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Satan's short season the last days of Satan after Jesus comes back down from heaven he will actually set up this whole new kingdom Jesus will reign for 1,000 years and he will bound the devil for only a th000 years Revelation 20 speaks in detail concerning the final state of Satan in unbelievers verse 7 remarks that at the end of the th000 year Millennial Kingdom then I saw an angel coming down from heaven holding the key of the Abyss in a great chain in his hand and he took hold of the Dragon The Serpent of old
who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years and he threw him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him so that he would not deceive the Nations any longer till the thousand years were completed after these things he must be released for a short time Revelation 20: 1-3 the angel who will defeat Satan is not named we don't know if it is Michael Gabriel or another important Angel the fact that it is not the father or Christ who confronts Satan but an unnamed Angel shows the Lesser importance
of Satan it's important to understand that Satan is not God's equal or opposite God allows Satan to exist because even in his wrongdoing he still serves God God's plans in a roundabout way laid hold bound him cast him shut him up set a seal on him Satan tried to keep Jesus locked in a tomb but he failed on the other hand God easily keeps Satan in check many people ask will this event truly happen yes it is the fight is real the false prophet is real the defeat of the kings in their arm armies is
real Satan is real and his being bound must also be real that he should deceive the Nations no more Satan mostly tries to get to us by using lies and tricks because of this the best way to protect ourselves and fight back is by knowing the truth from God's word it's clear that Satan is still sneaky proving that he isn't stuck like we might believe Peter warned us that Satan is free to roam around like a roaring ing lion looking for those he can hurt Satan will be let loose for one last battle with the
Nations that have been LED astray after he is defeated we will see what happens next some people ask what kind of chain can hold the devil we don't know but God can make a chain just for that right now we know there are evil spirits that are imprisoned and chained Jude chapter 6 if God can chain them now he can chain Satan en for a thousand years the special steps taken to ensure his capture suggest that he will have no influence on Earth at all rather than just a little bit of control some people believe
that this means Satan can be held back in a person's life they think it shows how prayer can limit Satan's work for individuals however this way of thinking doesn't really respect what the text is saying if God wanted to tell us that Satan is completely inactive he could have made it clearer this shows that no one can just bind Satan with their prayers alone this is something that only God does it's crucial to understand that defeating Satan and his powers does not happen because of anything we do as humans we read that that he should
deceive the Nations no more Satan is still deceiving people today so we understand that he is not trapped like this passage suggests he was not stopped when Jesus died on the cross when he rose from the dead or when the church started Peter told us that Satan is free to roam around like a roaring lion looking for someone to destroy be sober well balanced and self-disciplined be alert and cautious at all times that enemy of yours the devil prowls around like a roaring lion fiercely hungry seeking someone to devour 1 Peter 5:8 Satan keeps on
tricking people really well well people don't just say lies they also believe them write them down and share them they eat lies drink lies wear lies act like lies and live their lives based on lies lies become a big part of who they are we read till the thousand years were finished this Thousand-Year period is often called the Millennium throughout church history people have understood the Millennium in many different different ways it's important to know that Satan is not just Bound in a spiritual way and Jesus does not only rule in a spiritual way when
we look at the whole Bible it clearly teaches that Christ and his people will reign on this Earth so who will be here during the Millennium even after the Rapture and the serious judgments of the Great Tribulation many people will still be alive on earth when Jesus returns in glory he will judge those who survive the Great Tribulation in the Judgment of Nations then the king will say to those on his right come you blessed of my father you favored of God appointed to Eternal salvation inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of
the world Matthew 25 this judgment is not about getting saved it's about deciding who is good enough to enter Jesus's Millennial Kingdom those who don't measure up will face Eternal punishment M while those who are worthy will be welcomed into Jesus's Kingdom we can learn more about the Millennium from other parts of the Bible during the Millennium Israel will be the strongest nation in the world the leader of all countries the center of Israel will be the mountain of the Lord's House the Temple Mount which will serve as the capital of the messiah's government All
Nations will come to the capital of Jesus's Kingdom Ezekiel chapter 17: 22- 24 thus says the Lord God I myself will take a twig from the lofty top of the Cedar and will set it out I will crop off from the topmost of its young Twigs a tender one and I will plant it on a high and lofty Mountain I will plant It on the Mountain Heights of Israel that it may grow boughs and bear fruit and be a noble and stately Cedar and birds of every kind will live under it they will nest securely
