"Bill Maher DESTROYED Him" - Neil deGrasse Tyson TORCHED During Elon Musk To Mars Debate

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Patrick Bet-David and the crew react to Bill Maher's debate with Neil deGrasse Tyson on scientific i...
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the clip I want to start off with is the Bill Maher with Neil degrass Tyson the reason for it is because we had Neil degrass Tyson on and I've been on bill before and we had a great time he spoke 90 90% of the time I sat there had a glass of water and so it's it's fun watching some of the infighting because in here the amount of things that Neil degrass Tyson the scientist is saying that bill Mark can no longer take it V I think it's a couple Clips right it's not just one
or two clips there's this one there's another and then I have an old one that he was talking something about the play this clip first let's react to it go for it scientific America the magazine I remember when it was around when I grew up with it yeah grew up with it yeah okay well their editor had to quit you saw this yeah I I I heard about it cuz she expressed some opinions right yeah okay right sure but it sure didn't sound scientific it didn't sound like the person I would want to be running
Scientific American it was a rant on Twitter okay I could read it to you it's it's really ugly you know uh I apologize to younger voters that my Gen X is so full of [ __ ] fascists okay I would I I'm not a gasket right there I'm not right I'm not for canceling anybody on either side so I but here's the here's what I think is the Scandal this is in Scientific American yeah less than a year ago inequity between male and female athletes is a result not of inherent biological differences between the Sexes
but of biases and how they are treated in sports that's nuts and it sure ain't scientific and it's in Scientific American and that's why the Democrats lost the election it's true bill every 20 minutes on your platform you come up with another reason why the Democrats lost you already you already have the answer they lost the election so anything you say why they did it first of all you don't watch this show so you don't know that you don't and it's okay but you talk as if you do and you [ __ ] don't and
that's okay just don't [ __ ] me that's the one thing people can't ever do on this show is [ __ ] me and that's fine but I don't say that I have very good reasons but add engage with the idea here what I'm asking is Scientific American is saying basically that the reason why an NBA WNBA team can't beat the Lakers is because of societal biases what you're saying is not Scientific American says that an editor for ific Amer says that who no longer has the job so don't indict 170 year old magazine because
somebody okay this is called scientific America and they're printing something because someone enters the cess pool that is social media and then participates in that exchange so why can't you let talk about science why can't you just say this is not scientific and scientific Americans should do better well does she still have her job no not because of this I said the Scandal is not her tweet the scand that was like a year ago was it which one was a year ago I think a year ago women still couldn't beat men yeah in basketball or
any other Sport and it wasn't because of society you don't see a problem long distance swimming women might actually have the advantage you can look into that maybe long distance swimming yes okay yeah just I've looked into it yeah he look by away well I'm going to file you under part of the problem you can pause it right there so what do you think when you see this Vinnie I I mean to me Neil degrass Tyson is probably the dumbest smart person I've ever seen like on the planet Earth it's like I there's like and
you see and I love this when it's Democrats pack going at it and now you see where the Democrat liberal line is and then where where they start saying farle this guy can talk his way into anything like and this is a clip PD you showed this a while ago this is him about transg like thing about this his with all the Sciences out the window if you wake up in the morning and you think you're a girl and you're a biological man then that's what you are and that's what people should accept you at
I think it's it's it's conflating two separate things and it's just this is when smart people are trying to go way too intricate and break things down can we play this clip really quick this is Neil degrass Tyson when it comes to the trends and what you think and what you believe that you are my point is apparently the xxxy chromosomes are in sufficient because when we wake up in the morning we exaggerate whatever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice what is he even talking about either the one you're assigned the
one you choose to be whatever it is and so now here so so now just to tie a bow on this put a bow on it I say to you somewhere I read somewhere I think I read that the United States was a land where we have the pursuit of happiness but so science goes out no matter my chromosomes today I feel 80% female 20% male I'm gonna I'm gonna put on makeup I'm gonna do that tomorrow I might feel 80% male I'll remove the makeup and I'll wear a muscle shirt that is that is
