Top 3 VIRAL Unsaturated Faceless TikTok Niches To Make $32,898 In 30 Days

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Taro Creates
In this video, I explore the three hottest and most popular niches currently trending on TikTok. We'...
Video Transcript:
yo what's going on guys welc to a brand new video on the channel and now today's video I'm going to be showing you the three best unsaturated niches right now that you can start posting to earn absolutely thousands every single month also guys I have a huge announcement I'm finally launching this new project that I've been working on for absolutely months and what this is basically going to allow you to do is guarantee yourself to make life-changing money from Tik Tok whether it's the cater Rewards program Tik Tok shop or even both so if you
are genuinely serious about making a lot of money on Tik Tok then the weit list is going to be linked in the description where you can go ahead and sign up okay guys so here is the first nich and it's actually football quizzes with a slight twist and it's actually basically made it into brain root so prepare yourselves for what I'm about to show you guys because your brain may get fried however if you do want a niche that is doing very very well at the moment as you can see lots of viral videos here
400k 400k 600k and here we have a 3.8 million view video and this page is in the creative Rewards program earning money as all of these videos are over 1 minute long I'm just going to show you a quick example and then break down how you can go ahead and replicate these videos yourself also guys I've gone ahead and made you a live 10 times easier by adding all of the assets that you need in order to make these videos and these niches you're going to be able to find it in my free completely free
Discord Linked In description in the resources section and as soon as this video goes live you'll see the thumbnail right here and you'll see a Google Drive link that you can go ahead and go to access it and it's going to have all of the content that you need in order to make these videos as quick and as efficiently as possible so guys of course we already know how popular brain rot is on Tik Tok right now because of all the absolute non-existent brains that are scrolling on Tik Tok at the moment and this is
another example of a video that is doing very very well as you can see the engagement is absolutely insane and the money that was earned on this video is probably ridiculous cuz as you can see it's one minute long so let me just play you quick example I can't believe I'm watching this as you can see basically adds three different images and then you make a name of a sort of player using brain rot terminology now if you don't understand football itself this is probably quite a hard concept the grass but I know football is
very popular I know a lot of you guys will understand this kind of meme this brain rout stuff and one very important thing that you can actually go ahead and do is of course this has already been done for football you can recreate it for football and it will do very well but one smart thing to do would adapt this for different sports or different genres maybe WWE or basketball that sort of thing and basically all you do is you add different three different images and then you create a basically brain rot nickname and people
have to try and guess this then as you can see this reaches 1 minute and this person is going to get paid absolutely loads for videos just like this and as you can see they do consistently go viral on their page as well with videos just doing absolutely insane consistently so this is a great Niche that you can go ahead and start right now of course guys if you're an avid viewer of the channel you know the best place if you want to start taking Tik Tok seriously and earn thousands of dollars every single month
it's going to be my premium Discord Linked In description and as you can see by the results on screen it just cannot stop cooking every single day new people are posting results Fe going viral earning hundreds if not thousands of dollars through Tik tok's Creator Rewards program and Tik Tok shop so if that is something you're interested in I highly recommend going ahead and checking out link of description and you're going to get one toone feedback from my coaches who are extremely extremely well trained you cannot get this in any other membership okay so the
second Niche doesn't really have a name I guess you could say it's linked to that sort of Dark Fantasy stuff that's gone viral in the past however this is a brand new page that has been posting literally in this month and as you can see the videos are one minute long and this one right here has 1.7 million views so you can get paid absolutely loads from these simple AI videos now they are are basically just some sort of Dark Fantasy some sort of mythical aesthetic of night and they change the face of the people
to like famous people so for this example again it's actually with football this is Zan right here and I believe the next one then goes on to Ronaldo and all it does is you know play through different faces they got messy and do this for a minute long all with AI generated content and this is going to go ahead and get you paid absolutely loads and as you can see the engagement is great and the views are absolutely insane so lucky for you guys I know the exact AI tool that you're going to need to
replicate these videos in addition to this they have a load of other features that you can go ahead and be experimental with and actually create similar niches that are going to remove all the competition for you and allow yourself to thrive so if you're someone that wants to take it a step further all the options as you can see are here but we're going to be using the face swap feature now a call is going to be linked in my description you can go ahead and access it as easily as possible and you want to
