(1-15) A Man Who Enjoys Hard Games Is Transported In One As A NECROMANCER Type Class - Manhwa Recap

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Marnak, a person who enjoys difficult games, and their unfair aspects, is suddenly dragged into one,...
Video Transcript:
while running away the MC thinks about life it's like an egg a boiled egg meaning that no matter what you do there is no real meaning his Chasers catch up to him and search his belongings for a relic they find it and that's when they decapitate him ending his life it seems to not be so however as he speaks to the mother of corruption a hand that is grabbing his body while screaming murder he tells her not to get angry as he has already collected the Divinity inside The Relic he grabs his head from the
snow and reattaches it saying that he did lose a bit of money in the process of all this we get his backstory his life as he reached his late 20s made him too tired and busy to play games and that's why he always made compromises when playing them by using an editor but one game he kept playing in order to play as the priest of corruption the hardest to progress and the worst performing class he couldn't control himself as his heart was always racing whenever he played like this around the time he completed his class
Quest and all his class progression materials were gone he got transported into the game and became the priest of corruption the hand that keeps screaming at him is the goddess he serves the mother of corruption he started serving her 5 years ago when he just woke up inside the game with only a robe and her hand that was laying on his chest but because of her large presence he felt a connection to the hand and was able to accept that he got transported into the game pretty early on according to the description of the game
the priest of corruption is a Genetically Enhanced human Modified by drugs and as a result of this he had enhanced physical capabilities heightened senses and a body that can only be killed by Divinity and there's also that he wasn't able to stand the sight of blood before but the scene that's unfolding right in front of him which is quite gruesome has no effect on him the only real problem he has is that his body can no longer feel or taste anything inside of an adventurous Guild he gets his ID the receptionist there calling him priest
marnac he asks her about work and she gets to searching saying that there must be some work for a priest who is serving the goddess of preservation like him marnac thinks about this after entering the northern city of guis where he is now he decided to impersonate a member of the order of preservation if he was under a different God the respective God would have become Furious and marked him the moment he impersonated a member of another order a mark only other members can see the Seal of punishment however the mother of corruption is benevolent
in regards to such things the order of corruption is the enemy of all and he who was also hated by all was Mother's only follower the receptionist finally pulls out a job for him marnac reads about it and finds out it's a bandit or Monster hunting the Lord of guis sending this out because Farmers have recently gone missing while heading to guis and those who find the reason and defeat it are rewarded with 30 nips of silver per head the receptionist is surprise that he can read him thinking that he was able to read and
write in the language of this world the moment he got here he puts the paper down and sheepishly asks the receptionist to give him part of the reward right now while traveling for the job he notes that the receptionist talks a lot she gave him the money but he will have to pay a fine if he is late he speaks with the mother who asks if he has fallen in love already he gets angry saying that he did not in fact do that from behind him someone speaks his name it's Pierre a local from the
area he asks marnac if he wants to talk he doesn't say anything but Pierre still talks his ear off with a myriad of things on how his parents are doing and rumors about the kidnappings he suddenly gets called in the front of the group and leaves marnac the mother tells him to kill everyone but he refuses as he really needs the money to spend this winter in warmth he also asks her how many fingers she would rate everyone and a hand symbol appears near everyone with different numbers of fingers raised the fingers mean the amount
of divinity they're worth with one being 10 two 100 and so on and if he manages to collect 100,000 Divinity marnac gains one Authority and thanks to the system he was able to absorb the Divinity of a holy Relic and gained an authority the mother said that if he were able to collect the Divinity of every Relic all his wishes would be fulfilled he thinks that he will wish for his sense of taste back first Pierre comes back who apparently got chewed out for talking too much marnac says that he doesn't mind but in that
moment the party gets attacked he protects Pierre by throwing him out of the line of fire taking the bolts for him instead the mother asks him to just play dead and kill them when they get close that would be the easiest but marnac Rises and grabs a sword saying that he does things his own way he rushes The attackers and swiftly takes the head of one the captain orders his men to take care of the rest as he will deal with the priest until then he rushes marnac who pushes him out of the way he
asks mother for her raiding but doesn't get a moment's rest as the captain forces him to exchange blows the mother says that he is worth two and a half fingers with marnac noting that it's the same as the ranger who killed him previously he is ecstatic that the game is so unbalanced the captain summons all his might in one strike and breaks marnac sword he laughs at him noting that is the reason he always uses Frost steel he tells Mar that he will let him go as this was the last job in the area so
why don't they call it quits and leave with smiles on their faces marnac refuses instead proposing something else if they leave right now he will go easy on them the captain wonders if they would have just walked away like that marnac tries to say something but gets an arrow in the head much to the captain's Delight his group says that he saw him split Marx's sword in two him bragging that he perfectly calculated where to swing he asked them if they took care of the rest and they confirmed that they did suddenly marnac rises from
the ground and speaks much to their shock he asks why they are so surprised have they never seen someone survive being shot in the head with an arrow they clearly have not he begins praying to mother a green aura starting to emanate from him the captain orders his men to shoot but the bolts don't do anything to him seeing this they try to run away but are stopped by an invisible wall this wall is called called the line in which the living cannot pass and it's an authority that the priest of corruption must activate before
using his powers it prevents targets from getting away while also concealing the Divinity of corruption he adds that he really likes this Authority mother watches this from above smirking the captain says that they should try and slice through the barrier but gets crushed by a gigantic monster the captain's men try to leave begging the priest for forgiveness marnac tells the monster that apart from their heads he can have everything else he goes back to his party and sees that it has been decimated the mother asks him to collect the Divinity from the bodies but he
refuses as that would cause a lot of Suspicion from The Guild and they would surely investigate he spots Pierre who is barely Clinging On to dear life marnac thinks that by saving him his reputation will increase and thus he asks mother to stop the progression of his wounds in an undisclosed location a priest holds the cup marnac sucked the Divinity out of asking a man what happened to the boy who stole this artifact the man says that he was beheaded on the spot but left the body there because they had no supplies to spare the
priest proclaims that she will go on a pilgrimage much to the man's surprise he asks if it's because of the prophecy and she says that it is and because she has someone to meet while marnac is carrying Pierre back to safety we get the explanation on what the prophecy is 10 years ago all religions received it the end will wear the husk of life and come to fall upon the world the receptionist goes up to marnac saying that it's okay to get inside the town as she already got permission from the guards while walking she
says that he didn't seem that strong at first and also asks him for the heads he is carrying saying that the guild will take care of that she also asks him if he has anywhere to sleep and if he hasn't he should sleep at her place this makes him blush much to the dismay of the mother who is screaming bloody murder he says that he had no devious intentions with the lady with red hair all she meant was that she would let him sleep in the guild guest room surely someone knocks at the door it's
the receptionist who says that there's something he needs to attend to while they speak mother is giving her the middle finger under the sheets she tells marnac that the Lord wants to see him who wonders why the Lord would request for him the receptionist says that it's most like likely because the captain of the mercenary group he was with is actually the Lord's half brother marnac arrives at the Lord's residence where the Lord of guys Traen fillian asks him if he was the one who saw his brother's final moments and if he would like some
tea marnac smirks with Mother drawing a giant X when she saw the Lord marnac asks him how life as a human is calling him a demon he thinks that there's only one reason mother drew that ex because the Lord wasn't a living being and amongst the others only one is able to take the form of a human demons while they are stronger than any being they can't do anything on their own in order to do that they have no choice but to make deals with beings of this world that's why demons love all living beings
however the gods hated them because they have as much as they took with them finally declaring to their followers and all living beings that these beings will be called demons and they are evil this being what started the priest's hunt for demons marnac thinks about this the demon contractor was a difficult class and people avoided it like the plague he remembers this because it was the second class that he played the Lord sits in silence but finally speaks he says that because of his brother's death he was able to welcome an important guest he tells
marnac that he must be lying about his identity seeing as he saw through him in all he can call him crawling bait marnac also Reveals His identity he is a priest serving the mother of corruption the Lord is surprised that there's still a living son of corruption he urges marnac to take a seat being as they are the only ones here the Lord says that he called him here to tell him how his brother died he will be sure to pay him for his efforts marnac agrees having finished the conversation marnac thinks that it was
quite the unfortunate event as the brother was struggling with work and the lord gave him some work under the table causing his death as a result we see the Lord's reaction after hearing this looking quite sad marnac speaks to Mother saying that he wasn't tempted with the gold it being a representation of the Lord's pure intention to know the truth the mother calls him a greedy priest but he exclaims that he is not he also says that another fact about gold is that it doesn't rot with the mother taking this as an insult marnac says
not to be Hasty and to let him finish speaking there is something that doesn't rot and lasts as long as gold that is the love he has for her the mother is left speechless and gently holds her hand against his chest he adds that for him she will always be the most important thing so there's no need to worry he goes back to the guild where the receptionist tells him to greet the priests from the teaching sect marnac notes that he doesn't want to deal with those freaks right now his eyes suddenly widen as one
of them is holding a holy Relic one of them comes right up to him commending his dedication for being a priest of preservation he introduces himself he is the weight of the scale of Retribution orves the people next to him are called coru a man with a horn in his head and patina a woman marnac does the same and the receptionist notes that they will be staying here just like him marnac thinks that this is perfect as he will have many opportunities to steal the Relic from now on they excuse themselves saying that they have
to go visit the Lord of geese the receptionist notes that for priests like them they ask for a small price marnac wondering if he will have to pay as well she says that she didn't let him stay because of an interest in him however she did have some intention of her own to help him she gets close and Whispers that she would like him to cast a blessing of preservation on the food they have so that it won't go bad he Retreats asking why she got so close just to whisper that she wonders why someone
says that it's getting along well it's coru who stayed behind as to not cause any trouble due to his race as many Northern Lords don't have good impressions of him the receptionist notes that the Lord isn't like that even if he seems cold he is good at his job and there are a lot of people who support him in geese so they should refrain from speaking poorly of him he asked to know more about the Lord and they all begin talking about him for a while marnac asks him why they suddenly decided to visit the
Lord and coru says that it's because of the prophecy Orvis thinks that the the husk mentioned in it is supposed to be a demon and he is here to check for this inside the Lord's Mansion the Rel they are holding suddenly lights up it being able to detect demonic beings they get into position but that's when the Mansion explodes and the Lord Reveals His True Form crawling weight marnac and coru spot the commotion with priest Orvis casting scales of Retribution and hitting the Beast right on its head causing another explosion coru says that this is
possible because of ory's hammer of punishment they need to go get help marnac bolts in another Direction saying that he should go first and that he will be right behind them he rushes to the adventurer's guild and asks the receptionist about the location of the medical center where Pierre is being treated he picks her up and dashes with might out of the adventurer's guild landing and sprinting to the medical center the receptionist spots the monster as it has made its way to the center of the city Marx says to forget about it for now she
must tell him the location of Pierre she does so and they find him safe and sound resting marnac notes that he can't let Pierre die after he barely managed to save his life he picks him up and asks the receptionist to grab on to him as he can't carry her with both arms anymore she does so and they begin running again she adds that there is a secret passage poking at it and saying that it will lead to the outskirts of geese but the door is locked shut this proves to be no challenge for him
however as he smashes the door with his foot the receptionist noting his strength Mar arac puts her down saying that if things get worse she should take Pierre and run he has to go help he arrives at the location of the battle and spots coru who has been mortally wounded marnac asks where the other priests are and he says that patina is dead with her right arm and leg completely gone he also asks coru if there is any way to defeat the monster he speaks with his last moments left the only way to defeat the
monster is with the white sword The Relic they brought Orvis managed to stab it into the beast's head if he manages to take that sword and stab it in the brain it should die with these words spoken he passes away marnac collects from him gaining 100 divinities Orvis continues his battle against the demon and manages to hit the sword with his hammer causing it to go deeper marnac notices it and jumps on it as well spotting the white sword Orvis is using but the monster suddenly rolls with all its might throwing marnac off his mother
is worried about him but he says that he is fine it seems that fortune Smiled On Him however as he got thrown right next to the holy Relic they were using he grabs it and asks his mother to give him another Authority she does so and marnac gains 10,000 Authority points marnac asks what seal has been lifted this time and it seems that mother can go further from his location he jokes that the effect is pretty minuscule he prays once again to Mother offering her 10,000 divinities in exchange for a new Authority it seems that
this time he gained the text of corruption the effects of which are simple yet powerful the moment it is activated metaphysical green tattoos appear all over his body and amplify his physical abilities he notes that it will be pretty useful in this situation with his broken leg also being healed he spots Orvis next to him thinking that he must have been thrown off too at that time but he didn't survive marnac collects him gaining a thousand divinities the demon is still r rampaging with marnac noting that this is Odd as the people who brought out
its anger the priests are all dead and it shouldn't do it anymore he thought that demons weren't beings that followed instincts but that's when he spots something and activates the text of corruption saying to his mother that things might shake a bit he rushes to the Demon's location and jumps a large distance it tries to hit him but he is Swift and Dodges he gets on top of the demon and spots the sword but suddenly the Beast tries to do the same move to thr throw him off again but the same trick won't work twice
as marnac jumps down and gets away the attack missing him completely but a bit of blood still comes out of his mouth saying that it's progressing faster than expected while climbing the Beast again he notes that when the text of corruption is used his body starts to rot from inside so he must end this quickly he jumps and grabs the sword thinking of the words coru said to push the sword in he does the opposite however and pulls it out causing a ray of blue light to come out of the wound eliminating the demon in
an explosion of light Lord Traen is left in the location of the Beast and marnac asks if he is awake now the Lord says that it was a real blessing meeting him marnac says that there's no need for that as the sword was suppressing his mind he reaches his hand out and the Lord says that the two Golds worth of help was definitely worth it where marnac was decapitated the blue-haired Priestess looked for his body with the help of the Ranger who did it the body is not there however with the ranger noting that it
was probably dragged Away by monsters or wild beasts the Priestess says that it's possible and thanks him for the help but also asks him the name of each nearby City in Disguise marnac is being led by a butler who guides him through the ruble to a nearby house where trayon welcomes him with open arms saying that he is growing more handsome every time he sees him marnac thanks him and trayon says that he is their demon slaughterer there's no way to express his gratitude marnac jokes that the demon is Alive and Well in front of
him with trayon jokingly saying that he needs to live too he's not wrong marnac thinks about what happened after everything was taken care of Lord trayon shared with the town that he was the one who defeated the great demon who appeared and that he also saved the Lord as a result he was given the nickname demon slaughterer even though it really doesn't fit him and Aaron the receptionist has a special fondness for that nickname so she refuses to stop calling him that in public grabbing the attention of everyone around with people coming close to him
and praising him constantly he clearly doesn't like it marnac speaks to trayon saying that it's odd to see his prosthetic arm and leg move so smoothly he says that he only moves like this in front of him he limps when he's around other people but in order to move naturally like this he needs to pay a large price marnac wonders what it might be with anticipation and trayon says that the hairs on his head will lose their strength and start falling in a few months he will be faced with a bald head marnac imagines it
and cries he also asks if he has a week's worth of time which he does trayon says that he received a job that asked specifically for marnac it has to do with the holy relics of the ancient empire the reward is five whole nips of gold paid in advance too and if they deemed that he was a large enough help they would give him one of the Undiscovered relics this seems like a gold mine for marnac so he takes the job he thinks about the ancient Empire they ended the era of distraught Mages and brought
Unity to the continent and in their current age where their technology has been recreated those holy relics are known as precious Treasures that contain powerful abilities in other words most of the items that are considered high-ranking items are actually relics of the ancient empire marnat greets the group that he will be going with the one who requested this job Carmen Volus offers him a handshake with marnac noting his name Carmen says that what he's thinking is correct Anthony valus of the black wolves is his father he is his illegitimate child marnac thought that such a
principled man as Anthony wouldn't have had other relationships after losing his wife but it wouldn't be proper to open the topic marnac asks him to introduce the people behind him and Carmen does so the Mage with the robe is tuna she's the guide and sukus who's part of the unihorn tribe is a big guy sukus shakes hands with marnac calling him the demon slaughterer marnac says that he is embarrassed when people call him that but sukus rebuts this by saying there's nothing to be embarrassed about it's a mighty compliment that he has achieved Carmen speaks
up saying that now that they have introduced each other they should get going as it will take them 2 days to reach the site 2 days later they make camp and relax for the night Carmen and marnac are not sleeping marnac says that he's had enough sleep and doesn't feel tired tired with plenty of time until the sun rises Carmen asks him if he has any interesting stories he assures someone like marnac has met his fair share of women during his life marnac says that he doesn't he is just like fresh snow Carmen instead asks
what kind of women he likes and he says that he likes women who prefer to be by his side Carmen approves saying there's nothing better to see than your lady sleeping peacefully by your side but personally he believes that a woman's heart is the most important with the mother agreeing he believes that the heart is within your chest and in order for your heart to be welcoming your chest must be large enough to support it Carmen is a man who likes women with big chests marnac says that it's not bad to have a clear vision
of what he wants but he should talk about this in front of women Carmen says that of course he wouldn't he's only saying this because it's with him he also adds that whenever he speaks with marnac it feels like he's talking with an old friend marnac says so too and they spend the whole night talking much to the dismay of the mother the next day they arrive at the ruins with tuna holding a key and saying that she will open the way Mar thinks that entering the ruins was quite easy as they had to just
find the key and move to the coordinates written on it after that they read the passage written in the ancient language on the key with that the key is inserted and turned however only Mages can read ancient text so their role in an exp ation like this is indispensable he is an exception however as he is a player and they have this ability too but he keeps it secret because in this world where he has no relation the key is too difficult to get they enter the ruins and Carmen notes how beautifully preserved this place
is better than most ruins marnac looks up thinking that he finally gets the chance to be inside the ruins He's only seen in photos before he is truly mesmerized the Mage sees his reaction in and scoffs they go inside the main building where a towering door stands with ancient text written on it the Mage notes that they need Imperial blood to pass if not they should prepare for battle the door slowly opens and an army of creatures rush them sukus is the first to strike with tuna not far behind as she blows out a large
number of them with a single spell marnac pulls out his blade and begins cutting them down the mother suddenly tells him to watch out behind and he swiftly blocks the last creature's blade an arrow suddenly pierces its head however killing it instantly marnac thanks Carmen for the assist suddenly he hears a commotion with sucus berading tuna for using her spells so recklessly she notes that it was the fastest way and the creatures all died in the end so what's the issue sukus tries to tell her something but Carmen stops them causing him to go sit
in a corner still angry Carmen commends marnac for his skills saying that the title of Demon Slayer suits him marnac apologizes for displaying such brutish actions as a priest he also compliments Carmen's bow skills who says that he has been practicing with it since he was little suddenly tuna says that they should move as she has plenty of Mana left sukus hears this and gets Furious saying that they barely got any rest she might not need any since she uses spells but for Mele Fighters like him rest is imperative tuna adds that everyone else would
agree with her and at this at this point it just seems like he is trying to make a scene Carmen orders them to rest before they begin moving and that's the end of it marnac thinks that the Mages of this world are usually pompous and mostly extremely rude it's easy to become a mage as you are born with it although there are differences from person to person those who are born with Mana always awaken once they reach a certain age when they do knowledge regarding the ancient language beams into their brains so they learn ancient
spells using the Mana that is able to break the laws of this world thus they are reborn whole as a mage they dislike learning new things however as their heads are already filled with knowledge as a result of this most Mages become iron willed and uneducated so they act like idiots but marnac notes that even among the Mages she's considered more well-mannered than most after they finish resting Carmen says that they should go to the next area that's when the passage suddenly closes and a gigantic metal Golem is summoned marnac adds that the enemies beforehand
were too weak for a ruin like this it seems like this is the Real Enemy tuna urges them to step aside and begins casting a spell that shakes the ground the Golem looks at her and his blue gem suddenly glistens Carmen spots this and urges her to hurry and move out of its way that's when the Golem fires a beam into the roof of the room this distracts tuna giving it enough time to close the gap and with with one punch he smashes her into a pulp leaving nothing left sucus watches in horror and marnac
screams for him to get out of the way but it's too late as the Golem smacks him into the wall killing him instantly marnac asks Carmen if he wants to live and if he does he better tuck his chin in he suddenly knocks Carmen out and summons a corrupt Beast to handle the Golem the Giants begin fighting and marnac absorbs the Divinity of sukus and tanisa he leaves Carmen into a corner and notes that it will take a long time for the corruption Beast to finish the battle on its own so he activates his text
of corruption and rushes in he adds that his real Target is the blue gem that is stuck in the Golem's head as if he breaks that something will surely happen he jumps on the corruption Beast giving him ample room to hit the Crystal and so he breaks it the Golem dematerializes and marac thinks that this is probably over he also congratulates the Beast his victory is shortlived however as multiple Golems spawn out of thin air a while later Carmen wakes up and he asks if their partners are dead marnac says that it is unfortunately so
Carmen notes that they were new hires and they both died because of his greed marnac adds that they were hired for just that they already knew what could happen in an exploration like this so he shouldn't blame himself he also notes that they are beyond the back door surprising Carmen he wants to ask how but notes that he knocked him out before to keep keep it secret so he won't pry he also says that now he has a debt towards marnac a debt that he will hopefully repay in the future marnac graciously accepts this and
