"O Sanatório" - Episódio 2 - O Segredo na Floresta RPG

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Video Transcript:
GM: Welcome to another episode of The Secret in the Forest! I hope you all are comfortable. The Secret in the Forest is a RPG session, where me and some friends get together to tell a story together, playing several different characters. Eh, I am the master, the narrator, I ... Basically I represent the whole world, and each of them represents a different character in this story. Ah, before we start, we have some announcements to make today. People are just ... Starting here. (Calango: Hey!) Gabi: Hello! GM: Hi, how are you? Calango: Good. Gabi: Everything’s fine. GM:
Everything’s fine with everyone here... So, before we start then, I have some announcements to make. Luba: Hello! GM: Ah, first of all, you must have realized that we're down one member unfortunately Rakin won’t be able to participate in today's session for reasons of force majeure. Luba: Hey, chat. I don't think that Cellbit can hear me... GM: Ah... I can hear you. Gabi: Yes, he can. Luba: Hey! Gabi: Hey. GM: It's all right, we are, I'm... Talking to everyone. Luba: Everyone is already here, sorry. GM: Ah, unfortunately Rakin will not be able to participate in today's
session due to force majeure. Eh, there were some problems with the Twitch platform recently. We are not going to go very deep here. Eh, but unfortunately, we will have to... I will have to act as Thiago for today's session and then all the actions and... And Thiago in general will have to be interpreted by me. Eh, he’s going to become practically a NPC, the rest of the guys are still going strong here. We have here: Luba, Gabi, Luis and Calango Luba: Hello! Calango: Good morning. GM: For us to continue our adventure. I also wanted to
portray myself here real quick, I made a brief mistake. Luis: What do you want, huh? What do you want, huh? You're pissing me off. I was translating the song of "Lololololololololololo" That's it. GM: Got it. Eh… GM: I need to retract myself, ah, last week I made a mistake. I… When I went to credit the people here, I had a list of the whole team that worked, and when I was copying and pasting the names, I accidentally skipped... Julio Victor, who created the original soundtrack for the Paranormal Order and The Secret in the Forest In
the midst of all the songs that you've listened to, we've got some that's originally ours that is this one that you are listening to right now, which is extremely… GM: Absurdly incredible, he is very, very talented, very happy to have worked with him. I felt really bad when I realized I hadn't put him here. GM: Eh, so, if you can please, later or now, just stop by his Twitter and send a big kiss, he is a very important member of this team, and he is, the songs are ... Gabi: A round of applause to Julio
Victor. GM: They are fundamental for this RPG to work, so thank you very much to Julio Victor, sorry for missing your name in past credits, and that's it. Are you ready to return to the world of The Secret in the Forest? Luis: We are not really ready. Calango: I hope there is a cup near the forest there, bro. I'll need it. (Luba: Cup?) GM: For you to continue throwing? Luba: Ah, okay. Calango: It's my only power, bro. Luis: The boy with the glasses. GM: Well done. Ah, does anyone have any more considerations to make before
we embark on our world? Luba: Oh, no, imagine, I'm... I'm very calm so we can start soon. Let's go. Calango: Come on, come on, I have a character to kill. (Calango: I'm kidding.) GM: Let’s go to the opening, then. GM: And when we get back, we’ll go straight to the world (Luba: Ah, the opening, oh yeah...) GM: of Secret in the Forest. Luis: Oh, sheesh... GM: See you on the other side. Let's go. [Opening TSIF] GM: Perfect. Eh, hold on. Hey. Perfect (Luis: Opening…) GM: Perfect GM: So, you five, now, in this case, four, considering
Thiago were contacted by Ordo Veritatis, a secret organization of paranormal investigators, that you are part of. To investigate a very peculiar case. Another team from the Order, the Kelvin team, was sent to the countryside... They were sent to the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, to look for a group of esoterrorists, who are people who try to bring paranormal creatures to our world This Kelvin team was sent 1 month ago, and they just sent one report. In that report, that was sent the day they arrived, they said that they would be sending more information soon.
After that, they didn't send anything else and disappeared completely. You, a team of 5 investigators were sent to the city of Carpazinha in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, to find out what exactly happened to this team. And you went to the police station, following that team's steps where you got information about a man who was murdered and had a mark placed on his forehead which is the mark that, apparently this group of esoterrorists, leave behind. And this man's daughter and wife have disappeared. Following the footsteps of the Kelvin team, you went to a
bar called Ashy Armpit... where the Kelvin team probably also went to, and there you met a local biker gang. This gang informed you about a local legend, known as "Doctor Lunatic" That told the story of a terrible doctor who tortured his own family many years ago, in a house in the forest. You went to get information about this house and found out that this doctor's family was admitted to the Carpazinha's Sanatorium, the Carpazinha's Sanatorium and you finally find yourselves, now, at the entrance of the Carpazinha's Sanatorium. With a cold and strange mist around you. (Calango:
Uuuuuuuuuu.) Luis: Master, there are people who are not in the thing, to see. GM: What? Luis: There are people who can't see... things. GM: Why didn't you… Ah, okay, wait. You could have told me a little earlier, before it started. Wait, ah ... Luis: You muted right as I was going to say it. GM: You are not online. Luis: I'm Cleitinho Borracheiro. GM: Ah, ok, okay. You may join. Luis: Thank you. GM: You 5 then, are in the Carpazinha’s Sanatorium, it is a very abandoned place, it’s filthy, eh, the floor is wooden and there is
this big carpet that extends, and right away it is noticeable that there is blood everywhere. It's a very dry and old blood, but it's there, and its presence is a little scary. Calango: Okay, what time is it? GM: You arrived at the Carpazinha’s Sanatorium around 11 am. It is daytime, but inside the sanatorium it is very dark. (Calango: Ok…) GM: And the mist is making it difficult for you to see. (Calango: Ok.) J: Oh, guys. I don't like this. L: At least it's daytime, right, guys. J: Ah, it's true. You always see the bright side
of things, right? Ce: We always have to see the bright side of the situation. Ah, the good thing about this situation here, is that my father hasn't said anything yet. J: Hmm. GM: Guys, regarding the hands, always try to move your characters only when you are really going to act, and then take your hands away, in order to not break the immersion and leave the characters. (Luba: Okay.) GM: Right… Calango: Okay. My bad. Cr: Son, this is over now. I wanted to say that I have an idea. Ce: Say it, say it, say it... Cr:
There are a lot of papers up front, why don't we go there? GM: At the front, on the other side of the room, there is a table, with some armchairs and several papers thrown all over the place and on the right there is one, a kind of gate, a grid from like a... jail, that’s closed. Calango: Ok, and behind the table there's some rubble...? GM: Behind the table there is a- some stones and things on the floor and the corridor that leads to the end, and at the end of it there is a lamp that
is lit on the map but it is off, it is only lit for ... Eh, scenario. Calango: Okay. Ce: So let's take a look at these papers. There are papers all about this place. (L: Guys, this mist...) GM: You don't necessarily need to move with the actions, you can say: "I'm going to the place, and… We move it, just… Kind of… During- the combat is more important than…" Gabi: Alright GM: Not to, so we don't get lost a lot, just like in Ashy Armpit. Ce: Okay, and then, hey daddy, can you go in the front?
Cr: I’ll go without any problems, I’ll go, I’ll go. I'm going. GM: Okay, so you go to that table, and when you get to that table you see that there are several papers on all sides, but most of them are blank it's like there was a fight near that table there are several marks of slits and hands that were dragged over this table, and one, a paper draws a your attention it’s a paper that is on top of all the others. And then, and it is, it is this paper... Hold on.... It’s loading. This is
the paper. You take it, Cris, since you were the first one to get to the table. Ce: Okay, I take the paper from his hand. Dad, you don't know how to read Portuguese, so I'm going to read it. Cr: I can read. Luis: I grab it back (Cr: Gimme it.) J: Just don't fight. Ce: Ok, go, go ... (Cr: Procedure...) Gabi: Let me pull the paper a little bit so I can see it. Gabi: There. Thanks. Cr: Come here on the side... (L: I'm going) Cr: Procedure record, patient therapy 71. Twen… Ah, just read this
shit, go. J: He said... Ce: Ok, eh... Procedure record, patient therapy 71. Twenty-seven of July 1950, at 6 pm. Doctor ... Verruca ... Ver ... Verruckt begins the preparation of the 2-hour electric discharge recovery therapy. 23 of July 1950, 6:33pm. Define- redi… Ref… Redirection of electric charge of generators. J: Guys, do you want me to read it? (Ce: Eh, I ...) It's a bit difficult over there. Ce: Read it, read it. I'm- I can't do it. J: Ah, ok. Twenty, 23 of July of 1950, 6:33pm. Define redirection of the electric charge of the generators. July
23rd, 1950, ah, 7:06pm. The screams from inside the therapy room ceased for a moment. Nurse Marinete left with blood stains and returned to the room. Ah, eh, I don't like this. Ah, same day, 8pm. Time scheduled for the end of the procedure. The screams remain deeper. Ah, same day, 42 minutes later. The procedure was scheduled to end at 8 pm. The screaming stopped. The lights continue... to flash? Okay, same day, 10:31pm. The room has been quiet for an hour. The nurses are concerned, but the doctor instructed that no one shall open the door. The lights
continue to flash. Ah, 12:12am. Nurse Rosa went to check if everything is fine, we are worried… Okay, guys. I didn't like this ending because it's scribbled and then it's full of blood and I don't like blood and I don't like this situation. I don't want to mess with that paper anymore, somebody take it out of my hand, please. Cr: Boy, 1950, a long time ago. It's okay to pick it up now. J: But no, no, ok? I do not like these things. Ahan, ahan, (L: Shock therapy...) Ce: But wait, the asylum, Ce: the asylum has
remained inactive since 1950, has that paper been here since that date? L: It depends. Was that what made the asylum go inactive? Ce: Yeah, I think we should take another look around here to see if... GM: Are you all together? Put yourself on the map, please. Calango: I'm right here where I am. GM: Ah, Luis, can you increase your microphone volume a little bit? Calango: Hey, Cellbit. There's no music playing for us, ok? If it was meant to be playing... GM: It's playing, but it is a quiet environment theme. (Calango: Ah, ok.) Gabi: Ah, okay.
Now it's… Good. Calango: Ah, now it's nice. Luis: Hello? Hello? GM: Ah, just a second. I'll fix it... Here, hold on. Here here. We are, we are having technical problems. They happen. Just a second. Ah, ok. Say something. Luis: Hello, hello. Gabi: Whoa, hello. GM: It's better now. Alright. Gabi: Ah, ok. It wasn't with us. Fine. GM: Wait. Perfect. Moving on, then... Let me just open everything up, again... GM: OK. Gabi: Eh, important question. Can I recognize the mist being similar to the previous case's? GM: Ah, do a test for me, for... Ah, you have
paranormal exposure. (GM: And everyone else rolls a…) Gabi: Wait, how much do I have of paranormal exposure? GM: Finding test, please. Luba: Okay. Gabi: I didn't put paranormal exposure on my record because I didn't know how much I had. Wow, I got 75. GM: Thiago is accompanying you. He's reading... Fuck, my door slammed and it scared me. He's reading everything here. (Luis: I failed.) Calango: Okay, oh, I failed too, I think. Just confirm. GM: Okay. Always tell me the kind of success you've had. Calango: Yeah, I failed, I failed. GM: Okay. Luba: Ah, I failed
too. Em, ah, sorry, is it find? Paranormal exposure? (GM: It’s finding, that's it.) Luba: Paranormal exposure? Finding... GM: Did everyone fail? Luba: Oh no. I didn't fail, I didn't fail. (Gabi: I failed.) Luba: I got... Regular. GM: Okay. Luba: 41. GM: Now that you're closer to this corridor, you hear coming from one of these- it was a regular success, right? Luba: Aham. GM: You hear coming from one of those two doors, which are in front of you, right after this one, there are some stones lying on the floor, you hear noises of things banging. You
hear [TUM TUM]. J: Oh... Oh, oh, oh, don't tell me that just... Cr: What happened, boy? J: W-was I the only one who heard that? There's no way. (Ce: I didn't hear it.) J: Nobody heard those knocks coming from that corridor? Cr: Which one, in front? In front of me here? J: Yes! My God, it's happening again. No, no, no, no, no, no. (Cr: Whatever ... boy. Easy, boy.) J: No, no, no, no, no, no. (L: Joui) J: I heard some knocking coming from the end of the hall. Hi Hi. (L: This is no longer
a test.) GM: There are two closed wooden doors GM: they're very old but they look like they were made of a material resistant enough that even after so long, they remain firm. L: Joui J: Hi, hi L: This is no longer a test. Everything Thiago and I taught you, you need to put it into practice now. (J: Ok.) GM: Thiago puts his hand on his shoulder, T: Oh, Joui. You need to calm down, man. J: Okay, okay. Ah, guys. There are noises coming from the end of that corridor. Ah, let's check it out, because if
we, maybe if we don't do it now, it will be worse later. I have that slight impression. I'm a little scared, but I think it's the right decision. Ce: Let's go, but let's go together, and be very careful, ok. (J: Ok) T: In what positioning are we going? GM: Thiago asks. T: I can take care of the rear here. GM: And he positions himself He already prepares the weapon, he already, ah, puts ammunition, and unlocks it. J: Ok, I'm by Thiago's side then. Ce: Yeah, I prefer to stay in the middle, because I'm the most
clumsy, so honestly, if I can get behind someone there, I can do the long-distance combat. Cr: I think it's right. Cr: Stay behind your father. Cr: Liz, do you want to side with me? Let's go together. L: Okay, okay. I accept. GM: Okay, so you guys, put yourself in your position, please. And then, let me move you. Calango: Okay, calm down. I don't want to be on the table. Just a second. GM: You all get in your positions, you get in your positions, oh the, ah, on the table side. You can... Ah, Thiago drags the
table a little bit so you can be in a decent position. So, where is Joui? L: Hmm… Joui is between Thiago and me. We will have to- close to Cesar. (Luba: Ok) GM: You can put yourself. GM: So, look. Here, right? Luba: Yes, yes. GM: Okay. We invert like that. Perfect. Do you start moving forward then, in this formation? Gabi: Let's go. Calango: Yes. GM: You walk, eh, and when you arrive, you walk together and you see yourselves in front of those two doors, and you hear a noise coming from the room on yor left,
this room here. Ce: Eh, okay, what, what was that? (GM: You hear noises like [rumbling]) Calango: I turn and get- start to go back, in fear. L: Ok. I turn and lean against the door here. J: I'm going to be on Liz's side. Ce: I get back here. GM: Thiago is down here. Ce: I get close to Thiago, actually. GM: Okay, wait. Thiago is still on the threshold of the corridor. Where do you stand? Luis: I'll go to the front of the door. Calango: I'll stay here, look. GM: Okay. Cr: Do you want me to...
Kick down the door? Ce: Yeah... Try to open it first, tho. Luis: I try to open it. L: You call the shots. I'll give... Support here, on the side. Luis: I try to open the door. GM: You put your hand on the handle and it opens forward. When you open it little by little, you see a kind of... staff room, that was abandoned a long time ago, you see a sofa at the end, covered in blood, there is blood everywhere, several... Paper records, and when you open more and more, you see, on the table, something...
Terrible. You see… A quadrupedal creature, it looks like a humanoid but it is all red and bloody and it is kind of gooey, and its mouth is huge, it has very large teeth. You, Cristopher, recognized this as one of the blood zombies that you helped the order to fight long ago, in the past. Liz also recognizes... this creature. Gabi: Oh my goodness. GM: It is not that big. Gabi: Ok, ok GM: When you open, do a dexterity test for me, please Cristopher, because the creature waits for the door to open wide and [growl] it comes
and opens its mouth and jumps on top of you . Luis: Wow... I failed. GM: Did you fail the dexterity throw? Luis: I failed. GM: Okay, just a second... let's go. GM: The creature then, it jumps over you and it holds you down, and it tries to bite you. Luba: Oh no no no. Calango: Okay, I... Can I take action or do I have to wait for the turn or something? GM: Although it jumped, pull- Hold on, despite the fact that it jumped and held you down by the shoulder, do a strength test to see
if you fell. It tries to bite you but you jump back quickly because you were already expecting something, and it just closes its jaws in the air. And now it's holding you and trying to get you down. Do a strength test. Luis: I got it. Regular. GM: Regular? Because it has the force of gravity in its favor, you feel a lot of weight and it knocks you down on the floor and it is now holding you down. When this tension happens, the fact that you have the stones on the floor, you did not notice, but
the roof was completely cracked and the walls around you were very cracked, and you hear some noise coming from above. Everyone does a dexterity test, please. (Gabi: No...) Luba: Oh no no no ... (Calango: Holy shit.) Luba: Oh no no no ... GM: You hear the wall breaking, and [wall cracking sounds]. Gabi: Uh, wait a minute. (Luis: Me again, master?) GM: And the roof starts to collapse on top of you. Luba: Ah, I was successful. (Gabi: Mine was...) Calango: I got- Mine was... Good? Gabi: Ok. Mine was really good. (Calango: Mine was good.) GM: Okay.
Luis: I failed, again. GM: You failed? Ok. Thiago, he quickly looks up and throws himself here, because it was the fastest place, and you lose sight of him. The wall falls, and... Blocks the way back, and everyone, except Cristopher, takes- I mean, Cristopher takes... 1 damage, the stones fall kind of around your head and you feel some stones scraping you, but a lot of the boulders fell on top of the creature, that... It looks like it was damaged a bit too, by the stones. Now everyone, please, roll a… Dexterity test, to define everyone's initiative in
this fight. Luba: Okay. (Gabi: Damn.) Luis: Alright. Calango: Do ​​I have to say the amount? (Gabi: It's the value now, right?) GM: Ah, success, what kind of success did you have first. Gabi: Success? Calango: Ah ... (Luis: I failed) Gabi: Mine was good. Calango: I failed too. Luba: Mine was a little good. GM: Okay, so wait a minute. Let's go from better to worse. Has anyone had extreme success? Gabi: No... GM: Alright. Ah... GM: Okay, let me write down the order then... Nobody was extremely successful, good success? Gabi: Me. GM: Okay. Liz... Then it's the
creature. Ah, normal success? No one? Calango: Luba, isn't it? Luba: No. Mine was not very good. (Luba: Out of 55, I got 51.) GM: Okay. Now of those who have failed, GM: tell me your dexterity. (Luis: 25.) GM: The value of dexterity. Calango: 70 GM: Ok… Everyone, please, dexterity. Gabi: Ah, ok, no ... (Luba: 5, 5) Gabi: Ah, ok, no ... (GM: Okay.) Gabi: Mine is 75. Luba: But I didn't fail, I got 51. GM: No, it's only who has failed. No, wait, you didn't... (Gabi: Ah, ok. It's who failed.) Luba: No, I didn't fail.