disturbing to listen to and so here's my thing so and I remember how we always talk about the money and F the money ad we always go back what is his agenda what is his goal and saying stuff like women can actually compete and think about it he actually did the research to find one thing Tom where statistically and one thing out of all the sports women might not they do might have an edge on men in longdistance swimming so there has to be something up the AG for somebody that smart to say something dumb
like that there has to be something behind it there's no way he really thinks like that there's no way and I I think the example he was looking for in long-distance swimming was a I think she was a Floridian Rob uh d help me out here Diana niad Diana Diane niyad but she tried several times to swim to Cuba or something in these incredible long distance so he's using this one woman apparently that tried and yeah Diana niad and she was in she was incredible athlete she's out there trying to swim to Cuba and trying
to swim to the Bahamas set all these records back and forth so he's using her when the men that tried got bored and wanted to stop for a beer so that's what really happened with the long problem so it's like you know what I've been doing this for about 5 hours you think we could stop and just maybe watch a ball game or something but the issue with Neil Drass Tyson this is what happen when a person who is genuinely intellectually gifted you suddenly dive in to the opinion and the pool of wokeness yes and
suddenly you get boiled like a frog and you sound nonsensical because he is trying to support the opinion of woke the opinion of that side Bill destroyed Bill destroyed him on Scientific American but this is this is what's going on this is why he sounds dumb is cuz he's an incredibly smart guy making no sense trying even El and him had an issue so here's Eric posting Eric Rob can you zoom in a little bit for me to see the last I want to give credit uh AB abenante he posts his tweet on November 22nd
it's an exchange between Mah and Neil degrass Tyson Elon at the top response and says the following he says why they really don't get it Mars is critical to the long-term Survival Of Consciousness also I'm not going to ask any Venture capitals for money I realize that it makes no sense as an investment that's why I'm gathering resources PL to clip R this is another one watch this folks I'm just saying how soon could Elon Musk realistically send humans to Mars oh another good question I have strong views on that uh my read of the
history of space exploration is such that we do big expensive things only when it's geop politically expedient such as we feel threatened by an enemy and so for him to just say let's go to Mars because it's the next thing to do what does that venture capitalist meeting look likeon what do you want to do I want to go to Mars how much will it cost a trillion dollars is it safe no people will probably die what's the return on the investment nothing that's a 5 minute meeting and it doesn't happen so so we agree
I'm not for going okay wait wait I got nothing against Mars what I'm saying is here's how we get to Mars China leaks memo doesn't even have to be true they leak the memo that they want to put military bases on Mars then we're on Mars in 10 months but n doesn't have a spacecraft but Elon does here's my spacecraft to Mars and we end up paying him to use his spaceship to get to Mars and that'd be easy for China because Mars is already red right so that' bean easy cell that'd be an easy
cell okay that's that's how so I don't I don't see it happening until governments judge that it's geopolitically in our interest otherwise I don't see it as a as just he's gone from a scientist to a nut apparently he only owns one tie one tie that has the Galaxy on it and now he's anti space exploration that that could be the branding thing that he's doing I don't have a problem with that but what I what I will tell you with this is you know you know the clip when Elon is in tears crying because
of guys that uh were his Heroes were laughing at him and he says how do you feel are some of these Your Heroes it's getting emotional right yeah it's it's it's actually an incred inredible clip to watch and I've showed this clip to my uh uh my sons multiple times so bottom left no no Rob go back you just had it go back it was on his do bottom left that one right there right there go ahead you can turn on the audio go forward are American Heroes who don't like this idea Neil Armstrong Jean
cernon have both testified against commercial space flight in the way that you're developing it and I wonder what you think of that I was very sad to see that those guys are yeah you know those guys are heroes of mine so it's really tough you know I wish they would come and visit and see the hardware that we're doing here and then I think that would change their mind look at that they inspired you to do this didn't they [Music] yes and to see them casting stones in your [Music] direction it's difficult by the way
