Everyone Makes These Mistakes Trying To Get Shredded

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hey folks Dr Mike here for Renaissance periodization let's talk about eight of some of the most common mistakes in Fat Loss dieting you don't want to make them you don't want your clients to make them you don't want your friends to make them let's talk about them talk about why they're mistakes and just be sure to note them and avoid them number one these aren't necessarily an order of how common they are but they're all pretty fucking common massive upfront deficit right yeah it's fun to do a crazy diet and not eat hardly anything except
massive deficits up front wildly increase the diet fatigue and cause the rest of the diet to be pure hell you're Ultra hungry Ultra sleep deprived Ultra crazy Ultra weak because you nasty cut in that deficit early in addition for those of us who are not as used to dieting or for those of us who still have probability of falling off the wagon a huge deficit up front is kind of like a weeder class in college like biochem most people will just fail because they probably shouldn't be in the major we don't want that to be
the thing with dieting we want most people to succeed so we don't want a crazy deficit up front just a nice normal deficit something that lets you lose between half a percent or percent of your body weight per week none of this two percent per week bullshit big mistake next one number two people who don't set a weight or duration goal it's totally fine to say I'm going to do this diet I'm going to do a good deficit for 10 or 12 weeks amazing it's also fine to be like I'm gonna lose 20 pounds I
think it's going to take me about 12 to 14 weeks plus or minus but as soon as I lose 20 pounds I'm done I go to maintenance phase I let all that diet fatigue uh heal and then I go again or I live in maintenance if you don't have a weight or duration goal how the fuck do you know when to stop and how do you know when to prevent yourself from going so far that you get into that crazy rebound and get super fat again it's tough also if you don't have a duration or
a goal you won't have what I've sort of turned before the light at the end of the tunnel effect where if you're on pound 15 you've lost 15 pounds out of the 20 and it's getting that you wanted and it's getting really really hard to lose weight and really psychologically burdensome you can always look at the light at the end of the tunnel and be like motherfucker I'm only five fucking pounds away from this shit let's get this fucking money let's do it right but if you've lost 15 pounds and you come to work tired
hungry and your boss is like Jim you're looking good how much more weight you have to lose you're like I don't know he's like Jesus Christ what keeps you up every day are you fucking kidding me how do you even motivate yourself uh-huh right if you are in a really tough situation which you will get into in almost every fat loss diet towards the end having an end is such an amazing motivating thing be it in two weeks I'm done or be it in five pounds I'm done you don't wanna push that aside and be
like Dad never fucking ends bro it doesn't work out well for almost everyone really easy to get demotivated and really easy to get to losing for so long or losing so much weight that your body's mechanisms that bring you back up get really fired up and overwhelm you and then you lost 20 pounds regain 10 that sucks you don't want to be in that perspective this is such a big deal the weight and duration goal that in the RP diet coach app which you could be using now for 15 bucks a month or whatever it
costs and great diet coach in your pocket but you play too much um in the app we have distinct duration and weight loss combination goals to say Okay I want to lose X I want to lose 10 pounds in eight weeks I'm going to lose 14 pounds in 12 weeks whatever you tell us and we tell you how difficult it's going to be right because you don't want to bite off more than you can chew and one thing we have had requests for in the app by a few people not too many is like is
there a mode where I just start dieting and there's no like duration or there's no weight goal and we're just like I think our software Engineers could make that update in like 10 minutes but like why it's crazy you don't want to go down a never-ending diet alley it's a bad idea and people do it they do it all the time don't do it don't just start a diet know when the diet is coming to an end so you can do a good job checklist and switch to me Point number three people make mistakes is
free meals cheat meals or free days or cheat days or in most cases a fucking stupid idea because what they do is allow you to eat just enough tasty food to get your really fucking crazy more and then it cuts it off and goes back to suffering if you're gonna suffer just fucking dig in just dig in and do it and then after a while you're eating mostly bland diet foods anyway you kind of forget how the good stuff tastes that's a fucking good thing okay I'm gonna make a real shitty shitty shitty fucking analogy
I'm sorry in advance if this offends you nonetheless actually pretty decent analogy on The Logical structure if you decide for some strange reason uh this mostly applies to the gentleman as female sexuality is both complex and eludes me entirely uh if you decide like to have a no-wink period for like two weeks okay two weeks no wanking your body's like I'm gonna pay a thousand dollars don't you go down there touching yourself okay sweet what are you gonna do are you gonna just try to like work in school and sleep and shower and lift and
