are you currently in a season where you are trying to come up with something to sell online there is so much money to be made online and whether you want to start a course which we're going to talk about you shouldn't start a course uh maybe you want to do some Consulting maybe you want to do some service based type of stuff or just use your Genius to help people move faster from point A to point B and this conversation this is going to be the offers department and I have art with me as well
as marel and we're going to be talking about some of the best practices on how to actually leverage social media and content creation and YouTube to actually grow an online business but it really comes down to what the heck are you even selling how much should you charge for it and how are you actually going to get people to buy that thing I've been in a journey where I've kind of just been uh seeing how you can make money all the various ways on YouTube and with YouTube or on social media and building your personal
brand and all those things but this is kind of just like a continuation from the last episode because there are a lot of people that want to start on YouTube or they want to start creating content but when they come to me the number one question I always ask is what's the offer oh no I just want to start making content around like no okay wait who what are you going to sell and I ask this question because a lot of the times you know most people will quit their efforts making content or doing a
podcast simply because they're not making the money they buy the equipment they set the time they create the content they upload they try to be consistent and nonetheless that gets to a point where they just phase out that's just most people and if you're listening to this podcast or watching this podcast have you given up or have you failed at being consistent uh be truthful in the comments because and tell me why why are you not consistent is it because you're not growing enough or is it because you're not uh making enough money from it
and the quickest way to make money on social media and YouTube is to actually offer or sell something yeah so I did want to ask ask so from what you just said it sounds like you should have an offer in mind before you start even making content right so so maybe we should Define what an offer is yeah because an offer doesn't mean necessarily you're selling something right it just means something you have to offer yeah like a newsletter a piece of VI something something you give in exchange for something is an offer yeah so
you know the biblical model of an offer I think about is when Jesus is like come to me all who are weary and heavy burden so you're Jesus was very specific in who he was have who his offer was for so if you are trying to X Y and Z that if like this is you uh then you know what's the solution and like Jesus's case he was the solution so come to me all who are weary and heavy burden and then what's the payoff mhm so identify the person uh the the problem or the
person and where they're at uh the solution and the payoff what's a p word for solution a p word for solution the process process yes so what's the problem this is the process and then the process is going to get you this payoff there you go so so that could come in the form of something for free and so if you are somebody who maybe right now you don't know what you want to sell you don't know what you want to do you don't know if you want to do one-on-one maybe you wanted to start
a course or like if you're in that place at bare minimum I always like to let people know that you should start an email list just just start getting people off the platform and and meeting them in their email inbox and um we can get into like what emails should you be sending but one of my favorite things about emails is emails have no algorithm so let's just paint this picture real quick some people most people aren't seeing the content that I put out both on in stagram and YouTube not everyone sees it the algorithm
determines who sees it based on what they're looking for if somebody so happens to watch a piece of my content and then I invite them to get on to an email um into my email world or my newsletter which everyone should join the newsletter or just put in their email but when you do that now every time I send an email what happens to that email gets viewed it gets to the top of a person's email inbox so some people are like no dude email's dead or no dude email is you know that's an old
tactic or n dude I don't I don't think I need to build using email let me just tell you the biggest thing people need to see in order to trust you is to know that digitally online you show up consistently MH so the fact that people get an email at the at their in their inbox and it just says Omar deori like that's my name and they see my name and every time they see my name there's usually I'm obviously like there's a there's like a tagline in my subject headline that has something to do
with something I probably have to sell at some point so so there's there's trust and connection and relationship being built with email so I believe if you do not have an offer the first thing you should offer is a lead magnet which let's yeah you like let's talk about what a lead magnet is and I'd like to know if you've ever what kind of lead magnets have like caused you to actually give your uh information away for it that's a good question because I feel like I've definitely opted into plenty of lead magnets over the
course of yeah the last five years you've only been alive for five years you've had a laptop for five years or but just kidding I don't know it's interesting I guess like yeah I mean what comes to mind for you when it well I mean everyone Ops Ops in for a lead magnet depending on their interests so like for you for people opting in for you is because they want to learn about content or like branding or growing so people opt into your things because they want to create a studio so it all depends on
someone's interest and there there there should be some alignment yeah uh as far as what the lead magnet is right I would say the the thing is identify the problem that the most of the people that you're serving with your content is dealing with something I learned from being in Myron's Mastermind is he talks a lot about how your lead magnet should lead people away from pain so what are the pain points it's so easy to like tell people like hey if if this is you and you're struggling with this I have my whatever you
know like and and so like when I say let's I don't want to just say whatever on this podcast I want to say what it is so let's say you know in um let's take our friend uh you know Annabelle for instance she's a she's a relationship a female relationship coach she helps women uh you know become who they're supposed to be by the time they start dating the men they're worthy of dating right and she's she's found out that the the biggest pain point that women face is that they live in their most Mas
they live in their masculine Tendencies and so her lead magnet is like the five masculine traits feminine like the five masculine traits that are all you need is my phone number take it you know um there gets to a point too though where you grow you can grow an audience big enough and let it like give away something for free and this is free but I mean like it doesn't need to be lead away from pain so um um let me just let me just boil it down let's talk we're talking about lead magnets um
