Mechanic Is Crushed By Truck; Sent To The Next Dimension Where He Meets God (NDE)

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The Other Side NDE
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and from above I'm just up there like and it it's weird but it seems so normal I think because it is in the spirit realm I just looked down I'm like oh those angels are down there to help that guy that's nice just watching that's when Shannon the red-haired lady came in she gets down she gets on her knees and she's feeling for a pulse the angels are still there and there was a guy on the passers side front corner of the truck and what I would call Farmer bibs just those gray bibs with the
blue stripes big guy had his arms crossed there was a little guy next to him and as she's feeling for a pulse I listened as he said to her Shannon he said it's too late he's passed today's nde story is sponsored by ag1 a daily foundational nutrition supplement designed to support whole body Health ag1 delivers high quality vitamins and nutrients from Whole Foods prebiotics and probiotics that enhance gut health and overall nutrient absorption it's formulated with over 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food sourced ingredients that work together to fill nutritional gaps and support your body's
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thee Otherside nde to get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 plus K2 and five ag1 travel packs with your first purchase thanks to ag1 for sponsoring today's video so my near-death experience actually happened in November 16th 2006 so it's been quite a while already I own a business my wife and I own the business where we I traveled around the stage mechanic she did the paperwork but I did on-site diesel repair so there are all kinds of places that diesel engines need to be worked on that somebody has to go onsite to do it
and they can't be brought to a garage and that's exactly what I specialized in doing I had all these tools on a truck and I would just go from place to place it could be in a gravel pit or in a farmers field or wherever but the day of the accident I was actually working on a peterb logging truck in a logging business about an hour south of our home in an area very rural area as you'd imagine that a logging business would be located I was called called on to the job because this big
Peter belt logging truck had a coolant leak it was leaking antifreeze so I came in I worked with their mechanic the gentleman who worked at that facility as the mechanic there just didn't have the training or tooling to do the engine repair like I did so that's why they brought me in as like a engine repair specialist so Tuesday Wednesday Thursday we worked on it we got to the end of the day and on Thursday and in order to test the repair I had the other mechanic Leonard start it up so the engine's running maybe
I don't know 15 or 20 minutes hard to get an engine up to temperature inside a garage on without it being under load or a pull so again it's running in there you know at a high idle just to try and build temperature I'm put wiping my tools off put them my back in my truck and the other mechanic walked up tapped me on the shoulder and said hey before you go could you look at one more thing he had a dirty spot in the engine that he knew was seeping oil and he wanted me
to diagnose that and I didn't answer I remember looking up at the clock and it said 6:10 p.m. I left my house that morning at 6:00 a.m. arrived on job site at like 7:00 a.m. it was going to be over a 13-hour day if I walked out the door right then so I didn't really want to work on and anything else he's reading my mind as I'm looking at the clock and he said hey you don't have to fix it you don't have to take a lot of time he said I just want you to
diagnose it figure out what the problem is so if you were to stand in front of one of these big class eight the biggest semi- trucks there are and there's a big front bumper if you were to get on your knees and look from the front of the truck towards the back of the truck underneath that front bumper or that space what you'd see is lowest thing to the ground on these big trucks is the front axle and the reason why is the two front wheels when you turn your steering wheel the wheels are connected
to that axle and it drops down on each side and just goes from the left side side to the right side you know of the left side of the truck to the right side of the truck and this big steel I beam is maybe you know four five six Ines deep front to back and you know six seven8 inches tall but it carries 5 to six tons of weight so 10 to 12,000 pounds of weight just on the two front tires it's not the weight of the truck but that is the weight of just what's
on those two front tires so Leonard had jacked up that axle he placed a bottle jack just a round bottle jack underneath the passenger side of the of the axle had jacked it up it removed the passenger side front wheel so now this truck has been sitting on the jack with the wheel removed for 3 days it's been running for 15 or 20 minutes and now he wants me to go underneath it and look and see if I can diagnose where the oil leak is from so there's a tool that mechanics used called The Creeper
and his creeper was a real piece of junk it was plastic it was holoc cor there was no real small wheels at each on and the problem with those kind of creepers is that every garage floor has cracks every garage floor has piece of gravel and stuff and so it's really hard to roll across those little obstacles with the little bitty small wheels I remember looking down at the creeper and thinking I didn't want to get on it was just going to make me mad I turned on and looked in the back of my service