let me let me tell you let me tell you something about this this thing here um the the only way a person is able to go through the pains that they have to build what they build you have to believe in it and you have to have a high score of childlike childlikeness not childish childlike read a book it could have been uh 48 Laws or or it could have been uh Art of Seduction or one of those books that says some of the greatest leaders of all time had childlike Tendencies like their level of
curiosity I really want to find out what's going on like a what Yeah Christmas what's going to be here tomorrow oh my God I can't wait like how am I going to go to sleep like you know when we were kids like and when you become an adult it's like that's just Christmas it's Santa Claus it's like the other day went to watch this movie of The Rock what is it called red notice rap I don't know what it's called red something your your parent I thought maybe you've seen it red something like with the
rock it's called something I don't know a red one African loved it it's the story of he is The Bodyguard of Santa Claus okay it's it's actually very good movie and we're going in I'm telling TI and Dylan and S I said you guys know this is based on a true story and they're like what are you talking about I said Dad stop I'm telling you I said so they're like well you know Santa's not real I said dude if you don't think Santa's real what makes you think you're going to get a gift on
Christmas hilarious you say something like that you insult Santa he may not come through for you and they're looking I mean they know but there's a second of it we like maybe this [ __ ] you may right so what's the point the moral of the story is this here's a moral the story the moral of the story is you have a guy how many more times do does he have to prove to you that he specializes in doing the impossible mhm what else does this guy have to do for you to realize he's not
doing it for money what does he have to do tell me SpaceX Tesla X boring company norol link wanting to cure people who can't see and back pain and all this stuff what else does this guy have to do and he's the number one video there's this video game that he's the number one player of Diablo how the hell do you and he's got 12 kids he's had 12 kids he's got 11 kids right how do you pull all this stuff up and then you sitting there who hasn't built anything ever you just read books
all day and you went to school and you got good grades you're criticizing a doer there is nothing more embarrassing than a person who is from Academia sitting there with their suit and tie on criticizing a guy that's on the ground on the floor getting down and dirty building a business to do something that other people simply don't want to do because they got so much money and they just want to go to parties and this guy wants to build something anyone to say something like that it's just a bad look it's an embarrassing look
when he say something like that and by the way kudos to bill for as much as he's part of that camp and he's part of that Community to sit there and say dude I can't effing take anymore with this [ __ ] freaking what else are you gonna say next that Kam is a winner what else you going to tell me I'm not going to have to sit here listen to the stuff you have to say anyways that's my thoughts Adam I'll give you the final thoughts before we go to the I me you really
took the words out of my mouth I'll tell you why because this the most glaring thing to me between Elon Musk and Neil degrass Tyson is one is a capitalist and one is apparently seems to be a socialist do you know the names of the companies that Neil degrass Tyson has built do you know the names of them zero he's never built a company he has zero companies he's built on his resume this is a living breathing example in metaphor of a capitalist Builder doer versus what appears to be a socialist Professor who basically is
aligned with the progressive left and what I loved about Co is some people got better and some people got way worse but no matter what everything and everyone got exposed all the bad ideas got exposed all the bad policies got exposed by the way do you know where Neil degrass Tyson got his Bachelor and his Masters take a wild guest California nope you're close where Harvard and Columbia Oh weird the elite elite elite Marxist institutions of our time now now there's people that went to each of those universities that have done great things I'm not
saying that everything um is uniformity like that but we've seen we've seen what happened with everything that happened that's but we've seen what happened everything since basically Co and October 7th so there's a difference Vinnie you said it you s said it uh there's a difference between being smart and well- read and wise in being a builder Elon Musk has built how many companies that you just listed off bing bing bing bing bing Neil theg grass Tyson maybe you said Co you said Co and everything maybe cuz you hey if I had to guess he's
