all right so if you've clicked on this video you've probably thought at some point about making money online maybe you've considered Drop Shipping or creating courses or becoming a part-time YouTuber but when it comes to this building online business stuff there is one incredibly powerful opportunity that most people Overlook and that is writing now we're not talking about writing novels we're not talking about being a journalist we're talking about digital writing and the people that do this well are earning at least six figures a year sometimes even seven figures a year and they're able to
do that from anywhere in the world on their own schedule but when it comes to building a business through writing most people have absolutely no idea where to start like how many followers do you need do you have to be an expert in something and most importantly how do you actually find people who are willing to pay you for your writing well conveniently that is all the stuff that we are discussing in this episode of business class the ongoing series on this channel where we explore strategies to start and grow your online business so that
you can work towards what I call the five FS of fun fulfillment flexibility and of course Financial Freedom if you're new here hello my name is Ali and I've been doing this online business thing for over 10 years I built and sold my first sixf figure business while I was a medical student at Cambridge I grew my next business to six figures while working full-time as a doctor and a few years ago I was able to quit the day job to focus on this business which now generates seven figures a year in profit and lets
me live a life that I absolutely love I could not have gotten there without the help of a lot of friends and mentors in real life and on the internet and so in this series my goal is to share everything that I've learned and that I'm continuing to learn along the way so if that sounds interesting you might consider subscribing to the channel and perhaps even joining my free email list where I share even more behind the- scenes stuff that can hopefully help you in your own Journey anyway in today's video I delighted to welcome
our visiting Professor to business class Nicholas Cole now Professor Cole is one of the world's leading experts in digital writing he has built multiple seven figure businesses through writing online and he's helped thousands of people from all around the world go from completely zero to making a full-time living with their writing so today's lecture is going to be a masterclass in building a $10,000 a month writing business even if you're starting from scratch part one the biggest myth about online writing we want to teach people what is their fastest path to actually making money as
a writer they a lot of people still kind of think that writing is a thing that can't like you can't really make money from it I've just published a book traditional publishing people are like oh do I find an agent do I get a book deal what do people get wrong about making money online as a writer okay most fun question on planet Earth for me so let's we'll start with the mistake so the mistake that writers make I think is thinking that you need to have a ton of attention in order to start monetizing
so everyone thinks step one I need a million followers so already wrong cuz if I told you tomorrow you had to go give a speech in front of a million people you would have an anxiety attack like you don't need a million followers second is they go okay well maybe I don't need a million followers I just need 100,000 or I need 10,000 reduce the number okay still my 1,000 FS right yeah okay so still still wrong and the reason you know there's all these different paths you can take to monetizing your craft any craft
will use writing as the example the the fastest path though is not selling a product it is selling a service because if you think and everyone in the Creator World talks about selling digital products right you sell an ebook you sell a course you sell uh cohort-based experience whatever it is right but that's not actually the fastest path because most of those products if not all of them are priced in a couple hundred bucks or less or if you're selling an ebook it's like $10 or $20 right the lower the price point the more volume
you need so it sounds really easy to go okay well I can make you know 5 or 10 grand selling a $200 course for example but you have to play that out and go okay well how many of those do I need to sell every month in order to sustain 5 10 20K a month sure right you need volume yeah I mean especially with a physical book like or a physical book is my book sold a lot of cop well you going to sold like 200,000 copies but I still I still haven't paid off the
advance and our royalty percentage is I think I'm allowed to share this about like 15% oh you got we got 15 we got a good deal we got a decent deal we got 15% but it's like I make maybe £1 every time I sell a book yeah no it's a horrible so I need to sell a lot of books to make a living as a professional writer if the thing that I was making money from was selling books yeah the reason why there's the whole cliche nobody makes a living as a writer is because of
course it's going to be hard to make a living as a writer when the thing that you're selling is priced at $20 there's no recurring Revenue most people buy a book once they don't buy it again and then your deal in that is you get 10% of the revenue so you're not even getting all $20 right you're getting $2 and so then that leads to the cliche well nobody makes a living as a writer right and that's wrong and so your fastest path if you're sitting there and I I think so often people have this
conversation where they go I want to make money every option is available to me well no every option isn't available to you there's usually one thing you're trying to optimize for in your life and if you're working a full-time job and you're like I want to get out of my full-time job your number one concern is how do I replace my full-time income right so your fastest path to replacing your full-time income is not selling products because products take longer cuz you need to build an audience in order to sell them and you need to
