inside the gates so don't let it go outside the gates keep it inside the gates meaning number two additional meaning number two for the verb keep to cause to remain in a condition or to cause to remain in a situation let's look at some examples sorry to keep you waiting so here
sorry to keep sorry to make you stay in the waiting condition in the waiting situation sorry to keep you waiting the boss has kept us wondering about changes for months that was past participle the boss has kept us wondering so we remain in the state of wondering here the boss has kept us wandering for months so has caused us to wonder continuously for a period of months is the meaning of this sentence meaning number three for this lesson is just to stay or to continue something so this is a very broad example let's look at
a couple examples first keep your head keep your head sounds really strange right so to keep your head doesn't mean like hold on to your head so but the expression keep your head means control your emotions so here your head doesn't refer to your head as the object necessarily it refers to your emotions so controlling your emotions to keep your head means like to continue your controlled emotional state so if someone is getting maybe too excited or they're getting really angry you can say keep your head let's look at another example though keep in your
lane keep in your lane me so it's like imagine you're driving so a lane is the lines on the road those are the lines on the road that people can drive cars in so keep in your lane means stay in your lane in other words continue in your lane we say keep but it doesn't mean hold it means continue in your lane so if someone else if maybe the person you're driving with is trying to move to a different lane you can say keep in your lane just stay there so it means stay another example
might be keep quiet keep quiet means stay quiet or continue being quiet but we just say keep quiet to mean continue that state meaning number four of keep is to persist in a behavior so to persist means to do something many many times to continue doing something many times in this case a behavior a behavior is repeating so let's look at some examples this guy keeps calling me so a guy in this case keeps calling my phone keeps he keeps calling me so repeatedly this person is calling me repeatedly he keeps calling me another example
we kept sending messages until they responded we kept sending messages until they responded so meaning we continuously we repeatedly sent messages to someone or maybe to a company until we received a response so when we received a response we stopped sending messages we kept sending messages until they responded let's go on to some variations of the verb keep the first variation is to keep an eye on someone to keep an eye on someone this expression means to watch to watch like to watch someone closely often too some examples yeah she's keeping an eye on me
she always keeps an eye on the screen our boss keeps an eye on our work example keep an eye on him he's up to something if someone says keep an eye on him or like keep an eye on her with that kind of suspicious intonation this is kind of a negative expression like that person is suspicious so watch that person to keep an eye on him but if you say it with an upward intonation kind of happy like whoa keep an eye on him he's doing exciting things that means like you should watch that person
and expect something positive like we have positive expectations for that person so this is an important phrase to listen to the intonation okay next example of that though i'm keeping my eye on you i'm keeping my eye on you so again this is an expression where intonation is important i'm keeping my eye on you and i'm keeping my eye on you have very different meanings so i'm keeping my eye on you with that downward intonation sounds suspicious i'm suspicious of you i'm keeping my eye on you if however we emphasize you with that kind of
upward intonation in the sentence i'm keeping my eye on you it sounds like i'm expecting good things from you i'm going to watch you with positive expectations the next variation is to keep one's eyes open to keep my eyes open to keep your eyes open so to keep your eyes open i use this actually a lot in like live streams i think i say like keep your eyes open for that or like keep an eye out for that so actually you can use uh keep your eyes open or keep an eye out it's sort of
a weird expression so let's start with keep your eyes open so plural eyes two eyes keep your eyes open usually for a thing keep your eyes open for new ideas or i'll be keeping my eyes open for the exciting announcement so that means i will be watching for an announcement or please watch for new ideas in the first example sentence so keep your eyes open means watch for something watch for something the expression keep an eye out for means the same thing but we use the singular eye so keep an eye out for new ideas
keep an eye out for an exciting announcement we can use either the singular or the plural eye or eyes so did you learn a little bit more about the word keep i hope so if you have some other meanings or if you know some other variations have any questions or if you want to try to make an example sentence please feel free to do so in the comment section of course if you like the video please give us a thumbs up you can subscribe to the channel and you can check us out for more good
resources at englishclass101.com thanks very much for watching this episode of know your verbs and we'll see you again soon bye hi everybody my name is alicia welcome to know your verbs in this episode we're going to talk about the verb see so let's get started so the basic definition of c is to perceive with your eyes so this really means to use your eyes to get information you use your eyes to look at things to maybe understand things to gain knowledge by looking at things by using your eyes focusing your eyes on things you can
learn things or gain information gain knowledge so this is to perceive but the basic the basic definition though is just to perceive with your eyes to use your eyes to perceive to gain information to gain knowledge okay let's see the conjugations for the verb c see sees saw seen seeing let's talk about a few additional meanings of the verb see first one to form a mental picture of to form a mental picture of means to use your mind to create an image so see has the meaning of creating an image in your mind for example
i can see my childhood home clearly it was one story and had a big yard what do you see when you close your eyes so in these example sentences we're not actually using our eyes to see something in this use of the word see we are imagining it and in our minds we are making a picture so we're not actually using our eyes to see these items instead maybe there are things we saw in the past and we are imagining them mentally we are creating a mental image of something so when i say i can
see my house clearly my childhood house it means in my mind i can form a clear image of the house in my mind in the question what do you see it means when you close your eyes what's the mental image that appears in your mind so c is used to create mental images to refer to creating mental images here next is to examine or to watch so in this use of the verb see there's sort of the nuance of an expectation we want to use our eyes to watch something as it changes or to examine
