KEEP GOING - Coach Pain's Best Motivational Speech Compilation!

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Coach Pain
KEEP GOING - Coach Pain's Best Motivational Speech Compilation! ------------------------------------...
Video Transcript:
ladies and gentlemen it's time to get it done it's time for you to focus on the now you got to get your priorities straight [Music] right now [Music] because those that are dedicated to success speak a language that excuses will never understand guess sit and wait for somebody to do it for you you got to stop waiting for something to happen and you got to make it happen get it done right now you see there are so many people in this world right now they're just sitting around waiting oh I could do it tomorrow waiting
oh don't worry about it it's not that important waiting that's the mentality that many people have they like to wait instead of doing they like to talk about it but they're never gonna be about it you're waiting for someone to say do this or do that when you know in your mind that it needs to be done oh I did it it's that new time of the year again if you were here to realize that you needed to do something it took you a year to realize that hey I should have done this last year
Shoulda Coulda Woulda ain't got nothing to do it right now you got to step aside and you got to step up and you got to get in your own lane and you got to do what's necessary waiting for a trend to happen stop letting other people dictate their life instead you take control of your life take control of it do something with it just making excuses this is what we're talking about getting it done and getting it done now do you realize how powerful excuses are excuses can be manifested and many people around the world
in fact people tend to hold on to excuses rather than just dedicating themselves to the priorities that are before them [Music] how valuable is your health right now [Music] why does it take so long for you to realize that you need to do something to stay healthy mentally and physically see ladies and gentlemen we live in a very busy busy Society and we tend to let other things control Our Lives think about it you worked in nine to five and then you're nine to five becomes 12 hour shifts you forget about the importance of yourself
you forget that nothing can work or get done without you being behind it whether you own a company or you work for a company you got to get it done within yourself and prioritize the things that are necessary for you to function in your life let's stop pretending let's stop playing this game that everybody likes to play from time to time let's stop thinking of just make money make money make money how about make life how about live life how about not basing everything off a materialistic things because guess what ladies and gentlemen you can't
take it with you when you're gone but if you're taking care of the things that are important right now you'll be amazed how far you can really go in your life you realize that there are people out there who don't have a choice some people right now can't help that they're sick they can't help that they're fighting cancer they can't help that they're homeless they can't help that they don't have a job anymore we don't know the circumstances we don't know the back Stories Behind These individuals but I can promise you there are people out
there that are just downright selfish and they refuse to do the right thing so they take life for granted they take their jobs for granted they take their families for granted they take friendships for granted they feel like they're untouchable let that be you why not be the person that makes the right choices and just get it done look around you have you really paid attention to how our mindset is in society today from our mature people to the youth look around you what type of examples are we setting for our future ladies and gentlemen
when are we gonna stop having these mindsets to say that I can do it the next day or the day after no do it right now if it needs to get done get it done now because if tomorrow comes for you something else is gonna block your path and you can't get done the thing that needs to be done at that moment because something else got in your way and then you get bombarded and then you want to quit and then you say you don't have the time you don't make the time you don't have
enough time to do this you don't have time to do that I got to pick up my kids I got this I got that no you got to set the standards you got to stop saying what you can't do and what won't be done there are going to be challenges you are going to go through some ups and downs you're gonna have to make certain sacrifices that's right ladies and gentlemen sacrificing meaning that you're going to have to give up certain things so that other things can get done right you don't have time to be
sitting around thinking you're the only one that's got a struggle you're not the only one in the world that's got to take care of children you're not the only one in the world that's working two maybe three jobs but you got to get things that need to be done done right it doesn't matter if you're a single parent it doesn't matter if you're a CEO of a business it doesn't matter what you are doing it always come back to the mindset of the individual got to designate the right things in your life but if you're
wasting valuable time on excuses guess what excuses loves to celebrate when you don't get it done so if you're that person that just can't seem to break those bad habits if you're that person that always seemed to care more is for everybody else and forget about yourself [Music] you're not gonna get very far like I said sacrifice sacrifice sometimes you've got to sacrifice people sometimes you got to say hey you're not gonna get me in a position that I need to be and I need to be in a better position so I may have to