sell them in volume it's much easier to go find one client that is willing to pay you three grand four grand five grand to do something for them so it's actually monetizing through a service so your fastest path as a writer to 5K as a side hustle you know 10K 20K replacing your full-time income and then some is to just go find one person and go I can help you solve problems in your business okay it's not to go be some viral Creator you can do that just do that later oh by the way if
you're enjoying this video so far then you might like to check out my completely free 7-Day Focus crash course it's at Focus crashcourse tocom it's completely free you enter your email and then every day for 7 days I'll send you an email that has some principles and strategies and evidence-based tips on how to become more focused so completely free check it out all right so we've just talked about the biggest myths about making money online as a writer we're now going to go into Professor Cole's five steps for making 10K a month through writing online
step one identify your information Advantage let's rewind we'll we'll do a bit of a role play let's say I'm 26 years old I've been working 2 years as a doctor in the UK's National Health Service and I'm like you know I think I enjoy this medicine thing but you know if I project out 10 years 15 years 20 years will I continue to enjoy it I'd love to have man if I could have 5K a month coming in I'd be able to quit my job and be able to take my Gap here be able to
travel around the world and then I can always come back to Medicine later if I feel like it y but I sort of feel like but like I don't know I just went through med school I I don't have any skills other than the stuff around being a doctor okay so step one is you have to identify your information Advantage so most people this is this is where how they start they go I'm not happy I've decided I want to do something different and then they just let their imagination run wild and they look at
you today like you know Ali this world we're now 5 million plus YouTube subscribers productivity expert they're like I want to be that okay first of all you didn't start there your goal is not to just imagine and think you know what what is the the most legendary version of myself and how do I go be that tomorrow because that's not how the game works it is so much easier to start by asking yourself the question where do I already have an information Advantage what do you mean by information Advantage so information Advantage is you've
been working as a doctor for 3 years right you graduated medical school what whatever you inherently know more about that subject than someone who hasn't had those experiences right it's inherent the problem is we all take the knowledge that we have for granted everyone I know is also a doctor so it's like big whoop being a doctor it's not a big deal yeah so to to to the classmate sitting next to you you're like I don't know anything or I don't know anything different right but remove yourself from that classroom and you actually know a
lot relative to the entire population right so Step One is recognizing in yourself what information do you take for granted because that information is what allows you to go help someone so thinking of it in the reverse if I run a biotech company for example do I want to hire someone who speaks and understands medicine and that and that you know health and wellness industry or am I just going to go hire some random person that has no idea what any of those terms mean so the misunderstanding and why I say that ghost writing is
the fastest path to monetization is because anywhere you have an information Advantage you're already fluent in that industry all right so the key takeaway here is that we all have our own information advantages and the only thing you really need is to just be a a little bit more of an expert in something than someone else ideally than the person that you are selling to that doesn't mean you need to know absolutely everything about a particular topic you just need to know more than the average person and the way that I often think of this
is it's okay to be a guide you don't have to be a guru I think a lot of people hold themselves back with this idea of like I'm not enough of an expert in thing X therefore I couldn't possibly build a business around thing X but if you have an interest in the thing if you spent some time reading or learning about the thing or watching videos about the thing if you spent time doing the thing even if you're not an expert in the thing you still probably know more than most people and as long
as you're not trying to front or trying to fake expertise when you don't actually have it you can be pretty authentic and honest with how you're approaching your particular expertise you can be a guide you don't need to be a guru and if you do start to make some money writing online then you might want to invest that money with a service like trading 212 who are very kindly sponsoring this video trading 212 is a fantastic app that lets you invest in stocks and shares and funds in a commission-free fashion they've got a great social
pies feature that lets you copy the investment of other successful investors as well as managing the allocations of your own Investments you can browse all of the different pies and see what other people's asset allocations are and then if you want you can literally just copy and paste that specific P or asset allocation into your account so for example let's say I created a pi that invests 50% in apple and 50% in Tesla then you can just copy that and you can invest your let's say £1 based on the allocation as well they also have
a new trading 212 card that gives you 1.5% cash back on purchases that you make with it and this is designed to seamlessly integrate with your trading to on to invest account and lets you earn cash back on your daily purchases while also compounding interest on your uninvested cash in 13 different currencies the card is also free and there are no sneaky fees or subscription plans so if any of that sounds up your street then check out the link in the video description and that will take you to this page where you'll be guided on
how to sign up for an account and if you use the promo code Ali Ali that will give you free fractional shares worth up to £1 so it's free money you might as well sign up all right so step one was to identify your informational advantage and now we move on to step two which is sales to businesses so at this point a lot of people a lot of a lot of Medics I know and this was me back in the day um would have said okay I have an information advantage in that I got
