my dear child I want you to pause and absorb this profound truth my love for you is priceless beyond measure an endless reservoir of compassion that never runs dry each day you wake up under the shelter of my affection and I draw near Whispering I Am With You Always behold the immeasurable gift I gave when I took on human flesh I willingly went through the furnace of pain ridicule and death I did this not because you deserved it but because I longed for you to truly know me think of that moment on the cross your
name engraved on my heart as I paid the ultimate price for your freedom my sacrificial Act is a radiant display of how extravagantly I love you a love more valuable than any treasure this world could ever offer my child let this fill your heart you are immeasurably rich in me even if you have little in Earthly terms you possess an eternal Fortune my love Sparkles inside you like a Priceless Jewel transforming every corner of your life you are far wealthier than the most successful billionaire because no amount of money can buy the security hope and
peace that my love provides I long for you to walk confidently along your life's path headheld High knowing that my Everlasting favor accompanies you every step of the journey when the storm winds blow and doubts begin to whisper lies into your mind remember that my Covenant of Love stands firm much like the foundation of A Mighty Fortress that no storm can shake celebrate my love in your daily routines in the small sacred moments as well as the Grand and glorious ones let your soul sing with gratitude for my kindness is even more certain than the
sunrise just as the dawn Faithfully greets the Horizon my love greets you each morning with promise and possibility it never changes never Fades never abandons you allow The Wonder of this truth to spark new life within you let Joy Rise in your heart like a song that cannot be contained picture it spilling over into every area of of your life blessing friends family and even strangers as you experience my unfailing love you become a conduit an overflowing vessel ready to pour compassion into weary Souls around you embrace the path I have laid out for you
walking hand in hand with me you are wrapped in my affection sustained by my strength and guided by my wisdom let each step you take be filled with purpose fueled by the confidence that you belong to me together we will climb mountains of possibility and tread through valleys of testing in every landscape whether bathed in sunlight or shadowed by trials my love stands as your constant companion this day and every day remember my Priceless unfailing love is the foundation on which you stand bask in it rejoice in it and watch it transform the way you
see the World be at peace my beloved for I have chosen you and called you by name and wherever you go I will be there your Eternal source of love hope and unshakable joy I am the one who shelters you under my Mighty Wings the Everlasting God who never grows weary I see every burden you carry and stand ready day and night to be your refuge and strength my presence is a constant shield in times of trouble and I long for you to cling to me instead of being frightened by the world's turmoil yes the
news and countless voices around you often highlight Terror chaos and dire predictions they feed you stories of danger that stir up anxiety and fear in your heart my child remember I am the Lord over all that exists nothing escapes my notice and nothing is too great for my power do not let your mind be trapped by hopelessness my perfect perfect love is stronger than any force that would try to shake your courage each day I pour out my grace in countless places acts of healing moments of divine protection and blessings that burst out like sunlight
after a storm many pass by these Miracles without even a Second Glance but as you draw closer to me I help you see Wonder in the smallest details the softness of a breeze the warmth of the Sun the sudden rise of Hope in a weary heart these gentle Whispers of my presence bring joy peace and renewed Faith take hold of the truth that I am with you right now let this truth move in your heart like a holy fire reminding you that I have the power to steal the storms around you do not shrink back
when difficulties Loom instead trust that I go before you preparing a path path filled with purpose and promise rejoice in the knowledge that I have an endless supply of strength and Grace enough for every moment of your life and now open your eyes to see the colors of my love and open your ears to hear my voice of reassurance do not hesitate to share what you see and hear with a world longing for Hope let your life become a beacon lighting up the darkness and echoing my eternal message I am here always ready to rescue
I Am The Refuge in strength you can rely on I am the one who formed you and breathed life into your spirit I have placed in you all that you need to conquer obstacles and fulfill the dreams I've planted in your heart even now I am preparing your soul and heart so that you may stand triumphant each moment you spend in my presence shapes your character making your faith stronger than steel draw near and listen carefully for I am sharing with you Treasures of truth that few are willing to receive I have chosen you not
because you are flawless but because I see the greatness hidden beneath your fears I am pouring my courage into you so that you might be braver than anyone around you strong enough to stand when others fall secure enough to press on when others Retreat imagine yourself like a fortified wall in impenetrable to the fiercest attacks no Enemy No opposition not even an army of thousands shall overcome you my power within you is unshakable let me share a secret with you my love for you is so deep and Relentless that it can move mountains of doubt
in your life most people go their entire lives without truly understanding this powerful love but I long for you to know it intimately guard this Secret in your heart treasure it for it holds the key to unlocking greater faith and steadfast hope I have come to you today to remind you of this truth you are destined for victory and nothing can steal the inheritance I have set aside for you in my name you have the authority to call forth miracles to see dreams turn into tangible realities and to walk a path of unshakable confidence declare
