many people have been studying the Law of Attraction and how your thoughts create your reality but only a handful are creating extraordinary wealth and creating the life of their dreams why is that it's because they know something about law of attraction that you don't and over the last 10 years I've gone from struggling financially and addicted to drugs and alcohol to building a $30 million transformational coaching company and helping hundreds of thousands of people and in this video I'm going to show you number one how thoughts actually become things number two why your reality isn't
changing even though you think you understand how Law of Attraction works and number three the one thing that once I understood it allowed me to manifest whatever I wanted no matter what it was 100% of the time now I wish someone had shared these things with me way sooner because every year of me not knowing this cost me more money and time than I'd like to admit now first things first your thoughts are creating every aspect of your reality you may have heard the story of Bill Buckner Bill Buckner played in the World Series for
the Boston Red Sox and on October 26th 1986 Muki Wilson hits a routine ground ball in game six of the World Series that goes through Buckner's legs forcing a game seven that the Mets would win 19 days before the game he's interviewed by WBZ TV's Don Shane about the pressures of playing in the World Series and he says this [Music] the dreams are that you're going to have a great Series and win and uh the nightmares are that you're going to let the winning run uh score on a ground ball through your legs so he
then goes on to say those things happen you know I think a lot of it is just fate now it isn't fate it's an understanding of how your thoughts and your beliefs become your reality and this works in two different ways now the first way this works is what we call the internal way that thoughts become things and the internal way is explained by behavioral psychology and what behavioral psychology says is whatever it is that you belief the beliefs that were formed at a very early age let's say it's that money was hard to make
or you're not good enough or you can't trust people as an adult you will have thoughts in perfect alignment with those beliefs your beliefs create your thoughts your thoughts create emotions or feelings so as you're thinking these thoughts of not being good enough or worrying about whether or not you're going to have enough money at the end of the month or about to make a sales call but concern that you're not going to do it right or you might bother someone you actually start to experience a future that has not happened yet you start to
feel the emotions as if it's occurring right there right now even though it isn't because that's what your thoughts do your thoughts create an electroconductivity in your brain that is then transmitted through the nervous system and you experience that thought as a feeling or emotion your beliefs create your thoughts your thoughts create your feelings your feelings determine what action you do or do not take when you're feeling fantastic and when you're curious and when you're excited you're more likely to do the things that you know you should be doing in order to create more wealth
improve your health or create better relationships but when you're feeling stress anxiety or overwhelm as a result of thoughts created by limiting beliefs you're more likely to either Hustle or grind and be very unproductive in your activity because it's coming from a desperate place or worse yet procrastinate self-sabotage or move into indecision your actions produce your results and so ultimately depending upon the action you are are not taking you get results and those results are always 100% in alignment with the beliefs or the thoughts that started with them so for example if you're feeling like
you're not good enough and you're feeling not good enough and therefore you're not taking the proper action or you're showing up from a place of personal insecurity you're more likely to not produce the results that you're trying to produce and then when you observe yourself not producing those results you go see I didn't know how to do it right or there's something wrong with me this is what's called a psycho cybernetic Loop there's nothing actually wrong with you it's just that your thoughts are creating your reality what you believe is producing thoughts those thoughts create
emotions those emotions determine action those actions produce results and those results 100% of the time time reinforce the belief that actually created them and we make the big mistake of thinking that the results in our life are determining how we feel or what we think when in reality how we think and what we feel is the root cause of the results that we are or are not producing in our life now this is the internal mechanism again based in behavioral psychology there's nothing woo woo about this what you believe you will then become the instrument
of producing in your life now what's also happening in this get into the idea of Law of Attraction and vibration and resonance is that as you're thinking these thoughts which are determined by your core beliefs that you established when you were younger you're actually activating electricity in your brain your brain consists of a lot of different things but the piece that's of interest for us is neurons in synapses you have these electrically excitable cells in your brain and you have these connections between them and whenever you have a thought you're activating these neurosynaptic connections in
