THIS IS YOUR SIGN | You Will Stop Being Anxious and Worried After Listening To This

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Journey To God
No matter what is going on in our lives, God is in control. It does not matter if it is good or bad,...
Video Transcript:
no matter what is going on in our lives God is in control it does not matter if it is good or bad beautiful or ugly Pleasant or unpleasant I need you to believe that God has never lost his place one of Satan's most told lies is the one that makes you doubt the existence Supremacy and sovereignty of Jesus the enemy does not just bring thoughts to us he first orchestrates a series of unpleasant events so that when he tells you lies afterward that God has forgotten you you would have every reason to believe him beloved
no matter the turbulence now you must know that you are not alone before we continue make sure you subscribe to this channel you may have had your plans written down but things are happening otherwise now it may also be that doors are closing on you and you wonder where did I get it wrong why is all of this happening to me when will all this come to an end take a break from all these questions stop worrying God is saying to you I have got you Psalm 9414 says for the LD will not reject his
people this is God's word to you today and forever he is saying to you I will not abandon you neither will I forsake you because you are my inheritance if you do not know you are not a mere joke where God is you are the apple of his eyes you are not a mistake or a backup plan he had you in his plan all along do you think you are so invaluable to God that he doesn't notice what is happening in your life perhaps this is one of the thoughts you have been entertaining recently but
I am here here to remind you that God's word is the only true and everlasting thing in this world choosing to believe anything contrary to God's word will make you worry and weary what you are going through may not look like what God promised you but you have to trust in his word more not your emotions this is one of the seasons in life when you need to choose knowledge over emotions take God's written word search out all that he has promised you and dare to believe it Against All Odds come to the consensus that
worrying does not change anything it does not provide you a solution neither does it make the problem look smaller and surmountable rather it reduces your chances of getting a solution it magnifies your problems and makes it look like a mountain that cannot be moved the word of God says that between two immutable things God can't lie this implies that whatever you your situation tells you that is not in God's favor is a lie and you should not believe them all of these lies are to destabilize you and make you anxious the enemy does this knowing
that anyone who is not calm settled and free of worrying cannot see God working in their situations Satan knows that if he can get you to worry then he has successfully created room for doubt in your heart whereas God only comes to to those who believe that he exists and is capable of helping them so if it seems like the whole world is crumbling at your feet or you are losing in life the first and wise thing to do is not to panic aside from getting your mental health messed up you will also Aid the
enemy in achieving his plans in your life by worrying the last time that things were so bad and you wore your brains out worrying about how to fix things what was the outcome did you not not learn that you are not smart enough to handle every challenge that comes your way regardless of how smart you may be worrying does not change anything accept it and acknowledge that you need God and him alone this is how God expects you to see things he wants you to acknowledge that handling things that are bigger than you is not
your area of specialty in fact you were not designed to do things that are Beyond Your Capacity you were designed to rely on God for help in such times therefore when the oceans rage and it seems like your boat is about to sink God does not expect you to start putting out the water in an attempt to save your own life he expects you to call on him and be still so that you may know that he is God worrying is like using a bucket to get the water out of a sinking ship when you
could just call out to the one who owns the fight beloved stop playing God's role to get the job done focus on yours and he will handle his Psalm 4610 he says be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the earth you may have believed that God is God before now but you need to be still in the face of trials that God is still God worrying is destructive and the worst part of it is it is self-destructive it was this feeling that made
Sarah the mother of Isaac and the wife of Father Abraham to go out of God's way to encourage her husband to take another wife trust God to bring his word to pass in your life take rest and be settled knowing that he is in control there might be storms but he is still the captain of the ship do not let anxiety creep in no Jesus said in the Book of Matthew take no thoughts for your life they are not mere words Jesus meant every word he understood that as long as we feel perturbed we will
continue looking for ways to fix things we can go on and on talking about God's promises to come through for you in the day of trouble but if you do not believe them they are all in vain your struggles may have stayed so long that you feel you are getting used to to them God does not want you to get used to them you might have suffered in pain for years but trust that your joy is coming soon it can never be permanent your situation can change believe it God is the only one that Remains
the Same Through the Ages when the walls come crumbling at your feet stay calm and know that God will come through for you who knows your pain and years years of struggle might be for a purpose though God never Delights in seeing his children suffer there are some trials his children must go through to get to their Promised Land it is synonymous with a Wilderness Journey Seasons when you are tested and Shakeen to your bones Seasons when you feel like running back to your Egypt rather than pursuing God and trusting him to take you through
the Red Sea Beloved the god that led the children of Israel through the Wilderness and Save D them from their enemies is still alive if you were worrying before now then it is time to stop do not waste time worrying about how you will come out of this mess instead get up from the ground and dare to trust Jesus this is all God is asking you to do trust trusting God is easier than worrying yet we often choose the latter it is so sweet and beautiful to trust in God there is no better way to
explain it than experiencing it yourself it brings you so much peace because you're no longer carrying burdens that are not meant for your shoulders he says cast your fears upon me for I care one fascinating thing about little children is their ability to trust they do not bother about how dad will get this done they just believe that he can and he will they do not worry about whatever situation they are and so long as Dad is with and for them no clothes daddy will get me some do I have a pain in my knee