aloud what you believe so that the powers and rulers in the spiritual realm hear your conviction Shout with me now I am not weak I am strong I am wise and brave I am ready to overcome every problem situation and conflict that I face today so it shall be when challenges come do not flinch when critics Roar do not crumble in fear know that I have fitted you with armor of faith and placed in your hands the sword of truth you are set for victory poised for Triumph and you will see your hopes come to
life yes I call you to be a warrior of Faith one who will not back down when the battle intensifies you may feel your heart pounding in the face of adversity but remember that I am right beside you Whispering courage into your soul believe in my power for I never lose a battle I stand in the midst of your struggles shielding you from discouragement and renewing your your strength day after day look to me when doubt tries to invade your mind and I will offer my hand to pull you to Higher Ground my child do
not underestimate who you are becoming you are growing into a vessel of Hope for this world whenever you feel small or uncertain recall my promise I will come to you daily reminding you of who you are in my eyes an overcomer a bright flame fueled by my spirit The Winds of opposition May blow but my word stands firm and I will continue to speak life into you I speak blessings not emptiness I talk of Miracles Redemption healing and restoration never nonsense or fruitless Pursuits my gifts to you are purposeful designed to shape your destiny and
unlock your fullest potential administer them wisely for when you handle my gifts with faithfulness and gratitude I will pour out even more I know what you need and I am eager to supply beyond all you can imagine Let My Words take root in your heart like seeds planted in fertile soil with time they will bear fruit a harvest of resilience wisdom and unshakable Faith already you are seeing buds of Hope break through the ground of your circumstances are you feeling stronger do you sense that shift inside you that is my spirit at work transforming you
from the inside out so lift your voice Proclaim these truths and walk boldly into every new day with my courage empowering you let each Sunrise remind you of my presence each Sunset of my faithful care I am the one who loves you without limit the one who equips you for every challenge the one who calls you by name step into this calling to live fearlessly to dream boundlessly and to shine like a beacon of my goodness in a darkening World be at peace for I am with you in every trial Stand Tall for my strength
courses through your spirit remain hopeful for I am the author of Miracles this is my Covenant with you I will never stop reminding you of your word your purpose and the greatness I have placed within your soul I am the one who called you before you even Drew your first breath my eyes have always been upon you watching your growth and the unfolding of your story I see the champion within you Longing To Shine for my glory if you choose loyalty and step out in faith Brave and dedicated to walking in my ways I will
use you to deliver my miracles to the Nations through your hands and prayers the sick will be healed the hungry will be fed and hearts weighed down by suffering will be lifted up into hope even your own family will experience this outpouring of my power stepping into Supernatural encounters and sharing testimonies of Wonders they could never have imagined this is the grace I promise to those who truly love me who do not hide hide behind excuses but offer me their unshakable trust listen closely to what I say you may think you're wandering or uncertain but
you are neither lost nor confused I have come personally to take you by the hand leading you into a realm where great Miracles become a daily reality believe that your own Sons and Daughters will see visions glimpses of Heaven's plan and your elders will dream dreams filled with new purpose purpose and Direction open your spiritual eyes for I long to reveal Mysteries hidden from the unseeing if you reach out to me in heartfelt prayer Calling My Name with sincerity I will unveil truths that few discover but do not neglect the simple acts of devotion kneel
down at dawn or before you sleep and pour out your soul to me resist the temptation to quit for as you persevere in pray prayer I will meet you step by step answering and guiding you onward as I pour blessings into your life I also look for gratitude to arise in your heart rejoice in the gifts I give but also find Joy when I withhold something you asked for knowing I always have greater plans far beyond your current understanding let me see that trust growing inside you confidence that my plans for your future are good
filled with love life hope and promise when you finish hearing these words take a moment to write down what you are thankful for if your mind draws a blank recall those miraculous moments of rescue that were once tucked away in the corners of your memory times you knew my hand intervened and changed the course of your situation remember how I rescued you comforted you and provided for you even when you had strayed revisit these moments of my kindness and let them rekindle your thankfulness speak with me now from the depth of your heart thank you
beloved God for all your blessings write it declare it let the power of gratitude flow through your spirit until every doubt is chased away feel how courage Rises within you renewing your strength washing away fears and uncertainties I care about every detail of your life I desire to see you grow and Pros Prosper I long for your soul to stand firm in unshakable faith your heart resting in the Assurance of my love my child I yearn to embrace you and speak intimately to your spirit I want your ears tuned to my voice and your eyes
open to The Marvelous things I am doing around you in this place of safety within my love you will find a security that no storm can destroy I invite you now to lean on me to let my presence overshadow every worry and calm every storm of the heart hold fast to the promise I make to you when you act with unwavering loyalty and Faith Miracles are set in motion Destinies are reshaped and testimonies burst forth like streams in a dry land walk boldly in this calling I have placed upon you trust me in every circumstance
both in the simplest tasks and the grandest undertakings for I am the source of all good things and always remember I am with you and I will never abandon the ones who trust in my name each day may bring new challenges unknown faces or unforeseen obstacles but do not be afraid I stand with you at every Sunrise every midday moment every Twilight and even in the darkest hours of night my mercy and compassion arrive fresh with each New Dawn encircling you like a mighty Shield even if storms Rage or battles intensify I promise you this