your brain and there's actually an electrical or vibrational phenomenon that occurs that as I mentioned before is then sent through the nervous system so that you experience the thought as an emotion which is also an electrical phenomenon and so you're having over 60,000 thoughts a day all of your thoughts are manufacturing emotions and you're essentially an electrical vibrational mechanical being walking around putting off a Vibe every single moment of your day and the quality of the vibration or the uh the resonance that you're putting off is determined by the quality of your thought or emotion
and so we live in a vibrational reality now this is a metaphysical perspective and what that means is that while everything seems very separate and everything seems very physical science actually tells us that when we look deeply at the physical world it's not that physical at all I remember my third grade science teacher explaining to me that the world is composed of molecules and molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made of a nucleus that consists of neutrons and protons and a series of electrons that rotate around the nucleus of the atom and you
have an atom and that metaphorically speaking the size of the atom would be like putting the nucleus of the atom the size of a basketball in the middle of a football field and the electron would be the size of a tennis ball rotating in the parking lot and so what that tells us is that the physical building blocks of the material world are 99.9999 99% space and what we're learning through the quantum mechanical model and being able to look even more closely at the physical stuff is that the physical stuff the particles the protons the
electrons the photons are only physical sometimes sometimes they're physical sometimes they're energetic waves and so really what we live in is this energetic soup very much like when Neo sees the Matrix in a bunch of zeros and ones it's this shimmering fluctuating ocean of energy and we've been given these extraordinary energetic interpretation devices which are known as our five senses now it's very interesting as well that they're called senses they're not called actualities they're called senses we sense something physical we sense something through our sense of sight through our sense of smell our sense of
taste our sense of touch and our sense of hearing but really what's happening is we've got these vibrational interpretation devices built into our human being bodysuit that are interpreting energy or waveform into a physical experience now why is this important to understand it's important to understand because a the misunderstanding that we're living in a physical reality May disallow you from realizing that you're connected to all things Einstein said this he said reality is an illusion I'll be it a persistent one and so when you're walking around with that voice in your head criticizing yourself judging
other people comparing yourself to others or an indecision those mental Concepts and those emotional experiences are becoming translated into a vibrational output and now all of life is receiving this vibrational output and life is organizing in incredibly intelligent sophisticated ways to manufacture experiences that you will meet in your future that are designed to invoke the same beliefs and the same emotions and the same thoughts that actually created them so again there's this idea of a psycho cyber gentic Loop you're worried that you're not going to have enough money at the end of the month and
then all of a sudden you get a bill from the doctor because the insurance didn't cover the expenses and now that's becoming a reality for you you're sending off a signal or a vibration that's being received by all of life itself and life is organizing to create coincidences in synchronicities to manufacture experiences that'll invoke the same thoughts and emotions from you that you had when you started the experience in the first place hey it's David just a quick Interruption to your regularly scheduled Episode by your favorite sponsor I want to tell you about my book
it is available on Amazon right here right now a changed mind go beyond self-awareness rewire your brain and re-engineer your reality in this little book are all the Frameworks the tools the methodologies that I talk about on this show and that I've used to actually change my mind and that tens of thousands of other people have used to transform their bank accounts their businesses their relationships their health their spiritual connection everything that you want to achieve this is the way to achieve it and Amazon has done us a good one right now it's significantly discounted
so you can go and pick up your copy or better yet pick up a copy for a friend too there's nothing better than giving the gift of transformation right now hop on over to Amazon there's a link in the show notes and if you love the book as much as I loved writing it for you do me a favor let me know that and leave a review and now back to your regularly scheduled episode so again this is the external mechanism of how thoughts become things Napoleon Hill talked about this in his book Think and
Grow Rich where he studied the most successful people in the history of the world at that time and discovered a pattern 13 things that came down to really one unifying concept which is the wealthiest most successful people in the world thought differently and what he discovered was their thoughts were creating their reality and that most of humanity was caught up with thoughts of suffering thoughts of personal insecurity thoughts of financial insecurity and so that's what they were creating whereas a handful of people had learned how to master their mindset create new thoughts and new empowered
