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Speak English With Tiffani
Video Transcript:
in my hand right now is literally the foundation of this YouTube channel if you're watching this if you're listening to it you can't see the books but I'll explain I have been a teacher on online an English teacher online for quite a while is what I'll say and I was thinking about what lesson I could teach you to wrap up this year this 2024 we're about to go into 2025 and I'm sitting in my office in my studio preparing this video while I Was preparing the video and I had something prepared and I said that's not what I want to talk about that's not what I want to teach you what I want to teach you as we're wrapping up this year is the importance of passion resilience and consistency passion resilience and consistency and for those that don't know me my name is Tiffany I'm also known as teacher Tiffany hey if it's your first time seeing me welcome uh for those that have been with me for a long time this is a different video but again I I wanted to wrap up this year and just be sincere here uh it's it's I guess it's story time kind of um but I just wanted to open up my heart to you all so let me explain what these are so when I first started this YouTube channel I and my journey as an English teacher online my goal was to help you organize your thoughts help you speak English but mainly with confidence I realized that there were so many individuals around the world super intelligent and the only thing they were missing was confidence so my goal as an English teacher was and still is and will always be figuring out how to unlock that confidence in you and in order to do that I developed strategies and methods and what you're seeing on camera right now literally is a collection of my notebooks and I'm going to show you some of them and it's it's very nostalgic it's very it's a weird feeling that I'm having right now because of the journey I have had on YouTube as an English teacher and the students I've interacted with and man just the hours that have been spent creating strategies and methods but let me show you so I'm just going to pick one randomly I man so the way I used to um organize lessons when When I Was preparing them I would use uh keynote as a presentation software and in order to make sure everything was visually appealing I would draw everything out literally so this notebook for example I mean this is from years ago let's see if you can see it I'm going to try to zoom there we go literally my notes of laying out how I was going to visually represent these lessons let's see there we go pulling it back a little bit and how I was going to explain to you hey the five W's or how to pick a topic and how to actually speak on that topic man everything is in these uh isn't in these notebooks um man and I again I'm just sitting here and I'm trying to gather my thoughts because nothing has changed it's interesting when you're on a journey right and again hopefully this helps you and again I'm just being honest as we wrap up this year when you're on a journey right there are points in time that seem to fly by and then there are points that become pivotal moments on your journey and these notebooks represent pivotal moments on this journey of teaching English online to let's see help you speak English um using strategies and methods and man so let me break this down um for me as a person I've told this before I have always been an individual who enjoyed taking notes and organizing notes um for long for as long as I can remember and I remember coming up with strategies in grade school in high school in college to help my friends understand whatever we were learning in class and when I look at these notebooks the reason why you see me kind of pausing a lot is because the same thing I was doing in college and high school is the same thing I've been doing for you as an English learner wow organizing my notes in order to break down things for you to help you speak English fluently so when you go back and look at notes and realize man nothing has changed and then also realizing I have the same passion right now this goes into resilience these also represent late nights I'm an early bird I woke up today at 4:00 a. m. hey I'm awake at night 8:00 I'm I'm in the bed my friends know I I go to bed early these represent nights of going to sleep at midnight and then waking up the next day at 4:00 a.