I will cover you with my power and fill you with my glory You are not alone you never will be my child I Marvel at the way your faith has matured where once you trembled you now stand firm confident in my presence this change is not a small thing it is a beautiful witness to others of what I can do within a willing heart you have grown stronger Bolder and more certain of my promises today I tell you this is only the beginning I am lifting you to new heights guiding you to a higher plane
of Victory and purpose feel that courageous fire in your spirit no trial before you can triumph over my power within you do not allow your present circumstances to frighten you I created you for greatness as an eagle made to soar above the clouds look Beyond the Horizon and you will see the destiny I have prepared even now I am dispatching a host of angels to wage war on your behalf to open doors that appear locked and to chase away every plan of the enemy your adversaries will scatter uncertain and enraged because they cannot stand in
the presence of my radiant Glory take heart and be strong my beloved you are a warrior a champion and a survivor of a thousand battles your life story is being transformed each day by your trust in me I have chosen you with an everlasting love not simply to bless you but also to demonstrate my power to those around you through your life others will witness Miracles that only I can perform miracles of healing of provision of hope your family too is under my watchful care I will fill them with courage joy and renewed purpose calling
each one to stand firm in faith allow this Divine strength to flood your heart let it ignite your passion to serve to fight for what is good and just and to love with unyielding devotion I Delight in your attitude of worship and surrender you have placed me first in your life and your faithfulness has come before me like a sweet fragrance anticipate a downpour of blessings some you have dared to dream of and others you have not even imagined open wide your heart to receive all that I long to give and know that I find
great joy in your prayers your songs of praise and your simple moments of Thanksgiving when you lift your voice to tell me you love me it moves my heart deeply I see your sincerity I know it is real because your actions line up with your words with every step of trust every decision to honor me you show the world that I Am Lord of your life you show that you depend on me more than anything else so my beloved keep walking this path of Faith keep choosing gratitude and hope watch how I'll use your life
to testify of my boundless Grace in the midst of the storms hold tight to my promises in the face of discouragement remember my nearness even in your greatest battles sense the countless angels I have stationed around you ready to minister strength and courage to your spirit today let your heart rise with renewed determination sing praises to me declare your victory for I have already prepared the way before you the angels of heaven are cheering and I your father am smiling upon on you stay close to me abide in my presence and you will soon see
that nothing absolutely nothing can stand against you when you remain in my love I am forever faithful and I am forever with you my child as you pour your heart out in prayer I will pour my grace upon you like a warm River of Peace refreshing and renewing your soul it is here in these moments with me that I strengthen you reveal my love and guide you by the hand toward a life of promise and hope understand this I desire to make you shine in the midst of adversity by my power you will stand tall
when others feel overwhelmed when circumstances seem harsh like fiery trials in deep Waters I will be right beside you not a single wave or flame can destroy you because my protection surrounds you this is the faithful promise I give to those who call me their god without shame and lean on me as their Lord You Are My Precious Child yes my daughter my son and I Delight in watching your faith grow day by day feel the joy of knowing that you can approach me with confidence asking for whatever you need rest in the knowledge that
I hear every prayer whether spoken through tears or lifted high in worship if my answer does not come instantly do not lose heart keep waiting for I am always at work behind the scenes in my perfect timing I will bring forth what is best for your family your future and your soul take a step closer and experience my grace in all its fullness bask in my Mercy let my glory wash over you like gentle sunlight breaking through the clouds even if in the midst of your busy life you only pause for a brief moment of
prayer your soul will sense my nearness my presence will flood your heart with a comfort that no storm can shake and my spirit will strengthen every hidden corner of your being I know that you face many problems but in each one I shape you into someone stronger than you ever thought possible trials will come there is no avoiding them but your faith in me gives you the boldness to face every batt battle head on you do not need to be afraid of your struggles lift up your eyes to my promises and let them anchor your
heart look at all the times I have stood by you especially when you felt weakest or alone remember how I carried you through heartbreak replacing your sorrow with joy I have never turned away from you not once if you diligently seek me each day if you slip away into a quiet room to speak with me if you pour out your heart in worship you will discover my power in a new and profound way bow your heart before me in sincere prayer and I will lift you to Higher Ground I will whisper ideas that break through
your confusion I will open doors that seemed forever locked I will place a fresh fire inside you empowering you to stand firm when all else seems to crumble so come draw near to me with confidence and let let your soul drink deeply from my love lay down your cares at my feet the more you seek me the more you will see my hand shaping your destiny remember that even a single moment of genuine devotion moves my heart I cherish your praise I treasure your trust and each time you tell me I love you Lord my
heart overflows with delight my child nothing slips past my watchful gaze when you choose to hand over your future and your plans into my care the very courts of Heaven erupt with joy in that precious Act of trust I mobilize my angels thousands upon thousands to stand guard over your life understand this your battles will not be won by mere human strength or intellect but by my spirit and Limitless power I promise that you will emerge Victorious because I lift up those I love and pour out my blessing upon those who dare to believe in