truck where I've got my Snap-on creeper with great six great big wheels and a steel framework and I remember thinking I just wanted to go home I didn't want to take the time to unstrap my creeper so I got on his creeper and thank goodness I did because literally was a difference between getting crushed in half or getting cut in half so I get on his Hol cor plastic creeper I lay on it on my back and if you can imagine I went underneath the front bumper feet first just barely able just enough space to
go underne the front bumper so I go all the way underneath the truck the bumper is now back here behind my head and the axle you know again the axle is like you know a dollar bill wide front to back where it happened to end up is right across the soft part of my belly so from the basically the bottom of my ribs to my pelvic that whole area where your belly button is the axle was going from one side to the other being held up on a jack on my left side over here passenger
side of the truck and on this side of the right side of the truck there's a wheel the wheel is still attached so I'm laying underneath it I'm looking at the bottom of the engine and the area that had the dirty spot and I came to the conclusion of what I thought it was I didn't need the truck running anymore so I yelled out to the mechanic Leonard go ahead shut off the engine as I said the driver side wheel is still attached to the axle it's still on the ground the passer side being held
up by the Jack now typically when you would Jack something up you would use jack stands or blocking to take the weight off the Jack and put it on the safety equipment Jacks are lifting devices they're not designed to hold weight unfortunately when he had jacked it up he had not put any jack stands or blocking had not taken the weight off it so I looked underneath the truck before crawling underneath and I saw that there was no safety equip I made the choice to go underneath there anyway again it had been on there for
3 days i' been running 15 20 minutes so when I said shut the engine off he got inside the truck to shut it off and when he did Big Peter belts have most of them have air suspension they're known for that so the truck shifted and rocked as he got in the truck which would be normal based on that kind of suspension but when he did there was movement over here in my perf Vision my left eye and I turned my head just in time to see the jack that is supposed to be holding up
the axle had slipped out when he got in the truck and everything had shifted and as I'm looking over there the literally the axle is here and this is the jack that's supposed to be holding up the jack it slipped all the way out and it was teetering on the edge and before I could do anything the Jack shot out in this five to six tons of weight so 10 to 12,000 pounds of steel fell through the middle of my body and on the left side over here is where it hit the cement again being
held up on the right side or driver's side with the wheel if you could imagine you know 10 to 12,000 lounds of Steel dropping let's say a foot you know our l or whatever it was and hitting the cement it just was this crazy explosion noise but the weird thing was mixed in with this loud explosion noise of the several tons of steel dropping to hit the cement was inside of me I heard mixed with it like swishing swirling liquid noise which is really bizarre come to find out the liquid was me so when the
truck fell through me blood shot up my throat out of my mouth and onto the cement and I remember looking down and seeing the blood on the cement and at that point I just said Lord help me I remember saying it twice I'm not sure why I said it the second time and in case I was worried that he wasn't going to listen the first time or what but I said Lord when I say Lord I'm referring to Jesus and and I just said Lord help me twice and then I looked down and I could
see on this side where the axle is on the ground over here touching on the passage side coming up at an angle cu the driver side wheel is still attached after it had fallen through me there was about one inch of space approximately between on the left side of my body between the bottom of the axle and the cement so I know how wide you know again I know how wide the axle is front to back basically taking up all the space between the bottom of my rib and my pelvic front to back wise and
all the way side to side so on the right side of me there was maybe two inches of space so maybe I was approximately two inches thick according to the doctor reports the Radiology reports I don't have a belly button anymore but where I used to straight from Back to the back of my back is my L4 L5 vertebrae and according to the Radiology reports the doctor reports I had two broken vertebrae they were spider cracked and d-shaped L4 L5 were the two that were broken so I was literally thinner than my spine in the
middle of my body thinner than that on the left side and thicker than that on the right side so everything in here completely crushed I can't even tell you how bad it hurt the pain was off the charts plastic holoc cor creeper collapsed to nothing it just flattened out to nothing because there's no wheels there there's nothing it's just again a plastic Hollow thing so it flattened out if I would have been on my snapon creeper right there in the middle is an extra crossmember that's an inch thick an extra set of wheels and instead