in the shade of its branches all the trees of the field will know that I the Lord bring down the Tall Tree exalt the low tree dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish I am the Lord I have spoken and I will fulfill it during the Millennium everyone on Earth will recognize and follow Jesus as their King it will be a time when fairness and goodness are strongly enforced all around in this time there will be no more Wars while there may still be arguments between countries and people the Messiah and
his helpers will handle these situations fairly and firmly it's important to understand that just having the Messiah in charge won't change people's hearts everyone will still need to believe in Jesus and Trust his work for their personal salvation during the Millennium however there will be no place for war or fighting during the Millennium animals will interact differently with each other and with people a young child will be safe and can lead a wolf leopard Young Lion or bear without fear even dangerous snakes like cobras and Vipers will no longer pose a threat in Genesis 9:
2-3 the Lord allowed Noah and everyone after him to eat meat at the same time he made animals afraid of humans so they wouldn't be easy targets but during the reign of the Messiah things will change because of this many believe that in the Millennium humans might go back to being vegetarians just like they were before Genesis 9: 2-3 during this Millennium King David will be an important leader on the earth ruling over Israel during this time Israel will experience great blessings in safety the Millennium will also be a period of Purity and deep de
Devotion to God we read about a th000 years is it really 1,000 years we should usually understand a number literally unless there's Clear Proof to think differently we should take this thousand years literally because God has an important job to do during the Millennium the Millennium matters because it will show Jesus's Victory and his right to rule the nation the Millennium matters because it shows how deep man's Rebellion goes even in a perf World some people think that man is basically good and truly wants God's Fair rule many believe that people are innocent and only
become bad because of a poor environment the Millennium will provide clear answers to these questions before the final judgment the Millennium is also important because it reveals the endless evil of Satan who goes right back to his Wicked Ways as soon as he is Led out of prison the Millennium is important because it will prove that the city of God is strong and safe showing how God's new way of doing things is better let's be happy that the Bible clearly teaches us about the future victory of Christ over the whole world we believe that the
Jewish people will come to Faith and return to their Homeland we believe that Jerusalem will be the main city in Christ's Kingdom All Nations will come and enjoy the light of this beautiful city that will be built in Jerusalem we expect that the glory centered there will spread all over the world filling it with Holiness joy and Delight we look forward to this with great hope the Saints live and Reign for 1,000 years and then I saw Thrones and sitting on them were those to whom judgment that is the authority to act as judges was
given and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God and those who had refused to worship the Beast or his image and had not accepted his mark on their forehead and on their hand and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years Revelation 20:4 who sits on these Thrones perhaps the 24 Elders representing the church or the apostles or the company of saints as a whole 1 Corinthians 6: 2-3 do you not know that the Saints God's
people will one day judge the world if the world is to be judged by you are you not competent to try trivial insignificant Petty cases do you not know that we Believers will judge Angels how much more then as to matters of this life we read and judgment was committed to them this could be the judging of angels talked about in 1 Corinthians 6: 2-3 however it's more likely that these Saints are in charge here on Earth these Saints will rule with Jes Jesus for the same time that Satan is locked up 1,000 years they
help run the kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth overseeing those who move from the Troubles of the Great Tribulation to the Peace of the Millennium everyone who wins with Jesus Will Rule and reign with him 1 Corinthians 6: 2-3 do you not know that the Saints God's people will one day judge the world if the world is to be judged by you are you not competent to try trivial insignificant Petty cases do you not know that we Believers will judge Angels how much more then as to matters of this life how does John only mention
the tribulation Saints these people are mentioned to encourage them and show that others won't be forgotten this is a special recognition for those who suffered during the tribulation they faced great pain from the Antichrist who claimed I will rule the Earth Earth now these faithful Believers hold power while the Antichrist is defeated these Martyrs are real people but they also stand for everyone who gives their lives for Jesus the term beheaded means more than we might realize the ancient Greek word actually means executed the rest of the Dead the non-believers did not come to life
again until the thousand years were completed this is the first resurrection blessed heav happy prosperous to be admired and holy is the person who takes part in the first resurrection over these the second death which is eternal separation from God the Lake of Fire has no power or authority but they will be Priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with him a thousand years Revelation 20: 5-6 this is the first resurrection this first resurrection means that all people who have died believe believing in Jesus will be given new Resurrection bodies to live