notes that they better get moving as he hasn't defeated all of the metal Golems it seems that there is a sliver of Truth in his words as he left the corruption Beast to take the aggro and threw Carmen into the room barely managing to escape himself they reach a door the end of the ruins inside of the room there are two treasure a sword and some type of necklace Carmen says that he has a favor to ask can he have the necklace as he will reward him handsomely for it marnac asks what its ability is
and Carmen says that the necklace is called the bloodline Pathfinder if you spill some blood on it and think of a bloodline the necklace will use the blood to point in the direction of the respective bloodline marck thinks about this and smiles and Carmen confirms his suspicions he is looking for his mother whom he has never met before arac asks to take the sword in return they go outside where they both note that they barely got out of the ruins Carmen takes off the necklace and asks marnac to bless it since he is a priest
he does so obviously Faking It Carmen Cuts himself a bit and puts the blood on the necklace suddenly a ray of red light emanates from it and the blood takes shape pointing somewhere kmen is glad that his mother is still alive and marnac congratulates him for it Carmen thanks him profusely saying that he will surely repay this debt he also says that he has one last favor to ask he would like it if they work together from now on just until he meets his mother and since he's heading west anyways they can visit the capital
so that he may reward him for the job marck smiles thinking that he would like to accept but he would definitely see through his intentions right away he thinks and thinks causing Carmen to grow worried at the lack of an answer marnac smirks and takes his hand saying that he will gladly support him on the journey to find his mother the next day Aaron is a bit Furious that he is leaving she also gives him a silver mercenary plate noting that it came out faster than expected marnac thanks her but she doesn't want to hear
that instead he should say see you soon as that would be like a promise marnac apologizes to her in his head saying that he lives the life of a Wanderer so he would never be able to fulfill This Promise she sighed noting that if he continues to live like this he won't get a girlfriend and will die alone so she says see you soon instead also saying that the opportunity to meet again will come a lot faster than he expects marnac asks what she means but she shuts him up saying that this is punishment for
leaving marnac goes to talk with the Lord who is as bald as an egg now but he sees it as more of a truer form of humanity the Lord also says that since he is heading for the capital he will give him a recommendation letter he notes that he would have liked to pay him but he is dead broke since he had to pay for all of the repairs here in geese but the letter will prove useful as if he gives it to a friend of his that person will help he also notes that he
should ask for help if it's absolutely necessary as that person is pretty hard to deal with marnac thanks him for the gift and the Lord says that he should think of it as a form of gratitude he also wishes him a good life and it is too short to not enjoy after a few days Carmen and marnac are still on the trail and they note that they will reach the next town in about half a day marnac thinks about him mother only allowed him to travel with Carmen because he is a three and a half
rated human if he manages to harvest him he would give 10,000 Divinity meaning he will be able to obtain another Authority the fingers also have the potential to reach four but personally he just likes his personality and would prefer him alive suddenly he pulls out his sword and says that there's blood very close and it's rapidly approaching suddenly a giant snow spider comes out of the ground ready to Feast Carmen tries to retaliate with some arrows but just as the spider is about to attack marnac jumps in cutting some of its legs he notes that
he will have to look for a place to clean this sword the next time he uses it he strikes the spider once again noting that it splatters too much blood and flesh in geize the Priestess visits the Lord who apologizes for the current state of the the Mansion she gives him a drawing asking if he has seen this man the drawing is crudely made to resemble marnac and the Lord asks why she wants to see him she notes that it's for personal reasons he says that he hasn't and notes that she should leave as he
quite busy as it is he thinks that she must not be looking for him with any good intentions Carmen and marnac begin dissecting the spiders they have defeated under Carmen's command as he wants the Venom sacks from all of them he knows not that they are pretty good in different situations they can also be used as poison and fetch a high price in the market marnac asks how he knows all this and Carmen says that he participated in a lot of monster hunts so he had plenty of practice marnac says that he will take care
of them then as he is covered in blood already Carmen notes that they still have some Road between them and Kelton so he will teach him and they can do it together later that day they both arrive at the gates of the Town much to the surprise of a guard who asks how they got here they wonder what he means and the guard says that the town has been blocked off for the last 3 days because of the monsters they ask for the details and the guard says that monster attacks have become more common with
no corpses to be found kmen finds this Odd as what they were attacked by are snow spiders and it would be extremely difficult for those creatures to leave absolutely nothing behind another guard comes by and says that the Lord wants to see them they do so and the Lord welcomes them with open arms knowing marn's reputation as a Demon Slayer they begin talking about the monster situation and the Lord notes that this is being organized by a worshipper of an evil spirit marnac notes that a single one wouldn't be able to close the gates of
an entire city and the Lord notes that other priests have deduced that there are at least four sects that are working on this he also says that Kelton is a pretty ordinary town with nothing notable going on so why are they a Target they have plenty of supplies and the troops moral is pretty good but the problem is that other cities don't know the situation that's why they need someone to go and spread the news to other cities mostly a suicide mission at this point marnac says that he will help as much as possible later
he goes to his room where he gets berated by mother for accepting the job marnac notes that they also received an item that he can clean the sword with and it's quite rare to be found here as it's from the desert regions he thinks that the real reason he accepted is because he thought this might be a warning that the main quest would be starting soon the reason he came to that conclusion is because four different sects are working together he notes that the title of evil spirit the beings that these sects worship seems intimidating
but it doesn't really hold any meaning it's just a title the main Gods throw on other gods resulting in a stigma being formed however one thing's for sure among the worshippers of the evil spirits almost none are mentally sane so unlike the sex under the main god sex that serve evil spirits rarely work with each other so four of them working together is out of the ordinary for sure later they ride out to another town but get attacked by spiders and a myriad of other creatures marnac smirks and tells Carmen that he will grab their
attention he is puzzled at his choice saying that it's too dangerous even for him marnac notes that they will be caught if this keeps up he throws himself off the horse noting that he will wait for reinforcement Carmen screams for him but he just smiles asking if he looked cool while saying that he crashes into the snow and mother notes his interesting acting he smiles saying that he will take that as a compliment he also says that they should begin looking for those worshippers as they can't hide forever marnac charges in and slashes the beasts
left and right leaving behind their corpses in a pool of blood he notes that if getting dirty is so frequent he just might have to carry a bathtub with him mother agrees Mar walks towards a Cave opening and notes that they probably already know he's coming but aren't greeting him quite rude inside he finds the things that were missing from the attacked carriages noting that the monsters must have carried them here he also finds a body that has been sucked dry by a snow spider marnac notes that he understands when one enjoys a nice meal
but to use the leftovers as Decor is quite a strange design Choice mother urges him not to let his guard down but he assures her that he won't but also wonders just how many people they manage to eat there are too many bodies for them to eat within 3 days so are they perhaps raising Offspring he continues walking until he finds a giant cave noting that the tunnels were also pretty big marnac smiles noting that there's also a lot of divinity here the gigantic spider comes out and looms over him while its children descend from
the walls the gigantic spider jumps into action and marnac asks mother to draw a line of corruption for him she does so and also summons the Beast of corruption noting that this human eating monster will be sacrificed for her the Beast jumps into action and lands a good blow on the spider marnac also activates the text of corruption but the spider is not finished yet as it counterattacks and pushes the Beast into the wall they continue to fight and marnac notes that it's almost double the size of the Beast so he needs to help out
somehow he slashes through the other spiders and thinks that he can sense the energy coming from within the spider Queen's body so he has to make sure he doesn't damage it suddenly a spider attacks from behind and he slashes it in half this gives him an idea to not waste the Divinity in the Queen's body he just has to cut all of its legs off he orders the corruption Beast to run Straight Ahead as he will help it but it must make sure to stop the queen from moving the Beast does so and grabs what
he can and marnac runs on the wall and swings down noting that the queen is just a spider so all he needs to do is severe the thinnest part of its body he hits that part again and again and the queen screeches in pain he gets to the last part and with one powerful blow slashes the queen in half the Beast then grabs the upper half of its body and slams it into the ground and marnac lands the Beast also looks angrily at him so he apologizes for leaving it behind previously and this seems to
appease the Beast this time a woman comes out of the Queen's mouth cursing like a sailor while she does so marnac Smiles gently and notes that he knew there was a person inside the woman demands to know who he is in order to ruin her plans like this isn't he another follower of an evil spirit like her does he even know how long it took for her to gain control of this thing marnac asks her what the purpose of surrounding Kelton is but she doesn't want to answer so he just impales her with his sword
his face is not so nice now and he demands to know why she is surrounding Kelton she screams that it hurts but he doesn't care and asks again she depraved smiles and says that she won't tell him even if she dies marnac smiles and respects her wishes cutting her head clean off he gains a thousand Divinity and wonders how many worshippers will tell them the truth behind everything the mother thinks that there are at least more than three so he chooses to believe that there are four marnac walks back to Kelton but finds it Up
in Flames inside the Lord seems to have died a horrible death while a woman there notes that they wasted precious time getting to this pig a man asks if they could use Incarnation but a woman with an eye patch notes that it's unstable and it's not easy to extract Divinity from living beings on top of that they also managed to lose a few rats because of somebody here the woman gets mad and notes that she did her upmost but the monks in the teaching sect kept bothering her if only Lila sent them a couple of
spiders she also notes that they should have caught the guy who made it out the eye patch woman also notes that Ila isn't even here yet and this is not the first time she has done so but even if she were to assist them with a few spiders she would have just played around with the bodies the man urges them to stop fighting as nothing good will come of it and since that man managed to escape troops will be deployed to hunt them down shortly they also spent many years on this plan so it must
work the woman notes that she also invested years into this but she just can't take criticism from him do they think she just let let him go because she wanted to why are they screaming at her for losing one measly rat and what's with this one has he forgotten to mess around with her last night or something the eye patch woman having had enough of this leaves and the man demands that the woman who was screaming all this time parna stop he will make sure that Lila takes responsibility for losing the rats she smiles and
notes that it's plenty for her but that's when the eye patch woman's head flies clean off as marnac slashes it it he moves on to the man and cuts him in half he notes that it's pretty unfair for their bet to kill two without asking questions but these people are able to manipulate Authority so it's better safe than sorry right parna wonders why this Maniac is talking to himself and he looks at her while he slowly regenerates from the text of corruption marnac smiles and asks her an all to similar question what's the purpose of
surrounding Kelton they go outside where parna presents him with a mass of growing flesh he notes that she explained everything as soon as he asked and the story is quite simple they used all the people in the city as a sacrifice to create this ball of divinity called incarnation in order to do all of this they hid within the city for the last 3 years and even though it needed at least five more days of preparation they had no choice but to rush the plans due to Carmen's successful Escape marnac revs up his chains sword
much to parna dismay who asks him what he plans to do he says that he wants to kill that monster which consumed the Flesh and Blood of others before it wakes parna urges him not to do it but he does so anyway she screams that if it's in danger that being will wake up in an unstable State the thing slowly rises from the mass of Flesh screaming that it hurts until it makes its way out and immediately strikes marnac the mother notes that there is a holy Relic inside that thing but he knows and while
removing the things tentacle from himself he says that they will make a new Authority and sacrifice that slab of meet to her parna says that what he will do won't work but she doesn't get to finish talking as marnac cuts her head off gaining a thousand Divinity with that he now has a total of 8,592 divinity with the Divinity he extracted from the Lord included all he needs to get a new Authority is 10,000 Divinity he notes that even if he tries to cut this thing down it will just regenerate itself but if he continues
to get injured like this he will eventually lose if it seems that there is no other choice he grabs his sword tightly and dips confusing both the thing and mother the thing seeing this screams the only words it knows it hurts marnac makes his way through the town and gains one Divinity from each corpse he runs over the thing chases after him somehow and he notes that this is like a game either the thing will catch him or he will manage to get a new Authority the thing begins screaming and it stops marnac from running
away he notes that even its voice is divine truly a walking disaster it tries to attack but he manages to dodge and asks mother for assistance the corruption Beast gets summoned over the thing and punts it into the ground causing all the houses nearby to shake marnac looks at the fight and notes that one corruption Beast will not be enough but it just needs to hold on for a little longer as he will be back soon he runs towards a burning building thinking that he needs the bodies of well-trained soldiers or Knights at least he
goes inside but too much time is passed so mother cannot extract the Divinity from the bodies he notes that up until now he has accumulated 9,237 Divinity and he just needs a bit more suddenly a wall bursts open and out of the hole comes a myriad of tentacles that marnac barely managed to deflect the thing tries to pounce on him now Having learned a new word pain it seems that it has grown quite a lot from fighting with the corruption Beast silence Falls for a few seconds and only the wind can be heard the thing
puts its hand forward and out of it come a lot of tentacles but marnac manages to cut them and this gives him the opportunity to attack but the thing is too fast and catches him while he's midair with that it uses the momentum to throw marnac outside with great force the mother asks if he's okay and he confirms this but also notes how lucky he is because the thing just dropped him in the place where the main battle took place the thing screams and marnac urges the mother to take all of the corpses she does
so and the Divinity grows and grows until it reaches the number of 10,000 And1 he speaks as her son he will offer her 10,000 Divinity so she should Grant him a new Authority she does so and everything around is swallowed by a sea of black including marck he speaks with the thing and says that it will be in much more pain from now on the thing goes on the attack and marnac explains that this new Authority is called the hole of corruption it decomposes all living beings that step inside including himself but he is able
to use text of corruption to choose which parts decompose first the thing's arm falls off and marnac says that he really wants to see which is faster his regeneration of this Ho's decomposition with that they engage in a final battle with marnac coming out on top he cuts off the head of the thing and offers the holy Relic to mother and so she lifts the seal marac finds himself outside but mother is nowhere to be found until he looks behind and notices that she has grown a body she slowly comes up to him and asks
why she's in a child's body marnac gently caresses her head but notes that she should be the one to know that not him he also asks if she can't get the Divinity out of that thing's body as it would be a shame if it just went to waste the mother tries her best but it seems that she can't marnac smiles and says that it's fine if it doesn't work so she should just come back she hugs him tightly and he notes that due to all the divinities mixed up in that thing it's impossible for her
now but now that they have lifted her seal with the Holy Relic he uses the 10,000 Divinity from it to get another Authority the sky lights up in a greenish Hue and a green beam descends upon the both of them marnac asks what the meaning of this Authority is but the mother smiles and says that he should use it as much as he needs this time he received the curse of corruption an authority that can only be described as evil with this curse all living things within range which is the size of a small City
will slowly rot away it will be fine if he finds a city filled with villains but killing innocence for Divinity isn't for him but besides that why was the Holy Relic with the mother's sealed Divinity inside an Incarnation was it really a coincidence or perhaps mother's Divinity was one of the main forces in creating that thing he suddenly Waddles and falls down noting that he received too many Divinity enhanced attacks the mother comes up to him and begins crying with that he slowly drifts away until he wakes up with Carmen taking care of him his
face grows dim however as mother is not next to him he asks where his things is and Carmen tries to calm him down but he demands them right now that's when Carmen hands him mother's hand and it calms it down he thought it might have some meaning for him so when the others wanted to throw it in the crash he took it marnac thanks him profusely but Carmen notes that it's nothing compared to what he did as if it weren't for his Valiant sacrifice he wouldn't have made it out of Kelton in one piece marnac
asks where they are and Carmen notes that they are still in celton this causes marnac to ask how long he slept for and Carmen says that he did for 10 days marnac asks if there were any survivors and silence Falls for a bit until Carmen breaks it by saying that the only person who was left breathing in celton is him close to celton a man tries to run from something but gets a knife to the leg the other men shiver while the Priestess walks towards the injured man he desperately begs for his life but she
notes that he can't walk anymore due to his injury the man says that he can and his pleading continues but it falls on deaf ears as the Priestess decapitates and burns him whole she looks behind and orders the other men to walk so they do that day they arrive at Kel Gates The Men Who were apparently a group of well-known criminals called the snow bear Bandits fall to their knees and demand to be taken to Jail the Priestess notes that they want this and the guard agrees to take them but the Lord of celton is
dead at the hands of some evil spirit worshippers so it will take about a day for her to receive the rewards she asks what happened to those worshippers and the guards says that including the monsters priest marnac killed all of them he was asleep for 10 days due to to the battle but just woke up the Priestess asks if this marnac the supposed Archen enemy of evil spirit worshippers is staying in Kelton right now the spirits seem high inside of a Local Tavern and the Priestess asks if the supposed enemy of the evil worshippers priest
marnac is here right now the patrons after hearing that name start celebrating even louder and especially him as he was the one who saved this town their celebration is heard even from the outside of the town where Carmen and marnac bolt as fast as they can he remembers what fillian told him about that Priestess that she's looking for him basically everywhere she can and seems to have absolutely no intention of giving up he grits his teeth as the only thing he can do now is run and mother urges him to be careful he notes that
he's very aware of the dangers that's precisely why he left Kelton it would have been plainly insane for him to stay there with that woman he should have known already that this woman is the most dangerous among the humans he knows as she was rate four and a half fingers he thanks Carmen for agreeing to leave with such short notice and in the night Carmen says that he needn't worry as he would much rather leave whenever they have the chance than Garner even more attention from the city marnac smiles widely and thinks that he really
likes this person and his personality 2 weeks later while they are still traversing the plains Carmen spots a carriage holding the crest of the IR family marnac asks if he's talking about the irel who's the high lord of the South and Carmen confirms it and notes that the white chamelia flower is his family's Crest marnac wonders if they should greet them as to not seem impolite but Carmen thinks otherwise as they don't have the Lord's flag hung up so there must be a child or relative in that certain Carriage it might be better to just
bypass them quietly they do so but when marnac approaches the rear end of the carriage he notices that that something is a Miss he grabs Carmen's attention and tells him that there is somebody tied up inside of the carriage the supposed Carriage guards draw their weapons as they have heard what they are Whispering about and one even says that if they would have played dumb they would have continued their Journey unscathed however now they have relinquished their right to live they charge in and a large shock wave appears marac cut the head of one clean
and Carmen killed another with a perfect head shot this paralyzes the other kidnappers and marnac asks how dare they swing their sword in such a crooked way he tells Carmen that there are only eight kidnappers left their Commander screams at them from a safe distance and demands they finish things off quickly as they don't have the time for things like this there are only two anyways they just need to charge in all at once they do so but a few short moments later the leader is shot in the head by Carmen as he is the
last to stand from the kidnappers the lady who is kidnapped keeps throwing up and Carmen ask if he was able to get a name out of her marnac Pats her back and explains that he would like to but this isn't a situation where he can ask any type of question he doesn't know if she was drugged or something but she can't move around that well for now at least Carmen asks if her eyes had a golden hue to them and marnac confirms it noting that she's most likely a lady from the IRL family she demands
he stop patting her back as he is making her throw up even more she raises her head up and thanks them for saving her while also making introductions she is the eldest daughter of CTO IRL The Smiling young Master her name is dakia IRL Carmen thinks that if she's speaking the truth and she's really the daughter of the smiling young Master she is most definitely a mage marnac thinks that if she's a noble and also a mage she will be incredibly rude Carmen notes that they can leave that for later and Whispers to marnac that
she has a really big heart which he agrees with and mother curses at the both of them dakia grabs their attention and notes that she would like to know the names of the ones who managed to save her although she can see clearly that one of them is a priest marnac introduces himself as a priest that worships the goddess of preservation she notes that his name isn't that bad and also asks for his assistance as she still has difficulty walking because the gas that they made her inhale is still in her system Carmen reaches his
hand forward and notes that he will help her in his stad he is the son of Sir enthus vus Carmen Volus dakia asks if he's sure about helping her as if some nosy onlookers were to see the black prairie dog of the valus family traveling with her the rumors will certainly spread even to the capital and she's sure he has someone who is worried about in the capital the least she can do for her saviors is be considerate isn't that right both marxs and Carmen's faces drop as this woman is a noble also a Mage
and is capable of showing consideration for others Carmen wonders if they can ask about how she got into that sort of situation in the first place and she explains that she doesn't have any real evidence in regards of the real culprit but she has a feeling actually no she's sure that this kidnapping was planned and paid for by her brother who always despised her derso IRL Carmen is surprised that her brother would do something like this and she explains that recently she received a marriage offer from the dragon Kingdom and since she's the next in
line for succeeding the title of family head he wanted to use the offer as an excuse to get rid of her marnac thinks that might be one thing but first and foremost especially for Nobles Mages are simply not welcomed at all Nobles usually despise Mages with all of their might but to be more accurate when it comes to noble families at least they hate birthing Mages into the family the first most obvious reason would the because of the natural tendencies Mages hold teaching them any sort of manners is extremely difficult but they also tend to
be self-centered most of the time and the power they gain for being Nobles lead to accident that are hard to deal with the second reason is why Mages shouldn't be in control of power at all because of an old and rather outdated folk tale the story is from before the ancient empire and has passed down from generation to generation about the age of Twisted Mages due to a strong and otherwise dumb belief in the story most species in the world hate having Mages take position of real power that is why when she told them that
