today's episode is really cool it's a tutorial how to use AI to create websites that rank number one on Google with proof and with examples I brought my friend Omar on uh and we just we go right through it it's a it's an hour plus episode but we I'll I'll tell you exactly what you're what you're going to learn so we we go through his two websites that got to a number one search term on Google in 6 months as a side project we talk about uh something called schema which is a way to get
extra uh traffic via SEO we we show you exactly how to do it uh we talk about the tools he uses to create these uh websites and landing pages using webflow we talk about how he uses something called appify which basically scrapes things like Tik Tok and Google Maps to get the data that you're really going to need and then we talk about how to use zapier to just bring it all together then we just get into a live cooking session where uh if you watch the whole thing by the end of it you'll have
a really good idea on how to create something similar uh in a different Niche this is an episode that people Char would charge thousands of dollars for absolutely free here on the startup ideas podcast I hope you enjoy it and you know what don't waste any time like and comment on it so you get more of this in your feed and uh so that way you can ship amazing products that actually get seen enjoy the [Music] episode Omar what are we getting into today Greg my man thank you for having me man we're going to
do some uh AI web flow zapia Claude magic you know we're going to give the people something that they can build themselves you know and I've learned myself so you know why not share it man and on the platform we can so thank you for having me what are they what are people who listen to this entire episode going to get by the end of of the tutorial Wow first of all I have been an avid listener myself you know for for a long time you know I reached out to Greg completely cold um you
know and you were very sincere enough to hit me back we had a conversation and since then I've been very you know sincere in our exchanges so thank you for that finally enough actually when I before the before the call I wrote down some notes and the first thing said give flowers and in Brackets Greg so I didn't forget to tell you you know how how you know great you are at what you do and my wife came down and saw my notes and she goes who's Greg and why are you giving him flowers so
yeah the the the goal is you know I'm as a viewer and audience member I can definitely connect to why this is important to a lot of you know you guys watching and I think one of the main things is to actually give you tangible tools and resources you can use to build things yourself um and also things that I personally believe that I'm I'm building myself right now I'm doing so I really believe in these tools and techniques there's so many tools out there like zapia clae web flow appify that we'll go through today
that actually can help you build very very sophisticated SEO Rich platforms websites um that really and I'll show you some evidence can help you compete with some the biggest in the game like we're competing with Trip Advisor now you know all these big big sites um and so hopefully we'll give you some game that you guys can take away and start building some really cool stuff after yeah perfect all right let's get into it cool amazing so what I'm going to do is first of all I'll take you guys through how I think about
um SEO U and especially when it comes to AI why I think it's become such a profound why we a very profound kind of time right now um when my when I was growing up my father used to run um one of the largest kind of the online ticket sales businesses right competing with Ticket Master Etc and um he used to hammer money on SEO right like I'm talking like you know 50 100K a month just on Google ads spend it was ridiculous and I'd see that growing up and be like there's got to be
a better way but too young to understand and so now that we're in the AI age I think it's even more fascinating that you have these tools and techniques that allow you to compete with such big players but without any you know need for um you know those type of budgets so I'm going to go through a couple of sites that we've set up and how they've been ranking um and then what we'll do is we'll go through a couple of techniques tools that you guys can use to also do that yourself as well so
this is one of my sites here called guilty Chef uh so it's basically um you know I'm a I'm a big cooking guy I love to cook um always been like a good hobby and I created this kind of fun little side brand on Instagram where I would like share recipes of what I did um I would cook on camera and kind of put those out every year I'd create kind of these recipe videos and throw them out for fun and you know just make some pocket change and it was a nice little project but
then kind of earlier this year I was moving countries to Dubai where I am now uh and I was thinking I can't keep creating these recipe videos all the time but how could you create something using Ai and Technology but you know still allow people to benefit from you know uh recipes and getting like recipes from the best places or at least the favorite restaurants in the world cool so we set up I set up guildy Chef because I thought it'd be you know interesting to see if you could generate recipes using AI um and
how good they would be um and then I start practicing them myself and they turned out to be really cool and very very effective so I ended up actually playing around with zapan and webflow and so I'm a I'm a designer kind of you know my skill was mainly kind of uxui that's where I kind of you know uh grew up you know that was a main skill that I was doing for a long time um and so I just kind of put together this layout on web flow and then thought to myself well how
can we create thousands of recipes really but with minimal effort um and I was just playing around with chat GPT and asking it how to create recipes from like you know KFC wherever Chick-fil-A like even some of the things that I couldn't get even back in London like Chick-fil-A you don't you don't have there um and so it could just give me the recipe recipes I thought this is fantastic now is there a place online where you can get have recipes from all different restaurants in the world and I couldn't find one so I thought
let me just create a site that has a directory of just like you know the best restaurants in the world yeah so we we put together this kind of directory you know we thought there's no kind of place online that has every restaurant in the world and all the recipes on there and I would love to see that myself so I just started building out the directory of like all different restaurants and I just would go through the menu i' Google the menu and then just put in um the menu items and entire pages will
be generated themselves so every single page you're seeing here is completely generated automatically using AI down to the image you know and so some of them you can obviously tell it's AI generated image some of them not so much um but description the prep time cook time ingredients the directions um the FAQ all this type of information is all built in um automatically using chat gbt and zapia and so that got me thinking I was like hold on a second well if you can create websites like this and content like this you must be able
to get it to you know rank in Google since Google is all about you know links Pages um how can we actually do that and then I started looking at the schema which is obviously you know what Google uses to understand what's in your website so for a recipe website you'd have recipe schema which would actually tell you which would tell Google in its own format you know exactly so you can type in here like you know we go to oops this is validator we go to um quick ad break let me tell
you about a business I invested in it's called boring so a few years ago I met this group of people that were some of the best SEO experts in the world they were behind getting some of the biggest companies found on Google and the secret sauce is they've got a set of technology and AI that could help you outrank your competition so for my own businesses I wanted that I didn't want to have to rely on Mark Zuckerberg I didn't want to depend on ads to drive customers to my businesses I wanted to rank
high in Google that's why I like SEO and that's why I use boring and that's why I invested in it they're so confident in their approach that they offer a 30-day Sprint with 100% money back guarantee who does that nowadays so check it out highly recommend boring and you can find different schemas on here so you know you could find like a a recipe schema let type in recipes schema um there you go and so this these are all the kind of um keys that or the properties at least that Google looks for
to be on your page to understand exactly what type of content it is so what's a cook time the cooking method the nutritional value um the steps like each how-to step can be defined but that content obviously isn't default baked into your website you have to send that to Google and to do that you have to create something called schema um and then I thought well maybe AI can do that and so it could it turns out AI can write your whole schema for you and you can plug it into your site and I really
you can break this down to where I have it now where I can just type in the name of a restaurant and a you know recipe or a menu item I could type in like McDonald's Big Mac that's it and hit enter and literally within a minute the entire page is generated fully designed you know ready to go so okay stop there yeah because this is insane dude oh wow thank you insane because I you know I need to break down what what I think you're doing and and why I think it's so brilliant so
what you're saying is you had an idea for this startup you you felt you had a pain Point you're like wouldn't it be cool if I could make my own Big Mac um and so you had the paino you had the idea you're like I'm going to go build a directory and by the way we've talked about directories on the past on the show why is a directory so powerful well a directory is so powerful because people are overloaded with content now and they're looking for curation they're looking for Taste and they're looking for well