me wholeheartedly however not everyone receives these blessings there are hearts that close themselves to my truth Minds that cling to doubt and negativity rather than embracing hope there are those who refuse to accept my word treating it as if it were irrelevant or powerless they do not realize how desperately I long to reach them to heal their wounds to fill their emptiness with my saving love yet my promises belong to the brave at heart to those who look beyond what is visible and trust that I the Living God am at work if you will open
your heart wide if you will step forward in faith you will find I have already prepared oceans of Grace and abundance for you I invite you to bring me every prayer every plea especially in your most desperate moments bring your heart's burdens to my feet watch how swiftly I will open prison doors pull you out of the pit of discouragement and wrap you in a garment of strength and renewed hope fear not the tests or trials that cross your path even if people walk away or doors slam shut or you lose something you once valued
know that you remain safe under my protective Wings you are alive and my love surrounds you I am holding you close right where you need to be so that you may receive healing deep within your soul feel my comforting touch and be filled with the power of my Holy Spirit yes I know well the wounds you carry my heart's desire is for you to enjoy peace that transcends all understanding in your daily tasks you need not fear or Panic for you are deeply cherished by your heavenly father these changes you see around you those events
that seem sudden or puzzling are my mighty hand at work I am clearing the road ahead uprooting toxic influences removing barriers to your growth and distancing anyone who would harm your spirit or steal your joy child be assured that every plan I have for you is crafted with your best in mind my child do not shrink back or hide in fear of what tomorrow might bring do not close your mouth in silence or hesitate to act when I have called you to move forward keep praying keep giving thanks for I am your rock and your
Refuge I invite you to stand boldly in the light of my presence unafraid of any Earthly threat and especially unafraid of me for I love you deeply and long to draw you ever closer remember that I the Lord of all creation am a ble to perform Majestic Miracles my power is not bound by time space or human limitations I can wipe away your past mistakes and craft a future brimming with hope and promise let me show you what My Sacrifice truly means when I gave my life on the cross I willingly took upon myself every
punishment you would ever face I did it because my love for you is boundless my my heart aches for you to fully grasp that every lash every wound I bore was so you could be free from guilt and shame why should you continue under the weight of mistakes already nailed to the cross I'm here to lift that burden so you no longer feel overwhelmed by regrets I have for you an inheritance joy peace and the certainty of belonging to my family I have planted you in a place of abundant love where you can flourish under
my watchful care whether the sun is high in the sky or dark clouds Loom overhead whether the nights are cold or days are scorching I remain your shelter and steady guide feel my hand uprooting that persistent loneliness you have carried that Hollow ache in your soul that tells you something bad is always waiting around the corner even if you have been betrayed left in tears or felt the sting of broken trust my glory surrounds you right now I come gently speaking Comfort to your heart erasing every wounded memory and brushing off the dust of disappointment
take hold of my hand and rise to a future infused with my power do not waste tears on those who fail to Value you my child do not give the sacred place in your heart to people who only so pain if they choose to leave let them go with Grace if they want want to return pause and seek my guidance before opening the door not everyone who stretches out Open Arms is genuine some hearts remain Tangled in self-interest or false intentions I do not want you living in isolation forever guarded against love but I do
want you to be wise give me room to move in your life do not rush my timing or demand that I produce answers at once let me lead you along the best path for I see the end from the beginning when tears threaten to spill because people have betrayed your trust remember who you are and whose you are cherish your worth for I created you with intention and Care let me guide your heart gently as a dove leading its young to safety guard your spirit as you would a Priceless treasure never throwing away the dreams
I have sown in you I am like a loving parent who shelters you from the storms of this world just as a dove Shields its chicks from cold winds and pouring rain so do I wrap You In My Embrace the day will come when you and I stand face to face and you will understand the greater reasons behind every trial you have faced that day is not yet here though for now I desire you to taste a piece of heaven on Earth a sweetness a holy tenderness an unshakable love that outshines a thousand suns enveloping
you in a glow of Divine Light I long to bless you to pour my love upon you and to protect you believe my promises and let me act on your behalf place your life fully in my hands stop clutching so tightly to your fears or assumptions and allow me to rearrange the people in circumstances around you it was never my plan for you to walk a lonely path weigh down down by worry and uncertainty I do not want your heart racing at the thought of potential harm I never intended for you to live Paralyzed by
the possibility of losing something or someone learn to rest in me do not be afraid of any person nor cling desperately to material possessions your life itself is a Priceless gift and as long as you draw breath hope remains alive if you will nurture your faith miraculous doors will fling open before you doors no human hand can shut think of my people of old when the Israelites stood before the Red Sea it was not their own Ingenuity that parted the waters but my spirit in the same way I will carve out Pathways where you see
