hello and welcome to reality check before we start I want to tell you a little bit about our sponsor for this week it's the iconic Chuck Norris a guy I used to have on my bedroom wall the martial artist hero who's still in his 80s and still kicking butt and still staying active what's even more shocking is he's stronger he can work out longer and he even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids he did this by making just one change and he says he still feels like he's in his 50s his wife
even started doing this one thing too and she's never felt better she says she feels 10 years younger her body looks leaner and she has energy all day Chuck made a special video that explains everything make sure you watch it by going to chuck.com Ross that's this link below this video it will change the way you think about your health once again that's chuck.com Ross now let's get on and enjoy the show good day and welcome to reality check so you've seen the full news Nation special investigation hunting UFOs where we detailed the allegations of
a firstand whistleblower for the the very first time telling the inside story of the retrieval of nonhuman craft I know it's an extraordinary allegation to make and there's millions of armchair experts out there who think they know everything about this story well today for the first time the bloke who told that story to me on news nation is telling his full account the full interview for the first time Jacob Barber is a guy I first met two years ago and he's not used to the Limelight he's fundamentally somebody who's been trained in intelligence he's been
trained in how to operate in the covert world and the only reason he's going overt is because he thinks you the public have a right to know about the illegal and criminal and improper things that he believes are going on inside what he calls the program but be aware that I think as George Herbert once said the life of aspires to know not be known it's difficult for any person to make the decision to step out into the Limelight let alone the excoriating glare of many hostile people who are looking for any excuse to pull
Jake down from his pedestal and the interesting thing is he wants to be investigated he wants the government the Congress to tackle this story and begin the slow exposition of what he knows and it's a difficult story I think for a lot of people to grasp because the scale of it and the implications of it are immense not only does it mean that there is a non-human intelligence that's been engaging with this planet and contrary to what the Pentagon says we've known about it for decades it also means of course that the government or sections
of the government have been lying to us and continue to lie to us and that's an egregious breach of public faith and at some stage there is going to be a reckoning But ultimately the big decision now for Congress and for the new Trump Administration is whether they take the allegations of Jacob Barber seriously so he wants and we've always intended for his full story to be told so here today for the very first time is the full interview with Jake Barber a great and loyal American who wants you to know the truth hey Ross
my name is Jacob Barber and for the last 30 years I've worked for the US government and its private Partners in both an official capacity as an enlisted man in the United States Air Force and in an unofficial capacity for the broader intelligence Community as a contractor over the last three decades my work has been very diverse and has included the recovery of downed UAP of non-human origin I am pleased to share that as of a couple weeks ago I have fulfilled a promise to our friend David grush by getting getting myself into a skiff
with Congress and I have provided top secret SEI testimony on the subject matter of UAP with this behind us I'm pleased to be at a place where I can share information with the public the type of information I can share will be limited by my doser restrictions and uh personal restrictions I have set in order to protect the privacy and quality of life of my friends family and colleagues so with that let's talk so Jake you've just made an historic Revelation that we are not alone how did it feel felt pretty good actually get that
off my chest you've lived with this secret for how long you could say more than a decade so let's roll back let's tell the story of Jake Barber okay you say you were an enlisted man and then you ended up working for the intelligence Community as a contractor tell me that story how did that happen well uh in high school I was 17 years old I was uh prospected into a program an enlistment program it was a guaranteed enlistment or guaranteed training enlistment program contract um for a specific career field at the time called combat
control career field is still called that the contract was unique uh at the time it was a 10-year commitment to Air Force Special Operations uh um I finished my screening for that program and uh September of 1994 I shipped off to Air Force basic training uh upon completion of that I went to a place known as operating location Hotel this was uh Air Force Special Operation selection um I completed selection roughly four months later and then entered into what is known as the pipeline the pipeline is a approximately a 2-year specialized training schedule where you
go to a number of schools um at a certain point in my pipeline I was approached by some individuals who had a discussion with me and convinced me it might be a good idea to consider becoming an airplane mechanic um was that to be your cover yes yes cuz I noticed your DD214 which is your release discharge document from the US Air Force which you've provided us it says you're an aerospace mechanic I was I was a mechanic I spent a lot of time on the flight line at Pope Air Force Base and an obscure
Maintenance Shop known as the -21 dual rail shop and I spent a lot of time there in my cover capacity and I worked hard you're constrained very heavily aren't you by what's called a defense office prepublication Security review correct and that's called a dooper for sure yes and if you accidentally or deliberately reveal information that they've told you that you're not allowed to reveal you can go to jail for the rest of your corre yeah they've created quite a land mind of words to avoid so there are certain agency names certain designations in the military
that you're not allowed to reveal or use yes and for good reason let me clarify something though you were trained as a top Special Operation Soldier upon completing that I was uh given orders to Pope Air Force Base where I spend a lot of time actually uh working in a maintenance capacity in an obscure Maintenance Shop known as the D21 dual rail shop um my time outside of that was spent um in any number of clubs you could say I was a member of many clubs where I got an opportunity to do a lot of
interesting training you were given extensive Special Operations training I trained in things like survival I was in Parachute Club I was in Scuba Club I was in weapons Club I was in Pilot Club I even was in Spanish club I was in entrepreneur Club paramedic Club so they were fully training you for whatever that Co role was going to be nobody was training me I was there on my own uh Free Will out of my own interest and trained in a number of clubs a mechanic but you were training yourself in a whole range of
different skills and I noticed your DD214 document it actually shows that you've got a Sharpshooters achievement yes yeah so how many mechanics have a Sharpshooters achievement not many I will say that the the standard for Marksmanship in the Air Force is pretty low but I I did qualify as expert Marksman in a number of small arms right and you've also I noticed you're able to talk about the fact that you earned a um Commendation for the use of combat medical skills to help save the lives of two men in a horrible accident yeah that's the
interesting thing is every once in a while my club skills would show up uh in the ordinary Air Force um part of what goes on when things are heavily compartmentalized is often the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing and so um serving in in my capacity is what is known as an OP four uh oppositional Force um by the time I was I was uh deeply immersed in my club training uh I soon began to be deployed as what's known as a a red team member I became a red team expert
so and opposition Force person what do they do just explain to me what you do so op four is the bad guys so an OP four is is a utility team and that team's utility is in pressure testing or stress testing the effectiveness of blue what are known as blue forces which are the good guys sure so uh op four is trained to deploy their own intuition um and innovation in order to make the regular soldiers lives hell and uh that was where I was uniquely um qualified and was deployed in that fashion in a
number of real world real world scenarios and training scenarios now it's a very useful set of skills that you acquired in the Air Force yes you've essentially had the training of a top tier one operator at if you like Delta Force or STS 24 level which is the top US Air Force Elite group but you were not a top tier one operator that is correct there is no evidence that I was ever assigned to any task force that was associated with those teams you just mentioned what were you what was I Ross I was a
highly talented airplane mechanic who got to deploy on a number of Presidential support missions I was a security escort for what are known as hvts all over the world um I also uh worked I deployed in Bosnia in support of the hunt for war criminals so why do countries like America have covert people like yourself what's the purpose of it well um there's a lot of utility in what you could call a Hidden Hand um For Better or For Worse the US government and its agencies tend to paint themselves into a corner and they're Bound
by their own regulations and rules of play and uh which uh uh makes it extremely valuable to be able to Outsource to folks who don't have to follow those same rules so you were operating outside of the normal rule book but to be clear there's nothing wrong with a covert role the US government uses covert operators all the time absolutely it's 100% in the best interest of everyone in this country and to maintain um superiority from a national security standpoint that we play the game that way and do you yourself as a patriot do you
love absolutely first and foremost before anything else and I'd like to be clear let's do this right now I'd like you to know exactly what side I'm on firstly I'm on the side of my family and my friends second I'm on the side of the American people and I'm on the side of the government and the military third and only as long as they're taking care of the first two in that time when you were being trained learning all these skills did you have any idea about aliens no not at all one way you can
validate that you were doing Special work is that you were actually recommended for a heroism medal weren't you the US Air Force a I was I was and you're not allowed to talk about that operation are you no there was a classified missions that took place uh in Bosnia and um but every once in a while things showed up in my record and at some point um I had the presence of mind to start making copies of certain things um uh which was a little nerve-wracking because it may may have been illegal that I was
in possession of certain things but this was a letter recommendation that that calls out U my particular Act of heroism were you awarded that middle no it was squashed by my case officer and do you think it was squashed because they didn't want you to be conspicuous yeah cuz what the hell would an aircraft mechanic be doing chasing war criminals in Bosnia and doing so to the extent that he would get find himself in a situation that would be worthy of a medal of heroism now you can't name the agency the organization that you were
working for can you no you're forbidden by your doser forbidden at any stage during any of the training that you received was anyone ever telling you that you were part of a government that was aware of the existence of non-human intelligence no not at that time and I'll have to tell you that um everything changed for me right around 911 and uh I left the Air Force and basically made a left turn at Albuquerque never part of the global war on terror and uh quite literally made a left turn at Albuquerque and was sent out
to California at that time to begin establishing my cover basis for an independent as an independent contractor um so that I can serve what was coming down the line next for me and that is the path which led to the UAP key subject in your time in deployment you met certain people from an aerospace company didn't you yes I did now it's also part of the constraints you operate under that you can't name that Aerospace company correct there's no good reason to name them even if I wasn't constrained what were they doing there well they
were supporting us with some new uh weapons technology that could be used to um disable vehicles and aircraft I can disclose this my understanding is that they were essentially using it was I think it's a matter of public record that microwave weapons pulse microwave weapons were being used at that time correct there was there were some early prototypes that were being used uh at that time and I met individuals that were there representing the companies that were providing that service to the government made some friends and those relationships led to Opportunities later in the California
desert uh where I began my journey before we go any further had you ever as a child experienced any kind of anomalous phenomena yourself no no this was completely off the books for you it was complete Revelation to you I'm I was born in the 70s I grew up a fan of Star Wars and Star Trek and Back to the Future and uh it certainly was a pleasant and fun idea but um during that same time it was also very clear that the culture it was clearly nostalgic like the subject matter of UAP and and
non-human intelligence which wasn't an acronym we used back then uh aliens let's say that it was 100% a fictional story so while I was interested in it it was purely as an adolescent from um being interested by any other fictional subject before we get into the nitty-gritty of what happened after 2001 let's talk about what you perceive are the right and responsibilities of American citizens under your Constitution as an enlisted man did you swear an oath to the Constitution I sure did yeah how much do you care about the the ideas and the principles that
are espoused in the US Constitution those ideas are absolutely Paramount they come above everything else even though I mentioned my my family and my friends are whose side I'm on first I cannot facilitate protecting them without the the fundamental nature of the US Constitution so it is Paramount to everything else is it fair to say that the reason why you're speaking to us here today is because you think it's important that the American people be told about what we're going to disclose in accordance with the Constitution Article One of the US Constitution enshrines the idea
that all arms of government must be transparent and accountable to the Congress mhm is that happening um you know I can't really speak to that uh from what we're being told there is no evidence of extraterrestrial uh presence here there is no evidence of non-human intelligence um there's a little bit of admittance and evidence that there's something anomalous in the sky flying around and we don't know what it is so the bad news is I can't really help further that question that everyone wants answered the good news is I'm going to begin to be able
to start answering that question and that's the primary reason I'm here to speak to you today do you think Congress is being misled deceived about what is secretly known about nonhuman intelligence alien life engaging it's clear they don't have the full story what's being held back just about everything but there's another problem I don't even know that they're giving it a proper attention to begin with so unfortunately um Congress is very ignorant when it comes to the subject so very recently the Pentagon spokesman assured press reporters and a pentagon briefing that there is no evidence
of extraterrestrial engagement with planet Earth is that true no that's not true now they like to hang their hat on some key words there extraterrestrial so that means outside of the planet Earth and that is yet to be determined by my best understanding so you're saying you know for a fact there are aliens yes 100% there are alien craft 100% have you been involved in the recovery of those alien craft well Ross yes I have how does it feel to say that I'm kind of over it like this has been a fact I had to
get over it wasn't easy when it when it first hit you that was years ago and it's actually quite therapeutic to get to talk about it and uh I'm I'm encouraged that it's becoming commonplace because that's where it needs to be for us to move forward and start Gathering some evidence um which we intend to do so you're building up a cover in California shortly after 9/11 what are you doing well I'm doing a number of things one trying to fill out a sensible explanation for my backstory I I mentioned one of the clubs I
was in was pilot club and you'll speak to my good friend Don Paul here shortly who uh who I met during that time but there's no record of that so um I actually one of the first things I did is I had to go to commercial pilot school in order to create a legitimate training record so that I could operate uh in an official capacity this time as a a helicopter pilot so you'd learned how to fly as a covert operator but they didn't give you a license for it in the military no because you