is you could you could get give away like what I do like a checklist or even a free mini course that's like super valuable that like a lot of the times the mini course and just know what this is doing this is building trust so like you're paying a cost upfront a a customer acquisition cost or the cost of uh a lead and that cost is by giving away something in here that you've discovered for free that's going to help them dude if you can help somebody for free if your lead magnet could change somebody's
Behavior they're actually changing behavior and their behavior is moving toward a yes to your offer and so uh having a lead magneet is really smart I I think if you're starting from scratch and you're really good at what you do your lead magnet could be a discovery call yeah like how valuable is that and and here's why if if you're maybe you're like a discovery call what does that even mean it means you're just going to hop on Zoom with somebody who's willing to sign up and maybe you put them through a vetting process and
maybe that vetting process is like a quiz or a um you know like a form so that you know that the person is qualified to even do a 15minute call with you but here's the value of doing the 15-minute call what are people going to on a discovery call from the content you're creating what are people going to talk about for 15 minutes their pinpoints their pain points mhm their biggest issues and so most people want to create a course and this is what I do the number one thing all my friends like yeah Omar
I'm thinking about selling a course I'm I always say don't sell a course sell a program okay break that down for me for a sec so like number one people are burned out by courses it's really hard to sell a course for uh any like I would say more than $3 to $500 now it's It's just tough but if you could create a program around a a journey or create a program around a uh end result that you can promise or deliver people then sell a program PE you say like hey I got this content
creation course sounds very cheap if you say like hey I got this a a program for entrepreneurs to help scale their businesses with content creation it's like dude that can be however much you know because it builds a bigger trust factor and people want that people want to feel like they can trust you they can get to know you and you're going to do a lot of movement in their life have you ever wondered to yourself or asked yourself the question when you watch my content how the heck does Omar's quality of video look and
sound so dang crispy it's literally the number one question I get ask whether it's privately in the DMS or people commenting on my videos on Instagram or even on YouTube the reality is I believe the quality of videos that I've been able to produce has been the recipe to my success online and I want to give you access to my live document where I've listed out everything I use both for the podcasts I create to the YouTube videos I make as well as to what I use for my smartphone to make it look and sound
amazing the reason I put it on a live Doc is cuz I keep this document updated in real time with everything that I'm using so just head over to the Krispy or just click the link down in the show notes let's get back to the conversation I actually think people who sell courses that have too much information in them are low-key scam artists why because you know people aren't going to go through this thing there just the studies are out there so if you're spending all your time selling this thing and you know you
could even see the data in your back end of your course thing that like oh wow people don't even they go they so they watch the first two videos and they stop why do you keep selling it cuz you keep making money cuz you're really good at selling it right and that's where like I mean my my heart for fulfillment comes into place don't you really want to get people results because then at at some point you don't have to sell as hard because you're going to actually have results so so thinking about what that
lead magnet is you know I love quizzes I love forms I love that the discovery call for people starting out um I love um checklists and and things that we're going to help people like right away with that whatever that asset is you know put together putting together a Youtube upload checklist like most people are uploading YouTube videos the wrong way they're they're missing a few things this checklist is going to help people boom value so like that's all that you're wanting to do is just add value to people with without holding back essentially yeah
it's it's wild how many optins you you currently have with like the gear lless one oh my goodness the email list has grown I think four to 5,000 people right by just telling people hey here's a list of a Google Excel spreadsheet or a Google drive or what do you call it a Google Sheets for Google sheet yeah so I'm not even using anything fancy I'm just putting like you know when I when I say you know grab an email you do want like a CRM which I don't even know what CRM stands for sorry
I'm literally been in business since 2016 customer uh something management something like that I don't remember EXA what it was I'm out here giving all this like business game I don't even know what CRM people are commenting dog CRM dude is CRM stands for um that's crazy that even you search CRM it's so normal term that I can't even customer relationship management okay there you go I didn't know that um but you guys didn't either dude come on dude what I freaking what are we doing here just a video guy I'm just kidding I'm just
the video guy but yes the amount of like and that's some good Insight are like what are the top questions people are always asking you people always ask hey man what gear are you using hey man what mic is that hey man what camera do you use hey what do you use to edit video uh how do you edit video you know what's what are AI things that you guys use what um how do you guys do captions like these are all insight for things that you can you if somebody's willing to ask that there's
going to be 90% more of those 90% X I don't even know what math that is I'm just disqualifying myself like but that aren't asking that question that are thinking the same thing and so that's why like there was one the most recent lead magnet wow dude you're getting cozy I'm just kid the most recent lead magnet is uh is the travel podcast setup love that one okay so a travel podcast setup uh I knew people were asking that question so I reverse engineered the whole thing and didn't use YouTube in this sense but went
on a trip we had the podcast set up and I just shot I just shot a quick video hey you ever wonder what you should take on a on the road when doing a podcast well this is the podcast setup it's this this this and this and if you want the list just comment the word travel and I'll send it to you and that that grew the email list like 15 2,000 people yeah but it's nice that that list is also it's not just a list of like the names it's links that people can click
yeah and obviously those links like generate income because they're affiliate links so there's like yeah the free thing actually does have a level of that's kind of big brain I don't want to like lose people but yeah I use affiliate links and anyone has the opportunity to do that um another cool lead magnet is actually just a zoom call like a like a webinar mhm and it doesn't have to be like this when when people say webinar they think like the way it was in the olden days I don't know what like I just know