forever this is a special blessing blessed and holy is the one who takes part this is a powerful Resurrection the second death has no power over them this is a special privilege they'll be Priests of God and reign with him for a thousand years if you don't take part in the first resurrection you won't be blessed instead you'll be under the power of the second death and you won't have any special privileges in John 5: 28-29 Jesus talked about two different resurrections do not be surprised at this for a time is coming when all those
who are in the tombs will hear his voice and they will come out those who did good things will come out to a resurrection of new life but those who did Evil things will come out to a resurrection of judgment that is to be sentenced the the two events happen 1,000 years apart because the rest of the Dead do not get their Resurrection bodies until the thousand years are over if we think of the first resurrection as a single event it suggests that the Rapture happens after the tribulation this means all believers will receive their
Resurrection bodies at the same time just before Christ Jesus rules however if we see the first resurrection as a group that includes believers who have died and are already with the Lord those in the raptured church who are in heaven and the Saints from the Great Tribulation then this fits better with the idea of a pre-tribulation Rapture it's important to highlight that when we talk about the resurrection in the Book of Revelation we are looking back at all three stages of Resurrection the first resurrection isn't just a single event it refers to a group of
people who are all the righteous ones raised from the dead before the start of the Thousand-Year Kingdom the final battle after the Thousand-Year reign of Christ Satan is released and gathers an army Revelation 20: 7-8 and when the thousand years are completed Satan will be released from his prison the abyss will come out to deceive and mislead the Nations which are in the four corners of the earth including Gog and Magog to gather them together for the war their number is like the sand of the seashore for a thousand years Jesus Will Rule directly over
the Earth and during that time Satan will be locked away and unable to do anything but once those thousand years are finished he will be let loose and will manage to gather many people to rise up against God again if Jesus had been such a great king for a thousand years why would people still Rebel they will Rebel because God will let it happen showing once more how humans can turn away from him well everyone will have to follow Jesus his rules on the outside during his Reign the choice to truly accept him as Lord
will still be up to each person in this passage we learn about an important reason God has for the millennial Kingdom and allowing one final Rebellion throughout history people have often blamed their bad choices on their surroundings they might say I turned out this way because of my family or the neighborhood I grew up in but during the millennial Kingdom of Jesus God will provide a perfect environment for a thousand years there will be no Satan no crime no violence and no evil however after this thousand years when given a chance people will still choose
to rebel against God this shows us that the real problem lies within us not just in our surroundings it will be clear once again that no matter how good their situation is without God's grace and a new heart people will always lean toward evil and stand against God we read gather them together to battle who are these Rebels they will be the people who survive the Great Tribulation and enter the millennial Kingdom along with their children Revelation 20: 9-10 and they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the
Saints in the Beloved City and fire came down from heaven and devoured them and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the Beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever we read fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them it is inaccurate to refer to this as a final battle as there is no actual conflict the outcome is predetermined with God ultimately putting an end to the devil and his followers for good following the Battle
Satan receives Eternal judgment in torment together with the Beast and the false prophet is this really Eternal punishment yes it is the words mean exactly what they appear to mean then all unbelievers will be judged before the great white Throne Revelation 20:5 States and if anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life he was thrown into the Lake of Fire in the next chapter Revelation 21:8 adds but as for the the cowards and unbelieving and abominable who are devoid of character and personal integrity and practice or tolerate immorality and murderers and Sorcerers
with intoxicating drugs and idolators and occultists who practice and teach false religions and all the Liars who knowingly deceive and twist truth their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone which is the second death hell exists in a realm Beyond beyond our present realm Revelation 20: 11-15 then I saw a great white throne in him who sat upon it from whose presence Earth and Heaven fled and no place was found for them and I saw the Dead the Great and the small standing Before the Throne and books were opened and
another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books according to their deeds and the SE he gave up the Dead who were in it and death in Hades gave up the Dead who were in them and they were judged each one of them according to their deeds then death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire this is the second death the Lake of Fire And if anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life he was thrown
into the Lake of Fire unbelievers experience ongoing torment and are unable to escape their judgment the Bible tells us that the judge is Jesus John 5: 22-27 in John 5 22-27 for not even The Father judges anyone but he has given all judgment to the son so that all will honor the son just as they honor the Father the one who does not honor the son does not honor the father who sent him truly truly I say to you the one who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and does