do your normal shit and just try to just not think about the shit or are you gonna like look at porn daily or every three days I get 15 minutes to look at porn but I don't jack off what do you nuts you're just making a shit full for yourself and honestly bro that's the way cheat meals work in most cases are there people who have a cheat meal or a cheat day they don't go overboard on it and then they're just satisfied and then they go along yes but those people are quite rare compared
to the most of us that a cheat meal or cheat day just throws us the fuck off our plan lastly it's really really tough to have a cheat meal or a cheat day especially in which you don't eat so many fucking calories over your maintenance that you actually erase some of the progress that you've made for days and days and days beforehand I've seen people do a cheat once every five days three to five days one meal meal go to all you can eat buffet and erase almost all of the deficit that they've had for
five days before how the fuck well if you're fucking starving to death eating 3 000 calories in a Chinese buffet in one sitting is actually quite reasonable many people can do it I've fucking done it before sabotage tons of stuff be like what the hell man only one out of every 20 of my meals as a cheat meal yeah but if the cheat's that bad it erases a shitload of other deficit it's a bad idea it's a bad idea in almost all cases don't do it you know insert joke about how that relates to porn
here yeah yeah all right so save if you want tasty Foods fucking sweet so do we all save this shit for maintenance right lose your fat loss do your fat loss minimal or no cheating first half of your maintenance base for several weeks for sure no cheating because it's too much and it'll just rebound you when your body feels really good your mind feels really solid you've had tons of clean food for a few weeks you feel like you're super good have some cookies have some pizza have some whatever you'll have a few slices and
be like oh that was really great you won't rebound like crazy and everything will be wonderful so yes cheat foods and all that stuff is amazing it's the fucking this is joy of life but don't do it during a diet because it sabotages you like crazy fourth mistake cutting out carbs right away should have been mistake number one because it's so fucking common but again these are not an order of how common they are cutting out carbs right away is really sweet because it instantly drops your body water and your body weight by a shitload
of weight five sometimes ten pounds and it's great for that initial inspiration the problem is after that your weight loss starts to go real slow a pound or two per week and that could be demotivating if you don't cut your carbs right away you just impose a deficit it's a pound or two every week and you're like hey hell yeah like I'm still going at it you don't have to wonder what the fuck you did wrong after three weeks of the diet when the diet stops working so yeah keto works for me for a little
while but then it doesn't I don't know keto works the entire time it's just the body water flux that you detect as working which just really if you start eating carbs again it unworks itself when you gain 10 pounds in the same few days so cutting carbs right away is not a great idea because you need carbohydrates to fill you up they're very filling especially fruits and veggies they give you tons of energy to use your brain and your body throughout the day cutting out carbs is is also bad for athletic performance it's bad for
muscle retention so it's a good idea to keep the carbs in and not slash them right away uh because again the only benefit of slashing carbs run away in most cases is you know it's uh you lose a lot of weight at first a lot of weight and then I don't know I don't know what happens after that but everyone's always like oh I lose tons of weight on keto for how many weeks like Wow first couple and then what I just fall off the wagon mm-hmm now that's not to say that low carb diets
are bad you can do a low carb diet but you expect the water weight loss to be a water weight loss you don't get super jazzed up a lot of oh my God I lost five pounds this week who knows what will happen next week two pounds oh fuck you should have seen that one coming number five not enough protein and or weights a lot of people will do a fat loss diet but it's really a weight loss diet or a tissue loss diet because they don't eat sufficient protein they don't train hard with weights
and train hard may even mean two times a week full body weight training and anything above you're winning in that book some people just don't train with weights at all so they'll do a diet and they'll do some yogurt Pilates or not even they'll just do some jogging and then after a few months people are like oh my God Cindy you look like you're um are you okay are you sick like what the fuck man I just lost 15 pounds like oh is that cause you're sick no God damn it I'm doing a diet oh
I see it's this special diet because you're sick why the fuck are you I'm sick what's because if you lose a bunch of muscle and fat at the same time you look sick you don't want that so if you train with weights and you eat plenty of protein instead of just getting smaller and more pathetic looking you get leaner and more fucking Superman looking so when that bitch at work says some shit to you it better be the right thing like hey Susie I heard that you were like you do one of these you heard