sacrifice the time that I've been spending with you and give myself a little bit more time so I can better myself this is what this is about ladies and gentlemen it's about you the individual sometimes you got to say hey it's about me today it's about me getting things done and getting it done right now [Music] [Applause] it's up to you now so get it done get it done right now be productive for the rest of your life keep it moving and conduct your business who am I there's gonna be times that you will question
yourself about who you are inside what makes you so special what makes you stand out who am I that is the question this is a daily question what exactly am I supposed to be doing with my life because I know there was a time when I was doing so well but as soon as the bad things started to happening in my life I started to second guess myself I started saying to myself what am I doing wrong who am I what am I what am I supposed to be doing how come I can't get over
this hump [Music] this is when you got to stop being lazy and start being more creative well ladies and gentlemen here it is do you believe in yourself you don't have to be a carbon copy of someone for people to see you and know you and respect you [Music] you don't need anyone to validate Who You Are you don't need anyone to have that much power to tell you how to think about yourself we've all been in that position where we wanted approval we've been in that position where we wanted to feel loved and appreciated
the question is ladies and gentlemen do you feel appreciated within yourself are you pleased with yourself you don't have time to be faking it till you make it if something has already been done do something else don't be a rerun be a new episode can you be different can you be something that no one has ever seen before what am I what is my purpose why am I living why am I walking this Earth at this moment right now do I understand my true nature what exactly am I supposed to be doing with my life
sometimes things are going to go good and sometimes things are not going to go so good things that we are experiencing in our daily activities they are so unpredictable you don't have time to be second guessing yourself it's true we do get to a point in our minds that we think less of ourselves because something just didn't work out we feel that we have to chase somebody else's dreams and their success to make us feel better that we got to be a carbon copy of someone else so that we could take credit for something that's
already been done [Music] but we too lazy to just say you know what I'm gonna make as many mistakes that I can until I figure this out within myself and create something that no one has ever heard or seen before I mean let's think about it there are people that you see that you may admire right now they had to have a humble beginning some people laughed at them because they had an idea and no one believed in that idea but that person kept working kept thriving kept making mistakes was talked about even at times
they gave up because they allowed outside interference to come into their world they allowed people and circumstances to portray them but they were really honestly portraying themselves we are all at point in times in our lives going to be guilty of this particular situation because we feel we need approval that's the problem sometimes that many people face and when you allow these things to happen it slows you down you're never going to take it to that other place that you want to go because you're too busy worrying about people and what they're thinking about you
instead of thinking enough about yourself if you're worrying too much about the wrong things then how can the right things be manifested within your life because if you think less of yourself then less things are going to happen in your life so you got to stand out a little bit you got to take the necessary risk you got to be able to get a little bit uncomfortable with yourself there's nothing absolutely nothing wrong with being a little bit uncomfortable there are actually people in the world that you see that are very comfortable they're happy they're
satisfied they have nothing else they need to do they got everything that they can want in their lives but here's the real real challenge here people everything that you see now may not be there the next day and those people that you look into the moment they get uncomfortable they panic because all they know is having a good time I'm happy today sure it's good to be happy but sometimes you gonna have those bad days and you got to know how to get through it and this is when you will find out who you really
are what makes you different what gets you to that next part in your life will determine how you respond to the challenges that you are facing right now don't be what others have already done don't be something has already been made with the millions and billions of people in the world you have yet to show us that you have something to bring to the table too you asked a question who am I who are you what are you and what are you preparing to do with the rest of your life stand outside of yourself and
take a good look see it know it believe in it so serve up that goodness that quality that you possess inside because it is yours and no one can take it from you their time is now for you to be original and not predictable Go Your Own Way keep it moving and from the bottom of my heart conduct your business [Music] listen up people foreign [Music] this test about your life [Music] it's about what you are about to embark on for the rest of your life today [Music] you may be having one of those amazing