looking for they're it's seo seo optimized right if you build a directory that is high quality and valuable and people are searching for that sort of stuff you will get free traffic so then what you did is you said okay I'm going to build this to be optimized well first of all you said then I'm going to use AI to create the content which I thought which is obviously brilliant you're not going to go hire a team to go and build this then you go there's something called schemas which will allow me to get more
traffic for the same am amount of content which I think a lot of people miss a lot of people create directories but they actually don't they they don't know enough about schemas to actually optimize it so that's what you've done and why I think this is exciting is now you you've built this Hub I'm curious how much traffic you're starting to get yeah go sorry no I was GNA say like once you once you get this thing to to millions of visits a year or a month then you can create all sorts of Premium products
that you s can sell to these people man 100% And by the way we've already got a paid part of the platform already so you know you can go in there you can generate your own recipes at the bottom but if you sign up you get three for free but you know you can pay like $2.99 or whatever and get you know another 10 so you can like pay for a pack of recipes you can generate and so there's things like that in there people are creating accounts monetization is not like at the Forefront so
we're not driving as much revenue through it you know since we're not pushing it as much but people are definitely curious enough to come on there and create accounts and we'll probably hit uh in December we might go might exceed 100K in monthly traffic and this was basically zero in March this year so I think that's literally like just in the period of last you know seven eight months or whatever and by the way I spend zero time on this Greg like I set it up I probably spend if I already I have my own
company and stuff this is a side project so I probably fulltime spent like maybe a week on this um putting it together designing it and then just letting it run spent a couple hours a month over the summer and then now we just sits there and just you know I don't even really add any more recipes I should be so I've been thinking about you know the last few weeks let me try and like you know ify a bit but I'm just more so was like a SEO experiment because I was curious does this thing
work um and now we can see yeah is it is it possible to replace you as the recipe prompter um in what sense so right now it sounds like you you're like we should add Popeyes yeah because of XYZ reason maybe it's because popey's recipes 100,000 searches a month or um or you're just like I like Popeyes and I can't get in Dubai therefore I want to go and create my own Fried Chicken so my my question to you is is there possible to create some sort of agent or something that basically looks Bas that
basically replaces you that says like your job is to add one new restaurant a week based on these criteria 100% I to be honest you could even do that like it's something like zapia you could do that just by having it on like a time delay so you could just get it to run that same prompt like every week every day so long as a prompt is strong enough and it could just do that by itself and that's effectively an agent um so yeah certainly it's a good idea to be honest it's something worth considering
for sure I've just been like you know just micromanaging a little bit but yeah definitely that that'll probably be the smart next step like if you look at it right now even like everything here says 17 because I didn't even fix the numbers of how many there are in in each of them but um yeah so there things like that a great idea cool so so I show how someone yeah go yeah I was going to say like how could someone build something like this you know how can someone do this yeah no for sure
so let me just show you a bit of the results and then I'll and then I'll take you down a bit of a a little bit of a rabbit hole of how you can actually literally copy this um so if you see here this is like some of the keywords now they're ranking for this is like a a restaurant called Dum pan tiar for example we're ranking number one um on Google for this right now um you could take so this literally the first organic results it's not sponsored at anything someone t t types in
this menu item with a restaurant name guilty Chef is the first one is above Trip Advisor you know which has like a domain rating of 90 or whatever um so you know it works and then you got this one crispy chili mushrooms wager Mama again number one um and they like you know tackle Supreme ingredients this is where schema really is interesting because actually this FAQ here is what ingredients are in taco supreme it picks up the information from our site and repurposes it in the rich Snippets for Google and it's the first result you
know just below Taco belt um so it's the very first kind of you know uh question and so it just goes to show you that so long as you in insert the schema correctly effectively what you're saying to Google is here's information that I've I'm providing you and you're providing it to them in the cleanest way possible that it's easy for them to understand and digest excuse the pun um and then you know they can kind of distribute that in a in in a way that benefits you and also you're providing the valuable content that
a user is looking for um but there's loads of obviously sites out there that do have recipes on there that have Taco Bell recipes but even when I was looking into it to your point earlier um Greg there's so many people that don't pay pay attention to schema and how they're structuring their site and actually has a massive impact in how they rank and some of the biggest sites by the way don't Implement schema properly um and AI can literally just help you solve that to be honest by itself um so these are some of
the results and also so now the other thing that I found really fascinating is if you think about I think good way of thinking about the opportunity we have right now in general with AI is if you look at clae Cloe as you might say chat GPT you know these are effectively you know information machines you know you can ask any question in any format whether you want to write a poem about a recipe or just give you the recipe whatever it is and they can just you know spit it out to you what interesting
is that information is coming from somewhere and then the the the kind of the sources that it's getting it from is the worldwide web right it's actually getting it from the internet that's how they have that information in the first place that their models are trained on what I found interesting is actually when you start ranking you're you're kind of taking this content that you've got from chat gbt originally you're repurposing that same content putting it on your site with your label which is your domain name your page and then you're submitting it to Google
and it's not only being indexed in Google it's also being indexed back into the AI engines as well and so now when you search like Burger King spicy bean burger recipe for example you know it'll give you the recipe and it'll tell you that the number one source is is guilty Chef you know um and so it's literally we're this same term I could type in seven eight months ago and it would give me a recipe but might been from somewhere else but now based on the SEO and some of these tools and techniques we're
doing we're the number one result that chat GPT self is now giving you but yet chat gbt actually gave me this recipe in the first place but the difference now is I'm tagged in it and it's my label and I can also Drive traffic through it via chat GPT and Claude um so I found that pretty interesting and I think that can definitely for directories especially things like we're get into a minute in a minute with like travel and bigger Industries if you're searching for you know best restaurants to visit in Dubai or whatever um
you'd want your site to come up number one you know and so you can start thinking about even these AI systems as search engines for you to drive traffic and this is a way that you can do that and you're doing it all in one you're not having to submit anything extra to chat gbt it's all happening from your schema and how how big of a business do you think you can create you know I I I see like the traffic and and the opportunity than traffic but like from a revenue perspective how big do
you think it can get I think it depends on the niche um and Industry I think a couple of ideas I've had with guilty Chef I think the the obvious ones would be like you know sponsorships Partnerships whether it be for the restaurants or whether it would be with you know her Brands like Schwarz or you know Brands like that that actually want to you know sell their ingredients to people that are reading recipes it might be worthwhile them doing it or cookbooks that people are selling you know they could be ways to advertise and
monetize that way um I also thought an interesting thing might be I don't think this exists yet by the way but like you know you where you have um Facebook's ad platform and you have Google's ad manager Google AdWords I think over time there will be an interesting space where if you're creating content on your site like I have you should be able to I should be able to make money off of someone seeing a specific ingredient and going to that brand so like I should be able to plug in something here and papa automatically
have a link that if someone sees and clicks on it there's a brand bidding for that you know even that could somehow be AI powered or whatever so I think there's like interesting kind of um B2B ways of doing that but I also think for consumers with AI you can constantly Elevate the experience and then give them a much better much uh much more value you know having a customer experience where they can customize their recipe more you know maybe they can add like specific diet require requirements which you already can do a little bit
in our recipe generator but I think like breaking you know uh building that more and more maybe adding your family into it so it learns your family's preferences so kind of becomes like I do think there will be a world I think a lot of people have said this where you will use specific tools for uh specific AI tools and brands for specific activities so like this could become the go-to recipe tool that people just use because it just knows your family knows everything and could just spit out recipes and you trust the content and