what she's like please I have a family exactly you human [Music] man even if he doesn't do it it'll be funny all right number six mistake is over or under hyping meal frequency you got two three types of people normal people that eat anywhere between several meals and multiple meals through the day and they're totally good with it and they don't think it's magical and it's just a way to get in food and high protein feeding and plenty of energy and that's great and you got people on the other side that are eating like nine
meals a day or eight meals a day and stoking the metabolic fire even though that's total fucking bullshit they're ruining their lives trying to eat this many meals of the day and it's not sustainable and they end up burning out you don't need to eat 17 fucking times a day anything between three and six times a day is totally great on the other hand don't you worry I did not forget you people I said it intermittent fasters but intermittent fasting is a totally fine way to diet it's just one of the many effective strategies to
present a caloric deficit and if it works for you amazing the overhyping is the part where they're like um anything more than one meal per day there's like evolutionarily not optimal and it doesn't promote autophagy yeah yeah that word makes me sound smart I have this no future Rogan episodes I sort of know what that word maybe means and they'll just taught everyone that fucking within a mile of of of earshot they will tell about how intermittent fasting is amazing one meal a day or two meals a day and they'll tell you about their fucking
plan nobody ever asked you motherfucker like would I like do 16-2 shut the fuck up motherfucker get out of my face eat your meals if it's a few meals that's okay if it's many meals that's okay meal frequency is just not important to your results in most cases especially at the extremes it choose whatever is sustainable for you and you're fucking golden you don't have to try to convert everyone to eating 18 times a day or eating once every other day and by the way you guys know um which they call the siren from from
the myths of like the Greek myths the siren is like a like a female that makes some kind of wailing sound the drive Sailors insane and then they crash their ships or something like that the scientists have researched this recently and they actually found out that almost all the sirens in the in the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean turned out to just be really intense intermittent fasting advocates and the sailors just went nuts eat one meal a day autophagy this thing I was like oh fuck I guess they didn't have nine millimeters back then but
if they did you could shoot yourself faster uh honestly if you had a sniper rifle you could be like one meal a day huh send that shit am I saying that we should be sniper rifling creatures from 2500 years ago that are Sirens that are talking about one meal a day as being the best yes I am yes I am and we're gonna be on record for that shit in any case eat your fucking meals don't worry too much because here's the thing a lot of people get so invested into one of these two strategies
they don't even see that they could have things differently like I've had people be like hey man I can't diet on vacation okay I I understand it's family friends fun they're like no no I need to eat my six meals a day and on vacation only four so what's even the point what the fuck you'll be just fine I'm like no no no no no I need to start a metabolic fire I need the constant protein feedings otherwise absolute bullshit and you have other people that you know they'll be on a good diet things will
be working and they'll come to you as your coach and they'll say Hey listen this guy at work says if I'm eating more than one meal a day I'm just like really wrecking my metabolism and it's bad for all longevity also and stuff get the fuck out of my face that's a whole bunch of bullshit seventh mistake this is a crazy one this is one I wouldn't know it was a mistake unless we had tons of clients at RP we actually have a huge client Forum on Facebook it's over a hundred thousand of our past
and current clients um it's called the RP clients group you may be able to actually get in there and just submit your your invitation and a lot of people there asking questions for the first time in their dieting career and this question kept coming up so much we put it in our how-to diet documents when you get an RP diet it's actually if you download the RP diet coach app it's in the FAQ uh and here it is we tell you when you begin a diet that is totally okay for you to continue to do
the following things chew gum have any amount of caffeine that you deem is appropriate and have any amount of diet soda that you deem as appropriate people seem to always think that you have to cut out gum that's right gum chewing caffeine and diet soda and a couple of other things there are condiments sometimes like mustard and shit like that to get all crazy about totally understandable why because a lot of people who are starting fat loss diets are doing fat loss diets hear a bunch of shit from other people that are doing fat loss
diets and a bunch of people are carrying this mythology the diets and cleanses are the same thing like if you want a fucking Namaste cleanse your fucking body whatever you're into Hollywood do too many drugs sure you can cut out gum caffeine diet soda and the rest of your life for a few weeks and then come out the other end cleansed you can't actually do that because cleanses are also fucking bullshit and don't do anything why do people think that cutting out gum caffeine and diet soda are diet enhancers because they're looking at it from