not come into judgment but has passed out of death into life truly truly I say to you the time is coming and even now has arrived when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live for just as the father has life in himself so he gave to the son also to have life in himself and he gave him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man the earth and the sky ran away from this throne this is not a court case trying to figure
out the truth the truth is clear this is the punishment for someone who is already guilty we also read and the dead were judged based on what they did if people's names are not in the Book of Life each person is judged by their actions those who do not come to God in faith will by default be judged and found guilty by what they have done we read then death and Hades were cast into the Lake of Fire sin's lingering effects have been eradicated including death the last traces of sin's unlawful power are done away
with when a person refers to Hell the Lake of Fire is what they usually have in mind we read this is the second death a Bible commentator noted as there is a second and higher life so there is also a second and deeper death and is after that life there is no more death so after that death there is no more life at the End of Time Satan and unbelievers will experience the second death in which they will be in the Lake of Fire this Dreadful situation is one no person would desire this is why
God has offered salvation through Jesus to anyone who will believe and patiently offers this salvation still today John 3:16 for God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that he even gave his one and only begotten son so that whoever believes and trusts in him as Savior shall not perish but have eternal life this is a far cry from Satan's original state before he became the devil or Satan as he is also known the devil was known as the anointed cherub his name according to Isaiah 14: 12 was Lucifer which means The Shining one
unfortunately Lucifer the anointed cherub turned into the devil now in Ezekiel 28 we are told about a specific cherub who can be identified as Satan this anointed cherub embodied the Pinnacle of wisdom and Beauty he was a wonderful created being in the Heavenly hosts Satan held positions of high rank status and responsibility don't misinterpret the reference to Eden as the one in Genesis we know that Satan was present in the garden as well but in the form of the serpent this is a reference to a prehistoric Eden the Garden of Eden was a garden of
plants and trees however in this Eden the Garden is made of precious stones many people believe that Satan directed the praise music in heaven because of the musical instruments mentioned in verse 13 we all know that music has tremendous power whether for good or evil we've seen how Satan has used music to send false messages to our minds and hearts we must remember that music has the power to either lift a heart to God or drag a soul to hell as Lucifer Satan was a shining star the son of the morning his privileges should have
made him the most thankful cherub Satan became corrupted iniquity was discovered in him the Lord then goes on to list three sins violence arrogance and irreverence he violated the holy position in which which he ministered in God's sanctuaries one unbreakable biblical spiritual principle is that when we exalt ourselves we will fall Satan attempted to exalt himself but God said he would be cast into hell however when we humble ourselves before the Lord we will be lifted up we don't have to worry about lifting ourselves up when we humble ourselves and submit to his will it
will be taken care of by God Luke 10:18 and he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven we may easily become discouraged if we only consider who Satan is and what he is capable of yet he is a condemned person it's simply a matter of time when Jesus died on the cross he demolished the devil's apparatus Hebrews 2:14 therefore since the children share in Flesh and Blood he himself likewise also partook of the same so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the
devil so why is Satan still active is it because he doesn't recognize he's been out of business the devil is running around like a chicken with its head cut off he's dead and doesn't even realize it but God stated he shall be no more forever we don't know much about Satan he is now a condemned being who will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone one day until until then the Bible instructs Believers to remain alert and attentive the devil wants us to collapse like he did but we can hold our ground not
only has the Lord Jesus Christ saved us but he is also the only one who can preserve us from falling according to what Jesus taught hell does not have a set amount of time but rather exists forever those who are tormented in hell are doomed to an eternity of Torment Jesus was quoted as saying the fire never goes out Jesus said this as a warning to people that caused others to stumble hell is often referred to as the Lake of Fire in Revelation 20: 13-15 this is a place made for the devil and his angels
as stated in Matthew 25:41 imagine a child trying to empty the ocean with just a spoon that's how impossible it is for those suffering in hell to ever escape their pain just like a river of burning sulfur that never runs out their misery goes on forever there is no way out of hell and neither is there any relief from it nor any Solace to be found there Luke 16: 26 and besides all this between us and you people a great Chasm has been fixed so that those who want to come over from here to you
will not be able and none may cross over from there to us if you haven't put your trust in him yet now is not the time to put it off any longer it is not too late to turn to God right now but someday it will be too late regarding hell CS Lewis once wrote there is no Doctrine which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than this if it lay in my power but it has the full support of scripture and especially of our Lord's own words it has always been held by Christendom and
