The ULTIMATE Cold Email Guide For B2B Lead Generation [PROVEN TEMPLATE]

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Patrick Dang
Check out these proven Cold Email Templates by Hubspot: Join The Found...
Video Transcript:
after sending thousands and thousands of code emails in my sales career I've learned some of the best techniques to get responses to get meetings with your dream clients and close more deals so in this video I'm going to give you my top strategies for you to send your cold emails and I'm going to give you some of the best templates in the game now before we get started make sure to give this video a like And subscribe and shout out to HubSpot for helping make this video possible but more on that in a second and
let's dive in with the strategies we're going to be talking about today there are a couple things we're going to learn number one is we're going to get prospects to respond to your cold emails even if they don't know who you are meaning you're sending them an email they don't know your name they don't know your company but we're going to get them to respond number two is we're going to get that person to respond and then have them book a meeting on your calendar so that you can actually talk to them either in person
over phone over Zoom whatever the medium is and finally we're going to show you how to follow up with your prospects the ones that don't respond maybe they open but they haven't set up that meeting yet we're going to show you exactly the mindset you need to have in order to talk to them again and rebook that meeting now here's the thing this video is going to cover a lot of the strategies but you and I both know that it's easier to work off of proven examples proven templates rather than Reinventing the wheel and because
of the low cost of sending emails which is essentially almost free I really recommend you use some proven templates to get started so you can spend less time writing and more time selling and that's why you definitely need to check out hubspot's 25 proven sales email templates I actually put a link in the description for you you to download these templates this is going to be relevant for anyone doing any type of code emailing any type of prospecting because code emailing is really an art and a science you really need to understand it in order
to get people to respond especially if they don't know who you are or your company and you're reaching out to them cold so with these templates you're going to learn how to write these cold emails how to follow up and what to do if they don't respond or if they respond negatively how do you turn it around and my personal favorite section is going to be the breakup email where you're going to be using reverse psychology to get people to respond now it's very counterintuitive but you got to read it for yourself to see what
I'm talking about now this video was made possible by HubSpot so make sure to check out the link in the description and let's get into it the first mindset you have to have is actually your ideal customer profile and you have to clearly Define who you want to Target now where most people especially beginner sales people make mistakes is that they just blast emails they're like oh emails free to send so I'm just going to go bang bang bang bang and reach out to as many people as possible so they think it's a num game
but in reality it's partially numbers game but you can increase your conversion rates to chance someone will respond to you by clearly identifying who your customer is so I'm going to use myself as a personal example right so I have a somewhat of a marketing agency in the whole cryptos and nmts by handle marketing for a lot of companies helping them with that stuff for me I specialize in a specific type of marketing for a specific type of project right I focus on gaming companies who have art styles that are very anime inspired and IP
inspired right so Japanese style anime style this this is kind of my bread and butter now because there's only so many of these companies that exist in the world my ideal customer becomes very very narrow there might be literally a hundred or less companies that could be potential clients of M so in my personal experience and my situation I cannot just send 10,000 emails to everybody right because there's not even enough people to send 10,000 emails to I have to be very targeted in who I approach now because industry is very small I can't just
Spam them because words going to get out that Patrick's just a spammer no one's going to want to work with me they're going to pay for my marketing Services right so I have to be very methodical and very conscious of who am I targeting what their pains are how do I bring value to them and then what is my approach to actually reach out to them right and so this is an example of a very clear defined Target demographic where you're so narrow there's only like a 100 people in the whole world that fit your
ideal customer profile most likely if you're watching this video your Target demographic is much bigger than mes it might be in the hundreds it might be in the thousands right especially if you're selling let's say HR software for example everybody has HR so you have thousands of people but you want to clearly Define who you're going for right for me it's going to be web 3 projects want to do something in crypto who have a game that is very anime inspired and they need help with marketing and they don't have any strong marketing leaders at
their company currently which is where I would plug into their stack it's a very clear defined ideal customer profile so when I talk to people usually it's either we don't need a Patrick cuz we're already good or I'm dying with marketing our founder is super smart he makes really good games but he doesn't know how to communicate he doesn't know how to do marketing and that's where I plug in right because I Define it so clearly you know when I do find a potential fit it's very clear that it's a good fit and it's a
lot more easier to close that deal so whatever it is you're doing make sure you know who you're targeting what their pains are how you solve that pain and you can go even more like narrow when it comes to like employee size Revenue do they have money to pay geographic location industry right so so many ways to Define an ideal customer you just have to figure out who good for you now which leads us to the next point which is find the pain so to Define an ideal customer a big part of it is actually
pain because pain is the strongest motivator to get someone to take an action if there's no pain there's no sale because there's no reason for why someone should take action today so the best way to find pain for your product or service that you're selling is actually to talk to your previous customers talk to your current customers and talk to potential customers right so if you have current clients right let's say you're working at a company schedule an interview with some of these happy customers to say hey just curious to know like what got you
to buy this package what got you to subscribe to our product and they're going to say oh yeah before we use you guys we had problems with XYZ and that's why we bought you so you're like oh okay write that down so when you write your cold emails and you're trying to write the pain and communicate that pain in a cold email you're basically just mirroring the pain that somebody else experienced and that was remedied putting it that into your cold email it's simple as that what's the problem put in the email what's the solution
put at the end of the email and that's from a high level perspective how I would structure an email right unless you're like creating a new product that has no sales and you never had a client before right you don't have to reinvent the wheel literally just look at what your previous clients are doing like if you're a sales rep joining a company talk to other sales reps and ask them like hey why do they buy and chances are you're going to get the answers right there now in the event you are let's say a