quality so I think there's a few different ways you could probably turn into a business in terms of numbers I'd be completely shooting in the dark this is like one big experiment for me as is so I'll let you know when I know I suppose I'm open to your thoughts man you probably have more experience in you know hedging your bets on that than I do yeah I mean for for me I I look at you know how big could could this get I mean the sky is the limit but I think the mistake a
lot of people are you know will make with it probably is that they'll start getting a lot of traffic and they'll they'll monetized via like Google AdSense um but I think the the bigger opportunity is go sell software to restaurants you know um like just use this to good point be a powerhub of you know a consumer traffic Powerhouse and then create some software that's going to that you can sell to to the the B you know what is the B2B software that you can create like insights like consumer insites you mean yeah stuff like
that I think I I think I would brainstorm what are the you know what's the B2B offerings um the other thing I was thinking about is have you ever heard of URL genius no should I look it up I think it's called URL genius these guys yeah so I haven't used it but I'm pretty sure like the the idea or or maybe it isn't URL genius maybe it is I don't remember it seems some yeah what does it do might be this one Bas basically what I what I would like to do is you know
you give the example paprika like how do you automatically have basically affiliate links set up with trusted sources and it just puts it in there you don't have to like worry about it you don't have to like go to Amazon and create the link and then put in the link I think that maybe it's your Genius maybe it's not but I don't know you know that software probably exist and then you can just start monetizing on autopilot that totally makes sense man 100% just like within the content itself right yeah there's probably so many ways
that you could do that I'll be a curious to look at that um eurl genius if it is that one I'll have a look if you if you come across a different one let me know man I've been thinking about you know what other the ways that we could do it subtly yeah I don't like the Google ads in your face like no one likes that and I think if you think hard enough and smart enough you can find ways of still delivering a great experience um and I actually think that should be a priority
in this this world we're in because there's a lot of Founders or people that have been Founders before as I I've run companies that have become complex unnecessarily right and so I appreciate this world we right now where you know I can be a bit more of a lone soldier because I have so many tools at my disposal which are the equ literally for me are the equivalent of multiple employees who are paid to do the same job before right and so when you're seeing that you can be very Nimble very creative and also you
can if you are a Founder that is like design Le or product lead you can actually actually like leaning into that and creating a great experience laid with the AI I think will benefit you profoundly you know I think that's actually your goto Market is like so much quicker now and you can build great experience in entire categories I think sh don't tell anyone but I've got 30 plus startup ideas that could make you millions and I'm giving them away for free these aren't just random guesses they're validated Concepts from entrepreneurs who built $100 million
plus businesses I've compiled them into one simple database compiled from hundreds of conversations I've had on my podcast but the main thing is most of these ideas don't need a single investor some cost nothing to start I'm pretty much handing you a cheat sheet the idea bank is your startup shortcut just click to get access your next cash flowing business is waiting for you okay so how how could people how do how do how do they copy what you do yeah so let's close some of these um I'll come on to another example in a
minute actually I'll just show you this quick example now just because I'm the example I'm going to show you will relate to this so the second site I set up which I quickly go over which I only up recently is called uh best and so I saw this domain by the way you know just a couple of months ago and I just snapped it up um it was less than $1,000 I think it was like $700 or no I think about $1,200 which in my opinion was a bargain because if you're looking at first
of all Dubai Where I Live Now is like Trip Advisor number one destination in the world for like two or three years running now you know so many people are immigrating here um and it's just incredible in so many ways you know and so what's interesting is the search volume and the search Trends or people searching you know doing things here has been you know increasing a lot and the main key people are using are literally best Dubai like best hotels in Dubai best malls in Dubai best restaurants in Dubai as you would in most
cities and so for me the absolute best domain you could get is best and it was available at such a bargain like for context if you're doing like Saudi Arabia is picking up now rad and everything going on there if you search bests as a domain that's going for like 100 Grand you know and that's probably not as popular as Dubai as a as a as a city right now and so it's very I think it was a great buy and so that made me kind of lean into that and so I bought
this domain maybe two months ago and then literally spent like two or three weeks building a directory using the same learnings as guilty Chef the same process that I'll go through with you guys in a minute but now we're doing in a travel space and I think this particularly made me obviously you know uh speak to you about this as well Greg which was uh following your conversation with Shahid um and you guys were talking about travel directories and literally being in that space now and seeing it is absolutely fascinating what you can do and
again every single thing you're seeing here is is like AI generated you know down to we've taken a step further than guil to Chef we' actually got scores that are being generated for the places based on the information about them based on their reviews and then I actually got Claude I used Claude in this instance because I thought it was better um CLA to actually write the algorithm for me to do the scoring so I'm kind of just always talking to the AI system itself to get it to actually help me create the best experience
possible um and we take like the best times to visit and like you know popular that data here so Lally everything here I haven't touched it like I'm not I could add a place kind of literally within a minute um and then you have if again you go to SEO this is literally only been 30 days old and now like this is a big restaurant here Parkers Parkers du buy you type in Parkers to BU reviews we like the fourth organic link right now and I don't even think it's been a full month that we've
been index in Google um and so we're among you know Trip Advisor Amato like the biggest links um and we're not we don't have their marketing budget like trip advisors marketing budget like $700 million a year fun fact actually I just I called email the founder and CEO of Trip Advisor Greg like two days ago and he just got back to me I started giving me advice really cool guy in my um stevenh so yeah he was uh you know a nice big H but again things like that you know you just get in touch
with people you know because they everyone into this space they find it exciting so you know you guys can literally tackle entire Industries right now and go straight to the top of like whoever you want to talk to and they'll want to have a conversation with you I think um well I also think that okay so like if I were to create trip advisor in 2025 it probably looks more like bestd than it does so when you reach out to CEO of Trip Advisor he wants to talk to you even though you're not
that known because he wants to learn from you you're doing you know he wants he he knows that right so I think um it's a really good signal that he responded and he's like yeah let's let's Jam because I think this not only does like I'm like reading this and like the content looks really good but the design looks really clean and it just it looks like a good product like to me this looks I'd rather search this than Trip Advisor thank you man I appreciate it that means a lot man especially from someone like
you seeing so many products as well so you know I I I really spent time designing this trying to get it like the way I thought I might want to use a site that I'm here right now I've got three kids and you know we're looking for places all the time and so I literally reverse engineered like what would I be looking for right now um and then literally we've just been iterating you on it as we go like search we just added last week um saved we just added like three days ago you know
and so all these things were just like tweaking as we're going but the most interesting thing I think from a business perspective is like you know we have the ability to add like these tags so I've created these categories a bit like Trip Advisor have best choice with the Michelin star why I find that interesting is like they're just brand names really like it doesn't it Michelin you know the whole thing was created to get people to go to restaurants you know and so they in in a grand scheme of things yes they mean something
but like you can create your own meaning for something as well and so I think having these kind of tags like Dubai J best 100 and we've actually started speak to restaurants and say hey you've been voted best 100 on best it holds weight and now we're going to put like physical Awards in their places build the brand that way uh in the city as well and so like you know there's ways to do this stuff that I think you know you can really have fun with the marketing side of it too um cool
so yeah so that's basically this site over here um and another fun thing by the way AI that we did is like the the menu so if I just show you this place again by the way Greg um if you go to menu it has an entire menu of the place listed on here um with prices and like designed in there as well and you'd think again I've added that automatically now I haven't and the other the other thing is that there's there's not really an easy way to get um upto-date restaurant um items and
