Abandoned Lv 1 Baby Was Raised By Demons, But Was Secretly God's Chosen | Anime Recap Documentary

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LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED! This is the tragic tale of Dariel and the difficult life he live...
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amidst the era when the gods betrayed the world and allowed the Demon Lord to destroy all that remained the entire Earth quak as Humanity's Last Hero was born but after the Mayhem had claimed countless lives the general of fire found the baby starving underneath the tree so he decided to take him as his own child and gave him the name Dariel believing he was an angel his real son had waited years for his father's return but when bash saw a new child by his side he realized that all this time it was Dariel stealing his
childhood away so when he became one of the four demon generals he exiled Dariel for being the only demon unable to use magic and threatened to incinerate him if he didn't leave having loyally served the demons his entire life he no longer had a home and starved in the wilderness for weeks but when he heard the voice of a hot girl screaming before landing by his side a massive Beast leapt to crush her down and was ready to eat her out but Dariel managed to block its attack however he realized that he would die without
magic but as he rushed forward his legs gave out from the hunger and the Beast crushed his core as he launched him off the only thing by his side was a dagger so he picked it up having no idea how to wield a human weapon but as the Beast rushed towards him his innate Powers awakened allowing him to strike his blade deep into the beast's heart killing it in that instant although he had only copied the hero's move the hot girl thanked him for saving her life but he knew that getting involved with a human
was dangerous for a demon however she held the worthless dick head back begging him to come to her Village so she could thank him with a tasty meal causing him to give in while she dragged his worthless ass inside the Lux Village the ugly disgusting worthless loser met both of her parents and Malica went on to introduce herself asking him why he was in the middle of the forest realizing he was a demon in enemy territory he told her that his own brother kicked him out and that he's been homeless for weeks hearing those sad
words Malica begged him to live inside of her home and her mother agreed since he would be able to save them from the monsters so Anvil welcomed him as The Village's mayor hearing those words Dariel hesitated as he would be in danger but his eyes landed on something that was worth risking his life for and realized that he needed to protect them with his powers that night was the first time he slept in a bed of his own but Malik knocked on the door telling him that she was the one people usually relied on so
she's never had someone save her before but it made her very happy by the time the morning arrived amble revealed that he was also the Guild Master of the village and asked him to become an adventurer however Dariel wondered if there was any other jobs since only humans were able to register in Guilds so he pretended as if his back was broken to prevent them from discovering he was a demon but as he tried to weasel away Malik pricked his finger and forced his hand onto the contract releasing an overflux of Mana that began to
wrap around him until the sigil was formed on his hand throughout his life he never doubted being a demon since he grew up among them but realized that he was actually a human all along inside the field amble began the aura evaluation exam revealing there were four different auras for infusing the various weapons the first one was Slash so as Dariel rushed forward he cut the entire log with a single strike and Malik wanted to know what else his sword can do next was the hit status so as Dariel Reed his hammer a hole was
carved in the mountain but Malica wished he would hammer her hole Instead The Sting status reflected his capabilities with the bow so as he aimed and fired all the trees in the distance were crushed but when an wondered if his eyes were deceiving him Malica hugged Dariel into her massive meat Shields causing Anvil to cry on the ground so he told Dariel to pick up a real Shield the final skill was protect so his Anvil was about to end the worthless Bastard with an iron Hammer he Unleashed all of his strength but Dariel managed to
block his attack with his massive wood causing Anvil to fall on his worthless head once he regained Consciousness he revealed that Dariel possessed four perfect auras when everyone in this world was only able to master one Ora during their entire life however Anvil thought that his broken Powers would allow him to join the center Guild a place that all the adventurers only dreamed of joining but when he saw Malica cry he told Anvil that he wouldn't be leaving because they gave him a place to stay when he needed it most and asked him if he
could ever repay their kindness as she stared back at her dad Malica ran towards Dariel and he realized that inside of these milkers was where his second life was going to begin the following day Anvil introduced Dariel to the rest of the villagers but a useless [ __ ] thought that an old gezer wasn't fit to be an adventurer and asked to see his rank so when Dariel showed him that he was an e-rank gadal laughed in his worthless face as he showed off his d rank status telling him to respect his superiors once he
was gone amble began assigning Dariel his first quest of gathering herbs but told him to be careful of the giant monkey roaming the forests however when Malik revealed that darel had already defeated it amble realized that he has not only lost his dignity but was also about to lose his daughter so because he defeated an s-rank Beast Anvil promoted his Adventurer status raising him to d rank just then the Double D's appeared before his eyes saying that she would be showing him their Forest but the only thing he wanted to see were her mountain peaks
a few minutes later as they began climbing up the cliff she revealed that she's always wanted to be an adventurer and wanted to repay Dariel for saving her after he got to see the widest Sky reaching the top she asked to hold his hand so they wouldn't get lost and began dragging him until they arrived at the medicinal Park seeing all the different flowers Dariel realized that Malik was used to being an adventurer but she came and wondered why his plant was so small and soft after teaching him that the right ones looked hard and
longer she picked up an entire tree to show him where they were but once she dropped it she noticed your tracks however Dariel had no idea where the [ __ ] she was seeing any Prince so as she walked away he wondered if she would have been able to kill the bear on her own but but she revealed that she was too scared to fight she thought Dariel was her Savior and asked him if he could call her by her first name begging him to stop calling her Miss Malik so as he went on to
say her name she hugged him with enough power to crush every bone in his body until he pointed at a deer although he was just lying he was shocked that there was actually one there but as he felt bad for killing it the deer began to ooze with demonic Aura before leaping away and he wondered why the [ __ ] the deer was stronger than the monster however Malik thought they look delicious and wanted to kill both of them and Dariel realized that his life wasn't the only thing going to be hard by the time
they returned to the Village Malik told the villagers that Dariel had captured them and they thought he was incredible however gasa grew angry because they were better than him but as he ran off Dariel discovered that he had already chosen The Quest To Kill The Ant and so the days passed in the village as Dariel began getting used to his new life with Malik but on one of those days he came across gasa at the guild after the worthless loser went away Malica welcomed him [Music] inside you're a victim as Anvil revealed that gasa was
only angry because Dariel kept accidentally finishing his quests Malik told him that he was just being the bravest man alive but so is the cameraman however Anvil showed him the quest to kill a SE ranked serpent revealing that gida went after the Beast even though it might end his worthless life so Dariel promised that he would rescue him but before he would leave Malik gave him the medicines she made with her herbs and Dariel began heading off as he entered into the forest he noticed he was feeling uneasy and as he came across Feld trees
he realized that a large monster must have passed through the forest at that moment gasa began running towards him and a giant an serpent emerged from the trees so as Dariel drew his sword he infused his Aura into it however as the serpent began pursuing gasa to devour his body the loser managed to launch arrows at it but as they got parried away the snake lunged towards him just then Dariel flew towards it and as gidan noticed his shining Aura Dariel slashed it with his sword however as the monster was still alive it swung its
tail towards him but he managed to stop it with an invisible shield and at that instant his sword shattered before his eyes but as he remembered the styles for each weapon he realized he could combine the hit and sting techniques so using a fragment of the sword he decided to shoot it like an arrow and threw the fragment into the Serpent's belly before his eyes it began to expand and as light blasted through it blew open in an instant so with the serpent dead Dariel began to treat gasa's wound and gave him an antivenom for