a change as it happens to examine a behavior let's see how the team does in today's match i can't wait to see what the neighbors do when they realize we bought a pool in the example of let's see how the team does in today's match we are talking about using our eyes our actual eyes perhaps if we are actually watching the match if we go to the game or we see the match on tv perhaps we are using our eyes however if we don't go to the match and we read the score from the game
or we s we hear on the radio something about the game or we hear the results of the game we can still use the verb c c has this nuance of examining something so we're expecting some results so let's see in this case doesn't only mean using your eyes to examine it can mean to examine maybe the results of an or the results of something to examine the outcome of something in the second example sentence let's see how the neighbors react we see the same thing so it's the same it's the same sort of nuance
we are expecting a reaction we are going to watch for a reaction from the neighbors when they realize we bought a pool so we want to examine their reaction we want to examine an outcome we can use the verb see though maybe we use our ears like if the neighbor says oh my gosh they bought a pool um that's sort of examining you're you're waiting for a reaction there we can still use the verb let's see the expression let's see to talk about that so let's see what happens next for example next one to make
sure to make sure please see that this task is finished he saw that all the arrangements had been made in these sentences the verb c is used to mean make sure or to confirm something to ensure something in the first one please see that this task is finished we could replace the verb c with make sure please make sure that this task is finished so that's a very clear sentence please see is just a shortened way of saying make sure please see that this task is finished please ensure that this task is finished we can
replace the verb here the second example sentence is the same he saw that all the arrangements had been made so he made sure that all the arrangements had been made in these example sentences c is replacing the expression make sure or ensure so we can use c to mean the same thing it's just a shorter way of saying make sure next to find acceptable or attractive what do you see in him what do you see in her i don't understand what you see in this restaurant it's terrible what are the qualities you perceive in that
person or the qualities that you can detect in that situation what are the good points you identify there we can use the word see to sort of communicate that quickly and easily so what do you see in him what do you see in her is a much shorter way of saying what do you find attractive about him or her what do you find appealing about him or her or what characteristics of that person attract you to that person saying what do you see in him what do you see in her is a much shorter way
of saying what qualities do you find attractive in that person the same thing in the restaurant example i don't understand what you see in this restaurant means i don't understand what it is that you like about this restaurant i think it's bad so instead we shorten it to i don't understand what you see in this restaurant so c means finding something attractive or interesting or appealing in some way now let's talk about some variations so some slight changes or some additions to the verb c that change the meaning first is see through see through see
through means to understand the true nature of something to understand the real characteristics of something he saw through my attempts to work with him and asked me on a date my boss saw through my lie and scolded me for faking sickness so here we see the use in the past tense in the first example sentence he saw through my attempts to work with him meaning he saw the true nature of what i was doing so he saw through my attempts to work with him and asked me on a date so in this situation maybe the
person the speaker was trying to spend time with the he in this situation and was asking maybe to work together a lot but he in the situation saw through saw to the true nature of the speaker's request saw the true characteristics or the actual desire there and ask the speaker on a date so in this sentence we understand that there was a different motivation so something below the surface of the of the initial action that was happening so um the the other person in the situation understood the other motivation the motivation below the surface motivation
and so we use saw through or see through to communicate that so i he saw through my attempts to work with him and he understood there was something else i wanted to do in the second example sentence my boss saw through my lie and scolded me for faking sickness so again we see in past tense uh my boss saw through my lie so saw that i was lying in other words saw through my lie so saw the true character of my lie i saw the true nature of my statement and scolded me so my boss
understood i lied and scolded me for faking sickness so i got in trouble because i was faking an illness faking sickness my boss saw through my behavior saw the true character understood the true nature of my of my statement next is c i to i c i to i this means to have a common viewpoint or to agree we don't see eye to eye most of the time i'm glad we see eye to eye about this so maybe this one is an easy one to visualize so to see eye to eye with someone else means
you agree with them you share a viewpoint with them so you can kind of imagine maybe two people standing across from one another and if they see eye to eye maybe they match their line of sight matches much in the way that their viewpoints or their opinions match exactly exactly so they have kind of the same viewpoint they can see eye to eye so their their their eyesight maybe matches their opinions match so to see eye to eye we can say i'm glad we see i2i about this meaning i'm happy we agree about this or
in a negative we don't see eye to eye most of the time means we don't agree most of the time or we have different opinions most of the time all right so i hope that this video helped you level up your knowledge of the verb see a little bit if you have any questions or comments or if you know another way of using the verb see let us know in the comment section below the video thanks very much for watching please make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel and check us out at
englishclass101.com for more good stuff thanks for watching this episode of know your verbs and we'll see you again soon bye-bye we'll see you again soon [Music] we end every video on this channel almost with see you again soon but of course i don't actually see you you see me we imagine you we have we form mental images in our minds of all of you watching in the camera there all those hundreds of thousands of you guys that's kind of terrifying see yeah that was fun ask not what you can do for your channel ask what
your channel can do for you what hi everybody welcome back to know your verbs my name is alicia and in this episode we're going to talk about the verb ask so let's get started the basic definition of the verb ask is to make a request to make a request here are the conjugations present tense ask asks past tense asked past participle asked continuous or progressive asking let's talk about some additional meanings of this verb first is to require here are some examples you're asking too much of us they asked a lot of him this year