weren't allowed to have that qualification because that would undermine your cover I suppose correct so you had to go and pretend to not be a pilot in order to get your commercial yeah that was loads of fun actually I was I found it quite challenging to pretend I didn't know how to fly so uh amusing yeah you must have blitzed it well um pretending to be bad was quite easy in the beginning the hardest part was faking a natural learning curve so how to show that I'm getting better in a progression that they've seen before
um so that was fun a few times I took the liberty to mess with my flight instructor but he just thought I got got lucky so this happened for what a couple of years yeah a number of things were done so one of the rules we go by is that legitimacy is the best cover so in order to provide a certain utility to the government uh by way of a contractor I have to go and establish a lot of legitimate businesses um I have to function in a legitimate way under existing contracts to build a
cover a cover is not a hollow shell it has to be layers deep and the best way to have many layers of cover is to just go do something genuine to begin with so let's be clear about this you're a very financially successful businessman in your own right you've done well in business yes you are not being paid by us or anyone to do this interview No No in fact you're deriving no Financial benefit or in-kind benefit at all from doing this interview with me why are you speaking to us today well because I've got
some good news okay so I know everyone's been waiting for people like me to speak out and uh we haven't been doing nothing the past several years there's been a lot going on and I'm very pleased to share that we are moving forward in an official and transparent capacity to explore the answer to these questions that there appears to be no evidence for and our number one goal now is to function in a private capacity um with the backing of venture capitalists and in coordination with some of the most key departments in the government in
order to start answering these questions in a transparent way uh related to the UAP topic are you a front am I a front yeah I mean you've worked obviously in Counter Intelligence you're a trained intelligence operative is this some kind of disinformation prop propaganda operation no and I'm going to say no and I'm going to tell you I'm not lying to you but unfortunately there's no way that I can convince you of that if if that's what you're thinking a lot of people watching this will be thinking oh you can never trust a spook you
know there's obviously Wheels within Wheels this is part of some official government disclosure operation yeah is it no it's not and again I'm not going to be able to make you believe that but what I can invite you to do is uh I'll I'll paraphrase the Book of Matthew you will know us by our fruits so I'd like to invite you to stay tuned in and watch what our new project is about to do and prepare to be dazzled so you're proposing you're part of a team that is proposing to do private retrievals of alien
technology yes yes and You' got the backing for it yes wow so let's talk about now what you do know okay when you finally secured your Pilots training in the commercial world what happened while I was getting my Pilots training I was also working to set up a number of businesses in order to pursue government contracts for from the DOI the dod um and all their all the organizations and departments within those um and mostly what we did a lot like in the 90s you know the cover capacity takes up the the most most of
your time is spent operating in the cover capacity so you were working in legitimate businesses earning a living like everybody else like everyone else you're just waiting for the call waiting for the call the you know the incidental benefits of the uh the capabilities of the companies you set up are those benefits that are on standby to be deployed in the subject matter of uaps so you've set up all those legitimate businesses when did you get the call so as an a helicopter operator uh we provide a number of services to a number of departments
within the military uh industrial complex um and that includes the department of the Interior as well as the DOI the department of the inter area has a number of other departments within it and we worked uh mostly in those for our conus or within the continental United States those operations include things like firefighting uh Long Haul uh short Hall which is our external loads for helicopters uh working for the Bia Bureau of Indian Affairs uh anything you could do to provide utility uh anything that you could do with the utility of a helicopter we were
put to task gone now at this stage there was no indication of any anomalous phenomena at all no when did you first start becoming aware of strange objects in the sky during your work well a lot of the work we did on was on what I call the range and the range is a particular geographical area where um the US government and its private Partners use to test all kinds of things uh uh weapon systems um and resilience to weapons systems of certain craft and so you see a lot of exciting things and I have
to remind you that my particular role is very basic security and transportation it gets a little broad uh as you drill down but I'm a security and transportation expert and that's the service we provided broadly provided to the to the government and its Partners so you start seeing at the range yes interesting objects well yeah it's always interesting out there um you know my uh it was a process for me um getting to the point until we had our first experience with something that was obviously non-human in origin but uh up until that time there's
lots of interesting things in the sky I can tell you that um our our technology and by our I mean anything that lies within um the inventory of the United States government its private Partners is pretty spectacular there's some cool things and from an observer standpoint on the ground it's it's hard to tell exactly what's going on things come in and out of sight things disappear for a moment reappear things to seem things seem to move very quickly things change color they change shape um and a good reference for this is I'm sure we've all
seen these uh drone shows like that could put on at the Super Bowl halftime or other places and uh I those are pretty amazing to see visually amazing but we all know that's human Tech and we accept it but if you kind of think about that and think about perhaps what we might be doing uh privately um in the interest of National Security your imagination could fill in the blanks on what you might see uh on a test range that's being used by the US government and its Partners I mean I guess we all expect
that there's technology that we don't know about that's being kept confidential for very good reasons because the United States doesn't want foreign adversaries to know that it has an aerospace advantage or or a weapons advantage over a potential rival Y and were you telling yourself that for a long time when you started seeing anomalous objects on the Range yeah because um just like it is now you kind of have to train yourself even once you become a a believer in the UAP subject and you take some folks outside who are believers and they look up
they get really excited and falsely uh identify a satellite as a UAP or something else in the sky an airplane that has you might not be able to see its position lights or at strobe so you know what Lou lazando has described as the five observables yes instantaneous speed um incredible Hypersonic speeds trans medium travel water to air air to water um positive lift some kind of propulsion system that isn't explained by conventional systems um and stealth so you you were seeing objects that complied with those weird Observer yes um and at that time you
would also see things when you talk about the uh I'm sorry the trans trans medium so um one of those that that would raise your eyebrow is more of the trans medium characteristics because things would come from the ground like from the Earth from a ridge from a mountain or could pass through so they'd come out of a ridge out of a ridge yeah that is clearly technology that is certainly not known now again that is the that is the visual understanding of what what you're saying and was that human technology you just don't know
I just don't know at the time that I do not know so there came a time though where you began to realize that this was something else well let me let me add to we also know of circumstances and you'll speak to some of my teammates here uh where we did recover things uh that were that were exotic in nature in the sky and we know they were classified craft and we recovered them and took them back to where they go and that was a that was a regular thing so there are things that we're
trying to protect that are far beyond what we know about publicly yeah much like everything in my story that we're talking about 80 to 90% of the time it's very ordinary and boring once you get acclimated to the to the lifestyle it's but for a five or 10% that is the most outrageous and exciting time of your life but the majority of what we see and do is explainable and is ordinary and is known by many people and is not um not classified but there is a certain percentage which is extremely sensitive and that extremely
sensitive bit does include what we know is our own man-made advanced technology and we we work we work to um our our recovery efforts if this is where we're going with the conversation when we look at a recovery Mission or a crash recovery team you don't put together a team like that um with the intent of recovering nonhuman craft that that team is trained and provided the training and tools and Technology to conduct a recovery Mission uh for a number of objects and craft but in the rare occasion or let's say the hypothetical occasion something
of nonhuman origin or uh Source were to interface with the ground you would deploy that same team and that is the segue and how we got involved with this particular subject so tell me about the moment when you realized that you were involved in a retrieval of nonhuman human technology alien Tech so it became very clear the first time we recovered something that was non-human in origin that that was precisely what we were dealing with um our Communications changed our communication process and procedure uh was modified um it was also clear to everyone on the
team that what we were dealing with was something that was unexpected versus expected um and then just visually looking at the object on the ground you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous it was it was not human how close did you get well I was a helicopter pilot and I operate with a 150t to 200t long line so I got within 150 ft of this object what did you see I saw an egg a white egg how large was the object I would say approximately 20 feet plus or minus a little bit about
the size of a large SUV did it have any seams no what and it was pure Pure White it was like pearly white like a metallic pearly wi the best I can I could assess I mean what you're describing sounds something like something out of a TV show yeah well fortunate I'm I'm going to share some images with you and you can see one of these flying in the sky if you like in broad daylight so you actually saw it in the sky before no not this one but in our new Venture we've already begun
work and we're C capturing sense the data of the exact same craft flying in the sky how did you know that that egg-shaped object was nonhuman in origin well visually after seeing all kinds of things in my past um it was clearly something that was ridiculously looking it's inconsistent with anything I'd ever seen before I can also tell you that the reaction by my team who was very experienced um was was not was atypical we changed our our we modified our entire process for Recovery that night our communication process changed uh we all knew we
were dealing with something um extraordinary and in addition to that um it has also been verified by Me by high ranking members of the uip UAP task force that uh what we recovered that night was in fact uh known in hi craft so the implications of that are actually quite shocking it it means the government's lying to us which shouldn't come as any surprise to us but we're being lied to I don't I can't comment on that because I don't know what the government knows this this operation yeah I just can't comment to that because
uh do you think it's possible that there are even senior people in the Pentagon who aren't aware of what you know absolutely there are senior people in all branches of government that are unaware what's going on at the bottom so when General Air Force General en Pat Ryder speaks at a press briefing in the Pentagon and says there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation or engagement with planet Earth he might actually be telling the truth cuz he hasn't been read in like you correct now you have what's called I understand a top secret SCI clearance
you you have compartmented intelligence clearance to certain programs my clearance is given like on as a as like an as needed basis so like when I go it's not like I go there's no record of me having top secret clearance anywhere but I get dis well there is because in the documents that you've showed us there is one document that shows a NATO top secret clearance and what does that mean uh that means you are cleared to the highest level that you that you need to be in order to function in the capacity that you've
been assigned on a particular Mission and it's quite a high clearance it's a very high clearance and so the best effort was done to secure your cover and as part of protecting that cover it wasn't allowed to be known that you had high clearances but what you have been able to demonstrate to us is that you were in fact given High clearances as part of your role yeah I the clearances kind of accompanied me like a shadow if I got deployed on a particular Mission uh let's use an aircraft uh an hbt mission for example
high value Target high value Target um I spent a lot of time in the '90s Liv living out of a hotel room at Pope Air Force base with a pager that that was our technology back then so I'll give you a short story that'll tie this together so a typical situation for me would be told to go stay at uh the lodging on base and I could travel to the chow hall I could travel to the gym but I had to stay within that response area we would have a sealed aircraft a sealed aircraft is
an aircraft that has been configured and swept and then a metal seal goes on the door to where if that door is open or broken we know someone has entered that a craft uh in an unauthorized capacity so we'd have a sealed aircraft there if we got dispatched I would go to an aircraft there would be manifests that go with that aircraft that would list um all the crew members their security clearances and a rough description as to the mission um at those times we would the crew would be briefed security clearances would be issued
to that crew and uh anytime I was on a hvt mission that was highly sensitive I would operate under what is known as a NATO top secret security clearance and there are documents a few documents that uh I was able to make copies of that show that and indeed the document that you've showed us shows very clearly that you and the pilot were the only people on board the plane that had a NATO top secret clearance yeah probably the reason he was assigned is because I was there so not to sound arrogate but the fact
that I was being deployed on that mission uh meant that the aircraft Commander also needed to be read in to a certain degree which require that clearance and as part of the reason why they keep your clearances Secret in that Co covert role so that they have plausible deniability if you ever did decide to speak publicly yeah here's the funny thing like the US government can make a bunch of rules in order to create a scaling that keeps things intact but they make a bunch of rules so that they can break them and hack the
system and get around them it provides great obscurity to create the rules that separate the known from from the unknown and I want to add one comment here is when we're talking about circumstances like the first time we recovered a UAP which was the the flying egg um that immediately regardless of where you were or what uh level of security are operating under at the time when that shows up you're instantly now in a top secret classified situation regardless of people's clearance so before you flew out that day to go and do the recovery of
the egg yeah what were you told I was told that we were going out to do our normal thing we're were going to provide range security and uh we transport crew and we're doing our normal range work you weren't told that this was an anomalous craft that was clearly of non-human origin no and I genuinely believe no one else knew this was going to happen either I think it a shock to everyone I think it was a shock to everyone and at no stage will you ever subsequently told that the craft was of non-human origin
no so how do you know it wasn't human how do you know that we don't have top secret Tech that is shaped like an egg right well I'll tell you that because of the reaction of my leadership structure and because of my experience working in that capacity um everyone involved was convinced that what we were seeing and dealing with was in fact exotic in its origin um I'll also tell you that during this process over the last couple years it's been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP task force that what we were
