THIS will fix your Etsy listing that is not performing

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Hannah Gardner
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Video Transcript:
there's three reasons potentially of why your listing is not getting clicks or purchases or views or just traffic in general from the Etsy algorithm and so by the end of this video I'm really hoping that if you're struggling with that problem right like you're launching a listing or listings and it's just not getting any exposure or any clicks or any purchases after a good data sample of time by the end of this video you feel confident after you watch this video that you will buy yourself be able to dissect why this could be potentially happening
for your specific products right and if you stay until the end of this video I'm actually going to go over the reverse of this so we're going to actually cover if you're somebody in the case scenario where you had a listing that used to be performing but then now it's not performing anymore we're going to talk about why that could be potentially happening and some options you have with that as well so let's not waste any time and let's get right into this video by the way guys I just relaunched my free all-in Etsy masterclass
so I have an all-in Etsy master class but I unlocked the first four modules of it for free as like a starter program so a lot of today's lesson a lot of what we're talking about today exists in that program it goes a little bit more in depth than just this short YouTube video so if you still walk away feeling like you want more or I mean even the free part of that master class goes into other topics as well so yeah make sure you go to the link in the description and you can get
in that free a starter course okay and I would argue it's not really even a starter course it's it goes way more than just starter all right so the three reasons that your listing could not be performing and first let's define performing right what does the Performing mean right so performing the way that I would look at a listing and app performing and everyone has their own definitions of this by the way everyone is allowed to have their own definitions based off their experience but how I would Define a listing not performing is you launch
a listing and after 2 and 1 half months you're not getting any sales right so after 2 and 1/2 months if you see that you have not gotten in the hundreds of clicks or in a couple thousands of views on your listing right the algorithm the Etsy algorithm is not favoring it for some reason and so before we just assume that like the Market's crashing and it has nothing to do with me right we want to do a little introspection first and actually figure out where the issue could possibly lie so again there's three things
that could be going on the first one is that the product could not be positioned properly so that means that what they're seeing in the main image versus what your price is isn't a sexy enough something I call value proposition right so the perceived value of the item doesn't justify your price point in comparison to your competition value proposition and positioning yourself in the market is huge and and a lot of times it can make or break a listing if you're not positioned properly okay again we're going to go go deeper into all this in
a second but first we're just going to go over the three things so the second one is there's an actual marketing problem so maybe your value proposition is competitive but you're not actually marketing the product as competitive as your competitor so you're not earning The Click so it's a image SLV videography problem so first thing really the main thing that you have the opportunity the first moment of truth that you get with a listing to be able to earn the click in comparison to competition is your main image right so if your main image isn't
earning a good portion of the clicks when it shows up on the page right it could be a marketing problem again we'll go into more case study examples later on now the third and the final thing which is the worst case scenario is it's an actual product problem so no one likes the product no one wants what you have to sell right so that could be another potential reason there's an actual issue here with the product and that just means that we need to not focus on more Renditions of that thing but we need to
focus on on more Renditions of products that people actually want to buy but by dissecting one and two right we'll be able to you know go through this exercise hopefully it won't be an actual product problem all right now we're going to do a little backtracking to figure out where the main issue May lie with our product so the first thing that we need to ask ourself is did we do competitor analysis before we launched the product and again guys My All In Etsy master class that free the first four modules that I'm giving away
for free basically goes really really indepth on this and making sure that we validate and Elevate before we go to market right the worst thing that we can do is spend thousands of hours hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars in a product line that no one wants to buy right and so when we go to market for the first time we want to on some level to have analyzed the market and you can find case study examples of people that don't and they just kind of wing it on a whim but that usually even if
it works out you know for the first few months doing that and you do see immediate success it serves you to a certain point but eventually you want to make sure that you have an understanding of the market so that you're setting yourself for the best case scenario for the time spent right so we want to go into the actual Market see what the potential is and then prioritize our time for best case scenarios based off what the bar tells us so let me just explain here okay so this is a product launch template this
is a template in that free starter course or whatever but you can use it for the same thing because it's a little bit different this template was made for when you're planning your product launches but in your case you actually launched a product and you're not seeing it perform right but we can use this in the same way and so like I said the very first thing that we need to do is we need to ask ourselves did we actually do any sort of competitor analysis so first who is our competition our competition is somebody
that's attracting the same customer Avatar as us right right so again if you're selling jewelry and you tell me that your competitor is shop ABC but they're selling solid gold jewelry and you're selling fast fashion gold jewelry right that's not actually your competition someone that wants to buy solid gold jewelry and someone that wants to buy fast fashioned jewelry is two completely different customer avatars right it's a different psychological purchasing decision right so what you need to go do is you need to go validate that the listing that you created actually there is actually some