into med school so why don't I just do tutoring for people to help them get into med school dot dot dot yeah okay so now think about who you're selling to yeah so tutoring who are you selling to well you're most likely selling to broke college students or people in med school right or their parents if they're applying to med school and the parents are rich for example but tutor ing is already price anchored to a certain thing right like most people like how much are you willing to pay hourly for tutoring most most tutoring
T of dollars per hour so the second thing is you have to go okay I have an information Advantage now who is the mo the most affluent customer right well it's a biotech startup that just raised $30 million or it's an executive for a Pharma company or it's right all of those businesses to them 5 grand is nothing 10 grand is nothing but if you go pitch you know a parent of a kid who needs help via tutoring 10 grand is a lot of money right so the second thing is going okay I have an
information Advantage now who are all the customers that would be willing to pay me a premium to help them solve something in their business yeah this is already I think a a massive like sort of mind-blowing thing for people to realize that different people value money at different level significantly differently and especially businesses value money at a completely different in a completely different way than individuals do yeah how how did you first appreciate this sort of disparity in how people think about money well I mean the honest answer is I just under charged for a
long time until it became so painfully obvious to me that I was undercharging you know like when I was first starting out I remember charging $25 or $50 an article and thinking you know the jump from 25 to 50 was a lot I was like oh I'm charging a lot and then the jump from 50 to 100 was a lot and there was a story that I tell sort of often in our programs is there was a moment where I was pitching a ghost riding client I was probably 27 and we met in this restaurant
in La and he was hiring me to ghost write this white paper for a for a crypto startup they were trying to launch and I remember going into the meeting being like okay how much should I charge I'm I'm going to throw outrageous number in the air and I remember I mustered up the courage I was like I'm going to charge 10 grand to write this white paper and we're sitting in the meeting and he we it all goes great and then he goes all right so what's the damage how much is this going to
cost me and I said it's going to and at the last minute I almost backed out you know but I was like it's going to cost 10 grand and I like waited and he looks at me and he goes I just want you to know that I was prepared to pay three times that but you already said the number so 10 grand it is and I walked away from that meeting going I have no idea how to value my value yeah and I think that's something where it doesn't matter I see it in our ghost
Writing Academy all the time too we we train ghost riters to build and write these educational email courses for people we go you can sell this for 5 grand no problem no matter how many times we tell them you can sell this for 5 grand there's a large percentage of people who the first time they pitch it they they can't even get the words five grand out of their mouth and it's usually only until you experience it a couple times where you're like wow everyone's saying yes to $1,000 like maybe I should charge more right
all righty so the key takeaway here is that if you really want the fastest path to making a full-time living as a writer you need to find a small number of people willing to pay you a large amount of money you do absolutely not want to go the direction of trying to get a large number of people to pay you a small amount of money for example my book Feelgood productivity New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller this is not making very much money because I make maybe $2 or $3 per sale of this book
maybe even less I need to get a hell of a lot of people to buy this book it's really really really hard to get 250,000 people to buy a book it's so much easier to get one person to pay $250,000 for a particular project or to get like a hand full of businesses to pay you 5K a month 3K a month 10K a month and this is something that is absolutely worth emphasizing if you are trying to start a business it's you know let's say the goal is to get to 10K a month right like
one way of doing that is to get 10,000 people to pay you $1 right another way of doing that is to get one person to pay $10,000 another way of doing that would be to get I don't know five people to pay you $2,000 or finding 2,000 people to pay you $5 unless you're experienced in this business thing you would think that these are kind of equivalent or maybe even it's easier surely it's teas you to find $2,000 people to pay me $5 because $5 is nothing but actually no it does not work like that
essentially the smaller number of customers you're targeting and the higher take of that price point is the easier it is to find those people and generally the easier it is to make that sale now at this point we are going to Fork paths a little bit because there is actually an alternative path that you can use to make money as a writer early on and so now we're going to talk about our alternative step two which is to do free work the second thing in this whole you know like what is your fastest path to
10K a month I would actually and I do I often advocate for the step before that which is you shouldn't even try and charge for the first thing that you do you're level one right like you having 10 copper or zero Copper at level one makes no difference you can't buy anything with 10 copper anyway right so a lot of people whenever I talk about the ROI of free work everyone comes back and they're like no you should get paid what your worth is and your value and you should never do free work and don't