working with that night was in fact an hii and it was not a unique experience uh the egg um as we're referring to is known by and there have been many others that have encountered this type of Craft um in our atmosphere outside of our atmosphere broad day nighttime all over the place you got a good look at this object didn't you yeah was there any visible propulsion system on it no not what we would know there's no engine there was no thermal uh signature uh I was operating at night when I finally came in
to pick it up so I'm working under night vision goggles at the time um and it was quite clear I I flipped them up flipped them down and looked at it a couple of different ways um was there a thermal signature there was not a thermal signature so it wasn't hot no now you know general laws of thermodynamics you know if an object's been flying or driving an engine it's going to show heat isn't it yeah yes yeah so how do you think that object was being propelled well that's a great question that we're looking
forward to exploring with our new Venture so when you went back to base was it the sort of job where you could go to your bosses and say Hey listen what was that object that I picked up that strange looking egg thing no that's not quite how it works when I go back to what you would call my base when I go back to our facility that's back to my my normal working uh business and the people that are involved there have really no idea what's going on when I'm uh holding myself out for work
for the government so this is this is how the compartmentalization system works it's a need to know there was no need for the people that were you were working with to know so they weren't briefed in yes and you only found out incidentally because you saw it on the range right so let's keep on going that's twigged your interest for the first time you've seen something that does appear genuinely anomalous when was the next occasion when you became aware of anomalous non-human technology there was another craft that we recovered that I'm I can talk about
and that craft was what we referred to um as an eight gone an 8 gone is a b basically a dis shaped object that when viewed from the top has eight different uh symmetrical sections that are delineated by some form of Ridge so it's an octagon shaped disc yes mhm what by by by any chance was there a name a nickname for the egg yeah the egg we actually called nanus like uh from the Moran Mindy show from the 70s because it's ridiculous that's exactly what it looked like and so it's funny when you look
back at the what may have been the motivation for the 1970s because what where else would they then egg is a ridiculous idea for a guy from Mor from orc right so you have Mor from orc who flew to Earth in an egg um and surely gives credit to the idea that some like to think that perhaps uh there was a a PR program that uh utilized our fascination with Hollywood and television to paint pictures of actual fact as fiction making it now some weird Hy bread you could call faction so what time of day
or night was it when you came across the octagonal object the eight gone uh we did recovery on that both day and night so talk me through it what happens you're in your chopper yeah I'm in my I'm in my Chopper what sort of Chopper uh at the time it was a bell 22 which is the same as a uh uh uh N1 it's a twin engine twin bladed uh Bell Helicopter you're flying at night flying at night yeah what time at night oh God I don't remember like after midnight have you been given any
pre-flight briefing um I would I'm the one who would be given the briefing but we are given a a load out on the particular uh object that when you're flying an external load um we designate two different sites one's called the drop site one's called the pick site you could say the pi site is where the payload is that you're flying in pickup um as you're making your first trip into the Pix site the payloads are already rigged and manifested for you and to prepare them for flight um when you're in route to that object
uh you're given some basic information like weight estimates size estimates there's two objects that I'm here to talk about one was the egg the other is what we called an 8 gon the 8 gon was a uh essentially a flying disc with what looked like eight uh delineated sections when looking down and I can tell you what it looked like from looking down because that's primarily how I saw it because I'm a helicopter pilot um we did recoveries with the eight guns there was more than one that was that made its way to the ground
on this particular operation and the recovery uh was done at night and then more was done in the day because of where we operate um sometimes things can make their way into the Steep terrain the terrain where we operate is the highest mountain range in the whole United continental United States and so uh the decision was made to wait till daylight to recover some of the uh object or some of the material that um was brought down or made its way to the ground that night during the recovery of the object at nighttime uh I
make my way in the helicopter from where we configure the line and we fly to where what we call the Pix site there's two locations we designate them pix site drop site drop site at the delivery location we have a crew both at the pick site and the uh the drop site on the ground the the pick team configures the cargo for flight so whatever it is the craft is sitting in a sling waiting for your helicopter yeah it's sitting we have this these things called pumpkins which are like rubberized bags or containers and from
my point of view that it was covered in a pumpkin at least from the bottom and the sides um this is one of the most profound experiences I've ever had in my life I'm about to share with you so bear with me um this is for me when it became clear as I get closer to this pixite I start feeling odd I start feeling extremely emotional um and the closer I get the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me and um what do you feel what's the emotion I feel a sense of my mother I
don't know how to explain it I feel this intense hybrid of sadness and happiness and Beauty um and song and it was very disruptive to me because I had a very practical responsibility at the time to operate a helicopter in the mountains at night and I began wondering what was wrong with me it was late I'm like am I just stressed am I tired am I marinating in a in in cortisol and estrogen I don't know um but as I came over this object for the pick it was this overwhelming sense of emotion what's it
saying the object tell me what you're feeling um like I said it was an overwhelming sense of sadness um happiness is it your feeling are you suddenly having a mental breakdown on the job no I felt like something connected with me I felt like something had tuned in to me and my soul and was providing me some sense of guidance on what to do and how profound what I was doing was um and it was so overwhelming that I began to cry and uh I can't imagine crying at night time with night vision goggles is
the healthiest way to fly a Cho no no it is not and then I'm confused as to why I'm crying at the same time and then I'm do I abort the mission do I and I so I just did my best to focus on my particular cues when doing this type of work and I got the load hooked up and I began flying away and once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site there was about 20 mil in between I felt like something was inside of me I
felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit I'd ever been possessed by and was it loving it was loving um but there was a sense of sadness at the same time and um had you ever had an experience like this before no no it was a very feminine energy I'll tell you that I it felt like felt like the spirit of God but not in any masculine sense that I had ever felt it was like again the feeling of my mother um and my daughter and Beauty uh and it wasn't like a so
it was like a frequency that I was connected with was it scared I don't know if it is a thing I'm still trying to figure out why that happened I well I don't want to say that because I have a pretty good idea of what's going on now and whatever that force was since that night it has stayed with me and as crazy as it sounds it's what's guiding me now and it's what's providing protection for me it's changed your life it's changed my life do you think it's made you a better person that experience
it has made me a more sensitive and aware person which I think all of us would be better people so that was a moment when you became aware of at the very least a technology that had the capacity to touch you remotely remotely telepathically telepathically now telepathy we are told is a nonsense it's a fiction what happened after you flew the object in the sling to presumably the drop off Zone once I made the drop uh before before I got there I was really scared that I was going to have to stop Flying and punch
this thing off uh cuz I was so distracted but then I was like well crap now we've got another recovery site now we're going to have to recover this I'm going to have to emergency land I don't know so it took everything I had in me at the time to get to my drop site and I delivered this oddly enough um no one in my crew reported having similar uh effects from this um I do not believe there was a being in that craft I've come to understand now after being involved with other parts of
the programs that are tested on the Range that there is a there is a known and researched and implemented emotional or psychic or what we call a psionic component to the research and development of the UAP program now Jake I know it's going to be very confronting for our audience to hear this but you think that you've discovered something potentially about yourself as a result of that experience that you might in fact have abilities that you were never aware of I know when I in my childhood if we look back to when I was a
kid I I sincerely believe that the screening I went through in high school um you know my grandparents are when I was a kid I there's the reason I joined the military is real simple I wanted to jump out of airplanes and kill bad guys and make my my grandparents proud and um my grandparents were the most amazing people I've ever met um you know they grew up during the Great Depression dealt with World War II um and my grandfathers particularly were the strongest and the most sensitive men I've ever met all wrapped up in
into one person um we can call them Navy Grandpa and army Grandpa let's say so you know Navy Grandpa was a very influential naval officer who's actually a member of the seals predecessors the scouts and Raiders uh Army Grandpa was a was an Army captain and a Salesman um they both founded our neighborhood church and literally set the Cornerstone to our church together um unfortunately you know their children my parents were very loving people but made a lot of bad decisions uh this led to step families for me at a very young age and um
to get away from the abusive environment um I spent a lot of time outside uh I would tell my my mom I'm going to my dad's house I'd tell my dad I'm going to my mom's house and I would I'd bug out and just go live outside you were living in the bush somewhere yeah essentially I was homeless but you know I just told myself I was a a wild Commando surviv survivalist and uh it that gave me pride in what I was doing instead of Shame um and so that I ref I refined a
a pretty in um a pretty high level of Independence at a young age um but my grandparents were still always there um making sure I had some outlet for certain things and so they got me involved with uh an art program and a music program I'll have to tell you so my Navy grandfather he uh he was the superintendent he got his Doctorate in Education and by the time I had graduated high school he had retired as a superintendent of our school district um so he was a very influential man and I understand he ran
the gifted and talented education program for that school district yeah you could say he was the Ambassador for this area for the gate program which was a program for gifted and talented kids um and my person experience with that was was great it was uh I just got pulled at a normal Class A couple of times a day at least twice and got to go to a private classroom where I had one-on-one time with um a staff member there who played a lot of games with me inside and outside and we ran um a number
of uh creative classes together um and outside of that I also after school I would attend I had a private art teacher I learned music um and so I felt like I had a unique education experience as a kid my grandfather also got me involved in water polo and swimming he was a diver and a swimmer um and water polo became a great outlet for me I found the um the competition and the physical exhaustion was like great medicine for me looking back though now do you think there might have been something special about your
ction into the gate program well if we we look into my high school years you know unfortunately my senior year I I got in a lot of trouble when I did show up to school I was a bit disruptive in class I had a smart mouth I liked being a Class Clown um and I got a lot of fights and by the time my senior year came around I was the VAR City goalie on our water polo team and five weeks into my senior year I got expelled for fighting again and on at that time
I was on a disciplinary contract so my accumulation of bad behavior throughout High School resulted in a contract which was interesting and it was a oneandone fail situation and five weeks into my senior year I was expelled at this time my my grandparents decided to hold an intervention and I don't even think my parents or stepparents know but the two men got together and uh met with me and uh decided to research um military programs that would be available at that time and so we made several trips down to uh UCLA to an office near
there and I began going through a series of tests um of all kinds there were physical physiological psychological um creative tests um and we assumed that you know all of this was pretty typical you know now don't you that the USA Force has been secretly testing people through the gate program for certain psychic abilities yes were you tested yes do you think that might have played a part in what happened to you that night when you were recovering that craft yeah and I don't know that the Air Force realized that I'll tell you I know
others that I've come to meet through the program that we'll talk about that we're in a psionic program um that have a very similar backstory but for whatever reason um I was not used in that way again my creativity and intuition resulted in as I've shared with you before being used for Creative um war games being very creative in war games but what I used as intuition if we make a spectrum and we put intuition on the conservative side let's say the right side of the scale um on the more far out side that might
be something that looks a lot like telepathy or um telekinesis and we call this psionics which we can talk about and so I knew I was intuitive I knew I was creative and I also know I had good imagination and so looking back it was clear that becoming a red team expert those are the tools that I would deploy my intuition and creativity is what made me successful in that capacity I'm quite struck by how many very senior elite soldiers Special Operations soldiers when they admit what they do in a combat situation where they're facing
imminent harm there's often a moment where they talk about intuition yeah precognition they knew something was about to happen does that happen to you yeah I would I would say that I have a keen ability to make good decisions shortterm and long term I also find comfort in chaos you could say um and I actually see things more clearly in chaos and uh tend to make very wise decisions and is that a quality that you recognize in a lot of your colleagues in Special Operations yeah you might be interested to know that people at an
elite operator level there's a lot of them that are left-handed Ed a lot of them that were artists as kids or still are very good drawers illustrators musicians um they're also if you were to describe their personalities you might have you might find yourself using some some oxymorons like peaceful warriors uh sensitive Savages you could say um that's a real thing and I I'll add one more we're a bunch of dead serious goofballs so there's this uh this dichot between feminine and masculine at the extremes that I don't know if you could go as far
as to say is the big blue Air Force and the big black Department of Defense knows what they're doing and they're prospecting for these kids at a level and they're planning this long-term wellth thought out path but what you will find is that we end up making our way there something made you connect with that machine that night yes I it chose to connect with me and reportedly no one else on my crew so when you got back to base did you report the fact that you'd had that extraordinary h no no why not I
was because I didn't know what happened and I don't want you know you carry a lot of responsibility as a pilot you know in this process I've moved from being a very pragmatic person with a tremendous amount of responsibility in day-to-day day grind in this Dimension to a place where I've had to take into account and incorporate things that are basically metaphysical um and find a balance between the two all while maintaining the trust that I could do my very pragmatic work so the this was something pretty new to me this night the last thing