so in these example sentences the verb ask means to require to require something from someone else in the first sentence you're asking too much of us means you're requiring too much of us or you're requiring too much of something we are able to do asking too much shortens this expression so it's not only required but like requiring the capabilities or requiring something a person or a machine or an object is able to do so require yes but also require plus capabilities in the second sentence we see this as well so the second sentence was they
asked a lot of him this year so they required a lot of him we can't quite replace require for asked here but we can the nuance here of ask is they required a lot of his capabilities or they required a lot of work from him this year so asked instead condenses all of that requiring him requiring his work or his service or something so we condense all of that into one word ask here the next meaning is to set as a price here are some examples the seller is asking ten thousand dollars for the boat
she asked for 100 for her old laptop all right in both of these example sentences ask shows the price of an item the price a seller chooses for an item or the price the seller hopes to receive for an item it's the price that the seller has set for something in the first example we see asking in the progressive or the continuous tense the seller is asking ten thousand dollars meaning the seller currently hopes to receive ten thousand dollars for the boat so if it's helpful you can imagine the seller asking the buyer for this
amount the seller requesting this amount from the buyer for this amount so the seller is asking for ten thousand dollars for the boat uh is but we we removed the preposition four asking ten thousand dollars for the boat is essentially requesting the seller for ten thousand dollars so requesting the seller for is like a long way of saying this expression we can shorten this to asking the buyer is asking ten thousand dollars for in the second example sentence we see she asked for one hundred dollars for her old laptop so in this example sentence we
do see the preposition 4 she asked for 100 for her old laptop we can include the preposition 4 but it is ok to drop it in these cases where it is clear that the meaning is a price for an item so she asked is past tense so a past tense situation she wanted to receive 100 for her old laptop meaning she asked for or she requested the buyer pay 100 for her old laptop so requested the buyer pay is shortened to asked for in this case so we can use it with or without the for
preposition the next meaning is to call on for an answer here are some examples he asked his boss about the upcoming changes she asks her neighbors for help every year so to ask in these cases it's not quite a request in this case but rather we're looking for information we're looking for an answer we have a question about something or we need some information and so we inquire for information i suppose you can think of it like making an information request in that way but we're looking for some kind of answer we go to someone
to get information to get an answer about a question in the first example he asked his boss about the upcoming changes the information he wants is about these changes maybe at his company so he asks means he's looking for an answer he asked his boss for information he's looking for an answer about something in the second sentence she asks her neighbors for help every year means she's looking for answers something she needs an answer to she's looking for help she's looking for assistance answers for some problem that she has so she inquires about information she's
looking for information so to get an answer to something like a problem or an issue you need to solve we can use ask next is to invite to invite here are some examples i asked some friends to come over this weekend why don't you ask your co-workers to go out for a drink so in the first example sentence we can replace asked in the past tense with invited in past tense and the meaning stays the same i invited some friends to come over this weekend we can use invite of course if we want but invite
sounds slightly more formal than ask instead of using the more formal invite we can use the more casual ask like i asked some people to come over this weekend sounds slightly less formal than invited in the second example sentence the same thing is true why don't you ask your co-workers to go out for a drink we can replace ask here with invite why don't you invite your co-workers out for a drink again invite sounds slightly more formal than ask so ask sounds a little bit more casual so it sounds maybe a little bit more natural
and a little more friendly than the word invite okay now let's look at some other words we can add to ask to make different meanings first is ask for it ask for it this means to behave in a way that invites punishment or retribution so retribution means like um it can refer to punishment or it can refer to it can refer to a reward as well but in this case it's more for a negative reaction a negative reaction let's look at some examples the drunk guy in the bar is shouting at everyone he's really asking
for it your boyfriend broke up with you well you kind of asked for it you never made time for him so in these example sentences we are we see some behaviors that maybe invite punishment or that invite a negative outcome in the first example a drunk person in a bar is shouting at everybody so the speaker says he's really asking for it meaning the drunk guy is inviting punishment is inviting a negative outcome because of his behavior he's really asking for it we see that this is this is used in the progressive form he's asking
for it meaning that his current behavior the behavior he is showing now is inviting punishment or is inviting a negative outcome in the second sentence where a speaker is probably having a conversation with someone they say you broke up with your boyfriend well you kind of asked for it past tense because you didn't make time for him you didn't make any time for him shows that perhaps in the past the listener did not behave in a way that invited a positive outcome meaning you asked for your boyfriend to break up with you or you invited
this negative outcome because of your actions you did not make time for your boyfriend therefore he broke up with you so you did not have the correct behavior you invited negative a negative outcome because of your actions okay the next one is ask for trouble ask for trouble this means to behave in a way that is likely to end in trouble this is very similar to ask for it but instead of just receiving punishment it could just be a troubling situation that results let's look at some examples that kid is running around kicking his classmates
he's just asking for trouble trying to enter the country without a passport is just asking for trouble so in both of these sentences we see asking for trouble is used in the progressive tense so some action doing some action is likely to result in a troubling situation in the future perhaps it's not necessarily punishment but it's going to cause trouble it's going to cause a problem in the first example a kid running around kicking his classmates is a bad behavior and it's going to invite trouble in this case it's probably going to be punishment but
to say he's really asking for it might suggest something a little bit too violent like to say he's really asking for it sounds a little bit too much for a little kid so perhaps he's asking for trouble suggests that he's causing a troubling situation the kid might not have like severe strong punishment as a result of his actions but he could end up in trouble because of his behavior in the second example trying to enter the country without a passport is just asking for trouble it doesn't necessarily mean that there will be a punishment for