of the creeper I was on just collapsed instead of doing that if I would have been on that my creeper with the steel crossmember right there that's the thickness of the crossmember is the thickness of how thick I was so instead of being just crushed to you know however thin I was I would have been sheared into two pieces because of the steel framework so again that in itself was huge thing so the truck is on top of me the engine's still running he didn't shut the engine off because the Jack slipped out before he
could shut the engine off so he got down out of the truck and the bumper like I said is behind my head there's a gap underneath on the driver's side between the bottom of the bumper and the cement and the garage floor and he's looking at me underneath the truck and we're looking at each other from my point of view from his point of view all we could see was my ribs up because the axle is so tall or you know this way top to bottom and it had fallen through me so literally I could
just see from my ribs up and I'm looking at him and he's looking at me and he went in the shock seeing my body crushed like that he froze and so I was saying call 911 I kept saying it over and over he wasn't moving it seemed like forever I don't know how long it was and finally he shook out of it and he makes the call says you know truck fell on a guy crushed in half hangs up and as soon as he did I started begging him to shut the engine off because big
diesel engines inherently vibrate because the way they're designed the engine is right literally above me the axle is falling through me and all that weight across the middle of with the big dungon vibrating it felt like it was sawing me in half and and I just kept begging him please shut it off because it was like exaggerating the pain with this thing vibrating on my broken vertebrae and like sa on me so I'm just begging him please shut it off shut off so he got up on the truck he shut it off he went and
got the jack that had shot out and he's trying to figure out how he's going to get the truck off of my body unfortunately when the axle fell there was no way to get the Jack back underneath the axle to jack it up so what he did was as I'm laying under the truck looking to my left side or the pastor side of the vehicle He Slipped the Jack underneath a big suspension component leaf spring so if you were looking on the side purely a side view of the truck where the missing wheel was there's
a big curved leaf spring that attaches to the frame and in the bottom of that leaf spring is where the axles attached to so he slid the Jack underneath Arc of the big curved leaf spring he slid the Jack underneath it on my left hand side from the front and you don't want to Jack something up with a Arc or curve because the Jack's just going to slip so I was begging him not to jack it up there I was afraid it was going to slip and it was going to follow me again it already
hurt bad enough so I'm looking at him and I'm saying please not there and he just kept there's a little hand it's Emanuel Jack so he's pumping the handle and I'm watching as the jack is just slipping as it's going up the leaf spring I kept saying please don't jack it up there and he said it's the only place I've got there is no other place so he kept jacking finally the edge of the Jack caught on a little bracket a little u-shaped clamp for the ends of the short leaves so it caught on that
now the truck starts going up as he's every pump it's jacking it's going up up up so finally he got the truck off of my body when he did I got to look down and see my body top to bottom for the first time and it was bizarre because I had a work uniform with the name of my company Bruce's mobile service you know a couple patches on my work mechanic uniform whatever but at the very edge bottom of the patches basically where my ribs started my work uniform went straight back fouled along my spine
and came back up with my pelvic so in the middle of my body was this ridiculous flat spot and there was nothing to compare it to I had nothing at all in my brain it was so surreal so bizarre there was nothing to compare to and again it hurts so bad the other thing was I didn't know at the time I had the horrible pain the whole time but as soon as he jacked the truck off my body I felt incredibly weak and the reason why we found out much later because I had five places
that major arteries were completely severed and so as soon as he took the truck off and the weight got taken off all those arteries that were suffered began to bleed out so I was bleeding out internally on the inside of my body in five places doctors told us later that if you have one major artery severed and you can't put a tourniquet on or stop the bleeding you'll bleed out in like 8 to 10 minutes I had five places in the middle on the major arteries that are in the middle of your belly that area
they were severed in you know spleen pancreas a bunch of other stuff as well besides the you know clipped a couple ribs the vertebrae anyway all all the damage in here everything if you can imagine it's in the middle of your belly flat crushed so the weakness is taken over because I'm bleeding out internally I'm panicking because I'm afraid the jacket is going to slip and it's going to fall on me again it already hurt bad enough so I started to beg him to get me off right the truck because of the flat spot that
was so visible he wouldn't touch me most people have been told not to move somebody with a back injury or they could become paralyzed so I kept saying please pull me off from the truck I'm still on the creeper the creeper broke in the middle flattened out and he wouldn't touch me so finally I panicked I reached back I grabbed the bottom of the bumper just back here behind my head it took everything I had and I was able to drag myself out far enough that now like my shoulders and arms were out from underneath