she was pursuing to become one of the high Lords of the northern kingdom he presumed that unless she were to kill her own flesh and blood her brother to take that powerful position she wouldn't be able to do it he is very intrigued on how she will carry out such an impossible task of course that would be the case if she told the story once at least dakia asks if they are paying attention to her story and Carmen notes that using excus as a marriage she suspects the people around her were trying to sell her
off to the Dragon Kingdom isn't that right she notes that he's correct and marnac explains that they tried their best to listen to her story but she has already told it three times so he hes she understands why they are unable to focus on her that much also while she has been focused on the story her meat has been burning all of this time he gives her his and takes the burned one from her dakia thanks him for this show of kindness and marnac notes that she will do better at grilling the next time but
that can only happen if she reduces how much she talks when cooking a little while later dakia asks if she can present the both of them with an offer marnac expected this already and she says that she would like for them to take her to beatus which is part of the IRL family territory if they do so she will pay the both of them their weight in gold this takes marnac by surprise as he knew that high Lord families were something else entirely but they are also very generous it seems however with his current client
being Carmen if they are to escort the lady to beus his journey of finding his long lost mother will be delayed he also managed to save mother's hand from being burned into nothing so if he chooses to continue moving West he will respect his choice and give up on the gold the mother tells him to eat more to increase his weight and marnac can't believe she is this greedy even if she likes gold that much would she like for her own son to be obese Carmen clenches his fist and notes that he accepts the deal
since they have decided to get involved further they will take responsibility for everything until the end that is the only way to live up the vaas's name the next morning they get moving and arrive at a village where they hope to bathe and relax in some hot water as they have traveled quite a lot they go to a Tavern and Carmen orders some rooms while marnac and dakia talk about his bag Carmen notes that their rooms are at the end of the third floor Corridor and even told them to prepare bath water so they should
hurry up and get washed so that they may have a meal together after they do that they get at a table and they have a feast lined up for themselves marnac thinks that in days like these he would have wishes to have a sense of taste suddenly he hears a commotion as a few bar patrons are harassing a bar maid by grabbing her arm and telling her to stay here another man comes to the scene and demands he stop causing a scene at their establishment the man wonders how he created a scene in the first
place as he didn't embarrass her or anything all he did was try to ask her to pour more drink and listen to their story isn't that something she should do since it's her job and all Carmen notes that a fight will most likely break out so should they go and help marnac says that one of them already went over there so they most likely should dakia punches the harasser so hard he jumps from his chair and finishes him off with another attack the man's friends are extremely angry at her now but before they can do
anything marnac takes care of them by slamming the head of one on the table leaving him without a tooth and quite dazed the bar workers clap while dakia thanks marac who notes that there is no need for thanks Carmen tells her that she should tell them if she is doing something like this while strangling the last remaining harasses he notes that they are a party so they should act like one right dakia explains that ever since she was little she was unable to hold it whenever something unjust was going on marnac looks at her and
thinks that she doesn't have an anger management issue but rather a righteousness management issue Carmen gives marnac a coin bag from the harasser and marnac in turn gives it to the owner as he can pay for the damages with this the owner thanks him profusely but marnac says that it's not needed as it's money from those idiots anyhow later that night marnac knocks on daka's door when she opens it however he grabs her instantly and puts a knife near her head from here on she will listen and be quite at at all times to prevent
Carmen from waking up does she understand she said that she can't let something that is unjust pass by isn't that so but she will have to ignore it the next time as they are currently being followed and chased they need to stop attracting the attention of others so if she behaves like this ever again he will have no choice but to injure her and hand her over to their pursuers however that would be too tragic so he trusts that from now on she will discuss things she wants to do with him and act wisely if
she understands she should nod slowly dakia does so and marnac lets go wishing her a good night the mother notes that he is being way too hasty and he understands where she is coming from but this was something he had to bring up before a bigger problem came up and now they will find out whether dakia irel really has an compulsive Injustice disorder like she claims inside of a mansion owned by the Dragon family a younger member gets the news that they failed to capture dakia and if they really want to continue this Quest they
will need more funds the man scoffs at the idea of giving them extra money as he already gave them plenty and they showed no results he tells him to come next to him and slaps him hard this chubby man is the secret world organization elay eastern regional manager hilden the man demands an explanation as to why they need extra funds and if he tells him it's because they took too many losses he will be dead hilden thinks of his wife and children and thinks that he must do anything to survive for them at least he
bows down instantly and notes that there is a priest that worships the goddess of preservation and it's all because of him who goes by the name of marnac the man wonders how a mere priest could put a stick in their plans so easily and hilden urges him to hear him out he explains that marnac is no ordinary priest as he was the one who defeated the demon that turned into a gigantic monster in gu only using a single sword and not long ago in Kelton he killed a monster that was created from the evil spirit
worshippers who sacrificed all the lives in celton for it so it was quite powerful he achieved all of this on his Lonesome thus earning the title of evil spirits arch nemesis so that rumored priest and vas's oldest son got hold of dakia the man notes that if the situation is like this he will pay extra but he hopes that they will succeed this time this man is the dragon Kingdom's third Prince vus Draco hilden is happy as he did it and can finally think of his wife and kids without thinking about his passing later that
night marnac notes that he is filled with regret because of what he did to doia while feeding the mother should he have been less harsh than he was she seemed like somebody who would understand anyways the mother tells him to not worry about other women and marnac notes that even if she is a woman which he knows she despises she is still their client suddenly somebody knocks at the door and marnac asks who it is it is dakia and he invites her in she slowly enters the room and apologizes for interrupting as it seems he
was having a meal marnac notes that it's nothing to be worried about and she asks if she can sit down as she has something to talk to him about they both sit down and she asks if the reason he warned her like that was because she's a mage marnac looks downwards without responding for a second and finally replies with yes dakia notes that she knew this was the reason as the way he looked at her is something she is very used to by now as most people have gotten hurt by Mages so they look at
her with those kinds of eyes weary yet spiteful however this experience was a first as his eyes were filled with hatred towards her but what he spoke of was about how to be a better companion since they are traveling together and all that marnac blushes for a bit and dakia explains that most people who look at her with that distaste in her eyes try to do something bad to her however if she's honest if she Witnesses another unjust incident like the one that happened today she won't be able to ignore it that easily but from
now on she will make sure to discuss it with him as he has suggested since they are companions she came her to tell him just that so she will be taking her leave now she wishes him a good night while he P the situation but before she can leave he grabs her attention he thinks that he acted quite harshly towards her and was rude so he would like to apologize dakia Smiles deeply and notes that this is the first time he's looking at her properly with kind eyes eyes so she's very happy marac asks if
that is so and she asks if they have made up now without any grudges right marnac says that it is so as he isn't holding any grudges towards her she Winks at him and notes that she is looking forward to where their Adventure will lead them next he feeds mother again and thinks that in the end Mages are people no matter what this foolish son is finally facing the truth he had been avoiding all of this time the mother says that he should stop talking about that and feed her more which he laughs at later
that night a few goons swarm The Tavern and demand that they hand over marnac right this second or everyone in this establishment will die inside of a camp a man reads a message and notes that something is clearly off besides the request to capture the maiden of the IRL family who has silver hair and golden eyes like everyone from her family does what is the matter with this priest to have the evil spirits arch nemesis title means that he must be priest marnac right suddenly one of his subordinate who calls him sagita notes that the
priest they have been looking for is here but the woman from the IRL family isn't he is surprised by this and asks where he is right now surely not starting a fight or anything is he suddenly they hear a scuffle going on outside with a man demanding to be let go SAA goes outside and sees marnac holding one of his subordinates by his neck the others are ready with their swords but SAA orders them to drop them as they do not know what they are doing they hesitate so he has no choice but to scream
at them demanding they do what he ordered now reluctantly they withdraw their weapons letting saeta think that they were all slacking off when he was briefing about the request like the dumbasses they are they are in so much trouble right now it's not even funny he approaches marnac and after a giant gulp kindly asks if he is the priest marnac there are so many good rumors about marnac says that he is indeed that priest and SAA pleads with him to let go of the thing that he is holding in his hand right now as it
is starting to foam at the mouth marnac does so and notes that he would like to meet the captain of this mercenary Corp sajida hesitates to answer for a bit but explains that the captain of the redbear mercenary Corp is right in front of him and who he has been talking with all of this time sajida invites him inside and offers him some strong alcohol but marnac refuses as is not one to enjoy drinking but he does appreciate the gesture saaga finds this quite annoying as he was hoping to loosen his tongue and make the
conversation much easier now he has no choice but to give up entirely on that idea marnac notes that he heard something from his colleague who came looking for him this very morning he said that he wanted to meet them so is he wrong to think that this is regarding the scuffle that happened yesterday evening sageta smiles and wonders what to do now get straight to the point or test the waters with him a little while longer by implying that their target is the maiden from the IRL family with silver hair and golden eyes because they
have been struck by a mighty curse from the organization called el this situation is very difficult as this priest is rumored to be a terrifying individual and the rumors seem to be very true he hates quarreling with him in any sort of way but all of this is the fault of that damned Vice Captain Pelin suddenly he arrives at the camp clearly very drunk and gets the news that the priest dropped by which he finds extremely funny he goes inside of the tent where marnac and SAA are exchanging pleasantries and asks marnac directly is someone
from the IRL family among his party marnac notes that indeed there is someone from that family a woman to be exact Pelin says that this is great news so he should listen here while he still can he will hand over the woman and be allowed to leave unless he wants to meet a gruesome death that is marnac instantly pulls out his sword and before SAA can warn him Pelin gets his hand cut clean off the hand lands on the ground and he starts screaming from the pain a scream which can be heard throughout the quiet
mountains marnac finds this situation quite funny and strange he doesn't remember ever telling him his name directly yet here he is saying it with such an affectionate tone so who was it the person that wanted to track him and his party down SAA knows what's about to come and is rightly horrified a mercenary screams that their Vice Captain's hand has been cut off so they will all make their way to saa's barracks and show the priest that they aren't pushovers they all charge in but the moment someone steps inside of that tent their head gets
cut clean off this scares the mercenaries but they steal themselves and surround the tent SAA looks at Pelin who is now completely sober and begs him for help marac raises his sword above him and thinks that this sack of sadness won't be answering his questions anytime soon so he has to dispose of him suddenly a spear appears and blocks marn's attack he's quite surprised by this as he didn't expect him to take action so suddenly sajida explains that he wasn't going to but the relationship he and Pelin share is a deep one as they go
15 years back the mother urges marnac to use caution and saeta tries to strike him with the spear marnac just cuts the tip of it when he gets the chance to making sajida pull the tent over him as a last resort which angers marnac he swings once and SAA runs as fast as he can while warning the others to do so as well but it is much too late as their heads start coming off one by one from one single swing the one with swift reaction time see this and start running away from fear of
getting their head getting cut off blood is spilled everywhere and SAA grabs another spear while damning this day mother orders marnac to do something but he already knows very well no matter what he will bring the one who ordered them to track his party down to the tip of his blade sajida throws the spear at him with all of his might but marnac just blocks it with the corpse of one of the Fallen mercenaries he uses the sword to cut through him like butter but sajida manages to Dodge in time and grabs another spear he
starts fighting marnac one-on-one and their weapons Clash creating a small shock wave he orders his men to get Pelin from the tent and treat him while he is fighting the priest they have plenty of time both of their weapons fly into the air and marnac uses this opportunity to charge up a deadly punch and Strikes SAA directly in the arm making the snow around them fly in multiple directions marnac looks at him and smiles since it has been quite a long while since he fought somebody of his level SAA grits his teeth and demands his
men to fire marnac thinks that there was an Archer all of this time and Retreats from the fight as if an arrow were to hit one of his joints it would be extremely difficult to fight they both sit in silence for a while and when marnac looks around he spots that not a soul is around them they are completely alone in this situation the mother wonders what is going on and Saga screams at the bastards who dared abandon him like this marnac asks him if he is going to continue fighting as he has been left
behind without a thought sajida drops his Spear and notes that he is surrendering he will tell him everything he only asks for his life to be spared first they bury the dead and when they get to Pelin sajida notes that he always wanted to beat this bastard to a pulp one day but now that he is actually Gone Forever he feels strange marnac asks if he doesn't hate him now and sajida asks if he is going to be killed if he says that he does marnac asks if there is a good reason to keep a
person which hates him alive and sajida smiles saying that indeed he is right he is also not great with words so this will be quite hard for him a mercenary's job is to kill and eventually be killed so there were times when he had to work with guys who killed his companions earlier naturally that didn't mean they were on friendly terms with them but he also didn't run at them with an Axe in Hand to enact Revenge so he doesn't hate him at all the fact is that he feels a bit lonely now this mercenary
group was failing anyways so nothing of value was really lost marnac asks what he will be doing from now on and SAA notes that he doesn't know it's been 15 years since he was completely alone like this so he's a bit lost on what to do as all he knows is how to fight most likely he will end up doing mercenary work once again marnac Ponders the situation for a bit and notes that if things are like this why doesn't he meet an employer that pays a lot sajida wonders what he's talking about as this
came out of the blue later dakia is quite mad and siga just starts scratching his head marnac asks if there is some unwashed blood on him or something but she notes that isn't it as she washed up very well marnac notices her tone and mother screams at her marnac asks if she is acting like this because he left without saying a thing and she notes that he is well aware why after last night's deep conversation show is certain they had established a much deeper Bond but it seems that she misunderstood it right he told her
that she needed to discuss things with him before anything goes down but this seems to not count for him as without any sort of discussion he left on his own accord marac asks her if she has ever killed someone which catches her by surprise she notes that she hasn't and Mar explains that this is precisely why he went alone he thought that had to be uncompromising regarding this situation as there were fights that lead to Much Death there dakia notes that he could have at least told her as she slept really well and almost ate
breakfast without knowing a thing marnac thinks that he went alone so she could do exactly that but tells her that he will let her know from now on no matter what she accepts this apology and notes that now they are even suddenly Carmen comes through the door and notes that marnac went to negotiate with the mercenaries on his own so they should gear up and help that's when he spots marnac is safe and sound at the table so he feels quite embarrassed now SAA waves at him and Carmen asks who this might be marnac notes
that it's just a new Mercenary The Princess hired so they should introduce each other while they still can doia notes that even if he trusts this guy so much she hopes nothing bad will happen between them sajida notes that nothing bad will happen he promises that and Carmen notes that he is quite happy to have a sturdier companion around but now he will go to the Village Smithy as he ran here while choosing arrowheads so he needs to get back to that the sun is already up as it is so they will take their leave
early tomorrow morning nothing bad will happen in that time right somewhere in ertico a girl starts whining about when they are coming just when is that going to be a man asks if he is sure they are coming here or at the very least that they arrive faster before he goes insane from all of this needless whining the girl is still on the ground and very impatient for their arrival The Other Woman sigh and notes that they will arrive soon enough as she has been checking their location quite regularly so she is certain the girl
comes next to her and asks once again is she really certain that they are coming here to erratico the woman says that she already told her plent of times so why doesn't she want to believe her she explains that she believes her with all of her might but if they do not come here soon she is dead to her and she will have to sadly mince her into small pieces and feed her to the dogs later the party arrives at erratico which dakia is extremely glad for now she will be able to take a warm
shower something which she hasn't done in a while a man spots them and starts calling out for marnac as he saw his Priestly attire he asked asks if he really is a priest and marnac confirms that he is indeed one the man grabs his hand tightly and begs him with every fiber of his being to go to the trumpeter of rest as they don't even listen to The Lord At this point and tell them to stop summoning the undead he will pay for this handsomely marnac says that he doesn't think they would just stop just
because he told them to as that would be too easy the man notes that he is a priest so he should at least try and talk to him Carmen and siga look at each other with widened eyes the man explains that he and his companions are all at their limits as the undead walk around every night like Ghouls and they're starting to become too terrified so he begs him at least to talk with him and ask him to stop this madness marnac Pond this situation and notes that he will but he shouldn't expect too much
to change the man thanks him as many times as his lungs allow him to and marnac tells his party that he will be helping this man and will catch up with them a while later so they should go find some lodging dakia notes that they will do just that and while walking through the Dark Forest marnac thinks that among the priests of the various gods in this world the trumpeter of rest is the most unique out of all of them for other gods they choose a priest that follows them and grants them Authority and power
but for the trumpeter of death and rest one eventful day without any Rhyme or Reason they Grant a random human authority and the power that comes with it the chosen ones all go under the same title trumpeters of rest and they carry out their lives tending to the dead and all things related to that why would they do this that is a mystery that hasn't been cracked to this day the truth is that nobody truly knows all anyone knows is that to awaken the dead from their Eternal Slumber the trumpeters appear where many corpses lie
they blow on their trumpets that make no sound at all and walk around like a soldier leading the dead of course there were people in power who didn't like this phenomenon that is a given but nobody even dared to lay a finger on the undead lead by the trumpeters it makes sense though as if one would go up against an army of Undead that can raise infinitely they would surely meet their end as there is nothing they can do with that most if not all trumpeters of rest live their lives in complete Solitude and go
around with the undead their true companions they are something like a natural phenomenon that should be studied eventually he arrives at the Trump 's location and greets him the trumpeter doesn't speak a word allowing marnac to continue he is sure that many have come and gone through here but he wasn't in the position to reject this favor he has simply come to say the same things as many others have doesn't he think that it's about time he hangs up his hat and leave this place for another as he may already know for most normal people
the moving Undead is something very unpleasant and mortifying to witness or perhaps is there another reason behind him wanting to remain here they don't usually stay in one area for too long though so that must be it the trumpeter looks at him and says three words evil spirit worshippers they will be the ones who will cause many deaths he points behind marnac and notes that all of this will happen in erratico marnac asks if there really are evil spirit worshippers in that town and the trumpeter looks at him unfortunately for him it has already begun
a giant beam comes out of the sky Direct directly into the town and mother tells marnac to hurry as they don't have much time left he thinks that this time it won't be like Kelton where everyone died things will not go however they want to he promises this the girl who was a devil worshipper all of this time screams that the toy she wanted to play with is not here she said that he would be here but he isn't the woman notes that she verified that his companions have entered the city so she only needs
to wait for a moment as they will find him soon enough the girl demands she just die already but the man urges her to stop as he thinks that he just appeared the girl turns around and asks where and the man points him out marnac sits in the flames and is utterly filled with rage the girl is ecstatic that they finally found him and marnac begins smirking from ear to ear as he didn't expect to meet these bastards in a place like this one the man notices something and mother urges him to calm down marnac
revs up his chain sword and ignores most of Mother's pleas something which he hasn't done before he thinks that she is correct and he needs to calm down but he is not going to care about dumb things like that this time as he probably already knows this Mage bastard that is in front of him is someone who long ago killed his savior in him he is somebody that he needs to take revenge on no matter what happens way back then when he didn't have anything except many unnecessary worries he lived every day trying to earn
something and on the days that he couldn't hope to earn enough he had to starve no matter how hungry he was on a day like that which was quite common for him and when the blizzard was unusually intense for the time he met his savior shant tux he was a peculiar looking person as he wasn't really middle-aged nor was he that old either shantu was very easygoing but when necessary he proved that he can be serious about things when he woke up he didn't ask him a single thing all he did say was that he
could stay as long as he needed until he fully recovered and is ready to leave he was a priest who worshiped one of the Gods the goddess of preservation and additionally a gravekeeper who lived on the outskirts of a nearby Town one eventful day while helping him in his grave keeping duties he got really curious and asked why he saved him and without asking for anything in return He gently smiled and answered with this because he just wanted to that is all there is is to it that warm smile full of forgiveness and love hold
a special place in his heart even to this day shantu was a treasure of a man as he always helped and helped without asking for anything in return he always said that one should never need a reason to help others and well after that he wanted to become more like him kind one year into that peaceful and kind life in the winter to be precise he saved a man who was passed out in the snow the same position that he was in not long ago he remembered how shantu saved him and of course tried to
be like him and help but that's when he made a mistake that haunts him to this day as he should have never saved that disgusting Mage upon receiving their most kind help the Mage had healed up fully and with a Sinister smile on his face he confessed right in front of him that he was a worshipper of the evil spirits after that with rather simple magic he ripped him into shreds while still holding that Sinister smile on his face when he surprisingly woke up once again the hand that he stored away out of curiosity had
somehow escaped his inventory and started emitting a green energy while also gently caressing his cheek after that naturally he went to check inside of the house and had to face the dire consequences of his foolish actions what he found inside was the corpse of his dearest friend shantu who had been slaughtered quite cruy by that bastard of a mage marnac revs up his sword which is now engulfed with Raging Fire representing his inner rage the Mage finally remembers him after thinking for a while he is that gravekeeper whom he brutally murdered just because he was
bored however he is pretty sure he die back then as he killed him with a spell quite easily well he is alive now so all of this talk is becoming rather pointless to be honest by the by that priest outfit was worn by the other gravekeeper but it seems that that he is wearing it now oh and his arm it was this very arm that is attached to him right now right he has been using it very well for the past 3 years and it has treated him quite nicely this angers marnac a lot as