Luba: I got 51 out of 55, I said. GM: Okay, so did you have normal success? Luba: Yes. GM: Okay, so you go after the creature. (Luba: Okay.) GM: Then it's... GM: Ah, Cristopher and Cesar, what is your skill? Calango: 75. (Luis: Mine is 25) Calango: 70, I mean, sorry, (GM: Okay, so it's...) Calango: 70 GM: Cesar and then Cristopher. Okay, Liz, you may do your action. Gabi: I want to shoot the... Cr: Get that motherfucker away from me. L: Calm down, I want to shoot the creature’s head with my pistol. GM: Do you want
to aim? Gabi: I do. GM: Aiming is a round, you can spend a round aiming and in the next you will have an advantage. Gabi: No, so I just want to shoot. GM: Okay. Roll a test of 100, please. Cr: Be careful, girl. L: Chill, I got 38, let me see... Eh... Very good. (GM: Ok) Gabi: I mean no, good. Gabi: Good, good, 38. GM: You hit it. (J: Uh, good!) GM: You can deal the damage. Gabi: Ah Gabi: 35. Gabi: The damage is, wait, the damage is not the d100, right? GM: No, the damage
is what’s on your gun, which you wrote down (Gabi: Let me see... wait) GM: on your chart. Gabi: Glock, okay. Eh... It's a d10. Wait a minute. A d10, there, ready. Damn… 5. GM: Did you deal 5 damage? Gabi: Yes. GM: Ok. You hit the creature's arm, and it [growls], it looks at you like that, but it doesn't have eyes, you see maybe what... what were eyes, are one, just two deeper cavities that are on top of it, as if a person's skull had turned upwards, and the rest is all open, a big mouth, you
see its tongue coming out. You hurt it, but it doesn't look like it hurt much. (J: Oh, what a horrible creature...) Gabi: Okay. (GM: Now...) Cr: On the head, girl! On the head! (GM: Ah, everyone roll a sanity test too, please.) Cr: On the head, girl! On the head! Luba: Ok GM: Ah, the sanity test is, you’re going to roll a d100, if you get a value lower than your current sanity, you’ve passed it. Luba: Okay. Gabi: Phew. (Luis: Ah, I got- I got more.) Calango: Ah, I failed, bro. Cr: I’m fucked. Luba: I failed.
(Gabi: I failed) Calango: I keep failing, bro. Gabi: I failed too. GM: Did everyone fail? (Luba: I failed.) Gabi: I made a "phew" because my sanity is very high. GM: You all lose... GM: 3 sanity points. GM: This creature is extremely hideous. It is scary to see something, even you, who had already seen such a thing before. It is always a grotesque view. It is always a notion that unimaginable creatures can exist, and you feel horrible, you feel very bad about seeing this. Gabi: Okay. GM: The creature now, it will take advantage of being on
top of Cristopher, it will try to bite him. Cristopher, roll a d100, you can decide... Eh ... You can decide to fight back, or you can dodge. Luis: I want to fight back. GM: Okay. Luis: In its face. GM: So roll a d100. And tell me success. Luis: Uh, wow. Yeah, of what is it, buddy? GM: It's Fighting. (Luis: Fighting?) If you're bare handed, it's Fighting. Luis: I'm bare handed. Where's Fighting? I got... Extreme. No, not extreme, sorry, I got good. Very good. GM: Did you get very good? Luis: Yeah. GM: Okay. You... The creature
has its arms over you, and it comes down to grab you, you try to elbow it, but it bites right on your arm. You take… Cr: Motherfucker! J: Cris! GM: 3 damage. It bit your arm and almost pulled a piece out, you feel those very sharp teeth entering your flesh, it's a very strong pain... Now it's Joui. Luba: Ok, ah... I'm going to kick it on the head. GM: Ok. Luba: I'm gonna jump kick it. (GM: Ok) Luba: Literally jump kick it. GM: It's Fighting. You can roll the fight check. Luba: Okay. Okay, let's go.
[clears throat] Yes! 19, very good. (Luba: Very good!) GM: Very good? You can deal the damage. Luba: Okay, what's the Fighting's damage? GM: Eh, if you have a small body it's a d3. (Luba: A d3?) So, roll a d6 and divide it by 2. Luba: Ok… Oh no. (Gabi: Oh no) GM: How much? Luba: I got 1. GM: Okay. You kick the creature and you take it off of Cristopher. But it's still- Cristopher is still kind of trying to get up. J: Here! Bastard! (GM: Cristopher, next, next round...) J: Leave! GM: In your next round,
you will have an advantage to try to do a strength test against it to get up. Now it's Cesar. Calango: Okay, eh… Even though I have high dexterity, I'll spend a round to aim, right? GM: Yes. Calango: Okay, so I'm going to get my pistol and I'll aim, bro. GM: Ok. You start to aim and in this, in the middle of this madness you really have to be concentrating enough to... not hit Cristopher and… Get in a good spot, you notice that the ideal would be to hit its head. Calango: Ok You get ready to
aim for its head. And now it's Liz. Luis: Did I miss my round? GM: Oh no, it's Cristopher, sorry, it's Cristopher. Luis: Ok. I will try to get it away from me. (Luis: [mumbling]) GM: Okay, do a Strength test. Luis: Shit, I failed. GM: You failed? Although you failed- Okay, okay, you, how much did you get on the dice? Luis: 98. (Gabi: Damn.) GM: You failed. GM: You failed. You try- Despite the- No, but seriously. But did you use the advantage dice? (Gabi: No, you can roll twice) Luis: Advantage dice? GM: You can roll twice
and get the best value, (Luis: Ah, ok, I didn't roll twice) GM: because you have advantage because of Joe's kick. Luis: Holy shit! J: Go, Cris! GM: How much? (GM: Alright.) Luis: Normal, it was normal, but I did it. GM: You feel that you were not going to make it, but since Joui kicked and lifted the creature, you got up took advantage of the situation and [punch sound], threw it and it is thrown back- And it falls, it hits the table, [slime hitting table sound]. And it's kind of open like that. Cr: Motherfucker! Ce: Are
you okay, dad? Are you okay? (Cr: I am, son.) GM: And now it's Liz. Gabi: The creature is lying- Is it like, fallen like this over the table? GM: Yeah, it got up and it opened it like this, you can see its belly, which is made up of several giant veins, pulsing, and a deformed rib entering its skin. Gabi: I want to shoot one of those veins, without aiming. Just shoot straight up. GM: Okay, you can shoot, you can roll an attack. Gabi: Oh, fuck. GM: It is an attack, it is, eh ... Since it's
an attack, it is to shoot, it is Firearms that you are using, the skill. Gabi: Mmhm. OK. 32… It's good. It is not regularl, it is good. GM: Okay, you hit it. You can deal the damage. Gabi: A d6… Wow, I got 2. GM: You dealt 2 damage? Gabi: Mmhm. GM: Okay. GM: You hit it in... you hit it right in the chest, you feel... [goo exploding sound] you hear the shot coming out from behind and a bunch of flesh splashes over this table, and the creature [growls] gets down and jumps on you again, only
now it jumps over Cristopher, who… actually, Cristopher got up, right? So... it jumps to attack Cristopher, who is in front of the door. Cr: Go away! Motherfucker! J: Again? What's up with that creature?! (GM: Cristopher, roll...) GM: ...a Fight test. You can fight... fight back or dodge. Gabi: Wow, hold on. I rolled a d10... Eh, a d6 and it was supposed to be a d10. Luis: Who's... Who's behind me? GM: Uh, it is… you're in this formation that you are seeing. Cesar is right behind you, but if you dodge it won't just pass by you,
it's coming like... You see its jump is going towards you, like this. Luis: Okay, I'm going... I'm going to try to dodge. GM: Okay. Luis: Is it... Strength? Or dexterity? (GM: No, It's dex...) GM: It's the Dodge skill. Luis: Ah, Okay. Where is it? Ah… Holy shit… [rolls dice] Damn, I can't believe I got it! I had 12, and I passed! GM: The creature jumps towards you, but you [quick movement sound] you open it and it passes straight, and it is between... you, Cristopher... it is among all of you. J: [gasps] Punch it! J: Kick
it, kick it! GM: And now it's Joe. Luba: I want to kick it! More! Okay, it's... It's Fighting again, right? GM: Yup. Luba: Okay I passed. I got… Good. (GM: You... hit it. Roll the damage.) Now the damage, right? Luba: Okay. One and a half? I got 3. GM: Ah, you got... no, it’s always round down. (Luba: Oh, okay.) You kick it- you took advantage of it when it fell... and you kick and sink your foot into its rib, and it [growls] it feels it, and looks at you like this. J: C’mon! (GM: Ah, now
it's Cesar) L: My God… J: C’mon! GM: You, during this entire moment, you were aiming... (Calango: Ah, I will...) GM: ... and now you have an advantage for your shot. You can roll the dice twice and get the best value. Calango: Alright, I'm... I'm going to shoot, then. [rolls dice] Eh... it's Firearms, right? GM: It is Firearm, you roll Firearm, yes. Calango: Big C dropping the dice... [Dice sounds] Okay, It was- I passed. GM: You deal the damage. Calango: I have 50, I got 45. GM: You hit it, you can deal the weapon's damage. Calango:
Okay, it's 1d10+1d6+3, that's right, isn't it? GM: Yeah, you'll roll all of that. Luba: Nice! Calango: Okay. 7... GM: What weapon are you using again? Just so I can describe exactly what you're doing. Calango: It is a desert eagle. GM: Okay. Calango: 6! I got 7 + 6 + 3... 16. GM: Okay. How do you want it to die? [Luba and Gabi laugh] Calango: Dude, I- I- I- I... I didn't show it, but I was very worried about my father, so... bro, I spent a lot of time focusing, I spent 5 minutes aiming, being as
careful as possible, and I knew that the head was... somehow I managed to discover that... the head was kind of the weak point of that thing, and then I... calmly, I took a deep breath, sighed and shot right into that asshole’s mouth. GM: You shoot... just as it turns to face Joe, Joe was by your side, it turns around [roar] due to the kick, and you shoot into his mouth, the bullet goes deep into its throat and [flesh exploding] it explodes its skull back, and Cristopher gets covered in blood, because of the, because of the-
the... the splash of its guts and that gooey thing that the creature was made of... and it is officially dead. it falls to the ground, next to you. (J: YATTA!) J: Good job, Cesar! (Calango: Okay, I'm in shock, I'm in shock.) Calango: I'm like, holding the gun like this... (Cr: Son!) Ce: [Heavy breathing] Luba: I leap towards Cesar, to hug him, even though I'm covered in blood. (J: Uh-oh.) GM: You hear Thiago from the other side of the rubble... T: Are you- Guys, are you okay? Is everything alright? J: Yes, Mr. Thiago! (Cr: We're alright!)
L: Everything’s okay, honey. (J: Yes, yes!) Cr: Actually, we’re not that good... GM: You hear sounds of stones being moved, he says... (Gabi: I want to...) T: I'm can't- I can't go through... I can't pass through the rubble at all. GM: You see there are lots of stones and rubble between him and you. He says: T: There is- there is a door, try to find the... try to go around and find out how to open this other door here. J: Okay. Okay, Mr. Thiago.(L: Okay.) J: Everything will be okay. I’ll go there. Cr: Guys, can
anyone help me over here? L: Me, me, me. I- I- I'll give you first aid. Ce: Are you okay, dad? Did you get hurt? As hell, a lot? (Cr: I'm fine, it's just my arm...) L: He'll be fine, dear. (Cr: My arm, my arm.) GM: First Aid is only for when he's- when he has a major wound, you don't need it. Gabi: Okay, can I use Medicine, then? GM: You can only use it once a day. Gabi: Ah, I used it yesterday... Okay, I'll... GM: Yes, that's what I'm saying, you have it once a day,
you can use it. Gabi: I'll use Medicine, then. I... ooh, I passed, but it was regular. GM: Regular, that's okay. Roll a d3. Gabi: Damn, I got 6, so it's 3. (GM: 3.) GM: You heal 3HP, Cristopher. GM: Now that everything has calmed down, you notice that eh... In this room that you were in, there are several... there are papers and... it seems that a very fierce fight took place here, as if a creature had entered and devoured someone who was inside. and they probably turned into that creature that you just killed. And further on,
there is a... a notice board, eh, where people probably put notes for the employees. A... It's a notice board. GM: Next to the sofa. (Calango: Okay.) Ce: So, let's- let's- let's keep looking around, we have to... find something. What is this room? L: Let me go search the notice board, you are all kind of fucked up there. Hold on. (GM: You go...) Cr: Thanks, girl. J: Okay, I'll wait here, Miss Liz. Okay. (GM: You go to the notice board...) L: Good. GM: Okay, you go to the- You go to the notice board (L: Eh...) GM:
And you see several, eh… nothing that really makes sense, some medication lists, other schedule stuff, but there is one specific notice that calls your attention, it's hanging. Let me fetch it here. Cr: Did you find anything there, girl? L: T- T- There is a strange paper here. Wait a minute, hold on. I'm unfolding it over here. It's folded... badly. GM: This is it. You find this... (Gabi: It's bloody.) GM: Little note. (Luis: I'll come to her.) L: "The..." "The key to the files now stays with the others in the storage. Nurse Luciene, please stop losing
your keys..." [chuckles]. Cr: That girl Luciene, guys... it's really difficult, y’know. L: Okay, guys. Apparently all the keys are in the storage. J: Okay. Cr: I don't think they heard you. Cr: Guys! L: Guys! J: Hi! Ce: Stop yelling, bro! J: Ah, yeah, it's dangerous- Hey, don't scold Miss Liz! [Gabi chuckles] [Calango chuckles] L: Thank you, Joe. Thanks. J: You're welcome. I'm waiting by the door. GM: There's another closed door in front of you, and the corridor goes up and opens to two different sides. You can almost see a closed door further down the hall
as well. Ce: Okay, so what's up? Will we continue? Will we... we gotta find the key? What do we- do we have to open that gate so we can... Luis: Hello? Guys?! The internet died here! (Ce: ... get to Thiago...) The things here, I'm on the floor, fallen. (GM: I'll- I'll send it to you.) Cr: I stumbled! GM: You... you're offline, you're offline, Cristopher. J: My god, sir! GM: It's okay. The map- we only really need the map for combat. (Cr: My knee! I stumbled!) GM: We can keep exploring, no problem. GM: You don't need
to focus so much on- on the board while we are roleplaying. Luba: Okay. Ce: Okay, shall we continue? (Gabi: Okay.) Gabi: Okay, I want to lean on this door here, in- in... in front of that door that we opened and see if I hear anything. GM: Okay. GM: Roll a Finding test, please. Calango: Isn't it Listen? GM: Uh, Listen doesn't exist, it's Finding. Calango: Really? GM: Wait, is there a Listening skill? (Luba: Yes, there’s Listen.) GM: It can be Listen then, sorry. GM: Oh, yeah, Finding is visually, and Listen is for the rest. (Gabi: Holy
shit, but then...) Gabi: I prefer Finding, because my Listen is very sad. GM: No, it's Listen, it's Listen. Just to clarify... (Gabi: It's 20, damn, no.) GM: Finding is for when you are looking for something visually or with smells... (Gabi:I failed.) GM: ... and Listen is for audio. GM: I forgot. I mistook the two. (Gabi: Okay, no, I- I- I didn't pass.) GM: Okay, no, you put your ear on the door, and you don't hear- you don't seem to hear anything coming from inside. J: Is it safe, Miss Liz? (Ce: Okay, eh…) L: Eh... I
don't know. My hearing is kinda, kinda bad. But... GM: You don't think your hearing is bad, you think that there’s nothing. (J: Should I try to...) GM: You didn't hear anything. L: I can't hear anything. If there's something, it's dead, I can't hear anything. But, we found a blood zombie when we thought this place was empty, so… I don't trust my guess that much. (Cr: Didn't the boy hear something in this door? J: Ah, I think what I heard was... it came from this room here, but I can see if I hear anything from that...
room...? L: Nah, let's go, let's go. J: Okay, I trust you. Calango: Okay, before we go on, I go to my dad and say... Ce: Hey, dad. Be careful next time, okay? I was really worried about you over there. Gabi: Awww… How cute… (Cr: Thank you, son.) Cr: I- if it weren't for you I could've probably died, or Joe, y'know, because the creature turned around and was going towards him. J: It's okay, guys. Enjoy this moment of yours, it is very beautiful to see. Gabi: It's so cute Ce: No, let's go. Let's go. Cr: I
just won’t hug because I’m filthy, y'know. J: Ah, I want a hug! I jump on him, on that human mountain, I climb him. L: Oh, how disgusting, I just made the... Cr: But I'm all bloody, boy! (L: Nooo.) J: It's okay! I miss my dad too! Ce: Am I out of my mind or was I the only one who saw this horrible thing that we just killed? J: We just killed it and it was really cool! I'm so excited, guys! Okay. (Ce: My God.) Cr: It wasn't so great, you know. I am all hurt, but...