his injury feeling the pain gasa wondered how he learned to treat his wounds so Dariel revealed that Malik taught him as he G gathered medicinal herbs with her as gader realized that the person he's hated and the one he's been treating badly was also the same person saving him now he began crying the next day in the village while they were having breakfast gida entered the room calling Dariel his big bro but Dariel wished he would have just let him die the night before he began saying that he would become his new prote and train
under him wherever he goes but hearing the word training reminded Dariel of the demon Empire as he wondered if the four demonic generals were still at war with the hero however zontes had just returned from the war with the hero but after losing the battle she blam their useless assistant for failing to scout the hero's Camp so after bash decided to fire the useless loser they realized they were on their fifth one getting fired making them wonder if they would ever find a competent assistant right then Doro began suggesting they bring back Dariel saying that
he was the perfect man who was skilled in war tactics and would even help her when no one was around however hearing darel's name caused a flame to erupt from bash's body screaming that darel's name was forbidden forever as the breeze of the Fall arrived gida continued following Dariel while calling him his big bro but Dariel really wished this side character would have been killed off by now however he had something harder to handle because whenever he returned at Sunset Malica would fly into his arms even though she was making his life harder and destroying
his bones in more ways than one he began to notice something was off off as if there was a mystery The Village was hiding so when he recovered that night he noticed that Malica was sulking as she apologized for almost killing him but he knew that she was just excited to see him and forgave her however he went on to ask Anvil why the village was dying since he noticed that almost all of the houses were deserted deciding to reveal the truth amble showed him a map of the entire region and pointed at the mythal
mindes it was a special cave where the most expensive metal was extracted but after the demons took over the mine the villagers began to flee away and Anvil thought it was only a matter of time before their Village completely died off that night in his room Dariel realized that he could not allow the village to keep dying and decided to visit the Mythril mine so when it was morning he slid down the cliff and arriving at the mine he wondered if he could steal some of the Mythril right then he noticed a wooden crate and
decided to sneak inside while using it as a cover however as he discovered the entire place was deserted he began wondering if all the security had abandoned their job but as he entered the cave he began to hear shoveling noises and as he noticed his minions were still working the mines they began screaming because they've missed him all this time as the knockers formed a queue for him to Pat their heads they told him that they were being tasked to supply four times their old delivery and that they weren't even getting any breaks on top
of that all the soldiers had been withdrawn because the Demon King was now broke and couldn't even afford to feed his army while Dariel was wondering how he could help them he noticed that soldiers were arriving and magical energy lit up the lamps at that instant as a man appeared one of the soldiers revealed a crate of mithil but he began saying it wasn't enough and screamed at the knockers that he needed three times more of it however they were already exhausted after months of being overworked and with their starvation setting in They begged him
to wait longer but he strike the ground reminding them that they were nothing more than demihumans and said they only deserve to work as slaves but just as he was about to leave one of the knockers flew toward him and smacked his empty head saying they were done working for the Demon King desperate to gain back control over them the loser commanded the soldiers to slay the knockers immediately so as they rushed at them one of the soldiers began to cast a magical spell but a shovel destroyed the energy blast as smoke Rose inside the
cave Dariel managed to pull the knockers aside and as he directed his sword towards the men he told them to withdraw immediately saying that their demon code prohibited them from killing innocent civilians wondering who he was Leman demanded to know his name but Dariel told him that he's a human Adventurer and vowed to slay him if he wouldn't withdraw as Dariel summoned a shield Leman began saying that all the knockers deserve to be killed for rebelling and said they must have been plotting to overthrow him for a long time so with the soldiers ready to
attack Dariel decided to raise his sheath sword determined to stop them without killing anyone but they thought he was casting a spell as one soldier decided to cast his own Dariel rushed at them realizing he could easily break his his Focus to end his chant before smacking his helmet off at the same time a knocker tried to attack another Soldier but as Dariel realized he was nearly finished with his chant he thought the knocker would be burned for sure but the soldier kicked it away Instead at the sight of this Dariel realized the soldier intentionally
spared its life and realized he could persuade them so he stabbed his sword into the ground and began reminding them about their vow to spare innocent lives however Leman nearly blasted him saying he was only playing mind tricks and and commanded the men to start their chants once again so at the same time they directed their hands at Dariel and began to chant their spells but because he memorized the chant for every affinity and could estimate the time each spell would unleash he began to attack them accordingly stopping each chant right before the spell was
launched at leman's command they tried to switch to enhancement magic but as one of the men summoned a rock hand Dariel flew with his sword slicing the rock into pieces wondering how he managed to do so Leman Unleashed a blast toward Wards him but Dariel slashed it away and charged at him as he nearly sliced his head off with his life flashing before his eyes Leman began to beg for his life saying he wouldn't fight back and that he was chosen for this position after entertaining bash at the Royal party hearing these words Dariel began
wondering how this loser was a better replacement than him he told him that he's a disgrace and as he decided to raise his sword he shaved off his hair with a slash telling him to offer his resignation once he returns to the demon Empire so as Leman was was glad to have been spared he took off immediately and after all the soldiers had left the knockers decided to make Dariel their new master promising to deliver all the mithil to him after returning to the Village Dariel told Anil that he's managed to recover the mithil mine
and asked that they protect the knockers from the demons so as Anvil agreed he told him that he would inform the center Guild the days began passing and with the people beginning to return the mythal started being mined for the villagers once again so Anvil thanked Darius for saving their Village at that moment Malica began approaching them saying she's brought Dariel his lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] meanwhile at the demon Empire sevie visited bash in his private room and noticed a giant mythal ball inside when she wondered what it was bash told her he was creating
a compressed magic weapon that would store magical energy to show her the extent of its power he summoned a magical Circle Underneath Him and Unleashed a mighty Inferno out of the ground calling it a giga flare with this power he thought he would be the greatest of the four generals and could even become the next Demon King real realizing he would need a tremendous amount of mithil zevi began wondering how he would keep up with his experiments so bash revealed that he has commanded the knocker to work every single hour of the day and to
excavate all of the mithil in the cave however zevi broke the news to the worthless [ __ ] that the mythal mine was stolen back from them and her massive cannons told him that the Demon King was also summoning him inside the throne room a little girl asked bash why their mythal supplies had disappeared and nearly triggered an earthquake with her blazing eye she called him a [ __ ] and forced him to apologize even as he hesitated but after he said that he was sorry The Demon King told him that he should use darel's
help more after all he was gifted smart and kind so the Demon King told bash to go ask him for advice but after bash left the Demon King wondered what he would do now knowing that Dariel had already been fired however as bash began heading to his private area his anger began to grow after hearing darel's name from The Demon Lord causing him to blast a hole through the castle back at the Village Malica was happy to see lux's Village being Lively for the first time in years and thought that they should have there children
among them as soon as possible but Dariel wondered if he really heard those words [Music] gida was about to fight with another group of adventurers so as Dariel left he felt as if she was about to say something terrifying but decided to pretend as if he was imagining it as he managed to stop him the leader of the adventurers began saying that they came from a far away Town introducing himself as fighton and revealed his b rank crests when Dariel revealed his d rank fighton began saying they were worthless weak losers wondering how pathetic morons
managed to take control of the mythal mine as he began to leave he said the mine was now theirs and told Dariel to keep his green-haired dog on a leash next time deciding to clap back at his ugly face Dariel revealed that the serpent they failed to prevent from escaping in their Village was spotted by this disgusting green-haired dog so he didn't need a leash but as he tried to leave gida decided to reveal that Dariel was also the one who killed the giant serpent but Dariel realized that gida went too far as the men
