You Are “GOD” Experiencing “LIFE” In HUMAN FORM

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Library of Tehuti
Here I teach the truth about your divine nature in our part 2 in the YOU’RE GOD series. Explore the ...
Video Transcript:
you are God an expression of the Divine Source a God Particle existing in human form God uses Humanity to experience itself in this state in human form but you aren't actually human you are a soul an expression of that God and you are that God itself there are even other states of Consciousness like animals that God uses to experience what those forms of life are like as well let me be clear on what I mean when I say God I'm not referring refering to the concept of God as defined by organized religions the term God
itself has a complex atmology often rooted in Indo-European languages meaning to call or to invoke but we're talking about something far more profound and all-encompassing we're referring to what tahuti also known as th the Atlantean calls the all the infinite intelligence the source of all existence it's what the Hindus call Brahman the Ultimate Reality the absolute or total Consciousness from which all existence emerges this is part two of the your God Series where this time I'll talk even deeper about these mystical Concepts written about in ancient texts and experienced first hand by us at the
library I'll help you to get a better understanding of this Mystic truth think when you say I am who is that I it's not your body your thoughts or your emotions it's not even the voice in your head that you might mistake for your true self as we discussed in our mental chatter video that inner voice the ego isn't the real you the real you is the awareness behind all of that the infinite Consciousness the primordial awareness deliberately manifesting itself into this specific Human Experience there's a misinterpreted Concept in hermeticism that refers to all is
mind and that isn't true sometimes when people follow a spiritual path or religion they tend to misinterpret the true meaning of what the teacher is saying hermeticism was taught by Hermes Tris magistus which is seen as the final incarnation of tahuti so what I'm about to tell you about the all is the root of all hermeticism and narian ISM from ancient Kemet and ancient Atlantis in The Emerald Tablets tahuti writes in tablet 7 turn thy thoughts inward not outward find thou the light Soul within know that thou are the master all else is is brought
from within he's not saying think or the universe's mind which often gets interpreted as use your head or mind power trumps all true wisdom has a lot less to do with the brain and according to what tahuti is saying we should be looking within he's telling us that our true nature our light soul is not separate from the all but a direct expression of it listen your Human Experience every success every failure every ecstasy all the pain isn't happening to you it's happening to your body you as a soul are a part of the all
are watching those experiences getting caught up and attached to all of those emotions and circumstances breathe let that bubble in your brain for a minute you are simultaneously a part of the all and the whole of the all experiencing life in human form every thought in your head every beat of your heart every cell in your body it's all the infinite intelligence in action in experience in expression but the real you isn't even that you are the soul not the body this understanding doesn't just change the game it reveals that you are the game the
player and the playing field all at once it's not about becoming Divine you already are it's about peeling back the layers of forgetting misidentification and remembering your true nature you must be careful with ego because much of the wisdom I'm teaching is dangerous and many Mystics and ancestors have used this realization for negative aims Please interpret this in truth and walk a path towards the light towards Divine righteousness tahuti tells us in tablet 11 blend thou thy soul in the great Essence one with the great light let thy Consciousness be this is the key to
realizing your true nature not as a separate entity but as an integral part of the all if you're starting to understand what I'm saying here at a deep level then give us a like And subscribe I'll help guide you while you'll help us as well okay let me tell you about the role of challenges and what that means for you as the [Music] soul on your path to understand your true nature as an expression of the all you're probably now at what looks like a paradox if we are Divine Consciousness experiencing human form why do
we face challenges pain or suffering this question leads us to one of the most mystical teachings from tahou's Emerald Tablets the concept of the Lord of three and the role of challenging Cosmic Evolution duuti speaks of the Lord of three as a powerful entity that governs the cycles of Life Death and rebirth in the Mortal realm this enigmatic figure presents Souls with challenges designed not to punish but to purify and strengthen as tahuti shares his talks with the Lord of three in the Hall of amenti before me arose a great Throne of Darkness veiled on
it seated a figure of Night darker than Darkness sat the great figure dark with a Darkness not of the night when he says dark with a Darkness not of the night he's referring to the darkness of the Lord of three isn't evil it's not like the darkness of the brothers of Darkness who are evil entities what religions would call demonic spirits the Lord of Threes Darkness isn't evil in the conventional sense it's a catalyst for growth a necessary contrast that allows the light of Consciousness to know itself more fully the Lord of three explains these
are lights that are souls among men growing and fading existing forever changing yet living through death into life when they have bloomed into a flower reached the Zenith of growth in their life swiftly then send I my veil of darkness shrouding and changing to new forms of life he says once you've bloomed and done great in life I send my challenges to you A lot of them ugly and nasty those apparent setbacks we face in life but far from being punishments or obstacles these are opportunities for growth and evolution just as a muscle grows stronger