no problem, we can keep going. (Ce: Come on, come on.) Ce: Be careful, old man. J: Ok. L: Ah... the newbies. Eh... Calango: Ah, I… L: where… Cr: That's it then, shall we? L: We need to go to the storage. (Ce: Go ahead, dad.) J: Yeah. L: I'll go ahead. Ce: Talk softly, bro. This place is... Fucked up, bro. J: That's true! Cr: Son, you just shot a hell of a shot, do you think they didn't hear it? Ce: That's true. GM: What formation do you keep going on? (J: He has a point.) Gabi: I
will go ahead. GM: Okay. Put yourself in the formation and I'll move the dolls, while it's not combat. Calango: I will stay behind. Luis: I'll go after Liz. Luba: I'm going to the left side, here like this oh. Kind of in formation of... J: Let's go in V formation, guys? It will be amazing! Okay, triangle, I mean, I don't know, geometry... (Gabi: Diamond?) J: ...In portuguese, I only remember the names in Japanese, sorry. GM: You go straight, towards the end of the corridor, and when you get close to the corner, you can see exactly what
you weren't seeing before, and it's a long corridor with several closed doors, and further ahead, uh... Just a second, I am, my sense of space... On the right, it looks like it has a large metal gate. And the corridor is full- It has a very strong blood trail, and the entire blood trail seems to lead to a specific door at the end of the corridor. Calango: Okay, there are doors in all of these spaces, right? There's none that has no door and there is a gap to enter... (GM: They all have closed doors, yes.) GM:
All the doors are closed with wood. And the window on the left illuminates the... the corridor a little, so you can see everything. Suddenly, you see something very strange. The fog around you, it's... it's... it’s thin, but it’s a very cold environment. And you see all the lamps... [lamp flashing sound] They flash, suddenly. J: Oh! Oh, that everyone saw, right? (Ce: Guys, now...) Cr: I don’t feel good about this. (L: Ah... what?) Ce: Bro, we have to be more careful, especially because we don’t have Thiago with us anymore, bro. J: Ok. Cr: Yeah, Thiago! We
need to get him! Ce: We have to go and get him somehow, let's go together, find something, we probably have to find the key that Dr. Luciene lost, the nurse. So, let's... let's go together, carefully, I think. Cr: Let me take a look at this window here on the right. (Gabi: We...) L: No! Don’t go alone! (Cr: On the left.) L: You are not going alone. GM: You walk towards it, you approach the window to look outside. and you see... The forest, several trees, and... The mist is not outside, obviously, you are stuck in this
place with the mist inside with you. And outside there seems to be a much darker environment than it was before, as if you, from inside and looking outwards, saw a much darker environment than when you were actually outside the sanatorium. Cr: Guys, it’s so strange out there. J: Ah, this place gives me chills. Cr: Do you guys want to follow the blood, do you want to go through the doors? What do you want to do? (Ce: We better not follow the blood, huh.) Ce: If we are going to do this, because eventually we will do
it, let's be careful, let's look at the other rooms first. J: I agree with Cesar. Let's go. GM: Okay, are you all at the window? (Cr: I think we can go.) Calango: No, I stayed behind, I stayed here where Joe is, more or less. Gabi: I only followed Christopher because I was afraid that he would get hurt. GM: Okay. There's a... there's a big closed door next to you, it's made of metal, unlike the others, which is... It's not, it's... It's made of metal, I don't know exactly how this material is called, but it is
not made of wood like the others. like the ones in the- the- From the staff room, for example. Gabi: Is it like those fire doors? GM: Yes! Exactly! Luba: Okay. (Gabi: Okay.) GM: It's not a fire door, it's just a door made of... Metal. Calango: Okay. (GM: It's black.) L: Okay, eh... The ideal would be... (GM: Steel, yes! Steel.) GM: I had forgotten, it's steel. L: We should look for the storage, let's walk together and see if we can find any signs. J: Okay. Don't you want to check all the spaces? Ce: Yeah, we should
look in every room. L: Hmm... I don't know if it is worth it for us to go where we don't need to. We have already encountered a blood zombie, and the probability that there are several others is very high. Ce: But are we supposed to know if we need to search here or not? (Gabi: And we have already…) Ce: Sometimes there is something important that is not- There is no warning sign outside. I think we better look into all of them, but we double our attention, when my father opens the door, he opens it carefully,
and... Then we check it. Cr: I think it's better for someone else to open the door, someone who can escape the creature faster, like Joe. Ce: It's true. Calango: Then I look at Joe... J: No, no! Me? Why?! L: No. My apprentice- my apprentice is not going to do that. (Cr: Because- boy, boy...) J: [Gasps] She said "my apprentice"! (Cr: no, It's just a suggestion.) J: I will open the door! L: No! Joe! Luba: I take the lead... (L: This isn't training.) Luba: Master, I take the lead, I feel fully confident with what Liz said,
she called me an apprentice and I'm very, very happy with that. GM: You move on and you're in front of the door. Luba: Yes. Ce: Prepare to jump there, Joe. J: Don't worry, Cesar! Prepare your gun... or your glass. [laughs] Cr: Are you really going to open it, boy? J: Of course, Mr. Cristopher. Gabi: I want to be right... (Luis: I touch his shoulder and say:) Cr: I believe in you. [Joui gasps] Gabi: I want to stay right behind with the gun pointed at the room. Calango: Eh... oh, Cellbit, can I anticipate... I can't anticipate
the aim, can I? Like, if I'm already aiming, right? (GM: No. No.) Calango: Okay, but I'll be ready with the gun anyway. To see if... (GM: Okay.) Gabi: Yeah, I'm aiming, but I'm aiming at nothing, right, I'm aiming straight. GM: Okay. Luba: Come here. Didn't my sanity improve a bit after these... [Gabi laughs] GM: No. Luba: All those incentives... Luba: No? Okay, sorry. (Calango: What about mine after my conversation with my dad?) GM: No, that's not how it works. (Gabi: Damn, you're- the boys are begging for sanity.) Calango: The sanity beggars. Go, go, go. GM:
One thing, a detail, in your file there is an area for paranormal... encounters, or encounters with paranormal things, in the area on the right, of antecedents. Write that you lost 3 sanity for a blood zombie, because when you take maximum sanity damage from it, you can no longer take it. It’s as if you have gotten used to this creature. (Luba: Okay.) Luba: Okay, so I just add that I lost 3 sanity? GM: Yeah, that you lost 3 sanity for a blood zombie. Because you can get used to it, because if you see the same creature
over and over again, eventually you’ll stop being shocked. Luis: But, eh... HP too? If I lost HP to it can I write it? (Luba: Okay.) GM: No, it's sanity, sanityi is what matters. Luis: Okay. Gabi: Yeah, if it hits you, it will still hurt. Luba: "I got used to the pain". [Gabi and Luis laugh] Luis: I created antibodies. [Luba and Gabi laugh] Cr: Boy, you really are going, right? J: Yes, Mr. Cristopher. I got this. Ce: Feel free, y’know. When you want to. Take your time. [GM laughs] J: Okay, uh. Luba: I open the door,
try to open the door with the doorknob or... GM: You turn the knob that's a little rusty, you... (Luba: ...check if there is anything.) [Door creaks] GM: ...and you push the door, which is a little heavy, and as you open it, you see a completely disorganized and destroyed place, with several boxes and tools thrown around. And, in a specific corner there's even a little water, the place is very humid, it stinks a lot. And there are several boxes piled up, open bottles of medicine... pills everywhere, pieces of rusty syringes, there are... It seems that here,
it was the storage of this... this place, and it is all destroyed, its stench is... the place stinks a lot. Not only the stench that was in the entire sanatorium, but... the smell of rotten medicine is very unpleasant. J: Eugh. Ce: Fuck, not even my father's fart stinks like that. Cr: You’ve never seen me fart, I don't fart. (J: Dang.) Gabi: What's with the ladder? (J: Okay, guys.) Cr: Idiot... J: What a bad smell! (GM: It's just...) GM: ... a- It's just a ladder that's thrown in the corner like that. Gabi: Ah, okay. J: Guys,
I think this is the storage. (GM: Don't consider... ) GM: Remember... look, just one thing, eh... a note, these maps, they are drawn, kind of just to represent visually, they are not always exactly as it really is. GM: They're just a representation... (Gabi: I just asked because...) Gabi: ...y'know, what if it lead us somewhere? But it's okay. GM: It's just a representation. Further to the right, you see a large metal shelf with several boxes, and you see that there is a little corridor that goes behind that shelf, but you can't see what's behind it, Joe.
J: Oh... Guys, I think this is the storage, and... and I think this room is bigger than it looks, there's a... it looks like there is a passage in the corner. Cr: Do you want to go, boy? (J: I think...) Ce: Let's go slowly. Do you want to… Ah, but my father is hurt, he shouldn't go ahead. (L: I'll go ahead this time.) Ce: Yeah, go ahead... Liz. (L: I'll go ahead this time.) GM: Okay. Liz, when you get closer to the boxes, you see that several boxes contain medicine, you see a box with a
medicine called “Pentylenetetrazole”, if you want to roll a Science test to see if you know this... (Calango: I'll go to, I won't stay behind.) Gabi: Okay. Gabi: What science do I have to roll? Medicine or Biology? GM: Medicine. Gabi: Pharmacy. I have a pharmacy too. (GM: Pharmacy, Pharmacy, it's Pharmacy.) Gabi: Okay. Let me see, I in pharmacy, I've got… Where is it? Medicine… No, it's science, pharmacy science, wow… Okay, 40… Ah… I got... regular. GM: Okay. You recognize this medicine "Pentylenetetrazole", it is a medicine that was banned, and it was used by psychiatrists many years
ago to force epilepsy on people because they believed that people who had epilepsy could not have mental problems like schizophrenia so they purposely made people, eh... they forced drugs to make them have epileptic seizures. Besides it, you also see a box with something written in german... “Lysergsäurediethylamid”, which you recognize as “Lysergic acid diethylamide”, which is the scientific name for LSD. There's a huge box of it. L: Eh, guys... Uh, the experiments they did here were not really... legal. In the legal sense of the word. Eh… Ce: Why? GM: On your side, also, closer to your
foot... (L: Apparently...) GM: You smell a very rotten smell coming, and there are several canned and open foods with larvae coming out. it's a stock of rotten food, very... Eugh. You feel aversion to that. L: Eh, okay. Ah, in addition to the horrible smell and everything, we have medicines to force epilepsy and... a huge amoung of LSD over here... Ce: But why? L: I don't know how the shock treatments relate to the forced epilepsy and LSD yet, but I think with a little more information, I can understand what kind of experiment they were doing here.
Ce: It was certainly not one of the most ethical. L: And be careful, this is very disgusting, look at this open shit , with larvae coming out, stinks so fucking much. Don't step on it. Cr: At least something here is more disgusting than- the way I am right now, right? I'm so disgusting. L: Oh, don't let that fall on your wound. GM: Okay. So you head towards... (Gabi: I'm getting closer, yeah.) GM: Okay, you go towards the shelf. You see now, looking closer at it, that this is a shelf... that has several boxes with various
tools, cables coming out. Eh... This shelf was mostly used to store mechanical devices. and when you go into this little corridor, you can see the rest of this room, and you see... under the table, two... they seem to be people at first, but they slowly turn towards you and you notice that they seem to be blood zombies, but they are not as bestial as the other one. You see two red humanoids, made of... made of the same material as a blood zombie, but they look thinner and weaker... GM: And they are close together under the
table, they look at you... (Calango: My siblings!) GM: You can see the- you can still the proportion of a human skull, and the two... slowly start to sneak out from under the table and walk towards you, and you hear [growl] and they get up in front of the table. (L: Shh!) L: Shh! Get back, get back, get back! (Calango: What a shitty place to fight, bro) L: Get back, get back, Shh! (J: Oh, okay!) Cr: Okay, okay… (L: Shh, shh.) GM: They already, they saw you and they are walking like this, you hear GM: They-
they saw you and they are walking like this, you hear... (Calango: I get to the side and I'm armed.) they are: [growls] and they are coming towards you. Luba: I stand a little further ahead to defend. GM: Okay, wait a minute. Everyone roll Initiative. Luba: Okay. Initiative? GM: Yes, it's dexterity. (Calango: Wow!) Calango: Oh no, wait, I rolled the wrong dice. Gabi: I got 25... Luis: I failed. Gabi: I got "very good" here. Luba: I failed, shit. GM: Okay, let's go. From best to worst. (Gabi: No, good, it was good, not very good.) GM: Very
good for Liz... Gabi: No, mine was good. GM: Okay, good. Did anyone get extreme? Calango: No. GM: Okay. Anyone got very good? Only Liz? Regular, regular success? (Calango: I got regular.) Calango: I got regular GM: Okay. Cesar... Those who failed, tell me your dexterity level? Luba: Ah, from 55 I got 62. GM: No, no, tell me your dexterity value if you failed. Luba: Ah, 55. GM: Okay. Luis: 25. GM: Okay, then. Eh... Joui and Cristopher. Okay. Liz, you can take the first action. There's a... you see a zombie coming down this little corridor. Gabi: Hmm…
Okay, I want to shoot it in the head too, without my- Without the... the aiming round. Just shoot. GM: Alright. Gabi: Eh… damn. I got ... I got extreme on my shot. GM: Extreme success? (Luba: Oh.) Gabi: I'm using the glock, yeah. GM: Okay, you didn't get 1, right? (Gabi: The glock deals a d10.) Gabi: No, I didn't. GM: Okay, so it was just an extreme success. Okay. Gabi: I got 12, and my extreme is 16. (GM: you can deal the damage.) Gabi: Ah… 7. GM: Alright. Ah... You hit right in the creature's eye, the
one that was coming from the corridor, and [sound of goo exploding] a piece of its skull comes out, and spreads on the window that was behind it, and it [sound of goo exploding] it is kind of crooked, and keeps walking towards you. J: Ohh. GM: Cesar, your turn. Calango: Eh... How's that shelf? This shelf here, that it's walking behind. GM: It's a steel shelf, but it has a steel wall that is blocking, like... you couldn't see, because it's not an open shelf like the others. you can't see the other side. (Calango: Ah, got it.) Calango:
Okay. Eh... I'm going to get my pistol and I'm going to aim at the dude. GM: Okay, you start aiming. (Calango: At the thing.) GM: Where are you aiming at? The head? Calango: The head, yes. GM: Okay. Now it's Joe. Luba: Okay. Time to do a jump kick. GM: Okay, are you going attack it? Luba: I am. I mean, I'm going to do a jump kick. GM: You can place your character on top of it and attack. (Luba: Again.) Luba: Okay. Gabi: My God, that's dangerous. Luba: Wow, extreme success! GM: Extreme success? Hold on. Luba:
Extreme success. GM: Okay, you can deal the damage. Calango: The guy will become [inaudible]. (Luba: The damage is...) Luba: It's a d6, right? (GM: It's still a d3.) Luba: Come on! Argh, 1! I mean I got 2, but then I divide it by 2, right? GM: Since it was an extreme, you hit it in the head. [Luba screams] GM: And you, you saw that shot spreading, and you took advantage of Liz's shot to aim exactly where you hit it, and your foot sank [sound of goo splashing] further into the hole that was in its head,
and it staggered a little, And now that you're in front of it, it staggers and it grabs your leg and tries to bite you. That is its turn. Gabi: Oh, that's disgusting. GM: C'mon. J: How disgusting! GM: Uh, do a Dodge or Fight test. Luba: Okay. Ah, wait, can I choose? GM: Yes. If you dodge and get the same success as the creature, you succeed, if it's a tie. If you fight back and tie, it wins. But if it has a failure and you fight back and win, you beat it up. Luba: Okay, I'm going
to roll Fight then, since I have it higher. (GM: Okay, fight back, go.) Luba: Okay. C'mon. Luba: Wow, I failed so bad! (Gabi: Get it, for God's sake.) GM: You failed? Luba: A lot! GM: You kick and take off, you see that it [growls] tries to bite you, but since it is very weak, it bites the air like this and you can get back to your normal fighting pose. The other zombie... No, no, you stay there, don't move, just in your turn, just in your turn, stay here. (Luba: Okay, okay, sorry.) J: Did you see
that? It was awesome! GM: The other zombie... GM: It gets behind the other one... (Gabi: Dear God.) GM: It pushes the other one to the side, and it comes to try to bite you too. J: C’mon! GM: As soon as you take off your foot, you see the other one coming, crouching down and [growl] tries to bite you on the side. But it fails. You can fight back if you want to. But it misses, and you have a chance to strike back. Luba: Okay, I want to fight back. It's Fight too, isn't it? GM: Yes.
Luba: Okay. ah, I want to kick it too. In the hea- In his mouth. (GM: Okay.) Luba: Okay. [Clears throat] I failed. GM: Did you fail or did you roll a 100? Luba: No, I got 67, I've got 45. (GM: Ah, okay, okay.) GM: You... The other creature tries to hit you [growl] but you take your leg off fast and you're back to your pose, and when you go back to your pose you see its head going towards your belly and going back like this, and it can't hit you. Now it's Cristopher. Luis: Ah... The
iron shelf, can I climb it? GM: No, it goes up to the ceiling. (Gabi: Wow.) Calango: Okay, before Cristopher acts, I'll tell him: Ce: Dad, bro, you're hurt. You are strong, but you are also not invincible. Do not come close to them, find a way to attack from afar. GM: Time's up. Wait, wait, a round lasts like, 5 seconds, it's too fast. (Cr: But look at the boy!) Calango: Ah, so I can’t say anything? GM: Yeah, you can't have a conversation like that, you can talk in your round, and then, each round lasts 3 to
5 seconds. Calango: Okay, so I say “fuck you!". Just kidding, I won't. Luis: Okay, I run, I grab the box that has spoiled food in it and I want to throw it at the creatures. GM: Okay. [Gabi laughs] Luba: Is this a family thing? Throwing food? GM: You can- okay. First roll a Strength test, because it is very heavy. Gabi: Damn, the thing was already so disgusting! Luis: I got very good. GM: Okay, you carry the box very easily, because you really are very strong, and now you roll a Throw test. Luis: I failed. GM:
You failed? OK. Joe- Luba: I dodge! Luba: I know what's about to happen and I'll dodge. (GM: Dodge test, please.) Luba: Okay. Gabi: "I know what's about to happen and I will dodge". Luba: I dodged! I did it! I dodged! Success. GM: Alright. In this fight where you kicked its head, came back, you dodged the, the bite, you look back and you just see a bunch of rotten food and larvae coming towards you and by reflex, you “What the-” [quick movement sound] it goes over you and [PLARGH] spreads everything on the wall, (J: Nani?!) GM:
and drops some larva and food on the zombies like that, but it didn't... ... it didn't hit or cause any damage to them. GM: Now it's Liz. (J: Mr. Cristopher?!) Cr: I tried to help you, boy! GM: Now these creatures that were disgusting and that were gooey, now are full of rotten food... (J: "Nandato"?!) and larvae around them, it’s a horrible sight. (J: Eww.) GM: Roll a sanity test, everyone. (Ce: How disgusting.) Calango: Ah, bro. Look at what you've done, Cristopher, bro. Luis: Oh, I’m okay, I’m okay. Gabi: I passed. Wait, no... (GM: It's your
current sanity.) (GM: It’s your current sanity.) Gabi: I got 68 and I’ve got 68 sanity points. (GM: You passed.) Calango: Nice. I passed this one. I got 13. GM: Okay, okay. (Luba: I passed, I passed. 18.) GM: You witness a disgusting view, GM: you almost throw up, but... Holy mother. (J: Ew.) GM: Okay. You're still feeling the fight’s adrenaline and you just saw that creature, that was bestial, a little bit more bizarre than this one, so you hold your ground. Now it’s Cesar's turn. GM: No, sorry, It's Liz. (Calango: I…) Gabi: Yeah, it's me. (Calango:
Sorry.) Gabi: Joui is no longer on top of the zombies, right? He left when he dodged the boxes. GM: Uhm... No, he's still in front of the zombies, he's right here. It’s still in this formation, kinda. Cesar... Cristopher is here, where this box was. Gabi: Okay. So… I want to store my glock in my pocket and get my survival knife. GM: OK, that takes a round. Gabi: Mhm. GM: Uh... You can go, Joui. Luba: OK, uhm... (Calango: Isn’t it my turn?) Gabi: While I do that, I want to get closer to them GM: OK. Luba:
Okay. Am I very close? GM: You're in front of them. They're both like this, one leaning against the one that is ducked Gabi: Yeah, I’m right by your side. GM: The one that's standing up straight has its face blown up. Your foot is covered in blood. And the larvae, you can see, there’s a lot of food in that hole that was left, and some larvae are falling. and it: [growl] Luba: OK. Can I grab my brass knuckle and punch in the same round? GM: No. Luba: OK. Uh… I’ll dodge a little bit... GM: No, wait.