gotten the vaccine and nine boosters that's probably affecting his his his brain cuz something's off's off with that guy he's arguing with Bill Mar of what's a man and what's a woman Bill's like no no no no you lose all your credibility classic liberal and you're not going to win this argument with me hos and by the way I'm going to give myself a little bit of credit right now during the election night which was amazing thanks shout out to the we just did that event you said what are the reasons biggest things top five
things and I said listen I think this thing with Dylan mulany and the B Bud Light thing cuz that was sort of the tip of the Spear of this what is a man what is a woman yeah that upsets you that really piss you off and I think we should get cuz you're an ally of the community 100% uh the U straight dudes who like hot chicks Community love that Community but the the the Dylan M thing was sort of a the Tipping Point a metaphor for hold on you can't even identify this dude the
president of the United States Joe Biden or what's left of Joe Biden sat down with Dylan mulany to have a conversation with women are you in kidding me yeah $27 billion loss bu light I remember the day like it was um uh Easter and on the same day I was at model volleyball doing what we do it was the same day that was transgender day of visibility they reminded us and the White House sent out a happy Easter and 5 minutes later and also happy translator David I'm like come on guys yeah how many how
many different holidays did you say they had people 147 uh 14 shout out to the gay uncles out there that's as of a year ago guys that's climate disrespect probably a day right now prob today probably gave any day by the way let me just show you something here that I think Rob if you can pull disappoint you know what I love here's what I love okay we asked a question about baptism in in on on how many people watch and change their minds like [ __ ] you know maybe maybe I'm maybe I was
wrong maybe this is this maybe I mean growth in life is to go through those moments that we're all going through right every single year this is one of my favorite clips that they had these guys had me react to this clip and Adam Seena but I just want to show to everybody to know this is Adams four years ago folks enjoy this clip go ahead R this guy was smart but not wise at the time does bring that out of at all for the for the fifth time this is where the audience gets upset
sometimes cuz you don't answer questions no matter what you say Vin me to vote for [ __ ] Trump so whatever whatever way you want to I'm not going to say you got me that's when you lose people brother that's when you lose people because I'm not willing to say all right no let me explain to you why you lose people there if you're saying an AOC or or ilhan Omar I'm not interested in them either imp oh the of the echo can I can I can I hear the end of what you said here
no it doesn't have it that's the point it doesn't have it but we had by the way we had many many more of those moments but it's good to see that this comes down to power versus Force which you always talk about yeah and what's in the middle just the being a to be reasonable it's above middle middle is just just so just so you know the the number one the the number one level which is very weird that Neil is not going to right the number one level is the courage mhm it's Courage The
Power Of Consciousness first level of Consciousness where you're going into a good area is the Courage the courage of what to get in the ring you could be wrong the courage of talking to somebody you could be wrong the courage of a debate the courage of a conversation the courage of that right there if you look at yellow the third uh aisle you see courage then neutrality I can talk to everybody then I'm willing to talk to everybody then I'm accepting that I was wrong the acceptance that's where these guys can't do it the left
is not even at courage right they're dropping courage to Pride and anger the last hat we had the one out of five 00 it's gone it's sold like you wouldn't believe and the one that's one out of 50 I believe there's a couple of them selling on eBay for $4 or $5,000 numbered hats CU it was only 50 of them today we are dropping a blackout hat this will go in no time because it's only 250 of them this is blackout late at night in the dark you put it on you can see the value
tment the future looks bright hat this is limited edition numbered on the site out of 250 so first come first serve place the order it's numbered again out of 250 blackout we're going to put the link up there for you to get vch.com go place your order and by the way for some of you guys that want to wear business gear business attire these polo shirts I wear them two three times a week with the vment logo on it it's incredible it's comfortable it's fitted right if you want to place an order of those as
well we got some of those available that just came back in it's in full stock I highly recommend whatever you're going to order go order it because on Thursday you know what starts on Thursday put it in your calendar massive massive massive black Friday offer starts Thursday morning we'll be doing a podcast on Thanksgiving but these numbered hats will go in no time if you enjoy this video you want to watch more videos like this click here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click here [Music]
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