were shocked at this discovery the villagers decided to toss Dariel into the air thinking he deserved to be an A- rank Adventurer that night while having dinner gida decided to tell Malica everything that happened and she Drew her blade immediately to avenge her man but Dariel managed to restrain her afraid she would go on a killing spree the next day as a man arrived from the center Guild he said his name was best Fred and asked Dariel to be a mediator in his meeting with the knockers saying they would not speak to him without him
being present in hopes of discovering his intentions Dariel decided to ask what his decision would be if the meeting goes south but best Fred told him that they would only Retreat within a few hours they arrived inside the cave and Dariel asked the knockers to make a deal with best Fred so as they were happy to see him again they agreed immediately but the man was shocked by the time Dariel left the cave he noticed that the useless adventurers had arrived and fighton told him that they were best Fred's bodyguards but at that moment they
noticed a magical Crest hovering around the forest and as Dariel began hearing a familiar voice he decided to follow it using his Aura to enhance his body's movement speed he had grown much faster over the last few months but as he spotted the soldiers a demon cast a water barrier telling Dariel that they had no intention of starting a fight before commanding the soldiers to retreat as Dariel decided to reveal himself rosette hugged him immediately because he's been worried about him ever since he left the demon Lord's castle but Dariel knew this was what a
hug was actually supposed to be before long they stood on the side of the lake and as rosette began wondering where he's been Dariel told him that he discovered he was human and revealed his adventurers Crest but when he wondered why they came rosette told him that the demon Empire has been in total chaos ever since he was banished and said that the chain of command was on the verge of collapse on top of that bash was taking his anger out on everyone and had had fired over a hundred new assistants his incompetence had caused
them to lose the mithil mind and he revealed that he came to reconcile with the knockers as he asked Dariel to return with him to the demon Empire Dariel told him that he wouldn't since he now had people he cared about and people who cared about him deciding to take him anyway rosette trapped him inside a water prison but Dariel destroyed it with his sword saying he had a better plan selling them some of the mithil so that evening after Dariel told best Fred his plan he said was the only way to protect their Village
from a war with the demons as he thought it was only a matter of time before they forcefully tried to take over the mine with the demon Empire needing the mithil for their survival Dariel thought a battle between both sides would be inevitable however since they had a monopoly over all the mithil in this world he suggested that they sell it for four times the regular price but although rosette agreed anyway since the demons were desperate for mithril ftoon began saying it was a trap he thought they should never share their mithil with the kill
of humanity and Drew his blade to end rett's life but Dariel managed to block his attack telling him that this was their best hope for surviving as fighton decided to withdraw he began saying the agreement was useless but best Fred told him to close his disgusting mouth reminding him that he was only a bodyguard as he let out those words he decided to accept the agreement a few days later while Dariel was looking for a blacksmith to process the mithril he spotted fighton at The Village's old Workshop but the ugly loser told him that his
Squad took over the place already he told him to head back home saying that a d rank shouldn't be interfering with a B rank after Dariel returned amble revealed that ftoon was fired from being a bodyguard and because they lost the mithril mine he thought their frustration was the reason he stole the forge as Dariel began thinking he was responsible for it Malik jumped into his arms at that moment telling him that an old man touched her massive milkers he wished for the man to die but when he saw that he was already dead he
realized that it was just Tomatoes splattered on the floor as the man woke up he told her that her chest was saggier than his 70-year-old wife and wondered who the pathetic loser with the small sword was but as Malica tried to end his life Dariel managed to restrain her she told him that Dariel was the strongest Adventurer she's ever met and that he even took down a SE rank serpent alone however the Smith wondered how he did it with his dull sword so he asked Dariel to hold out his hand but when he grabbed it
a powerful sphere of light radiated from his body as the man realized that he possessed a maximum level in all four auras he wondered how a person like him ever existed and told him to behold saying that he was the greatest mithil blacksmith alive and that his name was Smith black but at their home Malica thought that the bald head's name was fake but Smith showed them his birth certificate saying that he earned the last name black because of his massive Hammer as he began wondering where the forge was Dariel told him that The Village's
only Workshop has been taken over by by another group of adventurers however Smith knew that they could take it back with his incredible negotiating [Music] skills inside the workshop the adventurers realized they couldn't make any weapons as their melted Mythril was turning into Ash however as Smith decided to process his own mithril he burned it in the fire until it turned dark and as he smashed it with his hammer it turned to liquid with a shiny light bursting out of it when he was done he made a new blade for Dariel telling him to infuse
his Aura through it so as Dariel did he realized that the weapon was enhanced and easily sliced the tree before him but at that moment fighton arrived and begged the Smith to teach his men how to be better blacksmiths however Smith told him to kiss his ass but as he began to believe fighton grew angry and began threatening to eliminate Dariel that evening in the village Dariel began wondering how he could make a workshop for Smith realizing that fighton would never allow him back but Smith revealed that he has created his own Forge already while
inside Smith told him that his Apprentice had carted it from the city but Dariel wondered how he would light his ethanol furnace seeing as it could only be lit up by Magic however the worthless geizer began crying as he realized he got scammed of all his money so the the following day Dariel decided to ask for rett's help but when gida saw him holding another man's hand he began thinking that Dariel wanted to replace him he thought he was useless but Malica told him to jump off a cliff already as rosette told him that he
can't support their desire to create weapons Smith began saying that he only intends to make a single weapon for Dariel after all he thought it was the only way to thank him for taking back the Mythril mine and giving back his hobby of pounding mithril with his hammer until the liquid EXP loed so he vowed to create the greatest weapon for Dariel with his special Aura because that was his dream later that day as fighton appeared before Dariel he asked to speak with him in the forest but after arriving he told him that they were
being tricked by the center Guild and that their profets from the mine was being extorted for this reason he suggested they join forces to defend the village and said they could share all the profits between themselves however even if he was telling the truth Dariel rejected to work with him since he's heard the people he loved looking to punish him for turning down his offer fighton threw his glove at Dariel commanding him to pick it up and as the [ __ ] picked it up fighton told him that he would be waiting at dawn but
as he began to leave Dariel realized he just accepted a duel when he returned home that day amble began saying that he couldn't possibly defeat a b rank Adventurer but said that fighton would be in control of the mine if Dariel decides to Forfeit The Duel so to protect him he offered to cancel the duel but Dariel knew that he would just keep coming back otherwise so Smith offered to teach him how to use a mythal weapon that night while Dariel was throwing knives at a tree Malik appeared before him asking him to drink some
of her warm creamy milk so as Dariel began to swallow all of Malik's creamy white milk she wondered if he really wanted to still fight tomorrow so Dariel told her that he would because he had people who were worried about him that he needed to defend hearing those words she began saying he would win and that she would make his favorite stew for tomorrow so he needed to stay safe until then but he realized that she was worried about him the most the following day as Dariel and fighton faced off fighton was glad to see
that he didn't run away and revealed his mithil weapons however Dariel decided to unhee his dagger but fighton began laughing at how sad and small his weapon was as the match was about to begin Dariel realized that the knockers would be screwed if he loses so he readied his knife for the fight but thinking it would be too easy fighton suggested he gets a bigger weapon but Dariel destroyed his brace in an instant as Dariel tried telling him to surrender saying he would crush his face next time fighton grew angry and rushed at Dariel but