that they think like ah I don't I could probably do it once but then the next time nobody's gonna do it that's not true maybe somebody didn't know about it last but if you do a webinar a weekly webinar and like from your free content on YouTube or Instagram you that's your number one thing hey you know uh I do these weekly call dude people are going to love to jump on and they're going to get a different side of you because it's not one way it's two-way now they're on a zoom call and then
on that Zoom call you can then sell an offer which I just want everybody to know that that is an offer this is a it's a lead generation offer is what my and golden calls it so think about this like how are people how are you getting people's information um off the platform and what are you doing in exchange and it has to be worth it just has to be worth it and sometimes being worth it is the way you package it so there's a guy in the community who has a podcast agency and he
just has his thing it's called a podcast resource list that's like not sexy like that's not gonna like I don't know like throwing the word budget would probably be better there budget podcast resource list or a podcast starter kit oh I like that one starting sounds better like just words uh you know um the the five mistakes or how like how to launch your podcast launch checklists everything you need to do to launch a podcast like these things it's all how you say it and I I wanted to get to this point in the podcast
because people don't buy what it is you sell people buy what it is you say and most people are just saying something people don't want to buy but when you say something that people want to buy they buy it just because you said it it's it's like this is the beautiful thing about selling things online it's also the Dark Side too because people take others for their word but I've learned to get better at saying my offer and it's made me more money I didn't change anything about the offer I just change what I said
about it or how I said the offer and then because I've built trust it's like that's so valuable the value is in what I say not what I sell right right so that's why I love packaging I can talk about packaging maybe do that for another conversation cuz like the YouTube the YouTube videos are packaged in a way that will present itself to the most amount of people right like YouTube's a packaging platform so the better you are at packaging the information the more usually you'll be discovered and then in that what's what's the way
to package uh ad read you know I I didn't just say hey take take my gear list I said like if I can attribute the success to my business I can attribute it to the quality of content I'm creating so now I'm just people are like oh dang like if I'm going to experience success in my business I must be putting out I need to put out quality content and I need this list and I need this list and it cost me nothing so I'm going to give you the information you know or you know
give you the email or whatever so so that that's lead generation offer right like I think people need to consider that if you're really starting out from the get-go consider a discovery call now now it's like okay okay Omar like I'm getting emails what what what do I what am I going to sell so now it's like how are you going to come up with an offer with what you're offering as a lead magnet so like what's the solution yes and because we're kind of stay staying along the lines of like the online business route
where it's like you're not shipping anything this is just an ex exchange of information people are paying you for the information behind a pay wall of some sort I always like to say number one and we'll get into charging but you're you're not going to charge past your conviction if you're if you have a conviction about how much this is worth cool like charge that most people are like no dude you other people will always say you can charge more for that but they'll never buy it usually it's say like well then you buy it
for that much bro no I don't I don't need it I just know that you can charge 25k for that it's like well then you buy it MH don't tell me charge more if like you know but but if somebody can help you see the more of the value in the offer then amazing so like I had a friend I was on a flight and you know I had an offer called dialed in a day where I come in and we we set up a person's podcast studio and it's just an empty space and I
just saw the value first it was first I started at 5,000 bucks and then it got to $10,000 then I got to 15 and what that guy was like bro that's a $225,000 offer and I said I don't know if I see it you know and he was like aren't you doing like interior interior design and decorating like it's not just the gear I was like oh for sure he's like that's why you're coming in and you're you're creating a space that like you want to be in and like when you're in a space that
you want to be in you're more likely to create so it's like you need to like paint the picture of the value like how much will people pay for an interior designer for for a space you know like you're telling them what furniture to buy what things to put in the background and all these things in addition to the gear and the Sops and all that stuff so you had convin conviction in charging more from 15 plus yes just simply because he helped me see the value you had to pre-frame it in your brain differently
to see like oh my gosh I am like an interior designer so I can charge more like it does qualify you to their stats because of what you're doing yeah and I and I I mean I have a lot of friends that are Christian and they're getting into creating some sort of thing like where they want to make money online the biggest hurdle I see Christians have though in my circle is that they're afraid to charge because they're unable to see more value in what it is they bring why do you think that is it's
great I I've been thinking about this like I believe they're they're cheap because I don't and I'm not making generalization statements this is a um an observation from my circle of friends like because when I say Christians and then you fill in the blank it'ss like dang dude you can't speak for all my friends who who know the Lord most of them have a terrible job or do a terrible job at charging a lot of money because they're terrible buyers what do you mean by they're terrible buyers they're always looking for a deal they're cheap
buyers they're cheap they they they buy things with cost in mind and I've learned rich people buy things with value in mind so and and value is is deeper than cost value is my peace my my mind uh my my time so like this is why like Alex Heros always says like if you're going to do do something like do the thing you do and do it for rich people because they pay more and they're better clients they're not like Naggy they don't always want to cut Corners it's like hey so how much will it
cost to do the XYZ it's like okay cool or try to negotiate you yeah they never you know you don't have to you don't need negotia that's because I see the value in just letting you do your thing and just paying your price right and there is like some I think there's there's actually like there's a book called uh business uh what is it called it's called um B business principles from the Bible uh or something like that and it talks about how Jews back in the day or like Jew Jews are very successful because
they just stay in their Lane and um when you when you try to dabble and all kinds of things or try to do something yourself so let's just say like a lot of so people who are cheap are more likely to fix their car when it breaks down change do the thing theirself they don't value their time and they think they're saving money by doing a half butt job on something that they can just pay somebody who's really good and excellent at it that so there is a an ideology in in the Jewish uh community
