🥇 GENERALIDADES DE ENCÉFALO, Anatomía. (Divisiones - Partes) ¡Explicación Sencilla!

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Anatomía Fácil por Juan José Sánchez
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Video Transcript:
hi how are things? Welcome to a new anatomical video on this channel, easy anatomy by Juan José Sánchez, today I bring you a video, well we start with neuroanatomy, we will talk about the generalities of the brain, the generalities of this little piece of the central nervous system, we are going to see basically how we are going to name it and how we are going to divide it, talk about the brain, imagine that is very long, we are going to make a series of videos, there will be 25, 30, 35 videos, I don't have them yet, let's say in outline, but they are not yet developed everyone, and then we will upload it little by little, remember that all the slides that you see that I use for my videos are available in the link that appears in the description of the videos, very well when we talk about brain well literally the word in means inside and cephalon means head, that is, everything that is in the head and the brain is really the portion of the central nervous system that is housed inside the skull ok, and that together with the spinal cord make up the central nervous system , then those are the two major components of the central nervous system, the brain, the uppermost part, and the spinal cord, which is an extension of that brain, so they have to get used to the fact that when we refer to the whole we must call it the brain, really. It is called the brain but we are going to see that the brain is only a small part of the brain, however for the colloquial jargon it is more understandable to refer to the brain when we refer to the brain, but from an anatomical point of view it is wrong to call everything the brain.
the brain, so why is it important to study the brain? especially in humans, well because our brain is very different from the rest of the animals, we have very developed, especially the forebrain that we are talking about right now, which is, very well, what are the major divisions of the brain? Well, there are three major divisions of the brain, a forebrain, a midbrain and a hindbrain.
There are other anatomical terms, for example, the forebrain is called the forebrain as a whole, forebrain or forebrain, we call the midbrain the mesencephalon. and we call the hindbrain hindbrain, so I repeat, forebrain prosencephalon, midbrain mesencephalon and hindbrain hindbrain, we are going to see in broad strokes what structures are found within each of these divisions, when we talk about the forebrain, we talk basically of two portions, first the telencephalon and second the one that I put here in yellow which is the diencephalon, then see that everything ends in the cephalon and that is what confuses the students, this is a scheme that you must learn, the forebrain is made up in turn by the telencephalon and the diencephalon, the telencephalon for its part, which with this series of videos that we are going to begin is literally what we call the brain, are all those turns, those convolutions that you see when you see a brain from the outside, That is what we call the brain, in fact the brain is more synonymous with the telencephalon, it is more specific, see that it is only this portion that is shaded here in green, and in addition to having those cerebral hemispheres, there are some structures that are between the hemispheres. which are also part of the telencephalon, such as the septum pellucidum, very good, then we have the diencephalon, which the diencephalon is not like the telencephalon because the telencephalon is double, we are going to see it with a right cerebral hemisphere, a cerebral hemisphere left, in the diencephalon we begin to find some double structures, but there are other structures that are central, that are found in the midline, that are unique, so in this diencephalon we are going to find structures such as the thalamus, like the hypothalamus, like the pituitary glands, for example, which would already be diencephalic structures, very good, now the midbrain, for its part, is the only one of the three that does not divide, the midbrain will only be made up of that midbrain, which is this structure that is here As you see it, the hindbrain has two subdivisions, we are going to talk about each of them, but first don't get carried away.
of the video [Music] it is vitally important that you subscribe to the channel below where you see that it says subscribe to, click and you are automatically subscribed to the more than 215 videos almost on the channel and well we continue to grow or if there is any video that If you can't find it here, let me know in the comments, I always read them and take them into account when making the other videos. We had stayed on the hindbrain, which is the posterior brain. Here in green we indicated the midbrain, which is the brain.
The middle brain, for its part, this rhombencephalon or hindbrain, is subdivided just as the forebrain does. This rhombencephalon, for its part, is divided by a more superior portion, which I put here in yellow, called the metencephalon, and a more inferior portion. What is the myelencephalon here in red?