trying to enter the country while it might be likely that trouble does result or that punishment does result it's more general to say just asking for trouble so this action trying to enter the country without a passport this action is just asking for trouble is so is inviting some troubling situation to occur okay i hope that this video helped you level up your understanding of the verb ask if you have any questions or comments or if you know a different way of using the verb ask please let us know in the comments section below this
video if you liked the video please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and check us out at englishclass101.com for some more resources thanks very much for watching this episode of know your verbs and i'll see you again next time ask and you shall receive coffee we've asked all the questions today goodbye remember verb verb verb the verb is the word verb that's hard to say hi everybody my name is alicia welcome back to know your verbs in this episode we're going to talk about the verb work let's get started
the basic definition of the verb work is to fulfill duties for money or for compensation compensation means payment so for example salary or an hourly wage so compensation so to do things in exchange for money is work this is a basic definition of the verb work now let's look at the different conjugations of this verb present tense work works past tense worked past participle tense worked progressive tense working now let's talk about some additional meanings of the verb work meaning one the first additional meaning is to function correctly to function correctly means an object is
behaving is functioning in the proper way so let's look at some examples my computer isn't working today what happened the mechanic fixed my car and now it works perfectly meaning two yeah yeah okay the second definition is to produce a desired effect or result or to succeed at something so some examples of this meaning his plan is crazy but i think it might work i don't think that'll work fun fact i took that example sentence i don't think that'll work from a video game called indiana jones and the fate of atlantis i don't think that'll
work next one is to control or to cause to labor to cause to labor so labor means like to fulfill your duties to work as in the first the original basic meaning of this word so let's look at some examples management worked the team way too hard last year today we're working the computer remotely now let's look at some variations the first variation is work on work on work on means to try to affect or like to try to influence to try to persuade someone some examples of this politicians often work on voters fears so
to work on someone's fears it's like they're affecting that they are um trying to persuade people by focusing on their fears in this example sentence the movie works on viewers sympathy so here work works on the movie works on means the movie kind of is affecting is affecting the sympathy of the viewer and then as a result influence happens so a change in emotion happens in this way to work on the second variation is work out work out so work out means to exercise work out can mean to lift weights to jog to do sports
whatever work out just means exercise examples of this uh i never work out she's been working out three days a week for the last year overachiever the third variation for this lesson is work up work up so work up means to gradually make progress but with difficulty examples of this he worked up to asking the girl on a date she worked her way up to becoming ceo of a company so to work up to something is like slowly and with difficulty making progress so we can split this phrasal verb like she worked her way up
or he worked up to asking the girl on a date so we pair work with the preposition up in this example okay do you know a little bit more about the verb work if you have any other variations or if you know a different meaning of the verb work or if you just want to practice making a sentence with this verb please feel free to do so in the comment section all right if you like the video please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and check
us out in english class englishclass101.com for some other good study resources thanks very much for watching this episode of know your verbs we'll see you again soon bye we can work it out we're working now live to work work to live which will you be her pen works that's true she just drew a picture of me do it now have you ever thought about how much you think about thinking hi everybody my name is alicia welcome to know your verbs in this episode we're going to talk about the verb think so let's get started the
basic definition of think is to have in the mind so something you can keep in your mind like an idea or an image some thing you keep in your head something in your mind something in your brain so to keep in the mind is think to think this is the basic definition of think so let's look at the conjugations of the verb think present tense think thinks past tense thought past participle thought progressive or continuous tense thinking think thinks thought thought thinking okay let's look at some additional meanings of the verb think first is to
consider or to reflect on or to ponder it means consider something carefully or spend time considering something so ponder means to think for a long time or to think hard about something so consider carefully reflect on examples can i have a day to think about this he's thinking about what to do next so in these example sentences can i have a day to think about this taking one day to reflect on something like before you make a decision is a pretty common thing to do before like a big decision so can i have a day
to think about this means can i have a day to consider this carefully or can i have a day to ponder this in a second example sentence he's thinking about what to do next means he's considering carefully his next step he's considering carefully what he should do next so thinking is used in the progressive tense here to show that he is currently at this time considering something carefully but to consider carefully we can make shorter and use the verb thinking he's thinking about what to do next okay next is to create something by thinking or
to create something by considering we usually use this with the word up after the verb think we thought up so many crazy party ideas in college she thought up a plan for product promotion so both of these example sentences mean to create something by considering it in your mind so in the first example sentence we thought up crazy ideas for parties in college means we designed something using our brains we considered something and created an idea we created something by thinking so to think up blah blah blah so we thought up crazy party ideas so
we designed crazy party ideas by thinking about them by considering things in our minds in the second example sentence we see the same meaning but for a business situation she thought up a plan for product promotion so in this case past tense she thought up she designed a plan for product promotion but when we say designed um it sounds maybe like she planned something on a computer perhaps when we use she thought up it means she used her mind she considered the ideas she had and created a plan in her mind for promotion of the