a moralistic sense instead of of a physiological sense it's a moralistic perspective is a diet is a cleansing time normally I do the things I like now I get into the Spartan lifestyle where it's not things I like and that's true as far as the food goes but they say okay so then for sure I can't have all the other things I like including gum caffeine and diet soda but gum doesn't have any fucking calories caffeine burns fat and keeps your hunger in check and diet soda if even if it doesn't have caffeine it's just
a harmless drink that is nice and it doesn't affect anything at all no you don't have to remove these things from mid height and if you keep them in your diet your diet can be that much more enjoyable and sustainable so let me want to tell you that you can't have these things and if they're telling you Hey listen you really shouldn't be having gum on a diet make sure that while they're telling you this you're taking out strips of gum and putting them in your mouth um you want some gum that usually gets people
to go away but then afterwards you're like oh do you guys ever swallow your gum Scott is that a good idea to do you're an expert on gum swallowing no it's a good copier speaker it can get caught in your sphincter and that's all the medicine I've ever needed to know lastly Point number I couldn't keep it down for that one that's because I have gum in my sphincter cough every now and again lastly and this is a huge problem in many diets beginner diets fat loss diets all kinds of diets no interest in our
understanding of Maintenance strategies the huge thing with fat loss diets is this the vast majority of people that will ever do a fat loss diet will rebound out of it and gain back almost all or all the weight or even more weight than they lost predictable scientifically established for a generation now in order to prevent this from happening you need to understand that at the end of a fat loss diet your body is in a very precarious position all of the hormones and neural patterns and everything that try to make you regain the weight are
maximum your diet fatigue put another way is really high in your chance of rebounding is crazy what you need is a dedicated dieting phase I know again still it's annoying call to maintenance phase that slowly reintroduces more and more healthy food than the slowly reintroduces some junk food and does this all while allowing your metabolism and and your physical activity to keep up to pace so that you get down from 200 to 180 and then you bump up a little body water 185 to 180 185 180 and that maintenance phase lasts at least two-thirds as
long as your fat loss diet maybe as long the end of that process you only weigh 180 to 185 you've kept almost all of your weight off except now because you took that maintenance phase without having regained all the weight your body hits a new settling point and it's thinking ah you know everything's fine here I'm not starving stuff your hunger goes back relatively to normal your energy levels are super high you are ready to live life at balance without eating a slice of pizza and blowing up or you're ready to diet again and lose
even more fat that maintenance phase is humongous it's super important and a lot of people just have a really myopic or really short perspective where they go okay I just need to get to here and then I'm good fat loss diet and then it's over fat loss diet and then maintenance you have to cap it with a maintenance okay um so it's a stupid analogy for this one yeah if you work in like a germ lab and you're doing research on super fucking infectious diseases with the fucking hood and all the fucking machines and you're
covered in the fucking biohazard suit you don't just stop working at 5pm M and close up the germ vile and then Eric see you guys later you just walk out with your biohazard suit take it off with just random hands wipe your face in your eyes and fuck off no you do a really intense protocol that may take some time you clean the suit gets cleaned with you in it then the suit gets peeled you get peeled out of it by other people still in hazmat suits and then they clean the fuck out of you
and then they test you for infection and then you pass it and you go he's like oh that's so stupid but I'm done working for today why can't I just fuck off because bad things will happen if you do that you need a protocol to make sure that after you are done with the germ research you have a phase of time in which you are prepared to go out into the world just the same way after a fat loss diet you got to be ready for the next thing including living life in balance and you
can't do that unless you've had a dedicated maintenance phase you don't have to do a maintenance phase you can just balloon back up to the old way it used to be like everybody else because you don't want to do that you're going to heat All These Warnings not make these mistakes and if you have someone that's making these mistakes hey shoot them uh shoot them a link to this video and uh maybe they'll watch it two things will happen one they'll get educated and not make mistakes and two the algorithm will give us more money
and then I can buy yet another Lamborghini and you know the collection's getting large but after a big enough collection you start to be proud of it after my first two or three Lambos I was like that's nice I sort of like lost some some wind in my sails but after the 19th and 20th Lambo it feels like a really complete stamp collection now I just want every Lambo ever made that's right see you guys next time
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