let people take advantage of you and I'm like you're thinking about it completely wrong in the beginning free work is basically a marketing cost it is a way to remove all friction and get yourself paid in experience credibility pattern recognition right so all of a sudden you don't have the constraint where you go all right I'm going to charge three grand for this and someone goes no okay want to know how you remove that barrier you don't charge three grand and you just say I'll do it for you for free and everyone thinks no that's
a short-term loss but if I told you you're going to go pitch that service for three grand and it's going to take you 9 months to get someone to say yes or you could pitch it to someone for free today do a project and then the next month have something to point to that you can ladder up to a client month two which one would you take and it's only in hindsight or once you explain that that person goes oh I would do the second path but that's not what most people do yeah you know
and you have to realize that in the beginning getting paid in cash is actually not the most valuable thing for you you want to get paid in conf I can do this you want to get paid in building a network oh now I know someone who can introduce me to other clients there are a lot of things more valuable than getting paid a 100 bucks or 1,000 bucks so the key takeaway here is that building the skill of being able to provide enough value to be able to charge for it to make money that is
more important than the money itself at least at the start at the start you're trying to learn you are not trying to earn and so doing work for free is often the fastest path to getting started and learning the really valuable skills building your portfolio getting testimonials and to be honest you know this is a secret that no one really tells you at the point where you start charging a lot of money for your service and people see your testimonials no one needs to see how much you charged those clients in those testimonials the five
testimonials that you have on your website or whatever those might have been clients that you worked for for free but your client who's paying you 10 grand doesn't need to know that all they see is the testimonial itself it is quite hard when you're a complete beginner and you have no experience under your belt to get someone to pay you money for something it's doable but you have to get pretty good at sales and you know we're going to talk about that a little bit further on but as soon as you offer something Val valuable
for free now it's super easy to get someone to say yes because everyone wants something valuable for free and then you deliver on the value you get a sick testimonial they're super happy they'll probably want to start paying you for more work now because they're so happy with the work that you've done they'll probably refer you to their friends because now they're so happy with the free work that you've done and you have a sick testimonial for your website all right so we've talked about identifying your informational Advantage we've talked about selling to businesses rather
than two consumers and we've talked about the alternative path to doing free work although even that free work should ideally be for a business rather than for a consumer as I move on to step three in the process which is the problem pitch so I'm a junior doctor I have an informational advantage in medicine I know I like writing I used to write essays in med school and I liked you know I had a personal blog back in the day and blah blah blah you know all that all that kind of stuff who could possibly
want to pay me five grand a month to help grow their LinkedIn presence and yeah it would probably be a big farmer executive maybe the CEO maybe someone in the CC Suite maybe someone who's the VP level or director level or whatever let's go simpler than that the family friend of yours who's a doctor and they have a small bus they have a private practice and they want to create content on LinkedIn to help promote the fact that they're like a shoulder and blah blah blah surgeon or whatever Dermatology that kind of thing my dad's
a spine surgeon okay so how does my dad get more people to know that he's a great spine surgeon you either put your name up on Google and hope yeah that's one strategy which is what most of them do or you go I'm going to start taking this into my own hands I'm going to start educating people right what are what are the reasons people have back pain what are the ways to get rid of back back pain without surgery if you have surgery how do you recover faster what foods should you eat what exercises
should you do right so it doesn't take very long you start thinking through it and you're like okay well that's pretty easy and I bet your information Advantage would allow you to do that and how many doctors are there in the world like a lot right so you don't need all the doctors you need one doctor okay and so what am I pitching then let's say I come up with a list of three family friends who are all doing Private Practice in one's a spinal surgeon one's a radiologist and one's a dermatologist and I'm like
you know sweating thinking of sending these emails what am I saying okay so this is awesome so irr resist will offer script we'll just do it like word for word okay so um I'm going to stick with the the spine example because I because I'm familiar with it okay so first thing is you have to do your homework and understand well what is what does this person do and what do they specialize in and what's their problem another big mistake most people will go apply for a job on upor or Fiverr right when you do
that what you're effectively doing is raising your hand going I have no control I have no pricing power I have no leverage I am applying for the job you tell me what you need and I will do whatever it is that you ask okay as a result that is why you have no pricing power because the power Dynamic is wrong right they are the boss you are the employee Inge more you have to F the dnamic you have go to them and you have to educate them on a problem they didn't know they had or
a problem that they know they have they just haven't gotten around to fixing right so you go to the doctor you go problem you want higher quality customers you have a private practice you want more people who uh are interested in back surgery but like a specific type of back surgery so for example my dad specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery okay so it's like that's the type person you want to attract right the the the problem though is that you don't know how to find them they don't know whether they can trust you or