beliefs and we're creating extraordinary results so this is how thoughts become things so why isn't your reality changing even though you think you understand how Law of Attraction works now this reminds me of about a decade ago when I first started getting into these Concepts and I recorded myself doing a bunch of affirmations and incantations money is easy to make money flows to me I am rich and abundant every day every way I'm getting better and I'm getting wealthier and not only did I record it but I would listen to it in my car and
I would basically scream in unison with these incantations and affirmations that I had created and yet nothing was changing the reason why nothing changes even though you may understand law of attraction is because your unconscious mind still has limiting beliefs or resistance in it see it's not that law of attraction doesn't work or it only works in some area of our life but not others the challenge is that most people simply don't understand how they think so it's important if you want to start creating change in your external reality if you want to become wealthier
if you want to become healthier if you want to develop more clarity around your your purpose or your spiritual vision if you want to be able to attract uh your soulmate or transform the relationship that you're currently in into the relationship of your dreams what's important to understand is that we have to become aware of the limiting beliefs or the resistance that we're thinking at an unconscious level if we want create transformation in our lives now this begs the next question how do I become aware of some resistance that I'm not aware of we teach
a very very helpful distinction and it's called the two states of being and the two states of being basically says there are two states of being powerful states of being and Primal states of being powerful states of being are when you are feeling or you are in a state of emotion that feels good States like Joy curiosity excitement compassion passion calm and peace states of being that feel good Primal states are states of being that don't feel good these are states of being like boredom anxiety anger jealousy overwhelmedness depression states of being that don't feel
good now what's important to understand is number one there's only two states of being and you're always in one state of being or the other in fact you could check in with yourself right now if you're following Along on YouTube you can drop it in the comment box what state of being are you in right now a powerful state or a Primal state so you're always in one state of being or the other and the other important thing to understand is you are never in two states of being at the same time you are never
in two states of being at the same time now what determines what state of being you're in are the thoughts that you're having about an experience the experience itself is not determining whether you're in a powerful state or a primal State what determines the state of being that you're in and whether you feel good or whether you don't feel good is the meaning that you're giving an experience and so if what we're looking for are our limiting beliefs then there's an opportunity to actually start paying attention to the experiences that you're having that don't feel
good that you're having a negative reaction to that you're moving into the sympathetic expression of your nervous system fight flight or freeze if you want to become more aware of the limiting beliefs or the resistance that are actually creating your reality that you're not aware of pay attention to the experiences of your life that you don't like and you're reaction to them so let's say for example you're in a relationship and it's not going the way that you want it to and you notice when you get triggered and you move into a primal state pay
attention to the thoughts that you're having those are the limiting beliefs or the resistance that must be transformed if you want to change the dynamic of your relationship if you're having challenges with financial abundance and you feel like you're living in financial insecurity pay attention to the thoughts that you're having when you think about the fact that you don't have as much money as you would like they might be thoughts like I may not have enough I don't have enough I may run out of money those are the beliefs that you want to pay attention
to now I understand that you could look at those beliefs and say but Dave that's my reality but what I want you to understand is that's your reality because of the beliefs you have if you transform your beliefs your reality must transform as well so a great way to become aware of the limiting beliefs that are still informing and creating the results that you don't want in your life is to pay attention to the things that are bothering you and notice your thinking or your beliefs about them that is the opportunity for you to create
massive transformation and change in your life now even though you may have a positive attitude do incantations and affirmations you have to change your limiting beliefs if you want to create more wealth health and joy in your life now there's one simple formula I learned that changed everything for me that has allowed me to create whatever I want no matter matter what it is no matter how long I've been going without I want to tell you a quick story first and that was back in 1543 scientists believe that the Earth was the center of the
solar system and they were basing all of their mathematics and physics off of this idea that the Earth was the center of the solar system and in 1543 a guy by the name of cernus came along and said look your math is all wrong and they all acknowledged the math is wrong and he said the reason why the math is wrong wrong is because the sun is actually the center of the solar system and as soon as they did all of the recalculations all of the sudden all the mathematics made sense well what we've all