the front sticking out from the bottom of the truck sticking off from underneath that front bumper the rest of my body is underneath the truck I looked and the axle is now over my legs lower part of my legs so I was thinking well if the Jack slips now it's going to fall my legs and break both my legs so then I put my hands on the bumper now that I've you know I dragg myself out this far and I've got my hands on the front of the bumper and I'm just going to try and
do one more push to get myself out the rest of the way and it was right then when I realized as I'm trying to do that push to get myself out that I couldn't breathe both of my lungs were collapsed because the accident had pushed my diaphragm up and collapsed both of my lungs and because of the pain because of the craziness everything going on I hadn't even realized it that I couldn't breathe right until that moment and my heart is just racing as you I'm my body's in shock one of the things about being
in shock is your pulse is highly elevated so my heart is just pounding in my ear and that's what it was my heartbeat just pounding away and I'm trying to do that push I couldn't do it I couldn't taking a breath of air I couldn't breathe I'm trying to suck in the air like my body shaking and my heart was just going B up up up up and what I heard to me I literally heard my heart stop so my heart is racing b b b and it sounded like shutting off an engine just D
D D D D D in the last beat of my heart my spirit left my body it went up in the roof of the garage and now I'm looking down I don't know 14 15 16 feet look looking down in the accent scene the first thing I'm going to say is it was perfect peace I've never felt so good my entire life it was perfect perfect peace so I'm up in the garage perfect peace not feeling pain not feeling fear nothing just up in perfect peace looking down I was so disconnected from the accident scene
that I didn't realize that the guy underneath the truck was me the man that I've been working with Leonard was on his knees and he's running his fingers through my hair and he was crying I could hear every word he was saying he was saying things like I should be the one that's dead not you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm such an old fool stuff like that I didn't care up in the ceil again I didn't it didn't matter to me at all I was just watching it kind of just observing I guess is the
only word I can use just observing up there in perfect peace even though there's chaos going on there so the people from the volunteer fire department are showing up onesie twosies as they got there the first couple guys got there really quick I found out later they're driving on their way home from work in the middle as remote area because they live in that area and so they came in the first two guys the other one stretched out I watched from above as they were coming in and I think one detail that for me and
for that volunteer fire department absolutely proves that the real Bruce my spirit was in the ceiling was the last two people that got there was a red-haired lady named Shannon and an older guy with gray hair and they had come in the back door of the shop so if you can picture this big rectangular truck garage Implement garage where I was working on that um semi- Tru the semi truck was all the way to the back the logging truck my service truck was backed up to it and I had come in and out you know
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday on the main driveway little black top driveway that just goes right out to the road I'd come in and out through that driveway all three days and the other times that I had been at that facility worked there in years previous and everybody all the volunteer fire department people came in through that main door the main door that I did except the last two people that came so I'm just going to fast forward and say I spent the next year in the hospital and when I got out of the hospital I wanted
to go and say thank you to the volunteer fire department people so I called the chief said can I come in on your monthly meeting so he told me the night to come in so I went in there this is a year over a little over a year after the accident I went in there and at a group of 30 people I was able to point out eight of the 10 people who had come to the scene the accent other than the first two people the first two people that got there my heart was still
going but after that the rest of the people that came I had no more heartbeat no more pulse so I was able to tell them the point out people that had come but here's the really cool thing I was able to point out Shan and the red it was easy because it's the only woman and the redhaired lady and the only gray-haired guy those two had come in the back door and in front of the whole group I asked them why did you come in the back door like everybody else came in the front door
like I did like why did you come in the back door and they were because it was over a year later they had to like sit and think about it and they're like oh yeah they had missed theob driveway you know they got their page whatever they missed the driveway saw the flashing lights and there was a secondary driveway they went up to the back of the shop a gravel driveway and they said they just got the secondary Drive came up the back shop came in that back door and you know that's and then she
