A Sign God is Preparing You for a Major Breakthrough | C.S. Lewis 2024

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C.S. Lewis Sermons - Discover the transformative power of brokenness in this powerful exploration of...
Video Transcript:
it's that season of Brokenness again this is where you become challenged this is where the flesh begins to weaken these are seasons where the sanctification process intensifies where God begins to cut away some of those areas in our lives that don't belong there he is the Potter we are the clay he is the one who's molding us and shaping us now we as the clay can't say to the Potter don't mold me like that allow the Potter to do his work allow him to be the one to decide what goes and what stays allow him
to be the one to decide what needs to change in you and often we have very stubborn areas of the flesh that we are even proud of this is how I am this is me maybe you're proud of the fact that you're very overconfident maybe you're proud of the fact that you're stubborn maybe you're proud of the fact that you tell the truth all the time it's good to tell the truth all the time but some people think that means you can be rude and that you have to say everything that comes to your mind
In the Flesh sometimes we try to keep these things about ourselves that the Lord ultimately wants to change you know when he changes those things in the seasons of Brokenness and you'll find by the way that as you draw closer to him he says okay it's time to be pruned okay it's time to have things cut away okay if you want to grow there has to be pruning if you want to grow there has to be change if you want to grow there are things in you that have to be broken I'm not saying that
the Lord breaks Us in that he damages us I'm saying that he breaks Us in that he causes us to reassess even those most basic aspects of our will of who we are and he begins to remove those things that are not of him as CS Lewis profoundly stated God Whispers to us in our Pleasures speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pains it is his megaphone to Rouse a deaf World in our Brokenness we are more attuned to God's voice Jesus went through this moment in the crucifixion narrative we understand that this tells
the story of Jesus submitting himself to the will of the father to become the atonement for the sin of all mankind do you think he was comfortable in that season do you think he enjoyed the pain there's not a chance that he did in fact this is what he said in John 12 Jesus replied the hour has come for the son of man to be glorified very truly I tell you unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground ground and dies it remains only a Single Seed but if it dies it produces many seeds
anyone who loves their life will lose it while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life whoever serves me must follow me and where I am my servant will be also my father will honor the one who serves me my soul now is troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour no it was for this very reason I came to this hour father glorify your name do you know what he meant when he said father glorify your name he was embracing the cross and as CS
Lewis reminds us in Mere Christianity Christ says give me all I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work I want you I have not come to torment your natural self but to kill it any voice that promises you blessings and growth without the cross is a satanic voice remember when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4 he wanted to offer him the kingdoms of the world while the kingdoms of the world belong to him now he wanted to offer him the pleasures
of this world and the praise of man but he offered him a path to to that without a cross a cross gospel is a christless gospel every single one of us has a cross to bear every single one of us will go through a season of Brokenness and again it's important that when we move through these Seasons we trust God and recognize that just because things seem to be going in the opposite direction that we want them to go just because seasons are heartbreaking inconvenient and uncomfortable doesn't mean that God is rejecting you CS Lewis
once noted hardships often prepare Ordinary People for an extraordinary Destiny one of the greatest lies of the enemy and this is so tricky of the devil is to get you to equate trials and tribulations with God's rejection and disapproval but that's how the world thinks they think that if God is for you nothing bad will ever happen and that if God is against you you only bad things will happen didn't the scriptures say that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike The Sun Shines on the just and the unjust alike good things
happen to who we would call bad people and bad things happen to who we would call good people so we live in this world there will be persecution there will be trial there will be tribulation there will be trouble and Calamity and Times of confusion that can't be avoided but it's important that we don't waste these seasons of Brokenness I know this is prophetic for someone right now don't waste this season of Brokenness because it's in the season of Brokenness that you can give to God the most valuable worship that you can give to God
the most valuable praise why because when you're on top yes the praise means something to him but of course you can praise in the seasons where you feel like you're on the Mountaintop but it's in the seasons where you're in the Valley now the praise and the worship that you offer is not because of the things that are going right in your life but despite them and now they're 100% directed at the person and the goodness of God don't waste the season of Brokenness CS Lewis said it best we are not necessarily doubting that God
will do the best for us we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be in these difficult moments we find the opportunity to give God praise that rises above our circumstances many Believers when they come into these places of Brokenness these trials where people are turning on you where your mind and emotions are being attacked where things aren't going your way what do you do do you throw up your hands and say well God must dislike me or I'm cursed by some word curse no guys you have to stick with the Scripture
it is in these Seasons that God begins to prune you and process you that kernel of wheat that falls to the ground and dies it remains only a Single Seed but if it dies it produces many seeds and sometimes when you are planted it feels like you are being buried and when you are planted you go to Dark Places and when you are planted you go to lonely places and when you are planted it's difficult to see the fruition of the promises of God the seed has to die before it will yield a harvest the
seed has to die before it can multiply and so in the seasons of Brokenness it's important that you don't waste them instead of trying to rush them instead of trying to get relief understand that that's only human of course nobody wants to suffer of course nobody wants trial of course nobody wants chaos but it's important that in your suffering You Suffer Well you suffer unto the glory of God what did Jesus say no it was for this very reason I came to this hour so he's saying should I ask to have this removed from me