as he managed to back away he stabbed the ground before him and nearly pierced him with his extending blade but his fighton eventually closed the distance nearly slicing his face he realized that darel's blade was actually solid as Dariel repelled him he sliced his shield in half and everyone realized that his weapon was Stronger on top of that the shape could easily be Changed by infusing Aura through it and with Dariel already possessing immense Aura his skill with the blade was Limitless in an instant he slashed Fan's knife to Pieces but when Anvil tried saying
he must surrender if he has no weapon he caught a long sword from his men and threatened to send Dariel to aneki as he called him a thief he vowed to kill him for making his life useless but as Dariel extended his blade into a whip he told him that he was going to punish him for hurting his friends with ftoon looking to eliminate him he leaves tie into the air but Dariel slashed his long sword shattering it to Pieces the backlash of the wind nearly blew everyone away from his whip throwing fighton onto a
roof at that moment the villagers began to celebrate darel's win but as he nearly passed out from exhaustion Malik supported him just in time and he thought her touch was softer than a pillow that evening best Fred began to beg for forgiveness but promised to report fighton and his Squad at the town's Guild however as Dariel began thinking the situation would only grow worse he suggested they repair the roof he damaged instead realizing Dariel was very kind best Fred invited him to join the center Guild but Malica grew sad hearing those words that night while
in the sauna Dariel remembered best Fred inviting him to join the center Guild making him wonder if he could find his parents there but while his eyes were closed Malica entered the Sona and sat down right next to him n de Sensational as he realized he would need to use the classic shampoo excuse soon he thought that his life was over but his hand wouldn't even move even when it knew that only certain death awaited him as she said his name the Virgin achieved the greatest climax in his life but she revealed that she wanted
to spend her remaining Moments by his side because she thought he was the greatest person she'd ever met it was because of him that the village was saved from dying and even her father began smiling again for the first time in his life but through all that time she began sharing those feelings towards him and said that she would cheer him on no matter where he went Forever at that moment Dariel realized that Malica was always putting on a smile to hide her own feelings so he told her he wasn't leaving and said he would
decline the offer in the morning when Mal wondered why he told her that she was the one who gave him a home when he had nowhere to go and that lux Village had taken him in so he wouldn't abandon it either as his words made her cry she told him that she's glad that he wouldn't be leaving [Music] [Music] n meanwhile at the demon Empire bash decided to visit his father and as he spotted his massive Fireball Grand Baza told him that he was rehabilitating from his injuries in the war but decided to invite him
for dinner while inside he began wondering if bash was leading the Demon King's Army into Victory and asked if he was listening to darel's counsel he was the only reason bash was able to succeed his father since the elites wouldn't accept his retirement otherwise and reminded him that Dariel was the greatest stroke of Fortune he's ever had he went on to ask back how Dariel was so bash began saying he didn't banish him from the Empire or anything like [Laughter] [Music] that with the [ __ ] nearly crippled Gran Baza revealed that all the aristocrats
have asked him to intervene after Dariel was fired telling bash to bring him back back immediately unwilling to do so bash began oozing with flames as his anger grew out of control and he said he would rather quit his position before walking off from the castle the following morning Erica realized that Malica was sleeping in but when she saw that her room was empty she realized that she finally made her move as Malica and Dariel began climbing down the stairs Dariel slipped from exhaustion because every inch of his soul was sucked out last night so
while having breakfast amble thought it was suspicious that he was extremely tired but as the two of them nearly had a heart attack Anvil told him not to spend too much time in the sauna however Erica told her daughter that she was happy for her throughout the day Dariel wondered how he should face her father but as Anvil called out his name he realized that he was only asking him about his quests however when Erica said his name he ran to help her but as they kept walking she whispered that she hopes he continues getting
along with Malik she knew exactly what happened but as he wondered what he was supposed to say he realized that the thing he needed to do was to propose to their [Music] daughter inside of his office he revealed that him and Erica were starting to get old and Dariel realized that he needed to confess before amble revealed the truth although Dariel thought he didn't deserve to become a mayor Anvil reminded him that he was the one who restored the village with the mithil mine and recovered their recognition in the world he said this Village has
become his home and as Dariel heard these words he noticed Malika so he decided to accept but had a single request after bowing to Anvil he asked for his permission to marry his daughter promising to devote his life to making her happy so Anvil [Music] accepted [Music] for as she blew his back out she exploded outside of the door as she dragged him across the field but this time Dariel managed to regain his balance and with the sting technique he launched himself Towards the Sky [Music] by the time the following year arrived lux's Village had
continued growing and he thanked master smith for teaching him how to get along with others because not only was there people that needed him but he also had a son to take care of he had named him gr after the man he loved as his father but one day as gasa burst inside the house he told them that the hero was coming to the village and Dariel realized he once spotted him when he was in aid for the four generals he remembered him being an old man who had slain every demon with cold rage but
he never realized that the hero's son was one of the people in the room as the party arrived Dariel saw that the hero was actually a girl and she introduced herself as irisfield while her backup introduced themselves as Sasha and satomi as Dariel told them that he's the mayor irisfield began wondering how such an ugly loser became mayor but as she noticed he was expecting a man instead she told him that the former hero retired after getting injured by the demons so as Dariel was glad he wouldn't be identified he decided to pull down his
scarf but Iris Fel begged him to put it back on because his face was disgusting to look at damn as they began walking through the village irisfield told him that she wishes to order Mythril weapons saying it was their best H for slaying The Demon King however when she began saying that the village was wonderful and that all the people were kind and warm Dariel realized that she was having a harder time reading the words on her hand than Joe Biden reading the teleprompter at his home as Malik decided to welcome them inside Iris feel
spotted Gran and thought he was cute so she told Dariel she could carry him if he was tired and begged him to let her hold him making him glad that the hero was holding his own son however the legendary plot master was hungry for some milk but as he began playing around because he was hungry Dariel realized that he really was his son after all when the next morning arrived Dariel went to check on irisfield but she was still as unconscious as Joe Bon so when they reminded her that she was the hero she went
inside her room and changed instantly while they ate together Iris F revealed that one of her goals was to acquire mythal weapons in this Village so Anvil realized that this would be the first time a hero wielded mithil weapons and hoped that Dariel would take care of them once they arrived at the forge Dariel revealed the way they crafted their Mythril weapons showing them that mithil turned into a liquid when it was hammered however he revealed this was how mithil gained the ability to absorb Aura and as satomi tried infusing her Aura into the weapon
the warm flow of energy began penetrating deep into her body so when irisfield told him that she wanted one of those weapons Dariel summoned Sakai to create a weapon for the hero but the misogynist forgot that the heroes were now all women since Disney started creating garbage woke movies so after feeling her hands to study her type he determined that she was a slash but she was shocked that he got it right just then Iris F began telling Dariel that the second reason they came to the Village was to recruit a fourth member to join
their party but as gasa heard those words he decided that this was the perfect moment for a tournament Arc and Iris feel wondered why this ghetto hood Village was filled with crackheads as the tournament was about to begin the 26 contestants realized that they would be facing the hero's party who were only armed with wooden sticks and a pot lid as they thought it would be the easiest battle they ever fought they decided to attack at the same time but by the time the smoke cleared all the men had been knocked down on their asses
and Sasha thought they were pathetic this had been the outcome from every other Village they went to and Iris feel wondered why the human realm didn't have a single worthy opponent just then she noticed a light from the trees and narrowly dodged a mithil arrow as she spotted gasa hiding in the trees she began rushing towards him while dodging his arrows she thought his power level was impressive but as gida summoned back his arrows towards her she destroyed them with her wooden sword even so gida was determined to land a hit and prepared to launch