he has held a grudge against this man all of this years yet not he mocks him like he did all those years ago the girl rushes next to him and notes that she heard he was very very strong she has been waiting for someone like him in the second that she gets into cutting distance marnac cuts her clean in half and clashes with the M's barrier he notes that he is quite different from the rumors they have heard and marnac demands he stop talking while the runes on his face glisten a fluorescent green mother urges
him to finish this and he finds enough Force to break through the barrier allowing him to cut off the hand that was stole from him at that time the girl who seems to be just fine now notes that she really likes somebody like him marnac is surprised by her presence and takes no time in cutting her head off which she finds to be a fun activity the Mage activates scales of Retribution on his leg and marnac waits to see what all of that is about the Mage Stomps the ground with all of his might while
brandishing his iconic evil grin and an explosion that looks like a cross occurs this pushes even the woman behind him back and it creates a large electrified smoke cloud afterwards marnac seems to have been hit by this attack as he is slumped on the ground the Mage explains that the divine power he can sense from him isn't from the Goddess that the other gravekeeper worshiped the goddess of preservation however the blessing on that priest outfit works very well so he also must have become a worshipper of an evil spirit just like him marnac looks at
him with rage fueled eyes and tells him to shut his trap but this confirms to the Mage that indeed this is what he became the very thing he swore to destroy one day marnac summons the giant beast and tells him one last time to shut up the Mage finds his authority quite interesting but well since his left arm is missing once again he can take one of theirs that would be just perfect the Beast tries to punch him and a large green explosion occurs at the Landing but marnac sneers as the Mage has simply blocked
the attack and is now smiling like a bastard marnac slowly gets up and Promises himself and to shantu that tonight he will kill that Mage which goes by the name of river Kel no matter what it takes somewhere else in the town marnac party take care of the the zombified people who are now yearning for flesh dakia asks SAA about the zombie and if it's dead or not sajida confirms that indeed this thing is not dead just yet and Carmen tells them both that they should hurry to the castle as that might be the only
place where they can take some Refuge dakia asks about marnac as she is worried he might also be caught up in all of this mess sajida explains that marnac is a man who wouldn't die so easily because of something like this so they need to prioritize themselves right now and find a way to get out as fast as possible eventually throughout the fires rubble and bodies scattered around everywhere at this point they arrive at the Lord's castle kmen notices that the castle is unharmed so it wasn't the Lord's fault that everyone became like this zombified
saaga grabs their attention especially dakia and tells her that no matter what even if there is a way to bring these people back right now they need to kill them one comes around and Saga stabs it clear in the chest killing it instantly and most likely painlessly if they ever want to escape this trap of a city they need to keep killing and killing even if these people revert back when they do so if she truly wants to live and see marnac once again she needs to regard this as thought she is just stabbing some
meat and not people a horde rushes to their location as they have heard the commotion and Saga notes that he will be taking the lead but they both shouldn't falter behind behind either dakia suddenly smiles and pulls out her blade slashing the first zombie that comes around Carmen is glad that Saga encouraged her like this and with that they all make their way to the castle Gates however while fighting sajida notices something a strange beast and a purple light among the countless zombies that are coming towards them he also sees marac after the dust clears
and wonders if it really is him the girl pops up behind River and notes that this is very exciting to watch and wonders just how far this man can go she really really wants to know the woman suggests that they talk things through considering they are all evil spirit worshipper but the girl denies this notion as she has been waiting to me this man for a very long time so now she can't miss all of the action marnac doesn't react in any specific way and tells the Beast to attack it does so and with a
mighty punch and a large Roar it breaks River Kel's barrier into small pieces this allows marnac to charge in and they both are ready to battle each in their own way almost like a dance they Dodge and strike at the same time after some time River mocks marnac as he has only thrown that sword around and used his fists doesn't he have anything else in his Arsenal mother tells marnac something and River tells him to calm down a bit as this isn't nearly as over as he thinks it is that's when a spear appears lunging
straight for River Kel's head he doesn't notice it at all and it hits him taking his head clean off marn's eyes widen as his object of obsession is gone and he also recognizes the spear he looks in the direction it was thrown from and he sees sajita who threw the spear they both look at each other before Saga is swarmed by zombies so he has to bolt it out of there marnac stands there unshaken he has read somewhere that truly revenge is feudal but even with this he didn't expect it to be like this so
worthless and empty naturally he wasn't expecting something dramatic with a grand ending but he also didn't want the ending to be so abrupt and lonely with all of this out of the way he offers mother the corpse but that's when River's body starts to Surge with divine power this makes marnac think that somehow he is still alive even after his head was taken off so he revs up his sword and takes back that right arm before anything the woman screams that they are extremely screwed right now this is why she told them that they should
have resolved this through words rather than their own fists the girl is ecstatic as this is very fun for her and asks marnac to do that slashing thing again before the woman drags her away with her she tells her to shut up already as when river is in that state he can't differentiate between Friend or Foe so he is extremely dangerous marnac after hearing this tells the Beast to toss him over to those two afterwards he can return back to his domain the Beast obliges and picks him up the girl demands that she be let
go as she will seriously kill her if she doesn't the woman demands that she just shut up at this point as she is Extremely Loud for no reason suddenly something passes them and lands on front of them which makes the woman worry she looks to see what it is and she confirms that indeed it is marnac who asks what is going to happen now that they are in this situation the girl comes from behind the woman and notes that she will be telling him her name is pearly while this short-haired woman is named beina the
woman tries to plead with her to stop speaking but the girl continues to explain that they are what one would call a secret society of evil spirit worshippers they go by the name of Liberati if he searches around his Noggin he can probably remember the other evil spirit worshippers that he has killed previously in Kelton marnac notes that he remembers all of them quite clearly and pearly explains that all of those people were also part of this organization libero this is also the main reason they have been patiently waiting for him in this place marnac
walks towards them and asks how many people their organization has pearly says that she doesn't know and baina doesn't do either she came here only because she was allowed to do everything she wanted to if H wants answers he should ask River directly as he was dispatched directly from liberio to carry out an important Mission here though right now he might not answer as he is in quite a A peculiar State marnac asks what the goal of this organization might be and BNA steps up noting that she will be the one to tell him their
goal is a simple and righteous one it is to create a world where it doesn't matter what God one chooses to worship a world where people aren't persecuted just because they chose to worship a God that the world thinks is evil marnac asks why they burn this Village down then will this help their cause in any way at all Berna says that she didn't want for things to become like this either and it's mostly because River Keel like to cause a lot of trouble the only reason they came to this Village is because they have
some things to collect and one of them he possesses marnac asks what item she might be talking about and Burna notes that she is talking about the Holy Relic the marble that was in the body of the Incarnation marnac tightens his grip on his chainsword and thinks that his assumptions about all of this was correct using the holy Relic that possesses mother's primordial power these people want to do something with that power but what marnac tells them that the marble they wanted simply broke and Berna thinks that he is lying as something so precious couldn't
just break so easily marnac notes that it did even if it is that precious and he left the remnant somewhere in Kelton basically throwing it away marnac also asks if there is only one of them and mother listens intently Berna is hesitant to answer that question but pearly screw screams that there are four more which makes mother scream and rage this is only natural as she is the owner of that sealed power so she is rightfully angry because of this Berna scolds ply for telling him all of this information for free but perly says that
he was going to find out anyways since he is on their side God can she be Petty or what marnac Smiles at the notion of them having four more and he wants to ask something who is the one who drove all of the citizens in here to Insanity pearly immediately know not that it wasn't her as she doesn't know how to do something like that and Berna tries to scold her for telling him all of this so easily but she doesn't get to as marnac cuts her head off without remorse pearly is quite surprised by
this and marnac also cuts her head off but she doesn't seem to be phased and notes that they will be seeing each other in the future marnac offers the corpses to mother but only Bar's corpse is swallowed as pearly seems to still be alive somehow however now that the cause of all this is eliminated this Village has become pleasantly quiet suddenly Carmen calls him over as everyone who was zombified suddenly fell over on the ground was it perhaps his doing marnac confirms that indeed it was and sajida asks if his spear was of any help
marnac explains that it was much more helpful than he would expect as even he was overwhelmed by how helpful it was sajida says that he is glad to have helped him out this much and marnac hopes that he didn't see the gigantic corruption Beast helping him he tells everyone that they need to get moving as something big will be awakened very soon they are all quite puzzled by his words and Carmen asks what he means but that's when the ground starts to rumble and the air is filled with death an amalgamation of every corpse around
here Rises and wants only one single thing to kill marnac looks closer at it and his expression dims as this creature is made entirely out of corpses marnac notes that this is what he was referring to when he said something big was coming and thinks that River has an extremely annoying hobby even after his demise he gathered all of the corpses in this Village and took on this disgusting and rather pathetic form it is an authority that fits an ugly person like him perfectly mother agrees with his assumption and marnac tells dakia that he knows
she is quite sad that she had to bloody up her hands like this but he will comfort her once they are done with this so for now she needs to be strong dakia smiles and asks how he will be comforting her marnac notes that he will be thinking about that as firstly in order to save the people remaining they need to stall for time Carmen asks if somebody will be coming to help them if they were to stall for time and marnac confirms that yes he is sure that a certain someone will be coming the
trumpeter arrives at the Village Gates and sajida notices him he notes that the person he wanted to wait for it already here the trumpeter blows his horn and the undead he heard it in here jump into action and they all rush to Beast that is made up of bodies slowly but surely they all climb up and feast on its flesh the Beast can't do anything to retaliate and only howls the four look at this site and dakia notes that it seems the person who hearded the undead is coming in their Direction marnac notes that he
is doing just that and the trumpeter stops when he is in speaking range he asks between the four of them he would like the most agile of the group to take this spear that he is holding and stab the heart of the Beast with it marnac picks up the spear from the trumpeter and asks if he perhaps also has a sword he looks at marnac in silence and shortly afterwards hands him a sword bearing the same style as the spear marnac is pleasantly surprised about him being able to create things so fast and asks if
he can also create two more swords and some Arrows with them the trumpeter looks at him perhaps peeved about his constant requests under the mask and summons the respective items while telling marnac to say what he wants all at once as they don't have this much time to waste they all get equipped saaga with the spear Carmen with the bow and arrow and dakia with one of the swords she swings it around and notes that it is quite light and marnac also thinks the same it is a good weapon its sharpness is nothing to scoff
at as it is made purely out of Bones and it is also imbued with the Divinity of the trumpeter against the undead and especially against such a disgusting Beast it will be be very effective the trumpeter comes next to him and explains that he will be stopping that being's movements for a while during that time they will be attempting to stab the Giant's heart and hopefully succeeding should they do their rewards will be the very weapons they hold right now marnac agrees and so the trumpeter blows his horn while they all get ready for battle
the noise starts vibrating throughout and when it reaches the Beast who is still being assaulted by the undead they explode into liquid which covers the Beast dakia looks at this and notes that the trumpeter is basically melting the corpses the very same he brought marnac watches all of this with a certain disdain as the Beast starts to convulse all around as it tries to move he understands more than dakia as the trumpeter is melting the corpses only to solidify them once again for him at least now he is worse than any of the evil spirit
worshippers the trumpeter tells them that he only handles the bodies who have now been presented with rest the weapons will tell them where the heart resids Ides so they should run and finish this as fast as they can marnac thinks that he would have liked to say more about this but right now there's just not enough time as they have an important task to fulfill they all run towards it especially marnac who thinks that if the postpone this situation even further things will turn bad the Beast tries to punch them but misses due to it
being stuck in place which makes dakia run even faster that's when the corpses from the Beast try to descend upon her which takes her by surprise but kmen is there to help her and he clears out every corpse that was approaching this makes her confident and she screams that she will work with Carmen in order to bring down the beast from down below marnac agrees and tells sajida who is right next to him to pierce the heart if he can as he will distract the head while he does that saaga agrees and so they both
go into different places the Beast tries to stop them with the countless bodies it has amassed but they do not hold a candle to their skills however there is a reason that marnac aimed for the head specifically mother told him that there is a chunk of divinity in the middle of the head and as a clear bonus that chunk of divinity is plastered on the head of the man who took away one of his dearest friends that disgusting Mage River kill SAA gets hard at work trying to find the heart and marnac fights that disgusting
bastard for one last time he charges up a sword attack with all of his might and slashes the head everywhere leaving only a single eye left which marnac also takes care of with ease he destroys every single shred of what remains and can now say that he Avenged his friend as he should have by destroying River utterly eventually sajida finds the heart pierces it which makes the Beast instantly react dakia notices that countless bodies begin falling from the sky as the Beast is slowly coming apart and eventually it explodes into a pool green substance and
the matter from the bodies falls to the ground marnac watches from below while he holds the orb that holds Divinity with this he has come out Victorious and the memory of his friend is now a pleasant one dakia and Carmen come next to him and ask if he is hurt in any way marnac in turn asks where sajida is who instantly comes around too while admiring the spear he is holding the trumpeter arrives at their location and tells marnac to come with him but only him nobody else while they walk around to another more secretive
area marnac wonders why he would wish to speak with only him did he perhaps find out that he took the marble or the fact that he is an evil spirit worshipper suddenly the trumpeter stops walking and mother tells marnac to get ready that's when the trumpeter tells him that it's coming and marnac can feel it too this presence he knows exactly what it is it is truly overwhelming and it is of a much higher being beyond what Humanity can even imagine a part of God has descended to their mortal plane the trumpeter of death and
rest arrives and looks at marnac before pointing at him and saying a single word Capital with that he leaves making the trumpeter slowly come to his senses while The Possession dies down marnac is surprised that he vanished after only saying one word marnac stands above the trumpeter and asks if if he has something to say the trumpeter looks down and tells him that he cannot know and does not really wish to this makes marnac smile and he offers him a helping hand while noting that they should go back while they do so marnac asks if
it is possible for him to clean up around this place as the undead He commands would prove really useful at first the trumpeter tells him that helping the living isn't one of his sworn duties but he gets hit with a strange feeling the same one he felt when he was possessed he asks what he can help with and marac explains that he only needs to find the survivors and move them to the stable buildings the trumpeter blows his horn and the undead begins moving once again which Spooks dakia a bit but she calms down shortly
after marnac also requests the trumpeter to move any useful Goods to the buildings too as he would be grateful for that if they are left behind like this they would just end up burned or stolen so they should do what they can to preserve them the trumpeter once again blows his horn and instantly afterwards marnac asks him to also put out the fires now even the oddly calm Trumpeter is a little angry at him not requesting all of this at once eventually all of the work is done and while the trumpeter gets ready to leave
marnac gives him the right arm of an evil spirit worshipper the trumpeter looks at it for a few good seconds before leaving with the dead into the distance dakia notes that she would have never guessed that a Trumpeter would help them as they are EX extrem recluses and marnac notes that he was just a very nice and kind person she says that he probably also asked him for help and marnac confirms that he did but he never expected him to actually do dakia grabs his hand and thanks him as what he did was really helpful
mother is now screaming kill which to be fair is understandable later that night while staying at an in mother appears in her full form while trying to take out the Divinity out of the orb but she is struggling quite a bit marnac Ponders what happened and wonders what the trumpeter wanted to say with pointing at him and saying capital Did he perhaps mean that there is a holy Relic situated in the capital however if that is the case it would mean that he knows he is a priest of corruption which might be dangerous he asks
mother if she knows the god that they met earlier today the one with a strange appearance but she tells him that she doesn't know a thing about him this makes marnac think that what the trumpeter said about him not wishing to know what he asked means that his identity shouldn't be revealed as a God wouldn't just start to speak about something like this with other people but just why would he contact him like this what is his real purpose mother gets extremely angry at the orb and throws it around in Anger much to the dismay
of marnac she explains that she of having great difficulty with severing the Divinity from the marble but marnac tells her to not worry so much as he is confident she can do it however even if she is very angry throwing things around is not a good way to express it mother notes that she just wanted to be more useful for him which marnac is extremely grateful for but she shouldn't throw things around no matter how frustrated she might feel she doesn't need to worry as she will be three times more Charming than she already is
when she finally cracks it mother asks if she will be Charming to him too after she accomplishes that but marnac says no which shatters her whole world marnac pleads with her to listen until the very end but she is already crying Mar explains that she is already extremely Charming to him so it is all the same to him whether she is three times or 300 times more Charming than she is right now mother promises to not throw objects around anymore and so the issue is solved at a Tavern in an undisclosed location the Priestess listens
as two men are having a conversation about evil spirit worshippers who seem to be all over the place lately not just in this Kingdom but also in the East Kingdom the desert Kingdom and the northern Empire also and additionally Kon and ertico have also suffered greatly because of the evil spirit worshippers so is their City also in danger one explains that they shouldn't worry about that as there was someone who killed all of them in both eradico and Kelton this is all thanks to marnac who saved both of those cities they cheer for marnac and
his exploits while the priest Priestess Pond all of this information and finds it quite interesting hilden walks through the halls and dams the situation as he just barely managed to convince the Lord of artico to catch the princess but thanks to those evil spirit worshipper bastards everything went down the drain now he can only hope that the dragon Kingdom Prince doesn't take his inevitable anger out on him however he will be more Furious if he doesn't show up so he has to no matter what hilden knocks at the door of the chambers and the prince
demands he enter while looking at the door quite angrily somewhere else entirely a bandit tries to plead for his life while marnac holds the blade to his neck the Bandit says that he will give them absolutely everything that he owns which doesn't please marnac and so he kills him dakia is clearly not happy with all of this Bloodshed and marnac says that he will bury them at least he does so but also secretly offers them to mother and it seems seems that he has amassed almost 4,000 Divinity all of this was mostly because of the
numerous Bandits that dared attack them with this out of the way they continue their Journey but suddenly dakia comes closer to marnac as she has something to ask him she isn't blaming him for anything so he shouldn't take this the wrong way but he never lets any of the bandits go she just wants to know why is all however if he doesn't want to talk about it he doesn't have to say anything marnac sigh and smiles at the same time he asked if she also asked Carmen and sajida and she confirms that she did Carmen
told her that since they attacked them first and they were clearly armed and willing to bring harm they most likely go after innocent people too and that is something that he can't let happen and sajita like usual said that he is only fulfilling his duty but he can try to spare them if that is what she wishes to marnac notes that in his case he believes in the potential of people dakia is quite puzzled by this but asks if he is talking about how even those Bandits can be reborn in some way marnac confirms that
it is precisely so he firmly believes that even those Bandits have the possibility to repent and start living good lives without Bloodshed and peace dakia angrily asks why he isn't sparing them and marnac explains that the first time is always hard for anything in life so it is more likely that they will go down the path of Darkness once again than repent that is why he kills them without Mercy dakia P the situation heavily and asks if they really have the right to bestow judgment upon them like this even the gods who seems omnipotent don't
seem to have a Clear Vision about this topic mother speaks with marnac but he already knows so she shouldn't worry she gave him the authority to do as he wishes marnac says that he is not killing them to bestow judgment but he is only taking responsibility for the choices he has made if he spares any evil and that evil once again commits evil harming innocent lives in the process some of the responsibility would wait on his shoulder afterwards so he would much rather bear the responsibility for taking their lives and chance at repenting for their
actions he has no idea about what he might pay for committing so many killings but no matter what it is this is the choice that he has made and he has to live with it no matter what to spare an evil man who then goes on to murder Innocents is something that in his eyes at least is unforgivable he thinks that if he can't take that responsibility until the very end then no matter how much potential an evil person has for change he promised to himself that day that he will never spare any of them
dakia fiddles with her hair for a bit and asks if he can perhaps tell her why he thinks like this only if he wants to of course as she isn't forcing him into anything marnac says that he certain cly will but they will probably have to save it for later as a group of merchants is arriving sajida recommends that they meet them as they will certainly have a variety of useful items and they also might be able to sell the equipment from the bandits to them they do so and much later while in a camp
set up by the merchants one of them analyzes marnac sword with great excitement as the metal it is made out of is extremely nice it is an immortal alloy that was imbued with the essence of the ancient empire and it's technology what this sword is made out of is imortalium which is exceedingly rare Carmen notes that he must be talking about the metal of immortality but the merchant is extremely excited as it is more immortali than he has collected for well over 120 years he would like to buy it no matter the cost but marnac
tells him that he is not selling it the merchant understands it full well and Carmen says that he must have another reason for inviting them to stay here the merchant explains that he would like to deploy them as His guards until they all reached the northern Kingdom's Capital they mentioned that they went through eradico which was almost eradicated entirely so then he who wears the Priestly robes must be Gee's Demon Slayer the arch nemesis of the evil spirits themselves marac he is embarrassed by all of this praise and the merchant explains that should they accept
this job they will all be rewarded well and Promises better treatment than the other mercenaries they have employed Carmen asks for some time to discuss it amongst themselves and the merchant gives them that time but looks forward to them accepting the offer later that night while marnac is giving a massage to Mother he notes that since they accepted this well-paying job and all they should look for a nice place to live once they have the money suddenly screams can be heard from the outside as countless giant bats have invaded their Camp marnac protects mother and
