welcome to the daily calm let's begin by finding a comfortable position in a posture that feels relaxed yet alert close your eyes soften your forehead let there be a soft smile in the corners of your lips now take a few long deep breaths to relax the mind and body take a slow deep belly breath hold it for a moment then gently release that breath and just repeat that pattern a couple of times picking slow deep breaths allowing any tension you're holding to melt away now naturally allow your breathing to become light and easy allowing the
rise and fall of the breath to happen in its own time at its own pace just following the breath as it flows through you following it in following it out breath by breath moment by moment you might notice thoughts arising as you sit thoughts about the past thoughts about the future thoughts about something you should have said or done thoughts about what's for lunch don't make an effort to look for thoughts but when they arise simply notice them in particular notice if they have a charge pay attention to whether they trigger emotion of any kind
what we want to do is refrain from getting sucked into the content of our thoughts and emotions ideally we want to view thoughts like water trickling down a stream letting thoughts come letting thoughts go letting emotion come letting emotion go not getting caught up in them simply observing that thoughts are happening without taking them so seriously allow everything to come and go like the breath breath after breath after breath so now rest your attention taking a few deep breaths noticing how it feels to pay attention to thoughts without clinging to them without taking them personally
and since we're on the theme of relationships this week see if you can practice not taking things personally in regards to your relationships with others when we have to deal with difficult people we sometimes feel attacked often other people's behavior isn't about you it's about them if we choose to take situations personally we become offended and reactive because we feel the need to defend our beliefs and conflict intensifies but if we refuse to take things personally we can often de-escalate our emotional response in any potential conflict through the day as an experiment try practicing not
taking things personally whenever you can and perhaps now make an intention to seal that effort and as we approach the end of the session just relax your attention come back to the room come into your body feel it alive and when you're ready open your eyes i hope you enjoyed today's daily calm have a wonderful day and we'll see you back here tomorrow you