God Says ➨I'll Wipe Your Tears So Don't Skip | God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells

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God Tells You
God Says ➨I'll Wipe Your Tears So Don't Skip | God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells Go...
Video Transcript:
my precious child I speak to you now with infinite love and tenderness for you are my treasured creation formed by my own hands and breathed into Life by my spirit I have known you since before time began and I will love you for all eternity every moment of your existence is precious to me I told you I will never let you down this is not merely a promise but an immutable truth woven into the very fabric of existence my love and faithfulness to you are as certain as the rising of the Sun as constant as
the Turning of the earth as vast as the cosmos itself I am with you always in every breath in every heartbeat in moments of Triumph and in valleys of Despair when the world seems to crumble around you and all feels lost know that I am there holding you securely in the palm of my hand when Joy overflows and your heart Soares with gratitude I am there delighting in your happiness in the ordinary moments of daily life as you work as you rest as you laugh with loved ones I am there watching over you with tender
care my child there is nothing you can do to make me love you more and nothing you can do to make me love you less my love for you is perfect unconditional and eternal it does not depend on your performance or your worthiness I love you simply because you are mine and I chose you before the foundation of the world when you stumble and fall when you make mistakes or give into temptation do not fear that I will abandon you my grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in weakness come to
me with a contrite heart and I will forgive you and set your feet once more on Solid Ground my mercies are new every morning and my faithfulness to you will never waver in the darkest night of your soul when doubts assail you and you feel utterly alone remember that I'm closer to you than your very breath I will never leave you nor forsake you though you may not always feel my presence or understand my ways trust that I am working all things together for your good my thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace to give
you a future and a hope take care of what I bless you with I have poured out my love upon you in countless ways both seen and unseen every good and perfect gift comes from me your father who Delights in giving good things to his children I have blessed you with life itself with the beauty of Creation with the capacity for love and joy and wonder I have given you abilities and talents and dreams and aspirations relationships and opportunities these these blessings are not random or halfhazard but carefully chosen for you by my infinite wisdom
and intimate knowledge of who you are each gift is meant to draw you closer to me to help you fulfill the unique purpose for which I created you and to bring you deep and Lasting Joy do not take my blessings for granted but recognize them for the precious gifts they are cultivate an attitude of gratitude training your eyes to see my goodness in both the extraordinary and the m Dane thank me for the air you breathe for the food that nourishes you for the comfort of a warm bed thank me for the people I've placed
in your life for the opportunities to learn and grow for the beauty that surrounds you in nature be a good Steward of all that I entrust to you use your talents and abilities not for selfish gain but to bless others and bring glory to my name care for your body which is my temple nurture your mind with knowledge and wisdom cultivate your spirit through prayer meditation on my word and acts of love and service guard your heart for it is the Wellspring of Life be vigilant against attitudes of entitlement or complacency that can blind you
to the preciousness of my gifts do not compare your blessings to those of others for I give to each according to my perfect plan what I have given you is exactly what you need for this season seon of your life cherish and love it with all your heart for these blessings are precious gifts meant to bring you Joy and fulfillment Every Blessing I give you is an expression of my love a tangible reminder of my constant care and provision when you cherish these gifts you honor me as the giver and open your heart to receive
even more of my goodness if you want God's grace always upon you then please consider to support our ministry by clicking thanks button love deeply and without reservation the people I've placed in your life your family friends and even strangers you encounter Are All Made in my image each one precious in my sight when you love them you participate in my love and reflect my character to the world cherish the unique personality and talents I've given you you are fearfully and wonderfully made a masterpiece crafted by the Divine artist Embrace who I created you to
be neither shrinking back in false humility nor puffing yourself up with pride use your gifts with confidence and joy knowing that I Delight in seeing you flourish take pleasure in the simple joys of Life a beautiful sunset a child's laughter the taste of good food shared with friends these moments are not trivial but glimpses of my goodness breaking through into your everyday existence Savor them fully letting gratitude well up in your heart find fulfillment in the work I've called you to do whether it seems significant in the world's eyes or not when you do all
things as unto me with excellence and a joyful heart you bring me glory and find deep satisfaction your work whatever it may be is a channel through which my love and creativity can flow into the world cherish the gift of time using it wisely and purposefully each day is a precious opportunity to know me more deeply to love others more fully to grow in character and wisdom do not squander this gift but make the most of every moment living with intentionality and eternal perspective love my word for in it you will find life truth and