sort of proof of concept in the marketplace on Etsy or maybe it's not even on Etsy which is even a bigger opportunity maybe you you know saw got inspired by a product idea on someone's Tik Tok shop right and now you're bringing this product that actually doesn't exist on Etsy to the Etsy platform right which is honestly a really good way to find product opportunities right and actually some of the best most viral products on Etsy are because they didn't exist on Etsy but there was a proof of concept that existed somewhere else right and
so what we want to do is we want to write out one what that product is so that listing link whether it's on Etsy or not right and we want to see some sort of data or some sort of social proof that says that this product is actually something that people want to buy so on Etsy the only form of social proof that you have is the number of reviews that the product has right you can even argue the age right so you would want to find listings that possibly were launched with within the last
6 months that have a good amount of reviews or an add to carts badge so let me just show you what that looks like so when you add a product to cart you can actually see 20 people's cards 61 cards right so if you are analyzing the market of a product that is attracting the same customer Avatar as you and they have clear signs of momentum with either a bunch of reviews like their first review came in in the last 6 months which means you know you can argue their listing is about a 7 months
old if it took them a month to get their first review right plus they have you know badges like this where it says 61 cards 20 plus people's cards right that is a validated product idea that people actually want what you have to sell so even if you're not selling the same exact item or the same exact bundle like this but it's still attracting the same customer Avatar right even if the components of your listing is different at least you have validated that this listing should be successful and then it just means that we have
to do certain things to get it up to up to the standard so basically like I said you can use this template in the same way right so basically this is just a table and you can drag and drop your product opportunity list and prioritize products that you want to focus on first second third which is what it's primarily used for but in your case if you haven't already done this what you're going to want to use this for is for validating some of your top competitors and looking at what they have going on right
so you can drop the listing link here whether it's Etsy or not right so if it's you know say it's not on Etsy say it's a a viral Tik Tok item right but on you click on that Tik Tok shop right and you see the amount of reviews it has right or it's in a video on Tik Tok and it has you know the center of the video is that actual product and the video got a million views right obviously there's something there there's a proof of concept that that people want to buy that product
right especially if it's all in the comment section so wherever you're finding the source of that product it's just you want to validate it with some sort of kpi some sort of data right then the next part of this is we need to ask ourself what is their unique value proposition not yet what your unique value proposition but what is their unique value proposition so what are they doing that's getting 61 out to cards right are they offering personalization are they bundling the item are they going the price route and undercutting the market on price
do they have more variations than you do they have a daily sales strategy what does their Creative Marketing look like does it compete or does it beat yours right we're going to talk more about that in a second or are they doing something else that's just like wow this is really contributing to that listing and all of these things seem like small things individually but when you compound them and do them all together it's what build a mo layer of protection around your listing and in reality it's really the sellers that go the extra 10
to 15% compared to the sellers that don't that get majority of the sales but that amount of extra effort in most cases is not like this crazy amount of extra effort right they're just doing the 10% that the 90% don't want to do right so that's the first thing so first before we just decide that our listing that Etsy algorithm hates us all those things we actually need to go backtrack a little bit we need to go back and ask ourselves did we validate this product idea in the first place right if we didn't we
want to come in here and we want to go find at least five people that are directly competing with that listing and we want to analyze what their unique value prop position position is and then in your case we can start listing what we're doing and now it's very black and white right what are they doing versus what are we doing right and if we're not meeting them or beating them on value proposition then there's got to be some sort of problem and it's not always price and it doesn't mean you have to beat people
in every single thing but you need to be at least you know up to par with the value proposition so what are they seeing in the main image versus what are they getting so in this case scenario you know when we look at this one right here right so their unique value proposition was you know look at how many things you see in the main image and you know compared to their displayed price is obviously working really really well so can I add that much value into my main image showing all those all those items
right something like this right again guys we go through a lot more case study examples inside the starter course as well now if we do this right and now it becomes very black and white you know if we see that we're falling short but there is actually opportunity for us to enhance our listing right then we can start compiling a to-do list of things that we need to do maybe it means that we need to figure out how to offer personalization and maybe that takes you a month to build that system that's okay right you're
building a more competitive business maybe they're doing more bundling than you right maybe we need to go out and Source some more items or better quality right quality is another one that we should add to this one right so you know if it's not price if you can't compete on price then it's even more important for you to do something on in these other Realms right say you cannot come in on price you can't you just can't do it right then we need to add a different sort of value proposition meaning we need to bundle