product so thought up uses the mind to create something next is to have as an expectation to have as an expectation to expect something i didn't think you'd arrive so quickly we thought it would take a lot longer to finish dinner so in the first example sentence we didn't think you'd arrive so quickly it means the speaker expects that the listener would take longer to arrive or the listener was going to arrive later than they actually did so the speaker the speaker in this case had the expectation that the listener was going to arrive later
so they used the negative we didn't think you'd arrive so quickly so we didn't think we didn't expect you'd arrive so quickly we can replace the verb think with expect here and it creates the same meaning the same nuance really but think sounds a little bit less formal than expect so we didn't think you'd arrive so quickly the second example sentence is we thought it would take a lot longer to finish dinner again we expected we had the expectation it would take a lot longer to finish dinner we can replace the verb thought past tense
with the past tense expected we expected it would take a lot longer to finish dinner so in this way think or in past tense thought is used in exactly the same way as expected here the next meaning is to consider suitability to consider suitability let's look at some examples i've never thought of him like a manager we're thinking of her for a higher position so in the first sentence i've never thought of him like a manager in this way thought means i've never understood him to be suitable for the position of manager that's a very
long way of explaining this sentence but to condense everything we use the word thought i've never thought of him as a manager means i've never considered him to potentially be suitable as a manager in the second example sentence we're thinking of her for a higher position it means we're considering whether or not she is suitable for a higher position at her job or a higher position at her company so in this way thinking in the progressive tense means we are considering her suitability for a position a higher level position so you'll notice that the two
example sentences included here are related to work you'll see though that this this meaning tends to be used a lot with jobs and maybe political positions so kind of something um maybe promotion related so promotion related or kind of hierarchy related you'll often hear this in work situations employment situations let's look at some variations some other words we can attach to think to create different meanings first is think better of think better of think better of means to reconsider and make a better decision or make an improved decision it means to consider something again and
change your decision hopefully to make a an improved decision examples i wanted to say something but i thought better of it and kept my mouth shut we'll think better of you if you tell the truth so in both of these sentences there's a reconsideration someone is considering something again and making an improved decision because of that reconsideration so in the first example sentence i wanted to say something we see in past tense i wanted to say something but i thought better of it so it in this case is the thing i wanted to say in
the first part of the sentence i thought better of it means i reconsidered it and decided against my my first inclination i decided not to do the first thing i was thinking about and i kept my mouth shut so in this case my mouth remained closed in other words i reconsidered my initial action the action i initially wanted to do in the second sentence we'll think better of you if you tell the truth we see it's it's used for future we will think better of you if you tell the truth meaning if you tell the
truth our opinion of you will improve we will think better of you so tell the truth and we'll consider you again essentially and our opinion of you will improve if you do this the next variation is think much of think much of this means to have a positive view of or to approve of examples he doesn't think much of his professor we didn't think much of last night's dinner we see in the first example sentence he didn't think much of his professor means he didn't really approve of his professor or he didn't have a very
positive view of his professor so a shorter way to explain that feeling is he didn't think much of his professor in the second example sentence we didn't think much of last night's dinner this means again we didn't really approve of last night's dinner or we don't have a very positive view or a very positive opinion of last night's dinner these are rather long so we can condense it too we didn't think much of last night's dinner so i hope that this video helped you level up your knowledge of how to use the verb think if
you have any questions or comments or if you know another way to use the word think please let us know in the comment section below the video if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and check us out at englishclass101.com for other good things too thanks very much for watching this episode of know your verbs and i will see you again soon bye-bye oh i think that your thought about my thought is the thinking thought what my name is alicia from this episode first is perfect i'm thinking about
summer gossip let's go oh my god so the first phrase is oh my god so so oh my god so is a introductory phrase you can use to start your topic with like a surprise factor so you say oh my god and then so is your transition phrase so for example oh my god so i have to tell you about this movie i saw or oh my god so i saw my neighbor in the shopping mall this morning or oh my god so did you see my new dog it's kind of a weird one usually
it's about a person not about a dog but who knows you won't believe what happened to me the other day the next expression is you won't believe what happened to me the other day you won't believe what happened to me the other day meaning something happened to you and you think it's going to be a surprise to the person listening to you you won't believe what happened to me the other day so it's a very fast phrase because it sounds like you want to share very quickly like you won't believe what happened to me you
can drop the other day if you want or you said you can say you won't believe what happened to me this morning you won't believe what happened to me last night you won't believe what happened to me this weekend you won't believe what happened to me over my winter vacation so that you won't believe what happened to me gets very very quick and short so examples uh you won't believe what happened to me the other day i ran into my ex-boss or you won't believe what happened to me the other day i tripped and fell
down a flight of stairs or uh you won't believe what happened to me the other day i got a new parrot sure i don't know maybe one of you can use that guess what the next phrase is very short the next phrase is like an exclamation so an excited statement and a question guess what guess what so guess what is inviting the listener to guess what happened to you guess what the full question would be guess what happened or guess what happened to me but we only say guess what so guess what and sometimes the
listener guesses and sometimes the listener just says what usually the listener just says what as so meaning you should continue the story so if you say guess what i quit my job or guess what i saw my best friend with a new guy i haven't seen before another example uh guess what i got a new car something like that so some kind of shocking like um difficult to guess situation i haven't told you about this yet the next expression is i haven't told you about this yet i haven't told you about this yet so have