It depends. You can roll a Dexterity test, and if you pass I’ll let you reach into your pocket, take it and hit, but you’ll have disadvantage on the punch. Calango: But, wasn’t it me after Liz? (Luba: No.) GM: No, it’s Joe now. Ah, no, it was you. Sorry, GM: it’s you, Cesar. I skipped you, my bad. (Luba: Ah, OK. I’ll wait) Calango: OK. How’s the situation? Like, I'm aiming, right? GM: Move the hand away when we’re not in combat. Gabi: Move the hand away. (GM: Joe.) Calango: Joui? Luba: Oops, my bad. GM: There, go. Calango:
How’s it, like, is there a lot of commotion, is it too… GM: It’s pretty tight in that corridor. Calango: For fuck’s sake… Uhm... If I scream, Can I scream, for example, for them to leave? GM: Yeah, you can. Calango: OK, so I’ll get ready to shoot and scream: Ce: Joui and Liz move away! Gabi: I'm next to this shelf, so I'm not where the zombie is. GM: You were aiming, right? Calango: Yes. GM: So you can shoot without worrying about hitting Joui. Calango: OK, I’ll shoot, then. GM: And you have advantage. Luba: I can’t dodge
bullets! [Gabi laughs] Calango: Ah, dude… J: I can’t dodge bullets, Cesar! Calango: Oh… My, I got extreme, I got 4! GM: OK. (Luba: Yes! Yatta!) GM: You can deal the damage. Calango: What’s my damage? It’s a d10, plus a d6... GM: Plus 3. Calango: Ah, I dealt 5 damage. GM: On the one that was already hurt? Luba: Wow! Calango: Yeah, on the hurt one. GM: OK. You hit, once again, right on the head, and since its head was already kind of open, you… and it was a bit smaller and mushier, the head [goo exploding], explodes
and it drops dead. Luba: Oh, yes. GM: And now, the one that was leaning on it, uses its corpse as support, and starts to get up, and stands in a straighter posture J: Cesar! Very good! Ce: Holy fuck! GM: The other creature on the floor, no longer has a head. J: Wow… L: Damn, that shot passed by Joui’s ear. (Luba: OK.) J: Woo! GM: Now, it’s Joe. Luba: OK. Uh... I want to grab the brass knuckle from my pocket and I want to move away a little bit, to stay in the same line as Liz.
Luba: So we can attack together, maybe, I don’t know. GM: You can put it there. You can move your character. Luba: OK. GM: Alright. Luba: Do I roll a test for something, or not? GM: No, you got your brass knuckle and that’s it. Luba: OK. GM: When you move back, the creature charges in, but since you got out of the way... it heads straight towards Liz, who’s the first one it sees when it looks to the side. Luba: Oh, noes! (Gabi: Yay!) GM: The creature, it [growl], (J: Kuso!) it comes slowly, like this, and throws
itself, with its body on top of you. You see now, when it puts its hand on top of you, That its claws are very pointy, and it tries to shove both of its claws inside you. (Gabi: Can I try to dodge?) GM: You can roll a Dodge or Fight Back test. Gabi: No, I’ll Dodge. I'll Dodge. My Dodge skill is higher. Just let me open up my sheet. Uhm... GM: Nice. Gabi: OK. I passed, Regular. GM: You're able to dodge both of them, it hugs the air like this, [growl] and it falls in front... it
doesn’t actually fall, but it stays… It leans in front of you, and it [roar], looks up at you. And now it’s Cristopher. Luis: I want to take off running, and punch the side of the creature’s head. GM: OK. Luis: I got… Regular. GM: Uh… Perfect. You... Let me see if the creature dodges. Regular? Okay, you can deal the damage. Luis: I have to deal the damage, don't I? GM: Your damage is a d3 plus a d4, because of your size. Gabi: Oh my… Luis: I forgot to get it. Oh my God. Luis: OK, it was
1… 3 damage. GM: You dealt 3 damage? You sink your hand into the creature’s head, you pull your hand off and it’s covered in goo and you see the creature's head sunk, like this and it: [long growl] and now it’s Liz. Gabi: Uhm, how is its head facing me? GM: It's facing upwards, with a hand mark, like this, you see the silhouette of Cristopher’s fingers above its eye. Gabi: OK, I’ll grab the knife and I’ll shove it into the creature’s eye. (GM: OK, you can attack.) Gabi: I’ll use all of my strength. Gabi: It’s Fighting,
right? GM: Yeah. Gabi: OK, hold on, then. Survival knife… Here, OK. Gabi: I passed, Regular. GM: OK. You hit it, you can deal the damage. Gabi: OK, it’s a d4, plus a dX, so it's just a d4 for me, right? GM: It’s just the d4, yeah Gabi: OK, I’m very small. Ooh, I got 2 GM: OK, you shove the knife inside of its mouth and pull it out as soon as it opens it and you feel that... you see that it’s gushing out a black goo. [goo noises] J: Ew. Now it’s Cesar. Calango: Dude, I
don’t know what to do. It’s a huge mess there. [Gabi Laughs] Calango: Uh... GM: Since there’s an intense close combat going on, if you don’t aim, you’ll have a penalty Calango: OK, uhm… Taking out my knife takes a round, right? GM: Takes a round, yeah Calango: OK, so I’ll put away the pistol and grab my knife. GM: OK, how does your knife look like? Calango: It’s a survival knife. It’s a... kinda looks like a bayonet, like this. Like, it’s a knife… It’s not a kitchen knife, but it's a knife to cut stuff. GM: OK. Is
there any special detail on it? Calango: It’s red. GM: OK. Its blade? Like a knife from CS? Calango: Its blade is red. It’s a CS knife, 'cause I play it, y’know. GM: Got it, that’s true. Uh... Joe, it’s you. Luba: OK, Uhm... I have the brass knuckle in hand, then? GM: You are holding the brass knuckle, yes. Luba: I’ll try to do a… GM: Uppercut? (Luba: Uppercut on it, yeah.) GM: I wanna see that. Luba: OK. Gabi: Sheesh! Luba: It’s Fighting, right? Again? (GM: Yes.) Luba: C’mon! C’mon! I failed! GM: You failed? (J: Kuso!) Luba:
I failed. GM: OK, when you do the uppercut, you... ...Try to hit it, but since Liz had just stuck the knife in it it backed off a little bit, you go through, you see that it tries to bite your arm on the way back, but it fails. Your arm stays... you can just feel the drops of this black blood that’s coming out. J: Kuso! (J: God damnit!) GM: And now, it’s the zombie. J: I'm filthy! GM: It goes [growl] and then, when it goes [growl] and comes down, you feel that it tries to stick its
claws into you, Joe Luba: OK. Do I dodge? I try to dodge. GM: Or Fight Back, you decide. Luba: Yeah, I’ll Fight Back, because it's higher. GM: OK. Alright. Luba: OK GM: Ah, it’s twice, one for each claw. Luba: One for each claw? (GM: Yeah.) Luba: OK, I failed once. Luba: And the other I failed a lot. GM: OK. The first claw misses you, and the second one, it shoves it into the backside of your arm, when you went in for the uppercut. It deals... Luba: Which arm? GM: Huh? Luba: Which arm? GM: The one
that did the uppercut, with the knuckle Luba: The right one. (GM: Yeah.) Calango: Ah, my snooker arm, bro. (J: Kuso!) Luba: My best arm! My favourite! GM: It deals 1 damage. (J: Ouch!) Luba: How much? GM: It deals 1 damage. It just scratches you, it tries to shove it in, and [SHRIU] GM: and scratches your... (J: Ow!) GM: Your... How’s it called? This part here? You, with the crossfit classes. Luba: Ah, the… GM: This back part of your arm, here Luba: The triceps, here? GM: Can be. It’s on your triceps. Luba: Yeah, I don’t know,
here. GM: OK. Now it’s Cristopher. Luis: The zombie is a little bit ahead, right? GM: Trapezius? Isn’t the trapezius here? I don’t know. Calango: Trapezius. Gabi: [giggling] Trapezius! Luba: It’s not the trapezius. Luis: The zombie is a little bit ahead? GM: No, it’s exactly where it is, like, the three of you are facing each other, as if you formed a triangle with it. Luis: Dude, I’ll put the zombie in a choke hold. (J: Ow.) GM: OK, it’s a maneuver, you roll a Strength test against it. Luis: To try to explode its head. GM: This won’t
deal any damage, it’ll only immobilize it. Luis: Damn. Gabi: Shit. GM: But now it’s done, you've already done it. Luis: No, let's go. Oh my God, hold up. Oh my God! Luis: Regular. GM: Regular? You wrap your… Your arm around it and it [bite] bites your arm and you take… 1 damage. Your arm is pretty resistant still, very muscular, it is [bite] biting you. Now it’s… it’s Liz, and you have advantage 'cause the zombie is immobilized. J: Stab it, Liz! Gabi: I still have the knife... What remained from its head? GM: Its head is still
in one piece, it’s just sunk. The other one had its head exploded. Gabi: OK. I want to try to shove the knife and like, shred it... Shred the creature, like... GM: OK, you can roll this attack with Fighting. Gabi: OK, I don’t have to use Strength for this attack, do I? GM: No, it’s an attack. Gabi: OK, Fighting it is then… Ooh, I passed, Very Good. (Gabi: No, sorry, Good.) GM: Very Good? Extreme? Gabi: Not Very Good, just Good. GM: Just Good, OK. (Gabi: Just Good.) GM: There’s Regular, Good and Extreme. Gabi: Yeah, it's Good,
it's Good. GM: You can deal the damage. Gabi: It’s a d6, right? Oh my, I got 6. GM: You really do what you wanted to, when it opens up and bites, you hit the, what should be its upper lip, and rip it upwards. You rip its head in half, like [skin being slashed] and it opens up it feels like you're opening a fruit. You feel like it’s pretty soft and its head opens, but there’s still the shape of its jaw. Gabi: Ew. GM: It’s… it’s hobbling its head, biting Cristopher’s arm. Ce: Holy shit, this dude
won’t die. GM: And now it’s Cesar. Calango: OK, I have my knife in my hand, I’ll say... I scream: Ce: Joui! Joui! Calango: Then, I grab and throw my knife, like, skidding on the floor, towards Joui, (GM: OK.) J: Hey! J: Okay! GM: Joui, roll a… Go ahead, it’s your turn. Roll a Dexterity test, to see if you can grab it real quick. Luba: Okay. Gabi: Wow, how smart, I never would've thought of this. Luba: I Passed! Regular! GM: OK, you… You see the knife coming and since you are an acrobat, you [kick sound] you
kick the knife up and [pow] you catch it in the air and you can now attack. Luba: Okay. (Ce: Yes!) Luba: I’ll attack then, with the knife. GM: You can go. Luba: Uh, I want to try to hit its neck to cut it off, GM: OK. but without hurting Cristopher, I want to cut its head off. GM: Alright. Luba: OK. What do I do? GM: Attack, attack. Luba: Attack, Fighting? (GM: Yeah.) Luba: OK. Gabi: Oh my, don’t miss for God’s sake. Luba: For the love of God... Luba: Sheesh, wow Extreme success, I got 5. Holy
shit, I got 5! Luba: 5, 5, 0, 0, I'm so happy! The damage… What’s the knife’s damage? (Luis: Thank you, father.) Calango: Let me see… Calango: The knife is 1d4 plus, uh… Dexterity? Extra damage, extra damage. It’s a d4. GM: If you're a big person, a body 1 you have more damage, but you don’t. Luba: OK, I'm a noob, what’s a d4? GM: The d4 is the pyramid. (Calango: The pyramid, yeah.) Gabi: The triangle. Luba: OK. [laughing] How do I see it? Calango and GM: It’s the number that lands upwards. Luba: Hold on, I don’t
have it. Gabi: No, the d4 is the one that lands on the base. Luis: Yeah, on the base. GM: No, it depends on the type, mine faces up. Calango: Yeah, mine is the one that faces up too. Gabi: Yeah, mine is the base one. (Luba: I have both.) Luis: Yeah, same. GM: It’s the one that lands on the base. No, it’s the pyramid, this one. Calango: It’s the pyramid with a triangular base, you’ve learnt it in school, big Luba. Luba: It was 1, 2, 3, then. It’s 'cause I’ve got these two, (Gabi: You gotta see…)
GM: It’s the one down there. (Gabi: See the one that landed on the base.) Luba: It’s 1, 2, 3. There are three numbers on the base. GM: No, not on the base, look at the numbers, the one that’s the down there, on the side. Luba: Ah, okay 4. GM: 4 damage? Luba: 4. GM: You stick the knife in, the creature had its head open, you take advantage that it fixated its jaw in Cristopher’s arm you shove the knife in and [slicing sound] behead it at once, its body drops and its head is still stuck, biting
Cristopher’s arm and its body [dropping sound] falls to the floor. Cristopher, you now have a dead head on your arm. J: NANI?! Yatta! Luis: I try to take it off, just so it gets off of me… GM: You slap it [pcht] and it falls, straight to the floor. [Gabi laughs] (Luba: Best scene ever!) Calango: Holy shit dude. Cr: Guys! You are awesome! (J: Yatta!) Luis: I do this with my hand. Ce: Take that head off of there! Cr: It’s already on the floor! Ce: Sorry, I didn’t see it. I was far away. Cr: High five!
Calango: OK, I’ll go running towards them as soon as this combat is over. GM: OK. Ce: Is everyone okay? Is everyone okay? J: Yes! (Ce: For the love of God!) J: Argh! I'm just... L: It’s just gross, y’know J: Argh! GM: Cristopher, you look at your arm and there’s still a worm, that was on its head, walking. Ce: Holy fuck, a little worm! Cr: Ah, it’s so fucking gross! Ew! (L: Thankfuly...) J: Mr. Cristopher. L: Thank God I applied that bandage in that wound, right, Cr: No, no, it was on the other arm, it was
on the other arm. L: Ah, alright then. Ce: Dad, dude, you gotta stop… running ahead, thinking that you won’t be bitten. You’ll be bitten! J: Aww, he’s worried. Ce: I’m not! L: How cute... Cr: Son, you need to understand something: I want to protect you, I don’t want you to get hurt, so I’d rather I got hurt instead of you guys. GM: Joe, you still have Cesar’s knife in your hand. Ce: OK ,uh… GM: And your arm is covered in blood. Luba: OK, I’ll slowly hand him the knife. J: Uh, Cesar, I’d sterilize it, if
you want I’ve got some hand sanitizer, just call me, OK? Ce: Ah, got it, I’ve got my hand sanitizer on me too, Joui, everything’s OK. (J: OK!) Gabi: I want to... Gabi: I want to take my coat off, clean my knife with it and hand it over... L: Who wants to clean up knives and stuff? You can keep my coat too, I won’t use this again. Ce: Ah, okay. Calango: I grab Liz’s coat. Ce: Thanks. J: No! I’ll stay with Liz’s coat! Luba: And I grab it. GM: Is Joui wearing a mask? Just to contextualize?
Luba: When I walked into this room, I put it on. GM: OK, OK, perfect. So throughout the battle, the mask was on, perfect L: No, really, clean yourselves with that coat, throw it out, I’ve got more in the car. Ce: So, clean my knife too, please, Joui. J: Ah, OK, then. But only 'cause you shot a really cool shot. (Ce: Thanks) Luba: I grab the knife. Ce: I play a lot of CS too, it’s not just LOL, OK? J: I don’t know what that is. Ce: Alright. J: OK. Cr: CS? Oh! A guy from the
studio, when I was recording a movie, once told me about that CS, that you can’t say words with C nor S, right? [Laughs] Isn’t it? J: I know that game! I used to play it with my friends in Japan. (J: But I always lose.) Ce: Guys, let’s look around? Cr: There's C and S in Japan? I only see those strange letters. Gabi: OK, while they speak, I wanna get into this space here, that’s empty. GM: Okay, you now see the trails of those creatures that were crawling to get to you and on top of the
table now that everything has calmed down, you see a lot of keys, scattered around. Gabi: Yay! Do they have any number, any identification? GM: Yes. Uh, there’s a key with no number and all the other keys have a number on the… the key chain as if it was some type of ticket. You got the keys, numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. and a key with no number. J: Thank God there's no number 4, I hate the number 4, I don’t know if you guys know, but in Japan, we don’t really like the number 4...
Cr: There’s no number 4 where, boy? What are you talking about? Luba: Ah, it was Liz who saw it? She said it. L: Uh… Sweethearts, there are some keys here. Uh… We’ve got one with no number, it may be number 4. GM: They’re still back there, you don’t know if they can hear you. L: [yelling] Guys, I found the keys! There is no number 4! J: Hey! Don’t say that number out loud, Miss Liz! Uh… Sorry for talking against you, but I don’t like the number four. Cr: [yelling] What did you say, girl? (J: Jesus
Christ, Mr. Cristopher!) L: [yelling] I found the key! GM: When you yell... (GM: You once again...) Ce: Stop yelling! GM: ...Notice that [tzz] the lamp blinks. J: Oh! I got it, Mr. Cristopher, your voice is so bad, that it makes the lights go out! Cr: Boy, oh boy. GM: Light up, they flash 'cause they’re all turned off, it goes [tzz] Gabi: I want to grab the keys and go to them. (Gabi: I wanna grab all of them.) Cr: Boy... Cr: ...I’m gonna give you one chance to apologize, because you made me sad. (GM: OK.) J:
Aww! Luba: I hug him. Ce: Ugh, you're filthy, all bloody... Cr: Apologies accepted, boy, apologies accepted. J: Thanks. Calango: And this table over here, does it really exist? GM: It does exist, but there’s just... There’s a lot of tools... That are a part of the shelf too. Calango: OK, uh… I wanted to come over to this left shelf and search for documents or something like that. GM: Uh… You see that this place really is a warehouse and there’s some water, that’s probably spoiled, has a strange smell and is kind of green some plastic bottles, a
lot of medicines that you don’t recognize, uh, food, more rotten food. (Calango: OK.) GM: Some stacks of folded clothes, GM: others wrinkled and thrown, some with blood stains, all of them are dry. Some nurse’s uniforms, GM: some medical coats. (Calango: OK.) Calango: I see this and say: Ce: Hey Liz, look at the amount of clothes for us to clean the knives with and you used yours. L: Oop, are there clean coats over there? Hand me one, any of them, please. Ce: I think that the source is rather unreliable, but if you want to look at
the coats over here. (Gabi: I’ll grab one that’s my size, if there's any.) GM: You go over to the shelf (Gabi: Is there any?) GM: and you see that... GM: You check and there’s just one big coat, actually and it has a tag that says “Dr.Verruckt”. Gabi: Ah, this one. Ce: Doctor 'Verruca'! GM: You put it on and it looks almost like an overcoat on you, it is way bigger than your size. (L: Wow, I look fancy, no, no, it can be this one.) Luba: Gabi, do you have a mask near you? Gabi: Uh… No.