none when David faced Goliath victory was not found in his own strength but in the faith he placed in me look at your own life have I not delivered you from dangers in the past have I not shown you my goodness in surprising ways let these memories bolster your courage the same power that saved and guided those who trusted me throughout history is available for you right now live your days in worship and gratitude do not hide from me behind a veil of shame or doubt offer up your hopes and dreams in prayer trusting that
I Delight in hearing your voice pour out your worries at my feet nothing is too small or too great for me to handle every time you approach me in sincerity your spirit connects with my heart in those moments peace greater than words can express will seep into the cracks of your soul you will feel the warmth of my presence a quiet reassurance that Whispers I am here and I am enough when lonely tries to creep back in remember my promise I Am With You Always even to the end of the age you do not walk
alone for my Spirit guides your steps listen for my voice in the Stillness let me clarify the confusion and hush the storms in your mind even when you face conflict or heartbreak hold tight to my word through scripture and the gentle counsel of my spirit I will remind you of of your identity in me beloved chosen secure and what about your future take heart for I am already there preparing blessings smoothing rough paths and orchestrating divine connections at the perfect time no season is wasted when you walk in step with me even in the desert
I cause Springs of Hope to burst forth even in the Valley of Tears I offer streams of comfort let this knowledge Empower you to let go of old fears old regrets and old hurt step boldly into the new beginnings I have laid out keep your heart open to the Wonders I can do for I specialize in making the impossible possible speak my name with reverence pray with expectation and love with abandon yes love even those who have wounded you for forgiveness sets you free more than it exonerates them this is a holy Journey one that
shapes you in ways you cannot see in the moment Embrace each day with trust and watch how my hand weaves every thread of your story into a tapestry of redemption stand firm in the knowledge that your worth is not defined by your past your possessions or other people's opinions it is defined by the fact that I the almighty creator of the cosmos call you mine I gave my very life that you might live in abundant Freedom free from Fear guilt and any sense that you are not enough you are precious to me my beloved child
let that truth sink deep into your spirit take my hand and walk forward in confidence knowing that my love will never abandon you and as you continue your journey fix your eyes on the horizon of hope I have set before you trusting that my plans for you are indeed good full of a future and a hope that will not be cut off my love for you and for your family is immeasurable deeper than the oceans and higher than the Stars today I urge you go to each member of your family place your hands gently on
their shoulders look into their eyes and say God says he loves you and I love you too allow tears to flow if they must do not hide your emotions for this is a sacred moment even now I am releasing a wave of restoration over your home a holy visitation that will mend broken hearts renew spirits and awaken New Hope in every room do you feel it stirring this atmosphere of healing and Supernatural Grace is descending upon you you have only to open your hands and receive indeed I ask you to come back tomorrow to sit
at my feet once again in those moments I will pour fresh peace into your soul reminding you that my arms are always open waiting to wrap you in Comfort even now I see the concerns you carry the Silent Cries of your mind my ear is not deaf to your unspoken words I hear even the groanings of your heart the questions that swirl in your thoughts like Restless winds be assured every petition you offer even in your most desperate moments Rises to my Throne as a fragrant prayer I hold them all in my hands and my
spirit rushes to your Aid those situations we spoke about yes you and I know them well are already being shaped by my power I will resolve them in such a way that everything turns in your favor believe it my child I have never left your side and you will see my goodness shine through consider the matter already done my authority knows no bounds and my love for you has no limit now do not hesitate to come near me again today while you might think you have already told me all that weighs on your heart I
invite you to pour out your soul once more life continually changes and the bond between us grows stronger when you remember me and every every season especially the joyful ones do not imagine that there comes a moment when you no longer need me when your dreams are all fulfilled and nothing else needs to be said I want to be part of your laughter as much as your tears it is in that Unity sharing both Triumph and trial that our friendship flourishes when the bright days of success or celebration come do not drift away in self-reliance
forgetting the one who carried you through the darkest storms if you distance yourself from me your soul will feel an emptiness no worldly pleasure can fill a chill will settle into your spirit leaving you longing for warmth you once knew so intimately I will keep knocking on the door of your heart even if you try to block me out my love chases after you my hands remain extended toward you refusing to let go there is nothing you can do no place you can wander that will stop me from pursuing you with Everlasting devotion listen closely
to these words spoken gently yet firmly from the depths of my affection for you let them serve as a loving warning a compass pointing you back to communion with me do not cease praying do not lose that tender yearning to feel my nearness watch how my protection surrounds you like a shield in battle and how my blessings pour out over your life like rain in a desert I long for you to know beyond any doubt that you are cherished by me your Creator and by Those whom I bring into your life for good my child
my friend this love I offer is not momentary or fragile it is mighty and eternal it can break strongholds of sorrow and defeat it can heal wounds once thought impossible to repair and it can breathe new joy into the corners of your heart that have been silent for too long trust that my plans are wise and my answers sure though they may not come in the time or manner you expect remember I see the tapestry of Eternity while you see only a single thread have faith that I weave everything together for a masterpiece that reveals