more or we need to offer personalization in a space where they don't right we need to do something that justifies our price right you can't have a weaker value proposition with a more expensive price unless there's a justification for that person to spend more money with you if that makes sense right so it's kind of like if you were selling again I go I always go back to jewelry example right if two people are selling necklaces but one person's selling a necklace at $30 and you're selling it at 50 well what's the justification for the
150 well the justification is that it's solid gold or better quality right then there you go now once we did some competitor analysis and let's just say off the top of our head we know that value proposition isn't a problem right so that leaves two other things left to analyze so the next thing that we can analyze is the Creative Marketing side right so what is our main image and the easiest cheapest best way to do this is take your main image and put your in your price put it in a Google sheet take some
screenshots and compare it to your top five competitors or the the five competitors that you validated that their products are selling really well take that those screenshots put it in a Google doc and send it out to 20 to 30 of your friends or people and ask them which one would you click on to purchase right just ask them don't tell them which one is yours and let them go ahead and tell you honestly which one would they click on and if you're not earning the majority of those clicks then we know that there is
an actual Creative Marketing problem right and this doesn't mean you have to do this every single time you're launching a product because surely after you do this three or four or five times you will understand what makes a competitive image in terms of lighting in terms of staging the product or if it's a mockup if you're doing print on Demand right so your main image is so vital right there shouldn't be an ounce of confusion of what the person is getting the product if you're selling a phone case the product itself should take up 80%
of the airspace there should be nothing obstructing from seeing the full of what they're getting right so a lot of times I see especially with the print on demand you know people will use mockups where it's like half being cut off with someone's arm or I don't know something in the or the someone's holding something and the shirt's underneath but you don't know what they're actually getting you have 2 seconds top to make an impression on someone in a search page right and if you are not fully understanding what you're getting and what the value
proposition is without having to read anything in that 2C time window then you already lost the click right so your main image is absolutely vital and how you zoom into that image and make it the center focal point of the image and sometimes it's as easy as just changing the main image right so it's turning an image into this from this or something like this into something like this right now finally if you go through that the exercise of one and two and you try a new rendition of your product you try to enhance it
you split test the image a few times which by the way the nature of etsy is you can split test everything so you can always duplicate and run the listing again and give it a fresh new shot at the algorithm which is by the way is what I would recommend I don't recommend you editing the existing listing duplicate the listing and run it again because that gives it a fresh new score in the eyes of the algorithm right so when you do this right and say you increase your value proposition you know it's a valid
product that we know is working in other people's shops and so we went ahead and we increased our value proposition split test the main image multiple times so you can test it out more than once with more than one main image because that is the beauty Betsy you can duplicate and run it again itself to see which one performs better and if that is not working working then we can conclude that maybe it's actually just the product itself no one wants that specific version of the product that you have now if we validated the product
idea and we know that some people want it right then we need to actually rethink what the actual product is and go back to the drawing board to really understand what is going on with the actual product and sometimes you have to go through this exercise you know a couple of times to really nail it but eventually by doing this over and over again you will just off the very top of your head by going through these trainings right be able to finally spot winning products over time you don't always come into e-commerce or Etsy
and already understand what what makes a winning product so we only get better by doing it over and over again and finally guys for the people that are actually having the reverse problem where you had a product that was performing really well and then it stopped performing well the first thing that we have to understand is that listings do have lifespans right even my listings right some listings that I launched that went vir that we getting me you know 10x return on ads spin right you know you'll see it die over time and they know
it's only getting me 5x return or 2x return you know like it's a natural thing for listings to die but what can you do in this case scenario really the only thing that I would say that you know you can do is the only thing that I've seen that has an actual product back from the dead or from dying is split testing it again so duplicating it with a new fresh set of Photography or mockup and running it again and maybe even changing up some new fresh keywords if there is any new keywords right and
if I go and relaunch an older listing that used to perform that's not performing as well and I do that two three more times and it still doesn't you know gain momentum hit the algorithm good again then usually it's a product problem and it's just the product itself is kind of you know that fad was over that Trend was over that product you know whatever people liked about that product there may be something new going on right and so then I don't really worry about trying to revive it right and I that energy and spent
is better on new products and new uh product launches right so if after again after I've tested something two three more times and it still doesn't retake off them it's not worth the energy of stressing over it to put that energy on new Renditions of product and again this is a normal occurrence it doesn't mean you're failing it's just the natural cycle of product Trends basically overall guys thank you so much for staying till the end of this training make sure you're commenting your questions and concerns down below also make sure you sign up for
my all-in Etsy master class and you will unlock the first modules completely for free so yeah I'll see you all in the next video thanks guys [Music] [Music]
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