I'm going to do is go back and tell my team that I almost had to pop the load off because I was connected with a goddess that was making me cry so you've had those two anomalous incidents with craft yeah clearly these are objects that are being recovered that do not appear to be human technology so this is a good thing to talk about because what we're dealing with is either nonhuman intelligence if we want to use those words or that phrase or those that acronym it's it's either that or we need to dramatically redefine
what we think human intelligence is because this object whatever it was was capable of communicating with you in your mind that object or whatever was controlling that object was also connecting to me through the Mind through my mind now you learned didn't you that this was the tip of an iceberg it wasn't just you correct what did you learn well my work coincidentally shortly after that um led me in support of another particular part of the program which deals directly with looking at this piece right here which is is there a component on the summoning
side that we call and the operation side of these non-human craft that has to do with Consciousness or at least a field of conscious ious that perhaps humans can tap into and maybe all beings in the universe can can tap into what is a psionic a psionic uh person is someone with the predisposition for um extral temporal you could say abilities and sensitivities someone who is um is has a fantastic intuition what did you discover with the psionics were being used for in the program uh in the program there was certainly a desire to explore
the idea that perhaps UAP could be summoned could be communicated with could be controlled and could be persuaded to land all by deploying people with uh psionic abilities to interface and communicate with the UAP and did you see that happen yes I did so there were people who were purportedly psionically gifted who were brought into the program yes there were where did they come from they come from all over they're not uh and all over I mean from outside the United States as well as in and how are they detected how are they picked uh
you know I don't really know you'd have to ask somebody else I'm told that there are particular indigenous communities around the World Native Americans people in different third world countries who apparently have enhanced psychic abilities that are Rec sure I think um I think most people could grasp the idea that perhaps people that are from other cultures you know our our culture has leaves a lot to be desired when we look at the contaminants that exist in our food contaminants that exist in our drugs and contaminants in our culture some of these contaminants um it
turns out aren't great for your spirituality or your Consciousness or your psionic abilities and so those who live a particular lifestyle or live in a culture where they have a more natural or direct way of life with nature and their surroundings seem to um within those groups of people there's a little bit higher demographic than their typically is for those with a psionic ability so these people are sought out and are are used to contribute to the research that that might be going on with with the psionic I want to put something to you yeah
I've spoken myself you haven't told me this but I've spoken myself to people of Native American background indigenous Americans who say that this is a particularly popular thing for recruitment from the program to happen in indigenous American communities yes I know that for a fact there are also people from countries in the third world where these abilities are recognized and not treated with stigma as we do in the western world yeah there is no Stigma in fact if there's any stigma if you're the one who's not playing along you might be the outcast in those
cultures so the irony is that part of your Discovery inside the program is that there genuinely are people who can actually make a mental spiritual connection to a technology yes 100% was that a revelation to you it was fun it was actually fun to learn uh that's one of the things in our work that was like oh my gosh there's more to life it answered certain questions and intuitions if you will that we have going back to your childhood and if anything that were most present in your childhood which is very satisfying because um you
know something as a child you have this this particular feeling and it kind of dies out as you become more mature and have to take on more responsibility and so to be able to uh nurture that and accept that that might be the case and to see organizations as serious as those who we worked with um taking this seriously was a actually a heck of a lot of fun so this is an anolog iCal shock I think for many people watching this because we're all being told firstly there's no such thing as aliens visiting this
planet yeah and secondly we're all being told there's no such thing as telepathy or psychic abilities it's rubbish yeah you know I don't think there is going to be an ontological shock I think people are going to react to it the same way I did I think it's going to be an ontological relief because I think everyone deep down knows that that there is more to life than what we are being told and experiencing and to know that there might be something like a six sth e sense um that has a spiritual spiritual connection and
that that might actually have a good nature and application behind it like not only is it not shocking but it should be welcomed I would think well I'd go through it Jake it's beautiful it's beautiful and isn't that the message you got from whatever that overwhelming sense of beauty overwhelming and love and love and it's funny hearing an elite soldier talking about love Yeah and benevolence you know what fuels every elite soldier is a preservation of Love or something that they love that's what's behind all the strength so let's go through the psionic program when
a psionic operator engages with technology How do they do it using their mind um something like meditation and I need to preface this by saying this is stuff that I've come to know recently the night that I had this experience um I there was another team involved come to find out was a psionics team and they were also working uh that night and do you think it was them that had attracted the object in the first place yeah I do and so how did the object come to land um I think it was invited to
land by the psionics team is that always how they make the objects land no there's a number of other ways so I I have to tell you that you know weapon systems are tested out there I know this from other sources I know that high pulse microwave weapons are being used to bring down some of these craft yes now how often was it done where the objects would land on their own accord and and how often was it done that weapons would be used yeah I can't tell you how often I can tell you they
are brought down both ways that they are invited to land by the psionics team other times they are invited in by the pionic psionics team but then um hpms which are high powerered microwave weapons are deployed and they have an effect where they can disrupt the uh the flight pattern of the object and when it is an object sometimes it's not and it can result in that aircraft being forcibly brought down when they did the attraction of the objects was it purely psychic or was the Machinery that was used as well so we there's five
components to our operation which might answer a lot of your questions so the first component is a calling phase calling is either through man or machine-based summoning systems we have man-based systems which are our psionic assets which make a pych uh connection through Intuition or Consciousness with the object and can inv it in the other is a machine-based calling system which uses um many systems which I'm not going to go into detail about um you could refer to them as a dog whistle or a lure and UAP certain types seem to be specifically attracted or
responsive to our machine-based calling systems um and then from there once they're brought in we communicate with them now the CICS um can have a dual role because in this communication phase we do a lot of data collection so it's verifying that what we are seeing is something tangible also that it is responding to our efforts so we might invite it to move left or right or to um position our particular mean ba uh machine based systems uh in a particular direction and then measure the response um the implication of what you're saying is that
this intelligence that's behind these objects whatever it is seems willing to share yeah yeah I think It ultimately is working for us and um it is it is commonly talked about that what we are getting even when we weaponize it is a donation guess a gift and even when we deploy equipment when when there's a combined operation with the psionics team and A machine-based Team all the equipment kind of has to be blessed and brought in when it's a psionic lead LED operation for summoning a lot of people watching this Jake are going I'm sure
this is crazy this gu making this up this can't possibly be true alien Vehicles psychic techniques to engage with technology this is disinformation fabrication yeah well we intend to prove that's not the case which has a lot to do with the timing as to why I'm coming out now um we plan to produce that evidence in our new Venture um with uh our teams that we've used for years um in the Legacy program we've now gotten out and we've pulled our resources and we're backed by Venture Capital we're also working in coordination with uh the
most Forefront government agencies that you would want involved with us on this subject matter and we're going to start producing evidence on all of this and we're going to share it with but CR you you know it works because you've seen it done yes Y and so have your colleagues that's correct what would you say to people who might say there's no way a secret like this could have been kept for so long I mean you're describing an operation that in your experience has been going for at least 10 20 years yeah yeah do you
know how long the program's been doing the say I'm sorry get over it I don't know what else to tell you so it can be kept a secret can be kept oh yeah Secrets uh there are lots of Secrets some kept for good reasons so let me brief ly summarize the implications of what you're saying aliens are real so I would like to know unfortunately we got to get really specific with the semantics okay so what do you mean by alien something nonhuman and intelligent built craft that you have been involved in recovery yes something
that is inconsistent with our idea of what a human is uh is involved with these craft are these intelligences whatever they are are they extraterrestrial are they from somewhere else or could they possibly be living that I don't know I got to remind you I'm I'm a security and transportation guy that has been involved in this program really within the purview of those two categories so you're going to have to ask someone else I presume you got a chance to talk to the psionics yeah when they mentally telepathically engaged with whatever this intelligence was what
did they tell you about it well that uh they refer to it as a they in a very spiritual nature something like Angels uh Angels and Demons uh let's say they're certainly good energies and bad energies but it's talked of in a very um in a very nebulous way like this because no one really knows what it is no one especially on the psionic side we're still trying to figure that out we're still trying to figure out exactly what it is and there's probably a number of things going on there might be biological entities and
we use the word biological for a very specific reason um biological we don't need we we limit it to that because we aren't here to imply that it is sentient or has a Consciousness we really don't know that there is some evidence that that shows it might be the case that these are something like soft tissue drones or lab meat that was programmed in order to operate craft meet robots meat robots yeah okay so it really begs the question but ironically while some of the biological cargo that comes with these craft is not conscious Consciousness
itself is how you interact and pilot the craft which is ironic because For the First Time Ever the biological creatures inside are not conscious but the craft is the other implication too from what your experience shows is that whatever and wherever the intelligence is that's behind those craft yeah it seems friendly benevolent benevolent yeah in fact loving loving it's if you want to connect with it if you want to have a relationship and if you want to see stuff flying in the sky you need to be channeling a loing energy um that's the way it
work beautiful yeah it is it in fact there can be individuals in the group that throw off that Vive that can mess up the vibration of the psionics work and their communication with the beings and then you aren't as successful have you in any of the work that you've done and I know you're being very limited in what incidents you're prepared to talk about have you ever come across malevolent intelligence that's non-human I have not I personally have not have any of your colleagues you'll have to ask them okay the implications though of what you're
telling us are incredible we are not alone we are not alone there is a non-human intelligence that has been engaging with this planet yes to your knowledge is it just the United States that is having these encounters no no I can tell you for a fact that my team has been sought after for our unique service that we provide by organizations outside the United States but let's to be clear I don't want to put you in the position of imputing that you might have been helping unfriendly countries neither of the countries or none of the
countries that you worked with are foreign adversaries no not and when I say that I use the word organizations instead of governments because there are there are there are many other folks that may be operating in a private capacity that so let me let me say this this situation is not unique to the US to your knowledge are Russia and China doing retrievals of non-human crime I have no idea I imagine they are why would you say that well because uh this particular activity is not unique to the United States I know for a fact
that um members of my team have been asked to provide our expertise and service for organizations outside the US not China and Russia but um you know the US government does not have a monopoly on the UAP subject matter I mean the skies are not classified your conscious can't be redacted so I the nhi can connect with whoever the hell they want and whoever the hell they are connect with NH hii and This lends itself to a particular situation or formula that you can imagine exists which is if you have a belief that this is
a worthwhile Venture which ironically the government has made extremely clear like there are many people myself and our new organization included that is not waiting on the government to say this is something you should invest time and energy on and um that's become abundantly clear in the last two years but prior to that um any anyone that had the will to believe that and the money to invest and the tools and techniques and talent in order to do it could set up their own communication crash recovery and reverse engineering Pro program anywhere in the world
the nhi is not hold itself out exclusively for the United States why has this been kept secret from all of us oh God I don't know I really don't know um I imagine you know I have to trust trust that be careful what you wish for there might be very good reasons I imagine that um some of what we see I know that some of what we see is our own Advanced Tech um and it's absolutely imperative that we keep a competitive advantage over our adversaries as a patriot that's Paramount we need to be able
to defend ourselves and unfortunately you can't tell the public things without telling your adversaries so therefore the public for their own good is going to be kept um they're going to be kept out of the no on certain subjects and so there's this there's this difference between secrecy and privacy and I lay this out because we need to be able to flip back and forth between the two privacy is something that protects responsibilities and the Dignity of whoever needs that privacy secrecy is something that typically hides vices uh amoral intentions and crimes let's say I
know for the most part that what we're dealing with when it comes to our government the subject matter is a matter of privacy not secrecy if you want to look at it that way somebody you discovered was recording these operations in secret there are videos of these oper operations that were captured illegally um during these operations that are out there you became aware didn't you while you were doing these retrieval operations that there was concern from a private Aerospace company that certain computers had gone missing yes and those computers were Panasonic tough books correct five
Panasonic tough book six six what happened well um we were deployed on a particular task to recover what we call hvts or high value targets those high value targets were Panasonic tough books um and whatever was on these tough books was highly sensitive material and this this came about I have to tell you after 2018 um it is quite possible I will say that the sensitive material that is on these Panasonic tough books uh has to do with sensor data video um that was illegally captured during some of these operations some of which may be