my grace now pause and take a deep breath sense my spirit gentle as a breeze yet powerful As A Mighty Wind Whispering that I am near close your eyes if you must and let your heart soften think of every situation that troubles you your family's well-being your deepest dreams your private worries surrender them into my care I am capable of Miracles beyond your imagining do not limit me with your doubts or insecurities then after you have offered up your concerns lift your head seek my face in gratitude for what I have already done and for
what I'm about to do know that I Delight in your voice your questions your praises and even your tears nothing is wasted in my presence go forward now and do that simple yet life-changing act tell your loved ones that I cherish them profoundly release any fear that might try to hold you back let your tears of love wash away old pains and grudges this is how Miracles begin in small acts of obedience fueled by genuine love return to me every day and let us share your Joys your sorrows and every ordinary moment in between as
you do Watch How I move watch how Heaven's healing touches your relationships your dreams and even those hidden corners of your heart you barely dare to acknowledge believe firmly that I will never abandon you keep yourself anchored in my truth and you will discover that no storm can capsize your faith when your hope is in me do not punish yourself when you stumble for I am not seeking a reason to condemn you even before the day of your birth I knew every dream in your heart every strength every vulnerability and yet I claimed you as
my own I I do not turn away in Anger when you slip when guilt weighs you down or when fear tells you to run from me remember that I am the one who welcomes you with open arms who else will you trust with your tears your Brokenness and your hopes the world might say it cares for you but it can betray you in a moment I however remain steadfast patiently waiting for you to come back each time you wander each time you feel lost or alone even when you try to distance yourself from my love
my spirit pursues you I do not wait for you to fail nor do I hide my face when you falter instead I guide you back to that quiet River of refreshment The Living Water that brings you peace and restores your soul never forget this truth in your worst seasons of Despair in your darkest nights my affection for you remains an unbreakable anchor I stand ready to pull you out of the pit fill your heart with renewed meaning and revive the passion you thought was lost when discouragement threatens to consume you I come with the Gentle
Touch of my grace reminding you that you are not alone that you are cradled in the arms of the almighty believe these words as you read them you are forever loved forever protected this truth is constant unchanging throughout all eternity even when you look around and see chaos or distress I urge you to still your heart to calm the torrent of anxious thoughts I am at work in your situation even now I bring the weary ones into my rest the fearful ones into my Fortress let my peace settle into your heart until it outshines any
darkness that tries to unsettle you you have no need to be alarmed or to give into despair for I am the Lord who transforms every crisis into an opportunity for breakthrough have you ever received bad news and felt your heart sink Paralyzed by fear of what might happen next you need not tremble I am stronger than any circumstance that dares confront you if confusion clouds your mind pause and let me bring Clarity when emotions spiral there is a risk of choosing a path you will later regret but if you trust me and hold fast to
my word I will open new doors of provision and blessing I specialize in turning lack into abundance problems into platforms for miracles look around with eyes of faith for the answer you seek is already near like a gift waiting on the threshold of your life soon I will whisper my will to your spirit shedding light on the solution that you have been yearning for do not allow the weight of loneliness to smother your hope do not drown in regrets about your past or anxieties about tomorrow when you feel the Shadows closing in remember that I
am the light you can run to each day is a fresh invitation to rely on my power and my promise let your soul rest in the security of my love stronger than mountains more certain than the sunrise my dear child you are not an afterthought nor a mistake you are my treasured creation designed with purpose and destined for good things when disappointment comes when friends fade away or when your plans crumble recognize that I am still leading you to better paths just as a Shepherd guides his sheep I guide you to greener pastures where your
spirit can flourish yes the storms of life will come but I remain the same holding you through every gust of wind and every driving rain come back to me daily seek me in quiet prayer in moments of Silent surrender lay your burdens at my feet and let Hope take the place of dread allow my spirit to Echo within your heart reminding you that you are never alone I Delight in hearing your voice in seeing your desire to know me more deeply do not let yesterday's failures color the brightness of tomorrow's promise instead let my grace
wash over your mistakes and my Mercy renew your resolve even when your eyes are clouded by Tears lift them to meet mine you will see only compassion and longing there never wrath or rejection take courage for my desire is always to draw you near healing the wounds you hide mending the fractures beneath your smile and anchoring you in the the world feels shaky as you rest in my unfailing love watch how fear dissolves and Trust blossoms watch how worry melts away and hope reignites yes you belong to me you always have and always will so
step forward with confidence knowing that my power is enough to carry you through every Valley and Lead You Up Every Mountain when your soul grows weary lean on my Everlasting strength I care for you more deep ly than you can ever comprehend let these words sink into your spirit bringing the rest and reassurance you desperately need and so I say again let My Embrace be your Refuge surrender your burdens here release your anxieties and find Delight in my presence for I am the one who calms the storm who holds you in the midst of chaos
and who has promised that nothing will separate you from my love love allow my voice to guide your steps trust in the purpose I have written over your life and above all know that you are loved deeply passionately eternally child listen carefully amid mounting expenses unexpected demands and responsibilities that seem impossible to fulfill I have already prepared a path of victory for you my promise stands as an anchor giving you peace and certainty that you will move forward and Conquer every difficulty when I give my command Miracles cannot be restrained my authority Knows No Limits