it has the support of reason if a game is played must be possible to lose it Jesus talked a lot about hell in his teachings in fact we can glean more information about hell from Jesus's words than from any other chapter of the Bible combined Jesus spoke of hell as outer Darkness Matthew 8:12 while the sons and HS of the Kingdom the descendants of Abraham who will not recognize me as Messiah will be thrown out into the outer darkness in that place which is farthest removed from the kingdom there will be weeping in sorrow and
pain and finding of teeth in distress and anger at the end of time everyone will stand before Jesus Christ and he will separate Humanity into sheep those who display their faith in Jesus via their good actions and goats those who do not demonstrate their faith in Jesus through their good works those who did not trust in Jesus Christ the goats on the other hand will go away into Eternal punishment and the Sheep will get eternal life God the Father blesses and gives an inheritance to the sheep on Jesus's right hand the goats on Jesus's left
hand are doomed to Eternal Hellfire because they are prepared for the devil and his angels the explanation offered is that they had an opportunity to minister to the Lord but did nothing the Damned ask Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison and did not help you Jesus replies I tell you the truth whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for me Jesus then ends the discourse with the contrast they will go away to Eternal
punishment but the righteous to eternal life Matthew CH 25: 46 then these unbelieving people will go away into Eternal unending punishment but those who are righteous and in right standing with God will go by his remarkable Grace into eternal unending life Jesus unfailingly distinguished hell from the kingdom of God hell is the opposite of excellent fellowship with God eternally we learn from The Book of Job that during job's era Satan could still enter Heaven and appear before God's Throne job 1: 6-7 shares an instance of this now there was a day when the sons of
God angels came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan adversary accuser also came among them the Lord said to Satan from where have you come then Satan answered the Lord from roaming around on the earth and from walking around on it at that period Satan was seemingly able to move freely Between Heaven and Earth directly communicating with God and explaining his actions there's ongoing debate about whether this access has been revoked some argue that Satan's entry to Heaven ceased with Christ's crucifixion others contend it will be cut off during the end time Celestial conflict
described in Revelation 12: 7-12 and war broke out in heaven Michael the Archangel and his angels Waging War With The Dragon the dragon and his angels fought but they were not strong enough and did not Prevail and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven and the Great Dragon was thrown down the age-old serpent who was called The Devil and Satan he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down with him then I heard a loud voice in heaven
saying now the salvation and the power and the kingdom Dominion reign of our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our believing brothers and sisters has been thrown down at last he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges of sinful Behavior against them before our God day and night and they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the lamb and because of the word of their testimony for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death therefore Rejoice O heavens and you
who dwell in them in the presence of God woe to the earth and the Sea because the devil has come down to you in great wrath knowing that he is only a short time remaining this verse uses various titles for Satan dragon serpent devil Satan and deceiver portraying him as vicious accusatory adversarial and deceitful the term devil originates from the Greek word diabolos which comes from the verb diabo meaning to defame or to slander in Christianity the devil is believed to be the master accuser of the Brethren and is often associated with evil and Temptation
Satan was expelled from Heaven due to his immense Pride he harbored a desire to be like God instead of serving him this ambition is highlighted through the numerous I will declarations found in Isaiah 14: 12-15 furthermore Ezekiel 28: 12-5 portrays Satan as an extraordinarily attractive Angel emphasizing the Splendor that may have contributed to his pride and subsequent fall Isaiah 14: 12-15 how you have fallen from Heaven oh star of the morning lightbringer son of the Dawn you have been cut down to the ground you who have weakened the Nations King of Babylon but you said
in your heart I will Ascend to Heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the remote parts of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high but in fact you will be brought down to Shel to the remote recesses of the pit the region of the Dead Satan was probably the most exalted of all Angels holding the title of the anointed sherub and considered the most Splendid among God's creations however he wasn't satisfied
with his role his ambition drove him to Aspire to God's position aiming to us serp God's Authority and dominate the universe himself this craving to be God is precisely what Satan used to entice Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3: 1-5 now the serpent was more crafty subtle skilled in De seed than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made and the serpent Satan said to the woman can it really be that God has said You shall not eat from any tree of the garden and the woman said