should I ask that there be another way should I ask that perhaps I take another route no it was for this very reason I came to this hour and then he prays father glorify your name CS Lewis reminds us in the great divorce there are only two kinds of people in the end those who say to God thy will be done and those to whom God says in the end thy will be done I'm not saying that God is actively hurting you I'm saying that sometimes life is such that there are difficult circumstances and the
Lord can use those difficult circumstances to break those stubborn areas of our heart to break those things that we've become proud of that ought not to be there to break us from certain mindsets to break our unhealthy Independence Independence to a certain degree is healthy but that unhealthy Independence that idea that we don't really need God we need to learn Reliance on him and in the season of Brokenness the Lord begins to prune those things out and number four is the season of fruitfulness this is where now there's breakthrough this is now where there's blessing
and abundance and I'm not just talking about material gain yes that can come with a season of breakthrough but it's so much bigger so much greater than just the acquisition of material goods and wealth this has to do with being promoted in the kingdom of God and being entrusted with Kingdom responsibilities where now there's this fruitfulness now there's this so to speak explosion of Effectiveness Lewis teaches us that the Christian does not think God will love us because we are good but that God will make us good so in every trial there is purpose and
just as Joseph was sold into slavery and later exalted God uses every season of Brokenness to bring forth a season of fruitfulness for his kingdom and so there was this season where I felt like there was no effect and really what was happening is that God was sharpening not just the character in me but the skills he was sharpening the gifting and I'm not saying this to boast upon myself I'm boasting on the Lord there are skills that God is sharpening in you there are things that God is perfecting in you even before the season
of fruitfulness but then there was just this I can't tell you any other way than to just say it was like the Holy Spirit just breathed on it and said okay now and all of a sudden there it is gradually then suddenly there's fruitfulness suddenly there was breakthrough but that was preceded by That season of Brokenness and hiddenness being faithful in that Brokenness being faithful in that hiddenness keeping the right attitude remembering that it's all about Jesus not about self and so this is something similar that Joseph experiened because as you know Joseph was sold
into slavery by his brothers and then he was sold again into poyer's house then in the house of potier he was falsely accused and sent to prison he spent much time in prison and a Gentleman who was supposed to mention him to Pharaoh completely forgot about it for a long time until finally Pharaoh had a couple of dreams for which he needed interpretation and that's when all of a sudden this man remembers oh yeah there's a guy in prison who can do this for you they bring him before Pharaoh he interprets the dream and then
all of a sudden everything that he had gone through all the setbacks all the trials all of those troubling times culminate in this moment where now Genesis 41:37 Joseph's suggestions were well received by pharaoh and his officials so Pharaoh asked his officials can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God then Pharaoh had said to Joseph since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are you will be in charge of my court and all my
people will take orders from you only I sitting on the throne will have a rank higher than yours Pharaoh said to Joseph I hereby put you in charge of the entire land of Egypt then Pharaoh removed his Signet ring from his hand and placed it on Joseph's finger he dressed him in fine linen clothing and hung a gold chain around his neck then had Joseph ride in the Chariot reserved for his second in command so now he's being paraded around the region after getting out of prison wherever Joseph went the command was shouted kneel down
so Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all Egypt Pharaoh said to him I am Pharaoh but no one will lift a hand or foot in the entire land of Egypt without your approval so there we see all of a sudden now there's this season of fruitfulness but here's the thing God gave to Joseph that ability God gave to Joseph that favor not for him but to preserve the nation of Israel it was about the Covenant it was about others it was about God's grand plan to ultimately fulfill his promises made to his ancestors and so
we see eventually that Joseph being in this position of favor is able to help his family he able to help the family that would become the nation of Israel and so we see that God's seasons of fruitfulness in our lives are not about us it's not to make our names great it's not to make us blessed there are some residual blessings with taking on these responsibilities but it's not about that it's about being of service to others it's about being in a position to affect other lives it's about being in a place where now you
can help those around you and around the world CS Lewis Echoes this sentiment reminding us that our fruitfulness is not about us alone it's about our participation in God's Grand narrative aim at heaven and you will get Earth thrown in AIM at Earth and you will get neither fruitfulness is not a reward for Personal Achievement but a calling to serve a higher purpose and remember in those times where it seems like you are hidden or forgotten where it feels as if you're in a prison like Joseph Lewis also speaks to this when he writes when
we lose one blessing another is often most unexpectedly given in its place what we may perceive as loss or delay is often God's preparation for the next phase of our purpose that's why God is bringing you into a season of fruitfulness not for your own benefit but to make you a benefit God doesn't just bless us for our own sake but so that we may be a blessing to others CS Lewis puts it succinctly the only thing Christianity cannot be as moderately important we are called to a life of wholehearted dedication trusting God in every
season whether in the valley of Brokenness or the mountain of fruitfulness this is why it's so crucial not to waste your seasons of Brokenness as Lewis reminds us pain insists upon being attended to God Whispers to us in our Pleasures speaks in our consciences but shouts in our pains those painful Seasons where it seems all hope is lost otherwi ones that transform us the most they mold us prune us and prepare us for what God is shaping us to be let me know in the comment section where you think you are right now is it
a combination of some of these Seasons or is there a very distinct season that you're in write in the comment section right now and let's pray father I thank you that your Holy Spirit guides Us in every season and and I pray precious Lord that you would help us to serve you well and to remember that it's all about Jesus in every season no matter what we're facing in jesus' name we pray I want you to say it because you believe it type amen if you enjoyed this message and think someone else needs to hear
it don't forget to leave a like yes that actually helps to spread the message and let's make sure to stay connected subscribe to my channel and click the notification Bell when you do
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