Luba: Ah OK. If you did, Joui would've handed you one. Ce: This coat is from 1950, then? (L: Yeah… it smells like it.) Cr: It must be pretty moldy. GM: It's very stinky and it was pretty dusty. L: It smells like 1950, yeah. GM: And this coat has some blood stains on it. Looks like... Cr: Girl... GM: but they are very faded as if someone had tried to clean it a lot, but couldn’t, 'cause of how much blood it had. L: Say it, sweetheart. Cr: Girl, take that off, for the love of... L: Ah, no,
it’s cleaner than mine. Cr: You’ll get itchy! It’ll itch a lot! L: Said the guy that has a worm on the arm. Cr: But it isn’t itching. L: If it itches i’ll take it off, it’s alright. Ce: Guys, let’s stay focused… I don’t know about you, but I just killed... ...We just killed two fetus-men and I’m still kind of in shock, let’s keep looking at things here. L: Okay, let’s go, we’ve got six keys, with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Is that it, master? GM: Ah, everyone who had these combats now, who
didn’t have paranormal experience add 5% in your Paranormal Experience expertise. I mean, Paranormal Presence. Calango: Hold on, Paranormal Presence? GM: Uh... (Calango: Paranormal Exposure.) GM: Paranormal Exposure, yeah, sorry. Gabi: Let me see.. Luba: 5? GM: 5% to those who didn’t have it. I think Liz already had it. Gabi: I had it. GM: OK. Gabi: But I only had 10… I mean, I still got 10. Luba: Look master, while that chat is going on, I grab my first-aid kit and take care of the scratches, put on a band-aid. GM: Uh... But do you want to do
a Medicine test? Luba: No, I’ve got first aid. GM: First-aid is for of severe injuries, GM: When you get a severe injury, or dying... (Luba: So I don't wanna do anything.) Luba: ...My Medicine is very low, nevermind then, sorry. GM: OK. Gabi: I can only use medicine once per day, right? GM: Yes. Gabi: Alright. Luba: She thought about me. (Gabi: Shh. Quiet, Joui.) Ce: Let’s look around, we have more areas to search. L: Uh... Look, we’ve got six keys, Gabi: Six keys, right Master? And one with no number, is that it? GM: You’ve got 6
keys, five numbered and one with no number. L: So, we’ve got the keys 1 to 6, except for number 4, but we’ve got a key with no number, that may be the 4th, or not. Ce: And how will we know... GM: The key with no number has a different design from the others. Gabi: OK, Uh… GM: It’s more... it’s made of iron and it doesn’t have a tag. Gabi: OK. L: Either room 4 is wacky, or this key isn’t from room 4, guys. J: Hey! Ce: This key might open the gate to take us to
Thiago. L: Might be. J: I don’t like this key! Ce: We’ll only know if we keep going. Cr: Let’s continue, uh... Going into the rooms, all of them? Or let’s... Ce: What’s up, Joui? J: I just don’t like this key, I don’t like this key, I don’t think it’ll bring us any good, OK? I'm being serious, I’m not superstitious, but the number 4 is evil. L: Joui. J: Yes? L: Calm down… breathe. J: I'm breathing perfectly well, J: my lungs work, it’s just that this key isn’t good. (Cr: Boy,) Cr: You’re saying that the number
4 is no good, that it’s bad, that it isn’t cool, but if you count, we’re 4 people. J: Oh my God, oh my God. Cristopher, OK, you gotta leave the group, J: 'cause we can’t... (Gabi: I hug Joui.) [Joui Gasps] L: Shh… calm down, calm down. We’re in 5, Thiago is in our hearts now, alright? Cr: And God too. Ce: We receive 1 Sanity point each, because we remembered Thiago. [laughs] Luba: I almost cried of happiness. J: Thank you Miss. Liz. Ce: Let’s go, let's get out of here. J: But the key is still evil.
Cr: Let’s go! Let’s go! Ce: Let's go. Calango: I’m at the back, as always. GM: You go back to the hallway and as soon as you step out of the hallway, once again [tzz] the lights seem to flash. The hallway is long and it's quite a haunting sight, like, when the lights flash you see all of that blood trail leading to a specific closed door, at the end of the hallway. L: Uh… Have you noticed that lights are reacting to our presence, or at least it looks like it’s to our presence. Cr: But in 1950,
did this thing of lights that see people exist? Ce: In 1950, I don’t think so. Well... L: Honey, 1950 was probably when you were born, so you should answer me this question. Ce: It’s 'cause we’re already used to paranormal events, right. This might not only be something electrical, but some presence doing this, too. (J: The air here is slightly better.) Cr: Girl, I’m not old, I’m experienced. Ce: But now, what’s making this presence manifest itself, flashing the lights, I don’t know what it could be. L: Let’s keep going? (J: Yes!) Ce: Let’s go, but slowly.
J: OK. L: Uh… Do you really wanna follow the plan of checking all of the doors? So I can prepare myself for that. J: Yes! Ce: I don’t know. I don’t know it anymore. J: Well, in this door we found the haunted keys... (J: Besides the fight.) GM: You walk slowly while you talk, right? GM: Or are you standing still? Luba: We’re walking. Gabi: We’re walking. We’re walking slowly. GM: Don’t worry, I’ll take you guys. Luba: Oop, sorry. GM: You go, walking slowly and talking. (L: Talk softly, guys.) J: So, there was this one time...
J: ...I tried to do a front flip and fell. It was very funny. guys, you had to be there, but it was very funny. (L: Shh...) Cr: Boy... Cr: 5 seconds ago you were saying that we’re gonna die because of the number 4. Now you’re talking about a front flip, are you crazy, boy? (GM: When you get to...) J: I’m trying to forget that, Mr. Cristopher. (Cr: Sorry.) L: We’re near the door. GM: You’re getting near a door and on your right there’s a huge metal gate and beside you, now you can see that there’s
a... Some sort of panel on the wall, with a... with a small metal door, that’s closed and the door on the left is a wooden door, and it has a tag, written “Archives”. Calango: Ok, this panel, does it have… digit keys, or is it a lever? GM: The door is closed, it’s a metal panel on the wall, with its door closed. (Calango: Ok, got it.) GM: It has a little knob for you to pull. Calango: Ok, uh… I’ll go ahead and pull it to open the panel. GM: You open this panel up and you see
a pretty big lever, pointing upwards and under it there’s an empty space, with some wires and a cylindrical format. Calango: Ok, can I… notice that, with technological knowledge, Electronics? GM: Roll an electronics test. Gabi: Technologic, electronic from 1950. Calango: Electronics, lemme see how much I’ve got on Electronics. Alright... I failed. GM: You can comprehend... How much do you have in Electronics? Calango: 40. GM: Ok. You realize that some component is missing in this panel. Calango: Ok, uh... Ce: Guys, something is clearly missing here, there are some loose wires and this lever here probably… not probably,
I'm 100% sure it opens this giant gate that’s beside us, so… we gotta find some sort of fuse, something to place here, to open this up. GM: The metal gate, it has, farther ahead, a part that has just a few iron bars, but you can’t really see yet, 'cause you’re not there. Gabi: This gate, it doesn't have a key hole, then. GM: It doesn't. Gabi: OK. Calango: This door on the left is closed, right? Just to be sure. GM: Yes, it’s the door that’s written “Archive”. Calango: OK. Ce: Guys, before we enter this door, let’s
just go to the gate’s iron bars and see what’s inside, but let’s stay together, please. (J: OK.) Ce: Or... Ce: Do you want to go into the archives door already? L: No, I want you to stay back. Gabi: And I want to go ahead and use Finding to see if I can see something through the bars. GM: OK, you go towards the bars. and when you get right in front of the gate, you look through the bars. You see a big area, with a lot of chairs and tables scattered around, and in the middle... This
area has a pretty strong mist and in midst of that fog, there’s a thin silhouette that can be seen roaming, walking through the fog, that’s even thicker in this big hall. The smell that comes from inside that room is like rotten flesh and near the gate on the floor, there are many signs of scratches and the floor is broken, showing that someone was desperately trying to get out of there. On the walls of the big hall, there are a lot of drawings and words that don’t make sense and scratches probably made by the crazy patients
that were there, many decades ago, it’s as if it was an area of... Where the patients spent their free time. Gabi: OK, uh… Can I... GM: This silhouette roaming, that you can recognize as one of those creatures. Gabi: This silhouette, does it look like a blood zombie? GM: Yeah, it looks exactly like the two you just defeated. Calango: It's a fetus man. (GM: It's very skinny...) ...Kind of despicable, so it's kind of sad to see it in that state. Gabi: I want to go back, walking back, very slowly, to the group Cr: Girl, why... What
happened? L: Shh... GM: Ah, do a Sanity test again Liz, 'cause you saw it. Only Liz, only Liz. Gabi: Hmmm… I didn't pass. GM: That scene made you sad to think that it was probably a patient who was trapped inside, after what happened in that sanatorium and they, crazy, alone, in this huge hall. You lose 3 Sanity points... Gabi: Does the situation worsen... GM: You put yourself in his situation and you feel very sad. Gabi: Okay. Gabi: It doesn't make the situation worse that I got 98 on the die, right? GM: No, nothing changes. Gabi:
Okay, did I lose 3? GM: 3 Sanity points. Calango: Wow… 3 sanity points for the fetus-man. J: Liz... Miss. Liz, what happened? You look… shaken. L: Uhm... You know those creatures there? Those things... Ce: The men... the fetus-men? L: Shh, shh, shh. Speak quietly, quietly... J: Yes. L: there is one more, there and... in a very unpleasant environment, with a lot of fog, so, when we go there, the situation will be very complicated. J: OK. L: I recommend that we remain silent from now on. J: OK. Uh, but it'll be alright, okay? We're together here
in this. L: Okay. Luba: I try to comfort her. Cr: So let’s go to the archives first? Ce: Yeah, let's take a look at the archives. J: OK. Ce: Uh... J: Well folks, anyway, we have advantage over that creature over there. Do you want to end it? Maybe one of us attracts it, and another one positions themselves to shoot it? L: Through the gate? Ce: If we attract it to the gate we can have the advantage of, y'know, doing something without it biting us. L: The fog in that place is very strong. We might have
the presence of other creatures besides the blood zombie, I think it's very dangerous to do that. J: OK. Do we leave it there for now, then? L: For now yes, I think. J: OK. I agree. I agree, OK. L: If we're really gonna go through this entire place, I think it is better for us to kill the creatures we encounter before, so we don't attract too many creatures to us at once. J: OK. Ce: Okay, okay, uh... Can we walk to the archives room? L: I think so. J: Mhm, let's go. Gabi: Okay, I'd rather
go ahead. GM: Okay, you're in front of that wooden door, with “Archives” written on a label Gabi: Uh... I want to test the keys, to see if any of them opens it. GM: Uh... you... Which ones are you testing? Gabi: Oh, I'm going in order, I'm going to test 1, 2, 3, GM: Okay, you put key 1 in. Doesn’t open. Key 2, doesn’t open. Key 3, doesn't. Key 5, nope. And 6 doesn’t either. J: Oh, no, no, no, no, I don't like that, Miss. Liz, please be careful, okay? Gabi: The unlabeled key, it... I'll try
it too. GM: You stick it in, [unlocking sound] the door is unlocked. J: Miss. Liz, please be careful. Ce: Oh my God, dude. Oh bro… Joui even passed out here! J: No, I'm alive, I'm fine. Gabi: Okay, I... the door is unlocked, but it's closed, right? GM: Yes, you felt something unlocking. L: Come after me, guys and stay in position. J: Oh, oh! Calango: Joui fell, wait, let me move him. Cr: Jo... Boy! Boy! Get up, wake up! J: I tripped, I tripped! GM: When you scream, you hear [tzzz] and the lanterns... The lamps flash,
again. L: Shhh! GM: Roll a Listening test, everyone, please. Gabi: I failed a lot. Calango: Wait, Listen... Luba: I failed. Calango: Fuck, I got Regular. Luis: Where's my listening? Wow, I failed. GM: Okay, did everyone fail? (Gabi: No, Cesar...) Calango: I got Regular. GM: Okay, everybody mute, except Cesar, please. Gabi: OK. (Luba: Ohh...) GM: Cesar, Calango: Yo. GM: You hear, coming from inside the archives, kinda from the right, something pounding [tum] as if something had just hit the wall. Calango: Okay, cool. Gabi: Yo. Luis: Hold up, hold up. Gabi: Is Joui back? GM: There, everybody?
Luba: OK, I'm here. Ce: Uh... Luis: Ah, just a question, real quick, doesn't Liz have to lose 3 sanity points, in the encounter with the paranormal? Gabi: I lost them. GM: No, no. Luis: No, write... Add. GM: Ah yes, you can write, you can mark that the other type of blood zombie... It's not the same kind of blood zombie, it's another type, it's the humanoid kind. It gave you 3 more damage. Gabi: I had put 6 sanity for the blood zombie, so wait, it's another kind. GM: They're different creatures. Luis: Okay, humanoid blood zombie, right?
GM: Yeah. Gabi: Okay, okay… I changed it, perfect, I had put 6 for the zombie, so… L: Okay, guys. Cr: Hold up, the boy hurt his knee, he hurt his knee over here. Ce: Did you hear that? J: Oh, it's okay, it's okay, I can.. Luba: [whispering] Connect. Cr: There we go, there we go, he got up. Oh, dumbass... Ce: Guys, didn't you hear that? L: What? Cr: What? J: What? Ce: The noise, inside! J: Ok, I knew it, it's number 4, Ce: Wait, wait, wait Liz, wait! J: Not again, not again! L: I take
a step back, I trust Cesar. Ce: Has the door been unlocked? GM: Yes. L: Yes. GM: I thought it was a... Sorry. Ce: Uh... There's something in there, I heard a noise inside, a... it sounded like someone was hitting the wall, on the right. L: Shh, Cesar, speak quietly, come here. Every time someone screams, the lights flash and I'm starting to think this is very dangerous... OK, if there’s some noise inside, what do you think it is? What kind of noise? 'Cause nobody heard it. Ce: I don't know, It sounded like a... I heard a
punch, I thought you guys had heard it too, because it was kind of loud. A punch to the wall... it sounded like someone punched something on the right, over there. L: Hmm, wasn't it the door unlocking? Ce: No, it was definitely something inside, I think Cr: Son, are you sure of what you're talking about? Ce: I am. L: I think he's a little crazy. Ce: Can’t be too careful, we better be careful, if we're going to open this, be careful. It's better to have someone agile, I don’t know, open the door and get away. L:
Ah, you want me to let Joui get screwed again? Ce: No, I'm not saying... L: My apprentice stays there. Ce: I'm not saying it's Joui. But I'm saying that we have to double the care, 'cause I heard something happening inside. Cr: Girl, have you noticed that every time you call him an apprentice he gets all happy? L: No, I never noticed that, L: why do you think that is? (J: I'm fine!) Cr: I don't know… Boy, you're a little crazy, I like you, but you're a little crazy. J: Aww, you too, thanks! Ce: Guys, focus
on the fucking situation, we have to open the thing there! J: Ah, OK. Cr: Son, where did you hear the punch? Ce: I can't tell, it could've been a punch to a shelf, a punch on the wall, I heard a [tuff] Cr: Here’s the thing, girl, do you know if it opens outwards or inwards? GM: It's inwards. L: No, I just unlocked it. GM: No, you know it's inwards, you can't pull it outwards, because the wall is there. Cr: Here’s the thing, I will open slowly, if I see anything, I’ll close it very strongly and
hold it. L: I don't know if it is a good idea. Although I don't like the idea, I think Cesar's idea is ideal, Joui is the fastest among us. J: OK. Luba: I feel very confident when she says that and I step up to open the door. Gabi: Okay, I want to stay behind. L: Joui, no... Don't open it normally, I think that... Ce: Just a curiosity, I don't look like it, but I have a lot of agility, I think, 'cause of the amount of video games I've played. J: OK. Ce: I'm kinda clumsy, but
I can take care of some situations too, just to… J: OK. Luis: While we're here, I turn around to see if I see anything in... ...there. GM: You see a silhouette of... that despicable silhouette that Liz saw before and roll a Sanity check. Gabi: Nice, you had to take a look around before we entered the room. Luis: I failed. GM: You lose… 4 Sanity points. You feel very sad and think 'what if it was your son there'? What if your child had gone crazy and been treated by a... with these insane therapies... Calango: Daddy! GM:
and depressing, maddening and being abandoned inside a sanatorium and having to starve to death. It's horrible, It's sad. And it was someone's child. L: Joui. (Cr: Son,) Cr: Son, I... Luis: I'll go towards him. Cr: Get back, please. Ce: What is it? Cr: No, please, just listen to dad, get back a little bit. Ce: Geez... Ok, I'll walk back. Luis: I'll go to the door. Cr: Boy, you won't do that, I will. Get out. J: Ah, Mr. Cristopher. Cr: Let me do it, no problem. GM: Has anyone lost more than 5 sanity? Luis: Me. Gabi:
I lost 4. (GM: Okay, perfect.) Gabi: No, wait, I lost 6, I lost 6. GM: Okay, just to be sure. Luba: Okay, I step back a little bit and... even so, I'm ready for battle over there, beside... Ce: I don't agree with this situation, I think that, as much as I don't like to put people up front, I think Joe, who is more agile, should do this, dad. Cr: I understand your concern, but no, no, I'll open this door. L: Cristopher, no son deserves to see their father go through this. Cr: And no father deserves
to see his son go through this, and neither of you, I like you guys, I'm the oldest here. I feel responsible for you, to me, you're my children too. L: You're already hurt. Cr: I don't care, no problem, I'm strong, so many years doing so many things, do you think I can't handle it? J: Uh, Miss. Liz, Cesar-kun, leave it, I'll take care of him, I'll stay here, right beside him. L: OK. J: Trust me, please. Ce: Okay, I trust Joui. Gabi: I keep the gun in my hand back here. Calango: Me too. Cr: I
will open it. 3… 2… 1… Luis: I open it. GM: Quickly? Luis: Quickly. GM: You open the door quickly and when you see it, you see a lot of boxes, paper and shelves everywhere and there's nothing else. L: Holy shit, Cesar. You built up this fucking suspense, all for nothing. Ce: Is there nothing there? GM: There are lots of metal shelves and cabinets, some fallen over, a lot of papers everywhere, but there are no creatures. Luis: I go in to see if I can find anything. Gabi: I wanna follow right behind, leaning against the walls,
to… look at everything. GM: OK, the place is very tight with these cabinets, but you get in and what are you looking for? J: Uh, I'm staying out here, okay? I don't like this place, It was key 4 that opened this place. I trust you to look, since you're free from danger. Cr: Guys, listen up, we came here to find out about the mother and the daughter's whereabouts of that doctor, that sir. Gabi: Do I still have that note that we got in the room back there Gabi: talking about Luciene? Who lost the keys. (GM:
Yes.) Gabi: Can I see it again? GM: Okay, let me get it here. Hold up... There. Gabi: "The key to the archives now stays with the others in the warehouse". L: Well, we have their names, right? GM: I'll give you the letters you’ve found, you can leave them in the corner of the table. Gabi: Ah, thank you. GM: Then I won't delete them again. Calango: I got in too, I wanted to look for documents about... Dr.Verruckt. GM: Okay, uh, most of the documents mention Dr.Verruckt, because he was the doctor who was the director of this
place. Calango: OK. Luis: I'll look for some information about the doctor's mother and daughter. GM: What exactly are you looking for? Gabi: It's Alicia and Camila. Luis: Some... If they have their files here, if they have a history here. GM: Okay, but how are you looking for it? Do you know their names, for example? What information are you looking for in the files? Cr: Guys, what's the wife's name, the guy's daughter, the doctor's? L: Search for the wife, Camila. J: You guys are talking really loud in there, careful. Cr: Sorry, it was Camila what? L:
Uh... Montes, I think? it was her husband's last name, at least. Cr: No, not the husband who died now. The other's wife, back there, Ce: From Dr. Veracity? L: Hmm, we don't have this information, do we? I don't remember that. We know his story and that he did what he did with his wife and daughter. The only thing I know about him is that... That his name was Virgulino, Dr. Virgulino. Calango: Okay, I want to search... Let me just see the letter here. I want to look for some history, some documents from the 23rd and
24th of July 1950. GM: Uh, okay, roll Finding or Library Use. Gabi: Aah, true, there won't be Alicia nor Camila. Calango: OK, I prefer Finding. (GM: OK.) Calango: Wow, Extreme, I got 9. GM: Okay, you can find some documents about shock therapy, about redirecting electricity but they're kind of complex and you don't understand, uh, and you also find a file about a patient, just a second. Cr: Wow, so much dust in here. L: What did you find there, Cesar? Ce: Uh... Cr: [sneeze] Too much dust! Ce: Wait, I got the sheet upside down here. Cr:
Wow... L: Cover your nose when you sneeze, sweetheart. Cr: It was on my arm. Ce: Come here, come here. I found some sort of note. GM: There's very little on that date, this is one that you found. Ce: Ok, I took a look at the dates that were in the past documents of the history of Dr. Verruca's experiments and I found this note here near the documents, which are very few by the way, and it reads: “Warning pacient 71 - CAUTION! Patient 71 is increasingly showing bestial behavior. Snarling and scratching the nurses. The tests do
not appear to be having a positive effect. He keeps scratching his belly, claiming through screams that his skin is itchy inside. If this progress pace continues, we'll once again have to clean a patient's intestines off the floor, as they will soon have their stomach torn by their own nails. PS: keep patient records at the cell door for organization. Nurse Luciene always changes the forms unintentionally ” L: Damn, but Luciene ... Ce: Cell door? Did they keep patients imprisoned? But- L: Hm, maybe these keys that we found are all from the cells, it is very likely
Ce: And the patient files are on the doors, ok Cr: Did you find anything- Ce: Nurse Luciene ... holy mother ... Cr: Did you find anything about Luciene? Ce: I realized that she was a terrible nurse, that's what Cr: Because, think with me, when the Virgulino case happened Ce: Vericity, Verruckt Cr: Verici- No, no, from the doctor who ... L: Virgulino, the crazy doctor Ce: Virgulino, sorry, the doctor, the doctor Cr: Was it 18, 1918? L: Around that Cr: Here we are talking about 1950 L: Yeah Cr: So, maybe Virgulino's daughter... L: Yeah Cr: May
be the nurse L: Ah, hm Ce: And if we look for anything else here in the cell, about the nurses or who was here L: Yeah ... Dr. Virgulino, was Virgulino his last name? Usually doctors are called by the surname Cr: We can look for something around here L: Ok Calango: Okay, yeah... I keep the note and everyone, I believe, will look for things about the nurse Gabi: Okay, yeah... Calango: About the nurses who worked there L: Cesar, can I see the shock therapy stuff that you- and everything you’ve found? Ce: Yes, everything I found
about ... GM: There is very little information on that date specifically Gabi: Okay, with my knowledge of science, medicine etc, can I understand how this procedure was done, how it happened through the files that we have? GM: Roll a test. Roll a psychology test. Gabi: Psychology, hmm… GM: If you haven't got it, it's 1% Gabi: Let me see, I can't, then ah, there's no way. Yeah, no, I failed. GM: Okay, you read a lot of information about... what you can understand is that they had shock sessions combined with patients in hallucinogenic drug states. Gabi: Ok
Ce: Yeah, let's look for documents about nurses, specifically this nurse Luciene. L: Okay, it can be Calango: Ah, everyone will look for, Cellbit, documents of ... GM: Okay, you can roll finding or library use J: Guys! I'm listening to you in there, don't you think that maybe this Dr. Luciene is doing this on purpose? Changing the forms and missing the keys, was she working for something more... obscure? L: Esoterrorist, perhaps? J: I don't know, it seems very ... either she was a very bad nurse, by the way, or she was doing it on purpose to
confuse people Ce: Let's look a little more into it, then we come to a conclusion, I think Gabi: Is it library use to look for things? GM: It's library use or finding hidden. Find, in case Luis: I have 25 on finding and I got 24 GM: Okay, you have a regular success Gabi: Okay, I'll use find then, too, because ... Calango: I had a good success, huh, I got 26 GM: Okay Gabi: My finding is 80, I had extreme in finding GM: Uh, you find several files involving nurse Luciene and most of them are arrival
and departure cards from the employee and you also find her resume, which shows that she was not suitable for this job, she worked as a cleaning lady , before, in- in the public library and it seems that she was recruited- hired without any medical knowledge. It's like she really shouldn't be a nurse, she doesn't have any studies to be a nurse Calango: Doesn't it have any kind of family history, kinship, something like that? GM: From Luciene? Calango: Yes Luba: In the library .. GM: No, she seems to be just someone who was hired because it
was cheaper Calango: Okay and Liz found it, right GM: Yes, you did, so- GM: the notes show that she really was not fit to be a nurse and as you got extreme you see that not only her, but most nurses, you find a catalog of several, eh... profiles of different nurses and all of them they seemed not capable to be nurses, none of them had any medical, medical or nursing history. L: Guys, none of these nurses should be working here. Luciene, she ... worked as a cleaning lady in the public library, before becoming a nurse.
J: Huh L: None of this makes sense, they had no money... Cr: You have the date of birth, something like that, full name... GM: You find Luciene Costa and she was born in 1923. L: She worked very young here, that is all that I can get from her documents she was young, she had been a cleaner in the public library and ... she had no experience, like any of the other nurses. Either this place had no money, or this place did not want medical professionals here because they were testing something completely illegal, which is very
likely, since we found LSD, drugs to cause epilepsy. 2439 01:52:18,580 --> 00:00:00,250 J: I agree L: Whatever was done here, it probably turned people into blood zombies, that we are finding Ce: Yeah, that’s true. This place here, it is very conducive to have done very unethical things, right, so L: And Luciene doesn't seem to be esoterrorist, she didn't seem to be doing these things on purpose considering that she didn't even have any knowledge of medicine, she didn't even know what she was doing. Cr: Okay, I'm going to- guys, I'm going to go quickly, see if
Thiago is okay, does anyone want to go with me? GM: Uh, we're going to pause- we're going to pause soon. We will take a break in a little bit Luba: I got it, what it was Gabi: No no no no- Calango: Before the break, I can hit it - I wanted to punch that one, that locker - it’s closed, right? It's a closet here, metal. I want to punch it GM: Do a strength check Calango: A little bit like that, just a little bit like that [pah] GM: Ok, you punch it and he makes a
metallic sound [pam pá] and when you do that [tzz] the lamps shine brighter than before and they come back. J: Hey L: Jeez J: Huh GM: Everyone do a listening check, again Gabi: pff and here we go… Jeez, I passed, normal GM: Ok Luba: Where's my listening, oh my god Luis: I failed GM: Okay, but you all hear it, it's really loud. When you punch, you hear another punch- another hit [PUW] on the other side of the wall, along with the flashing lights. J: Ho Ce: Okay, have you heard it now?! J: Yes! It was
really cool, do it again! Ce: No, not cool Cr: There's no reason to do it again! Boy! L: Shhh, speak softly J: Maybe it is- Hey, ouch! Maybe it's Morse code. That was stupid, forget what I said L: No ... but we know that there’s something in the next room Ce: I don't understand you, because the lights sometimes go out and sometimes they light up brighter. J: It is clearly a bad contact GM: You hear another stronger [loud pounding sound] again and the lights are flashing again, on this wall. The wall even shakes and little
bit of dust falls Cr: Calm down, for God's sake Luis: I enter the room again Cr: Okay, calm down, boy-son, did you hit this thing here? Ce: I did pat, a little bit Cr: Ok Luis: Does it have any handles to pull? GM: Uh, the closet? Luis: Yeah GM: There are several metal drawers, like, it's a file cabinet Luis: All are locked? GM: They’re not locked, they’re just closed Luis: It's locked... GM: The beats are coming from the other side of the wall Cr: Wait Luis: Can i unlock it with a key? GM: What? Luis:
The locker. GM: No, it's not locked, just closed. Calango: It's not locked, stupid. Luis: Aah, I thought you had punched it because it was locked. Ce: The old man is getting tired, huh. Cr: Ah, why did you punch? Ce: Oh, I was sure I heard something here. Okay, but I think it came from the other side of the wall. GM: You hear again a loud hit, but it is farther away in the room and the lights flash again. GM: Joe, you recognize that the knock is coming from the door, the door [puw] it knocks... and
you notice now that the door is made of metal, you are closer you can see the angle, the door it's metal. J: Ow, guys, whatever is making that noise, it's very close to the next door to the next door here in the hall. Cr: Ok Ce: Ok, let's see, let's see. Cr: Wait, wait, people. I don't think we look hard enough here. Ce: Then we'll be back, let's check that noise out before it stops or something. Luba: I'm running, I'm running, master. I'm running there to the other door. GM: Are you running? Cr: [screaming] Boy!
Luba: I'm running, I'm running, but I don't get in and I- L: Don't scream GM: When you arrive- start running towards that door. The [door slammed open sound] door opens wide. And you see it leaving, stepping out of the room- Luba: Oh no, oh no nous GM: A bizarre creature, it has a shape... the top is just a big dough with two arms full of bubbles it has two completely rotten human legs and the only recognizable thing that it was a human being in that gray dough is that there are these two legs, these two
arms, around the thighs there are a lot of bubbles which start to appear and reach the level of the hips and become this dough and begin to merge and become these arms. And these two arms are closed on the chest and opening a big… hole that forms a big mouth in the whole chest, that maybe one day was human and that hole has a lot of teeth forming all over its chest and in several random places you see [tzz tzz] several lightning bolts and electrical things emerging from this creature that is full of bubbles very
disturbing. You find this from here and it comes running towards you J: Ow, ow, ow, ow Ce: Holy shit, holy shit, dude! J: What a horrible thing! Ce: Run from there, bro! GM: And now, we pause Luba: Uuh, YES GM: To go to the bathroom, drink some water and when I come back, we see what happens Calango: Motherfucker, dude. Everything goes wrong, bro Luba: Okay, I'll be right back then. GM: Hold on! 4-minute break. Luba: 4 minutes? Okay! Luba: Fuck, the creature is in front of me! OK, sorry. GM: So you see... GM: After exploring
the archives and the sanatorium deposit, you find yourself face to face with this bubbly freak with lightning bolts around the body, opening this mouth, with the muscular and disgusting arms, it is much bigger, almost twice- it's not twice, but it's like, two meters and a little tall and it makes a sound [roar] and it, since Joe was- was passing by the door, it has a surprise attack on him Gabi: Awh GM: It went- it crashed- it kicked the door down, the door flew forward and it comes and this mouthpiece closes, it- teeth- Okay, wait, uh,
do you want to dodge or fight back? Luba: Dude, I'm going to fight back, because my fight back is bigger. GM: Ok Luba: Uff, okay uh... Calango: How big is the creature? Sorry GM: It's really big, it's like 2 meters and 20 feet tall, so it's huge. Gabi: Yo Luba: It has legs, right? Can I try to sweep kick it? GM: It has two legs and two arms, but its arms are kind of holding its mouth open, so it comes with the big chest and tries to close it on you. Luba: Okay, oh my god,
alright so, I try to counterattack and get down and sweep kick it GM: Ok Luba: Ok, let's go, it's fighting, right? Fighting? GM: Fighting, yes Calango: Mano, the creature must weigh about 400kg, good luck Luba: Okay, there for the love of god… YES! Wow, wait a minute, extreme! Extreme! No, no, no, sorry, it was good, it was good GM: Okay, was it good? You can do it - you get scared, you see that mouth opening and you get down, kick it like a reflex and you can do the damage Luba: Okay, uh ... what's the
damage? Is it the triangle? A d6? GM: Uh, it's a d3, so roll the dice of 6 and divide it by two Luba: 1! haha GM: Did you deal 1? So you just, in the fright [pow], you actually, you tried to hit it, but you hit it kind of in the middle of its legs but you feel like it's a gel, like that, and it doesn't seem to have caused any damage. GM: But at least the creature missed the bite it was going to give you. Luba: Ok. This was the surprise attack, right? I do
have an action now, or nah? GM: Wait, you, you… Oh, roll a constitution test, please. Luba: Constitution? Ok. Luba: Extreme. GM: Extreme? Luba: Oh, no. It wasn’t extreme. I got 16, 15 would be extreme, shit. OK. GM: It was good then? Luba: Yeah. Just one number down and would be extreme. GM: You lose 1HP because when you touch the creature with your foot you feel an electrical charge going up your leg... [tzz] You feel a very strong shock. J: Kuso! Hey, this thing shocks! GM: Now everyone do a dexterity test, let’s go, (Luis: Oh my
God…) to see the right order. GM: After this surprise attack. Luba: Jesus! Gabi: Wait, 10 and 0 is 10, right? (GM: 10 and 0 is 10.) Gabi: Not 100? Calango: Ok, I failed. GM: Extreme success, let me see. (Luis: I failed too.) GM: Extreme success, let me see. GM: Oh, ok. (Gabi: I got extreme.) GM: Oh, ok. Who had extreme success? Gabi: Me! (GM: Ok, Liz.) Gabi: Me! GM: Now good success. Luba: I only had success... GM: Ok, now regular success. Only Joe? Ok, now who failed, tell me how much dexterity you have. Calango: 70.
Luis: 25. Gabi: 75. GM: Ok. Cesar, Cr-... wait, Liz failed? Gabi: I have 75. GM: Ok, but you had success (Gabi: Oh, ok, sorry.) GM: I only asked those who failed. GM: Ok, So Liz, when you see this scene you can act quickly. Gabi: I... want to put my glock in the holster, take my desert eagle and run towards them. GM: OK. GM: You don’t- You get here. Gabi: Ok. GM: Now it’s Joe’s turn. Luba: I’ll do a… backflip, a… something like this, I forgot how it’s called. (Calango: Daiane dos Santos.) Luba: Backwards cartwheel... GM:
Ok, so you do a cartwheel backwards? (GM: Do a dodge test.) Luba: Yeah! Luba: Yes, a backflip. Dodge test? Fuck. GM: Yes. Or dexterity. Dodge test? Fuck. Luba: Dexterity then. GM: Ok, do a dexterity test. Luba: Ok. GM: But your dodge is your dexterity, it's base. GM: Your base dodge is your dext- (GM: It’s not your dexterity, it’s half of it.) Luba: So it was wrong. Luba: Half, right? GM: It’s half your dexterity. (Luba: Oh, ok, so it’s right.) GM: That's it. Sorry. Luba: No, so I had success in the dexterity test. 51. GM: If
you were dodging, would you succeed? Luba: No, 27. GM: Ok, let me see. No, ok. You do a backflip... and you successfully get here, by Liz’s side. Luba: Ok. (GM: Now it’s Cesar’s turn.) Luba: Ok. Calango: Eh… Damn dude, I thought about throwing water on it but it would intensify the shock… So I… Gabi: It’s super effective Calango: It will inten- Yeah, I’ll get here and- GM: Playing Pokémon in the Sanatorium. (Calango: I don't know ) Luba: [Whispering] It must be a ground attack. Calango: It does, right? I’ll get here and aim at it. GM:
Ok. So you start aiming (Calango: I’ll aim at the- it does have a head, doesn’t it? ) GM: with your gun, right? (GM: It doesn’t have a head.) Calango: Does it have a head? Calango: Damn. So I’ll aim at the middle of its hole, its open ass. GM: Ok. You start then. You- you start to prepare to aim, the hole is very big but you still have to concentrate because it is moving a lot. Now it’s its turn. You all see that when it starts to come to you the lamps around it [tzz] start to
flash and it comes near Joui. No, sorry, it stays back here, it opens its mouth and you see a certain liquid coming from inside it and it forms, as if a lot of muscles were moving. It [spitting sound] spits some liquid and this liquid has bolts and electrical stuff and it goes towards Joe, that now has to do a dodge test. J: Kuso! (GM: It spits) Luba: Ok, dodge, right? (GM: a ball of- ) Luba: Holy shit… GM: a weird goo with bolts. Luba: I failed. (Luba: Obviously I would fail.) GM: You failed? (GM: You
lose- ) Luba: I have 27 dodging points. (GM: You lose-) Gabi: Can I notice the ball coming and (GM: No, no.) Gabi: try to pull Joui by his coat? GM; It’s the creature’s round. The ball hits you on the chest and you feel a terrible shock. You lose 5HP. You- [tzz] you feel a horrible shock. Like as if someone has picked up a defibrillator and [tzz] on you. Calango: Holy shit, dude… GM: Now it’s… It takes a few steps after this, but it’s very slow. GM: Now- Luba: I don’t even know how it is to
get shocked. GM: it’s Cristopher. Luis: Wait, did Joui fall? (GM: No, he just got shocked) Luba: No, no, I just- like, Luba: I staggered and got shocked, I’m still a little shocked. Luis: Ok, I… I’ll go back to that first room we entered, (GM: Will you run towards there?) Luis: back there. Luis: I’ll tell Cesar- Cr: I’ll try to do a thing! Luis: I’ll go back to the first room. GM: Which one? Wait, wait, wait. Calm down, There is a limit. Where do you wanna go? Luis: To the first room we found when we got
here GM: Ok. You can run this far GM: You get here. How much movement do you have? Luis: I have- (GM: Yes.) Luis: Of movement? Luis: Where is it? Gee, I can’t find it. GM: Near your stats. How much dexterity do you have? And your size? Luis: I have 25 (GM: Ok. But you’re big.) Luis: And 80. Ok, so you get here, you get here. Luis: I have 8 movement rate. GM: Ok. So you arrive, you were here, you come here running. You run away. Now it’s Liz Gabi: Holy shit, I thought of something but
I’m not sure how good it will be. Ok, I want to I got near the monster and I realized what I was thinking wouldn’t work. So I want to put my deagle on the holster and take my flare gun that i have. GM: Ok. You do that. Gabi: Ok, I want to take some steps back while I do it. GM: Ok, you take some steps back, and now it’s Joui. Luba: Oh, I’ll run away too, because I don’t think- I want to run away while I get my gun, may I? GM: Yes. Luba: Ok. I’m
in the same direction as Liz, then. GM: Ok. You can go a little further because she’s going back, you get here, you turn around and run away and take your gun while you run. (Luba: Ok.) GM: When you do that, GM: you pass by Cesar, and Cesar, it’s your turn. Calango: I’ll shoot the guy, dude. GM: Ok. You’re aiming at its mouth and you, as soon as it spits this thing, you see that its mouth is very open and you see the chance to hit it right in the middle of it. Calango: Ok. GM: You-
and when, now that you spend some time aiming, you see that there’s what seems to be remains of human organs, there’s a lung, some guts, but it’s all completely deteriorated, and full of bubbles. Calango: Inside the- inside its mouth? GM: Inside its mouth, yes. Calango: Ok. Can I roll it? GM: You can. You have an advantage because you were aiming. Calango: Damn, dude, I got 52, I have 50. Oh man Oh, I did it, I got 42 now. GM: Ok, you can deal the damage. Calango: But it was regular. 1d10 + 1d6. 6… (GM: 9?)