to the serpent we may eat fruit from the Trees of the garden except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden God said You shall not eat from it nor touch it otherwise you will die but the serpent said to the woman you certainly will not die for God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened that is you will have greater awareness and you will be like God knowing the difference between good and evil Satan was expelled from Heaven due to his sinful actions
God removed him because heaven is not a place for someone as evil as Satan he fell from heaven because God actively cast him out Satan's removal from heaven was a consequence of his transgressions God's holy and perfect nature cannot coexist with sin which is why Satan could no longer remain in such a pure place his expulsion underscores the serious consequences of rebelling against God Lucifer became prideful and lifted himself above God as a result God cast him down from his original place in heaven along with other Angels who had followed him in Rebellion this event
is often referred to as the war in heaven and is believed to have resulted in Satan becoming the ruler of the Fallen Angels Jesus spoke of Satan's fall from glorified to profane falling like lightning from heaven was as dramatic and sudden as a a bolt of lightning from Heaven did you know that every time the kingdom of Jesus is presented in truth and power it is like another judgment upon Satan and all who share his rebellious Spirit where the gospel is preached with divine power Satan comes down from his throne in human hearts and human
Minds as rapidly as the lightning flash falls from heaven and when we see his Kingdom shaken then like Jesus we rejoice in spirit it's amazing to think that the preaching of the Gospel can have such a powerful impact on the spiritual realm in remembering the fall of Satan Jesus also warned them against Pride you see if even someone as powerful and privileged as Satan Could Fall From Grace then surely anyone could if a reminder that in any important Endeavor we must be careful not to get too caught up as the saying goes pride comes before
the fall did you know that by choosing to live in the Risen Christ you become a partaker of his Empire not just that but you also get to enjoy all the sweet fruits of his victory over Satan it's like being on the winning team and having access to all the rewards that come with it so what are you waiting for join the winning team today the Bible actually mentions four Falls of Satan Satan fell from glorified to profane Ezekiel 28: 14-19 you were the anointed sherub who covers and protects and I placed you there you
were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked in the midst of the stones of fire sparkling Jewels you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness and evil were found in you through the abundance of your Commerce you were internally filled with lawlessness and violence and you sinned therefore I have cast you out as a profane and Unholy thing from the Mountain of God and I have destroyed you oh covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire your heart was proud and arrogant because of your beauty you
destroyed your wisdom for the sake of your Splendor I cast you to the ground I lay you before kings that they might look at you you profaned your sanctuaries by the great quantity of your sins and the enormity of your guilt by the unrighteousness of your trade therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst it has consumed you and I have reduced you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who look at you all the peoples Nations who knew you are appalled at you you have come to a horrible and
terrifying end and will forever cease to be we read of seal of perfection in ancient times seals were not only used as decorative items but also as an important tool of authority and authenticity these seals were used to authenticate legal documents such as contracts treaties and letters possessing the Seal of a superior was considered a great privilege and honor as it signified that one had been given the power to act on behalf of their Superior in other words the possession of the seal was an indication of one's trustworthiness and Authority it was also a way
for the superior to delegate their responsibilities to their trusted subordinates while maintaining control over their actions we read every precious stone was your covering before he fell from Grace Satan was adorned with a tremendous deal of magnificent Splendor God himself gave him such a covering honoring the preall Satan greatly we read you were the anointed cherub who covers this tells us that Satan before his fall was one of the privileged Angelic being surrounding the Throne of God not simply one chair among many he was the cherb par excellance Satan was an angel created by God
who had a privileged position among the Heavenly hosts he was not appointed to this position based on his own Merit but rather it was a gift from God Satan's unique qualities such as his Beauty wisdom adornment and musical skill were bestowed upon Him by god making him the anointed cherub who covers however Satan's Pride led him to rebel against God and convince a portion of the angels to join him in his Rebellion despite this the story of Satan's Fall From Grace serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of Pride and the importance of remaining
humble in the face of our own accomplishments we read you were were on the Holy Mountain of God Hebrews 12:22 presents the idea of the Mountain of God Zion as a representation of heaven but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of Angels in Fes of gathering we read till iniquity was found in you Satan enjoyed this place of great status and honor until something happened and iniquity was found in him we read your heart was lifted up because of your beauty Satan's