is prepared to face anything for her the large bats continue their attacks with the party trying their best to defend the merchants specifically marnac and Carmen who are in the front lines dakia also tries to help a merchant by attempting to shoot a fireball but before she can even gather enough Mana to do it a sword appears into the bat's head and the merchant runs freely the sword was thrown by marnac who wanted to stop dakia and succeeded as if she doesn't know how to control her spell she might have caused a lot of damage
dakia gets angry and notes that it's not so bad as it seems maybe she could have just hit one of the bats in the air if she aimed well marnac says that even if it is so bats can fly and they are much harder to predict in the air there is no real guarantee that a magic spell that missed its Target won't find another maybe even an ally so he asks her to stop herself from casting spells from now on dakia continues to pout but agrees that it is dangerous marnac finds his way to the
merchant leader with the sword still unshield Beed which is dripping blood on the carpet the merchant notes that he would like for him to put that rather handsome sword in its sheath but Mar explains that it will depend on his answers the merchant sees what's going on and notes that if this is the case he better answer wisely marnac tells him that he really should think before answering as this might become messy his first question is why are evil spirit worshippers attacking a merchant organization so out of the blue the merchant tries to play it
off saying that he doesn't really know but when marnac revs up his sword he gives up and notes that he will trust him with this information since he is so renowned with that marnac is satisfied and so he sheathes his sword while hoping that the merchant is not hiding anything more than this he asks if he will keep all of this a secret and marnac agrees as he is a mercenary and is willing to keep secrets the merchant asks one of his subordinates to bring him the thing and he does so a small golden box
the merchant explains that the evil spirit worshippers began their attacks after a certain item this one to be exact was handed over to them they were requested to bring this item straight to the capital marnac notes that since it has been so long since they have gotten the request they must have faced many casualties so the question is why didn't they just give up on the request the merchant tells him that they received imortalium as payment UPF front and they were promised even more once the delivery was complete if he's being truly honest he doesn't
know why they would want something like this and he asked another priest for his advice but he did not know anything he presents to marnac the item a necklace of sorts which shines heavily under the light marnac instantly feels that this is a holy Relic one that contains the Divinity of mother this must be why the evil spirit worshippers want the item so much but how did they even find out about it he has Mother's hand so how are they finding out where all of her holy relics are the merchant also asks for his opinion
on the item since he is also a priest but marnac lies and tells him that he also has no clue now he understands the situation they are facing but they should talk about something even more important the merchant asks if this is about the conditions and marnac confirms that it is since he has hidden something from them which put them at risk he thinks that it's only natural that they change the conditions they will need twice the amount of money that he promised them for everyone not just him the merchant reluctantly agrees and notes that
instead of a priest he should have become a merchant the party meets inside of a storage tent and SAA congratulates marnac for finding out as there were plenty of traces around here that battles have been fought especially on the solders equipment they must have fought plenty already so it's no wonder why it is so dakia says that he should have told all of them this but sajida explains that it was the merchants who chose to keep it away from their ears and since they were going basically in the same direction they would have been caught
up in the Ambush anyways even if they rejected the offer Carmen says that in addition to all of this their most benevolent priest was ahead and doubled their reward money with ease marnac notes that he just got them what they rightly deserve and with that everyone goes to their individual tents as they have a lot to travel still after taking a welld deserved bath marnac walks around in the night and mother suggests that they steal the Relic now he notes that it would be terrible if he was caught doing it but mother reassures him saying
that as long as there are no Witnesses it's not a crime this doesn't Inspire that much confidence in Tamarac who explains that they should hold back on doing things of the nature until they figure out what that Sly Merchant is capable of at least she knows already that metal doesn't rot so they will simply let the evil spirit worshippers take the item and in the process of graciously retrieving it they will just steal the Divinity inside and give it back like nothing ever happened the mother did not think of this and tells him that he
is extremely smart marnac tries to continue talking with her but that's when one of the soldiers screams that another Ambush is taking place which marnac laments as he just got done cleaning himself a large bipedal creature with devilish horns charges forwards and instantly takes care of the soldiers who couldn't do much in the first place it goes straight to marnac who recognizes the creature as a carpel and so he prepares a wide attack putting all of his force behind it when the creature gets close enough he unleashes it but surprisingly the Beast has very tough
horns and they block his sword marnac continues to push however and eventually he manages to cut through the horn and decapitate it with that finished something else catches his attention as a bush is radiating pink energy something jumps out of it and instantly goes for him in that Split Second marnac manages to catch the woman that was ready to pounce on him it is one of the evil spirit worshippers that he has met previously pearly who is excited to finally meet him again she notes that she thought about him a lot did he perhaps do
the same marnac confirms that he didn't think about her a single time but she says that it's okay as she thought about him enough times so much so that it makes up for him not doing it marnac laments having to deal with this pipsqueak again and notes that there is something he would like to ask her in turn she asks him what she will receive for this information marnac continues to take care of the beasts that attack them and the party also comes out to help which makes things a whole lot easier for marnac Carmen
spots that one of the beasts is trying to get away and marnac offers himself to take care of it and so he gets running for it but the Beast is fast and it doesn't seem that he can catch up by normal means he chooses to throw the other sword at it and it manages to hit killing the Beast instantly with that done he walks away to the spot where pearly is who is quite mad that he is late but now that he is here will he be granting her wishes marnac doesn't know what she's talking
about and notes that first she will be answering his questions she agrees and marnac ask how many evil spirit worshippers are a part of this Ambush pearly gets to counting and comes to the conclusion that there are three excluding her of course however they make her a bit mad as they are all acting like she is not here which is very mean if she's being honest marnac thinks that she's just telling the enemy all of this information for free basically so if she were an ally he also would just ignore her he agrees with her
that they are mean and also asks why they are attacking the merchant group although he already knows she says that it's because of the necklace that the merchant leader has which makes marnac asks how she knows about the item in the first place she tells him that she hasn't a clue but she does know that the person who requested for the merchant to take the necklace was also a part of Liberati the organization of evil spirit worshippers she told him about when they first met marnac finds it strange as it seems like Liberati is having
an internal conflict of sorts if that is the case but why pearly notes that it's not as bad as it seems it's just a slight argument not to be taken seriously marnac asks what caused this but pearly doesn't remember even if she was told why marck wonders if she is on any side at all but she explains that she is neutral and does things only when she's given money or materials marnac asks why she would need materials and pearly notes that it's for her dolls as she is a priestess that worships the great shaking string
marnac thinks about it and comes to the conclusion that the thing in front of him right now and the thing that he met last time were both dolls pearly also remembers to tell him to watch out as the guys that came with her were planning something without her of course marnac sits in silence for a short while and finally asks why is she being so nice to him pearly is pleasantly surprised that he actually asked her that and notes that as an entirely different question from the ones he was asking marnac just looks at her
and then turns his back away saying that he's not interested anymore this makes her gravel on the ground as she wanted him to ask so he should didn't he want to find out marnac notes that she should just tell him what she wanted to ask of him now while he is still here but she refuses saying that she will do that the next time they meet marnac smiles and notes that if it's so this will be goodbye for now at least he cuts off the head of the doll and pearly also wishes him farewell while
the head of the doll is flying around eventually marnac arrives at the camp and just when he's about to get into his tent dakia stops him he asks what she wants as she should rest while she can since they don't know when the evil spirit worshippers will attack again dakia says that she will but she just wanted to ask him where did he go as she didn't see him return with the others marnac explains that he was chasing after the last carpel and felt the presence of an evil spirit worshipper while he was there so
he looked around for a while dakia is quite spooked by this and asks if he actually fought one but marnac denies it as he didn't find anything of importance that's when she suddenly starts cleaning his face with her handkerchief which he immediately Retreats from as as she will get it dirty if she does something like this dakia explains that she brought it for him anyways so he should stop running away she continues to clean his face while mother screams bloody murder at her probably cursing her to the High Heavens when dakia finishes she hands him
the handkerchief and wishes him a good night after marnac gets inside tired from all of the action mother instantly transforms into her full form with handkerchief in hand she notes that she will also be washing his face and marnac tells her that she doesn't need to do that but she insists so marnac lets her do it the next day while they are traveling marnac noticed a strange Rumble in the mountains and thinks of pearly's words that there might be an ambush soon but that's when he recognizes what that sound is but too late as the
Avalanche has already started coming towards them he warns everyone to remove everything from themselves and run while they can but suddenly dakia gets in front of the Avalanche marnac thinks that if he can stall the Avalanche just for a little while most of the people will have time to get away he looks at dakia and that's when he gets an idea he explains to her that he needs her help as the Avalanche will be upon the merchants too soon so at this rate they will not be able to escape if she helps they can save
all of the people dakia is surprised by his words and he notes that she has to use her magic on the Avalanche right now dakia is shocked that he actually suggested that and says that even if she does that it won't completely stop the Avalanche as she doesn't have that kind of magic marnac explains that she doesn't have to stop it in its entirety they just need to stall it enough so that everyone can get out of the way so she should gather all of the Mana that she can and use it on the Avalanche
dakia notes that she won't be able to move while she's channeling the Mana and after she uses all of it she will most certainly pass out marnac grabs her shoulder and swears on his name that he will protect her no matter what this makes her blush a bit and with Newfound confidence walks forwards as to get prepared to summon all of her magic she starts Gathering all of the Mana around and after she is done unleashes it in a beam which goes straight in the middle of the Avalanche and causes a large explosion dakia however
doesn't stop and uses every shred of Mana that is in her body that's when it's revealed that dakia is worth four fingers something extremely valuable for marnac eventually hermana runs out and marnac immediately grabs her as she falls noting that this is plenty already after she has passed out marac summons the giant beast and asks it to protect him and dakia it does so and completely surrounds the both of them as the Avalanche comes crashing down eventually after everything settles the Beast digs out of the Avalanche before it can Harden and marac follows it with
dakia who seems to be waking up right about now with that the Beast Beast removes a piece of rock that was hinged in its head and leaves as to not be seen by anyone slowly but surely dakia wakes up and asks marnac if they really are alive marnac notes that they completely lost the people they were with including their party but yes they are alive and kicking he asks if she can move but she says that it's not possible probably due to the Mana depletion she got but he should know at least that she saw
everything marn's eyes widen and dakia explains that she saw him clearly summon a very large and quite freaky looking giant marnac is now on full alert and mother even more so dakia continues by saying that she knew he wasn't a worshipper of the goddess of preservation unlike him the people who usually worship that goddess aren't as Adept as him with the sword and he is also much much more powerful than they could ever wish for marnac tries to excuse this as him simply being more trained than others but dakia denies this and moves on to
the next Point secondly he seems to be having a lot of conversation with the hand that he keeps with him at all times no matter what she is sure that he was being extremely discreet with it but eventually someone would have noticed and that someone was her marnac again tries to excuse this by saying that is only a prayer that he does dakia notes that even if that is the case she clearly saw him yelling for a mother and that's when a large Beast appeared out of a green portal she tries to say that he
is an evil spirit worshipper but marn silences and warns her at the same time some people say that silence is like gold so now she hasn't seen anything not a thing and since she is such a faithful person she will keep her mouth shut right dakia interrupts his yapping and explains that she doesn't care who he worships not at all he is a good person and even if he is a tad too merciless most of the time he is still a good friend and part of the reason she accepted to do knew this was that
he would actually listen to her if she was in this extremely vulnerable state as he knows she was born a Mage and thus she received many resentful stares and hatred throughout her life she can relate to his situation even if just a little bit so even if he is someone who worships an evil God she will be treating him like she always has and will also keep the secret naturally mother listens to this without saying anything but after a short while she comes out and starts pounding dakia on the head apparently out of sheer anger
dakia is naturally shocked by this and asks marnac to do something about this raging child he gently grabs mother's hand and tells her to calm down as this woman is being genuine he gets that she is worried about all of this but he wants to try and trust her like she trusted him all of this time additionally since doia is a mage she will make her swear to appease her worry mother accepts but before before leaving she signals dakia that she will be watching her very closely dakia asks marnac what that means and he tells
her that she will be watching it seems with that done he notes that now he has to make her swear an ancient tongue dakia accepts and starts doing it and is shortly done with the spell marnac tells her that now that she swore he will answer any question she has dakia asks why he isn't questioning her about what she swore but marac explains that he understands ancient tongue so everything is fine dakia finds it quite impressive and seems to want to ask her first question she wanted to ask him this question for a long time
what kind of women is he into mother immediately gets in front of them and marnac notes that it's probably best to get moving as they need to find their party dakia says that if he is going to look for the holy Relic she would like to help unfortunately it seems that the evil spirit worshippers got to the merchant already and have the Relic in hand safe and sound the woman who cast the Avalanche notes that the priest she engulfed with in is probably dead or Dying by now so they should just return as they got
what they needed that's when one of the notices something in the distance the merchant who is extremely angry that they attacked his Merchant organization but even more angry that they actually dared to touch his precious items the ice woman immediately engulfs him in ice but this doesn't stop him in the slightest as his blue eyes glow even larger and he breaks out of the ice while transforming his lower half into that of a horse Androids are beings that have bodies entirely made out of metal and they are well known for absolutely adoring minerals and they
can even replace body parts with them due to this they are naturally Covetous for any kind rare metals and most of the May Merchants solely so that they feed into this Obsession shortly put they are a species that give enough time and money will get stronger and stronger additionally if the core is still kicking they will not stop no matter what the merchant charges in and start shaping his hand into something else the icewoman tries to block his way but with his new Lance arm he easily breaks through which shocks the ice woman quite a
bit one of the other evil spirit worshippers tells her to hold on just a bit longer as he almost got it the woman screams at him noting that he is completely out of his mind if he thinks that she can hold out for much longer as this guy's entire body is made purely out of frost steel the silent man looks at the merchant charging in once again and slams the ground with one of his legs which creates a black substance around the merchant that stops his movements with this opportunity the ice woman summons all of
her magic and engulfs his legs in in dark ice he still manages to get out of it quite easily but now it's too late as the other evil spirit worshipper tells the ice woman kiruna to get down and summons a large worm which spits acid on the merchant which takes out an arm and hurts him all over she urges him to call that Beast to spit even more acid but the guy explains that it's too cold for him right now so he won't be coming back he wants to say that they need to destroy his
core but that's when a large thud and scream catches their attention as Marx's giant Beast is rushing in like it's in a sports competition the ice woman tells the summoning guy luthan to summon something again but he explains that no matter what he summons they won't be able to take care of that thing with no other choice she tells pelum the silent guy to watch her back as she tries to block it with ice this however doesn't do much and karuna demands that pelum do his magic fast as they will be dead if he doesn't
out in the distance marnac who is still carrying dakia hears all of this and asks her if she can move Now dakia notes that she can try and sure enough she's able to stand on her feet once again they watch as the Beast fights and she asks if he won't help as she feels a bit bad for it marnac explains that he would like to but since the merchant is also there who is now in a truly manic State everything will turn out fine however the situation is disadvantageous for him as he is outnumbered quite
a bit that's when marnac notices that the Beast is throwing something their way and when it lands it's only a dead snowfield bat mother tells him to look inside and marnac does so while dakia watches in horror sure enough something was inside something precious the holy Relic the Beast gives marnac a thumbs up and marac thinks that it's only natural that he returned the favor he asks mother to reinforce a pre-existing Authority that one being the corruption giant a blinding Green Glow envelops the giant fully and soon afterwards the bats each get slaughtered one by
one by one as green beams come out of the corruption Beast constantly marnac Smiles with a depraved look and the corruption Beast seems to have evolved now brandishing a set of armor the Beast of corruption starts to eagerly rip the beasts around it with ease and the one who called them forth luam looks at all of this with a shocked yet defeated expression karuna tells pelum to hurry up with his damn magic already but before he can even attempt anything he is crushed by a gigantic sword something that sends karuna over the edge of insanity
and she starts to run away as her fight or flight senses activates that's when the merchant grabs her ankle tightly and notes that he will not let her go no matter what she demands that he let go but he is Relentless with teary eyes she demands that luam do something to help but he is too focused on his own Survival as his eyes are filled with fear of the unknown and most importantly fear for his life before he can get too far however the gigantic sword strikes him crush his right arm and leg and eventually
his entire being due to the Merchant's condition karuna eventually gets free of his grasp and her mind is set on only one thing escaping now that the rest are dead she has a chance to get the the hell away from this place unfortunately for her the corruption Beast descends in front and instantly grabs her while she screams she pleads to be let go but her fate is already sealed as the Beast is preparing to crash her into the ground with all of his might which she notices but can't do anything about the Beast smashes her
into the ground creating a viscous paste where her body would be before deactivating the merchant sees the beast in all of its armored glory and how his face is hidden by the headpiece with that his eyes dim and dim until eventually the flicker that represented life is gone with the new and improved Beast of corruption marnac can use it to collect the Divinity from the nearby bodies which gives him a total of 6,300 they give each other a thumbs up and mother is surprised that the Beast can now harvest in marnac dead as she didn't
know it would evolve to look like this in the first place marnac descends to her level and notes that she has gotten more eloquent the more her is being lifted is she getting smarter perhaps this comment enrages mother and she asks if he thought that she was dumb up until this point he says that it's not like that as he reveres her and treasures her more than anything in this world dakia comes around and asks if she's not actually his hidden daughter because he's very doting with her this enrages mother even more and she starts
flipping dakia with both hands a sign that she doesn't understand because she grew in a sheltered environment she also asks for a favor to hug her as she is very cute right now mother immediately gets close to marnac as she clearly doesn't want to do that marnac tells dakia that this is enough the next time she should try to get close to her with a snack in hand dakia agrees and promises that one day she will pinch her cheek marnac asks mother if there are any new words that she can say which makes mother Ponder
for a while before she finds out that she can marnac eagerly waits to see what she will say and mother confidently screams out one word I inside of the Dragon family Mansion the member who is after doia slaps hilden again as he brought him the news about them being hit by an avalanche and then disappearing with it honestly he is quite speechless at their extremely poor performance hilden thinks that he's talking just fine for someone who should be speechless but anyway what was he supposed to do it's not like he summoned that Avalanche himself when
he heard about it in the morning he lost a bunch of hair because of how stressed he was the Dragon family member notes that he heard dakia was left the Eastern Branch region and Dalton confirms it she is now part of the main Branch's jurisdiction he thinks about it and tells Hilton that the main branch always did a good job on everything as they were also the first ones to capture dakia in the first place hilden asks if he will be going to the capital and the youngster says that he will which brings a smile
to hen's face finally he is free from this lizard Prince and that princess he doesn't care for at all he is free from them both and can now go happily back to his family the prince tells him to get up and get ready as he will need a guide on the way and he can't think of a better person for it so he should get prepared as he will get the special treatment he will be riding on his back though so he should dress in something warm Halden tries to tell him that he is the
head of this Eastern branch and can't leave his position like this but the prince notes that so far at least his failures have not been reported to his higher ups if he does tell them however what will happen to him he wonders Halden is now fearful as he didn't expect this guy to know all of this he tells him to think of this as a paid vacation and get ready already Halen's eyes fill with tears as he thinks of his family but he will be back to them soon enough the merchant Caravan eventually arrives at
the capital while the merchant who is now much smaller tells marnac about the knight in shining armor that valiantly saved him marnac tells him that he also said the same things yesterday about how magnificent he was the merchant continues to talk his ear off about it but dakia approaches and Whispers that for a night in shining armor that Beast looked rather scary from her viewpoint at least marnac tells her that it probably didn't matter as he was basically dying when he saw him someone comes from behind and tells the merchant that it's almost time for
the interrogation with that he jumps into his arms from marn's shoulder and thanks him for helping them Reach the capital he will reward each of them quite well soon enough they continue to walk and walk while the Caravan slowly gets inside of the capital and that's when Carmen tells his group about something important that he should have told them previously unfortunately things might become a little crazy once they enter and it's not a big deal but they shouldn't be surprised by what's about to happen before marnac can even ask what he means a guard recognizes
Carmen and they all jump him shortly afterwards as he has to be arrested they tie him up and Carmen tells his group that he will take care of this problem on his own and we'll be back as soon as he can the party just looks at him because at this point there is not much they the can do the prince eventually arrives somewhere near the capital and demands to be clothed at once after his D transformation Dalton instantly obliges but he is quite happy as now the headquarters people that ignored lowly branches like his will
get a Taste of this Posh bastard too the prince demands that he guide him to the capital and Dalton says that he should hurry as he will guide him through the quickest route accessible the prince is rather annoyed by his haste and notes that he has grown more confident back in the capital the merchant explains that for Carmen it's not rare to get arrested like this as he is quite the Troublemaker around these parts marnac asks what he's done this time but Merchant says that they should hear from him exactly what as if they go