solo entrepreneur a coach a consultant or something like that and you're selling something brand new you're making a new offer okay so this is brand new what you want to do is you want to look at the pains that your Market experiences and a lot of times you can look at what your competitors or people in your field are selling and you can kind of reverse engineer okay like I understand why people buy so let me just kind of take that and use it for my offer and test it out to see how people feel
about it right and so the answers and clues are already out there you don't have to reinvent the wheel unless you're doing something crazy Innovative in technology or something like that right for the most part you know you're probably not so look at what it's already working take bits and pieces of it and implement it into your sale and put it in that email now let's go into the next point which is how to to write the perfect cold email I did put a link in the description with hubspot's email so we're not going to
go step by step and line by line because you can download that just basically plug andplay the templat so I'm going to give you a more highle strategy so once you understand the strategy you can apply that and use it for all these different templates and here's a trick about templates there's no Silver Bullet for anything right just because HubSpot said this just because I said this doesn't mean it's going to instantly work for you you have to take that template you can copy and paste it into a Word document but you have to swap
out the different senten you swap out the language to fit it for your specific product and service there is no product and service that's the same there's no Industries that's the same you have to massage the wording and the copyrighting in order to fit your thing now high level right if you were to look at the structure of every email template you're going to find out there it's pretty much the same where you're giving a quick introduction of who you are like I'm part of this company you go into the pains hey I noticed that
you're trying to grow on Tik Tok but you haven't been getting as many views probably as you want that's a pain I noce that you're trying to do marketing on Twitter for your web 3 project but it seems like you're not getting much engagement relative to your competition the game you're promoting is actually better than what's on the market but I just think you're not communicating that well see that's a pain that I usually go for when I'm selling my marketing Services psychologically it's kind of like you know you're basically pointing out something someone already
knows or someone already feels but maybe they haven't you know clearly articulated in their head and when they hear you say that they were going to feel like oh my God that's exactly what I was feeling that's exactly what I was thinking let's have a meeting because you get it right the feeling you want to create in these emails is like this guy gets it I want to have a meeting with them and then usually at the end of the email what I like to do is add a little social proof so I'll put in
previous clients so you know some of the people I helped before was X Y and Z and then they'll be like oh I really look up to X Y and Z so I want to work with Patrick because seems like he has some social proof right so it's intro of who you are dive into the pains after pains you know I should mention that you want to lightly show what Solutions you can provide you don't want to give them a whole essay you just want to say like hey you know I helped people you know
grow their following from Z to 100,000 on Instagram right that's that's one way you can show your value and then who are some of the people X Y and Z and put a link to you know these clients that you helped out and they're going to be like oh okay Patrick understands my pain he knows what kind of value to bring and he knows exactly what I want and he's done it before from other people so I don't see why I can't take 15 minutes out of my day to click the link in the calendar
or schedule a meeting so I can see if he can work with me right so that's the no-brainer kind of pitch when it comes to emails it's that simple right if you're offering real value and you just have to communicate it in a very clean and simple way and people will actually respond that's it there's no you gotcha there's no surprise there's no like secret formula that's essentially how you want to bring value so all the templates that you use of course use different ones see which one works best for you but high level you
know that's the overarching theme even if you have no template right and you're just freestyling It intro pain solution social proof call to action at the end book a time of my calendar that's how I get all my meetings right now let's go into follow-ups right cuz follow-ups are very important even if you do all these things perfectly it doesn't mean the person's going to respond sometimes they get busy I get busy all the time but you'll find that you'll get as many responses on the followup than you get on the first email right so
if you send a 100 emails you get five responses the followup you might get another five another followup you might get another five that's just how the numbers typically work in general right so in follow-ups there's two ways to do it either you do personal or just Mass right so let's talk about Mass if you're just spamming people not spamming but you know saying a lot all you have to do is say hey John just wanted to see if it still makes sense to work together if it does let me know what time works for
you or if it does feel free to book a Time on my calendar right simple as that you're kind of just repeating what you said like maybe you say Hey you know just want to see if it makes sense to talk about how to grow your Instagram following if it does let me know what time works best for you right you're kind of just repeating what you said before in one sentence and that's it if you want to do more personal right let's say you're following this person's Twitter accounts and you want to really work
closely with them they're your dream client you say Hey you know I really enjoy that article you wrote about X Y and Z and I was it really got me thinking about blah blah blah right so if you provide more value like that like you're trying to build a network trying to become friends with the person a lot of times for me the people that I eventually become clients become friends first right which is a very more personal strategic approach right because for me I only want to work with like five people at a time
right I'm not mass selling something because I'm more like a growth partner versus like selling a software so it's important for me that I become friends with a person I want to work with right then you use things you see on Twitter right if you follow them on Twitter which or crypto stuff that's where it's really big or YouTube whatever your industry is like mention stuff that they posted have a really interesting point and then it starts a conversation from there I would typically follow up like three times over the course of two weeks to
four weeks they don't respond they don't respond you can keep following up there are people that keep following up forever especially if you're dream client right every month you send them an email or something but if not that Let It Go and move on to the next ideal customer profile right or a next set of customers if you're trying to move fast so it really depends are you trying to be strategic and there's only a handful of people you want to work with or do you want to just sell sell sell sell sell as many
subscriptions or memberships or whatever as possible it depends on the strategy right and so with that said that is everything we got to cover for some of my best cold emailing strategies if you enjoyed it don't forget to give this video a like subscribe and leave a comment on something that you learned in this video and I'm going to see you in the next one
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