not becomes haven't i haven't told you about this yet so maybe you've told you have told other people but this specific person maybe you have not told that person your news or some information yet but this yet implies you are planning to or you want to tell them this so it's it's kind of creates a little suspense i haven't told you about this yet so we could use this like i haven't told you about this yet i'm going to france next summer or i haven't told you about this yet but i broke up with my
boyfriend last night or i haven't told you about this yet but i'm throwing a big party for my co-worker this weekend can you come other examples i haven't told you about this yet i saw my boss out for dinner with someone who's not his wife oh my god that's not true that's not true or i haven't told you about this yet i heard that the company is gonna go bankrupt also not true okay so those are some pretty juicy juicy gossip that's an expression we use we say juicy gossip is something that's like really really
interesting gossip or really interesting story about people we say juicy gossip for that have you heard about the next expression is have you heard about blah blah blah have you heard about can be followed with a noun phrase have you heard about a person you can use a person or have you heard about a situation you can use both you can use a an object too so have you heard about the new iphone or have you heard about the new office policies you can use that for pretty much anything um you want to inform your
listener about so have you heard about is usually said very quickly have you heard about so the you becomes shortened to yeah have you heard about have you heard about blah blah blah so have you heard about the new secretary have you heard about our new boss or have you heard about my co-worker quitting his job have you heard about the neighbors above us they're moving so you can use people here for gossip expressions or you can use objects um in this expression just to introduce something new very useful phrase have you heard about my
mom sorry mom i don't know why you came into that one okay so the other day the next expression is kind of like the beginning to a story so maybe this can be for gossip maybe it can just be like a story something interesting or maybe boring that happened to you the expression is so the other day so the other day so the other day the other day here means not today some other day which day it doesn't really matter it's not really important but we say the other day someday in the past this expression
is used for so we can say so the other day i was sitting at my desk in the office when my manager came and asked if he could speak to me or so the other day i was shopping and i ran into my ex-boyfriend or so the other day i was renting a car and the former president of the united states came into the car rental shop what all right so the other day just some day in the past so i was talking with and the next one you can use um maybe for gossip sometimes
but also you can use for making plans it's so i was talking with someone and blah blah so i was talking with someone means you were having a conversation at another time with a person and you want to kind of report information or share something from that conversation with the person listening now so i might say so i was talking with risa and i think that we should plan a party for this weekend what do you think so i was talking with my team about this and i think that we should make some changes so
that's a very kind of everyday work situation use of this phrase um but you can also use it for gossip like so i was talking to my best friend and i think i'm gonna move or i was talking to my parents and i think it's best if we break up so it can be for plans it can be for gossip it can be for just any conversation plus a report what's up with the next expression is kind of a little like mysterious then the expression is what's up with blah blah blah usually what's up with
person for gossip meaning there's like the nuance here is there's some problem or it seems like something's wrong with this person they're unhappy they're sad they're angry uh some kind of negative emotion we use this so it's like what's up with stevens i haven't heard from him lately what's up with your brother he seems really upset or what's up with your neighbor why is he so noisy or what's up with your boss he's so strict so it sounds like there's some problem we usually use this intonation what's up with what's up with to introduce somebody
who has a problem we don't say what's up it's not that it's not that sort of hello um expression it's a it's an expression for a problem you can also use a noun phrase that is not a person here like what's up with this new office policy or what's up with this new rule at work or what's up with this new item on the menu at this restaurant it's super weird so what's up with blah blah blah has sort of a negative nuance you can use it for people to talk about strange behavior what's up
with you have you heard from lately the next expression is have you heard from blah blah blah lately have you heard from person lately have you heard from stevens lately i haven't seen him have you heard from your mom lately have you heard from your dad lately have you heard from your brother lately have you heard from your landlord lately i don't know why you hear from your landlord but have you heard from someone lately there is sort of an ex like a little bit of an expectation that you are in contact with the person
involved in this sentence like you have some relationship maybe it's a family relationship romantic relationship professional relationship there's some relationship with this person and lately it's like have you heard from them recently lately in the last few days in the last few weeks so you can use this if for example you are looking for someone or you're worried about someone you can use this here um you can also use it just just to check in about some other person without asking that person directly so like if i want to ask about i'm using risa in
my example risa is our japanese channel host um if i want to ask about how risa is but i don't want to ask risa i know maybe she's busy or i don't know for some reason i it's difficult to talk to her i can ask like my co-worker i can say hey have you heard from risa lately it seems she's really busy or have you heard from so and so lately it seems they're busy so if i want to ask about another person but i don't want to bother this person or that something makes it
difficult i can use have you heard from blah blah blah recently or lately to ask about them very useful phrase i have to tell you about next expression um ah the next expression is i have to tell you about blah blah blah i have to tell you so have to becomes have to i have to tell you about it has a nice sound i have to tell you about blah blah or i have to tell you about something so i have to tell you about my weekend i have to tell you about stevens i have
to tell you about my mom i have to tell you about my boyfriend i should tell you about my girlfriend whatever it is some person used at the end of this sentence creates a nuance like there's exciting news about that person or i have to tell you about this thing that happened you can use a situation at the end of the sentence too but you're using i have to at the beginning of this sentence so that sounds like it's really important like i feel it's so important it's my responsibility to tell you because this is