days today you may feel alone today you may have just lost your job but this is only a test this test will soon become a testimony and the testimony is when you're making it through and if you can get through it you can share this information with others and say I've been happy I've been down I've been jobless but I made it through because I passed the test but ladies and gentlemen you got to know that there are many texts that we will go through in our life just because you passed one doesn't mean that
there's not another one waiting for you that's right ladies and gentlemen it's all a test and soon it will become a testimony when they say this too shall pass guess what ladies and gentlemen it shall pass and you got to get ready for the next test in your life but are you built for it are you ready for it can you stand on it can you push through it can you fight do you have that passion and not that fear [Music] yes we are all human beings and those emotions will take control of you if
you let them but I'm here to let you know ladies and gentlemen there's a thing out there that's called faith it's called faith and Faith does work but can you stand on it you don't have to see something to believe in it you just got to stand on it you're gonna go through all kinds of situations and circumstances in your life but can you stand on it you're gonna have people that are gonna reject you put you down and say that you're not worthy anymore can you stand on it you're gonna feel like you got
to be a part of a crowd and yet you're all by yourself but can you stand on it see that's when the truth power or faith comes through that's when you got to realize that there is something out there that's gonna come at you and it's gonna do all that it can to devour you that Beast that is out there is waiting to devour you but you got to stand and know that you gonna get through this one way or another [Music] test this is only a test soon it will become a testimony you will
be able to share this information with people your loved ones people that you don't even know you'll be able to look at someone and say I remember when I was in that position but I made it through and you'll be able to encourage that individual or those people and say listen you are going to get through this because this too shall pass and why are you going through this you may ask why are you suffering so much you may ask cause that's what it's about test you won't know until you know you won't know your
strength until you know you want no pain until you feel it and how can you know something if they're never experienced it in your life how can you teach it if you've never been taught how can you tell somebody to get up if you've never been knocked down how can you realize pain struggle you never seen it or felt it in your life but make no mistake we are all here to be tested don't feel that you're bigger than life because life is much greater than any living human being on this planet not one animal
not one insect not one plant can survive greater than life itself because when all things pass on life continues on and you're just a part of it but what do you do with it when it's right there in front of you you can't waste it you can't let it fall to the Wayside you got to wake up and realize that the test is upon you and you're gonna pass a few tests and you're gonna fail many more but that doesn't mean that you are out of it it doesn't mean that you are out of the
fight that means that you got to hit that reset button study a little bit more so you can learn much more about yourself because that's just what it is you'll never be that great if you don't focus on humility if you don't realize that these things are going to happen one day in my life have you ever been in a position when you're lost so much he didn't know what was going to happen in your life have you been in a position where you were homeless and you didn't know how you was going to find
a way to get a roof over your head or what about that job get your head that you put so much work in and they let you go and you said why what happened what did I do they just didn't want you anymore and you still had to go through it that's the test foreign was gonna make you that job is all you had that job is how you were gonna get by that job is how you paid your bills but you haven't truly paid the ultimate price you haven't suffered enough you haven't felt that
struggle enough maybe you just wasn't humble enough because you thought you had all the answers and nothing could touch you [Music] you'll never be that high to where you can't be tested your faith your emotions your humility all be tested it's time for you to recognize with this life that we all possess is all about the test is upon you it's upon me it's upon the world and you are living in it and you are a part of it do something go about your life accept those challenges don't look down on yourself don't feel sorry
for yourself don't think because you went through something that that's all you're going to go through yes today you happy right you're having a good day right tomorrow hasn't come yet you are part of that day expect the unexpected but you better stay with and not get ready this is only a test so carry on my beautiful people live your life be righteous in your life don't say what can't be done it is productive make it happen if it's making you better make it happen you don't have to put people down for yourself to come
up but you do gotta hurt sometimes so you can grow I appreciate you I love you and from the bottom of my heart can Dot your business [Music]
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