right now to the guards and and say that they are here to visit him they will let them in dakia suggests that they should go get some good food after visiting him as she knows a few nice places around here marnac agrees that they should and with the pleasantries out of the way the merchant hands them the promised reward 15 gold coins per person amounting to 60 marnac opens the bag and is almost blinded by the glistening color of the coins after coming to this world this is the very first time he has seen so
much coins at once daia notices that he's acting like Goblin around those coins and comes to the conclusion that this must be the first time he is seeing so many gold coins really he truly has a cute side to him the room Falls silent as they all stare at her in embarrassment and to break this atmosphere marnac notes that he is always cute dakia thinks that he must be joking around and marnac tells the merchant that there should also be some other reward for retrieving the item he had the merchant explains that he will get
that to by tomorrow as there is a difficult process he needs to go through beforehand afterwards they go to visit Carmen but Saga Parts with them halfway through as he has somewhere to be marck is shown around the capital by dakia and they seem to be having fun eventually they arrive at the building where the guards are stationed and marnac says that it has simple but hostile look to it dakia notes that it's true that building is not cute like he is marnac tells her that she doesn't seem to be letting things go easily and
she asks if he's mad about her teasing him marnac notes that there is nothing to be mad about as he is as she says but they should go and see Carmen before the food they got for him gets cold inside of his cell Carmen is being fed by a woman who seems to endear him in some way that's when he spots dakia and marnac who says that he looks like he's at home in this place Carmen smiles and says that it's because he comes here often enough the woman that fed him notes that comes her
too often and presents herself as arith grada marnac also introduces himself and explains that he has heard quite a lot from Carmen about her daia asks what he did to get in jail this time and that's when someone from behind them responds he is here because he has stolen from Sir enthus vas's private storage it was also that same man who put him on The Wanted list so what did he intend to do with the key that he stole Carmen calls him his brother and marnac starts to analyze the stranger if he is truly Carmen's
brother he is the son of the black wolf and the vice captain of the Queen's Royal Guards the fabled frost Knights the white wolf himself setian valus he asks once again why he stole the key and what he did with it Carmen notes that he has already used it it's gone Sean is surprised by this but instead of being mad he seems worried for his brother and asks if he is hurt anywhere Carmen confirms that he is not and Sion Ponders what to do for a moment as you know All Too Well by now their
father hates thieves but not only did he steal something from his personal storage he can't even return it since he has used it already he must remember what their father used to say all the time that accomplishments that are made through unfair actions are as worth as the trash people throw away no matter what his justification is stealing cannot be considered justifiable Carmen explains that their father used to always say something else rules have to stand upright no matter what but for everything else to also stand as upright as them naturally he agrees with that
saying but if this is the case why did this rule neglect his mother as soon as he was born why just why did his mother have to leave the family without saying a word with tears in his eyes Carmen says that even a drunkard from the Alleyways would take responsibility for his own woman is their father's honor really not on par with the common drunkard no matter how many times he begged no matter how many times he asked to know about his mother he always kept his silence and avoided the topic like the coward he
is that is precisely why he stole the key to find his dearest mother with his own two hands setian asks if he really stole the key for this purpose and Carmen swears it on his name setian relents to this and notes that he will talk with their father for him something which seems to move Carmen quite a bit marnac notices that they are pretty close but when setian looks into their Direction he and dakia immediately Look Away setian apologizes for letting them see this during their first meeting and he's sure that his younger brother was
quite a handful that's when he recognizes dakia and asks why is she here and not in beatus dakia says that she is just traveling the world for a bit which he doesn't agree with as The Smiling young Master is sure to be worried about her dakia explains that her father would never be worried about her so he shouldn't worry grata asks how long Carmen will be staying in the sell for and Sean explains that according to their father's orders he will be in here at least a month but he will be talking with him about
it today dakia wonders what to do with so much time and marnac notes that they must go back as soon as possible Right dakia tells him to think it over as she has never rushed them into anything setian notices that she called him marnac and he asks if he is the marnac the one known as the arch nemesis of the evil spirits marac confirms that he is and so set asks if kmen was also a part of ertico Saviors marac confirms that indeed he was which reassures satian as with this it might be easier to
convince their father he apologizes for the late introduction and shakes hands with him if he ever has the chance during his stay in this city he should visit the vus residence with Carmen as they will welcome him warmly with that he excuses himself and leaves marac says that he is quite different from him and Carmen explains that he is truly a great person and his role model not like him dakia says that he just got pretty mad at his dear role model but Carmen excuses this as having to get things off of his chest that's
all he also asks if that bag is for him and marnac explains that they brought it because they thought he would be starving but it seems that their worries were unfounded they leave them to their reunion as dakia knows of a pretty good spot to eat marnac accepts this proposition as it's best to let these two love birds be while in the Inn marnac thinks that according to the trumpeter of death there should be a holy Relic around here however he can't know for sure and there really isn't a good place around here to get
some information maybe now is the time to use the thing that trayon gave him a long time ago dakia suddenly knocks on his door and mother immediately tells her to leave which marnac thinks is a bit harsh she comes in and notes that today she won't be rejected as she has brought snacks from the most popular Bakery these are breads filled with delicious cream and instead of words she would like a hug mother slaps the pastries away and says one word I dakia asks what she means by that and marac translates she cannot be tempted
so easily that is what she said the next day at El's main base in the capital the Priestess gives one of the workers there a drawing of marnac believe that he really does look like this due to how crude the drawing is the employee asks if this person really is human the Priestess says that he is human but he should have been able to tell just by looking right he also asks if she knows she is willing to pay for the request fees but the Priestess tells him not to worry as she captured some criminals
on her way here so she has money the employee thinks that if this is the case she might be giving more than the minimum amount requested which is good for him she hands him a pouch with 12 gold coins and 33 silver coins which seems to not be enough as the man's face drops she asks what's wrong was she perhaps too giving the prince and Halton walk with a certain person and the prince asks how much further they are from the destination as it seems they are just going in circles at this point the man
tells him to relax as they will arrive soon Halton thinks that if things continue like this the prince will get mad soon and it's pretty obvious who he will take his anger on the prince notices his cowering and asks why he has that ugly mug which makes Alon apologize instantly as he didn't mean to disturb him the escort Smiles mockingly at this which makes Halton angry as they are basically in the same position suddenly the Priestess walks past them and Halton is a little Bewitched by her beauty he asks the prince if he saw that
beautiful lady walk by but he doesn't really care as there are plenty of pretty girls practically begging him to like them so there isn't a need for another as they can be annoying sometimes Halton wonders why he is so obsessed with the the princess then which makes him mad but he will get mad if he asks more questions so he will have to shut up eventually they arrive and the escort welcomes the prince to ELA while also telling Halton that he must return he thinks that this is disrespectful as he knows full well his branch
is inferior but he is only an employee and he is ordering a branch leader around like this the prince announces that he is coming with him no matter what which makes the escort sigh as even if someone of his status requests it they cannot have members from the branch here suddenly the prince slaps him behind his back and asks if he just dared to sigh in his face while the escort is getting the beating of his life Halton Smiles as he is glad that someone else is receiving punishment and not him all the resentment that
he had for this guy is now gone what a joyous day the prince tells him to move his ass and Halton immediately does so as this is also a chance for him to see the idiots from the headquarters get beaten to a pulp by the prince back at the end the party is staying at mother keeps rejecting dak's treats and this time it was quite harsh as she said that she is a being that cannot be fooled with temptation with that dakia leaves with a sad expression and marnac says that this time she was a
bit too harsh there are countless ways to reject someone and most are not as harsh dakia had no other intention and she just wanted her to have these just because she wanted to he knows better than any anyone else around that the mother he respects is someone who can acknowledge her mistakes and is also the noblest of beings mother starts to feel bad about her actions and marnac tells her to apologize next time she sees her she should also eat some of the bread dakia bought as he's sure it tastes wonderful especially since it was
a gift he hands her one and when she bites into it she is captivated by the taste so like a cat she takes all of it and eats it in bed marac warns her to not eat super fast as she will have stomach problems if she does suddenly dakia comes back and asks if she may have a piece of the bread too as she didn't try it yet but that's when she notices that mother is indulging herself and they both stare at each other dakia Smiles however and asks if she's enjoying it 10 minutes later
daia is sitting on the bed while holding mother who is still enjoying her bread although angrily even later marnac goes shopping and dakia accompanies him as she promised to not tell anyone about his secret swore in fact so meeting the friend of the demon he's friends with shouldn't be a problem but he is really living in this place marnac says that this is the marked location on the map so it must be so they go to the person standing in front of the house and the man asks what brings them to his humble abode marck
shows him an Insignia of sorts which is in the form of a shield and the man welcomes them inside when they do so dakia asks what he showed him and marnac explains that he got it from the demon he met a while ago as he told him to use it to visit his friend doia didn't expect demons to be detailed and she also didn't expect for them to forget things as they are beings of higher intelligence anyway what surprised her the most about this is this place as she didn't even know something like this was
in the capital marnac says that he has never been to the capital up until now which makes dakia give him the title of country bumpkin she also asks how he's not more surprised about these buildings as they are quite amazing marnac thinks that he has seen even grander and prettier buildings in his past life so something like this is not that impressive a mysterious man suddenly approaches them and dakia asks if she should attack him with magic if he starts doing something weird marnac doesn't want to die crushed under a building so he tells her
to relax which makes her even matter marnac asks the man if he's their guide and he only nods and so they start following him eventually they make their way to a door and when they open it they spot a woman who is sitting in a bed and asks what they want from her marnac notes that he wanted her to help them with something and she asks for their names marnac introduces the both of them and when she hears his name the demon grabs his clothes tightly and asks if he's really the infamous Demon Slayer of
giz is he truly that marck while she holds him like this dakia clenches her teeth and tells her to let go of him right this second otherwise she will blow this whole damn place to Pieces marnac is more scared than the demon and tells her to relax as they will all die if she does that the demon asks who that is and marnac introduces her once again the demon smiles and apologizes as this was just a harmless prank nothing to be so fired up about she sits down and notes that she indeed crossed the line
she introduces herself as writhing curiosity and the common people may call her a demon among other things she also asks marnac what kind of priest is as he is clearly not a priest of preservation he tells her that he is a worshipper of the mother of corruption which makes curiosity gasp as she didn't expect to me the son of corruption like this she asks him to come a little closer as she wants to read his mind marnac asks if that really is a necessary step and curiosity tells him it isn't but he shouldn't worry as
he can't read much while in this body so she will just find out how he's still fine even after all this time marnac wonders what she's talking about but just when it seems like the mood is relaxed curiosity jumps at him as he is much different than the other sons of corruption but mother comes to the rescue as she slaps his hand away curiosity is quite surprised by this and asks what this little thing is marnac notes that he already introduced himself which makes her say that this is going to be really bad he asks
why that is and she notes that he must be after his mother's holy relics right how many has he gotten up until now four maybe five marnac wonders how she knows so well and also asks her to explain in Greater detail curiosity says that she can't he should rather ask mother that she looks at marnac and shrugs as she doesn't know a thing about this curiosity is even more surprised and asks if he really just talked with a God so casually are there no consequences for this marnac explains that normally he talks with mother on
a daily basis as communication is the key to upkeep their relationship curiosity sigh as it seems that the son of corruption hasn't gone insane just yet he also is talking to her without any payment and she doesn't know a thing about what she's talking about she also asks since when he could talk with her so casually ever since his body was improved perhaps marck explains that he was able to do this from the beginning curiosity is even more Curious now but warns him that putting all of his eggs in one crumbling basket is not really
a good thing well seeing his current situation he probably didn't have any other choice but she warns him now that he will have to work extremely hard in order to pay back everything he has received marnac attempts to ask her what she means but she only says that the situation he is in right now is like walking on a tight RPP if she says any more than this the guys upstairs will notice marnac knows that she's talking about the heavens but will the gods of that place really realize curiosity licks her lips lips and says
that he must already know if he wants something from a demon he must give something in return marnac expected this so he asks what she wants and she instantly asks him to sleep with her which makes him frown marnac asks her to repeat herself as he probably just didn't hear her correctly but she confirms that she requested to lay with him as she has never been with a son of corruption before since they were all a bunch of psychos daia denies this instantly which makes curiosity ask why not dakia becomes embarrassed and just tells her
no that's the final answer mother also jumps on her and starts pummeling her but due to her tiny body curiosity doesn't feel a thing so she just stops marnac looks away as he knows that curiosity is right she asked them to calm down as this was just a harmless joke she just wants the badge that he used to get inside of this place did he perhaps not get that information when he first got it marac angrily pulls it out and says that he un fortunately hasn't curiosity tells him that it's fine small pranks like these
add a little fun to life as that's the meaning of life right marnac agrees and curiosity lets mother go while also noting that if he's looking for the holy relics he's going to ask her to find one isn't that right marnac says that she's correct and curiosity explains that The Relic he wants is in her possession both dakia and marnac are glad to hear this and curiosity shows her underground Arena that they need to participate in order to get the Relic she does have the Relic but unfortunately she put it as a reward for winning
the underground fights the crowd cheers as the Gladiators fight and curiosity sits down as she holds up her side of the bargain so she wishes them good luck in the coming fights back in the arena everyone cheers for a fighter named Bigfoot a brutish man who is extremely large the announcer tells everyone that his opponent is a rookie who makes his entrance with wonderful jump which the crowd likes as they have never seen anyone move like this before a hooded figure comes to the bedding table and puts it all on the rookie this hooded figure
was dakia and the rookie was marnac a few days ago marnac asked curiosity if he couldn't just take the Divinity from The Relic and give it to her once they are done curiosity didn't agree to this as the other evil spirit worshippers will catch on to this instantly what he needs to do is join the arena as this is something connected to him and his dearest mother she also asked if he knows about Liberati which he confirms curiosity said that he will definitely run into more of them while searching for the holy relics so he
should reduce their numbers beforehand additionally he is now in the Kingdom's Capital if he didn't realize so does he understand what that entails marnac says that they will not be able to use their authorities as easily since the resident priest spread around here will notice and as for him he might lose depending on on a couple things but he will not die from an attack that has no Divinity in it he tells her that even with this he doesn't plan on killing them so recklessly simply because they are evil spirit worshippers curiosity heard otherwise as
he must have taken out quite a few of them by now but marnac explains that he had a reason curiosity saw how fussy he is and gave him a reason to as she showed him what the evil spirit worshippers did she showed him the countless lives they have taken the endless suffering that they have gathered all they did was kill and Slaughter marnac asked what that was and curiosity explained that they were all memories of the evil spirit worshippers is this reason enough to kill them marnac asked if this is really the truth and curiosity
confirmed that sadly it is back to the present everyone cheers for bigfoot as they probably have no faith in marnac he thinks that this was a great chance to wear a mask specifically this mask that can change it will he got it from the merchant a while earlier Bigfoot tells him to get ready with his armor and weapons but marnac just flips him which causes Bigfoot to rage as he has never been disrespected by an opponent like this before he attempts to unleash a mighty attack on marnac and when the attack hits something it creates
a shock wave that can be seen from The Spectator seats marnac Dodges his attack however and he mocks Bigfoot with a hand sign this makes him even angrier and so he tries to hit him with all of his might but marnac Dodges it with great ease he does this until he finds the opportunity to slap the snot out of him the most disrespectful attack this causes Bigfoot to unleash an even mightier attack that envelops the whole Arena marnac has simply dodged and the announcer says that in all their fights they have never seen anyone so
lightf footed it seems that this rookie came without armor for a purpose the public tells Bigfoot to hit him already which causes him to charge in once again as he knows he cannot disappoint the crowd any longer marnac sits motionless while Bigfoot tries to wail on him but in the second that he strikes he grabs his head and jumps high into the air everyone including the announcer is shocked by this and Bigfoot begs for help as he knows that he is going to be in a world of pain because of this marnac puts him in
a wrestling position and lands down with great force something which makes everyone cheer as they see marnac stand Victorious everyone thinks that it's over but that's when marnac starts climbing the nearby wall with his bare hands and jumps from it directly on Bigfoot he lands directly on his chest and finishes the fight for real this time the announcer tells everyone that the rookie is the winner and puts the megaphone to his mouth as they want to hear a few words from the winner marnac picks it up and announces to everyone that he will kill them
all this makes the crowd explode with cheer and dakia who is with Mother cheers also after the match dakia drags marnac around the city as she wants to eat a limited time bread which is apparently the fluffiest in the whole city she warns him to hurry as it's made from a limited amount there's already a few people buying it suddenly marnac notices someone similar but before he can look further dakia grabs his hand and drags him away leaving him to think if it was really that person or just someone who looks similar when they get
back to the tavern they are staying at mother climbs on the bed separators and imitates marnac and how he dealt with Bigfoot she even imitat Ates the movements he did afterwards with marnac being quite embarrassed about it but dakia finds it amazing curiosity arrives in their room and notes that even here they are practicing techniques marnac apologizes if it bothers her but she claims that it doesn't it makes the atmosphere around pretty good additionally if she were to repeat herself the last match went pretty nicely and was quite memorable for those watching for a priest
he sure went Ham on Bigfoot marn says that it's not like it seems but curiosity notes that she meant what she said about it being memorable and she also heard from Bigfoot that he started rigging the fight in the middle of it right he told him that if he does not want to die he should act like he's in pain no matter how hard he hits marnac explains that it wasn't rigging but rather they were both like-minded individuals and came to an agreement they put on a pretty good act that was performed quite well curiosity
doesn't care what it was as long as it performed well however due to this she's thinking of adding more m matches that have acted in them when the opportunity comes however they need a new actor as Bigfoot up and left because he wanted to become an actor or something like that so she will extend him a hand and invite him to work for her as she is sure he will become the star of the arena in no time marnac thanks her for the generous offer but he will have to refuse as he has one duty
to release the seal that has been placed on mother curiosity just stares at them and notes that it's disappointing to hear but there nothing that can be done if that is what he wants however this act that he performed will allow her to use it whenever she wishes marnac allows her to as he was just mimicking something that he was watching in the past anyways curiosity says that it doesn't feel fair to use it for free so she will reward him when the time comes which marnac accepts curiosity then asks if there's anything she can
help regarding the next match but marnac says no as his next opponent is an evil spirit worshiper anyway the crowd cheers as the announcer tells everyone about the fight this will be the headbreaker versus the New Rising Star the Newbie who made everyone scream in Delight the human slaughterer everyone calls out his name but some also notice that he now has a Bigfoot weapon did he perhaps kill Bigfoot and steal his weapon that is what everyone chooses to believe and when marnac gets on the arena he tells the headbreaker that his real name must be
gam right he asks how he found out but but marnac doesn't answer as he is glad that he just confirmed it the announcer prepares everyone for a great fight and tells them to start but in the second it starts marnac rips his head out of his neck everyone is left a struck including dakia who knew that it was going to be like this marnac simply leaves as he enjoys putting up an act but when it comes to these scum he cannot hold himself somewhere else the prince is mad that Kar the elay headquarters higher up
said that kidnapping dakia again will not be possible there are three reasons firstly dakia came here under a pseudonym and they were able to kidnap her secretly but she came to visit the capital officially this time so it will be hard to even get close to her secondly this time she has companions around her that are not easy to deal with at all the bastard son of enthus valus a member of the red bear mercenary core and most importantly the evil slaughterer marnac the prince sees this as a good thing as if they just show
the priest and mercenary some cash they will just leave and then it will be easy to capture her canar notes that the priest is unbribable as he is well known to have killed many evil individuals or things and it will be hard to think that he would betray his companion like that it is also rumored that he and dakia are in a secret relationship the prince slams his fist on the table and Kar explains that according to their Informer at least dakia visits maracs room in the dead of the night every night for a while
however only their organization knows about this so it's fine the prince orders him to not let the information leak no matter what which canar agrees with finally they get to the final reason the white wolf and the bastard son's brother seti and valus they received info about his meeting with the princess so if she disappears he will surely make a move and who knows his father might get involved too while the prince laments every canar laughs as he's glad this bastard is getting humbled Halton suddenly begins laughing which canar doesn't know why but he soon
finds out as the prince slams his head on the table and tells him to listen he can tell the queen all of the Dirty Deeds they have done and he will be safe as his father is the only dragon king magician in the world so he will just have to lay low he orders him to bring dakia to the dragon Kingdom without harming her no matter the cost or way at a liberado meeting one of them notes that this newbie the human slaughterer is definitely after them since it has come to this they will not
die with no purpose and instead steal the holy Relic from the arena godmother they are all allowed to use their Authority but they will have to move quickly before the priest and queen's Knights make any moves at the same time somewhere else entirely a man explains the operation to a few other men who are all masked and are ready to capture their target no matter what they must not fail when the next fight is ready everyone is ecstatic to see who will win but just when they are about to start a sudden explosion occurs and