Calango: The total damage is 9 GM: You hit right in one of those organs I was talking about. And you see it exploding [plushh] as if it was a pimple, pus comes out of everywhere and you see it [roar] it makes a loud noise and the lamps [tzzz] shine very bright and then go back to normal J: NICE, CESAR-KUN! GM: You see that it’s very- you’ve hurt it a lot. It was an accurate shot at exploded part of it and the shocks inside it got more intense and there’s a hole that goes to the back
of the mouth. (Calango: Is it- is it full?) GM: From this part you exploded. (GM: You exploded the pus,) Calango: Like, the hole. GM: and it kind of deteriorated a hole on its back, (Calango: Oh, I got it, I’m seeing the other side?) GM: now you can see a hole that passes through him. GM: What? Calango: Am I seeing the other side from inside him? GM: You see a little bit of the other side, yes. Calango: Ok, ok. GM: Now it’s the creature's turn. When you do that, it bows and comes [tu tu tu tu]
to Liz. Luba: Oh no! GM: And tries to clo- tries to go near Liz and close his mouth with Liz inside it. Luba: Oh no, oh no no no… Gabi: I want to dodge. GM: Ok. Ok Try it Gabi: 33… Where’s my dodge? 37, it was regular. GM: You- the creature- it gets very close, you see it closing his mouth on your nose but you step back and it almost falls, but it holds itself. You almost lost your nose. GM: Now it’s Cristopher’s turn. Luis: I’ll run to the room GM: Ok, now you’re in the
room, Luis: I get there, can I do something? GM: you get there. Luis: Can I do something? GM: You can, what are you going to do? Luis: There weren't some pieces of metal? (GM: Pieces of metal? ) Luis: Some parts there, (Luis: like, some iron bars.) GM: There were a lot of tools GM: a lot of wires around you… oh, there’s this ladder. Luis: I want to take the ladder. GM: Ok. You go to the ladder and take it. There’s a ladder about 2 meters long. Gabi: Geez, but metal… Luis: And I prepare to go
back. GM: Ok. You turn back, you’re holding the ladder, near here. Calango: Metal can conduct- ah, I won’t say it, fuck it, I don’t know if I can say it. (Gabi: He’s far away from us.) GM: No, you can’t, he’s alone. GM: Now it’s Liz. (Gabi: Ok, ah-) GM: You just dodged, GM: the creature is in front of you- oh, please, a sanity test everyone. Calango: I was wondering when you were going to ask us this. Gabi: I pass- damn, wait! Calango: I passed, huh! 39, I passed. (Gabi: Ok, I-) Luis: I passed. Gabi: I
got 11 so... Luba: I failed. GM: Ok. Joui, who failed, loses 6 sanity points and who didn’t fail loses 1. By the way- no, that’s it, who passed loses 1 sanity point. (GM: Joui, this creature- ) Gabi: We have to write it on that paper, right? GM: since you were taken by surprise, were scared, it was something- you would never imagine something so gross and for a moment you thought you were going to die, your entire life passed through your eyes. Calango: What’s this monster’s name? GM: You have a madness crisis, your next round is
mine. (Luba: Oh, damn.) Gabi: I wrote “electric creature”. GM: By the way now it’s Liz, right? Gabi: Now it’s me. GM: Ok Luis: Wait, did we earn a sanity point? GM: You lost. Calango: We lost. Gabi: No, we lost. Luis: Everyone? GM: Everyone (Gabi: Yeah) GM: lost 1 and GM: Joe lost 6. He lost 6 and had a madness crisis, (Gabi: Ok, ) GM: his next round is mine. Gabi: eh… the creature is right in front of me. GM: Yes. Gabi: Is its mouth open? GM: No, it just closed it. Gabi: I want to take
my flare gun and aim at his mouth and step back. GM: Ok, you’ll have an advantage in the next round. Gabi: Ok. GM: Cause you’re aiming. Now it’s Joe, who’s in a madness crisis and turns to Cesar and holds his shoulder. J: WE NEED TO GET OUT HERE, PLEASE! GM: Cesar, you were aiming, right? Calango: No, I just shot it, actually. GM: Ok On your next round you’ll have a penalty because he’s holding you, or you’ll have to aim. Calango: Ok GM: Now it’s… you. Calango: Me? GM: Yeah Calango: Eh… GM: If you want to
move you’ll have to do a strength test against him J: Cesar-kun! Calango: How much- J: We need to escape, please, let’s get out here! We need to run, for God’s sake, I don’t want it to happen again, not with you, no, no! Let’s get out here, come on drop this gun! Ce: Calm down, Joui, calm down, (J: Miss. Liz, come too, please!) Ce: everything will be okay, let’s step back a little. J: We can’t stay here! Ce: Let’s step back, we can do it. Gabi: I’m aiming. (Ce: We can handle it, ) J: Not again,
not again, not again, not again! Ce: we can handle it, Joui, calm down, let’s step back a little. J: No, no, no! Calango: I’ll try to- I don’t know, force us to step back here. GM: Do a strength test. He’s holding you. Calango: Ok. Damn, I failed miserably. GM: How much did you get? Calango: 91 GM: Ok. Eh… Joe, do a strength test. Luba: Me? GM: Yeah. Luba: Ok, I pass- strength is- (Luba: I passed.) GM: Strength is strength. GM: Ok, you passed. (Luba: Yeah, 22) GM: So you hold- you try to force- GM: Cesar
tries to break free, but you’re desperately holding him in your madness crisis. You’re shocked, you’re traumatized. And now it’s the creature. It opens its mouth and again you see its muscles moving and creating this ball and [spits] it spits in your direction, Liz (GM: Dodge test.) Gabi: I’ll dodge. Gabi: Ouch, I failed. GM: You failed? (GM: You lose-) Gabi: I failed, I have 37 and I got 40. GM: You lose 2HP. Gabi: Ok it hits only a part of your shoulder, you feel a strong shock and this weird goo dripping down your shoulder. But you
didn’t take it. You’re wearing a coat too, you don’t feel it so strong. It burns your neck a little bit. Luis: I’m distressed, dude! GM: Now it’s Cristopher . Luis: Thank God! I run (GM: Ok. You have the ladder.) Luis: with the ladder. GM: You can- you come running with it and you get near here, holding this ladder, and you’re (Luis: Can I yell something?) [tutu] GM: You can. Cr: SHOOT AT THE CELL ROOM, SHOOT! Ce: What?? GM: Ok, he screams this, now it’s Liz. Gabi: Ok, the creature just opened its mouth (GM: Yeah, and
you were aiming, ) Gabi: to attack me. GM: so you have an advantage and you’re aiming inside its mouth. Gabi: Ok eh… I’ll shoot with my flare gun GM: Ok. Gabi: Ok, uh! I got- let me see. I got extreme! GM: Ok, how much is the flare gun damage? Gabi: The flare gun… 1d10 + 1d3 + burn. GM: Ok. Calango: Damn. Gabi: The d10… wait, 6. Plus... I got 6, plus 3, 9. 9 plus burn. GM: Ok You hit the other lung, you see your flare gun- the fire filling and inflating this lung and [flesh
exploding] it explodes and takes with it half the creature’s body and the entire mouth is ripped [flesh exploding] falls to both sides and [PLUW] falls and starts to tremble on the ground [CRESH] and it doesn’t move anymore. Ce: Damn L: This was the only flare I had. If some other thing like that appears we’re fucked. GM: It is- this part is burning but you still see some [tzz] [tzz] [tzz] going through the body. J: Coming here was a mistake. Ce: Damn, dude. Look at the size of this thing. (Luis: I arrived already? Did I arrive?)
Ce: Liz, you did great, you did great. (Gabi: I want to kneel down and cry.) GM: You arrived- you come running [TUM TUM TUM] Cr: SHOOT AT THE DOOR! GM: You see the creature exploding in front of you and falling [pluw] in front of Liz. Ce: Dad, where were you? (Ce: We needed you here!) Gabi: I kneel and cry. GM: Then you hear a strong sound coming from the gate and you look at it and there are three zombies hitting it, they heard the sound [growl] and there are three of these of these creatures behind
the gate. (Calango: And how’s the gate?) GM: Who hasn't seen it, GM: do a sani- Actually, everyone do a sanity test again, because you saw new ones. Luis: Wait. Calango: Damn, hey- Luis: I passed. (Calango: Wow.) GM: Ok. Gabi: Wait, 39... Calango: I think I got 100, (Gabi: no, I passed.) Calango: I think I got 100? GM: You got 0 0 0? Calango: I got… GM: Ok, you lost the maximum damage they can cause. You lost 6 sanity points, Calango Calango: Ouch Luba: I failed too. GM: And write down that you already took all the
damage you can take from those zombies. (Calango: Ok, so i lost 6) Luba: I failed, but I Luba: have already seen this zombie, right? I don’t know how it works. GM: No, you’ll still lose sanity. Luba: Ok. GM: Ehh… When you see those, they are different, they have different features, they cause you to have different feelings, you see more than one together, that’s terrible. You lost 3 sanity points, Joe. Luba: I’m shocked, Luba: I’m… catatonic. (GM: You’re still shaken.) Luba: I’m… catatonic. GM: You’re not in a madness crisis anymore, but you’re shocked. I just have
to find the list of mental illness you can develop so we can see what happens. (GM: Wait, ) Gabi: Damn, I don’t have psy- GM: I’m doing it. (Gabi: I don’t have psychology ) Calango: I’ll sit on the floor Calango: with my hands on my hair like… with my hand on my head. Ce: Dude... Gabi: Does anyone have psychology? Luba: No. Luis: No. (Gabi: Wow, nice.) GM: It doesn’t work like this anymore, (Gabi: Doesn’t it? Oh) GM: it’s a little bit diferente now. Gabi: Ok GM: It’s not as cruel as in the other RPG either.
Gabi: Ok, I want to sit by Joui’s side, I don’t know, Joui, are you standing? Luba: I’m sitting down too. Gabi: I want to sit by his side and put my arm around him, like this. GM: Ok Luba: I get startled Luis: The creature she just killed is still… Kind of like... energizing? GM: It’s still generating bolts [tzz tzz]. Luis: Ok And the three zombies are (GM: Hitting the gate) Luis: hitting the grid. [growl] GM: trying to reach you somehow. Luis: I’ll take the ladder, put it on the grid, like this, one part of it
GM: Ok Luis: and the other I’ll drop on the creature and run away. GM: Ok, you… Do a dexterity test please, to see if you can do it. Luis: I failed GM: You can’t. You try to make it touch the zombies, but they try to avoid it, they don’t try to grab it. Luis: No, I just want it to touch the grid, (GM: Ok) Luis: on the gate, (GM: you put it there, ) Luis: to touch it. GM: uh… But the ladder falls and you notice that it has the edges covered with rubber, so it
won’t conduct, uh… the electricity putting one edge at each side. L: Oh, Cristopher, Cr: Oi L : what are you doing, honey? Cr: That- that was my idea. L: But we have to energize the lever, not the gate. Cr: Girl, let me explain it to you. The thing is: I knew there were zombies inside it, I saw them. You told me, and I saw them later. I noticed the monster seemed to shock and I remembered there were some things made of metal there, and I thought: If we energize everything at once, we’ll kill them all!
L: They didn’t die with three shots on the head and a stab, you really think a shock would kill them? GM: Ehh… Joe. Cr: Maybe it will explode. (GM: You...) Luba: What? GM: ... now have a new mania. for your character after this trauma Let me see exactly which mania you earned and we’ll add it to your character. Luba: Ok. Gabi: Damn... GM: Wait, let me see… GM: Where’s the table? Sorry, you can keep playing. Gabi: “maybe it will explode” GM: I have to search on the book the… I don’t know where the table is,
table x. Ok, I’ll see it later so I won’t disrupt the game, you can keep going Gabi: Ok, I am sitting next to Joui With... My arm around him Waiting for him... (Gabi: To calm down) Luis: I look at my son in this situation I go at his side and I hug him I give him a hug Calango: Can I decide when I am going to To... Calm down Or are you going to tell me? GM: No, you are calmer already You can act again Everything is right He just had a psychotic episode during the
fight But everything is okay now Calango: Ok L: Joui J: Oh- hi L: Remember that breathing exercise you wanted to teach me once? J: I do L: Let's do it now I need to breathe Come on, I need you to do it with me J: Okay Ok Miss. Liz, okay GM: Joui, roll a D100 please To see which craze you got Luba: 60 GM: You have- Obsess- You just desenvolved Oplomania, you have an obsession with fire weapons now You seeing That creature exploding With the gun- With Liz's gun fire And everyone aiming at it Made
you Realize fire weapons are actually way more Interesting and powerful than you ever thought Luba: Ok GM: You really like fire weapons now L: Joui… J: What? L: The breathing exercise J: Ok L: Let's go J: Okay You have to breathe In three periods And release the air in one L: Ok… And how do I do that? J: Huh, you breathe... Short breaths three times… And release it slowly Like that It really helps With anxiety L: Okay So keep doing it with me J: Okay Cr: Do it too, son Ce: No, I don't need it
Calango: I get up GM: You just lost 6 sanity points? Cesar? Calango: I did GM: So you will also have… Let me see… Calango: But I didn’t lose earlier like Joui I wasn't debilitated GM: Yeah but you lost more than 5 points at once Calango: Oh, ok GM: You have a new phobia Roll a D100, please Calango: Son of a… Calango: 25 GM: 25? You- In this ambient That was… that was kinda… That was a lot colder than normal And this haze- Haze and fog that were all around you… You get traumatized In this moment
when you look at your side And you Developed Cheimaphobia, you're afraid of cold Calango: Fuck, bro GM: The vision of these naked creatures In this cold situation Makes you think that maybe they died of cold for some reason It makes you feel bad About this temperature Calango: Alright Ce: Guys Isn't it too cold here? L: Huh… no Calango: I start to tremble a little I'm shaking, like… Cr: Girl Do you- Give him your coat He's trembling so much L: It's very thin Just like a little t-shirt, but ok Gabi: I take off my coat and
put it on Cesar GM: She puts her coat on him And some of that goo that had fallen… Goes down a little more through his shoulder like that L: I have a burn in the neck too… Sorry The coat is kinda gross but you can take it Ce: Thank you Calango: Then i wear the coat And put my hands in the pockets (Calango: Did I find something?) L: Christopher, hey, Big Guy- GM: You don't find anything Calango: Ok Cr: Speak, girl L: Hey big guy This ladder have rubber underneath right? Cr: It does L: What
if we use it to push this thing? The sealed part We lean it on the creature and push him Cr: Push it to the grid? L: It can be L: But I don't know if the blood zombies will try to attack it I don’t know (Try it) Cr: Oh but no Cr: It doesn't hurt to try, right? Luis: I do what she said GM: Ok, you… Do a strength test To see if you can push the body That is [shock noises] Still creating some shocks Luis: Let me see… I failed GM: You try to push
it But the body is way heavier than you thought It's really a giant body Although it exploded You start to spread it and... It's hard to drag You are here at the opposite side with the ladder Trying to push it… It get's stuck sometimes You don't think you will be able to push it too far But you are able to bring it over here Cr: If you help me I think I can do it We can do it GM: Do you want to try to force it to see if you can do it? Cr: Yes
GM: Okay Luis: I got… Oh my God, wait I got “good” GM: Good? Ok, so you can drag it over the gate The creature touches the gate like that And you see the other monsters [electric noises] But they don't seem to [growls] And it continued It doesn't seem to work so well The gate is very wide And the electricity that it's generating isn't that big To damag- to hurt them They just [growls] They get scared and keep... Trying to catch you Cr: Yeah guys, at least we tried Gabi: They get paralyzed? Or something or they
just- GM: They just- you see a mild reaction But they keep… Like... They don't bother as much As you expected Cr: Let's move to the next room We can figure this out later Ce: Let's go, we need to find a way to… To... Kill those fetus-men At long range without expending ammo We have to find something to help L: Ok, leave this ladder far from the gate I don't know if these things can pull it I don't know, we might need it later Cr: It can be,it can be Luba: I want to heal myself, Master
GM: Ok, do you want to do a medicine test on yourself? Luba: Yeah, and I have first aid Because I have 6 HP left Since you took more than- How much damage did you take? Did you take more than a half of your total life as damage? Luba: I didn’t But I was already with less damage because- GM: No, okay, so if you didn’t took all at once You don’t have a major wound, you don't need first aid Only medicine Luba: Ok but i- I'm 6/13, I actually don't have medicine So it doesn't matter, forget
it GM: Ok Ce: Joui, don't you think it's better to ask Liz to take a look at those... GM: You can do first aid to recover 1 HP If you succeed Luba: Ok First aid, I have… 40 GM: Did you fail? Luba: …let's continue then GM: You notice that Joui tries to clean his wound It hurts and he didn't... And it didn’t work that well (Cr: Boy) Gabi: Can I try to help him? (GM: You can try to help him) Gabi: Even though I already used medicine? GM: No, no There isn't much you can do
Gabi: Ok, I can use first aid more than once a day, right? GM: You can, but first aid is just for major wounds You will hardly be able to do anything Luba: But I got hit with his energy ball, right? GM: Yes Luba: I got hit and- Ok, anyway Gabi: The electric power ball, right? Luba: Yeah, but ok, ok Cool GM: It left you burned You feel a little burned Luba: Ok Cr: Boy, I don't have- I don't know much… I can try It will be 1 in 100 here… You don't need it, right? J:
No, no It's okay Ce: Let's go, let's go to The room where this electric man came from L: Let's go, let's go Ce: Let's see what's in there L: We lost too much time in this corridor (Cr: I'll go first) GM: Okay, you go L: I'm right behind GM: towards that door that was broken When you get there… Ce: Let Joui go in the middle] J: Ok, I'll go in the middle GM: You see in the middle of the room An electric chair The room is completely bloody There is a table with a lot of
blood Different tools and a lot of things Cloths All around There is a nurse outfit All covered in blood With what looks like remains of meat And there's... Another corpse A skeleton left in the corner of the room With a doctor's lab coat Similar to the one Cesar's wearing Next to him covered in blood too Thrown.... (Ce: On our side?) GM: All the blood is already dry And the smell inside this room is terrible It stinks, it's really bad Gabi: I want to get in and go straight to the table GM: Ok Cr: Girl, wait!