community where you actually are messing with God's economy when you try to do something that you're not designed to do so so by you not staying in your lane and not just paying somebody who's good at the thing you're actually messing with the ecosystem that God's trying to put into place got it so their belief sets them up for like not having that fear factor of charging yeah like not seeing it as is a negative thing and yeah and you and you and like he kind of talks about how you'll never see a Jew mow
their lawn you'll never see a Jew try to fix their own car unless they are they have their own shop or unless they have a landscape company they usually are really good because they because they believe in the ecosystem God's put into place wow and I think there is value there is power in that principle that what you know and this is has been something that I've had to unlearn like I won't I I'll first off say that like I didn't arrive to the place right away of like um charging more for my expertise like
I was afraid to originally charge $2,000 for a year of coaching I look back now I'm like I would never do that but at the time it was scary to put out but that just meant I needed to become the person I wasn't the person to charge right so when I say that like most people have a hard time charging well it's because you always trying to find a deal just you are a cheap individual and maybe you're listening to this and you're like I that's me that like I'm always trying to look for a
deal every time I go to the restaurant and they mess up my order I want to make sure they take it off the the bill every time I you know like you're like notice how you're just operating in a lack that's like that's how you see the world is less than and I dude I my mom's Filipino bro and like we'll be in Mexico and she's trying to smack deal I think I mentioned this on the last podcast literally the last literally last but like I grew up always feeling that I needed to have the
I need like the deal had to be in my favor and now now I'm not talking about like you know you see a house and you want to make an offer on a house and of course you can make the best offer that's in your favor and things like that but who's who's going to get the offer most usually the person that just like offers the $10,000 more than the asking price and all it's going to cost them is $20 a month but but when you were buying the house you were so afraid you saw
$110,000 and you're borrowing this money anyway who cares like what so like the it's crazy and this is we can I mean this is going into fear like fear limits you like fear keeps you bound so like when you're afraid to charge you'll stay in the limitation of not being able to charge a lot which is going to cause you to try to have to work harder so my friend who wants to do a preaching course I'm like dude charge $5,000 and work with people who would pay that and he's like well what about you
know over here who just like doesn't even she's not she's not getting paid that much but she deserves she deserves to learn this information amazing she can watch your free content right like anyway like you if you if you're o if you're delivering like really well on the content side of things you won't feel bad for for in what you're worth like he's this friend of mine has spent over $50,000 in higher education when it comes to theology MH and he wants to charge 12 bucks a month I'm like dude you know how much it's
going to cost for you to like make a actual living charging $122,000 a month from the inform like I like if you're somebody who needs to start from a place like that run it like but but like know your value you know and so um I think that's kind of where it like starts is like just don't charge beyond your conviction but start just I think serving people and getting them a result that's just where it starts how do you um like decipher the difference between knowing your value and then having the conviction to know
that like what to charge okay it's really good when I was doing like freelance work it was my it was my knowers knower after I after I did a job so like so like sometimes it's like you throw out a price and you're testing out a price and somebody says yes quickly you're like dang I should have charged more that's just like a that's a greedy like thought process but when you throw out a price let's just say yeah dud it I'll do it for 500 bucks an hour I'll do this photo shoot for 500
bucks an hour if you like go and do that photo shoot and you deliver on that photo shoot and like in your gut that didn't you felt like you got the short end of the stick there that a good indication that you can charge more right you should feel compensated you should be proud of how much you're being compensated for what it is you do so you post posted a real that went crazy kind of viral mhm and it literally you had no offer right but the but the the real was so stinking good that
somebody dm' you and asked you yeah I mean he just asked for Coach calls okay he's like can you tell me and like you you processed that with me and you were like um I think the first thing was like how much do I charge for one I was like don't sell one sell three because you're not going to be able to get him a result in one call you're just going to confuse him okay and then I said sell three you'll make more and and like what's the cost of you showing up on Zoom
three different times right and so again this is just like understanding how you can best help people but I also want to point out why did this guy even feel so compelled to reach out to you and ask for coaching he he did that because you showed you you showed the the benefits of what it is you do so most people like level one marketing or level one content marketing is telling people what you do right like big brain Mar content marketing big brain content marketing is is showing people what happens as a result of
the things you do does that make sense yeah and in that video you showed everyone like what you do how you do it and then at the end you showed like the podcast being filmed and how it came out right this is the result of all this so like this is something I I I heard from like a I think it was a podcast I was listening to from like the sales girls they were just saying how don't don't like this is what we do this is what we do this is what we do no
this is what happens when you do the thing we do so this is like let's say in the context of you're a barber you're not going to say that you take the guard and you put zero from here to the middle of the ear and then you take no you don't you you say uh you you show when when you ask for a high bald fade this is what a high bald fade is like and if it's by you then there those those are all the fill in the gaps what you want people to do
is you want people to do exactly what that guy did you want people to be like what does what does this guy do because the curious on the Curiosity on the stuff that you share online comes from a place of like wow wow you just like people get wowed because of the result or the payoff of what it is that you do that's like hey do you do any coaching right isn't that crazy so I just want to know that I just wanted to reverse engineer that train of thought this individual like made an offer