pricing because the menus can be out of date like that that are like online might just be images on Google um and secondly they just don't have these type of you know that this type of information on all of their websites yet one of the biggest searches tends to be restaurant name and menu right and so then I kind of thought well where where does have the most upto-date uh menu and obviously is delivery Partners right and so I I worked with Claude and I just got Claude create me a extension for like the two
biggest uh delivery services here so we have deliver and tbat and so like I can go right now and type in like Parkers du buy menu deliver for example um let's say the restaurant comes up um and then Claude helped me just write this Chrome extension which I can just hit extract menu and it's done oops now I've got the whole um delivery menu as a Json in like literally half a second so the name description price everything you know taken and it's up to date and then I literally have I just I just throw
this into my site in Jon format and it just formats it all into a styled um page immediately so just things like that as well which you can now do which again would never have been possible like where could you get update pricing and again we can now serve a whole new keyword Niche that you can never serve before you know we can literally take advantage of the fact that there's so much search volume for restaurant name and menu and it's highly undeserved like the best pce you can the number one link right now will
literally have um you know an an old image of the menu and so people are naturally going to come here so you're obviously creating a great experience for people which also Google will favor so that's my that's my basically my show and tellal SEO rent um but now I'll actually show you how how you can start thinking about this first of all um we're going to start um with apify now what I'm going to show you guys to get into the building part of this is how how you can speak to how you can use
different resources online different information sets data sets um and then how you can work with in this case going to work with Claude you can use chat GPT but I prefer Claude for its output I just think it's much more human uh I've at least felt that way when I've been using it um so the content is better and how you can use Claude to get it to repurpose that content or output content in a way that will be purposeful for your specific use case right so in this case will do a kind of a
duplicate of like best to buy in a sense like a directory I'll just show you kind of the mechanics the simple kind of elements of it um and then you guys can go ahead and build this out for any type of Industry you want you know you can literally think of a directory for anything you know whether it's I don't know like you know gardening tips you know whatever you can literally just build this using the same system um so the main things we're using are web flow so this is web flow um for those
you guys who haven't used it it's just like um you know uh what's the other one framer a bit like framer and figma but it's not just design you're actually building in it visually so it's really cool and you have a lot of cool ways of using U web flow right now designing in it I designed from scratch but you do have sites like flow base and raum uh which have loads of components on there that you can just kind of copy I think um Danny postma who's been on your pod before as well has
a has a site called flow flow ponents um and again loads of webflow components you can just copy and just paste and with webflow you can literally find an element like you can hit free if you don't want to pay for one and it's it's as simple as saying I don't know let's say I wanted this hero section I can just go here hit webflow and it's copied it now and I go into my uh sit project I can just hit paste command V and I've got the design exactly in there so now I can
do whatever I want with this you know um Craig's energy for a Greener tomorrow you know and so you're good to go straight away uh which makes it very easy to use so you don't have to to worry about design all that type of stuff there's so many resources out that you can use so that's web flow we'll come back to that in a moment the only other thing you need to know with web flow is that webflow has its own content management system um which if you just click this icon here it's called a
CMS you can create your own collection so in my like best du buai site for example I've got quite a few because it's pretty expensive now but I'll have restaurants malls hotels and I'll have restaurant categories um Michelin guides all these type of things that I've got but just on a basic one you know just having restaurants for example gives you gives gives you an idea you're basically creating a catalog of listings within a specific um category um and so that's what collections are so we're going to set up collections in a moment but then
the most important thing to start with really is first of all designing on your Niche so we can start with a travel directory we can just you know what's your favorite city in the world Greg uh let's do Montreal Montreal nice Canada cool okay so let's say we're creating a directory of Montreal Canada okay um the first thing we going to do is actually figure out the content that we want to use so you could just go to Claude and ask it you know um what are the best places to visit in Montreal now Claude
like I said before is just going to give you the content that is has already indexed from the worldwide web that might be cool it might give us some obvious things um but I think you and sha had touched on this before Greg as well which is you actually want a directory with Nuance right you want a directory that can show you all the you know nooks and granes of a place and I think that's the most interesting thing about you know doing it without going into claw directly is using that knowledge you have and
so you want to figure out well how can you take some of this Real World Knowledge real world information and then repurpose it into a format that can you you can leverage AI with um and even with me with best Dubai by the way like I've been going on Instagram pages of like bloggers and looking at the places that they're searching for and then indexing them on my site you know so I don't even have to go out there and find all these places and discover them myself if I go to Google I'm finding generic
places if I go you know try and do my own mental thinking it's impossible to like you know get every single place that's here so if I go online and find the people that are hot right now are talking about things they're all creating Tik toks about all the best places and I can just go on there and learn about them and then add them to my site and now I'm effectively indexing all this information that is already out there um so you could do the same as well for for Montreal so what you would
then do is that what then I start thinking about is how do I get this information you know I don't want to use Claude uh because it won't give me the best information and I came across appify um which some of you guys might have already seen um I think is becoming increasingly popular but effectively appify is like just loads of scrapers have you seen aify before Greg I have yes cool so loads of scrapers on there super cool Instagram Tik Tok LinkedIn there's so much data you can get off it uh but the one
that I particularly find interesting is the is the Google Maps one right um and so if I go into you can just go in here um oh this little reviews one you can go into here and start using these for free so you can just start using uh one of the appify they call them actors so this the Google Business Google Maps business scraper um and after a certain amount of time you can pay for places like it's that $4 for a th000 places which is very cheap um and all you do is you enter
the place ID of a place and it will give you all the information from Google about a given place right and so how do you do this well you go onto uh Google developer platform and you'll find the maps JavaScript API which has the place ID finder you can actually just search Place ID finder on Google and it'll bring you to this page um and we need the actual ID of a specific place right because that's how our actor runs it tells us to enter the ID of a place so Greg is now going to
tell us his favorite place in Montreal to e at or visit let's do a restaurant maybe do I want to give it away that's the question all right let's do fifth best let's say lepress so it's l apostrophe Express cool um Denise Street the second one yeah fire all right um cool so this now is the place ID for Express and so every single listing on Google has its own unique set of characters that is its own place ID right and so you'll copy that and then we'll come into um here and we can just
hit paste um and you can leave everything else the same there are some options you can mess around with but we're not going to right now and you can just hit uh save and start and what will happen is appify will start to actually get data about that specific place and for me it was surprising how much information you could get um so it runs doesn't take long at all like a few seconds and you just have this Rich set of data about Express now see we've got let's go to all Fields we've the address
you know City uh images you know literally everything that you could think of is is just in this data set that we've just got straight away um and then so what I started doing is thinking about how we can make the most of this data so if I can get this data now if you kind of thinking about um if you're looking at our thinking process here we're just going kind of Step by Step we're saying well if we have this now if we have a set of data then what can we do with that
set of data and actually us just Ting by ourselves um is interesting like you can be creative but what I found even more interesting is taking this information so hitting Json over here hitting preview new tab and then I'll just do this so it just literally helps me copy into one block I'll just command a copy the whole lot go to Claude start a new chat and hit paste and then just talk to Claude about the data so I'll give you a small example just say um um what can you tell me about this data