the kidnappers swiftly go on the move the evil spirit worshippers see this and they also get on the move before Things become too messy to deal with the man marnac was supposed to fight has no clue about anything that's going on but suddenly the Queen's Knights lead by Carmen announces that this is a Crackdown on illegal fighting the knights move in and apprehend anyone involved but that's when Carmen notices the kidnappers and tells them to drop their weapons and kneel they also chase the evil spirit worshippers Carmen issues order after order saying that some should
follow him and some should stay at the door but marnac tells him to not do that as he should focus on those guys they are after princess dakia The Spectators also confirm this as they have heard them say it which makes the kidnappers disperse but not before Carmen tells everyone to chase after them and calls in SAA who immediately strikes one of them without much Choice the kidnappers withdraw as the knights give Chase marnac barges into dakia room and explains that the evil spirit worshippers are going to curiosity while her kidnappers are clashing with the
Royal Army while he changes he also notes that they must leave now and hands her his mask to make it harder for them to recognize her with that they get out of the room to leave but that's when a few kidnappers appear who kill one of the person Personnel marnac tells dokia that they will attack from now on as getting surrounded will not help their situation at all he charges in with great speeds and Strikes one of the kidnappers which allows the other one to charge dakia but she's a mage so she just burns his
eye and kills him marnac congratulates her on a job well done and they both go to the emergency exit while dakia asks if curiosity will be fine marnac confirms that she will as a demon like her who has stood in the same body for a long time is very hard to kill sure enough the evil spirit worshippers are having trouble with her but they don't give up as some want to go to The Relic and steal it since it's a demon it must pay a price for this power curiosity tells them to not be happy
just yet and shows them a pile of bodies the ones she can use as payment for her powers with that she summons her true power and the evil spirit worshippers will be in a world of hurt soon enough while kmen deals with the kidnapper who attacked him he laments coming here like this as he wanted to get more experience but since his soldiers are less experienced they are losing bad however marnac and dakia are probably out by now so what he needs to do is protect the soldiers as he is their Commander he tells the
soldiers he just saved to gather their wits and join their brothers in battle then he announces that they will give up on defeating the enemy and that from now on they will focus on defending he tells one of the soldiers that he will be the commander from now and he should prioritize their lives he asks sajida if he can still fight who confirms that he can now their mission is set to kill those bastards marnac and dakia are unfortunately spotted and they are now on the run but one of the men gets in front of
them and demands that they stop naturally that doesn't work as marnac tears him up and grabs his dagger some more kidnappers come from the left so so marnac uses the dagger to break the blade of one and tells dakia to charge in she does just that and kills one of them which allows the other to attack her again she is a mage so she just blows him up like any good Mage would do marnac takes care of the rest unfortunately these seem to be the last ones at least for now dakia hands his mask back
to him as it's quite hard to fight with it on her face marnac takes it back and mother warns them that more are coming and sure enough their moment of peace is broken as more men come from all directions dakia asks what they should do and marnac tells her to destroy the ceiling as he will protect her she does just that which allows them both to run away after a short while however they are stopped once again by the kidnappers who warn marnac to leave as they have no quarrel with him and they will actually
pay him more than she paid marnac notes that dakia promised her weight in gold so can they offer more the kidnapper notes that that they naturally can their client will give double marnac is impressed by their valtion however they cannot give him gold that smells as nice as this one does dakia blushes heavily and the kidnapper thinks that he's joking but he is cornered can he really win against so many people marnac explains that a cat does not care if there are more than 10 rats so why should he the kidnapper is extremely angry and
tells the others to jump in they do just that but marnac pulls out his chain sword and meows thus begins his Slaughter and he doesn't stop until every single kidnapper is dead except one their Commander marnac Just Smiles in his face and cuts his neck curiosity also deals with the evil spirit worshippers as only one remains he asks how long she was alive for and she says that she was alive before the first son of corruption was even made now it's his turn to answer he is a priest of The Mending needle right the inside
of his head is in tatters it must be his work with her power she demands he answer but instead of that the priest just summons his God she also notes that from some digging she found out why they were getting the relics they plan to descend a part of God on Earth and break the balance that has been maintained for so long mending needle arrives in her room and tells her to shut it as she is nothing but a lowly demon there are only a few kidnappers remaining but they are hesitant to charge in when
they see Marx's viscous green aura and heavy chainsword still their leader orders them to attack even if he is intimidating it's just one guy against them marnac tells dakia to do her thing which she is reluctant to do but still does it while noting that he was the one who asked for this to happen she unleashes a mighty flame spell directly over marnac which engulfs the entire Corridor and makes the kidnappers scream around in fear and pain with this opportunity marnac begins cutting them down one after another while they still plead for help his eyes
glow green and even if he is being burned too he is enjoying this action thoroughly eventually they both get outside and destroy the entrance to make sure that nobody will follow after them dakia notes that she never wants to visit this place ever again but more importantly is he all right she's pretty sure he got burned too marac tells her to relax as he is mostly healed and the hair that has burned is growing back steadily is she all right dakia with a pretty tired smile says that she is suddenly they hear a scream of
pain as one of the kidnappers who has manage to escape Falls dead to the ground because someone with a familiar figure has slain him both marnac and dakia feel the pressure of the person that did this the Priestess that was chasing marnac down he instantly pulls out his sword and charges in while telling dakia to not do anything no matter what happens the Priestess hilts her blade and raises it in the air marnac tries to charge in as swiftly and harshly as he can but with a single swing of her sheathed Blade the Priestess puts
him to the ground causing him to bleed she asks him if he truly thought he could win against her even if she went so easy on him it is written by Fate that they meet on this day as he is her one and only disciple after shanto passed away marnac began his journey to look for the holy relics that contained mother's Divinity eventually he was able to find one but the only problem was that the holy Relic was placed inside the sacred flame sex Relic storage while he was doing some laundry across the river he
talked with mother about the weather and air but she wasn't in the mood to talk he knew that she was bored but he told her to be patient as he is trying to think of ways to get many holy relics the only skill marnac had at the time was the line which the living cannot cross and The Relic Keeper in this town is a priestess at a much higher realm than he is much higher while deep in thought he did not notice the blue-haired woman that was beside him but when he did he thought of
her as very pretty but strange as he hasn't seen anyone come at this hour yet that's when she said that if he has some Spare Time afterwards she would like his help with something and Promises to reward him nicely marnac immediately jumped at the offer as he was almost done with his stuff anyways leaving the blue-haired woman quite confused by his sudden eagerness to help half an hour later marnac fully washed and dried the sheets that the blue-haired woman wanted washed she congratulated him for such a swift job and told him to bring the basket
over here that is when marnac realized that the person who asked him for help with laundry was The Relic keeper that was keeping him from just leaving this place place for his reward she handed him one silver coin and asked if he could help with this next time too marnac agreed very fast and thus they formed a strange relationship tied with laundry she would bring over laundry once every few days and he did her laundry diligently each time that she did for One Singular silver coin however after a few weeks passed the Priestess stopped asking
him to do her laundry she explained that she is out of money while standing on the River Shore she used up all of the money that her predecessor left behind so she will have to do her laundry from now on marnac thought for a second and said that he doesn't need the money as he will help even without it the Priestess was surprised by this and asked why he would do such a thing marnac explained that he has nothing to do anyway if he is done with his and goes home right away but he thought
that even if he was an outsider in this town she never discriminated against him like the others additionally he got tons of silver coins from her so doing this much means nothing to him the Priestess thought about his offer and wanted to accept but not for free so she asked if he wanted to learn swordsmanship from her this took marnac by surprise and he asked what she meant she thought that this was rejection but he grabbed her hands and accepted as this is an amazing offer that she put in place at the time marnac only
had a good physique he actually sucked at fighting for a long time before he could mutter even more words of gratitude the Priestess slapped him across the face with a wooden sword and thus began their Apprentice Master relationship in this world there are experts which in the game was classed for high rank and close-range combat attackers in this world though it is known as a level an expert is someone who has fully mastered their type of martial arts and as a result transcended their limits as human beings there are only a handful of these experts
in the entire nation but his master pryia was one of them her only teaching method was sparring something very simple yet quite primitive after they were done with training for the day the Priestess told him to come back at the same time tomorrow and clean her house instead if she didn't have any laundry for him marnac agreed but asked if this building is the storage Relic and if he could perhaps take a look inside she was suspicious of him right off the bat but he explained that he was just curious about how the Relic looked
that's all after some deliberating she agreed to let him see it as it shouldn't impose a problem but this will be a one-time thing marnac thanked her lots and when he walked inside he thought that he didn't even know what the holy Relic with Mother's Divinity looked like suddenly his chest began to hurt as he approached an ordained cup with tons of green energy around it this is the holy Relic afterwards the training continued with marnac trying as hardest to hit the Priestess but she was always one step ahead and the training always ended with
him not being able to put even a finger on her one day she had a thing to do so she went out this was 3 years after they first met marnac had been living with the Priestess and and taking care of her chores while also training he really liked that he did not have to worry about food or shelter every day but in all of this time he simply learned how to survive rather than learning true swordsmanship marnac was pretty tired of this monotone cycle so he decided to run away as he couldn't learn much
from the Priestess anyways and he also needs to get the main quest done while also avenging shantu with that he opened the Relic storage room and grabbed the cup with divinity in it he successfully ran away with it and that's how he earned The Authority corruption giant mother also began speaking with him then as she had enough Divinity to do so marnac asks how she knew he was alive all of this time but she explains that she didn't he recovered tons of times before even though he beat him up every day for 3 years so
she thought that he would just grow a new head if he were to be decapitated like he was marnac doesn't understand her jumps in logic but lets it Go the Priestess also shows him the posters she made to find him that looked exactly like him she is sure marck is very shocked that she managed to find him with these ghastly things she gets serious for a second and explains that she doesn't care what he is but she does care about her ego so they will train again until he becomes an expert like her marnac knew
she was going to say something like this and asks how long it would take for him to become one the Priestess thinks about it for a second she trained without any rest every day for about 30 years give or take he is quite talented and has a sturdy body so he will only have to train for about 27 years probably Mar thinks that if he were to do that all of the main quests would have disappeared plus he's not a genius like she's expecting him to be to get out of this situation he will have
to tell her something convincing and so he does back in the illegal fighting building Carmen asks one of his men how many of them Remain the man explains that there are 24 remaining with three heavily injured casualties and 11 who are only slightly injured Carmen is sure that his brother did not expect the to happen as 16 have already died he clenches his sword tightly and thinks that it would have been better if they brought Elite forces instead suddenly the ground begins to shake and out of a wall comes a crab looking demon ready to
kill anyone who stands in its way Carmen notices that he is a demon but he is much smaller compared to what they saw in ertico still this is not an easy enemy to deal with so he tells the men to get as far away as they can and call sajida over as they are going to stall the Beast as much as they can in order to let the soldiers run away sajida throws one of his Spears directly into the Demon's eye and charges in allowing him to slash the Beast well while sajida is attracting its
attention kmen moves closer and successfully cuts the demon very deeply seeing that it's at a disadvantage the demon begins growing countless heads on itself which makes both its attackers back off as they are sure they don't want to be caught in whatever it is doing with a loud scream and hellish Scream the demon unleashes an explosion of frost all over the area but kmen was able to get behind cover in time sajida was also able to but the attack caught a bit of his arm which doesn't prove to be a problem as he breaks the
ice and charges in once again with even greater rage sajida gets on top of the Beast and keeps spearing it again and again causing it to plead for forgiveness while also calling out for mending needle sajida is quite confused and stops for a second which allows the demon to pull out tons of needles from it and throw them at the corpses and people around those who are hit are pulled near the demon which makes Carmen give out the order to retreat SAA tries to but he is suddenly struck in the leg which makes him unable
to move fortunately for him Carmen saw how this happened so he instantly cuts the thread before SAA can be pulled in the demon starts destroying the roof over their heads which makes Carmen muster all of his strength into deflecting the debris that would have fallen on them this gives the demon the opportunity to strike him with tons of needles which makes him scream out in pain as they hit him marnac thinks of the thing to say to his former master in order to make her drop the training proposition but when he wants to say it
a sudden explosion occurs behind them so marnac asks the Priestess if she shouldn't go and take a look at what was happening she explains that she came across a certain person on her way to this place he will most certainly get there first so she feels like she doesn't need to go since he will almost certainly take care of it marnac asks who she is talking about and the Priestess notes that it's the black wolf enthis valus Carmen is glad to to see his father who instantly cuts down his restraints and asks if he is
still able to walk Carmen confirms that he is able which makes enthus say that he should go as he will be the one to slay this monster with a defeated expression Carmen agrees and slowly walks away with sageta suddenly from below a white snake comes out another demon who asks the other demon to give the precious item back with great malice as it seems that this item is quite important to the snake in this watches as the two demons begin clashing with each other however it seems that this woman is curiosity who has gone into
a fit of rage after the other demon took her precious item seeing that their fight would take a while anthus unleashes a mighty attack on the crab demon which Cuts part of its head off allowing him to climb it with ease when curiosity spots him she begs for him to not do anything to her as her item is going to break if he continues attacking like this and this does not see someone that can be reasoned with in her however he only sees a demon who is ready to destroy the city he swore to protect
he cuts two of curiosity's heads cleanly and thinks that with this final one everything will come to and end curiosity thinks that she was extremely unlucky as if it wasn't for this bastard of a human she could have gotten her precious item back does she really need to give it up and Retreat to save herself all she would need is a little bit of help maybe from the priest of corruption out of nowhere the priest disappears and attacks enthus which comes as a pleasant surprise to cure curiosity they began exchanging blow after blow on the
ground and enthus notices just how much murderous energy this woman has he tries to hit with a bigger strength but this only causes the both of them to send each other back and enthis is sent into a wall after the dust clears he asks her why she's doing something like this the Priestess says that she's just curious about him since he is apparently the best swordsman of the northern region or so everyone says in this notes that if this is all she wants they can fight at a later date as now now he must protect
the capital and its residents from these beasts the Priestess mocks him it seems that his best talent is not his swordsmanship but his non-stop yapping seeing that this woman will not see the reason he gets serious which makes her get serious too the moment they Clash the entire area explodes with Force curiosity can only watch as these two sword Masters have a go at each other's necks but suddenly marnac now dressed in his Arena attire appears and asks what he should do she thanks him from the bottom of her heart for being here but marnac
doesn't need thanks he only needs orders while crying curiosity explains that the monster she was fighting has the holy Relic that he stole from her there is something within the holy Relic that her daughter has that is all she wants he can have the rest marnac attempts to find the holy Relic inside of the demon but it is mixed with tons of other divinities so even if he cuts it thousands of times it will be hard to find the exact location of the Holy Relic he tells this to curiosity but she believes in him she
believes that he can find her precious item even with such trust marnac thinks that it will be hard but suddenly mother appears in front of him as apparently she wants to help in the search as mother transforms into her human form she confidently says that she can help with her search even in this form but Mar says that it's too dangerous for her to be like this she still insists that she helped this way so he picks her up as he can't really refuse her but if things get too dangerous she must return to a
hand hand instantly as he can't risk her well-being curiosity screams that she will help too as she starts to surround the monster with her body who even without a head tries to retaliate as it's still alive and kicking marnac descends down from it and holds himself in place with the sword telling mother that she should hold on tight as this will certainly be a bumpy ride as he holds on however a small fleshy creature appears and tries to get to him but he cuts it in half with ease unfortunately this wasn't the only creature as
countless starred appear appearing from the Demon's body attempting to protect their host seeing that it has come to this marnac activates his text of corruption and as the creatures rush in marnac moves through all of them with a single punch killing them instantly this move also gives mother the opportunity to find the item as she noticed that it is near the head that the demon was supposed to have Mar congratulates and notes that he would Pat her head for how well she did but he will hold back since more beasts are attacking them right now
he takes care of one by throwing his sword in its head and then tells curiosity that they found it the item is near the cut on the neck she thanks them for finding it so fast and says that she will eat everything except his neck she starts doing just that while mocking the man-made demon as he is nothing more than a worshipper of a loser from heaven and he dared to look down on her like this as marnac continues to run along the demon he eventually finds where the item is hidden with the guidance of
mother so he starts digging for it in the Demon's body until eventually he finds it the small lock box he also notices that there are no hands around here or rather they can't get to this place is it because of this holy Relic or is it something else mother tells him to hurry up as they don't have the time to dilly-dally like this which marnac agrees with so he tells curiosity that they got the item which she thanks them for a lot she can't thank them enough honestly but she also says that they should get
down from there as she will finish this marac tells mother to transform back into a hand which she does allowing marnac to just bolt out of there within a second curiosity grits her teeth and screams at the skies for mending needle he is hiding in the heavens like a cowardly bastard but she promises not even when she draws her last breath she will never ever respect him for what he did today she will have her revenge as she starts eating the demon marnac jumps away and lands just in time to see that the backups have
arrived ready to kill anything that's not human shaped that's when they also see the demon curiosity eating the other demonic being marnac hides himself as getting questioned right now would be even worse since he can't explain everything to them the Priestess continues to fight enthus with their attacks breaking the ground every time they Clash but when she notices that marnac has left she just backs away and stands still making enthus ask what she's doing as she sigh she says that now he can do whatever he wants to do as the reason they were fighting in
the first place Got Away safely and this asks what she's yapping about but knows that this woman is too enigmatic to get a straight answer and notes that she will have to take respon responsibility for what she did today the Priestess asks how that is as she doesn't think that she would ever lose to someone like him one of enth this's men brings him his molar tooth sword and enthus orders him to arrest the Priestess in front of him as respectfully as possible she is an expert so he shouldn't provoke her in any way if
he wants to guarantee that his head will still be attached to his body the soldier immediately agrees and sheepishly walks up to the Priestess while noting that he needs to arrest her because he was ordered to do so so she should please cooperate calmly as he promises he won't tie her too tightly the Priestess tells him to wait and starts rumaging through her Pockets eventually finding what she was looking for a paper she gives it to the soldier who is immediately shocked by the contents the Priestess apologizes to him as she seems to have given
him a drawing of her cute disciple as he was looking for him previously before the guard can even wonder who that man is the Priestess pulls out the real things she wanted to give him a paper that says that no matter what the owner of the document does the kingdom cannot make them take responsibility the man asks if this is even real but the Priestess says that she wouldn't have shown it to him if it was fake it even has the stamp to prove it is so the man asks where she got this and she
remembers that she killed an evil God worshipper a long time ago and got it from the at the time King as she was apparently the savior of his kingdom so he handed her this as a reward with that she believes that she can be on her Merry way as she has some places to be and people to meet marnac continues to run through the building Cor ERS hoping to get out soon enough but that's when curiosity jumps on him and thanks him again and again for what he did she would like to thank him even
further but before things can go any further mother gets in the way and looks at curiosity with a tear in her eye because of this curiosity starts hugging her instead and continues to do so until mother is nearly out of breath from her constant hugs curiosity drags them to the dining hall where mother sits slumped but curiosity comes over with some warm tea and cookies for them with Mother clearly w some for herself as mother takes a bite of one of the cookies she falls into cookie heaven and starts chowing down all of them in
quick succession curiosity asks what she said with marnac noting that she's just saying they are very nice it might also be too late to give her this but here's the Box she wanted curiosity thanks them once again she knows that she thanked them a lot but she really means it marnac asks where her daughter is with curiosity saying that she's been dead for a long time now however he doesn't need to feel bad about it it as her daughter was only human and lived during the ancient Empire Era it would have been more strange if
she were alive marnac asks about her husband but curiosity says she doesn't have one as when she possessed this body she was already pregnant with her child she slowly opens the Box telling them that she doesn't open it just for everyone inside is a framed drawing of curiosity and some other trinkets scattered about demons usually try to avoid having children with the bodies they possess as their goal in life is to enjoy the world to the fullest before eventually leaving but when one brings a child into this world they can't help but love them unconditionally
and grow attached but that attachment soon turns into sorrow the sorrow becomes too large and since they occupy bodies to feel good they would rather avoid that marnac asks her why she gave birth to that child then but of course she was just curious It's not that unusual though as other demons tend to do it too at least once however she was able to give birth to her beautiful amazing daughter silon he certainly doesn't know the this but the sword that he brought with him the first time they met the one with the teeth was
made by her daughter even though she doesn't really want to brag about it marnac is extremely surprised by this and curiosity asks him to bring it out as she will show him something quite interesting he does just that and curiosity starts saying some strange Words which eventually activate the sword and it starts displaying a message her forever lovely mother Alicia and the sixth creation of the Empire's best blacksmith silon marnac asks if there are there are other features hidden in this sword but curiosity wouldn't know where to look however it's her daughter that made it
so it might actually just be interconnected with her other creations she always loved creating interesting stuff even if it was sometimes quite outlandish marnac asks if she also doesn't want this sword since it was made by her daughter but curiosity says that she doesn't as what matters to her most is what her daughter gave to her personally the other stuff she made she made hoping that other people would use it and even if she were to pick up every item of hers she wouldn't even use them since she would be too afraid to break them