been operating according to up until now is bad mathematics see people who came before us or as we watch other people in the way that they're achieving quote unquote success they taught us some bad equations equations like desire plus hustle and grind equals desired result or desire Plus have enough money and have enough resources equals desired result or desire plus be born to the right family or have all of the luck or catch some lucky breaks equals desired result and that's why we so see so few people actually achieving their full potential and why so
many people are not living in financial prosperity and abundance we've been going about creating the results that we want to create according to bad mathematics desire plus find the perfect magic pill strategy or get smarter equals desired result the good mathematics is this and this equation absolutely changed the game for me and allowed me to integrate this idea of mastering law of attraction at a much deeper level the equation is desire plus non-resistance equals desired result if you can have a desire or a dream and I know you do your work is not to figure
out how to actually create the result that you want your work is not to figure out how to overcome your autoimmune disease or chronic health condition your work is not to figure out how to get men or women more attracted to you by having the perfect profile on a dating app your work is not to figure out the perfect lead generation strategy to acquire more uh High qualified prospects to grow your business your work is to have a desire and then to identify the resistance you have to that desire see if you didn't have any
resistance to what you want you'd either be highly confident that you're going to be producing the result in the very near future or you would have already produced the result already there's a gap between what you want and the materialization of what you want in your life and that Gap is some form of resistance therefore desire plus non-resistance equals desired result what's the resistance well it's some form of thinking because your thoughts are creating your reality it's some unresolved Li limiting belief from your child Hood see when a sculptor wants to sculpt a masterpiece the
sculptor doesn't take a bunch of clay and start smashing it together like a Mr Potato Head finding the perfect nose finding the perfect eyes finding the perfect mouth and pushing a bunch of clay together to create the Masterpiece sculpture the sculptor takes a raw block of clay and removes what doesn't belong and after he or she removes what doesn't belong what remains is the masterpiece you have a masterpiece inside of you right now and the only thing that's covering up that Masterpiece is unnecessary Clay is resistance how do you become more aware of the resistance
notice your negative reactions that move you into a primal state to the conditions of your life and then use the tools that you have access to so many that I've taught on other episodes on this channel once you've identified the resistance to let it go and transform it because the name of the game is desire Plus non-resistant that's how you produce the desired result and the Beautiful Thing is you've already got the desire piece down you've already been asking for money haven't you you've already been asking for a change in your life haven't you you've
already been asking for better health or better relationships or more clarity or more spiritual connection you do the desire piece automatically a lot of people make the mistake of thinking they have to do all these vision boards or visualize every single morning no you've already placed your order with the Divine mechanism you've already told the system what you want and you have emitted that vibration and that communication has been received you don't have to ask anymore your work now is the non-resistance in fact sometimes incessant asking is an indication that there's some resistance going on
that maybe you don't believe that this is how the system works and that all you need to do is follow the thoughts The Inspirations and the opportunities that show up on your pathway and if you do that without resistance you will 100% of the time consistently and predictably produce the desired result no matter how big no matter how long the absence of the desired result has been going on in your life no matter what your personal history is or your traumas are you will leave those all behind and produce the vision you have for your
business your relationships your health or your life if you can just get into the practice of non-resistance got some other great videos on this channel around how to actually do that and I want to thank you for allowing me to share this with you if you love this video do me a favor if you're listening on the podcast plat forms leave me a rating and review if you're here on YouTube subscribe and make sure you smash that Bell icon cuz we're on this journey together and you called forth this video I know you've been asking
and so at some level you've actually been practicing this non-resistance because this answer has shown up if you love this video share it with somebody else I love you so much I know that there's a masterpiece that is in the process of emerging from inside of you and we're going to do this together I'll see you in the next episode hey it's David hop on over to David click right here there's also a link in the show notes and sign up for our newsletter you'll get immediate access to my free mind hack ebook as
well a couple of trainings to help you master the inner game this is a great way to stay informed and be a part of our community and be notified of special announcements click below head on over to the website get subscribed if you loved this video make sure you check out this one or this one and I will see you in the next video [Music]