How Tall Will You Be When You Grow Up?

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Do you wanna know how tall you're going to be? Perhaps you just haven't finished growing yet! Many f...
Video Transcript:
ooh discover how tall you'll be with this simple test now have you ever wondered how tall you're going to be even if you aren't that tall right now don't worry perhaps you just haven't finished growing at many factors influence your height your lifestyle your genes and even what planet you're growing up on you know with all the gravity on Jupiter for instance you won't grow very tall but let's assume you're on earth like I've been for the last six months after you answer all the questions in our quiz you'll find out how tall you'll be
in the future before you start doing this test click the red subscription button this way you'll get to the bright side of life where you'll discover many other tests and cool videos also remember to ring the notification bell now you'll always be the first to get wind of new daily updates there are 10 questions in this test after each question you'll get 10 seconds to pick the answer you think is the most suitable after that you'll see how many points your answer has brought you make a note of your points at the end of the
video your total score will tell you how tall you're going to be number 1 in which part of the world do you live a the north B the South Sea the East D the West [Music] [Music] and your score is the following if you opted for answer a you get 40 points answer B brings you 20 points those who picked answers C get 10 points D will earn you 30 points and Jupiter gets you squat number two how much have you grown since last year a more than four inches B about three inches see one
to two inches D less than one inch [Music] and here's how your answer scores if you chose a that's 40 points if your answer is B you'll get 30 points answer C is worth 20 points and D adds 10 points to your total score number 3 how active are you a no I'm not really active B not a fan of sports but I have some light activity every day C ho I'm quite active D I'm a ball of energy and sport is my life [Music] here's your score if you picked answer a you get 10
points if your answer was B it brings you 20 points answer C is worth 30 points if you chose D add 40 points to your total score question number 4 what's your favorite sport a hockey the basketball see dancing de tennis let's have a look at your score if your answer was a you get 30 points if you chose answer B write down 40 points C is worth 10 points and answer D brings you 20 points question 5 how healthy is your diet a I eat any food that I find on my play B did
somebody mention a hamburger I love junk food see I eat a lot of fruit and veggies everyday D hmm perhaps I should eat more vegetables and fruit [Music] now let's see where this brings us if your answer was a this gets you 40 points answer B makes your total score 10 points higher answer C is worth 30 points D is a 20 question 6 how long do you sleep a more than 10 hours a night what's better than sleep I'll be 8 to 9 hours pretty much see 6 to 7 hours I wish it could
be more a less than 6 hours a night I'm a walking zombie but spring you if you chose answer a you get 40 points answer B is worth 30 points if your answer was C it's 20 points answer D brings you 10 points number 7 how tall is your mom answer a shorter than 5 foot 3 inches B about 5'4 C from 5 5 2 5 7 date more than 5 foot 8 inches [Music] and your score is as follows answer a gets you 10 points if you picked answer be right down 20 points answer
see adds 30 points to your total score D is worth 40 points number 8 how tall is your dad a under 5 foot 7 inches B from 5-8 to 510 C from 510 to 6 feet and D taller than 6 1 let's look at your score answer a is worth 10 points answer B is 20 points if you believe answers C is the best one for you that's 30 points answer D is worth 40 points number 9 how do people estimate your height hey everybody keeps telling me I'm not nearly tall enough B I'm ok
with my height but I wouldn't mind being taller C I'm pretty tall for my age D I'm always the tallest in my class would you like to know your score here we go answer a is worth 10 points if you pick B you get 20 points answer C is 30 points if your choice was answer D you have 40 points more question 10 what is your body type Hey nothing special average I guess B people say I'm too thin for my age see I probably need to do more sports day I think I'm overweight for
my age and here are the scores if your answer was a you get 30 points answer B brings you 40 points if you chose answer C write down 20 points for answer D add 10 points to your total score now we'll give you 15 seconds to add up your points if you need more time you can always pause the video and hit [Music] are you ready to find out the truth about your final height here we go if your total score is 100 to 160 points your height won't exceed 5 foot 7 inches if you're
a guy and 5 foot 3 inches if you're a girl let's admit it you're going to be the shortest person in most groups now at the same time think about the numerous advantages of your height for example you'll win every game of hide-and-seek and your legs won't suffer on long flights and bus trips if your total score is 170 to 240 points if you're a guy your height will be about 5 foot 8 if you're a girl you probably won't grow taller than 5 foot 4 this means you won't exactly be tall but at the
same time nobody will be able to call you a short person you're going to stay in the middle of the scale and make everybody around you feel comfortable also you'll look good in whatever outfit you put on mm-hmm if your total score is 250 to 320 points if you're a guy your height will be approximately 6 feet for girls it'll be a bit shorter at about 5 feet 8 inches you're gonna be a tall person you won't have any problems watching sports matches or concerts in a crowd people will always be asking you to help
them get something from high shelves thanks to your long legs you may have problems on public transport but hey isn't standing out from the crowd worth all the trouble now if your total score is 330 to 400 points if you're a guy your height will exceed 6 feet for girls you will be taller than 5 foot 9 you're going to be super tall you'll probably tower above other people start getting used to being the tallest person wherever you go always in the spotlight lucky you now please remember there are other factors that influence your high
so don't take this test too seriously besides you got to remember attitude is more important than altitude so are you happy with the results you got what's the perfect height for guys and girls in your opinion tell us in the comments below remember to hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel you'll see that things are always more fun and maybe a bit higher on the bright side of life [Music]
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