come out from you which didn't exist this is the beautiful thing about offers by the way it's it it's actually a miracle a miracle that you did have you had nothing it was invisible and you created something with your words and you made what 1,500 bucks th000 bucks something like that yeah bro you know how hard I had to make work to make a th000 bucks at 21 what was I doing oh dude I was working at a church you know how hard I had to work Looking Back Now it's also funny because it was
yeah like around that price range for three calls three 1 hour calls and you were charging 2,000 for a year of weekly coach calls but this is a I mean honestly this is the power of proximity like I called you up to that level yeah so like this is why like belief could be borrowed I I lent you my belief sure to tell you that this is worth it right no I don't know it's worth it and it's even possible like it's like and if you're living isolated I'm telling or if you're living isolated or
you're or you're walking and your five closest friends are literally just not I don't want to say low-level people because you're not better than anybody but they they they're small-minded people dude it's going to be impossible for you to feel like to you're you're literally going to wonder how how the heck does Omar if I say if I tell you like I charge people $77,000 for coaching and it's only going up if you're wondering like how is the freak does this guy charge $7 000 I would argue that there's a little bit of small thinking
that you you you equate like money and time still like money and time still have like a a very you believe money equals time and it's like that that's how you think I told a few friends that I did that and that happened from the real I posted and they were trying to wrap their mind around it and they were just so confused and it's like even though I said it and it happened it's like they just couldn't grasp like what I did to make the money right it's all about like surrounding yourself with like
high exposure people like people that just their mind is literally liit Limitless so they can borrow that Limitless belief and in store you with it 100 sure and and like you having a sixf figure day was nowhere near your when the first time I heard that you can have a six or seven figure day I said what yeah and then it's like then you do it and you're like oh number one that's what they mean by that number two it's possible if you believe it's possible it's impossible if you believe it's impossible and so um
so I don't know like I mean I know we're we're talking about like the the concept of coming up with offers I know we kind of got went on a little bit tangent but that's okay I think this is all good stuff because it's it's a great example and it's a podcast bro you chilling it's the department offers department but like so so how do you come up with an irresistible offer meaning an offer that someone who needs it most cannot refuse it mhm right um I think it it comes from being able to um
the word is um it's it's a it's a p word that I'm I'm thinking of predicted that you can predict the situation for a human being that you like to that you are called to serve the more you can predict their situation and show them the path from here to here then that's how you create an irresistible offer so what do I mean by that okay let's just put it in the context give me something to like give me a an industry to give me I don't know I just feel like real estate so okay
real estate so okay perfect so if you are a new real estate agent and let's say Amanda Amanda's she's new real estate agent helping a friend buy a house she's most likely going to help first-time home buyers why uh because the our age I think like I mean her circle is the one her Circle are the people hitting her up and most of them are still in apartments or renting out condos and stuff or they're renting and like they're getting older and they're kind of in a position to buy but like the what are all
the predictions so Amanda's offer is I help F now you could say I help first-time home buyers find their their in their their their investment property or like not invest home their first home which becomes an investment but yeah I help firsttime home buyers buy their first home like if she leads with that there's she can lead with that if she understands the predictability of where most first-time home buyers are already at and so when I say predictability I mean what are the things that people struggle with prior to them coming to you that you've
already helped multiple times already the thing is like you won't know unless you actually get people results and you won't know until you actually help more people so so if you're helping enough people do a certain thing I think another way we can think of it is like an agency like I know some people listen to this they got an agency and maybe they're doing like short form content for people or podcasting you know um content solutions for people or whatever that sounds so like old brain but um whatever okay that that if you know
who you serve what's the the what are the things that people that you can uh predict that people you've already helped are dealing with so if I'm helping if I'm if I'm a podcast person or a Content agency I'm I'm I'm predicting that entrepreneurs are they're they're not going to know what to talk about I'm going to predict that they're they they do want to create content online I'm going to predict that if it's a female she's going to care a lot about how she looks that's like that's just predict like um they're not going
to know what to talk about uh they're gonna they're not going to post it themselves like these are things that like I've actually done with entrepreneurs and it's like you can give them the content and they still won't post it right so like now that predictability allows me to add that in the offer so like all these things hey yeah so so for us to work together it's going to be $25 $3,000 a month $5,000 a month whatever you want to charge and you know here's what we're going to do we're gonna we're going to
post for you every day we're going to come up with the the stuff that you're going to talk about so you don't have to worry about what you're going to talk about we'll just we'll start them off and then you can just finish out however you want to say it based on your you know opinions or stuff so we're going to draw it out of you you don't even have to think MH uh we're gonna make sure you look this good and and we we won't hit record until you approve on how you look dude
if if I'm talking to a female real estate agent right now she's going to be like sign me up yeah that that's what you call an irresistible offer but it all start like in order to get to those predictions you have to be putting something out 100 or else there's no way you're going to come up with an offer so if you're not already pushing out content or doing your thing already you'll never come to the Baseline of coming up with your predictions so your offer over time can become irresistible and easier to sell yes
and and that's why I would say I have the iPhone 14 pro Apple didn't put out their iPhone and then just keep the same iPhone they update this thing every year but it's crazy when we think about our online programming or online course or whatever we think it's one and done no it's called iteration it's called put it out there for free put it out there for a cheaper price point put it out there raise the price readjust the program make it better and charge double cuz now you're you know like from me doing content