so because that's in Json format now Claude can start to understand the information and it tells us you know this a French restaurant in Montreal this location this operation hours um and even and this is where I started to learn about information like bus period so on my site you can see I have like when it's buzzing when it's relaxed that's because Claude informed me that it actually has that information it actually knows how much occupancy it has on Saturday nights at 11: p.m. and that's the equivalent of when you go on Google um and
search a place let's gopress Mont you'll notice on Google you have the popular times so apify is actually picking up this data as well and giving it to us and so in the Json you will see that here we have like the percentage occupancy per hour for 24 hours seven days a week um and so that's data you can also use so I found that particularly interesting and again that enhances the experience of what we can do so you can go into more depths with this so I I would then go to clae I'll give
you another example so you guys can take any set of data you want but what I then did is I went to cord and said um okay I'm building um the most advanced uh directory of Montreal better than Trip Advisor um and Google um create a table create a table of all of the information you think I should include um be creative and detailed um in your uh response in fact I'm going to say create a HTML um site or yeah something like that so you can just liter get to actually create the landing page
for you um if you really wanted to um and it just build it now um but actually the reason this is more interesting is because you're taking that set of data and when it builds out visually you can actually get a sense of like you know the information it can kind of give you and what Claude might think is interesting to include so I find this interesting just to like play around with and actually you know just read information visually see what it's thinking and it actually helps me ideate for instance recently I did this
with a new set of data from best du buy and it told me best times to visit for date nights or best time to visit for U you know family lunches and I thought that's a cool little thing to add because you could have a whole section of your site that could again power your o which could be you know best restaurants to visit in Montreal on date night you know and I got that information from from Claude just um building out site for me so this is like a landing page that Claude is suggesting
it wasn't it wasn't scrolling for some reason oh I think the site I think the page is so big it's got almost yeah that's so funny oh my goodness this thing look at that oh my gosh okay this is like more expansive than even I expected all right I don't this is this is such a cliff anger because you really want to see this but you don't even know if you can it might take us a whole episode to get to the bottom of it all right well maybe God okay we won't go through all
of it but you get the you get the sense of what we're saying um it's highly detailed I don't know how they've laid this out but yeah you could you could play around with this but it's very very cool and you can get a lot of information just by doing doing this exercise so once you've done that you can actually figure out and create a kind of a um a criteria or list of what information you want to display on your site and the reason that's important is because our next step is going to be
actually setting up this information in zapia so that we can then talk between all these different systems right zapia allows us to give it some sort of input data um and um then do something with that data so in this case we might want to say uh give it the place ID um and then from the place ID we want to connect it to appify we then want to connect apify to Claude and we then want to connect Claude to webflow right so now youve got the cycle of like literally just hitting a place ID
in there and then just taking your foot off and letting the whole thing run and that's literally the way I've got best to buy setup now I can just p in a place ID so I'll literally be out some I'll go to a restaurant and I'll see something I like I'll just take the place ID I'll paste it and I'm I'm off and the entire page is generated for me because we've set it all up in webflow and zapia to to work automa atically so let's do that now so let's set up like an example
for you guys so you can actually see how it works so you can actually set up zap here with any trigger meaning where is the data coming from right the data can come from slack you can set up with a slack channel so you send the place ID in a slack Channel and it comes from there um you know you can set up with air table whatever you want but for this case we're just going to use Google Sheets right and so I've got a clean Google sheet um here and the reason I also think
Google Sheets is a cool thing to use is because once you've set this up you can Mass upload data and so why why I find AI super interesting right now in this this process is you can literally put in one phrase uh or one word in this case going to be the place ID and even this the the size of the page that I've developed right now and the design this is all done from me just adding a place ID and everything else is done automatically I'm not touching anything down to it being sent to
Google um and so it really gives you kind of an idea of like how expansive your site can be how much information you can add just from one single entry on a Google sheet right and so we're going to add a column here with Place ID we're then going to go here and just take this as test data and paste this into our column um and then we've already connected our Google sheet to zapia we then going to tell it is this worksheet and then it should pick up um that specific row that there we
go so it's picked out that place ID that's our test data and we continue with that and now we're going to add appify so zapia the reason I loved actually I was really surprised to see this as well that zapia had appify buil in there which makes your life so easy um and big deal man a huge deal right yeah like I know your mind's already going crazy right because even when I this I was like this is bunkers how many things you can create yeah I honestly didn't know that oh you didn't okay crazy
um watch this so you can go um into here run uh synchronously um hit that yes and then okay so now it's going to ask us for basically our you know prompt or you know our our oh sorry this is the wrong one it's not a Google Maps stractor it's Google um business scraper there we go okay there we go all right so you can delete the information that's in by default it's going to basically ask you for the place ID here right and so the great thing with zapia is everything's a variable meaning um
if you CH if you add like a new row with a new place ID and you configure it in zapia it will just pick up that new place ID right and so you don't have to manually put the place ID here we're actually going to click plus over here and then go to place ID so tell tell tell zapia to pick up the place ID from our Google spreadsheet and so it will do that but we need to add a bit at this uh kind of the start of the URL for for um this actor
to run and so I've got this over here I'm just going to copy this URL um and just paste it so it's a simple URL you guys can just screenshot from here and and copy that this a start of the URL this is going to be the place ID which will go at the end um and that's it we h test step and now what will happen is that actor is running the same way it ran when we did it manually right so instead of going through appify now going through zapia um and it'll go
and get this information for us now throughout this process the reason I think the the reason I think like best of buy guilty Chef um are kind of working the way they are is because to get to the results to the point that we've got them I've had to solve problems along the way which there weren't really any obvious solutions for right and so some of them are like repurposing repurposing content uh in a way that can be read by clae um you know like I said like creating Chrome extensions where we can get uh
you know information from delivery when enter into our site these kind of creative hurdles that you got to jump through so some of this information I'll share with you now is like some of that work I've already done which you guys can just immediately do and start and have your system working um so we've got now the information of Le Express we can see the address here the the uh URL um by the way Greg you like this on the URL on our site anytime you visit the site s we also automatically add um our
reference at the end which is again so yeah so in their analytics they're seeing that the traffic is coming from us um that is huge I want to just speak to that for one second when I was when I was at uh I sold a company to stumble upon which was many years ago very large social network that would refer traffic to Publishers websites and people used to see in their analytics that stumble upon would send them traffic so then all of a sudden we'd have like BuzzFeed hit us up and be like hey you
guys drove us like a million visits crazy in the last 30 days um can we pay you for more traffic wow so you'll why I think that is so smart having the reference and the link is people will start seeing it in in their in their analytics and they will proactively reach out to you and it's way better for them to reach out to you than for you to reach to them like the power dynamics are completely different for sure for sure no no I that's a great story Man by congrats on that that's a
big deal as well so you s you sold it to stumble upon yeah when I was like yeah that's a whole other story but crazy crazy amazing man well yeah so that's that's that's great that that gives me a lot more confidence in this as well amazing um cool and so now we've got our data in appify actually what you'll see here is the data that we're getting out is all in IND individual kind of strings right like you got the data set sorry let me go to much more better information like you got the
neighborhood here you got the category here you got the name here that might sound great it's like yeah we got all this information but the problem we have here is when we actually spoke to Claude we gave Claude a single Json like just output and this isn't that you know this is basically just broken down format the reason this is a problem is because if I now go here to uh add CL if I add Claude here and let's say we give it that prompt um let's say we then say you know tell me about