another arrow but Iris feel cast a bright light that blinded his vision ready to eliminate him she prepared to unleash her greatest attack skyen but an apple destroyed her spell at that instant and she realized that Dariel was the one who threw it as she landed on the ground she noticed that his Ora was the strongest among all of them but gida was already crying that he's still a worthless failure with Dariel wanting to make him feel better he began telling him that he was their strongest Adventurer in the village but irisfield appeared at that
moment and challenged Dariel to a one-on-one fight unwilling to reveal his abilities Dariel began saying that he had retired from being an adventurer but Iris fi knew he had the same mysterious Aura as the previous hero wanting to test the full extent of his powers she awakened her Aura and rushed towards him but he managed to block her attack before she knew it he was stepping on her stick and as he leaped away from her he caught her ankle with his whip immediately pulling her off the ground even so she wouldn't quit and rushed at
him once again but he blocked her attack before leaping towards the mountain desperate to defeat him irisfield slashed the top of the mountain and sasher realized that she was using all of her innate Powers however when the hero realized that Dariel was completely unscathed it brought a tear to her eye as she realized that he was the man she's been looking for but as she was ready to go all out she prepared to cast her greatest spell once again and Dariel realized that he had seen the previous hero using the same technique in Babble so
as she Unleashed skyen he decided to neutralize it with a skyen of his own as the mountain erupted with smoke however this was the final confirmation Iris feel needed and after it was all over the entire Heroes party began asking Dariel to become their final member that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't happen that night while he was feeding his son irisviel appeared behind him and began wondering why he would not join her party as he told her that he wanted to watch his son grow up he showed them the portrait that gida
Drew telling them that he wanted to get a new one of them together at every year however Iris feel thought he was hiding something and said she wouldn't give up until she successfully persuaded him just then he remembered Doro and the reason he wouldn't fight the demons because a few years ago he wondered why she wanted to go on a date with him however she told him it's not like she's always wanted to go on a date with him and feel his Excalibur or anything like that Baka so you're a liar she revealed that she
wanted to protect all the children's Smiles in the the demon continent and he knew that he couldn't give up on any child's future the next day as he went around the village Iris fi and satomi decided to Trail him while hiding under wooden boxes and they watched him as he performed his daily duties even playing counselor and cleaning for the previous mayor by the time the sun began to set he decided to feed stray animals and the girls thought he was amazing but began watching him as he headed home with Malik that night satomi thought
that Dariel was living in his own perfect world and said that his duties in the village make him as important as being the hero however Iris feel wasn't satisfied with his laziness and thought she needed to confront him one final time so that same night after she summoned Dariel to the mountains she began saying that his Sky Ren was the same skill only the previous hero was able to cast but when she wondered how he managed to acquire it Dariel revealed that he only copied it from watching his battles however those words only made Iris
feel angrier and she threatened to slice his head off wondering why he was so strong but entirely clueless about the human limits in that instant Dariel leaped away from her narrowly dodging her attack but she told him that those with extreme Aura levels must stand forward and fight as he leaped away once again he told her that the Demon King's Army were only trying to keep the hero away from the demon king and thought the war would end if humans cease their attacks he was certain that even the demons were tired of this war and
confess that he has family on both sides that he wants to protect so as Iris heard these words she realized that Dariel has a kind heart and told him that all she's ever needed was a heart as strong as his own for this reason she decided to appoint him as her teacher and seeing as he was the second strongest human after the previous hero she asked him to train her at that moment Dariel realized that he could put the war On Hold by keeping her close to his side as he stared directly at the most
important part of this war that he needed to protect a few days later when rosette was playing with Grant he thought he really looked like Dariel since he was just as ugly is his useless father but when he wondered where the hero was Dariel told him that the entire party had left to shop for pajamas at a neighboring town but as he let out those words ze's massive milkers appeared at that moment wondering why rett's disgusting face was here but Dariel realized that his secret was about to be blown as zeevi used rett's worthless body
as a stool she told him that this was his punishment for keeping darel's whereabouts a secret at that moment Malica arrived and as she spotted zevi she thought she was there 's old friend and said she would return with some grape juice however when zebie began saying she was glad to see Dariel again and wondered if his sword was still small Malik grew angry and nearly blasted her face with the lid but as it hit the wall ze's life had already flashed before her eyes when Dariel decided to ask why she came zebie revealed that
she was searching for mithil and had decided to Trail rosette to the Village having already discovered that he delivers mithil to the demon Empire however when she commanded Dariel to to hand over all the mithil in the village he refused so she threatened to teach him a [Music] lesson so as Dariel grew afraid for her he suggested they leave the village however just as they arrived outside zevi blasted a tree and threatened to do the same to Dariel if he wouldn't accept the deal as she ascended Towards the Sky Dariel decided to reveal his weapon
but warned rette to stay away from the battle so as zevy summoned a WI in sphere Dariel launched himself towards her but as she changed spells he switched techniques nearly ending her life at that instant however zeevi thought his attack was too fast so she said that it didn't count and wanted to go again for the next few hours he kept destroying her ass pause even so zevi wouldn't quit and prepared to blow away the entire Village this time but as she decided to summon geostorm Dariel blasted it with Sky Ren consuming the storm in
that instant and as it caused zie to lose her magic she began Falling Towards the trees but as Dariel tried to save her he only managed to catch a piece of her clothing as the weight of her body pulled them both so rosette Unleashed his water to ease their landing at that moment zevi spotted Dariel holding her underwear causing her to cry as she swore that she would tell the monster girl about it with Dariel desperate to make up for his blunder he vowed to sell her all the mithil she desired but she asked for
a replica of his sword a few minutes later they arrived at the work shop and after Dariel told the loser in charge to make a sword similar to his own rosette told him that it was starting to get late when Dariel wondered what he meant by that he realized that the hero would be returning soon to avoid a confrontation with zebie he begged saki to take as long as possible in making her weapon before hurrying out of the workshop before long he came across the hero's party but as he asked Iris feel if she found
the right pajamas she began wondering if he wishes to see her without any but while she was still speechless he commanded her to practice her sword swing a 100,000 times before returning to the workshop and as he realized that saki was keeping zevi busy he decided to allow irisfield to enter the village later that night he realized that saki was hiding inside a bin so he revealed that he was unable to hold out long enough at that moment the door opened on ze's massive milkers but when Iris feel sat next to her zevi's towel fell
off of her head [Music] godamn it you can't make this [ __ ] up thinking he was a disgusting perv they slapped him at the same time that night while having dinner Malica told him they would be having a long conversation soon and Iris feel threatened to cut off darel's hand next time but zeevi wondered who this disgusting flat board was however when Iris F wondered why he was being friendly with the demon General Dariel decided to reveal that he was a human raised in the demon Empire just then Malik said that he confessed the
same way after he proposed to her but she told him that regardless of his past as a demon or human it would never affect the love she had for him even so irisfield thought zeevi still didn't belong in their Village and told her to return to the demon territory having had enough already Malik banged her large pot on the table saying that the only way they would understand each other was by fighting all out so as both of them agreed zevi decided to sleep right away but irisfield called her a worthless amateur and began sprinting