Pride led to his sin he became an opponent of God due to his inflated ego God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble we read I cast you to the ground I laid you before Kings according to job 1:12 First Kings 22: 21 and Zechariah 3:1 Satan still has access to Heaven yet the Triumph of the disciples over the demonic spirits was a significant event that confirmed Satan's downfall from his position of authority and Power although he still possessed a considerable amount of power his position was now inferior compared to what it used
to be First Kings 22: 21 then a Spirit came forward and stood before the Lord and said I will entice him Jesus has the power to overcome Satan and the power to save us Believers still face a spiritual battle against the forces of evil even today by relying on God's spirit we need not fear Satan or evil spirits instead we can trust in the Lord's strength to achieve victory in our spiritual battles and have faith that God will secure our place in heaven 1 John 4 verse tells us little children Believers dear ones you are
of God and you belong to him and have already overcome them the Agents of the Antichrist because he who is in you is greater than he Satan who is in the world of sinful mankind he confirmed what they said agreeing with his own observation Luke 10:8 my heart and I went along with you I took notice of the success you had and I saw Satan fall as lightning from Heaven Jesus repeated ratified and enlarged their commission behold I give you power to tread on serpents Luke chapter 10: 19 note to him that hath and useth
well what he hath more shall be given they had employed their power vigorously against Satan and now Christ entrusts them with greater power Luke 10: 19-20 listen carefully I have given you Authority that you now possess To Tread on serpents and scorpions and the ability to exercise authority over all the power of the enemy Satan and nothing will in any way harm you nevertheless do not Rejoice at this that the spirits are subject to you but Rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven Jesus bestows upon them the power to overcome serpents scorpions and evil
spirits including the old serpent Psalm 91:13 you will tread upon the lion and Cobra the Young Lion and the serpent you will trample Under Foot he also provides them with the defensive power nothing shall by any means hurt you not serpents nor scorpions Jesus then directed them to turn their joy into the right channel do not rejoice at this that the spirits are subject to you but Rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven a poet once wrote up in those highest of Heaven an angel named Lucifer would go against the grain he had so
much pride how on Earth did he incur on the entire human race pain he was the most incredible Angel God's right-hand Man With Enormous Wings of the brightest Hue of gold his pride got in the way I cannot comprehend the gravest of all Mortal sins I have been told he was the most beautiful of all the Angelic Force but he wanted to be better than his creator he gathered a third of them had no remorse and his sin became man's common denominator let us pray heavenly father as we come before you we are filled with
curiosity and a thirst for understanding we seek insight into the mysteries of your creation particularly the fall of Satan from the Splendor of Heaven Help Us to comprehend this profound event in a way that deepens our faith and strengthens our resolve to follow your will we acknowledge that you are the source of all truth and wisdom and we humbly ask for your guidance as we explore this complex topic grant us Clarity of mind and purity of heart as we seek to unravel the mysteries of your divine plan in your infinite love and mercy you created
Lucifer a magnificent and Powerful Angel adorned with beauty and wisdom he dwelled in your presence basking in the glory of your light yet in his pride he desired to exalt himself above you craving to be worshiped and adored as you are as we reflect on the fall of Satan we are reminded of the dangers of pride and arrogance help us to guard our hearts against the Allure of self-centeredness and egotism and to remain humble before you recognizing that all good things come from your hand we Ponder the question of why Satan chose to rebel against
you you the very source of his being perhaps it was The Whisper of Envy or the allert of power that led him astray yet ultimately it was his own free will that caused him to turn away from you and embrace Darkness teach us oh Lord the importance of obedience and submission to your will help us to surrender our own desires and ambitions and to trust in your perfect plan for our lives for we know that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are higher than our thoughts as we consider the timing of
Satan's fall we are reminded that you are the master of time and space the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end you exist outside of time and your purposes are not bound by the constraints of human understanding we are comforted by the knowledge that even in the midst of Darkness your light shines brightly though Satan may have fallen from Heaven your love endures forever you are always ready to forgive those who repent and turn back to you offering Redemption and restoration to all who seek your face help us do to trust in your
goodness and faithfulness even in the face of uncertainty and adversity give us the courage to stand firm in our faith knowing that you are with us always guiding us and protecting us from the snares of the evil one as we Ponder the fall of Satan may we be reminded of the importance of vigilance and spiritual warfare help us to put on the full armor of God that we may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil Empower us to resist temptation and to walk in the light of your truth knowing that you have
already won the victory through your son Jesus Christ we offer this prayer with hearts full of gratitude and praise knowing that you are our Rock and our Fortress our strength and our Salvation amen and
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