she got down so as I'm watching from above I'm looking down I'm listening to Leonard the things he's saying and again he's running his fingers through my hair and crying and all that stuff and on each side of Leonard was an angel if Leonard is like 6 foot one 6'2 based on him I want to say they're 8 feet tall easily a couple feet taller than him again on their knees they never talked they never said a word the one from the driver's side reached over and put his hand in the middle of the flat
spot and the one from the P side did the same thing they were obviously men as I'm looking from the backside so I researched this I read through the Bible end to end to try and you know find out all places angels are mentioned I found that they're mentioned in the bible 290 some times you know sometimes they look like normal people sometimes they didn't sometimes they had wings sometimes they didn't the two angels that I saw did not have wings picture two 8 feet tall men they did have bright white shining robes and I
did find in the Bible that that's mentioned a couple times the bright shining robes so they were obviously menant even though I didn't get to see their faces I just got to see their backs they didn't talk they never communicated to me at all never said a word but they did have really long hair there was a belt on their robe and that's right where their hair ended so I mean it was their hair went way down their back um very very muscular and they just reached over touching and from above I'm just up there
like and it it's weird but it seems so normal I think because it is in the spirit realm I just looked down I'm like all those angels are down there to help that guy that's nice just watching that's when Shannon the redhaired lady came in she gets down she gets on her knees and she's feeling for a pulse the angels are still there and there was a guy on the passers side front corner of the truck and what I would call Farmer bibs just those gray bibs with the blue stripes big guy had his arms
crossed there was a little guy next to him and as she's feeling for a pulse I listened as he said to her Shannon he said it's too late he's already passed and she was frantically feeling for a pulse she couldn't figure out why nobody wasn't doing anything well and the reason why they didn't do CPR is I had a massive chest injury so they just stood back and so several minutes have gone by she's feeling for a pulse and he keeps saying it's too late already passed and the next thing as I'm watching above I
see this lady start doing she started slapping that guy in the face down her and she's saying come back so then she said to Leonard the other mechanic that I was working with she said what's his name the guy says Bruce vetta and so the lady gets louder and louder and she's going Bruce vetta come back come back so now figured there's 10 people from the volunteer fire department some First Responders you know they're all volunteers and they're all quietly standing around respectfully talking until she did that and when she started slapping me in the
face and saying come back come back they all quit talking and they were giving her the what are you doing crazy lady look they were just all staring at her and she kept getting louder and louder and all of a sudden my spirit came out from where I was up in the ceiling and the only way I can describe it is every time she said Bruce vett it sounded somewhat familiar is like the only way I can describe it my spirit was creeping down creeping down and when it seemed like it was about half the
way all of a sudden it went in really fast my spirit came into my body and when it did my heart started she said my eyes were completely closed when my heart started my eyes popped open and when my eyes popped open I went from feeling the absolute best I've ever felt in perfect peace so now being in a body that's crushed in half feeling the absolute worst I've ever felt the pain was horrendous and immediately I realized I'd been watching from above and I realized I was the guy under the truck and then it
all came back to me it's like it just real fast came back in my head oh yeah the truck fell on me and it was like oh four-letter word that means fertilizer Oh blank I'm the guy in the truck it just hurts so bad and I just remember saying no I don't want it it hurts too bad I I don't want it and when I made that choice that decision my heart stopped my spirit left my body I went right back up the roof of the garage this time the only thing that was different I
could look down I could see the two angels still leaned over my body I could see Shannon the lady over I could see all the people I mean that was all the same but the thing that was different was going out of the garage at like a 45e angle to my right right out of the roof was a tunnel or a tube with a bright light on the end there's 8 to 10 million people right now they say based on averages have had out of- body or near-death experiences and there's a lot of people have
seen a tunnel with light on the end of it that's what I saw there was a tunnel with light on the end it I knew that I knew that I knew in my spirit that heaven was on the end of the tunnel and I was happy to go and I got in the tunnel and I was rocketing away towards a bright light at a fast super fast pace like a roller coaster I mean like really fast I could feel it like GeForce and so I'm going away rocketing happy to go to heaven but behind me
somewhere I could hear that lady and and she was doing the Bruce to come back come back I got stopped in the tunnel I got sucked backwards out of the tunnel next thing I'm back in the roof again I'm looking down I could see all the people and my spirit came back into my body the second time and when it did this time I looked on my left and I looked on my right with my Earth eyes once my spirit came back in and my heart started again and I looked for the angels and I