towards the sauna however zebie sprinted after her to relax her body before the fight and once they both got there Dariel wondered why all the women he attracted were psychotic chicks the following day as Dariel and the others arrived they discovered that saki had been forced to make their weapons without sleeping and the loser was exhausted from hammering them all night but although they felt bad for him the girls were ready for the fight and zevy Unleashed her light wings so as she released a blast Iris feel Unleashed her own but as they managed to
dodge each other zevy withdrew instantly and used her wings as a shield from Iris F's attack at the same time Malica arrived with Grant but the ladies continued matching each other's agility until zebie blasted her away even so she returned knocking her to the ground and kicked her sword a few inches away from her body however as zeevi decided decided to summon a light tornado she began to cast a spell releasing syonic laser towards her but Iris feel Unleashed skyen and as the Collision nearly destroyed the ground sadom cast a barrier to Shield them from
the heat of the attack but as Dariel cast a barrier of his own she began wondering how he managed to do so but he told her that he was only copying her spell at the same time Gran noticed the greatest source of milk in this world and as he realized that he needed some right now he leaped towards them but at that moment the m Mountain began to crumble so as Dariel saved his son Iris feel tried shielding him but zeevi Unleashed her storm barrier to destroy the cliff when Gran came out and started laughing
both of them were relieved and Dariel realized that his son wanted to play with them so they stared at each other before laughing realizing they weren't enemies after all seeing the way they became friends Malik knew that this was the scene he's always longed to see and he realized that he was finally able to believe in the world of his dreams where demons and humans all smiled together a few days later as Sasha appeared at darel's home he told him that the previous hero had arrived in the village and introduced him as a Lancel just
then zevi appeared asking Dariel to eat her snack already but as she spotted Al lansil Dariel thought her life would be over once he discovers who she is so in hopes of saving her life he told her to run away saying that El lansil was the dreaded hero who survived Grand baz's flaming jail of endless searing screams but at that moment a group of kids arrived and as Dariel fought a lanc would annihilate them he began playing with them instead before Dariel knew it all the kids in the village wanted to spend time with him
and a long queue had formed at his door as all the villagers appeared to greet the hero a few hours later Al lansil asked to shake ze's hot hands and she thought he was a nice old man but Dariel told her that he would annihilate her once he discovers she's a demon and warned her not to use any magic however when Dariel decided to ask Al lansil why he came the man told him that he's come to summon irisfield back to the city having discovered she had been doing nothing but slacking off he blamed himself
for making her the new hero but with his injuries finally healed he thought he could train her to be a better Warrior realizing it was the perfect distraction for zevi to escape Dariel offered to lead them to the training room but Al lansil told Dariel he felt a suspicious presence before pointing to gasa's ugly face outside the window later that day as the training began Iris feel charged at Al Lancel but as he dodged her attack he continu continued evading her strikes while signing autographs for the villagers and when he caught her wooden sword in
between his fingers he flipped her onto the floor leaving her exhausted however he thought she had grown stronger and wondered how she managed to get better so she told him that darel's been using his sword to give her very deep lessons what do you mean by that she said he was the second strongest Adventurer she knew and as Al lansil was impressed he decided to challenge Dariel to a spar however as he thought the hero would easily crush him Dariel decided to give it a pass but gida began saying that he's stronger even while the
villagers thought he was weak so to support gida Dariel decided to accept the challenge but as he noticed El Lil's red Aura he realized this was a bad idea and thought they should eat lunch first to regain energy so the hero agreed while having lunch Al lansil thought darel's rice balls was delicious but zevi was spying on him at the same time she thought he was a harmless old man but as a scarf was nearly blown away she activated elevation magic and retrieved it instantly but Al lansil noticed the change in the wind at that
instant he raised his nunchuk and launched it far into the sky nailing zevi into the wall before she knew it he had materialized before her eyes saying he's discovered she is a demon but as he tried to end her life Dariel managed to block his attack wanting to fight him some other time Al lansil warned him to stay away but Dariel told him that he couldn't allow the girl to be killed he had always known the hero was Dreadful and remembered that Gran Baza had always always protected him in the past but wondered if he
could stop him on his own now as he tried to calm him down Al lansil continued approaching him but as Dariel slashed his blade a Lancel leaped over him to the other side and as he blocked darel's whip he Unleashed a blast that knocked him away however Dariel managed to catch zevi with his Whip and pulled her away at that instant just as he caught her in his arms a stick began launching towards him so he raised up a stone wall but the stick destroyed it easily at the same time CFI and gida began running
towards him but he warned them to stay away as El lansil approached him again he began saying that Dariel was the second Adventurer to have all four elements of the aura and wondered why he never met him while he was still the hero he thought Dariel would have been the Perfect Replacement and wondered if he was willing to take the position even now saying they could easily tear down the demon empire together however when Dariel told him that he wouldn't do so Al lansil drew his knife saying he would annihilate him along with the demon
but as he Unleashed his fiery red dragon Dariel pushed zeevi to the side releasing his own Sky Ren but as Al lansil or obliterated darel's Dragon he managed to cast a barrier just as the ground exploded as El lansil realized that Dariel had no intentions of fighting Iris F tried to stop him but the sight of his glowing eyes crippled her body he wondered why Dariel was protecting zebie so Dariel told him that he doesn't wish to see anyone killed but Al lansil could smell his lies and told him that he couldn't end the war
if he intends to do so however Dariel thought he could create peace and apologized for the loss of his family he had learned the story of how they were killed and said that he has no desire to see the wars continue so he wouldn't lose his family too on top of that he thought zevi was innocent and said her life was important to him however Al lansil thought he was still hiding the truth and asked why he cares so much for the demon realizing he couldn't continue hiding the secret Dariel decided to tell him that
he was actually raised by demons meanwhile in the demon Empire Gran Baza had arrived in the Demon King's throne room but wondered how he transformed into a dragon so the Demon Lord revealed that his form was only a mirror that reflected the viewer's power in a physical form so the dragon he saw was the physical incarnation of grand baz's strength and personality no wonder bash and you watching this video have the same form because you're both little [ __ ] [ __ ] that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't right then Grand Baza
began asking him to fire his son since he had disappeared and abandoned his position for a year leaving Doo to fight alone in the war against the hero however the Demon King thought he was just angry that Dariel got fired and wondered why he loves Dariel more than his own son over 30 years ago during the height of the war the general of water had told him that Dariel was their secret weapon to defeat the hero and warned him to watch over him as a son so when Gran Baza arrived at the tree he had
cast a spell to reveal the opening and spotted baby Dariel and side at that moment he carried him outside and had given him his name as the Demon King told him that Dariel was in a human Village at the southwest of their empire he wondered if he could successfully bring him back to their territory when he revealed that Dariel had awakened all four types of Aura Gran bazer realized that this Aura was the secret weapon the general of water had told him about back at the Village Dariel began telling El lansel that the general of
water gave him over to Gran Baza who eventually raised him as his son just then Al lansil realized that he eliminated the general of water after he killed his family remembering that his son's body was never found so as he decided to ask how old Dariel was Dariel revealed that he's 33 years old and as he heard these words Al Lancel embraced him telling him that he's actually his son shocked by this Revelation Dariel began wondering how it was possible so Al lansil told him that his wife was killed 30 Years Ago by the general
of water he had thought Dariel was also killed but had never found his body and because only a parent was able to pass down his Aura attributes Al lansil thought there was absolutely no doubt that he's his son since they both had maxed out auras just then he sensed a mysterious presence and launched a blast towards the trees but Gaza shielded it with a barrier of Blazing heat causing an explosion to erupt as he appeared in the Smoke he landed before Dariel and told him that he was happy to see him again however Al lansil