guidance for every situation let my promises sink deep into your heart shaping your thoughts and actions meditate on my teachings day and night and you will be like a tree planted by streams of water bearing fruit in every season cherish the gift of prayer the astounding privilege of direct communication with the creator of the universe come to me often pouring out your heart in Praise Thanksgiving confession and supplication I am always listening always ready to speak to you in the depths of your spirit love the beauty of my creation from the vastness of galaxies to
the intricate y of a flower petal let nature speak to you of my power wisdom and Artistry care for the Earth as a faithful Steward remembering that I have entrusted it to you cherish the trials and challenges I allow in your life for they are also blessings in Disguise through difficulties your faith is refined your character is strengthened and you learn to depend more fully on me do not resist and hardships but embrace them as opportunities for growth and deeper intimacy with me love the process of becoming more like me cooperating with my spirit as
he transforms you from glory to glory rejoice in small victories over sin and selfishness knowing that I am completing the good work I began in you when you cherish my blessings in this way you open yourself to experience the fullness of joy and peace that I intend for you you align your heart with mine seeing the world through eyes of gratitude and wonder this attitude of cherishing attracts even more blessings creating a beautiful cycle of abundance and praise honor them and let them remind you of my unwavering love and faithfulness to honor my blessings means
to treat them with reverence respect and care it means recognizing their true value and using them in ways that please me and benefit others honor The Gift of Life by living purposefully and courageously do not waste your days in frivolous Pursuits or idle complacency but invest your time and energy and things of Eternal value seek first my kingdom and my righteousness trusting that I will provide everything you need honor your body by treating it as the Temple of my spirit nourish it with healthy food exercise it regularly and give it adequate rest avoid harmful substances
and behaviors that damage the vessel I've given you use your body as an instrument of righteousness bringing my love and healing to others through appropriate physical touch acts of service oh and expressions of care feel free to share this video with up to three people if you feel the need for God's presence let others too bask in the Divine Light of our heavenly father honor your mind by filling it with truth beauty and wisdom guard against toxic thought negative selft talk and worldly philosophies that contradict my word instead think on whatever is true Noble right
pure lovely admirable excellent and praiseworthy cultivate A Renewed mind that is transformed by my truth and aligned with my will honor your emotions by acknowledging them honestly before me while not allowing them to control you bring your feelings both both positive and negative to me in prayer let joy and gratitude flow freely and allow grief and anger to be processed in healthy ways develop emotional intelligence and empathy using your feelings as a way to connect more deeply with me and with others honor your spiritual gifts by using them Faithfully to build up the body of
Christ and to serve others do not neglect the gift that is in you but fan it into flame seek opportunities to exercise your gifts always remembering that they are given for the common good not for personal glory honor the relationships I've blessed you with by investing time and energy into them communicate openly and honestly forgive quickly and love sacrificially be patient with the faults of others just as I am patient with you seek to encourage and build up those around you speaking words of life and affirmation honor the material blessings I've given you by using
them gener ly and responsibly practice good stewardship with your finances avoiding debt and living within your means be quick to share with those in need remembering that all you have ultimately belongs to me find contentment in what you have rather than always craving more honor the opportunities I provide by making the most of them when doors open step through them with courage and faith when I give you a platform or position I of influence use it to glorify me and to benefit others do not shrink back from challenges but face them headon trusting in my
strength honor the beauty of creation by treating the natural world with respect and care be a responsible Steward of the environment making choices that protect and preserve the Earth for future Generations take time to enjoy and appreciate the wonders of nature letting them draw your heart to worship me the master artist honor the freedom I've given you by using it wisely do not use your Liberty as a cover up for evil but live as Servants of God make choices that align with my will and reflect my character use your free will to choose love forgiveness
kindness and self-control honor the truth of my word by believing it obeying it and sharing it with others do not twist scripture to suit your own desires but submit yourself to its Authority let my word dwell in you richly shaping your worldview and guiding your decisions honor the gift of Salvation by living a life worthy of your calling do not take my grace for granted or use it as an excuse for sin instead let your gratitude for Redemption motivate you to live in a way that pleases me and draws others to my love honor the
trials I allow by facing them with faith and perseverance do not waste your Sorrows but let them produce a new character hope and a deeper dependence on me use your experiences of hardship to comfort others with the comfort you have received from me as you honor these blessings they become constant reminders of my unwavering love and faithfulness each gift points back to me The Giver increasing your awareness of my presence and goodness in your life you begin to see my hand at work in every circumstance recognizing that all of life is infused with my grace