coaching I realized that I'm I'm becoming a business coach because I'm able to see the holes in an offer from the content itself and that's only telling me that what I offer is a lot more valuable because now it's not just I'm not just going to make you look good on video I'm not just going to help you get views on YouTube but I'm gonna I'm going to help you make whatever it is you sell sound more better package it better deliver it better fulfill it better and um and and that but that's only come
from me starting a Content coaching program you know what I'm saying so my friend's uh doing he he's stepping out and he's starting a a program around um ads um like paid ads right he wants to teach businesses and entrepreneurs how to do it themselves like don't boost your post uh because that's the first thing people think about anyway he just ran the I told he's like yeah dude I was I'm going to I'm going to shoot the course this is why I tell people do not put out a course don't make a course this
year create a program and a program when you say the word program it literally is whatever you make it so you had a editing program with this guy and it was a what so what does it look like it looks like three Zoom calls one-on-one every other week or every week and then you can choose to move forward if you'd like to and he did he want to yeah which okay what does that prove that proves that and you're getting so much Insight but that proves that once you serve somebody they want to there's a
there's a type of person that even wants the next level so that's what you call like that's Ascension um or retention but this friend of mine um he thought he had to shoot down sit down and shoot a course the issue with doing that is you're making the content in your course all about what you think will help people and this is like lowlevel online Guru or online mentorship this is really good because we're so self-consumed in our own expert we think we know what people want to learn right no let people tell you what
they want to learn so so what I told my friend was like hey don't if you're if you're looking to start a course this year pause on it write down your curriculum or write down know the structure of what you want to deliver but do it over live Zoom calls deliver your course over live Zoom calls or do it in person like if if you even wanted to do an in-person course and you wanted to capture it so teach what you want to teach but you doing it in front of an audience will allow for
them to ask the questions and give you the feedback and tell you what can really make this thing bulletproof I love that I love that idea and perspective like instead of take that curriculum and instead of doing a a course you're going to do like basically a workshop or a live event weekly and that's your curriculum each week is going to be a different curriculum for eight weeks like at church we had discipleship it's eight weeks yep so I absolutely love that because people nowadays they do find course like to be cheap or you know
not effective anymore people want that intimacy and then when they get that intimacy they what they're receiving is more effective right and I feel like it serves both sides better because when when you're you feel more fulfilled when you're giving that that help to that person cuz you build a connection and when you're receiving this type of information you're also building that connection and you feel more empowered you feel like someone's supporting you someone's helping you someone's rooting for you so I absolutely like love that perspective like don't do a course do a coaching program
or do something weekly to help someone for a certain amount of time so good yeah right and this is why I think like oldtime course creators are kind of scam artists because you don't care about their success correct you're just like here's 70 hours of content all the information's in there which all that content is going to be outdated at some point anyway too yeah because it took you so long to deliver right that this is why I've like I like my I love condensing the information and like tell me what I need to do
like look Omar like because actually speed is how you charge more if you can get people the like their answer quickly they'll pay more for it like you could even deliver a course in a 5day live virtual event right like so like I mean we do the challenge which we charge what a course is kind of worth but I think it's super valuable because I'm doing an hour of Q&A every day on these challenges which makes it like super high value but it also gets people to know that like I can answer any question that
comes my way but it also doing that Fay challenge within a week it's speed you're doing once a day yes you know so yeah I mean you could either yeah you can you can promote something you're going to do and then just deliver it in a short amount of time it it could be one week it also could be six weeks it could be four weeks it could be eight weeks it all just kind of depends on like what it takes for what for you to get people to that end result or from that point
A to point B and um and this is just like the business of helping people is the most fulfilling type of business like I just like you're you're you're making sure people aren't going to scrimmage or scrummage the internet is it the word scrummage is that what is that what the Americans say scour that's better scour the internet for for potential wrong information and most of the time like information on YouTube isn't necessarily wrong it might be wrong for you because it's outside of your context so when somebody's giving information on YouTube and it's like
how to get your first real estate investment property it's out of context they're talking about a different city they're talking about Middle America you live in LA you like so so a lot of the times all coaching and Consulting is is adding their their they need your context on their context they just need to you need their perspective yeah it's all about giving perspective in their context yeah so it's like if if like in my case it's like dude I can watch YouTube videos and buy gear and stuff but like here's the space I'm working
with you can't do that on on YouTube but like join the start your studio thing when like we'll do a a l call and you show your space and I'll like that that there's the value there CU you're they're getting my expert context on their situation situation you know um and so and so that's where like the power of like being able to charge you're you're you're charging people for Speed you're charging people for results and you're you're you're charging people to to ultimately get them to a place they need to go quicker you know
and it gets rid of that conviction inside of you because you're seeing how much this changed their life right because of a journey it takes you through yeah like when you were helping your friend that was doing or wanted to do his preaching course and you made him change it to a program and how much of the impostor syndrome he had just like on the phone with you versus now and he's just doing his thing and making his money and helping people he's a completely different person right in the matter of a year because you
saw what you did with him it seemed like you moved Mountain for him so that feeling is like wow I can do I can definitely charge more because I see the change that I did the impact in his life like this is going to help him grow more in the long run so he gets rid of that convention con convection yeah and it was honestly two or three calls so two or three calls and he made like 12 Grand in his first launch of a program that's crazy which is like I think for him was