not Etc right the reason that problem is happening is because you have a website that isn't optimized for anything and it would be really easy to find those people on LinkedIn you just need to start creating content right and the ultimate negative consequence of that problem is that until you start educating people you're just going to sit there and you're going to hope that customers walk through the door okay so if you start with that like little mini problem script it's impossible for the other person to sit there and go I'm not listening right of
course they're listening because you just educated them on the whole problem of their business which is not hard okay then once you've educated them on the problem because they can't care about the solution until they care about the problem so you first anchor them in the problem then you go the solution to this would be if we started educating people on minimally invasive spine surgery on Linkin be really easy here's some sample topics right the benefits of doing this is that we would be able to start reaching people that would either be interested in this
or would uh maybe know someone who's interested in this and then ultimately we could move that social audience over to our email list and we could even run like localized ads if we wanted to against that email as we could do retargeting and the ultimate positive outcome of that is if we do that you will have significantly more control over lead flow for your business problem script solution script and then they go okay that all makes sense so how much so you have to go through all of that before you go oh no problem so
we can create social content for you every month it's three grand a month I take care of the ideas the writing all I need is about 30 minutes of your time uh once a month even we do a quick recap call you've already written a book so I can pull a lot of the content from that book and that's it happy to help and is this all in a single email like how what what ises the process of sending this out look like so that would be the call so to get them on the call
right is you start we have a phrase we talk about all the time which is in the beginning your Niche is your network so you have an information Advantage your Niche is the fact that you have a family friend who's a doctor y okay great that's the first person you should go pitch because they are most likely to answer your text or answer your email or answer your call right so the first thing is you open with problem hey know it's been a long time since we chatted Uncle yeah you know Uncle whoever ever uh
quick question I was thinking about your business you know how do you typically get customers you know is that something that you've been thinking about you know are you struggling to get leads in your area tell tell me about what's been going on okay that could be a text message that could be an email that's and then Uncle Johnny might reply to that yeah saying oh yeah it's actually been kind of hard we advertise on Google but nothing happens exactly that sort of thing and then you go cool I've got a couple interesting ideas why
don't we hop on a call together and I'll walk you through uh how this works I I found something that I think would be really beneficial for your business Uncle Johnny goes all right cool I got 30 minutes on Thursday and then you go through problem script solution here's what I would do for you so that is significantly easier than going how do I build an audience of 100,000 people and sell 200 courses a month every month forever right all righty so that was step three the problem script let's now move on to step four
which is to talk in education not sales yeah I had a a mentor in Chicago who used to say you are never selling anything to anyone you are giving them an opportunity everyone knows when they're getting pitched right so the whole methodology that I'm a firm believer in is you want it to all sound like free Consulting everything that you do every text message every email every phone call every Zoom call it should all feel like hey I see what you're doing I just I can't help myself like you're making a mistake I I just
wanted to point it out and help you do with it what you will I just wanted you to know right and when you do that the other person can't help but go well ah you just educated me on a problem and now I know I have this problem and then inevitably they go to you and say so is that what you do then you go oh yeah no that that is what I do I specialize in that and then they go can you help me and you go sure i' I'd be happy to help right
so you're almost you're not pitching them and going by from me you're educating and like guiding them until they're forced to go I need someone to help me is this what you do nice that sort of takes the fear out of selling because even in the way I'm describing and I'm using the word pitching which yeah no even subconsciously has a certain energy about it that feels like I'm trying to sell something yes if you understand the power of that and you build that skill where you don't talk in sales you talk in education you
will make money forever because that that is the bottleneck the bottleneck is not someone going you know do I want to buy from you yes or no the bottleneck is that the person doesn't usually know the problem that they have mhm it's very reverse psychology but but also it can be summarized I think really simply in abundance mindset or scarcity mindset when someone is overly pitching you right you you pick up on this scarcity that they have right cuz they're like I need this client which inevitably makes the other person feel like well why do
you do you need clients because no one wants to work with you right and then you like get turned off from it but an abundance mindset is like hey it I'm good on CL I'm actually full yeah I just wanted to point this out to you because I think it would be helpful and that abundance makes the other person feel like well if a lot of people want to work with them and if they're so abundant with what they have it must be really great I do want to work with them so it doesn't it