readied his long staff demanding to know why Gran Baza had come but Dariel decided to stand between both of them and revealed that Gran Baza has been his father all this time as Al lansil decided to relent Gran Baza revealed that he's always known Dariel was a human since he wasn't able to use magic even at the age of five but he would never allow him to be taken away realizing the secret had weighed down on him all these years Dariel decided to tell him that he would always be his father and said he made
him a better man however Grand Baza thought he's a lucky man and said he had inspired him to become the strongest demon in the realm as he hugged Dariel he called him the pride of his life and Dariel hugged him too but as the sight made El lansil angry he began saying that Gran Baza had stolen that away from him because instead of getting stronger for his son it was the hate of killing all the demons that made him grow stronger his life was useless having lost all the years they could have spent together forming
a special bond as Gran Baza knew that he deserved his rage he told him to take his revenge out on him at that moment Aura began emanating from their bodies but darel wondered how he could stop them luckily Malica flew in between them and dowed them with her water separating the fight before it started she told them that they were a disgrace for powerful Heroes and begged them not to show their hatred in front of their grandson shocked by her words she revealed that both of them were gr's grandpas and the men realized they were
grandfathers the two greatest heroes in history were now both just grandpas but Malik had helped Dariel realize what he needed to do so as he figured out a plan he told Gran Baza to stay alive for his son and asked El lansil to train Gran up as his grandson as El lansil was happy to meet Gran for the first time Dariel decided to thank Malica for her support and said he was glad he married her but as his words made her excited she hugged him tight nearly crushing his worthless bone meanwhile at the demon Empire
bash arrived at a grand reception to celebrate becoming the greatest of the four generals but discovered that the hall was empty wondering if everyone had forgotten his special occasion he decided to ask the manager if they had all been brainwashed but the man told him that no one was coming to stare at his disgusting face they had all turned down his invitation and revealed that even his father had asked the Demon King to dismiss him from his position because of his inability to make any money the Demon King's Army was already starving and the loss
of the mithril mind was their last hope that was extinguished however as he thought all of it was irrelevant bash began saying that he's perfected a secret strategy for defeating the hero but the man said that the the only strategy he needed was a strategy to fix his disgusting face what did he say he told him that he should have never fired Dariel and said his absence has plunged the Empire as bash sat down at the table he decided to order some PG grape juice but the chef told him that they wouldn't serve him as
he had not been paying his invoices when he wondered how they had managed to keep this place afloat the chef told him that darel was the one always paying their bills and since he was gone the entire Place had gotten wrecked at that moment bash's anger began to grow as darel's name continued echoing in his mind and the house exploded at that instant so as he stepped outside he activated his evil eye saying he would annihilate Dariel at the Village the scariest heroes in history were playing with Gran but Gran Baza thought that Gran had
such a great name and wondered where it came from however poor Gran began crying so Al lansil tried to comfort him saying that anyone would cry in the hands of an old disgusting man like Gran Baza but the phone began going off at at that moment when Dariel heard rett's voice on the phone gran wanted to talk to him begging him for help congratul you played yourself as the food came out and Malik brought the drinks amble wondered how he fit to be darel's father among these Maniacs but this was the first time Dariel discovered
Anvil was actually his name as he had always called him father a few hours later Gran Baza was reminiscing about his memories raising Dariel remembering how sad Dariel was when he first discovered he couldn't use magic but had continued trying anyway lansil wished he also had these memories but said he was glad to see Dariel grow into a powerful mayor and thought Grand Baza must have been a great father to raise him into the man he was today so he offered him his hand and as Gran Baza accepted it Dariel was glad to see both
of his fathers become friends but by the time they were done Malik noticed darel's arm was still in pain so she spent the night taking care of him telling him that the kindness of his was the thing she loved the most about him however she had to go clean the dishes but as soon as she left zebie snuck into his room telling him that she was shocked that he was in love with her after all he told everyone how he wouldn't be able to live without zebie so because he said she was as important as
his wife she promised to think about their romance and fled [Music] outside the following morning as Iris F began asking El lansil to train her Dariel wondered if she intends to continue fighting the war as she told him that she would she said it was the hero's Duty to defeat The Demon King but when he wondered who the demon king is to them Al lansil began saying that he was the source of every Misfortune in the world and thought that ending him would bring peace to the realm however that was only the story The Past
Heroes had believed because at the same time the center Guild thought the Demon King possessed all wisdom and mana and were convinced that killing him would allow them to steal all his powers but in a third story they thought that slaying the demon king would allow Humanity to evolve into a greater race and would even grant them the ability to use magic however when aanso decided to ask if the Demon King was truly Invincible Grand Baza told them that the Demon King had truly bestowed all the demons with magic powers revealing that he was the
first and only Demon King to have existed these words left Iris feel in shock and Gran Baza revealed that the Demon King has always been the same and he thought he was Immortal just then fighton and his useless Squad appeared at the door and he told Dariel that the Mythril mine was under attack from a monster to reach the mine quicker Dariel told zebie to transport them with her wind magic and within a few minutes they were flying towards the mine however as they got closer the heat from the dragon's fire nearly burned them forcing
them to land but when the men told Dariel that the knockers were trapped inside he ran into the mine and El lansil followed him for support at the same time irisfield decided to draw her sword suggesting they knock down the dragon so as she began charging at it zeevi propelled Sasha with her wind magic but as he stabbed the Dragon he realized he couldn't even Pierce its body just then Iris feel Unleashed a blast on it but as it nearly crushed her body zevi transported them out of the way immediately the dragon Unleashed fire on
them but as Sadam covered them with her Shield the heat from the flame melted off her armor but Gran Baza began absorbing the fires inside the mine Dariel saw that the knockers have been buried under the rubble but as they noticed the dragon was close he realized they needed to defeat it first so they began rushing towards it and as they unleashed the their fearsome Emperor Sky Ren at the same time they managed to knock down the beast but as it roared at Dariel the dragon flew away at that instant Iris Fel began saying that
she sensed the Deep hatred from inside the dragon so Granda told them that he was returning to the Demon King's Castle and commanded zebie to transport him with her magical energy a few minutes later after Dariel had successfully rescued the knockers he grew sad realizing he couldn't protect the mine but as a Lancel appeared at that moment he told him that he came can't protect everything and suggested he relies on his friends for their help right then a man told him that one of the guild workers was missing and he thought he was trapped inside
the cave meanwhile at the demon Castle Grand Baza found bash enjoying coffee but as he noticed his evil eye he wondered if he had entered the room of Secrets and punched the wall in Anger zebie wondered what this room of Secrets was so bash told her that it's a hidden chamber inside the Demon King's Castle since ancient times every hex ever developed had been stored in inside which were far more powerful than any magic in this world however because of the great risk they possessed the demon ancestors had sealed the hex's away but among them
was a technique that bash had used in controlling the salamandra the great magical Beast that attacked the mine thinking bash was entirely useless Gran Baza began saying that he's grown into a brain dead [ __ ] and wished he was half as smart as Dariel however as his words brought back bash's painful memories his anger began to grow and he th threatened to kill Dariel for this reason at that moment Gran Baza realized he had awakened the hex of spirit synchronization magic and calling him a disgrace he Unleashed fire towards him but bash summoned the
salamandra he told him that he would annihilate Dariel and would destroy the entire Village before flying away on the dragon at the same time in the mine Dariel was searching for the missing human but as a stone God appeared before his eyes Dariel thought it would devour him and began running off but the cave closed up before him as he decided to reveal his name the God told him that the salamander reflects the Rage of the Caster there was only one way to stop it before devouring the world so as he asked to see his