and my spoken word carries Unstoppable power but I need your cooperation your hope your surrender your faithfulness I long to see you boldly declare with your own words and in your heart my God will always be the best solution ution and the only right way out of any conflict in my life let it ring loudly in your spirit I believe in trust I will not fear I will not give up even if my strength feels small I will kneel before my God so that he may fill me with fresh power so I ask you now
do you truly love me my child let the answer Bloom within your soul strong and unwavering whatever Ang anguish or anxiety lingers in your heart hand it over to me do not lose composure do not collapse under fear for I Am by your side to uplift you take hold of the new Mercy I am pouring into your life today it is like a precious gift a shield of protection and a fountain of Peace for your mind spirit and entire household in my presence you will find reconciliation and healing for damaged relationships refreshment for your mind
and body and the perfect peace that guards your heart from Every Storm I have already proclaimed victory over sickness need and lack rise in the confidence I give you Proclaim my truths and watch as they transform your reality come closer now rest your head on my shoulder for just a moment I am your God the one who cherishes you like a precious Jewel the one who cradles you when tears flow and and your thoughts spin in confusion I know that fear and sadness can strike unexpectedly even upon waking in the morning sometimes you feel an
emptiness inside a thirst that nothing in this world can quench but I am the Living Water the refreshment your soul Longs for as you drink from my River you will feel my presence washing away the dread the heaviness and the worries that haunt you in their place will grow a quiet at Assurance a confidence that you are deeply loved seen and understood I want you to believe this with all your heart my love for you is not fleeting or conditional it is steadfast and unwavering like a rock that cannot be moved by crashing waves I
also desire to see your soul truly rest no longer weighed down by anxiety though the world might keep spinning with its endless demands and distractions you and I can pause to share a sacred conversation tell me everything you are feeling unfiltered lay bare your hurts your dreams your questions nothing you say will ever push me away or make me turn from you I yearn for you to experience what it means to be fully known and still fully loved when you rise from this holy pause in my presence I want you to feel revived re-energized and
brimming with an unshakable Joy there are so many forces trying to rob you of your passion your hope and your very desire to live fully but I have never left you alone in the battle even now my word stands as your Mighty Shield my peace as your resting place and my promises as a lamp lighting up your path you are equipped with everything you need to resist the storms that come against you yes you will face struggles yes people may disappoint you yes you may find yourself questioning your strength but remember this in every Valley
I walk beside you in every darkness my light shines brighter in every question my truth stands firm keep speaking out my word with faith my word has the power to crumble mountains of doubt and breathe new life into deserts of Despair and each time you feel overwhelmed you can lean into me resting your head on my shoulder allowing me to comfort you like a loving parent Comforts a frightened child child never lose sight of how deeply I treasure you know that I placed unique gifts and potential within you shining like a Hidden Gem even if
the world ignores or misund understands you I see you fully I know your thoughts your quirks your frailties and your strength and I am entirely devoted to you when your tears come let them fall in my presence for I catch everyone when your laughter bursts forth know that I celebrate with you let every heartbeat be a reminder that I'm near guiding and protecting you through every season of life as you go forth from these moments we have shared carry with you the certainty that your future is secure in my hands I am the author of
your story story weaving together all things for good in the tapestry of your life let Hope stir within your heart and let courage spark in your spirit stand firm against every Whisper of hopelessness or anxiety I the Lord your God declare that you will prevail that your tomorrow is bright and that no Darkness can overtake the light I have placed within you I am the one who fashioned you and BR breathed life into your very being here in the radiance of my holy presence a flame of Everlasting Love Burns powerful enough to burn away every
trace of sin and impurity this same Divine spark was meant to blaze brightly in your heart yet if you heed the voice of the enemy allowing falsehoods and fear to lead you astray the once luminous fire of your devotion will dwindle into mere Embers I plead with you my child do not let that happen shut the door against the hurt and rejection others have swn into your spirit you have carried so much sorrow so many tears shed over the ones who never thanked you who turned their backs when you needed even a small token of
appreciation remember I see your efforts and I have never lost sight of your weary Soul yes I recognize the heaviness in your your heart I too was forsaken by those I cherished and fed with my own hands they fled distancing themselves from me refusing to acknowledge they ever knew me at all but despite all your errors I hold nothing against you I must keep telling you for your mind becomes muddled when problems swarm around you I have not abandoned you my love has never wavered I have not overlooked your pain or forgotten the warmth we
once shared you are not delusional for having felt my touch for I was indeed there embracing you you might think I am like the people who make hollow promises and walk away leaving wounded hearts in their wake they try to imprison you with guilt making you believe you deserve the misfortunes that befall you these voices from individuals or your own past would rather see you Shackled convinced that you bear the blame for failures that never truly belong to you they amplify mistakes you never even committed casting Shadows over your worth but child hear my words