well Dad and Mom will fix it such an easy way to go about life right you are a child of God and he expects you to be the child that you are do not be a grown-up with God be a child sometimes being a grownup means trying to fix things all by yourself other times it means figuring out how God will go about it it is not what you should do you were born to worship and not to worry it may not look like it at the moment but that is the thing about trust it
does not have to look like it if the beginning of everything looks like the end embrace the process it may be painful sad and seemingly foolish but trust God to bring it to a beautiful end as he has promised james24 says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything you see God has a purpose for your trials he is very Visionary and Will
Not Waste anything including your experiences in life he permitted all these trials because he had something in mind trials are often to test the quality of our faith in God they are often a way to test how much we love and trust God moreover God uses them to work out certain virtues in us all of which are to make us more like him whenever the enemy comes hard on you it is important to know that if there is nothing it for you God wouldn't have allowed it that he allowed it enough proof that you have
something to gain in all of it remember often God's blessings come packaged in painful processes if he is preparing you to be his bride then expect some challenging situations if he is preparing you for a future that needs a more mature and knowledgeable you then prepare yourself for trials this is the case even in natural processes no cake is put up for sale or consumption until it is well baked under some degree of heat no one values gold until it is refined under much heat and pressure I can imagine the Mind gold weeping when it
is undergoing the purification process and asking the refiner to reduce the pressure a little bit as funny as this sounds this is what we do to God he knows the amount of heat that is required to make you into who he wants you to be the truth is if he condescends to your plea and takes away the trials you will not arrive at the destination he has in mind no one puts a cake in the oven with the intentions of burning it in the same way God does not intend to kill you through trials he
does not intend to make you suffer for nothing no he has a purpose for your current struggles sometimes he wants to work in you before he can work through you it all starts with learning to to stop worrying about situations you cannot change every true child of God must learn to overcome anxiety because every child trusts their parents to handle what they cannot handle you should be able to weigh your situation and strength and decide to give it all to God once this is done take a rest do not worry for God or ponder about
the O remember he is in control so when you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel and it seems like your life is being dismantled remind yourself that God's preparation sometimes entails unpalatable situations this understanding may not take the pain away but will give it a purpose it will help you go through the process patiently and without murmuring it will help you focus on the purpose of the pain rather than the current effects have you ever wondered how Jesus handled all his sufferings even after knowing that he was going to be spat
on beaten denied and yet crucified I will tell you why he knew the purpose of his suffering and this was how he could bear everything that came his way I thought he would have turned his back on this course after knowing all that was ahead of him but he was so focused on the outcome of his sufferings that he treated lightly the pains he was going through if only you would determine to focus on the purpose of what what you are going through Hebrews 1223 says fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfector of
faith for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God consider him who endured such opposition so you will not grow weary and lose heart the knowledge of God's purpose will give you the patience to endure trials are not Sweet Moments and so God is asking you to endure and not enjoy the process it might get to the point where you feel you can't continue anymore you may be tempted to give up on God but look up to Jesus
and draw strength God loves you too much to have forgotten you in your pains give up give up on yourself give up on your will wisdom and trust God believe that a beautiful ending awaits you when he has his way in all things let us pray dear Lord we say thank you we are grateful for your wisdom even in knowing what is best for us it may be hard to let go of ourselves but trust in you remains one of the most beautiful experiences we can ever have today we pray for our brothers and sisters
your sons and daughters who are struggling to trust you we ask that you reveal yourself to them through your word help them to see you as you are so they can set you as the pillar and anchor of their lives oh we ask for a sound mind we ask that you help every one of them to be able to discern the suggestions of the enemy help them guard their hearts against all evil thoughts that may birth anxiety and doubt in jesus' name for the hearts already held captive by the power of worry we ask that
you lose them in the name of Jesus we ask that you heal their minds and their hearts and help them to be able to trust again father we know from your past victories that you always show up on time so we ask that you help your sons and daughters to be hopeful help them to be persuaded that you will show up right before they give up on you King Jesus we ask that you teach us to patiently endure trials so we will not miss out on your blessings for many who are oblivious to your plans
for their lives we ask that you open their eyes to see we ask that the purpose of every challenging situation be revealed to us keep our eyes focused on you we ask that our attention be shifted from our problems to you may we not be rebellious and find ourselves going through the same thing over and over again teach us to love the place you have given us and to accept it wholeheartedly may we not be found carving out paths for ourselves outside your way in Jesus name Lord we need the right people around us in
this season of our lives so we ask that you keep those with a negative energy far from us and surround us with believers who will encourage us through psalms and exhort Us by the scriptures in Jesus name we ask for your peace that the world cannot give henceforth we will experience your peace may we be so calm and undisturbed by the happenings around us may we not be tossed here and there by the feeling of Abandonment in jesus' name sometimes it may get so rough that we cannot feel your presence around us in such times
we ask that you help us to believe your word over how we feel in jesus' name keep us strong hopeful and faithful through this and beyond for in Jesus glorious name we have prayed amen if you enjoyed this video make sure to like comment and share with others it encourages us to do more and if you are yet to subscribe to the Channel please do God bless you
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