incriminating or classified now I can understand a lot of people may watching this may be indignant but there are good reasons why some things are classified in the US absolutely so you were tasked to get these laptops back yes because the concern was they could break the secrecy of the whole program um I can't speak to what the implications were of this sensitive information getting out you know my job is pretty simple I get tasked on something I get given a pretty narrow scope and and after doing this for 20 years that's enough for me
because everything that I've done up until now is I've been very well taken care of and everything I trust the process by which we operate so uh I'm only pre preloading it that way because that wasn't the case by the end of this operation for the first time in my career by the end of this operation we be began asking questions we've never asked which is who are we working for what is going on and why did it turn out to be that there were two seemingly adversarial parties trying to employ us to go after
these hvts so what happened so um my team and I uh worked in coordination with our contact for this particular task um there was obviously another team involved which is an intelligence team most of our intelligence came by way of human which is human intelligence which is essentially uh the reporting of information by a human by their own observation and experience and uh we recovered our first two uh tough books they were um they were in the high sieras I'll tell you that and uh we had first deployed began Recon on that on that particular
Target for the first two in the wintertime and there was tons of snow so we continued to just observe that location in order to keep tabs on who might be coming and going it's very remote there's no way there um the only way to get there would be by foot or horse helicopter so um we did a couple snow surveys and at the time the snow was over 9 ft so we had waited to for the thaw before we would deploy to get these first two are you and your men armed yeah we're always armed
yeah because whoever this was is potentially very dangerous I'm armed when I go to Starbucks so that's not saying much but we were armed yeah so what happened so we recovered our first two tough books um we got back to our our base location and then went through them and took photographs discovered that the hard drives were missing which is something we expected could be the case we then uh took pictures and detailed reports of the tough books and the and the contents of the uh the casing that we found them in and we delivered
them to um a very familiar facility which is consistent with the company we are working for and then we went back to task and waited for more instructions on um on where to look next for the missing components of these computers as well as the other tough books that were thought to have been out there um the next piece of intelligence that came through led us to uh a lake in high altitude Lake and we found um the hard drives in a sealed steel container 25 ft underwater wow yeah so somebody someone's going through a
lot of effort in order to hide these things but you can you can't blame them I mean this is worth a lot of money if you sell it to the right bu yeah depending upon what's on there it was clear that again this is this it was clear that whatever was hidden um was highly sensitive to the employer of the task we were on and to whoever was in possession of these at the time they were being hidden yeah at any stage did you find yourself under threat yeah so um we didn't get much past
that mission we never recovered anymore the very next time we went out things got strange um for me and my Spidey senses my intuition was on high alert because our Intel contact changed the Rhythm and style of our Intel changed I'll leave it at that and um when we deployed to the next location to begin our reconnaissance and um in preparation for going to have a look around uh the intelligence became change began to change last minute also we were given a partnered air asset instead of using our own and we took it in good
faith um and as we got closer to the day in which we were going to deploy intelligence kept changing and so that that raised my concern um we ended up going anyway and when we got there the hvts were gone and it was clear that shots had been fired and I'm going to leave it at that um so when I got back uh to our home base after that I made contact with our with our dispatcher let's say and said we're out we're done and I needed space to breathe um we then uh deployed our
own air assets and we got the hell out of there um you felt you were in significant danger at yeah and I was concerned that we were being set up we were being prepared for the one thing that we've always offered employers and that is plausible deniability and that we were perhaps going to be The Hidden Hand That Gets severed and that perhaps we were the ones who may be responsible for capturing that sensitive material on the front end do you think that you and your team had come under suspicion for the videos is it
as simple as that I think that's very likely or we were a suitable py I do have to put one thing to you yeah because it's an incident that I've been told about from 2004 and I've been told about it by multiple people I've been told that a private Aerospace company was testing one of its own Vehicles what's referred to as an alien reproduction vehicle an arv in the colloquialism that vehicle crashed somewhere south of New Mexico possibly in Mexico and I'm told that a team from that private Aerospace contractor was deployed and while while
they were there another team arrived from the US Military and they had innocently been deployed by their government to intercept what they thought was a potentially anomalous craft and in the course of that encounter I am told two men were killed can you comment on that incident yeah there's nothing I can add to that story or comment on if I did have something to add or if I had knowledge of that uh it would certainly be something I would expect to get squashed by Doster um and quite possibly if I was involved in something like
that I I probably wouldn't share it for one of my other reasons which is maintaining the privacy and quality of life of my friends and family it's too dangerous for you to talk about potentially it certainly I it would be yeah can you speak more broadly without referring to that particular incident speaking broadly about the implications from the program do you believe people have been hurt or killed as a result of attempts to protect the secrecy of this whole Venture yeah it is my understanding and belief that unfortunately that is true people have been murdered
that seems to be the case you were in a situation where what you were doing was plausibly deniable you felt under threat you were asking who you were working for who were you working for yeah for the first time in my career I let me start by saying that for my entire career both in the Air Force and as a contractor afterwards I've been very well taken care of I was given time off to get my head right when I needed to I was given time to take care of my family when my wife had
twins um I've been very well compensated um I've been trusted and everything that needed to be laid out before me when put on certain tasks was as advertised and as promised that all changed in 2018 and I cut ties and built had to get rid of everyone on my team and build a brand new team from scratch the same way I always had but we cleaned house and I went back and recruited through very reliable sources um the type of team members I always have from the places I always have and we set out to
try and figure out exactly who the adversarial parties were that were both interested in these laptops um and again it was obvious to us at least who the employer was um but they were now in question in my mind as being part of the problem we ran into and it became clear to me after working in this world that perhaps it wasn't this company perhaps there was someone in midlevel management or someone completely external that was masquerading as representatives of this company and they liked wearing their merchandise okay so we came up with a plan
and I decided we're not going to ask questions down here we're going to go to the top so I reached out to the director of security for the particular organization and a sister organization and set up a meeting with them and went and spoke to them directly about our operation to find out which was true because there was only two trues in my Minds either they were complicit or they were compromised so either their company and their chain of command was compromised meaning the top had no idea what was going on at the bottom or
they were complicit this mission that we were asked to do was directed from the top down so the question in your mind was was this a rogue operation what did you find what did you find out well I found out that the people at the top claimed to know nothing about it and they didn't want to touch it with a 10-ft pole and they advis me to leave it alone so this leads you to the possibility that this was a rogue operation somebody was tasking you to do things dangerous things where your life had been
in danger and your team members had been in danger this is a good example for everyone watching as to how something like this could be kept secret because you could think of me as again I'm just a security and transportation specialist everything else I'm speaking to and that I know about I gain just from my own knowledge and interest of being in the environment but I speak to a lot of things that aren't necessarily my specialty I'm on the very fingertips of this thing which is part of why you haven't heard from me before I
am I operate in the shadows by Design I'm the fingertips of this thing I have firsthand accounts of working with these craft and in these organizations they're up here at the shoulder like our friend David grush has worked at a very high administrative level he didn't know who I was he had to find me through the process and so there are things that the shoulder is intending to do if we're going to use a joint analogy that ends up being facilitated by individuals on the fingertips there's another joint in between that's the elbow this is
that mid level something could be dramatically redesigned and repurposed at the elbow joint to where the mission of the fingertips is not consistent with the mission of the shoulder when you confronted the head of security for that unnamed private Aerospace company what was his reaction was he nervous oh he he was nervous I mean it's quite unusual for you to go and knock on the door of a very very senior person in such a huge organization yeah no he welcomed me and this is something that we had we had made arrangements for right but was
he perhaps freaked out frightened when you confronted him about what you told him no I like to think I know how to make myself come across disarming and so he told you to forget it we had a lovely talk actually it was very personable um very congenial and he shared concerns maybe he like I would go as far as say he had more concerns than I did and and he was at a point in his career where he didn't want to deal with this anymore he was making changes in his career to try and think
distance himself if he had any knowledge at all it was clear he's trying to distance himself from it um he didn't want to get involved but he did provide some advice on who where we should go um if if you look at the Inspector General function of any organization that is certainly a place that he recommended we go but he he uh he made it clear that there were some inspector generals that may be a better place to go than others and is that what you did no I didn't do that why didn't you go
to the Inspector General um cuz these are the oversight agencies that the US government has set up to properly investigate these kind of abuses of power it wasn't at at that point you got to remember like I'm I had lost all faith and everything I was starting at Ground Zero I even fired my whole team and was rebuilding my own network from the ground up um so at this top level I'm a fingertips guy so my knowledge of the shoulder I was not going to go I didn't know who to trust so even going to
An Inspector General the expectation would be for me to just spill all so um I hadn't done my homework enough to where I felt comfortable going to An Inspector General and I wasn't NE wasn't sure that that was going to provide me the outcome I wanted so what did you do so the first thing I did is I began expanding the list of people whose opinion I was going to ask and uh through that process uh I found myself reaching out to the one thing that was always my I get out of jail free card
which was I knew if anything got bad I could go to members of Congress particularly Senate intelligence committee the monitor for the CIA and plead my case and asked for help um so we started there and unfortunately that was a very disheartening experience because me going there asking for their help very quickly turned in to them asking for my help you're kidding no no um which was extremely disappointing to say the least but they were scared they were scared and they were running into their own problems of being in fear of they were being harassed
and they were afraid for their own personal safety so people investigating this UAP Legacy program for congress were feeling threatened they were feeling threatened and other people they were speaking to as sources were being threatened and so they very quickly after learning who I was began asking me for personal protection um and for strategies to mitigate threat but you're not getting the help you need no I'm like I came to you so that pretty much was a devastating moment where I'm like shoot we're all alone um and it was unfortunately a much more grave situation
because what it indicated was that our Congress was not only ignorant to the subject they were neutered they were neutered by what they could do about it why how I mean it's in your Constitution Jake the constition enshrines the idea that that Congress rules everything is accountable to Congress Congress needs an enforcement arm so laws without enforcement don't exist so Jake hearing your story about a psionic program inside the Legacy UAP retrieval program makes me think back to cases like the 1980 bentwaters incident where at an RAF base a royal Air Force base in the
United Kingdom Christmas 19 1980 a craft allegedly landed in an adjacent Forest the rendam forest yeah what do you think happened there man that's one of my favorite cases once I began looking into the history of this thing that's one of the ones that stood out to me especially when you think about where we are now I I'll I'll tell you this I if bent Waters happen tomorrow like this thing would be over with and cuz they couldn't conceal it like well you couldn't conceal it but it's just everything we're looking for has already happened
like your book for example in plain sight if you just look it's it's so obvious but that one case has everything we need and I don't know how anyone can say there's no evidence of extraterrestrial and maybe they're hanging their hat on the that's why we have non-human intelligence maybe they're trying to hang their hat on this one little narrow place they can slip through which is things are not from out outside the planet I don't know how they're doing that but whatever the case what went on at bentwaters has everything we need it has
uh firsthand experiencers people that have made physical contact with the Craft um the most reputable people um in the Air Force at that time working on a nuclear facility um OSI shows up immediately the office of special investigation office of special investigation that's a US Air Force office yes people are sworn to secrecy um people it happened on multiple occasions there's multiple uh sensor data in that goes with the the firsthand witness what do you testimony what do you speculate brought that craft down well I'm certainly speculating but after my experience I think uh what
may have happened in that case is it may have been a craft that was attracted to a psionic asset or was being operated by if that craft was ours and it was being operated psionically um there's this thing called link loss link loss is it's it's a common phrase used with drone operation drones are or uavs as we call them unmanned aerial vehicles um or uas they're also called that unmanned aerial systems are operated remotely in the off chance that there's a disconnect between the operating system or the transmitting side and the receiving side Within
These Craft um it's called a link loss and when that happens um our man-made systems are designed to rtb or return to base or they can go to designated Landing sites in a link Closs so that same system would be deployed because commonly what happens with a with a psionic asset who is using a form of intuition and Consciousness to connect with a craft uh there's a disconnect we call it which is like link loss um I can tell you when we run exercises using the cionic Assets in an intentional environment to get samples to
the ground we intentionally disconnect the psionic asset so that the HPM systems can be energized because there are some potential issues that can happen if the cionic acid is still connected to the craft when it's hit with an EMP or other HPM I'm told I'm told part of their Consciousness can stay in the craft yeah it seems to be the case that um the human being um can suffer some form of cognitive in injury by still being connected to that craft when that craft is deenergized there is a case at the ref bent Waters during