this data what I really want to do is have one single out uh input that I can add the problem with appies output is it gives you everything broken down separately and so you can't just sit there adding everything you know that's absolute you know pain and no one's doing that so that was the first hdle I came across um and so what we have to do what we do is is if you look at um well what we do know is that it actually provides us a Json output so we know it's in there
and so when you actually look at the data that you get from appify right at the bottom you'll see there's a data set in different file formats and one of them is Json so it actually has it here you just have to extract it right and then give that to Claude And so what we're going to do is we're going to add another step here and I'm going to hit code um by zapia this is where zapia allows you to just kind of run some code like python JavaScript we're going to hit run python hit
continue in input data we're going to put URL and then we're going to add the input data as um the Json file so the data items Json file URL and then we have the script here so this script we're going to take I'm going to copy this by the way Shameless plug but I've got a 5D Sprint in my school Community you can find like you know the breakdown of all these this all the code and all this stuff I'm pasting in here as well you can just grab it from there um if you
don't want to copy it from here so in here you can just add the this little code snippet and it will basically take this URL uh sorry take the this key and understand that the value is this Json U file over here and then take that and give us the output as one single Json string um okay so you let that run and we will have our output as one single Json so just basically taken that file and printed it for us okay and so now we have a single string that we can now give
to Claude so we can go to Claude and say you know we can just literally reference this output now which is all of that data it's the equivalent of this okay and so now the next step is is actually getting the data R and so this is the prompt that we're actually going to give to Claude to then populate our directory so there's two things that are important here the first is the actual information that we're going to ask it to give us the second is the format in which we ask it uh uh to
give us that information and the reason the format is important is because if you think about um all the information that we have on a web page like here we've got the name the address we've got um the URL phone number so much information going on Claude doesn't give us a web page designed like this right it doesn't break everything down like this I've designed this specifically in web flow to work for me and if you go here um sorry you guys can be creative in you know in your own way when whenever you do
it but if I go to like restaurants template in my site every single element here is a separate design element and it's connected the data is connected to a part of my CMS so this is dynamically connected to the quisine name you know or like this about bit here is D dyn dynamically connected to the short description data and that's coming from my CMS which I showed you guys is over here and so what our job right now is we want to send information to webflow so it can go into our CMS in the right
columns and in the right format in order to do that we have to get that information from Claude okay so the first step is to understand what information you want so literally you know very specifically the name the URL with the you know the reference appended on it every single detail of what you're looking for you want to make sure you know in advance and so i' I'd suggest just having that list with you um and now I'll talk to you guys a little bit about formatting so I'll I'll do a couple of quick examples
of like you know basic information and then you guys can go and break it down however you want later on so we're simply going to say um using using this uh data um I want you to Output um some you know information for me I actually have like a better prompt in my whole thing but I don't have the it's in a different zapia file right now so we just go off the coffee um so first of all you can give you can give uh Claude some like key guidelines to follow so some basic ones
that are normally do like for me for example for this site I wanted it in like UK English so I said to it um print your output in UK English I just give you guys an example of about things you could tell it um you know um and wait sorry and if if I wanted it to be printed in uh Canadian French would it yeah like other languages work as well yeah we can try it do you want to try Canadian French yeah Canadian French I might not be able to read it but you can
help me um cool but any any type of information you want to give it here like guidelines wise you can give it you know there's so many different things that you can add here again a breakdown of the exact prompt that I use for breast the buyers in my school community so you can see exactly how I talk to talk to uh Claude but as an example you put your guidelines there now by the way yeah the reason I the reason I car you know the Canadian French is interesting to me is I think I
think a lot of people are just creating directories that are English first but I actually think like geography specific yeah yeah you know like and then and then registering for example instead of registering it's very hard to get but a doca or. orfr might be a lot easier to get completely yeah yeah that's a good point actually yeah that is true and I think that yeah especially with like you know the way you know specific need is for um specific languages as well yeah because can Canada is predominantly French as well isn't it
not mainly French but French is one of the main languages so it's one of the main main languages yeah makes perfect sense exactly domain yeah even here now like we've been thinking about e domain Arabic you know it's completely true and you can just get the output directly from Claude yeah um so now you now you can start to ask Claude the information you want and so this is where the formatting comes into it and so I have a technique of um basically taking this larger prompt which is the main prompt we given Claude but
including mini prompts within it and with these mini prompts is where you can actually be very creative right and you can think outside the box here and so the way you want to structure this is anything that you want to ask Claude for you're going to put the titles inside um asterisks right with a colon and so let's say um place name I'm going to do asterisk as asterisk place name asterisk asterisk and colon right and so so now anything I say after that is going to be the instruction to Claude of how to get
me that specific data right and so I will say um print uh the title of the restaurant now you can simply say that or you could be a bit more creative here you could literally ask it to print the title of the restaurant but add I don't know whatever you know hello Canada at the end of it or you know so it l print you whatever that mini prompt is right so that's an example another one might be let's say a website URL so you could say um print the base URL so not just URL
I'm saying base URL which might just be like if you had hotels whatever you might just want the bit right and so you can ask it for the base URL um print the base URL of this place um and um append the URL with um ref equals uh gregr um and so on you know you could do this for like you know whatever information you want you could take the Give an example is the image URL that Google gives appi gives from Google is actually low res and so that was causing me to
have low res images on my site and so in my prompt I said to it take the image URL and to change the width and height properties of the URL in its output and it did that so I could literally change URLs and everything so Claude basically what Claude is doing every time you're asking something is going back and reading all the this data and then giving you what you specifically want here so effectively you're just organizing the information for your specific use case right um and so you can go down the whole thing here
let's just do a quick one like busiest so let's say um best uh date time best for date time best time for date night so you tell it to print in specific format you can say print the best time to visit this place um for date night um print your output as actually Greg you know what I'm going to do I'm GNA actually just change this to English for a minute because um we can actually then see what it actually says um sounds good yeah print the rest time to visit play print your output as
um in the in the following format format example and I'll say like um Tuesdays from 12: to 8: p.m. um without the um what's it called Speech marks but so that's an example so this is giving you a little bit of an idea of how you could speak to Claude right so now we can hit continue um and so by the way obviously you know for side this there's lots going on like we actually asking it for so much information so you can break down whatever information you want let's just add one actually for score
actually I'm going to do a scoring one with you guys over here quickly this how I did it just give you some context so you can say um write me an algorithm so write me a prompt that I can give Claude to um rank this uh place um on a um scale out of 10 um you should also um create individual categories for things like uh um food experience service Etc whatever you think is best and each of those should have a score the final score should be calculated based on these individual scores or whatever
you know can you cck can you click uh High it says River Side FM is sharing your screen no worries um write the um provide the in a code also when I'm speaking to Claude I'm just like I'm not thinking much about like what I'm asking yeah I kind of refine as I go because sometimes I read it back and I'm just like speaking like an idiot and then you refine it so so there you go so that's is it will literally this is what I'm talking about like you want to just help it just