through resistance you and me as Souls grow stronger through overcoming challenges the Nuance here is deep the Lord of three doesn't create suffering for its own sake no this entity presents us with specific experiences that push us to our limits forcing us to expand our Consciousness and tap into deeper reservoirs of strength and wisdom these challenges are not random they are tailored to your specific Journey as a soul and your current level of development also the Lord of three operates on multiple levels simultaneously on the personal level it manifests as the challenges we face in
our daily lives on a collective level its power is seen in the trials faced by societies and civilizations think about your most difficult experiences didn't they Forge you into who you are today didn't they give you depth resilience and compassion this is Cosmic Alchemy in action the transformation of lead into gold of suffering into wisdom but it's not just about personal growth each challenge you overcome contributes to the evolution of the collective Consciousness affecting the entire fabric of reality you're not just passively experiencing these challenges you have the power to actively transmute them this is
where practices like Shadow work meditation chiong yoga ASAS pranayama emotional release techniques and somatic experiencing come in these are timeless techn IES of cosmic self-realization the key is to approach these challenges with awareness and intention when we Face our trials unconsciously we often get stuck in patterns of reactivity and victimhood but when we approach them with the understanding that they are growth opportunities we can transmute them into fuel for our spiritual Evolution try this close your eyes and bring to mind a challenging experience from your past now instead of seeing it as as something that
happened to you see it as something you as the all chose to experience for your own growth feel the shift in perspective feel the power it gives you feel the power recognize your deeper purpose and your own role in choosing it this doesn't mean you should seek out pain or remain in harmful situations but it does mean that when challenges arise you can approach them with a new level of of understanding and empowerment tahuti reminds us know ye that ye shall ever go onward moved by the law of cause and effect until in the end
both become one your challenges your darkest moments these aren't happening to you they're happening through you as you for Cosmic self-discovery remember the darkness presented by the Lord of three is fundamentally different from the influence of the brothers of Darkness I explained in an old video while the brothers of Darkness want to keep Souls trapped in ignorance and fear the challenges presented by the Lord of three are opportunities for growth and Ascension the brothers of Darkness operate through deception and manipulation while the Lord of three operates through the natural laws of cause and effect comment
below if you want me to make a new video on the two evils we [Music] face so how do you live from this inner standing how do you navigate the seemingly mundane aspects of human life while knowing your the all in flesh first recognize that every moment is a deliberate Act of cosmic creation that annoying coworker that's the all two playing a different role in The Cosmic drama that traffic jam it's the infinite Consciousness creating an opportunity for patience and presence every experience no matter how seemingly trivial is a sacred Act of the all experiencing
itself through you remember what tahuti taught us turn thy thoughts inward not outward find thou the light Soul within know that thou are the master all else is brought from within this is more than positive thinking it's about recognizing that your inner World shapes your outer reality as you align with your true nature as the all you'll find that external circumstances begin to reflect this Inner Harmony practice what the Zen Buddhists call choiceless awareness instead of always trying to control your experience allow yourself to be a witness to the cosmic play unfolding through you watch
your thoughts emotions and Sensations arise and pass away without judgment or attachment this is the real you as a Timeless Soul this is the all observing itself through your human form live with purpose but hold that purpose lightly remember you're not just here to achieve goals you're here to experience the full spectrum of human existence your purpose in life is to remember your true nature as part of the all to realize that you as the soul are Immortal you've always been Immortal you exist in human form currently but you aren't human you're a multi-dimensional being
of light a fragment of universal Consciousness experiencing itself through the lens of physical reality treat your body as the temple it is but don't get attached to it your body is a magnificent instrument through which the all experiences physical reality honor it care for it but remember you are not your body you are the Consciousness experiencing through the body the body is temporary but you as the all are Eternal practice intense deep compassion for yourself and others remember everyone you meet is also the all in human form having their own unique experience as you recognize
the Cosmic nature in yourself learn to see it in others too especially those who challenge you the most this is the path to True Unity Consciousness embrace your emotions fully but don't be controlled by them your emotions are the all experiencing the full spectrum of human feeling allow them to flow through you without resistance but remember you are the awareness experiencing these emotions not the emotions themselves this is part of the cosmic Alchemy transforming all experiences into wisdom cultivate gratitude not just for the good experiences but for all experiences they're all part of the cosmic
play all opportunities for growth and self-realization even your challenges are gifts deliberately chosen by you as a soul for your Evolution remember the wisdom of the Lord of three every challenge is an opportunity for growth and Ascension this understanding isn't meant to separate you from others or make you feel super Superior it's meant to connect you more deeply with all of existence you're not special because you're the all everything and everyone is this realization should lead to profound humility and a deep sense of unity with all of life
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