let the beauty of creation remind you of my creative power and attention to detail when you see a breathtaking landscape or Marvel at the intricacy of a snowflake remember that the same God who designed these wonders also crafted you with infinite care and purpose let your talents and abilities remind you of my unique design for your life when you exercise your gifts and see the impact they have remember that I have equipped you for good works that I prepared in advance for you to do type Amen in the comments and don't forget to share this
message with up to three people so that God can help you let the love of family and friends remind you of my Relentless pursuing love for you when you experience acceptance forgiveness and unconditional love from others remember that these are but a shadow of my perfect love for you you let your daily provision of food shelter and Necessities remind you of my faithful care when you sit down to a meal or lay your head on your pillow at night remember that I am Jehovah jira your provider who Delights in meeting your every need let moments
of joy and laughter remind you of my desire for your happiness when your heart is light and your spirit Carefree remember that I am a god of Joy who wants you to experience the the fullness of life in me let times of trial remind you of my strength and comfort when You Face difficulties yet feel my peace that passes understanding remember that I am your rock and refuge and always present in times of trouble let answered prayers remind you of my attentiveness to your cries when you see my hand move in response to your petitions
remember that I am a God who hears and acts on behalf of his children let the changes of Seasons remind you of my faithfulness to my promises when you see spring follow winter or the sun rise after a dark night remember that I am unchanging and my mercies are new every morning let your very breath remind you of my life-giving spirit within you with each inhalation and exhalation remember that I am the source of your life closer to you than the air you breathe let the warmth of sunlight remind you of my constant presence and
favor when you feel the sun on your face remember that my face is always shining upon you and I Delight in blessing you let the strength of mountains remind you of my unchanging nature and protective care when you see immovable Peaks remember that my love for you is unshakable and I am your Mighty Fortress let the wisdom of the elderly remind you of my Timeless nature and the value of spiritual maturity when you interact with those who have walked along with me remember that I am the Ancient of Days inviting you into deeper relationship let
the taste of good food remind you of my desire for you to enjoy life abundantly when you Savor a delicious meal remember that I am the bread of life providing all you need for sustenance and satisfaction let the comfort of a warm embrace remind you of my Constant Comfort and care when you are held by a loved one remember that I hold you always in my Everlasting Arms let the satisfaction of completing a task remind you of my pleasure in your faithfulness when you finish a project remember that I am working in you enabling you
to work out your salvation with fear and trembling let the excitement of learning something new remind you of my invitation to know me more deeply when your mind grasps A New Concept remember that the riches of knowing me are inexhaustable and I Delight in revealing myself to you let the Peace of a quiet moment remind you of my call to rest in me when you find Stillness amid the busyness of Life remember that I am your true source of peace offering rest for your soul let the Majesty of a thunderstorm remind you of my awesome
power and Sovereign control when lightning flashes and Thunder Rolls remember that I Am Lord over all creation and nothing is too difficult for me let the process of pollination remind you of your role in spreading my love when you see ins SE or wind carrying pollen from flower to flower remember that I have called you to be a carrier of my grace spreading the good news of my kingdom wherever you go let the properties of a prism remind you of how my truth brings Clarity and Beauty when you see white light separated into a spectrum
of colors remember that my word brings understanding revealing the multifaceted beauty of life in me believe that God will help you please subscribe to the channel my beloved child let every aspect of the world I've created serve as a reminder of my love my character and my ongoing work in your life open your eyes to see my handiwork all around you for I speak not only through my written word but through the very fabric of creation let nature be a constant testimony to my faithfulness my power and my tender care for you as you cultivate
this awareness you will find yourself living in a state of constant communion with me every sight sound and experience becomes an opportunity to deepen your understanding of who I am and how much I love you this is the Abundant Life I desire for you not merely existing but truly living fully awake to my presence and activity in every moment remember my child that you are never alone I Am With You Always surrounding you with reminders of my love and faithfulness trust in me with all your heart lean not on your own understanding and I will
make your path straight let my love be the foundation of your life informing every thought word and action go forth in confidence knowing that you are deeply loved fully accepted and empowered by my spirit to live a life that brings glory to my name Embrace each day as a gift an opportunity to know me more intimately and to make me known to others for in this lies your true purpose and deepest fulfillment I am with you always my beloved never forget how precious you are to me amen
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