give you the information that you're looking for so this is exactly what us it will go and do it will give me the prompt of like please analyze the data using these categories food and menu service and stuff overall experience for each category score out 10 this key factor influence the score so I'm going to say um reduce reduce it down to five categories and we don't need the key factors uh list it out Simply the scores and then what you can do by the way Omar once you have these scores and you can do
this I mean you'll be able to do this with your website is you can create an embeddable widget that restaurants could embed on their products and be like I got 97% score and why why is that so genius is it actually gener exactly it's a backlink play just a backlink play right so in SEO the more backlinks you get the more high quality back links you get the more High more Trust basically you get um and you'll just get more traffic so yeah dope idea amazing man I mean do you know one of the things
was thinking is like I can't bring myself to do it because I I haven't got the buy I haven't bought into it creatively yet but it's the Google uh podcast thing llm you know the the podcasts that you notbook notbook LM notbook LM yeah so like I actually put the URL in there and it just it like took M of Emirates which has like a ski slope in it and it was like Yeah hold my camel you know there it was like so cool but and amazing but I was like ah like we could we
could technically just end up having a whole podcast for like all these places which also helps SEO massively too but you know haven't I haven't like mentally committed to it just yet what do you think about like doing stuff like that as well like you know generating content using notebook llm for the for for for SEO purposes do you think it has a benefit I think it has a benefit yeah yeah I mean yes absolutely all right that might be interesting worth exploring then um so we're going to say score um so we're going to
then say um please analyze so then we're going to say here um score scoring algorithm rithm and then just give it the prompt please analyze the data and then provide boom and then again we're going to say um um you know whatever food and menu score uh say uh generate score so food and menu score um and we say print the food and menu score out of 10 to two decimal places so again you go through the whole thing and then finally we can do like you know total uh total score print the uh the
final weighted score out of 10 yeah so just things like this you can do and oh oops mistake yeah colon all right so we'll hit continue now uh and then test that and so Claude will now go and do the entire process and read your prompt uh and get us information in the format that we're asking you for um and so there we go now we have place name Le Express website URL with our reference at the end of it best time for dat night Wednesdays from 9:00 p.m. to 7 to 9 p.m. low occupancy
then weekends but still good atmosphere so what's interesting here is like it's given us like information and brackets that we don't want um I just wanted this information so I would go back in my prompt and and refine that and just be clear about that so you can do that uh scoring analysis basally available data is giving us all the scores um so did food and menu score um again it's given us actually too much information we only wanted to score so we could like tell it to refine that um and toal weighted score as
well it's given us so that's basically a structure now if we had more time I'd go back and I refine The Prompt but just to show you guys that's how you can basically talk to Claude and get the information you want so the main thing here is to make sure that the format is for every piece of information you want is asterisk asterisk um the thing you want asterisk asterisk colon and then the mini prompt the instruction and that can be as elaborate as you want you can literally get to write you a like code
if you want and so now what we have is another challenge which is the clae actually give us the output in a single text block right same way as as it would give us output here um like this and so if I just wanted to take like the opening hours I can't do that right because it's one big text block if I try to send information to webflow web flow will take this entire text block same way will take all of this information as one it wouldn't know how to break it down and so the
reason we added the asterisks is because that is a a rule we've set a bit like an indicator for the next step which is another piece of python code we're going to add and so we're going to hit run python here and we this the input data this time is going to be response and here we're going to put the uh cla's actual output right and now what we can do is take this bit of code and paste here and basically what this is telling CL um uh zapia to do is find the pattern where
is asterisk asterisk and then basically strip that down and give us just the information after that right and so you hit this and immediately it will just break that text down and so now we've got the place name as an individual string URL as an individual string and all the information that we asked for again the score here would want it just to be 9.20 but that's based on you know the prompt that we gave it we can refine that but effectively anywhere those asterisk is broken down and given us a string of information and
so now you can see that if you kind of extrapolate this out that's how you start to get every little detail that I have here like you know FAQs the phone number the you know the opening hours every single thing is individual sets of data that I've asked it for um and then the final step you would do now that you have this information is is connect to your webflow project right and so I here webflow and so if we go to our webflow project here we might want to create a um collection item quickly
so we'll say our collection will be um you know restaurants and we have name in there already we can have different fields so in web flow you can have you know all different types of fields here so another text might be you know total score um and then another field item might be uh no we could have the URL here so we could say um you know URL um so let's just create that collection so again you guys can you know really build this out and maybe we can do a more detailed breakdown uh in
future as well um and so normally webflow you'd add things manually here right you click add and then you'd manually add uh sorry you'd manually add a new place um but that's obviously very timec consuming we're not going to be doing that the good thing with zapia is if I just publish this um with zapia is it connects to webflow and so it can find your CMS items and you can just map fields to that CMS and so you have a now that we created a CMS you have a template page here restaurant template so
same way over here I have uh restaurant templates this is my restaurant template page um you also have that right and so now you can put any type of design element you want in here so we could go into here and copy something you know let's take um what let's take this over here copy this for argument sake you know this might be our uh title uh this might be um the total score total score um you know this might we might want this to link to URL right so like visit and I could even
go as far as saying visit and another text block where it would say that the place is name the the name of the place again and so um we will go to uh back to zapia now go to the web flow step and we're going to create a live item with now we're going to go account and we're going to connect to my account hit continue you're going to pick your site this our sip AI our collection it's found the restaurant collection we've just created uh By the way when you create a collection make sure
you publish that's otherwise zapia won't pick it up so if you struggle with that it's probably because you haven't published it and now all the fields we've just added so we've only added a few of them but again if you have a big site you can have as many fields as you want here um you can start to see the fields here now we can actually map data to these fields that we've just set up and so the place name now if you see here we've G we got the um python response uh from our
clae output broken down and this is the place name over here we then have the total score which is going to be the data that we're connecting from our python output again which is going to be like you know uh where's total score uh total score maybe it should be a total score H didn't give us total score okay location accessibility let's just put that score in for now just so we can see where it looks like um and then URL we'll have our URL from here your website URL um cool and then slug so
in my in my in my site I actually create the slug as well with Claude so the reason I do that so if you see over here this this slug which would be SL Parkers normally you just we clicked on it but it be part the reason I do that is because when you're doing your SEO you want the slug to be you want to know what the slug is so that you can when you generate your schema you actually reference the correct URL for Google um because you it's difficult to create the schema once
your web flow item has been created you know um and so now that we're done that we can hit continue and then test step oh it doing that is there a bad request error URL oh might be this over here let me see what's going on well I love that there's a bug cuz yeah I know this is real life man so funny like I never really haveg bug Let's test again let's see what's going on okay now okay so here's what I'll do I would just basically individually delete and test again and see where
it's coming from all right cool okay fine so there's some formatting issue somewhere so maybe this let's see um and this is just good for people while you're debagging this this is just good for people to see how someone like you once they have a problem how do they think about debugging yeah for sure for sure for sure yeah now it's uh I normally just kind of work back through my steps so I'll just like normally I'll go like so if you saw here I went to webflow I saw that it was obviously I just
deleted two things I'm trying to just minimize get back to like you know one step at a time so let's add place and see if that works if that doesn't work then this was all nothing here was working so at least we know that works it sends to webflow and so before I start adding total score I'm actually curious because I can't find total score so I just went back to my step here and wanted to see if we actually got total score as an output and we did and so we do have the total