the the ref bent Waters incident in the United Kingdom there was an a called John barrows who was exposed to what we now know was an extraord orary amount of gamma radiation dangerous radiation and he suffered quite terrible injuries but had a terrible time persuading Veterans Affairs that he deserved medical assistance because he couldn't prove that this was an occupational exposure to radiation well I can tell you I came to know the name John burough because uh I've been seen by the same doctor as him Dr Gary Nolan for the exact same reason so what
happened to you uh we're not quite sure but the first time I got exposed to what in hindsight uh is obviously a radiation exposure of some kind is uh we are transporting hvts high value targets high value Target which are at this time was a a large sealed container um I'll tell you I was in near the continent of Africa and uh after this particular Mission me and everyone on my team got extremely sick how sick like physically ill in the hospital um within you know weeks after this I lost every hair on my body
which they call an alopecia U migrating alopecia um and I also lost the skin on my arms so the Skin's actually falling off your body yeah like not just falling off it it was lopping off within a couple of days like a severe sunburn this led to a series of all kinds of other what I'm have learned since being with Dr is uh autoimmune issues um I ended up developing a severe heart murmur that I never had before which is the same thing that John burough had um and throughout my career I would have reoccurring
uh autoimmune dysfunction when exposed to other things uh I ended up recovering from that at the time and because of the nature of my work was classified the VA was only dealing with symptomology not causing ation in the treatment of my injuries and I didn't even really understand that it was radiation so were you treated for radiation poisoning no I was not are you being now no I'm not being treated now for radiation poisoning but you're being what you're being investigated for what sounds like a radiation exposure yeah because I had other occurrences later in
my career after 911 when I left my inlisted capacity and went to work as a contractor I've had other episodes where um I've had other illnesses and I've had I've lost the hair on my body and patched out several times and to me I don't know if this my fear is that there's something permanently broken that might show up in the form of cancer or God knows what later in life and we're going to be way behind in trying to figure out how to deal with it so I am I did leave the service with
a service uh uh service a service connected disability through the VA and so I'm I'm getting treatment through the Palo Alto VA under the supervision of Dr Gary Nolan right now and he's dedicating his expertise and his clout to get me um the best treatment I can get now Professor Gary Nolan is one of the world's top immunologists hugely respected scientist who has as I understand it he's spoken publicly that he's been involved in a program for an intelligence agency that's right investigating Havana syndrome yes so does it give you some comfort that you're now
getting the medical help that you should have got all those years ago hell yeah it does and plus he's got the best bedside manner I've ever experienced so but clearly because of the covert nature of the job you were doing you weren't told what you'd been exposed to no no we and we transported what we called mystery boxes all the time I have no idea it could have been empty it probably wasn't empty but we don't know what was inside the boxes and what were you told if someone tried to seize that box what was
I told what were your ords oh we we maintained the authority to use lethal Force if anyone tried to seize those boxes so whatever that box was it was extremely valuable to the US government that's correct I have to say Jake the the idea that you would be so recklessly exposed you know a person who's clearly patriotic somebody who's clearly been a highly trained operator at the elite levels of Special Operations in the US military it offends my sense of decency that employers would expose you to something so recklessly can I put on my speculative
hat for a minute sure okay so if if the Air Force let's say knew that what we were working with that night had any type of radiological signature or could turn on or turn off there's a whole set of process that we are we're trained in on how to deal with that from a Hazmat perspective and a containment perspective and a measurement perspective on our person to detect the level of risk that might be Associated and the fact that none of that was was apparent that night tells me they didn't know what was in the
box and it got turned on or turned off which leads me to believe in hindsight all these years that it may have been something of non-human origin or EXO let's just say exotic it may have been something exotic that activated or still had some Fallout let's say that they were unaware of now are you the only person that you're aware of inside the program who's suffering health effects no no not at all how many are there uh more than me and probably 51% or greater I would say are suffering some form of health effects yeah
I have a half I'll just say that just so you know it's it's more common than it's not that's heartbreaking I mean we ask our men and women in service to do so many things the idea that because of program is secret you wouldn't get the help you need I'm going to push back on that a little bit I don't think this is uh this is something that's unique to the program as we keep saying I would say 51% or more of the people that come out of the military have and they sacrifice their bodies
for for good reason that's part of what we're willing to do I mean the ultimate sacrifice they say is death which we've all agreed to do is to give up our life so anything less than death goes in with that obligation that we gave up voluntarily so the military at large or anyone that works in this capacity in in the broader service of our nation they they you get injured especially doing it 30 years in the course of your high value Target investigation you met Dr Steven Greer yeah yeah I did what was the purpose
of meeting Dr Steven Greer um well first of all I'd like to say that you know you could say what you want about Dr GRE but the guy's been 30 years ahead of everyone else on a lot of the details of this subject um so a lot of what he says is correct he to me he's like the bentwaters like we had everything we needed in 1980 and now we're fishing around for morsels of that this guy he's he's been ahead of everyone and what I find quite funny is the one thing he gets the
most from for is the one thing he's probably most right about and that is his C5 protocol so C5 is when he uses meditation and he claims it engages telepathically with the phenomenon yeah that's his term for it like we don't use C5 we don't use Dr G protocol Notre other people in the in the program or subsequent programs so C5 is real yeah if we're going to use his term I I'll tell what is real is is the ability to go into something like a meditative State and summon UAP and pilot UAP that is
real that's 100% real wow I have to process that for a moment because that is just the most extraordinary claim yeah well we hope to prove it soon on what basis did you approach Dr gria my understanding was that whoever was in illegal position whoever was in illegal possession of these hvts May have the intention to expose that sensitive material as a whistleblower you were concerned he might take it to Dr GRE yeah I was still working in my official capacity of protecting the sensitive data that was on these hbts that was my job at
the time so Dr Greer was uh scheduling a whistleblower conference in DC and was holding a large event at the uh uh Press Club in Washington DC and so we reached out to him uh one of my teammates made a bump with him in the Virginia area and shared with him some information to pique his curiosity and and to also bonify ourselves as someone he should maybe consider listening to and we set up a meeting and I explained to him um upfront what our intentions were that we believed that there were whistleblowers that might come
forward with something that um is is sensitive and it may not be appropriate to disclose and I asked to become um asked to be put in a position of authority with him where I could vet his whistleblowers so we offered our service to help vet whistleblowers at the time thinking our guys whoever was uh whoever had these hbts might show up with the cont nope they never did but it was on this trip that we were what was interesting at the time is we were contemplating our own whistleblower path forward because of what had happened
because of what had happened it was happening at this time and so what surprised me is during this event a young Marine named Michael Herrera came forward with a very particular story um and spoke of a particular operation that we were aware was taking place um or operations like it let's say were going on and I saw this young guy get up there um and it just spoke to me call it my intuition that was blessed um I was blessed with that night I made contact with non-human intelligence for the first time but my intuition
was on you know was on high alert that night and when he spoke I knew what he was saying was true and no one else was believing him and he was wrong about a few key things that he was speculating on and so I made the decision after he spoke to go to Dr gerer and ask to speak with him privately so let me summarize very quickly what Michael Herrera alleged he was on a relief mission in Sumatra Indonesia they were deployed he and his small Patrol to a particular area and they were helping find
people who needed help yeah in the course of that Patrol they were carrying weapons that's something that's been vigorously disputed by some of his colleagues but he's adamant that he was carrying weapons and they stumbled across a craft a gigantic craft yeah many many many meters wide hovering in the air and below that craft there was a platform with trucks Ford 150s and there were containers that he described that pushed buttons with you what he described didn't he he was told he told he told the Greer disclosure conference which was in 2023 that the paramilitaries
pointed their weapons and threatened to kill the Marines that they were American they took their guns off them and they basically threatened that they were going to be killed yeah that's that's exactly what he talked about basically they were told eventually they were released they were told to walk away their weapons were unchambered there were no rounds in the weapons and they were told to walk away they allowed them to leave but but they were told not to look back yeah I can't speak to all that and let me be clear um that is never
that is not the type of group I would ever volunteer to be a part of but I know that uh there are guys like that out there that get chopped out and become part of these programs the particular part that that struck me were two things one the description of his craft although the size was enormous I have I have no experience with a craft that size but the craft he designed was precisely the same craft that we had come in contact with in our operations within the United States and that is it was a
disc with the 8 gon construction when viewed from above um the other thing was he spoke of the containers and his initial uh speculation was that they may they must have been moving drugs because they had something on the top that looked like some for of of HVAC system of some kind um and I knew right away those are the same type of containers used for the site team when they're operating and being transported so what are the containers used for the containers are used for transportation of the scite team and also just as an
operating base it's a it's a mobile operating base um and so this quickly went off the rails because it for some reason the term human trafficking got put into the story after or got put into the minds of the people that were hearing his story after I got involved so what did Michael Herrera think he thought they were either gun running or drug running didn't he yeah he thought they were that's what he assumed they were running drugs and uh I knew that those type of containers when associated with that craft were used for the
s team that's why they had Min split HVAC units on the top um provide comfortable environments inside for humans for either Transportation or for operation you can operate inside those containers and they're sealed they're kind of like Faraday cage in that regard where it allows you to concentrate if you're going to operate from those you can concentrate on your work as a s asset or they're used to mobilize so clearly whoever those men were they were American they were private military contractors and they weren't very friendly no are they the people that you feel pose
a threat at times to the legitimate operations of the program yeah I think uh it doesn't take many bad apples to ruin the batch cuz to make the point you're at pains aren't you to emphasize that generally this is a well-run operation that runs on ethical boundaries yeah moral boundaries my primary messages my primary message that I want to get across is that this mass vilifying of what's referred to as the military industrial complex is a very bad idea and there are very good people that work over here not just good the best the best
and brightest that America has to offer and the goods and service that are provided by those organizations which fall under the military industrial complex are the goods and services that make our country the greatest in the world um and we benefit from those on a daily basis and so to mass vilify it on mass is not only I that's a crime in itself but it's a shame and we're so hungry to people are so eager to quantify where their threat is coming from we want a bad guy and this this is not an entire cabal
of bad guys there are a few bad guys like it everywhere that operate within the military industrial complex and unfortunately um their operations get get the spotlight so you be you you decided that Michael Herrera his account made sense to you from what you knew about the program what did you do um I told them I told them what I believed was going on and that it that I knew that there were operations going on oconus in third world countries to recruit and train psionic assets um and whether or not this was an opportunity to
recruit or provide job opportunities to new people or he stumbled upon an operation in which they were currently be deployed and maybe they had to evacuate themselves from that area because the natural disaster who knows but that's all speculation there's two implications that come out of that firstly we're recruiting psionics from Indonesia a foreign country yeah are those people given are they voluntarily going are they are they yeah it's my understanding they're very well taken care of um you have you have to think and this is where the human trafficking idea was a was a
very unfortunate turn in in Michael's story especially after my involvement with it because now oh great now we got this guy that is at least somewhat indirectly informed that there's a human trafficking operation and when we talk about human trafficking we think of sex trade and all kinds of other things and this is not it at all I'm it is my understanding that the programs that are conducted to recruit psionic Assets in third world countries these people come willingly and if you were to go down there and try and liberate them with any type of
you know Liberation Army um You' be liberating people that don't want to be liberated they get very well taken care of they get fed there's actually a sense of Pride especially within the Native American communities that have been involved in this program that do cooperate outside of konas as well um there's a sense of Pride with this skill and ability and so again this is another example of it's almost like we want there to be darkness in this area and there is not darkness and I'll tell you by nature of my experience as I shared
nonhuman intelligence itself does not operate that way and so these people that that are whose um skills are nurtured are basking in a glow of light I would assume most of the time when they're doing doing their work for them it's a very positive experience engaging spiritually with this phenomenon yeah that's what you say they're basking in some divinely beautiful uh frequency in order to do the work properly the implications from what you're saying are that if Michael era is telling the truth if he really did see a gigantic octagonal craft floating in midair with
no visible means of propulsion in Indonesia in Sumatra in I think 2009 it suggests that a private military contractor working for an aerospace company was operating some kind of reverse engineered vehicle yeah it's certainly possible I would say especially based on what I saw I dealt with a much smaller version of an octagonal saucer this was a bigger one I could certainly see that being possible can you answer me this question have you seen any alien reproduction Vehicles any replica Vehicles made from non-human technology I honestly can't tell you with um with certainty once we
get into the space I can tell you what I know has been human what has been non-human when it gets into the hybrids I just don't know can you tell me how many retrievals you've been involved in no you that's a classified thing yes can you tell me were the remaining I think four hard diss ever recovered the the four tough books to my knowledge no we stopped at two so there are still four hard diss containing containing potentially incriminating material at large somewhere or somebody else was hired and they recovered them is it a