couldn't see them there wasn't anything I'm in the natural I couldn't see anything and it really scared me because how bad it hurt and just the fact that I'm terrified because of the horrible pain I got the flat spot I was out of body so it's just very very scary and it was in that chaos is the best word I guess is in the middle of all that chaos and pain that I heard a still small whisper inside of me as I I guess the only way I can describe it and basically the Bible says
the Holy Spirit lives inside of Christians God is Holy Spirit he spoke and he just whispered to me just simply said if you want to live you're going to have to fight and it's going to be a hard fight you know that's one of the things I love about God is he doesn't lie he doesn't BS he doesn't exaggerate he just tells it straight up like it is and I didn't want to fight it hurt too bad and I said screw it I don't want to fight and the second time my heart stops my spirit
leaves my body I went up in the roof of the garage now the third time up in the roof of the garage and the tunnel opens up for the second time I got in the tunnel I started rocking away towards heaven happy to go to heaven and be in that perfect peace and this lady is slapping me in the face I get stopped sucked backwards out of the tunnel I look down I could see the angels that I just couldn't see before in my spirit I could see them there they're still touching me in the
middle and my spirit comes back inside my body so lady Shannon her face is like right here cuz I'm still laying on the creeper and so she's right here and when I came back in that time she said to me Mr y on the verge of life and death what do you have to fight for and immediately I sensed I fully believe that the holy spirit that was telling me if I want to live I was going to have to fight it was going to be a hard fight God spoke through her and said reminded
me about my kids my wife I had four small children again then she says what do you have to fight for do you have a wife do you have kids I thought of Lori thought of the kids so she said stay here don't leave stay here and fight because we're in the middle of nowhere Unfortunately they had made a mistake and they had called medflight which they should have but what they didn't do was they didn't call an ambulance right away so the helicopter came from Madison where I live my state the biggest Trauma Center
we have so helicopter came but turned around and got sent back because there was no ambulance to get me the body out to where the helicopter was at the highway so it got sent back so then when the ambulance came they picked me up from the scene of the accident and took me to a little small Hospital 20 minutes half an hour away where the helicopter came back to immediately picked me up and then transort to me to our state's biggest trauma center the helicopter lands on the roof there's a big what looks like a
big garage door semi- garage door it's kind of weird opens up they wheel the gurnie or whatever in there with me on it and right there's a cat scan machine and they kept asking me the same question what's your name what's your birthday I knew what it was but I couldn't speak it rather I didn't have the strength to speak it out but in my head I knew what it was and so they kept asking the same questions I didn't have the strength and the two do the two night shift guys that were working that
night got into an argument and it was scaring me that the two doctors were arguing about what they were looking at on the screen so they pulled me out they turned my body like 90 degrees and used these foam things to put me back in there or whatever how they positioned me to put me back in and as they put me back in the second time everything started to go dark just like you turned down a the rat on lights that those kind of Lights where you can you know adjust the brightness and everything was
going dark but my eyes were open and I knew I was dying and right when everything was going dark the small amount of blood pressure that I did have bottom they what they wrote in it bottomed out so I lost all blood pressure at this point and when I lose all blood pressure all the bells and whistles are going off and I blurred out to them if you don't do something right now I'm G to die which there was I don't know at least 10 people in the room and they all stopped for like that
one Split Second and had you know this crazy look like of shock as they looked at me because they've been asking my name my birthday and I haven't said a word for you know the last 10 minutes or whatever it's been however long it was in there so I say if you don't do something right now I'm going to die I don't have any blood pressure they pulled me out of the machine wield me around a corner and I remember a gas mask coming down coming to my face and the thought in my head was
thinking like a mechanic finally they're going to do something they're going to fix it so they kept me in induc coma for several weeks they operated on me on and off that first I guess week did multiple operations the very first week we've added up the days I've actually been in the hospital more than a year in my life the last operation was on December of 2007 the accident happened November 0 6 so the year and a month after the accident but I'd get out during that year I'd get out for a couple weeks go