maybe a a quarter of his salary wow right and he did this on Zoom a week so like okay so your full-time salary yeah like now it's really starting to like go crazy it's like okay if I just tweak this and do this but sometimes if we don't have that continual support then we're going to Resort back to like our safety net we'll always do that like we'll just always slowly go back to our limiting beliefs we slowly go back to our cheap mindset but being able to charge uh what you're worth and what's the
and the value that you're providing like um it's it's it's it's actually a beautiful thing it's it's I think it's a Biblical thing I think it's a uh it's like we were like the ability to create something from nothing that hey I'm doing this Content Mastery Workshop or these Content Mastery days I got 10 slots like that that was that came out of my mouth we put it on video and then people came to Las Vegas and a and a and a a uh something I I was so afraid of is now a routine thing
in our business and it's just it's crazy now it's like if we never did that all these people would have been robbed from not being able to experience the Simplicity of creating content and just getting their YouTube stuff you know unlocked and all those things like it's it's a it's an awesome thing and I think I do think it's important that I mention that if somebody says no to your offer it does not mean your offer is wrong or that you're wrong mhm MH it means they're either not ready or they're not a good fit
they're just not your buyer they're audience and like and and and that's the thing with most people who's who don't who don't have um who aren't uh confident in who they are and they're not confident in their product and they're not confident in who they're called to specifically serve you'll feel like you're supposed to serve everybody and when you serve everybody when you get rejected you're going to feel like everyone's rejecting you but when when somebody says no to your offer and you know it's because they're not ready for it it's a whole another perspective
shift but if you if you want to cater to serving everybody you're going to work harder and make less money that is just the case if you are a generalist in whatever it is you do it's you're just going to have to work harder because because no one knows where you're at or and and they're taking a shot at you because you're cheap so now you're getting people that buy because it's cheap this is why I I try not to use the word free I don't I even if I'm doing like a free web class
I don't like using the word free I'm doing this free web class because I don't want people to jump at something I'm doing because it's free so I want people to say oh Omar is doing a web class let me click on that because I love Omar or I want to learn what he's teaching oh snap it's really cool yeah that I don't want people to jump on because it was free yeah like even back to your lead magnet the gearless isn't a free gear list it's just get access to my so and so which
is that was that was uh premeditated yeah we we thought that through so yeah is there anything else when it comes to offers that we can dial in I think it's like how to sell it how to sell it yeah like the packaging of it good yeah so we kind of talked about the way you frame it yeah but honestly I mean that's a whole another that's a whole another podcast in itself I would say because it goes so deep yeah I would say check out the sales girls conversation because we talk they talk about
like letting people know the end like you know like what's going to happen as a result of you buying your first home so like we we could make it about we could make it about the the stress of of of buying a home home and like all it takes and offers being rejected and stuff and we could or we could say hey what would your guys's life look like like for me when I bought my first home five years later we sold it and and $105,000 got just hit my bank account changed my life forever
but like I didn't know that's what I was really doing when I bought my first home I just didn't want to live in apartment like that was like literally it but when when it comes to selling your offer you need to I you need to really reverse engineer where people are mentally emotionally um maybe even spiritually when the offer is presented so this is why when people sell on social media you're you're you're a low-level salesperson because you're not considering where people are emotionally spiritually or mentally people are in a Mindless State when they're on
Instagram like people aren't looking to be sold when they're on YouTube they're looking for information so don't sell something on Instagram necessarily you know like if it's like a cheap thing that makes more sense like if it's like a a you know whatever like you can sell you could sell a a cheap something but but you're not going to sell coaching necessarily on Instagram you're going to sell coaching on a zoom call you're going to sell coaching at a in an event whether it's online or in person you're going to sell coaching in a conversation
not through your content right so what you use the content for is to create the mechanism of how someone is sold and and a lot of the times it could be a phone call like when when when uh Lewis house reached out to me was like hey man I need help with my my studio in my basement I was like oh snap like let's hop on a phone call and all a sales conversation is is like tell me what your your need like what are you looking for hey man like we got I got this
space you know I see what you're doing it's amazing you know I just don't know what to buy I don't know like um you don't have to be so like stick to the script like what would this happen as a result of me coming in you can say like do you think doing this in like a day is is where you're at like you don't want this to take a long time like 100% well that's what that's why that's why we do the dialed in a day it's just a couple Zoom calls then we show
up for a day and it's done he's like sounds amazing and then and so as far as the price goes that's going to cost it's going to cost about 15 $15,000 um I've gotten people that say whoa that's kind of like pricey that's I mean yeah that's fine because they're not your audience and then and they could say that and just don't say anything hey man that's kind of pricey for sure you know and then usually they're like let me think about it yeah but don't you need to like I thought you are like ready
to take content to the next level I'm not saying Lewis did this by the way he was like bro sign the dot line let's freaking do it the cool thing about that is you used to be scared of saying your price like even through text and when people would quote unquote reject you you know it was a big thing for you because you know it just didn't feel good and then you got to a place where you would say your price and someone would say no and you would just be like okay cool and then
you would say your price to a different individual and they'd be like paid like they pay the invoice already right and that's just a very freeing concept when you like really tap into that yeah and so kind of back to the just like how do you sell your offer especially if it's expensive you just have to really consider where people are when you give that offer so I I like to call it like the vacuum it's it's the place that like the only thing right now that the most important thing in the world right now
is even if it's over a coffee date if it's on a phone call if it's on a zoom call if it's in a if it's at the end of an event if it's at the end of a web class like where are people when when that offer is delivered so the cheaper the price point the less you have to worry about it you still have to sell like your free content better be freaking amazing for you to like really scale at that point um but if you're selling something like that's more than 15 2,000 3,000