so exciting of course you can use this in more boring situations as well like i have to tell you about the new office policy you can use it in that way with a very flat intonation but for gossip purposes use i have to tell you about that sounds really good so what do you have to tell somebody about i have to tell you about this new idea i have for a business or i have to tell you about what happened to me last night okay so there are these really exciting ways that we can introduce
things that happened or that we can talk about people or whatever okay ten words for talking about space planet the first word is planet planet so planets are those really really big things that we have in our solar system now there are officially eight because pluto is no longer considered a planet in my example sentence pluto used to be considered a planet star the next word is star star so stars are those very very bright objects that you can see in the sky sometimes at night the closest star to us is the sun the sun
is a star and we can see a lot of other stars if we look up into the night sky sometimes in a sentence it's hard to see stars from big cities solar system the next expression is solar system solar system so solar system in our case here on planet earth refers to the system of planets and objects which are near our star so our solar system now there are eight planets in our solar system used to be nine planets sorry again pluto eight planets in our solar system and then we can talk about other objects
which maybe enter our solar system like like comets for example or a meteor or some other events might happen in space within our solar system so our solar system is the area surrounding our sun and our planets that we know of in a sentence mercury is part of our solar system comet the next expression is comet a comet is actually an icy body that is uh slightly melting and then releasing gases so that's what produces that look a comment okay in a sentence comets are really cool meteor oh right so yes the next word is
meteor meteor or just meteor so essentially meteors are different from comets because comets are made of ice meteors however are made of rock so these are two different kinds of objects that can that move around in space in a sentence lots of meteors burn up before they pass through the atmosphere meteorite the next word is meteorite meteorite so this is an important distinction that many people don't know about actually this drives me crazy too so a meteor is the is the space rock it's in space or it's in the atmosphere a meteorite however is the
rock if if the meteor makes it if the meteor can pass through the earth's atmosphere and fall to the surface of the earth that rock then is called a meteorite so in space in the atmosphere it's a meteor when it falls to earth it is a meteorite that becomes a meteorite when it hits the earth so fun facts okay that's the difference between the two in a sentence have you ever seen a meteorite supernova supernova supernova so the explosion of a star is a huge event a supernova is the name of it so the star
explodes and that's what we call it it's called a supernova a star explosion in a sentence supernovas must be incredible things black hole ah alright the next expression is black hole black hole black holes are the subject of a lot of study they have intense gravitational pull so meaning they have very strong gravity black holes will pull other objects into them it is said that like uh time stops in a black hole or and like if you get too close to a black hole if you get too close to the event horizon of a black
hole you yourself will be pulled into that hole too it's pretty crazy so like the event horizon is the point at which um there's no there's no turning back from like you can't you can't escape essentially the gravitational pull of a black hole once you're within the event horizon of that space it's like crazy you're done for all this kind of stuff so interesting so in a sentence black holes are mysterious galaxy okay uh all right so the next word is galaxy galaxy before we talked about the expression solar system uh so solar system is
kind of our region of space the region we're familiar with but the next step up so if you think of the solar system as kind of your neighborhood a little bit you could think of maybe the galaxy as like your city or your country maybe it's sort of the next step out so a galaxy is made up of lots and lots of stars maybe other planets other solar system many other solar systems in one galaxy so uh i think yeah we belong to the milky way galaxy i believe in a sentence our galaxy is made
of lots of different stars and planets earth the next expression is earth earth earth is our planet earth is the planet we live on earth is yeah habitable meaning humans can live here this word i included it in this vocabulary list because it is a very good word to practice your pronunciation it is the word earth earth that r and the th sound can be difficult to pronounce together er f earth so this is a great word to use to practice your pronunciation earth so in a sentence our planet is called earth ten words for
talking about sleep let's go to wake up the first word is to wake up to wake up is to open your eyes probably in your bed or the place where you are sleeping to wake up is to uh to become conscious to become awake every day you wake up uh presumably hopefully in a sentence i woke up three times last night to get up to get out of bed all right the next word is to get up or to get out of bed so that means to physically move your body from your bed out of
bed to stand up from your bed to get out of your bed we say to get up or to get out of bed in a sentence i got up at eight o'clock this morning to snooze the next word is to snooze so we have to snooze and alarm and also to snooze so to snooze means to take a short sleep to have a short sleeping time or to snooze an alarm is when your alarm goes off in the morning you have a button most alarm clocks have some button you can press so the alarm will
turn on again in like you know five or ten minutes or something so to snooze an alarm is to like to ask your alarm to wake you up again a few minutes later that's uh to snooze so we have to snooze an alarm and two snooze meaning like a short light sleep in a sentence i always snooze my alarm at least once that is usually true to oversleep the next word is to over sleep to oversleep means to sleep too much or to sleep late actually no it doesn't mean to sleep late to sleep late
means just to sleep until a late time in the day over sleep means sleeping beyond the time you wanted to get up so for example if my alarm is set for 8 o'clock but i wake up at nine o'clock i overslept i slept beyond my wake-up time so we can use oversleep to talk about times when you sleep too much you sleep more than your body needs you to so maybe your body needs depending on the person like six to nine hours or so but if you sleep like 14 hours we can say that's over
sleeping you're sleeping too much that's the nuance here in a sentence i overslept on my first day of work nap the next word is nap nap is a short sleep so a nap is maybe 30 minutes one hour just a short sleep a short rest so a lot of people will take a nap in the afternoon for example or maybe children actually take naps for example in preschool or when they're very very young they have an afternoon nap a short sleep like yeah just like an hour or so i imagine in a sentence i love