she knows better than anyone will that is not what her daughter would have wanted for her Creations mother starts tugging at marn's robe and says something making curiosity ask what she needs marnac explains that she wants more of the cookies she served them so curiosity tells mother if she goes to the left of the kitchen in the second drawer there's plenty of cookies she can go ahead and take as many as she wants as she walks to the kitchen curiosity notices that she's kind of cute but now she doesn't know how to express her gratitude
to him does he perhaps want to do something fun she promises that she can give him a really nice treatment marnac immediately refuses and tells her to not speak those words in front of mother as she just might bring the whole town down curiosity says that it's a shame but he can change his mind anytime as she really isn't joking about it as mother comes in curiosity wonders what to reward them with she puts the cookies down and starts speaking through Marx's translation if she's that thankful they should give them enough gold coins to match
the numbers of cookies that she has curiosity likes how realistic she is but unfortunately money will be tight as it will take a bit to repair the underground Arena as well as the broken eye she also doesn't like to just give out money to her saviors as that disappears too fast so she must find something special to give them at first she thought of joining them in their Adventures but she doesn't enjoy fighting much and she is certain that blood will follow in his wake as it's done up until now that's when she remembers that
she had something so she runs up to get it as she does so mother asks marnac if she can pack more of these cookies with marnac noting that he will ask curiosity gets back and gives them a brown pouch which once marnac opens reveals to be a key to the ancient ruins she thinks that it's a suitable reward for them and more than anything that ruin also contains one of her daughter's Creations after everything is set curiosity sees them out with a bag containing cookies and other things that she decided to throw in marnac and
mother thank her for the gifts with marnac asking if they will be seeing each other again curiosity says that she played around a little too much her eye is rather dysfunctional right now so she will need to be out of the capital for a while at least marnac sees this as a goodbye so he tells her to be well but before he leaves curiosity tells him to continue to be good to the mother of corruption he should keep doing what he's been doing all of this time so that mother can keep that smile on her
face marck turns away and says that he would have done that even without her telling him as they leave curiosity thinks that the item that is in the ruins will be quite helpful to them and in the case that the mother of corruption gets all of her divine power back the Gods in heaven especially that rat bastard that stole her daughter's gift mending needle will suffer for what they have done dakia is glad to see marnac well with him noting that everything has been solved rather peacefully but has the Priestess been around here to look
for him perhaps dakia says that she hasn't she only got a message from Carmen and now they are here marnac asks how Carmen and SAA are doing so she explains that they are not critically injured but treatment doesn't seem to be going that smoothly either from what she heard since he is already here marnac decides to go and see how they are doing with his own eyes with Carmen being very glad to see him Alive and Kicking marnac is also glad that he's Lively but he notes that an injury like this wouldn't just make him
all sad as he only had a few broken bones and bruises to fix nothing a priest can't fix the real problem in all of this is saeta as he fought too and he got the brunt of it sajida says that it's nothing much he also just needs a healing priest as he didn't get that bad asks him to show his ankle a bit and when he does he finds exactly what he expected a mix of different evil God divinities this is why the priest couldn't use his powers on them he asks mother if she could
deal with this which she confirms but only if she absorbs the Divinity from The Relic they got marnac thinks they can't do that here since it would expose it so they really need to go to the ruins and do it there it's pretty isolated and the Divinity won't be felt at all Carmen tells him not to worry as apparently the Divine Powers inside of them are weakening day by day although he said that it would take some time to fully heal marnac asks how long it will take with Carmen's girlfriend explaining that it could take
months or years but that's in Carmen's case only as saeta is having it much worse they are looking for ways to get rid of it though so it won't last that long Carmen apologizes as they won't be able to continue escorting dakia in such states she tells them to not worry about it and focus on getting better as fast as they can marnac says that since they are in this discussion him and dakia will be gone for a few days as he thought of a way to expel the Divine powers from them she asks what
he means but he tells her to roll with it Carmen thanks him as he really is the best even though he doesn't like to bother him that much anyway they also have to talk about something in private he gives his girlfriend a wink making her drag dakia away Carmen explains that there is no woman with a larger heart than dakia so he should take this as an opportunity to grow closer as it seems that she also likes him SAA says that he thought they were already together but marck says there's nothing going on between them
with Mother screaming at him constantly Carmen says that it's his chance then as she's a really good woman as they walk to the tavern dakia says that she's excited for this adventure even though it will be pretty dangerous to go with only the both of them but she trusts that he will protect her if anything arises when they get into the tavern the Priestess is waiting for them and tells marnac to sit as she has been waiting for quite a while already marnac does just that but sits on the other side which angers her a
bit marnac notes that she came later than expected but she explains that it's because the northern kingdom Queen has asked her for a favor there are some evil God worshippers going wild in the northern Capital Region so she asked her to get rid of them naturally he will come with so he should go and pack his bags with a rather powerful tone marnac says that he will not be coming with her as that's the opposite of his Direction and there's something he must do there no matter what the Priestess is extremely sad now as she
went through all of that shame and effort to fulfill what he asked of her did she hear him wrongly perhaps marnac says that he meant what he said with the Priestess immediately crying as she can't believe that she has done something like this to her marnac tells her to stop capping as he knows now that she can just cry on command whenever she wants the Priestess then chooses to pick up her sword while saying that a woman's tears are her weapons marnac tells her to put both hands on the table now as if she tries
to knock him out and drag him there he will be very mad with her rather reluctantly she throws her sword away and says that she didn't want to do something like that but marnac knows she most definitely wanted to do that marnac says that he can't really come with her at the moment but once he has completed his objective he will return to her he promises the Priestess thinks about it for a bit but accepts his proposal as she is quite benevolent so he can go back and do his own thing but that is only
if he's strong enough to not get beaten up by others she picks up her sword while noting that the Inn has a nice backyard perfect for a light Spar so he should hurry up and get his sword ready when marck arrives in the backyard the Priestess says that the conditions are simple she will use the amount of strength that he has so he should try and Slaughter her with the best of his abilities marnette gets into position and before the Priestess can say go he immediately tries to attack her something which apparently she also used
to do they give each other a smile before the Priestess beckons him forward making marnac continue to attack again and again but his attacks just don't go through as she deflects all of them with perfect Tempo she asks him what the most important an factor in becoming an expert is with him replying that it's swordsmanship hone to reach the peak in a toned body she explains that those are just the basic requirements if that's all it took she wouldn't have become one after picking up the sword only for 5 years Mar says that she can
be quite arrogant at times but she says that it's just the truth anyway the most important thing for an expert is the mind as they need to have the ability to imbue any sword with their will only then will The Impossible become possible for him in order to become an expert he needs to have his mind completely devoid of others however he seems to be quite dependent on something just what is it Mar can't answer as he can't talk about mother and that each time he rises from the dead his dependency on that Authority grows
more and more the Priestess notes that he must know what she's talking about with him saying that he does she notes that she was glad at first when she found him but her heart turned cold when they clashed blades marnac asks if that means he's far from being an expert but she says that it's more like she has a mother's heart as she feels like the son she raised got stolen by some snake woman marnac notes that this is pretty specific even for her she explains that as long as he's dependent like that she won't
force him into anything but he should at least accept this this is an ancient Relic ring that she got from the sacred flame sect the person with the black ring will always know where the other one is approximately marnac accepts her gift and then asks how she's an expert and also a priestess if that's the case she explains that being a priestess doesn't come from just faith it is more like one becomes a priest because they were given authority to do so even experts see Gods as an object more than anything they are not swayed
by simple things like emotions that is precisely why she took him in as a disciple even though she notices that he uses evil God Divinity that is why he must become an expert too as he will be able to differentiate between his real emotions and the ones that God planted inside of him marnac is surprised that she knew all of this time but if that's the case why doesn't she just take someone else in as a disciple who listens more and stays by her side at all times the Priestess says that it's easy she was
raised to become the sword of the flam sect she was all one without realizing then she met him and the happiness she felt when they were together was much more than what she felt throughout her entire life after she lost him her sadness became even larger so she can no longer go back to those sad days without him because he is important to her he brings only happiness to her back at the dragon Prince's meeting his servant is getting attacked by the kidnappers as they think it's his fault that they lost the princess he continues
to run while praying for someone to come save him if they do they will even kiss their ass if he needs to suddenly an explosion occurs with the dragon Prince coming to save him he asks if he came for that reason with the prince wondering why he would be here if that isn't the case he should follow now as they need to get a move on already the servant is now very happy with him noting that he will serve him all of his life but the prince has heard what he said about kissing ass so
he shouldn't even think of doing something like that to him or else he will rip him in two Dy and marnac arrive at the coordinates of the ruins but it seems that it's already encamped by some people dakia suggests that she distracts them with a fire but marnac tells her not to as she might burn the whole Forest down he will try talking with them first but she should be prepared to intervene with magic Marnet goes up to the guards who are immediately ready to fight but he explains that he's a priest of preservation and
was asked to take care of some Mountain bandits in this area the guard says that he must relinquish his weapon if he wants to enter But Marnet can't do that until he identifies them as Bandits or not the guard tells him to buzz off then but marnac notices his manner of speaking and notices that he must be a mage he demands that he bring in someone more reasonable which angers the Mage so he charges in but marnac just gives him one head thud and puts him to the ground dakia notices that he is being attacked
and summons some water while also starting to summon lightning in order to zap everyone she starts changing up her attack in a similar fashion to a certain super saiyyan as he was just about to fight everyone right suddenly a large horned woman comes out of the camp and thanks the gods for the water as they haven't had some in a while but that's when she notices the two strangers standing there marnac introduces himself and also dakia the woman introduces herself as fos Serina the captain of the royal archaeology team this meeting sure is a blessing
though as their Mages aren't proficient at water magic so she is really grateful that they made some water she will also apologize for that bastard she would have fired him on the spot if he wasn't a damn Mage but anyway how did they find this place as the excavations are always kept top secret marn says that they found the place using a key fos Serina is excited to hear this and asks if she can come with but marnac says that it isn't possible fosina rephrases herself she doesn't want to go in right away after he
is done getting whatever he needs she would love to have the key afterwards marnac doesn't answer just yet but fos Serina asks what he knows about the ruins with marnac saying that he knows as much as the average person she explains that the ruins can be categorized in two one is the kind that is isolated and can only be reached by key while the other is buried underground the goal of the excavation team is to excavate the ladder they're just curious about the relationship between the ruins bit the items inside with that marnac agrees to
let them have the key but they will be tired after they get out so he wants some shelter at least fos Arena promises them some but marnac wonders if this won't create problems with the people at their headquarters fos seren says that he has nothing to worry about as this is all there is of the archaeology team marnac asks why they are so few fos seren noting that they don't bring in money since they don't find relics often so they don't get much sponsorship after their talk is done dakia uses the key to open the
portal with the others watching intently once they enter they arrive in a very beautiful place with quite a nice view now that he is alone marnac can use the Divinity to create a new Authority mother starts consuming the Divinity from The Relic and from their storage to create a weapon marnac is very glad to have this as this sword corrupts everything it touches no matter what but unfortunately this seems to also affect him as his arm Falls right off dakia is quite worried about Marx's hand but he says that it will heal pretty soon even
if it doesn't look like that now suddenly mother gets out in a more grown form and hugs marnac as she hates seeing him injured he is quite surprised by her growth hurt but she's more concerned about his hand as she asks if it hurts marnac tells her that it's fine and that's when dakia comes up with a brilliant idea for mother to wield the sword considering she is grown she must be pretty agile and her hand won't be injured since it's her own Divinity that's being used marac is concerned about her being injured but mother
insists that she do it so marnac says that they should try it out and see if it works he summons the blade and with confidence in her eyes mother grabs it but it starts hurting her so she instantly throws it on the ground in panic she starts crying with marnac immediately going to comfort her as she should not blame herself for it and he will always be there for her dakia finds this kind of strange as she is the mother of corruption right so how did she get hurt by her own authority mother thinks that
she's trying to embarrass her so she spouts out a new word you Mar suggests that it's because she has not gotten all of her Divinity back but anyway he is very glad that she can say a new word now she should not worry about not being able to hold the blade too much as her being here is more than enough for him dakia interrupts their talk by saying that both of their hands seem to be healed so they should go inside marnac agrees and asks mother to summon the corruption giant which comes out of a
giant portal ready to rumble marnac greets him hoping that he has been well making the giant scream out as he stretches his muscles marnac then asks him to hold this blade for a second which the giant does but soon enough he starts feeling the corruption blade damaging him and sure enough his hand falls off too the giant is kind of mad at marnac for making him do this who apologizes for this but they should be entering the ruins now the giant is first and Rampage is around everywhere with dakia wondering what they should be doing
marnac tells her to just observe as neither of them have the ability to detect traps so they should let the giant Rampage about as it will clear out any traps as it's fighting both marnac and the giant feel a new presence another Stone Golem making dakia ask if she should use her magic marnac tells her to hold off for now as Giants are pretty resistant to Magic the giant notices that the Golem is similar to the ones that beat him to a pulp before so he is boosted by his thirst for revenge and charges in
both the Giant and the Golem seem to be on equal footing with Mother cheering him on to boost his fighting abilities after doing that she goes next to marnac and picks up the bead she couldn't process before presumably to try again sure enough she does just that and manages to get Divinity from it which is quite a lot marnac picks her up and says that she's as strong as a goddess from now on she consumed that tangled up bead of divinity all at once she is truly amazing Dr just looks at him throwing mother around
noting that they get along quite well perhaps one day they can get along that well too marnac is puzzled by this as he thought that they were already like this was he wrong she starts blushing and says that it's not like that with marnac thinking that the moment he calls for her she comes so she is quite useful eventually the giant overcomes his great enemy and celebrates by crushing its head in the air marnac thinks that he will use the 10,000 Divinity to reinforce Authority depending on the situation at hand he cannot have an authority
like the sword of corruption just yet as it will be useless in an urgent situation he tells everyone that they should go and asks mother to turn back into a hand as it's more safe that way as they walk through the strange hallway the giant sees something in front of him but he can do only that as he is pushed away instantly by what seems to be a robot marnac grabs dakia to protect her from the rubble and dust which also allows him to look at their opponent AA who seems to be charging up something
marnac seems to know what this is and activates the text of corruption he tells dya to hold on tight as he will be running at his top speed the giant continues to fight the meca without relenting dakia asks marnac if it's for them to leave the giant behind but marnac knows that he will be fine he will just come back on his own once he stalls enough time for them eventually they make it to a large metallic door which suddenly opens and reveals a bunch of robot soldiers who are all equipped with steel blades they
immediately charge the group with marnac revving up his sword and telling dakia to take the right side while he takes the left after their fight as marnac is staring at the last robot dakia asks if she was useful which marnac confirms but she used a lot of magic today should they take a rest she tries to say that she can still fight but she is interrupted by the arrival of the mea who immediately points his gun at them marnac notices and drags dakia away to a safe place as the mech unleashes a hail of bullets
on them until eventually it runs out of ammo marnac uses this opportunity to run away but that's when he notices that the bullet casing is being dragged back by the Mecca which has a powerful magnet in its other hand dakia asks what they should do and marnac asks if she can hit the mech's weapon with her magic preferably with an explosive spell she notes that she can which marnac is pleased to hear but she should fire it when the mech is about to fire again with that they patiently wait for the mech to decide when
to shoot but when it does marnac screams at dakia to do it which she does sending a giant Fireball at the mech's arm and interrupting its aim marnac notes that she got this and starts running away as dakia continues to BL blast the makea with her Fireballs but marnac knows she probably doesn't have that much Mana they need to find an exit fast eventually they make it to a gold Laden door which marnac desperately tries to kick open but it doesn't budge at all which he must correct as they don't have a lot of time
to dilly dally he puts daia down and explains that this must be the door they need to go through so he will try to inspect it as fast as he can since the Mecha will certainly catch up to them in no time he tries to use his chains sword to cut the door open which does seem to work but the door suddenly heals itself and a message pops up in his head no shortcuts marnac thinks that they are forced to fight that thought but how is he supposed to take on a towering metal giant he
asks dakia for one last push and then he will take care of the rest he promises as the mecca pulls its bullets back marnac throws his sword at it to make it stop and tells dakia to hit it she starts chanting and lets out one final large attack which makes her fall to the ground meaning that marnac is the only left to fight and since there is no time for anything else he uses the sword of corruption to try and Pierce the mech but the corruption proves to be too fast so he tries to use
his other hand in order to push it but his strength starts leaving him as this hand too suffers the same fate that's when a glimmer of hope appears as mother transforms back into her human form and pushes the sword for marnac which eventually destroys the mecca with dakia being conscious enough to notice this marnac falls to the ground making mother jump for him and try to take a hold of him eventually marnac wakes up with a scream asking mother if she's all right she's right beside him and notes that she's doing fine which marnac is
very thankful for she also explains that she took it upon herself to move him and dakia to a safe place but did he see how cool she was marnac confirms that she was very cool if it weren't for her Valiant push they couldn't have defeated that Mech dakia wakes up and asks if she's dead with marnac confirming that she is in fact not but can she walk now dakia says that she can since she got a lot of rest but where are they now marnac notes that they have reached their destination with the door asking
them one simple question what is ET turn lovely dakia is quite puzzled but marnac already knows the answer which is to be expected from a mother daughter Duo the answer is Aisha the real name of her mother the door opens and a hologram jumps in front of them introducing itself as the best blacksmith in the Empire seon or a hologram to be precise marnac is quite surprised as first they faced a robot with a Gatling gun and now they are dealing with a hologram just what kind of stuff was going on in the ancient empire
the Hologram repeats itself which marnac thinks that it's because they kept standing in the same place that is proven to be true as sonon says that they have managed to get through the guardian she created quite amazing dakia asks marnac how he knew the answer to that riddle from before which the Hologram answers for her she asked because they entered with the key left behind by her mother but if they didn't know at least her name she would have no reason to spare them marnac tells dakia that it would have been quite awful if they
got the name wrong silon says that it was probably very hard to get here so they should go inside and rest as they deserve it after marnac takes a bath he wipes down mother mother's hand with some cloth until dakia comes around and says that the bath house in this place is really nice as all of her past exhaustion has washed off marnac notes that he was refreshed too did she have a good time inside though dakia confirms that she did she has never seen those types of Contraptions before but there were detailed explanations for
each written in the ancient language which also allowed her to wash her clothes while taking a relaxing bath The Grudge she had against cilon before has waned by at least half considering how nice this place is she instantly pops up when she hears her name and asks if they rested well anyway she brought the things they dropped on the way here one of them being the ring that the Priestess gave to marnac something that she would have been very mad about if she knew that he lost it after they are done getting the items she
tells them to follow as she will be handing over the item they are after they are all guided to a beautiful hallway that is quite large too silon asks who among the two will take her number one item but that's when mother reveals herself and says that she is also here silon is surprised by this and asks which one will pick up the item marnac notes that it will be him which silon takes note of but it would be unhomely to just send the other two away empty-handed so they should follow as she will create
what they want as a reward with that she splits herself in three Holograms with marnac following the one in the middle and eventually getting to the best piece silon made that goes on his dominant hand marnac wears it and it immediately adjusts to his hand but then it starts to emit energy as something is written on it silon notes that it's just registering him as a user all he needs to do now is yell activate and press the the button marnac is quite embarrassed by this but does it making the item grow on his body
and transform into a mysterious robotic appendage silong can't believe that he really yelled as all he needed to do is press the button what a buffoon she apologized for laughing so much she will explain how it works in return the hallway suddenly opens up even more and silon tells him to hold out his right fist this item is basically reading his mind so all that he must do is imagine a small cannon being fired from that hand marnac does just that and a cannon comes out of his hand which immediately shoots creating a large explosion
she explains that the special Cannon is not great at long ranges but does exceptionally well in short ranges and the energy used by it is the Mana all around so it recharges on its own he can charge up to three attacks at once which takes 20 minutes to complete she also spouts out a lot of useless Exposition which confuses marnac but she comes around to something interesting he should combine any other numbered items he has as something interesting will happen marnac pulls out his chainsword and sure enough number one begins engulfing it in some strange
miasma before eating it completely giving him two new options the first one seems to be to summon the blade but the second one is actually a hidden blade of sorts Salon notes that this item is her life's work her final effort to combine Divinity and Mana into one marnac agrees that it is truly amazing which she knows already but she also tells him that it's made out of immortali so it's pretty sturdy as even if it breaks it will be able to regenerate marnac immediately thinks about the corruption blade so he pulls it out and
holds it with his transformed arm but after a while it starts to do something and rust the hand away thank you for watching see you next time
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