that they believe for instance that being a woman is should be merely the first step in a wider mission to bring down capitalism now I don't think most women are on board with that and most women would be rather surprised to be utilized in this fashion but that is very clearly and explicitly and I quote the the various Scholars and writers who've been pushing this for years this is explicitly the aim it's a basis for madness um uh when people say the gay community who are you talking about it's like women think this oh really
fifty percent of the species all agree on something uh blacks say this really um now this is uh let me put it another way if if somebody said I don't know um I just love the working class see who yeah um I just love the middle class who I love the albatross who who are you talking about and it's the same with this why why would we be why would we be falling for this interpretation of society as depending solely or primarily on interest groups based on gender sex sexual orientation race and a bit more
why would we be doing that why would we be taking the individualism out of individuals and lumping them in these demonstrably incoherent bodies that don't even exist they don't even exist the LGBT community take me to your leader come on and it's why as I say you can always predict exactly who is going to latch on to the latest claim when when for instance the big bearded man with male genitalia wins the women's weightlifting competition You can predict with 100 accuracy who is going to say yeah what's the problem with that and the people who
are going to say hmm I'm not sure Clive the big weight lifter should be winning the women's category You can predict it and the people who say why have you got a problem with that bigot are always the same people who believed in the past that our societies needed to be pulled apart in another fashion and now they'd like to do it in this fashion has this hideous red interior which keeps exposing itself as Desiring not not a better relationship between ourselves and our environment but for instance the end of capitalism this new morality we're
trying to construct relies on us pretending we know about things that we don't know about trans and simultaneously demands that we pretend not to know about things that we all knew till yesterday [Music]