question mark in your mind that maybe it was a foreign adversary power that was trying to procure this incredibly sensitive that's certainly Poss possible was there a a name for the psionics was there a term that you used for them uh there's a term we used which is what the P3 program why the P3 there's three PS it's the psionic predisposition potential P3 yeah now that's not an official program name I that you'll find anywhere that's why I'm able to say that from your understanding of the kind of people obviously who were capable of psionic
ability obviously there's people of Native American background people from third world countries that are deeply spiritual that appear to have this capacity to engage with the phenomenon was there any other group that was especially susceptible to being able to engage with this technology yeah kids children children it's been suggested to me that left-handed gay men are particularly good at it yeah that certainly seems to be the case that there is a larger distribution of the predisposition I amongst children and gay men for whatever reason the demographic when compared to normal society within the program that
gay men and kids and females are more uh more often seen as having the uh predisposition for the uh psionic ability I'm again exploring the boundaries of where I can go and you you might to say no comment to this but I'm going to put it to you anyway I have another source inside the program who has told me that one of the aerospace companies holding this Tech at one stage relinquished a craft to the US government saying that they hadn't been able to successfully reverse engineer it and it has been put to me that
this was a lie and that they have in fact got a fully flying intact reverse engineered craft I've heard the very same thing from a very reputable source so I would I would believe that's true the Imp ations of this are that there's a whole secret program involving potentially Energy Technologies anti-gravity technologies that are mindblowing yeah it's fun isn't it it is fun yeah I mean I guess the the message that I'm getting from you is one of kind of optimism yeah I'm I'm very pleased to be at a place where this is becoming fun
again you know when I when I started this journey 30 years ago in a 17-year-old kid as I shared with you my intentions were very simple and clear I wanted to jump out of airplanes kill bad guys and make my grandparents proud somewhere along the way things got very confusing and very complex we're now at a point where things are very simple for me again and I see clearly what I want to do with the rest of my life and I have my why and fortunately because of my experience I have the how I have
the capability and we over the last two years while we've been hiding out we've been working to find a way to bring this operation out of the shadows and into an open environment where we could build a public private partnership with full transparency and explore all of these things that have been explored in secret in a way that we can start from scratch but we may be 60 70 years behind what everyone calls a legacy program but I'm telling you we're going to catch up very quickly and the reason it's going to work is because
we have all of the people like me that have been working there um we've I call it the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but we have been recruiting guys from within the program and women um and and those who are uh associated with the program um in a very open way and have formed and are forming a new team in coordination with government agencies the two we would want the most coordination with are are coming on board with us and we also have the funding through Venture Capital can you name those agencies um not at this
time but I I hope to very soon you know we have some really important meetings next week and uh I hope that after that time I'm going to need to ask permission out of just good faith with those folks to see how how much they want to be I guess a lot of people watching this might be worried that you're getting sucked into say an intelligence agency or a military agency that is going to try and shut you down yeah well um or it could be where we're just the we're just the Legacy program 2.0
and this all goes underground again I'm giving you my promise right now um our organization is called skywatcher um we are part of what has been defined as the Explorers Club and it is full of people who have the best intentions in mind and there's going to be a count ility with her there's not going to be transparency and I know that sounds like a lot coming or sounds like could be a load coming from a guy like me with my background but you know I'm not going to be able to prove it to you
in this conversation but I'll say pay attention and I'll paraphrase a quote from the book of ma uh Matthew and say you will know them by their fruits so Stand By and judge us for our fruits you've been really touched haven't you by this experience it's touched you spiritually yes it has there was a gathering at eselem okay and a lot of very high net worth individuals who were interested in suppression of non-human intelligence attended what happened I think something epic happened I think something happened that if it was fully documented and understood would go
in the history books um I had a feeling last week that that was historical it felt absolutely historic what you had was a combination of the world's leading like most Frontier scientists you had people that were um top experts in all their fields and then you had a variety of fields that was outrageous we had neurosurgeons doctors and neurosurgeon we had physicists we had high worth individuals in the billions um that were extremely open-minded and had a a frontier attitude towards all this we had Mystics we had psychic kids we had children from Germany that
could harness and um actually showcase their ability to perform telekinesis their ability to uh psychically see things with their mind and were able to to prove that to all of us we also deployed some of our psionic assets um that we've used and are part of our new team with skywatcher and we summoned UAP um we had the UAP come and fly around and visit and hang out with us and take off and I have to say I saw it too yeah and it was profan it's a spiritual experience and what you're trying to do
now is replicate in the private sphere what's being suppressed in the public sphere yeah you know we we're not looking back you know we could we can leave the Bad actors of the past we can leave them with their Lies We have no need for that we're looking forward I am absolutely confident that we are capable of generating the type of high quality censor data and photography and film evidence that everyone is wanting I'm also confident that um if we continue on the path with our with our government agencies that we're going to get a
craft we're going to get material in hand I know it's possible it's just a matter of working out the logistics I'm just I'm just exploring this with you the implications are that this one part of the black world of the US government that is being hidden from Congress hidden from some presidents I know yeah working on retrieved alien nonhuman technology yeah it's being kept from the knowledge of the American public and yet they're they're being funded with taxpayer dollars billions of taxpayers dollars if you believe it yeah what do you think of that well I
doesn't sound right does it but you you could probably tell that same story around a number of other things that have nothing to do with aliens and unfortunately that's the government and the world we live in but the exciting thing is the thing I find breathtaking from what you're saying is you're saying as somebody who's come from that black world yeah screw the secrecy I want to say it a little differently um the US the Monopoly the US government has on the subject matter is not respected by the non-human intelligence Spirits um again the skies
are not classified and your conscience cannot be redacted and ultimately why I feel safe and why I feel optim optimistic about the future is I know that the nhi is guiding us that way can you explain how it is that you're not authorized to do this interview but you ended up applying for ad dooper I think our audience might be confused they might think that this is somehow an authorized interview and that there are people in the defense department pulling the strings telling you what to say and that this is some kind of disinformation operation
yeah that's uh that makes a lot of sense to me but you know for what it's worth I can tell you that's not the case I mean the doser process is is very interesting um it's way more casual especially on the onset than you might think um uh when you take into account the ramifications for for violating the mandates that come out of it and the subject matter that it's supposedly protecting but um you know they get put in a really tough spot um and this is part of something we aimed to take advantage of
I guess you could say by interrogating the doser system um one of the things I haven't shared yet is in our effort to find out who we were looking for one of the ways we came up with on how to do that was to query for who might want to redact statements we intended to go public with through Doster so you I think a fictionalized account of some of your experiences to doser yeah so um any author or anybody that's going to be contributing to an author to put something in writing or to share it
orally like this um has to go through the dooper process if you ever held a security clearance um working for a government agency in the subject matter that you are intending to go public public on so right off the bat there's a tail right there the fact that I had to go through Doster tells you I had a security clearance on the subject matter right there so there's their first failure of Pokerface um and that's exactly what we set out to exploit and so we came up with a reconnaissance mission the reconnaissance mission looked like
this we were going to write a detailed manuscript as fiction through a ghost riter um when we completed that it was about 120,000 words manuscript we broke that manuscript into actual sections that we called episodes um because doser wants you to complete or submit the entire document we submitted our first 20,000 words our first um 10,000 Words which was 20 Pages um and within that first chunk of information we included four types of information um and that information's purpose again was to inform us as to what they considered sensitive and thees which stands for subject
matter experts um that they were Outsourcing the information to because what they do in the doser process is they send it out to all of the agencies that might be affected by you going public on something even in a fictionalized manuscript and they say to them is there anything in here that needs to be redacted to protect National Security that's correct and it could be it could be you could present it to them as fact or fiction it doesn't matter the context but more importantly if it's protecting National Security and it's redacted it has to
be a legally authorized program doesn't it yes it does so this this is what we use to set up our four categories of information that I want to get through with you category one we included in that manuscript information we knew was classified that we were privy to um and we knew that was patently classified on a very high level information category number two was information that was classified but we knew only existed within the hearts and minds of The Operators that were at the fingertips of that operation um information category number three was information
that was classified but you may be surprised to learn was already in the public domain and open S Source because of the nature of the internet there are things that the dod and its Partners would say that shouldn't be out there but but it is anyway so we put some of that in there and then we had our fourth category information which was the most fun which was where we took a little liberty and went fishing we took our information that we knew was compartmentalized connected it with other information that were these fact Islands we
were aware of because of our I won't say how um and then we took our own creative Liberty at connecting those two dots through a particular pathway as to what why that might exist and filled that space with other fictional classified information what happened 6 months later it took six months uh we came back with seven pages of redactions of all four categories wow so one that confirms there is a classified program relating to this information wow now there was a counterplay here so although that was informative I have to tell you when they came
back our ition was now that reconnaissance mission having Beed fruits was now going to inform how we went back and edited remember this was the first 20 pages of a of a multi-page I would say the first 10,000 words of 120,000 word manuscript we were then going to take that information and ride around it in order to extract more Intel through the Doster process so you were running a counter counter surveillance operation against the very organizations that's a red team's best tool right there you would do op four opposition you play three four five dimensional
test chess so you play multi-dimensional chess so even though they know you and your team were thinking about publishing something they don't know that you're speaking publicly on National Television about the Legacy program that's a good question no they don't but it doesn't mean I was limited to do that because I have to tell you about the counterplay so there is a although they have no Poker Face they're in a really tough spot because not red AC in information means that if they just if they just chose hey this is sensitive but we're not going
to redact it well now obviously that makes it into the public domain um but by redacting it they prove that it's sensitive so they have no idea as to um they have no idea as to how you acquired the information they know based on your security clearance and your background because it had to be submitted under my official name and social security number and my record in order to get triggered and that's how they know what smmes to send it to the smmes who I worked for squashed all kinds of stuff then it went to
one of the other s&es I work for they squashed their stuff and it came back with all these squashing in the form of black ink now let me keep going because the counterplay for them would have been to let certain information go so that it could be formally categorized as not sensitive and the fictitional Liberty taken by an author of a fictional book um so they could do that they could have done that um but we didn't really see that what they did do however was they got a sense they were they got on to
us they figured out what we were doing and they said stop you cannot submit anything else you have to submit the whole manuscript and we told them well that is the whole book we're going to release this like episodes of a of a special this is the whole season but we're going to release it in episodes so we have to send it it to you 10,000 words at a time because that's how it's going to be released and they they were kind of caught there and they didn't quite know how to respond so um I
can tell you that since then and this was a 2000 correction this was 20122 I think believe in January when we first submitted the manuscript um and they they haven't gotten back to us on the rest of it's still sitting there do you think that there are people in private Aerospace who think that it's inevitable that eventually the story is yeah I know there there are and we have a lot of people in private Aerospace that are part of our Sky skywatcher program that have come on our side just echoing the point that you made
earlier that the military industrial complex is not one big monolithic organization that says the same view thing and has the same view there are people I know inside the military inside the intelligence community and you've been one of them who basically think it's implausible to try and keep this secret and moreover that the has a right to know yeah it's it's going to come out it's all coming out it's coming out probably like this year so you think yourself the public has a right to know this information not all of it no what sort of
things need to be protected do you think let's um anything that affects National Security like we have to be careful of what we wish for like we don't know what we don't know even me I don't know what I don't know and if we're at the point where we have so little trust in our government that we're just going to there's a reason it's called catastrophic disclosure catastrophic is not good for those calling for heads anymore than it's good for those whose heads are being called for like we as a public do not want catastrophic
disclosure we what we need again there's a few bad apples we need to maintain our institutions we don't get rid of them we need to find a way to get the right people promoted to positions of power and trust and we already have that it's called The Gang of Aid in Congress they're a big part of that right now it's not functioning that way but we're not going to change we can't change the structure we need to get the right people into Power into positions start looking into it um and again you don't need to