plus you gotta you gotta talk somebody need you need to talk to somebody so this guy was all in for our Workshop he told me in the end I'm there you know how many people said I'm there and then I send them the link to the website and they never pay they just leave it there because they see the price because they see the price or now they like now they're just like um but I said with this guy I was like email studiothe video doco and we'll have somebody call you and then you
called and boom boom boom like yes it was a yes but at the same time him being on the phone by the way when somebody's on the phone like take a payment too like if you while you have them say like we can just start for x amount down and then we can set something up later like don't don't like maybe the price upfront altogether is like crazy and that's okay just create a payment plan or something I don't know like that's a little bit more Nuance but but while you have people on the phone
it's best to just you know take the pay take some form of payment on that call you know but that's how that's how you sell it it how you sell it isn't about the tactics it's really about the the the space in which the offer is given I I I can't stress that enough right like so the more you the more you do these calls and by the way the more you actually sell your offer fulfill on your offer and sell your offer and fulfill on your offer it becomes a predictable thing that people know
that they can join when they're ready so like and this is it's so hard to see this when you're first starting your course it's so hard to see that like oh this person has one of the greatest programs when it comes to this how do you have a great anything you serve a lot of people in a specific way you get a lot of people a specific result so like there like I think about like there's not that many great programs out there online because most people switch and change too much right and so you
can create the greatest program around a specific thing and absolutely crush and by doing that it will maybe expand in other things so sell stuff like create offers make offers all the time everything you do should be an offer this podcast I started with an offer how would you like to know how to come up with something to sell and not have to worry about whether your content is profitable or not like you don't you you like coming up with offers I I mean I'm loving it like I was working with Neil uh he's having
he's going to have an event and we I was working with his him with him on his offer at his event oh wow and by simply coming up with a thing that that wouldn't cost him any more energy than what he's already doing but it made his offer irresistible it was just one element and um it's because you had him frame it different right yeah it it no it was just and I hope he actually does it where actually got lunch saying I'm about to hop in the car tell five minutes um but he uh
he's going to offer a thing where he's going to do you know for people joining in this moment this is what you call a a mo um a myth mythy my Biff best miy I think mithy most incredible free gift ever yeah so yeah his was that I'll I'll do an event with you and I'll bring the talk wow you just need to get people on a zoom call that's like you're at this guy's event who's got these incredible people on stage and he's like for everyone that signs up for this offer I will do
an event together how cool would it be if we put on an event together is it in a virtual event or it' be virtual if if it was in person he'd be willing to to to do it if if it made sense but he's got he's got clients who have who represent dozens maybe hundreds of people mhm so we do an event mhm I bring the talk we promote it together and then boom and then like there's a whole another backend side where he can like give an offer an affiliate and then like hey you
actually make your money back on this offer if you take me up on this because the cost to get in this event if you get this many people and this many people buy the offer at the end of this event you just get a check and this little tweet cost them nothing cost him nothing no he was mean because he's already doing it he's like bro you don't know how many web classes I do for people in my programs all the time wow I'm like dude make it a part of the offer so like like
that that was kind of like that came from the thing that I'm doing just like hey how cool would it be if I interviewed you or if you interviewed me like and then you can use it for however like you can use it for your internal purpos things like that that's called a mythy thing this is at the end of the podcast hopefully you're this far that is the most incredible free gift ever it shouldn't necessarily cost you anything more than what you're doing it can if you're starting out but this is the thing that
you can add into an offer that would take it the value to the next level I love that yeah offers everybody what do you think what do you think I think everyone has an offer like an offer to give so I think we should like all just kind of hone in and what what your skill is or what like you're passionate about or you know it doesn't even have to be your passion but like something that you constantly do every day that's going to solve a problem right and like make that an offer yeah cuz
it's like literally like you said out of thin air you know yeah I noticed that I mean you did a call a couple weeks or last week a couple weeks ago and you were just helping a guy who is starting his event because you've helped put on a ton of events at your previous uh situation and the amount of insight you were multitasking cuz I was sending you stuff and she was just G you were just giving him game and I think if you if he didn't have that phone call it could have costed him
$15,000 extra for all the you said hey don't do when it comes to the food and beverage thing make sure that you ask for the I don't know like the refreshments version not the freaking thingy version and I was like that difference was like 20 grand and if he didn't know that information he probably would have just got sold the 20 grand thing but he's like I didn't want to do dinner anyway to begin with I didn't even know that was an option you know like um so that's what you you know like but you
know I just noticed that I noticed that you didn't even have to try to give them that game it just happened you know but it's because you've been through it so much you like like like that's what so a lot of people just discount their experiences they Overlook it they Overlook it like literally being married for 10 15 20 30 40 whatever whatever if being married for a long time you could start Consulting young couples yeah it's called pre-marriage counseling but in the in the uh traditional as you know the traditional sense it's it's traditional
it's it looks like therapy MH in the in the your offer you know it can look like a retreat it can look like uh uh a a few dinners it it can look like you flying out to them like you like this is what's so cool about offers is it can like you can build your life around offers and have a blast serving people 100% anyway all right offers Department appreciate you guys for listening if you uh could subscribe I never ask for a subscribe subscribe wherever you're listening to and that's okay I'm chilling and
if you have any questions feel free to drop them on YouTube um or DM Yeah Boy follow me on IG let's get it