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South Korean politicians are Al Mor they will do literally everything to try and fix their birth rate problem rather than getting to the main cause the literally everything includes a politician promoting keegle exercises or suggesting girls start school a year earlier than boys to make them more appealing what what the [ __ ] are you talking about if you ever watched any of bong johon who's movies movies you would know that the main message of all of his amazing movies is South Korea is a [ __ ] up place this country is literally ran by Samsung LG and Hundai Kia they have a horrible work in school culture but by far the most important quote unquote challenge they face is the horribly low birth rate they have it is the worst in the world and it's recently plummeted down to 0. 72 births per woman a country needs a birth rate of 2. 1 to keep their current population let alone grow it and they're at 0.
72 so why do the South Korean women not want to make babies with these handsome Rich cute little twinks they [ __ ] with the other guy they ask me to give up my seat South Korea is Miles Ahead in misogyny technology than every other country in the world among Korean men there is a widespread perception that designated seats for pregnant women are an excessively female friendly policy to the point where it became a trend on the internet to protest this policy by posting photos of dudes sitting in these seats as a form of protest imagine you're a woman in South Korea right you already have these unbelievable unrealistic beauty standards where to be considered pretty you have to be basically a super model South Korea has the most plastic surgeries per capita in the world with over 1 million operations happening every year and with every 1 in four women aged 19 to 29 already having plastic surgery done with men being 2% on top of this these [ __ ] decide to give you the largest wage gap on the planet for your hard work and they only decriminalized abortion in 2021 3 years ago it's not legal now but it's not illegal either me personally if I was a woman I would be crashing out and tweaking man [ __ ] men in particular but not literally which is how the 4B movement spawned which means no dating marriage child birth or sex with dudes and when your country's laws about women are written by Jon Jones and hary Weinstein with intense misogyny discriminatory laws and the highest wage gup in the world it is no surprise this movement spawned in South Korea you know what does not help either South Korea being the most expensive place in the world to raise a child costing around $270,000 to raise a child until the age of 18 in second place is the Glorious People's Republic of China Taiwan South Korea your destiny is to be obliterated into nothing by a Chinese dong Fang missile South Korea has this phenomenon called academic elitism where basically if you don't go to the best universities they have to offer your life is basically over you're going to get a shitty job no money you'll be sucking dick behind the KFC on die hakro Street for money and then there are the sky universities Soul Korea and Yonce universities whether or not you get into one of these three universities decides your financial and social position in the country for the rest of your life it's like parkour civilization so there's a huge pressure on the Korean youth to get into one of these which is why private tutoring has a whole term for it called hagw ones and why it's a$ 20 billion industry because every parent no matter their financial capability wants their child to succeed and since Korean Society is set up in a way where you need to go into the sky schools Korean households spend more on private tutoring than housing and food because of these exorbitant prices households can barely afford one kid let alone more and they also probably don't want to put their kids through the same education hell hole they went through an 8 Hour entrance exam I real question 48 hours with D or 8 Hour entrance exam that decides the rest of your life discuss in the comments below the Korean entrance exam csat AKA Cox ass torture literally has killer questions that are [ __ ] questions just to make the student scores lower a lot of times these questions aren't included in normal schools either but are only included in these priv private tutoring schools so already if your kid is not in those expensive private cram schools he's set back by this capitalist [ __ ] hole called South Korea and these killer questions are either some insane deluded algebra questions that have not been solved by any mathematician ever or some obscure literary takeouts what did Tyler respond to Kai sonat when Kai asked her out on a DAT oh my God bro they only decided to remove these questions last year so good job on that but Koreans still spend nearly $20 billion a year on these private tutoring schools usually what happens in a normal quantin day is they go to school from 8 a. m. to 4:00 p.
m. already 8 hours of classes and then goes to the private crme school which usually goes from 6:00 to 9:00 already 11 hours of classes and then the rest of the day is spent studying at home before falling asleep and lacking on sleep a lot of people estimate that they spend 12 to 17 hours a day just studying hey why are the fertility rates bro if you told me I had to study 15 hours a day the last thing on my mind would be making kids I would to make kids out of spite of what this world has to offer because why would I want to let my kids go through this hell hole called studying in South Korea a big part of their demographic crisis is that they are extremely urbanized and as all problems it always comes down to [ __ ] real estate over half of South Korea lives in the so metropolitan area and because that's where all the sky universities are so everyone who want wants to live well has to live in sa and also because there are a bunch of construction restrictions that don't allow for a lot of housing to be built so the limited housing in Soul is basically a bidding war between Samsung hups normal South Koreans and the guy from squid game and the bidding war usually ends in the Samsung hups buying these apartments renting it to normal South Koreans for huge sums of money and the guy from squid game sucking dick behind the Shake Shack in Yung district for 25001 so he can keep chain smoking his sa lights in 1928 Stalin started the first 5-year plan and the goal was to move these stupid dumb illiterate peasant Farmers out from the farms and get them into cities where there was Big Industry and make them make tractors and a bunch of other cool [ __ ] by moving illiterate peasants out from these big farms and cramming them into Apartments the Soviet Union's birth rate crashed in peasant farmer societies children are usually encouraged because they're more of a free labor and not as much of a financial burden however in cities raising children is expensive and you also don't get a large family to help with farming you're all alone in that Samsung factory resulting in this where you can clearly see that the fertility rates in big cities are much much lower than their less urbanized areas in Vienna's airport they made the benches purposefully uncomfortable to keep people from sleeping on it a real dedicated sleeper like me will never succumb to the capitalist invention of anti-homeless infrastructure and even though these metal roads were hitting me straight in my hips I had an amazing 8 hour long sleep in this airport governments will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars building anti-homeless infrastructure just for me to sleep on it when the only anti-homeless infrastructure that works is giving the homeless homes and yeah South Korea is cooked on all fronts not only everything I mentioned but also their views are literally the complete opposite of women it's like the South Korean male population thinks women are their enemy because what even is this divide it's literally just two opposite extreme dreams and the chances of them getting along to the point where they would want to have children is slim to none because of this toxic work education and dating culture South Korea has the highest self- end rate in a first world country recently I went out for a walk into bisi with geopal discussing important topics such as Diddy and skiy toilet and when I came back to my apartment my Lenova monitor had broken itself Hong Kong had disappointed me the warranty people told me it would take 3 weeks to order me a new one and I would genuinely rather be waterboarded did not have access to my computer for 3 weeks so I went ahead and got a new Samsung monitor with this I contributed to the mafia not so secretly running the country of South Korea in 2017 the son of the chairman of Samsung literally bribed the president for a corporation favor that would benefit Samsung and then got exposed for it the president got overthrown and Lee got sentenced to 5 years in prison then they reduced it to 2.