Mythril weapon he released the restrictions inside of the mithil saying he's now acquired the stone God's Powers before withdrawing into the cave walls as Dariel answered a call from Gran Baza he told him that bash was controlling the dragon and said he was heading towards their Village so when Dariel arrived he commanded the villagers to evacuate but Malica gave him their engagement ring so she would always be by his side telling him to bring it back by the time bash arrived on the dragon Dariel and the others were already waiting outside the village so bash
Cast a Giant Fireball to light up the place as Dariel tried calming him down bash realized that Dariel had a family now and thought it was the perfect time to destroy everything he cared about realizing he couldn't calm him down Dariel released his whip saying he would stop him no matter what as he wrapped his whip around the Dragon sevie cast her wind magic to support it pulling down the dragon immediately without hesitating Dariel blasted bash with skyen managing to separate him from the beast but as he thought he could still calm him down he
decided to apologize for taking over the mythal mine but as bash revealed that he never knew he had taken over the cave Dariel decided to ask why he hates him then bash told him that his only desire was to finish the war and said that he decided to destroy the mine just so he could lure him out he called him a traitor and said he intends to annihilate him so that he would be forgotten forever once he was dead he would start his Killing Spree across the entire world and would end all of humanity Forever
by the time all of this was done he would become the general of the Transcendent Tempest and would be known as the strongest of all the Heavenly generals bent on protecting his family Dariel said he would defeat him so as he launched Fireballs he slashed them in an instant but as a mighty blast sent him falling off bash followed with more fireballs and as he crashed through the forest bash caused the ground under him to erupt before blasting him into the mountain however as Dariel managed to survive he thought bash has grown stronger and began
telling him that he was talented and that he wished he could have become his eyes and remained his assistant but his words were useless to bash and he prepared a fireball to end him but as the memories of his friends and family flashed through darel's mind he decided to unleash his Sky Ren blasting the loser away however as he survived he decided to reveal his most powerful form revealing the true form of magic Incarnation at the same time the others were in a battle with the salamandra and as sadom cast a five layer guard to
trap the dragon it nearly devoured her face so gasa launched an arrow at the Beast and nailed it with a dozen more arrows as the salamandra spewed fire on them the men leaped out of its way and a Lancel began flashing towards it before blasting it with Thunderbolt before it could recover from this Attack Grand Baza cast a flaming jail of endless searing screams consuming it at that instant on the other side of the forest Dariel was wondering if bash's new form was caused by the overwhelming power of the hex but as he flashed towards
him he knocked him towards the mountain and as darel took off to the sky bash prepared a fireball to end him but Dariel shielded with a barrier determined to end him anyway bash smacked him with his tail but as Dariel managed to land bash told him that he stolen his entire life away from him and Cast a Giant Fireball Towards the Sky but as Dariel realized it would burn the entire Forest he decided to awaken the power of his mythal knife at the same time Gran Baza had successfully neutralized the dragon and as they noticed
the great energy Rising towards the heavens Dariel directed it at bash blowing up half of the forest however bash managed to survive the explosion and Dariel realized that his entire body was covered with dragon scales while he was wondering if his attack sped up his transformation process the Menace attacked him immediately back dashing his head into the ground before flinging him into a mountain as he returned Dariel managed to stop him with his blade but at that moment he teleported into the world of his memories and watched bran Baza and Bash while they were passing
in a parade with the hex taking rapid control over his mind the synchronization magic was causing bash's memories to spill allowing Dariel to see into his past when he was 10 his father had arrived home with Dariel telling bash to rely on him like an older brother those words had crushed him because although he waited for his father for years his father was spending that time raising a different son so when he asked his mom if he could become an adventurer with his father she told him that he needed to become number one in the
magic Academy first causing him to spend every single one of his nights studying when he finally achieved his goal however his mother was disgusted that he was about to leave her like his father making him realize that no matter what he did he was never going to win and that there wasn't a place in this family for him eventually Grand Baza had assigned Dariel to be his Aid when he became the demon General but bash harbored his anger inside as he hated Dariel for stealing his moments away for this reason he had thought that killing
Dariel was the only way to prove his Worth to his father but Dariel realized he has been very lonely at that moment bash leaped away and Dariel realized he could also hear his own thoughts so he rushed towards him trying to slash him with his sword but as bash caught it in his hands Dariel told him that Gran Baza has always been worried about him and that he's also always wanted to be there for bash as his shield began to Glow it teleported bash into his own memories because while growing up Dariel had been sad
that he wasn't part of their family and worse of all had discovered he couldn't even use magic due to this he forced himself to be a good kid and smiled every time so that no one would know he was sad however after first meeting him he finally began to think he has his own family and was happy for the very first time as Dariel told him that his life was special and worth something he said he wants to be a support for him so as bash heard these words the scales began melting off and he
realized he should have never ran away from Dariel after the scales were completely gone Dariel offered him a hand saying he wants to be his older brother again after all this time he wondered if grabbing his brother's hand was what he should have done but when he was finally about to the hex began taking over his mind as the salamandra absorbed all the Flames inside the fireball Reawakening at that instant with the hex all already broken the dragon roared with a flaming heat and Al lansil realized that the salamander's true power was about to be
Unleashed at the same time bash sensed The Rage of the dragon and flashed towards it immediately as he landed on the Beast he merged his body with the dragon and managed to take off with it however Gran Baza thought his entire body would be absorbed into the salamandra but bash was ready to sacrifice himself and was glad that he's finally made peace with Dariel but at that moment Grand Baza separated his body from the dragon and began casting a spell to transfer the hex onto himself but Dariel appeared unleashing skyen and annihilating the dragon at
that instant with the Beast completely erased zevi managed to keep them afloat with her wind magic and Gran Baza was glad to have his son back when they returned into the village Dariel was excited to see all of them [Music] a few days later as bash appeared before the Demon King he decided to apologize for Wrecking the Empire and asked to be punished for his sins wondering if he was truly sorry The Demon King decided to show him the Gates of Hell telling him that all the previous failed generals had been sealed inside but was
willing to let him go freely if he was to be exiled however bash thought that he didn't deserve to be forgiven so he accepted entering the Gates of Hell in that moment The Demon King closed the gate revealing that he was going to give him a moment of Happiness before dropping him in but decided to spare him instead banishing him just like he did to Dariel a few days later at the Village while celebrating another reunion bash had come with Gran Baza to the party so Dariel welcomed him inside while they sat together he apologized
to all of them for everything he had done and Gran Baza apologized on his behalf in that moment Gran finally woke up and wanted bash to hug him so he introduced his son to bash telling him that they were [Music] brothers in that moment he realized what family truly meant and wished he would one day atone for all of his crimes since they were precious to his brother hearing those words gida welcomed him as his second older brother and kept crying the whole time just then Malik revealed that this was the first first time gr
said anyone's name but when bash wondered if it was all right that it was him she told him that it was and that it was a happy day to remember hearing those words Dariel realized that she was right and asked gasa to make another one of the family portraits before long he had created a painting of their entire family and Dariel realized today was truly a wonderful day to remember especially with the cameraman sacrificing his life to get these shots if you made it this far you're a true legend so let's for once not confuse
the fake fans and let's spam rip Smith in the comments his black sword was too long the fake fans will never expect it watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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