go to the face op feature and then go onto the choose file and upload your file now like I mentioned before all of the assets you're going to need for these niches are actually going to be my free Discord in the resources section here is where you're going to find the clips like this one for example where I have the CR7 clip ready for you guys to use and we're just going to go ahead and let that analyze and then in the meantime you want to go ahead and find yourself a face that you want
to swap this with so for the you know sake of this tutorial and showing you how to do it I'm going to be using messy and as you can see it does give you a full tutorial here on how to use it so you can go ahead and use that as well if you like as you can see we have our clip right here and then we want it to choose a face so then you just want to go ahead and upload the image of the face that you want it to replicate so now you've
goone ahead and uploaded it as you can see we'll just go ahead and analyze and then you can have all of your faces stored in here so if you ever want to do any type of face swap you just go ahead and select it and as you can see we're moving from this face right here the Rado face into this face of messy right here you actually go ahead and reage this face so if you want to make someone look older make them look younger you can also go ahead and do that and then once
this is all done you can also add the face enhance mode on as well to make it higher quality you just want to go ahead and click this to generate your video now if you want to go ahead and make your images and videos from absolute scratch what you need to go ahead and do is go onto the platform and then go into image generator and this is already built into a Coe so you don't need to use any third party for this and then you can just search what you like so if you're doing
a sort of uh mythical Aura you don't have to do knights for example you could do anything else like an Archer for example so let's just say um let me write in a quick prompt and show you guys so as you can see all input is a very short you know prompt and it's produced exactly what I want as you can see I've just typed the medieval mythical archer who is bold and as you can see we have the image already generated right here and we actually have four different options so you can go ahead
and choose whichever one you like the most and the reason why I made them bold is because it's going to allow the face swap to be a lot more you know quick and easy for the AI to pick up as it doesn't have to worry about the hair so if that's something you know you care about you can make them bold if not just leave it as it is once you've go ahead and generated it you just need to go to your library and as you can see all of your videos right here are ready
to download so now you can just go ahead and download this video then input it into cap cut and once you do this for all the different faces you can combine them together to make a one minute video that's going to allow yourself to get pay so if you guys would like to go and check out a call it's going to be linked in the description as you can see they have an absolute load of different features on their website loads of different resources that you can use and it's overall a very very useful and
effective AI tool now the final Niche is going to be podcast clipping however look at this page right here it is absolutely cooking and this is the best way to do podcast clipping I'm not just going to recommend the same old podcast jit Rog and all that rubbish that people are trying to clip this is genuinely how you do it and as you can see videos go viral so so consistently literally a 2.1 here as you can see we've got 200k 700k 200k 200k again you just scroll a little bit more 100K 100K 100K 300K
this is on every single video 1.6 million this page is absolutely earning ridiculous amounts of money and all you have to go ahead and do is apply my tutorial that I've already uploaded on my channel before on exactly how to recreate this style so let me just go ahead and replay an example right here as you can see this is how you're going to go ahead and bypass and allow clipping to still be very very efficient and allow you to make money you need to go ahead and remove the background of the podcast so this
is only going to work for podcast it's not going to work for streamerclips it's specifically for podcasts and as you can see you want to take slightly less saturated podcast you're not going to be using the general podcast that everyone is already uploading these ones are slightly older they're less saturated they've been posted Less on Tik Tok and therefore the competition is a lot less so you want to find these more abstract and obscure podcasts with people that are still relatively famous so they still got that Viral factor to it and you just want to
go ahead and use the example that I'm going to have Linked In description on my tutorial on exactly how I show you how to make this style of podcast clips and it's going to allow you to earn thousands every single month with these thank you guys so much for watching the video I really hope you did enjoy if you did make sure to go and drop a like And subscribe to Channel with post notifications on I really do appreciate it again if you do genuinely want to make live changing money then go ahead and check
out my weight list Link in description where you're going to find out everything that I'm doing with regards to this new project and I promise you you will not regret signing up it literally takes 1 second thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
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