score there um and in our code did they break it down well we don't see total score here we only see value so something's going on uh um where there must be a asterisk problem because if you see here like food menu score this all looks wrong so somewhere ibly missed missed something in the formatting so let's have a look at our prompt again so have we missed a colon somewhere no we got the colons in place interesting so we got our place name yep yep so could ah hold on a second it could be
maybe because we've got the percentages and dollars in there these signs so what we want to do is yeah so I think that's messing up formatting so uh SC as B available data yeah I don't know why it's adding Astro c not asking it to so okay so now we can go to our guidelines and say print your output uh print only the output print only print your output as the uh trying to think of the English that I chuse print only um the uh titles inside asterisks um followed by the um followed by the
answer to that specific prompt this is probably not making right right sense in English let's see only only the titles inser Asis followed by the answer prompt if my instruction uh if no no let's not worry about that let's just see what it's done for now [Music] uh two places EG 9.10 EG 8.20 um Now speech marks and no additional TCH cool let's see if it does that Okay cool so yeah it seems to be better food menu score total score yeah okay so that looks about right let's retest the step okay good this bit
over here though why does it put that in day night ah because we have this information down here after it so it's thinking it's all part of it um why is it doing that it's very strange though because I've never had this thing before where like it will literally follow one from the next thing um there must be something in my prompts normally I don't have the prompts in front of me that normally add in the guidelines that tells you not to do that um yeah let me see scores chose analyze we'll give it a
couple minutes if not what we'll just do is we'll edit this part out and we'll just be like and then you publish it to we web flow yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm just wondering the why why it's even why is it taking night you know I'm going to do let me just jump into my actual normal yeah it's not this one um submit play working here just read the so my normal prompts are like enormous now this is a prompt so I'll give you the title of I to up for the wrapped in as for
example restaurant rules I've set for you when you give me the I simplify the side yeah cool all right let's take this and see if it works when you give the output okay avoid using generic or AI sounding language I like that I know if there is French actually no let's not do that everything be French yeah because it is literally Montreal so if there's uh okay we just do it here cool all right so you can probably just take out the bit where I just went over to this project yeah we can just go
straight into this okay so I've just put the guidelines in from our other project from best of buyo project let's see if this works so it should be a little bit clear I'll give you a title of a field I want you to Output data for this field will be R in asterisks cool so let's see if this works otherwise Lord knows why it's it down using that anyway let's see fingers crossed ah actually I do know why okay let's see what happens I do know why yeah I do know why the reason that's happening
is because okay this is better now but what's happening is it's actually yeah it was adding information into the clae response response only should be the asterisks no other information so it was including this as part of the response so that was a problem so we just had to kind of clarify probably like to where to stop so now what's happening is it's given us a score but then the category breakdown so total score uh yeah so we'll just go here print uh print the food menu score out of 10 places only print the score
all right let's see if this helps gets us through the door all right yeah cool there we go all right so a little bit of PL around CLA but we got there so what your output should look like this it should just simply be every you know each item you've asked for with the information and there shouldn't be anything else in between it should just be the output you want right because this is the data we're going to send now to webflow cool so now we can go here we can continue with the python step
again break the data down now the data is broken down for us we H continue um and we can add the information here hey where did total score going total score disappeared on us now all right let me one second it's going to bug me it's two seconds Craig why did it do that total score is here yeah very odd right it is totally that is so odd why I didn't playing with my emotions yeah okay would get there if we had more time all right no problem all right fine let's just use um the
food menu score on a total score fine um and URL here um as the URL yep co uh oops no it's incorrect because it's not in a https format oh yes so good eye yeah that's going to be a formatting issue so we got URL um URL in full HTP format the URL of this place in format cool so fun to build stuff in this day and age you know what it is it is it's like you can just sit here it's so annoying look at this stupid thing it's like written this whole thing out
doing that it's so I've never had this happen with cl it's rid what model are we using are we using like oh maybe it's three and a half concise because there's a lot of traffic you think so is that possible maybe you see balance most powerful latest Sonic balance very St very very odd that it would it would do that like I've never seen it be only I'm saying only print the score and nothing else after like how clear do we have to be it's wild but anyway you see yeah okay well it's there for
now this might be because it's got and in it let me let's let's let's change this yeah so maybe that's why it's not breaking it down because any odd food and menu score so it might be anything with an extra symbol because we on best to buyo basically we had an issue where like we get the pricing in dollars the symbols to reflect like not as expensive or whatever and it was crashing the site and it actually took us like 3 days to figure out it was because there was like a character it they couldn't
understand um yeah this how how does that even make wait do not do not do not give me any explanation in your output I'm getting increasingly angry in my front just the answer I'm looking for based on the instructions please and thank you you know how many times I've been like it's like bedtime my kids and they're like dying to go sleep and I'm like just give me one minute I'm just TR to sus this thing out all right come on fingers crossed let's get there let's just break everything down let's all right I'm Giving
Up on total score I don't know what on Earth is going on there all right we've got this information that we have great Fooda menu score is there uh the URL is there let's drop that in cool y all right nice so all right boom so at least we have that now so in in web flow now you'll have your data that's just been added um and so we see the score is in there the way we broken it down URL and the name so now you can start to understand that you can literally add
whichever field you want whatever type of prompt you want into CLA be as creative as you want with the prompt so long as you ask it to wrap the output in those asterisks and then break it down and then you can just print that information back into Claude so the last thing you're going to do here to tie it all up is you're going to find the data element you want to you know connect it to so here we're going to take the title we're going to go to settings and hit this purple little plus
here and we're going to say it's going to come from name and so it's going to pick you up from our CMS total score obviously this is like just a dead design you can design it however you want total score be there and then like visit um and again you put that name so visit l express and then the URL as well can also be connected from your CMS so if you click the link button here and it say get URL from restaurant so you can hit this and it'll find the url field that you
can hit and so that's Bas that's a most most Bare Bones basic way of setting up something between you know these platforms um and once you've done that you will have a basic web page but at least has got data on it your own data and then this URL will link to their site with your reference on it um yes that's that I would have well I don't mind showing you the SEO stuff if you want to we can do that another time depending how you have well I mean I think dude the amount of
value you just gave is insane like we had an idea for for for a directory we built it it all works of course it's not stylized and stuff like that but that's like the easy part honestly yeah um so um stylizing it and then um yeah we'll have to have you back on here another time for for for SEO and startup ideas but dude Omar thank you so much for your time Omar where could uh where could people get to know you a little bit better and is there anything you want to say to to
people listening man I just want to first of all you know I'm I'm a like Builder and designer and stuff myself so you know I think it's been it's very fun sharing this type of stuff and it gives me great purpose doing this I do this type of stuff with my kids as well just sitting a building stuff with them so thank you for for listening and I hope you guys get value from this so that's the most important thing and thank you to Greg you know for the platform you created um in terms of
finding me I think uh I'm pretty active on Instagram you'll see more of just you know being me but uh myow um my my my name I'm sure you can spell out in the description but uh that's me on Instagram on same myow um and then if you want to learn more of this stuff as well I'm on school you can go to 5day Sprint and I've got a bunch of like you know demos and deep dives into tools and how you can use them as a community of people on here that
are building stuff and you know every day we're on there just you know creating things together so um that's days Sprint 5-day dprint and you can jump on there and learn more of this stuff and get all these code Snippets and stuff so yeah you guys there thank you Greg all right man I appreciate youat man love [Music]