back in for a couple months get out for a couple days go back in it was in and out in and out in and out but like I said I actually ended up spending more than a year in the hospital the truck fell in the middle of my body your intestines are right there doctors have told me that an average adult has 18 to 22 24 feet of small intestine because it's all like a ball of worms it's all balled up together right there like under your belly button when the truck fell on me it
destroyed my intestines and the doctors were only able to save two pieces that they sewed together it's all in the doctor reports roughly around 100 cm which I don't know why the doctor's reports are in centimeters but it is and they say less than that's what they told us at the time less than 100 centimeters you can't live and that's when like March I think of that year one of the two pieces that they tried to save of intestine died and then I am I'm underneath the amount that supposedly you could live from so I
always make the joke that you know I was dating an atheist bartender and we ended up getting married and she turned into church lady from Saturday Night Live on me and you know so we had we had been attending church and and stuff and she was actually working at the church and after the accident she sent my prayer request out to people all over the country that she could find on internet or whatever for churches that I pray for people and so this guy tells us that God woke him up two mornings in a row
at 5: am. in New York and he said God told him fly to Wisconsin pray for this guy and he'll do a miracle the first day pretty much blew it off told his wife about it told another person about it but didn't do anything the next day he did same thing you know at 5:00 A.M God said buy a plane ticket fly to Wisconsin pray for that guy in the hospital I'm going to do a miracle so he literally paid clear back then and beginning of 07 he paid 900 and some bucks out of his
pocket to get an instant ticket to fly the guy prayed for me in the hospital and when he did a creative miracle happened that I physically felt he started praying for me he put his palm my forehead and it felt like electricity come out his out of his palm into my forehead and he just prayed in the name of Jesus and he said small intestines I command you come back supernaturally in length and I could feel something swishing around my belly and we found out later that they say now approximately half my intestines they can't
measure exactly because intestin again is like a ball of worms but they can do a really good estimation and they say have approximately half so 9 to 11 feet based on off the average it's the difference between life and death otherwise I was literally starving to death in the hospital so in January 1st of 2008 we started a Ministry called sweet bread Ministries even though I was still like in the hospital and I just travel around and I share this testimony about me calling out from underneath the truck saying God help me him sending the
lady to I didn't tell you this I lift this important part out but that lady Shannon she had been believing in Jesus for two months so she wouldn't have called herself like some big hardcore Christian and in the two months leading up to my accident she told us that somebody told her to read Matthew Mark Luke and John the gospels of the Bible and that's what she was doing so when she showed up that day the accident that two-month-old baby Christian prayed Me Back To Life three times and I say all the time thank God
she didn't go to church because she might have went to some church that doesn't believe in miracles or or whatever some corny Church whatever so the lady pray Me Back To Life this guy showed up he prayed that miracle happened for my intestines and so ever since 2008 I had to do a bunch of rehab had to learn how to walk again actually had to learn how to read again and write again because of the trauma from lack of oxygen I guess but it was a very long ugly process of getting healed but we started
this ministry we travel around and just share this testimony just like I did with you guys and just tell people look um I had I came from really rough childhood my parents would have said they believed in God but we weren't church people we didn't go to church maybe Christmas maybe Easter if ever drug and alcohol family I GRE up a lot of physical abuse verbal abuse I was repeatedly sexually abused a child and literally was mad my whole you know childhood about my life and you know mad that if there was a God why
would he allow bad things like that to happen to kids but uh again I just share this testimony because I want people to know God is real he is listening to us he does hear our prayers he obviously doesn't always answer the way we want but I just want to share with people that there is definitely a spiritual reality out there just like the just like Shannon and her husband realized there's a Spirits are real and it's because God is real and you know seeing the angels and everything changed my life so much that I
walked away from a a very successful business and went into Ministry just to tell people this so it's not like I just it was a life change for me otherwise I'd still be doing what I was doing and making lots of money doing it as opposed to Ministry where there's not a lot of money because it's not about the money so again it was very life-changing for me and I just want to share that and I'm going to continue to share this this story this testimony for the rest of my [Music] life our right staring
lost at the sky We All Fall in when the Love's in our eyes [Music]
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