rely on the government it's already there like what we need to know is this we need to know that we're not alone we need to know that there's a profound spiritual component to our existence and that's just for the sake of our own Fellowship as creatures sharing this planet but also there it's there's an extreme amount of utility in our ability that has been suppressed forever so if if we could learn how to use that um and also for those that are keeping the secrets keeping it secret is a bad way to try and study
something we need an open source we need all hands on deck all brains on Deck all consciouses on deck in order to find out how we can exploit this in the best of ways in order to come up with things like Z Point Energy let's say um until we do so we're going to be stuck with the same problem we have been for all the civilization and that's a battling for limited resources and if we could solve that problem by something that might come out of disclosure that would be something I say should be disclosed
things relative to National Security no and we can't trust ourselves we can't say give us all of it because we don't trust you we have to put trustworthy people in position and let them make that decision okay let me ask you this way then do you think the public have the right to know that we are not alone yes I'll say yes to that and the thing I find shocking though is that the most beautiful thing that you've described to me the most exciting thing is what I think our audience is going to have the
biggest trouble with is believing the idea that human beings have the capacity to do things with their minds that have been suppressed yeah I just kind of smile because that's makes it more entertaining for me because they're going to be shocked but you know what they I think I don't think that's necessarily the case I think there's more people that believe it they're just not talking about it and I can tell you for a fact even within our world of Harden operators at the highest level guys that are still in behind closed doors we all
know it's true and we have the most emotional talks like we're part of Oprah's Book Club I mean it's it's true and right now we're in a moment where the truth is being obusca and twisted but the truth I'll tell you is our weapon and when we're willing to accept the truth no matter how profound or Earth shaking is when we move into a position of power and it it's going to liberate this subject and you know what how fun would it be if we're right I'm not telling you it'd be different if the government
and what was being hid behind the subject matter was the fact that there was an asteroid on course for Earth that we there is no way we could we could uh redirect it or there's no way we could defend against it and we were all going to die in the year 2020x or whatever it is that's not what's being hidden what's being hidden here is something extremely positive and um it's something we've all hoped for it's the one thing we've all looked for in all of our religions that we celebrate across the world is it's
the one thing that we want to be true of our religion and it's the one thing that um the one common thread amongst all religions and so that's what's being hidden and that's what we're going to find out and you can't bottle it up the implications of what you're saying also are that potentially there is some kind of capacity to draw Incredible amounts of energy from seen it the quantum vac I've seen it you've seen it I've seen it there's also obviously the capacity to use propulsion systems that are far beyond what we're describing yeah
that seems to be the case as well anti-gravity anti-gravity they know about it anti-gravity Zero Point Energy those secrets are being suppressed from our knowledge I've seen demonstrations recently that again proves that the government doesn't have Monopoly on this they have while they have we know that they have been working on it they've seem to been doing a good job um in keeping others from making their own independent progress but that time is changing independent progress is happening right now and it's coming out that's why I'm so confident we don't need to rely on their
body of lack of evidence let's say we don't need to rely on that like it's here like the the shift has already happened there's people in Silicone Valley and around the world that are so financially independent so intell ually independent and yes so emotionally and psionically independent that they don't need the government um to tell us those things but we still have to work through that do you think the aliens the non-human intelligence wants us Humanity to know about their existence yeah I do believe that that's the message that that we're getting so you felt
that yourself connect message and there are others that I know of um that are being sent that message directly and they are extremely confident so Jake in early October you made the decision on the invitation of the Senate Select Committee for intelligence to go to Congress and give evidence yes I did how was that day um it was great it was uh it was nice to finally get it done and it seemed like by the time I went I held out so long that uh by the time I got there there a lot of people
had already done the heavy lifting like Dave and others and so they were like okay we know we don't know and we know that we haven't proven to be the most um we they know that they don't have they can't offer whistleblowers the protection we know they need which was my primary objection the entire time is that they offer protection they have no way of providing it they've got no enforcement power they've got no enforcement they can't protect me um and so things had certainly changed what was the reception in the room what kind of
comments did you hear well for the most part it was fantastic you know there was eight or nine people um I'm not going to say versus me but it was a one v9 situation where it was me and there then I had at times s to 10 people a few had to come and go cuz we went for four and a half hours but um it was all ears it was listening David grush and Commander David fraver gave evidence to the Congress along with Ryan Graves the two F18 Pilots sat with David grush and gave
evidence to the Congress last year under oath and they insisted on doing it under oath to emphasize the veracity the truthfulness of what they were saying if you were asked would you be prepared to do the same 100% And I told them that uh told Congress at during our time in the skiff yeah what impact do you think you had on the people listening in the room at the Senate Select Committee for intelligence well we laughed we cried we had a lot of serious talk so if anything I I would think I came across sincere
um keep in mind we were scheduled for a 2-hour block we went four and a half so they were definitely engaged they seemed like they were sinere sincere in their effort to find out what's going on why hasn't somebody like you with firsthand knowledge of the program come forward so definitively before that's a good question and that's what I kept waiting for more to come forward um I feel uniquely qualified to come forward at this time because I know we have this private Venture coming and I've already been begun negotiating with those government agencies who
I thought may have come after me let's say um if they had ill will and it's been proven to me that they don't so there are government agencies that don't know about this program that are aware of the obvious illegality of parts of it yeah I don't know if it's that it's every department has within it a responsibility to deal with in the sky flying around that we don't know what it is I mean just start the FAA for example which is Ryan graves's uh particular case he's he's trying to advance is that you know
there is a safety of flight here there is an aircraft separation issue a collision avoidance issue in the air if there are things flying around in the sky and the FAA doesn't have a way of managing that um or producing safety reports on it we've got a big problem and the problem gets much bigger from there and so while we like to speak of the government as the government it is not one big cohesive machine that works together and so every Department like the FBI like Department of Homeland Security like border patrol um Department of
Defense you know they have their own niche responsib abilities in order to make sure things in the sky aren't our adversaries aren't carrying payloads aren't causing safety of flight issue and yeah aren't uh they also have a responsibility to figure out whether or not aliens are visiting the planet and you think they are yeah I do so the truth is out the truth has been out for a long time what would you like to see happen like what's your dream you've seen this technology yeah you've felt the sincer it of the intelligence that you were
engaging with what would you dream of what's your aspiration for the future you know what would be really cool is to be driving down the highway look up and see a billboard advertisement for the United States Air Force Recruiting kids into a career field for UAP research and study for psionic exploration for piloting technology to other galaxies like that would tell me we've arrived and we are at a place where clearly the public and the government are working together because the suppression of this secret it's not just suppressing technology and weapons which I can you
know as much as I don't like the idea of it I can understand why somebody might have made the decision to do that it's suppressing spiritual knowledge that you think the Public's got a right to know well and here's where I would say we need do respect the fact that we don't know what we don't know imagine weaponizing Consciousness we don't think of in this story we're telling we're assuming Consciousness is the good benevolent harmless thing that should be disclosed everything we've researched and understood imagine if it is the case that Consciousness could be weaponized
and that people like the president of the United States could have could be under mind control that's a huge problem and imagine if someone could independently develop we already see this problem with drones we are so out of control with the Drone issue that drones can fly around with a payload and um cause Mash casualties because we don't have it under control the fa doesn't we just unfortunately we don't have the the cfrs the code of federal regulations and the people hired to deal with something like drones imagine if we had to manage and police
the benevolent use or the weaponization of Consciousness that could be a really big problem have you done any operations yourself retrievals or operations involving the Legacy program in Arizona no have you seen the rubber duck video which was shot by border patrol from a surveillance plane over parts of the Arizona desert yes do you know anything about that object I don't I don't know anything about it are you aware of any underground bases yes have you visited any yes so they exist they do can you tell me anymore no Ross you can't blame me for
trying no I don't blame you do you know anything about the Phoenix Lights and I'm very yeah I'm familiar with that story uh I remember hearing about it when I was a kid and going oh you know that's interesting but not believing it but now knowing what I know it seems very clear to me that that was a a legitimate non-human intelligence that had flown some sort of crap CFT over Phoenix which raises the question all over the United States right now US Air Force bases are being buzzed by what they call drones yeah and
funnily enough nobody's seen one of these and been able to recover one because so-called electromagnetic pulse weapons don't work on these objects whatever they are not all UAP respond to the same weapon systems it raises the question is the phenomenon making it so more overt do you think is it trying to wake us up it certainly is to me in my experience but you know it's hard to say I I don't know how to how to look at that from a completely objective I don't know I don't know how much it's shown itself over the
decades and centuries because a lot of people watching this sad to say you're pushing them up against a barrier of Doubt indecision stigma and taboo that's been attached to this subject for 80 years a lot of people aren't going to believe this what do you say to those people um I'm not here to make anyone believe anything it's exhausting like either you're going to get it or you're not going to get it like we have we H our in our own capacity we've operated skywatcher already me and my team on the very first outing summoned
a white egg in broad daylight and while I have pictures of it I'm happy to share with you we calculated this object to be traveling depending upon the slat range distance uh anywhere between 3,000 and 11,000 miles per hour based on the size we're still analyzing the data we collected from the range and we're happy to show that to you um and so what else could that be there there's this there's this other way of looking at this like we can put all this information before you and you could say it's not this it's not
this it's not this we're at a point now where the amount of information is so overwhelming the probability that any alternate alternate explanation for its existence is there is so much less than the probability that what I'm telling you is exactly what is going on you want this investigated don't you yeah I want to I want to do the investigating that's what we're doing I want to inv would you quite like to see as a result of this story would you like to see yourself questioned and held to account for evidence and tested your allegations
yeah um we have an opportunity right now uh to work with the US government and and as a private partner um the place where we operate right now we've been successful before in conducting our whole operation all five phases of it um the US government has shown an interest they know we're capable they know what we've pulled out of the sky it's consistent with the egg and everything else I've told you about um and what they're offering to do now is give us exclusive use access to facilities um because they don't know what's going on
departments there there are departments Within in the broader branches of the three-letter agencies that aren't being read into what other sections are so they want us to help and because we're one of the few groups of people that have experience and we provide them a path to Redemption so there's A's a real there's a real message here from you of incredible optimism about what this could represent yeah this is why I know disclosure is coming and guess what it's going to come out in the most beautiful way I believe the United States government in the
next 12 months is going to use me and my team as a peaceful non-judgmental path forward to disclosure they're going to help us conduct our operations and gather evidence in order to present this subject matter to the public so that these questions can be answered once and for all and all the questions I'm talking about what do the craft look like how do they operate who is operating them how are they being operated and where are they coming from we should be able to answer those questions probably entirely in the next 12 months can I
put to you there is a dark State there are people who don't have good intentions who want this secret to remain suppressed aren't there it seems that way yeah are they going to win no they're not going to win they're not going to win they're we've we've passed a Tipping Point they like I said when you're talking about these people they aren't organized um you become a dark person by having by being filled with more Vice than virtue virtuous people win people full of Vice they lose and they're dividing amongst themselves they're on a sinking
ship all of the good people that are in these organizations realize they're in a position they need to make a decision as to which side they're on and despite having all this leverage and threat that they have that being held against them they're making the decision to move forward are there people inside the program who you know will come forward when you speak up yes um I know I'm going to serve as a huge Catalyst and that's going to be an exciting day the things I'm talking about are going to be you know Dave did
a great job of Paving a path I'm going to come along and try and improve upon that path and widen the road I expect the next uh people that are the next groups of folks are going to be coming down this path are going to blow It Wide Open do you worry for your safety for your family safety no I don't I don't I think I'm being protected Believe It or Not by the nhi and also I don't I don't put up with harassment I don't believe in the boogeyman I am the boogeyman you know
how to help yourself yes yep so if somebody comes after you they'd better watch out it' probably be the worst decision they ever made in their life I me intend to make it that way clearly at the heart of all of this there's been an 80e cover up where we've all outside in the the normal World been told that this is nonsense aliens aren't real telepathy is nonsense how do you deal with that how do we reverse Decades of stigma and taboo you inform yourself why are we relying on these people that have been keeping
the secrets to let us in on the secret why don't we make their secrets obsolete by capturing the evidence ourself and becoming all firsthand experiencers of the phenomenon and the technology and because that's possible and from what you're saying Jake Baba that's a beautiful experience yeah the most beautiful experience that add in my life would you like to see your kids one day doing that work my kids already are believe it or not