if you believe those who mock your integrity you risk forfeiting the Glorious future I have lovingly prepared for you cast off those chains of self-doubt you have committed sins yes we all have but I the god God of endless mercy have already washed them away My Sacrifice on the cross stands as a Timeless promise of that forgiveness I know your remorse is sincere and you are no longer defined by your past so cease tormenting yourself with guilt that has no claim on you anymore you are precious to me I laid down my life so you
could stand tall your head raised in confidence liberated from shame you are not what the world labels you you are precisely what EOL declare you to be fix your eyes on the identity I have bestowed upon you beloved child and fearless Warrior resist the condemning voices that repeat lies in your mind you have been forged to Triumph to stride forth and claim victories not to gather scraps of secondhand happiness tossed at your feet by those who seek to diminish you recognize that my plan for you goes far beyond merely surviving each day you were shaped
to stand Victorious walking boldly in the calling I have whispered into your heart from the very beginning my love for you is vast immeasurable more potent than any criticism or betrayal could ever be if you stumble do not let shame corrode the flame in your soul should discouragement sink its claws into your mind recall that I too bore betrayal and heartbreak yet out of that suffering Rose a triumphant sacrifice for your sake do not equate my love with the fickle acceptance of those who walked away I remain unchanging in my devotion whether the world Embraces
you or turns its back so Stand Tall reject the poisonous words that degrade your worth align your heart with the truth you are marked by my favor if you allow the false accusations of others to overshadow my promises you hand them the victory I intended for you and if you continue clinging to a past I have already redeemed you rob yourself of the joy I long for you to experience let me Breathe new life into you restoring hope that once seemed distant here in my presence open your heart a new let my Eternal fire rekindled
The Embers of your trust stirring it into a roaring blaze of faith and purpose forgive those who have wounded you not because they deserve it but because you deserve Freedom press on toward the dreams I have planted within you since before your birth you are destined for more than you dare to believe and should the path grow dark look to me my light will illuminate every step you need to take I I love you my my child you are mine and I do not stand over you wielding a whip waiting to strike when you slip
up or feel discouraged those who say I punish you at every turn have allowed the enemy to twist their understanding my desire is not to see you suffer but to rescue you from Darkness to free you from anxiety and guilt I know every worry Weighing on your mind and I invite you to surrender it all into my hands let me be the one who relieves your thirst and pours fresh hope into your spirit your tears will not remain tears I will transform them into streams of joy that water your soul remember I have loved you
with a love that knows no end and my Mercy will accompany you all the days of your life rise again today with renewed courage each morning is a precious chance to leave yesterday's weariness behind those disappointments frustrations and clouds of hopelessness that tried to follow you you need not drag them into this new day like chains around your ankles let them fade in the distance speak Words of Life over yourself do not declare defeat over your own destiny do not believe the enemy's lie that your future is doomed to mirror the hardships of your past
my child I bore the weight of the cross for a Divine Purpose the suffering I endured was no accident it was part of a Heavenly plan to set you free there is a crown of everlasting life waiting for you there is an abundant life here and now as well ready to Blossom if you align your thoughts with my promises rather than the voices of Despair perhaps you feel an emptiness so deep that you've whispered thoughts about wanting to die but I Proclaim to you I am your life I am your breath your heartbeat the one
who fills every empty space with my grace let me show you what it means for Old Wounds to heal until they are scars of victory for past regrets to transform into testimonies of my miraculous power in that place where depression once ruled I will sow a profound Longing To Live with joy and purpose let today be the day you choose to forgive yourself acknowled in that I've already cast your sins far away embrace my invitation to start a new we will walk step by step until you see the Hope I've been holding out to you
that very issue gnawing at your mind the one that steals your peace and keeps you awake at night I have it safely in my hands you need not wrestle with it alone believe in my words with every fiber of your being for I am the god who neither lies nor fails commit your journey to me every dream every doubt every decision and watch How I order your steps I will place before you opportunities that grow your soul and draw you closer to my heart and rest assured I will not permit anything to tear you away
from my love my child lean into me and find Solace picture yourself nestled under the shelter of my wings where the storms of life can roar door but they cannot reach you breathe in the promise that I will never abandon you even when Shadows Loom and the road looks uncertain when those voices resurface Whispering that you can't change or that you're Unworthy of Happiness rebuke them with my truth you are cherished you are worthy and I have made a way for you to thrive this is your Turning Point a sacred intersection where your faith in
my plan replaces the burden of Doubt do not think you must walk this path alone I walk with you carrying your heartaches easing your pain and celebrating every moment you trust in me a little more the cross was heavy on my back yet I carried it with determination and love let the memory of that sacrifice remind you of just how far I will go to save you from fear and Desperation so come give me me your sorrow and your joy your failures and your triumphs and let me mold them all into a glorious New Beginning
my Mercy is bigger than any regret and my kindness reaches deeper than any wound I am your God the one who secures you in my Everlasting Arms and speaks life where you once saw only defeat step forward in confidence for your future in me is brighter than you can imagine and remember you are mine and I love you beyond measure amen [Music]