actually doesn't matter whether you're full or not it doesn't matter if you have 10 clients or not it's the energy of are you operating from scarcity or abundance I have any like this key takeaway this really helped me when I struggled with sales a few years ago in my own entrepreneurial career which is that really our goal is simply to educate rather than to sell something we're just giving someone free education we're just helping them out out of the goodness of our hearts and you know the law of reciprocity is if you give someone valuable
stuff for free they will want to find a way to pay you back for that all right let's move on to step five now which is to generate lots of leads and as you'll see from when I had the conversation with Professor Cole I was pretty surprised by what his response was to this section like what's your sense of how many emails SL like assuming I was going to go cold like I'm reaching out to local doctors in my area who I only have a tangential connection to IE the fact they live in my area
how many emails does it take to get a response to get a get someone on a call do you have a sense of what these numbers are I would say so even still I would not recommend even opening the door of cold leads until you have fully exhausted warm leads and the way I think about leads in general is I put them into two different categories I call them leaks and faucets so a leak is someone who goes you know my my sink is leaking help me right so a leak is someone who has the
problem that you can help a faucet is someone who goes my faucet's running fine I don't need your help but I know lots of other people who do so they a conduit to other people and so one of the biggest missed opportunities is people go well I'm going to go pitch you know all these cold leads no you should start with all the people that you know go to each of them and go do you have a problem if yes I can help you or hey I'm trying to grow my ghost writing business do you
know anyone who needs help creating content on LinkedIn or anyone who is creating on LinkedIn but needs help moving that audience over to an email list right that's interesting like I I remember coming across that line some somewhere it might have been one of in one of your books and often messaging someone or emailing them saying hey do you know someone who's looking for this thing nobody doesn't it's the easiest thing either they know someone or Chan they be like oh actually I could kind of use some help with that myself yes but it feels
like a more gentle pitch than can I help you grow your content on LinkedIn or whatever yes it's like do you know anyone who might be looking for this all right so warm leads are people that are already in your network in some way or another they know you in some way and cold leads are people who have never heard of you and now we're going to talk about the numbers that you need to hit in order to try and Target these sorts of people well we tell people in p GA is if you're starting
warm with your network you should begin by making a list of 50 people yeah 5 leaks and faucets I was thinking five yeah no F five is like you took you know one step into the starting zone and like killed two bores and then are like why don't I have all the Epic gear right so starting warm you should make a list of 50 people that you know that either might need your help or might know someone who need your help if you're going cold minimum you need to reach out to 100 people and I
don't mean go get some software tool where you scrape emails and then just copy paste spam send 100 emails or 100 DMs I mean identify 100 quality people do your homework on each one send them a message if they respond create a loom problem script outcome solution script pitch them right like you should go through that entire process for each of them and only then should you go okay I genuinely did my homework and genuinely educated a 100 people and zero said yes and even at that point it doesn't mean that it doesn't work it
means you have a problem you have a bottleneck somewhere in there and your job is to identify that bottleneck remove it and do it again do it again what are your thoughts on um using chat GPT to automate some of this Outreach and stuff I think the the the big misunderstanding with AI is everyone wants to automate things they've never done before you can't automate something that you haven't done and even if someone tells you how you don't understand it so you're not getting the full value out of it so this is one of those
just like first principle beliefs that I have which is the metaphor I like using is if you were to run a marathon you would train with ankle weights so that by the time you ran the marathon you would take the ankle weights off and it would be easier right so whenever I'm doing something I always ask myself what is the what are the ankle weights so in the beginning it seems like the longer road to go H I have to go educate and talk to a hundred people well yeah in the beginning that is the
longer road instead of just you know trying to automate the whole process and defer to technology but after you do that you are significantly more educated about the process how to do it well what drives the outcome what are the mistakes that then allows you to leverage Tech but if you skip that step you think you're taking the shortcut and then guess what shortcut ends up being the longer road because you skipped the whole learning yeah all right so the key takeaway here is that if you do want to make money online as a writer
or in fact with any business you need to generate lots and lots of leads and you've got to start off by doing that by yourself by going through the whole process yourself so that you understand how it works you can always add in AI tools like Chad GPT and clae and whatever further down the line but trying to use them as a crutch early on because you can't be bothered to actually do the work you're probably not going to make it if that's the case now in my own journey of Entrepreneurship writing has actually been
a really significant part of the process and a few years ago I made this video over here which is how writing online made me a millionaire this is a different method than the one that Professor Cole is talking about here it is more of a creative first audience first approach to making money through writing so you might like to check that out over there if you are interested thank you so much for watching see you later bye-bye