Now what large structures make up the metencephalon? Let's see that towards posterior we find the famous cerebellum and towards anterior we find the famous pons, barollium bridge they also call it, then cerebellum and pons make me the metencephalon, which in turn is the first portion of the rhombencephalon or posterior brain, the last part of the most distal extension, let's say, of this brain is the myelencephalon, this myelencephalon is made up of a single structure called the medulla oblongata, of course I will tell you one, but well when we see deeper anatomy we will see that there are other structures that are found there, but I speak broadly, this medulla oblongata is also known as the medulla oblongata, you will also frequently find it with that name and this medulla oblongata is continuous with the spinal cord, but the spinal cord is a structure that is not the brain, the brain ends in the medulla oblongata, spinal cord + brain make up the central nervous system, now what are each of these, let's say, portions responsible for more or less? Of course in a general way, for example the telencephalon is the most human part of all because it is the part that humans have the most developed, it is where the famous cerebral cortex is located that gives us the ability to language, to communicate, to understand, of understanding, of having let's say logic in our ideas, of reasoning is not given by the telencephalon, by the way in the cerebral hemispheres each turn of those that are neurons that each have a function, then we also have the septum pellucidum which is a structure that communicates both cerebral hemispheres, for example, sorry about the corpus callosum, I'm talking about the corpus callosum, which is this circle that you see here, which is responsible for uniting both cerebral hemispheres so that they work together to tell you quickly, for their part In the diencephalon it is important because there are structures such as the hypothalamus, which is a very important regulatory center for the body's metabolism, as well as the pituitary gland, which secretes a large amount of hormones that regulate the entire body, there we also find to the thalami, which are the centers, let's say, of interreception and sending of information, that is, it is a center of, to put it in another type of language, relay between communication between the hemispheres and the rest of the structures of the brain, for its part.
part in the midbrain is important, there we find a center for the integration of vision, a center that also helps to integrate hearing and in this midbrain we will continue with the rhombus, in the rhombus we find towards the back the cerebellum, important for posture, for the movement, yes, that cerebellum is very important, also very developed in mammals, especially in humans, and forward, the pons, which is also important, because I forgot to tell you that the nuclei are found in the midbrain, in the pons, and in the medulla. of the cranial nerves, in addition to also structures that control the vital part of the human body, control circulation , which is the center of respiration, so a fairly important structure, meanwhile in the medulla oblongata there are the nuclei of several cranial pairs, but especially the cranial pairs that have to do with the tongue, which have to do with the innervation of structures of the throat, so basically this is how it works large of this brain, we are going to see that within the brain there is a set of cavities and we are going to relate each one with the corresponding parts, the first and the second ventricle, so called the lateral ventricles, they are found in the cerebral hemispheres, that is say inside them in the telencephalon, we are going to see that also in this forebrain, really here I put them under the tencephalon but it includes the entire forebrain, we find the rostral part of the third ventricle, specifically this rostral or anterior part of the third ventricle is found in the telencephalon, it is important, this is a lateral view, these are the lateral ventricles, which are nothing more than cavities and this one in the middle is a single one called the third ventricle, on the part of the diencephalon there it is where we find most of the third ventricle, remember that the diencephalon was here more or less in the middle, in any case this one you see here is the third ventricle, you already know that the most anterior part corresponds to the telencephalon, but most of it which is the posterior one corresponds to the diencephalon, then see that we have a duct, we continue descending through those intra-brain cavities which is the cerebral aqueduct, it is found specifically in the midbrain, finally at the level of the hindbrain in general we are going to find the fourth ventricle and that dilation that we see there are just four ventricles, two lateral, the third and the fourth and also a little lower down we find the famous duct, you will say well and what are those cavities inside the brain for? It is that nothing more and nothing less than the cerebrospinal fluid circulates through these cavities , that is why it is important to study and get to know them and well, in the following days I will make videos about each of these cavities, their limits and their anatomy, it is important to highlight To finish the video, the concept of the brain stem, this varies a little according to the literature, why?
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