naps actually i do like naps i don't like naps because when i take a nap it becomes asleep it's always like i wake up four hours later and i'm like okay well i've destroyed my sleep schedule dream the next word is dream dream so dreams are those those visions those images you see those maybe experiences it seems like you have when you are asleep in a sentence i always have weird dreams nightmare so the next word is nightmare nightmare is a word which means bad dream or scary dream negative dream so uh children maybe have
nightmares a lot they wake up crying or they're really upset by nightmares monsters terrifying things happening and so on in a sentence do you ever have nightmares to go to bed the next word is to go to bed so before we talked about to get up or to get out of bed this is the opposite to go to bed means to get in your bed to to try to go to sleep to go to bed in a sentence i usually go to bed fairly late to hit the hay to hit the sack the next expression
is kind of a s i don't know a slang expression uh we have to hit the hay and to hit the sack these both mean to go to bed um they both mean to try to fall asleep but we just use them in more casual situations the image here of hit the hay is with your body hitting hay like laying down in hay i believe historically because uh hay was used to stuff um things that people slept on so that's why we have this expression to hit the hay with your body same thing for to
hit the sack so a sack full of something soft to sleep on is where this expression comes from in a sentence i think i'm gonna hit the hay to fall asleep the next expression it is to fall asleep to fall asleep you're in bed and you finally you lose consciousness you you stop being aware you are asleep in that moment we say you fall asleep in a sentence it takes me a long time to fall asleep all right want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at englishclass101.com
top 10 must know prepositions and conjunctions for english learners let's get started two two i threw the ball to my dad two is sort of directional it's saying that it's going towards something i wrote a letter to my mother i went to the mall i went to the park my mom asked me to go to the store to buy some bread to a destination to a person from from from is the opposite of two from implies where it's coming from the place of origin so if i'm going to the mall i'm coming from my house
this letter is from my daughter from how long does it take you to get from your house to your job to and from they go together with with with it means together with something i am at the movies with my friend i went out to eat with my friends i go shopping with my boyfriend with means you are together with something i like to have grilled cheese with tomatoes on it i'm here with my book at at is a very short word i always go to bed at 11 o'clock if i'm lucky i usually go
to bed at around 1 in the morning unfortunately i get very little sleep at specifies a time or a place let's go to the movies at two in the afternoon um i'm at home right now where are you we decided to meet at the beach it's a pinpoint of time or location in in in means you are inside of something or in the middle of something it means being immersed in something i am in bed right now the cat is in the box uh the child is in the tree the plane is in the sky
i graduated school in 2019 in on on i left the book on my desk on means on top of i like ketchup on my fries so that means my french fries are here and i like to put ketchup on them the man is on the roof the car is on the street the motorcycle is on my nerves but but i think i remember her name but i'm not sure but is a way to add a negative to a sentence so for example i really love eating cake but i don't eat it often because it's not
healthy i'd love to go to the movies with you but i have too much work to do i really like you but i don't want to date you and and and is a very common word you will hear all the time it's a way of adding on a new subject or thing to your sentence i love candy and pizza i'm hungry and i'm tired my friend moved to spain and i moved to canada i love playing outside and i love being inside and is a way to add on a new subject or thing to what
you're talking about so so i have a toothache so i went to the dentist so is a way of adding an example another way to say because of this i did this you say something and then you add so and then what follows is the effect so there's the cause so the effect so i was feeling very hungry so i had some pizza this video is going to be pizza themed everyone apparently i was really tired so i took a nap i was in the mood for some adventure so i got on an airplane and
flew to mexico that sounds nice or or or is a way of presenting a choice so for example you can either have pizza or you can have candy i don't know if i should go to the movies or if i should go to the mall which color do you like better red or green it presents differences of choice today's video is on words americans overuse i haven't seen these words yet but apparently it's going to be a series of words that we as americans i'm american um we overuse we use too often so let's start
uh oh the first word is definitely definitely is definitely a word that americans overuse we use it to put emphasis at the end of a phrase to put emphasis at the end of a sentence as in oh that party last week was so great yeah definitely or to agree with somebody like that uh oh god literally oh just in the last few days i've seen the word literally so many times on the internet and used in just such stupid ways the word literally means actually or truly something this is literally the best hamburger i've ever
eaten so literally meaning truly or actually would mean that in that person's entire life that is the best hamburger they've ever eaten however it gets misused a lot in sentences um like george bush was literally supporting the war in iraq or something like that taking a phrase like that literally would have to mean that you know the president former president would be you know physically supporting a war with his body onward onward hilarious hilarious is the next word i like to use the word hilarious when something is actually funny hilarious of course means something that
is really funny super funny it's a step above funny maybe two steps three steps i don't know however people like to use this word in place of laughter so uh for example friends are talking and instead of just laughing the friend will say that's hilarious well if it's so hilarious just laugh oh this must be the last one because this is the worst one this word is like um i've probably said it several times already today for the for the purposes of this video the word like is used as a filler word so it's the
same as something such as um or uh or hmm for example we use like as a filler word when we're trying to think of something it's not uncommon to hear the word repeated like three four five times in a row when someone is thinking they'll say oh you know that party that i went to like like uh like uh like uh do you know who was there it just invades your speech sometimes when you're trying to think of something and no other filler words come out but the word like does ah this wasn't the last
word there is another one seriously seriously is used oh it's good for any time you receive bad news um well not from your boss it's a really casual word but if you hear something um like your friend lost their job and you can sympathize with them or maybe empathize with them by saying seriously oh that's too bad or oh tell me like all your problems oh my god i just use like oh god oh i hate myself want to speed up your language learning take your very first lesson with us you'll start speaking in minutes
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