GM: And along with a lot of rusty tools, pliers Electrodes Thrown on the table You see a big rusty key Gabi: I'll take it GM: Okay Gabi: Can I see if there's some medicine? Something I can recognize Or just tools… GM: You see a little piece of that- One of those medicines For epilepsy that you saw earlier, but it's just... An empty tube And you see some papers Thrown in the… Stacked like this A cartel that you deduce to be... LSD doses Gabi: Ok L: Guys (Ce: What?) L: Come in- L: I’m not sure if
you would really want to come in (Calango: I'm coming in) L: The situation isn't that good here, but… Luba: I’ll stay at the door L: That experiment we were talking about earlier Probably that monster was the result Of that experiment (Ce: That’s what it looks like, right?) L: The files… L: The doctor made much more than one Ce: oh, man… Cr: That- You got a key, right, girl? Luis: What does it look like? (L: A key, yeah) GM: It's a big rusty key Way bigger than the others you’ve found so far And it also has
a different pattern It's thick Made of metal Calango: Okay, I’ll go to the table too… I want to look for the missing component in that panel See if I can recognize something that can fit there GM: Roll a “find” check Calango: It was.... Wait, let me see... It was... Extreme. (Calango: I got 11) GM: Extreme? You- You separate tool by tool You can organize it well and fast- The agility of your fingers Since you're used to playing games And coding as well It helps you organize everything In the table really fast But you don't find
anything that seems to be helpful Calango: Can't I use these tools to... Try to fix the panel without- Oh, never mind GM: There isn't any kind of screwdriver here Calango: Ok The panel didn't seem to need repair It seems like there was something missing with a cylindrical shape L: Hey, Cesar Ce: What? L: Did you find something? Useful? Ce: No, there's nothing here besides a bunch of tools that we won't use now L: Isn't there an electric wire? For us to drop it in the creature and... Put it on the panel? Cr: Electric wire, there's
one at the... Other room, i saw it. L: The ladder one? (Cr: The ladder one) Ce: It isn't… Ce: We can try but… Yeah, we can try actually. L: OK. Gabi: Is there something else I can notice, like (Gabi: Using my skills?) GM: Just medicine tools. Scalpels... Scissors, pliers. Things he probably used to cut and... Basically torture his patients in that chair. Gabi: OK. Calango: I want to get closer to the skeleton To check his coat GM: Ok, you go to the skeleton and you see that in the tag is written “Dr. Verruckt”. And his
jaw is broken It is in really bad conditions Ce: Guys, I found Dr. Verruca, look Cr: Son (Cr: Get away from it.) GM: He's in this corner right here. (Cr: Gross) GM: He's in this corner GM: Bellow. Calango: OK Gabi: Can I use "forensics" to determine how he died? GM: You can. Gabi: To know how he died. Gabi: Ok, I want to try then… I passed with… It wasn't an extreme it was good. GM: You notice that all of his bones are very broken Especially on the jaw. It seems like something... Caught him and broke
his jaw. Gabi: OK. L: Guys, seeing his body like this He was ripped apart by the monster. Like, the monster... Literally grabbed his mouth and ripped his head. Ce: Was it the ‘Static-Shock’, there? Luba: After Liz said that I walk away and stay in the corridor I don't want to hear it anymore. Cr: Son. Let dad see something. Luis: I investigate his coat pockets (Ce: I was about to do that dickhead) Luis: To see if there's something GM: You put your hands in his pockets And you don't find anything, they're empty Cr: Yeah, there's nothing
here Ce: We don't know if this is really Dr. Verruckt Or just someone wearing his coat but... It seems to be him. L: And we don't know if that creature killed him. Because it doesn't exactly have..... Arms, right? GM: He had really strong arms But he was using it to hold his mouth. Gabi: Oh, ok, fine Cr: I'm thinking of something now... I may be wrong but… Think about it. It- Look the- The Membrane, yeah. To stay strong right? It was almost healed. Years by now... It started not long ago One year. That it became
bad. If you think about it, this place It's from 1950. How did this happen? GM: In 1950 the Membrane was still weak. It just got stronger in the last 20 years. In the last 10 years it was fine. Before this, in this time It was still weak. It has “ups and downs”, but at that time. This kind of thing could happen, by your knowledge. And by what you know about the Order's members Before you came in. Gabi: Okay. L: And think about it Christopher It's very specific the places where... The membrane is very weak in
this place. Like that room with.... The blood zombies. The fog is very thick there Just in specific places. Ce: Ok, let's... I don't know, we still haven't found- Cr: It doesn't- We haven't gone into one of the rooms yet. Ce: We did left one room behind actually. We didn't entered on it. Cr: You want to go there? Ce: Let's go. Ce: It’s our only hope to find the fuse (Cr: Where’s the boy?) Ce: That we need to open the gate. Cr: Hey boy Are you okay? J: Huh… no Calango: Cellbit, when I looked at the
table Did I find some long tool? Like, a meter Some kind of spit. I don't know, anything. Giant pliers, anything? GM: There are a lot of pliers but nothing... What exactly are you looking for? Calango: An iron bar, but a little thin… Anything I could use to poke the fetus-men through the gate. GM: You found some pliers, scissors, scalpels. But nothing long enough. Calango: Okay then, let's go. L: Okay. Cr: Boy. Let’s go to the other room that we haven’t been to yet? J: Let's go. Cr: Are you really okay? J: No! But we came
here to do a job so... Let's finish it. Cr: Come here, boy. Luis: I want to hug him. J: I'm okay Thank you, Mr. Cristopher. Ce: Everything will be okay, Joui (Ce: Trust me.) J: I'm not so sure about that. But let's go. Ce: Then go. Luis: Everyone walking? GM: You guys pass you come back- GM: You don't have to take them so slowly. You all go back where you came from And you finally arrive Again at that door In that place where you were Luis: Oops, I accidentally brought someone sorry Gabi: It was me,
it was me Luis: Before we get in I want to scream: Cr: THIAGO T: Hey, is everything okay? I heard gunshots and explosions. It's everything okay? The lights all turned off- (Cr: Stay without-) T: They were flashing Cr: Did you find a way to get here? T: There's just a big gate here. I, i... I didn't find any entrance I'm waiting for you. Cr: But everything is okay there, right? T: Until now, nothing new here. Cr: Okay. (Gabi: I want to-) Cr: I miss you (T: Thanks, Cris) Calango: Just one thing, even though he isn't
here- Calango: just a question Cellbit. Even though Thiago isn't with us in this session. Can we... Still ask him to do something in the city Something like that? GM: Yes, you can. Calango: Is this actually effective? GM: You can ask him to... You can talk to him. Calango: OK. Ce: HEY YO THIAGO T: Sup? Ce: I think- I think it's better now that you're there For you to don't be here. At least for now. What do you think about going back to Carpazinha And trying to figure out more about that group. That went to the
library before us? L: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Gabi: I want to put my face in the middle of the rubble. GM: You can’t see anything Gabi: Nothing? GM: But you're still hearing each other. Gabi: Okay, so don't wait- (L: Forget it.) T: Okay but what do you want me to search for? Ce: Ah, you should look for hints About who were those people We still haven't found anything about them. I think we- (Cr: Luciene, Luciene) We may have missed something in Carpazinha Cr: Luciene, Luciene Ce: Search for a nurse called Luciene Costa, Luciene Costa.
Cr: She used to work in the library. Ce: Nice T: Go to the library and search for Luciene? (Cr: Luciene Costa, she worked…) T: Okay but we just have one car. Cr: You can go, but come back T: Are you sure? L: Yes, you can go Cr: Am I sure? (Ce: I don't know if I'm sure.) T: Okay, I’ll come back in One hour or two if I find something. Cr: Okay! Ce: We will need the car, man… (Cr: Son.) GM: Thiago has left the Sanatorium. Cr: Son, calm down. Let's go in? GM: A few
minutes pass and you hear the car going away. Gabi: Is there any number on the door? GM: No, there's nothing It's just a closed wooden door. Luis: I try to open the door. Luba: I draw my gun. Luba: I'm always with my gun in hands now. (GM: You open...) ...the door easily. And you look inside and see a place that is actually well preserved, Compared to the others. It doesn't show signs of struggle. And it seems to be an office. There is a table. And a lot of papers spread all around, the place is very
dirty, very dusty. It seems like no one has entered here in a while. But it doesn't seem to have any creature or anything dangerous. (L: Go big guy.) Luis: I’ll go in first. L: The big guy will go ahead. Cr: I’ll go in. But it doesn't seem to have nothing in here, guys. Ce: I’ll go with him. Luba: I’ll stay near the door, guarding. Luis: I check these papers in the table. GM: Ok, there are a lot of papers with several… This clearly was Dr. Verruckt’s office. There are a bunch of papers, with a lot
of medical terminology. A lot of different medicines. But nothing there draws your attention, nothing interesting. Cr: Girl, aren't you a doctor? See If you can find something here. L: I’ll take a look. Gabi: Ok, I want to use my tracking skills, to see if I can find something useful. GM: Ok (Calango: Is there a typewriter on the table?) Gabi: Some information... Gabi: 6… 16… Let me see how much I have, wait. Ok, my extreme is 16 and I rolled 16. GM: Okay, so you had extreme success. You... Pull all the archives that you have. There
are just a few documents, that survived and aren't completely ripped or destroyed. And you find, basically just find notes and studies about human anatomy, the brain and about how Hallucinogenic drugs act in the human brain. And how the electric sho- Electr- Theor- how electroshock therapy works on human brain. They... are very rudimentary theories, from many, many years ago that have already been proven wrong. But it seems like he truly used to believe it, and believed that... he would find a cure... For something. He's clearly searching for the cure for some illness. Gabi: Alright. L: Guys.
L: He was using some procedures that Were banned from medicine... Years ago. Procedures that probably.... Were searching for something but... Electroshock therapy and hallucinogenic drugs were... Already proven not to work for this. And he still insisted in this theory. Ce: But it was banned before 1950? GM: No. L: Yes… (GM: No.) Gabi: No? GM: They were banned later. They were banned around this time. Gabi: Okay. Eh... L: No, they were still tested at that time but... Now they're proven not to work and… I don't know. He was carrying out research that certainly was illegal, I
guess… Because... He spent much more than the normal time, testing the patients, according to the files that we found. So, he pushed his patients to the extreme. Ce: Got it. L: And probably all we find here, will be experiments that.... went to the extreme… Ce: Yeah. Cr: Wait! I'm, I'm.... Thinking about the map and about, about... The place we are. I... noticed something. Ce: What? Cr: The only place that doesn't... Have any blood, any... Stains or anything, or.... All destroyed, is this one. Ce: Maybe because there weren't any experiences here right? Cr: Think about it
L: It doesn't make sense actually... Cr: The stain, comes from the room next door. It goes down... And goes till... The room were that monster got out, where the boy- Dr. Verruckt was. What if... It was him, knowing that he would die, That... How can i say, activated the monster. Ce: Maybe. Cr: He may have been hurt, some of these zombies hurt him. He ran… L: No, but we have a record of his procedure. He started the electroshock therapy, he should have ended it, But he stood in the room for much longer. And... when the
nurse went to check on him, It was probably when everything went wrong. We found the paper in the room next door, so the blood zombie we killed, probably was the nurse. And Dr. Verruckt’s body was inside with his coat. And the beast was probably Dr. Verruckt’s experiment. Cr: But who wrote- Who was writing the records was Dr. Verruckt? L: No. Pay attention. “Dr. Verruckt starts preparing for the recovery therapy”. And 8 PM: “time scheduled for the end of the procedure. The screams are still deeper”. So it was someone recording Dr. Verruckt’s experiment for him. (Cr:
Can I see it? Can I read it?) L: Probably the nurse. L: Sure, sure. Calango: While he reads it. (Gabi: I threw it in the screen.) Calango: I want to take a look at the room if... Calango: Nice. (Gabi: Sorry) Calango: ...if Dr. Verruca’s desk has any drawer… GM: Yes, yeah, she already opened it when Liz was searching she opened all the drawers. She picked all documents (Calango: Just a second.) GM: All of them were on the top of the table. Calango: And this side of the room, is it just books? GM: Oh, Liz, you
also found... The key number 4 in the desk. Gabi: Nice, thanks. Cr: Guys, I think that the only person, not mentioned here, that we saw It's nurse Luciene. J: She was probably writing this note. L: And nurse Rosa went to check on the… Ce: But I think you're nitpicking, dude. We need more information. We can't solve this entire mystery without knowing which disease Dr. Verruca was investigating Cr: Sure, sure, sure. (GM: The records were...) Cr: But I want to know who were the zombies. ...about mental illness. A mental illness that he was trying to search-
Create the cure and he was... Injecting and driving people crazy. Maybe. Probably making people mad on purpose, to later try to reverse their condition and killing a lot of people in this procedure. Luis: Okay. Cr: Here, we won't get anywhere if we just stay here, do you want to look for something to open? (Ce: I...) Cr: The gate? Ce: Well, that's the missing piece for us... To end our investigation here, but... I think it's better if we kill those, those... Those zombies. (L: Let's do this firs.t) Ce: Before opening the gate, taking this advantage. That
they can't bite us through the grid. L: Agreed. Cr: Then let's shoot them, we can shoot them. Ce: But we will spend our ammunition, that we could use with the “Static-Shock”. J: I have enough ammunition, I can shoot them all. L: I have enough ammunition too. Ce: Okay. So let's go. (L: But my...) Luba: I'm very excited to shoot them. (GM: You really want it,) L: I'm worried about the loud noise. GM: You really want to shoot. L: My... L: My glock has a silencer, anyone else has a gun with a silencer? J: No Cr:
My fists, my fists make no noise. J: Your fists can end up getting eaten, Mr. Cristopher. (Cr: No...) J: We will shoot them. ...I don't want to punch them. I was just kidding. J: Oh, okay, it was very funny, thanks. (L: Wow!) Cr: Good then. (Cr: Let's go then ) Ce: I giggle like this: L: Joui. J: What? (L: Are you okay?) GM: Joui, check ‘temporary insane’ in your character please, Indefinite insanity, in actuality. Luba: Check what? GM: Indefinite insanity. Luba: Am I insane indefinitely? GM: Yeah! Luba: Where do I check that? (Gabi: In your
sheet) GM: It's below ‘sanity’, a check-mark. Luba: Okay. Calango: Do I have to check it too? GM: Ah, yes. Calango: Shit... GM: Actually, check ‘temporary’, not ‘indefinite’, yours can be just temporary. Calango: Why did I remind you of that... Cr: Let's go? Can we? (L: We can.) Ce: Yeah, yeah. (L: Wow-) GM: Ok, you already- [laughs] GM: Cristopher got there realy fast, then you all arrive and the creature is still doing some: [shock noises] On the floor (L: Ah) GM: And trembling. L: Cesar. Ce: What? L: What do you think of grabbing some electric wires,
in that room that's opened, and you try to connect them to the ones that are exposed here in the... Cr: But wait! Ce: Yeah, that's the idea we had earlier, but first... Let's get rid of those... J: Let's just shoot them! (L: I don't think it's a good idea...) J: We already spent ammunition! ...Make this much of noise. GM: The creatures are trying to reach you through the grid. [growls] Trying to reach you. You three are here, and they are all like... Near the gate, trying to reach you. J: Miss. Liz, we've already done enough
noise. I don't want to argue with you so I’ll just stop talking. Luba: I aim the gun, at one of the zombies. (Cr: Let me...) GM: You have an advantage GM: because you can aim. Cr: Let me out first, boy. Calm down. GM: Go on, you can roll an attack with advantage. Luba: Okay. Where is it… Firearms, okay, I failed. GM: No, you can shoot them more than once. You can... They don't have rounds because they're trapped behind the grid. Luba: Oh, okay. So it's just the damage? GM: No, you can- Can- Let’s see how
many times you have to shoot, to hit all of them. Luba: Oh, OK! GM: But you have an advantage, every shot has an advantage. Luba: Ok, I failed again. GM: You miss two shots and hit the gate, you're really excited. Luba: Ok, and the last one I rolled 7, it was… GM: Extreme? Luba: No! Good, my Extreme is 6. GM: Ok, you can shoot. Luba: OK. GM: You hit one. Luba: OK. And i keep shooting until I hit the other ones. GM: OK. GM: How much ammo you have? Luba: 150. GM: With you? It's impossible
for you, to have 150 bullets in you pockets. (GM: Ok.) Luba: I marked on the sheet that I had- Luba: Ok I- GM: How much you have then? (Luba: AlrightGM: You have... GM: You brought with you... 18 bullets. Luba: OK, I spent 3 then. I stopped, after the third shot. GM: Ok, you took 3 shots and you hit the last one. You can- You can give the damage. Luba: Ok the damage... 1d10 more 1d6. GM: Yes Luba: And then more 3. Luba: OK. I rolled 2 2, is that it? I rolled 2 2… Right? More
3. Isn't it a d10? GM: Yes, you rolled 1d10, then 1d6 and you add 3. Luba: Yeah. (GM: OK.) Luba: But I didn't rolled the 1d6 along. GM: Ok, ok. So it's 4+3… 7. Ok, you hit one of them, you tear off part of its skull… You rolled 7? You... Rip off... Half its face, but just half of its face is. It is still: [growls] (Luba: Ok) GM: But just half of its face. Luba: I look at them. J: Are you just going to stare? Or are you going to shoot them too? Gabi: Ok, I
want to take my gun and aim... At one of them, one that is fine. GM: You can shoot them with an advantage. Cr: Guys, that boy changed, right? Ce: Are you okay, Joui? J: Of course I'm okay, guys. I'm just thinking about our safety. Gabi: I rolled Good. GM: OK. Gabi: My gun's damage is… 1d10 + 1d6 + 3… 8... More 1d6? 8 + 6 14 + 3 GM: 14? Gabi: 14 + 3, 17. GM: You exploded its head. One of them, [explosion noises] you explode its head. It goes flying- No, not flying, you exploded
its skull in the back and it [Falling noises] falls. There's just two of them now, one with half its face and one is fine. (Ce: Why didn't you do it earlier-) J: I need a stronger gun, J: that's it! Ce: Why didn't you do it earlier... L: Do you want a zombie for you too? You can shoot, feel free. Ce: So If someone wants to give me ammo eventually, if I run out of it, because my only talent is shooting, besides throwing cups. But ok, I’ll do it. Calango: I go and aim- Cr: Son, it's
not time for jokes. Ce: Joking about what? I’ll come and shoot this dude over here (Cr: Joking.) GM: Aim... GN: Advantage, and you can shoot. Calango: Advantage, right? GM: Right. Calango: OK. Calango: Ok, I passed… Regular. GM: Ok, how much is the damage? Calango: It was 13... 16. GM: You exploded its head. Now there's just one left with half of its face, but the same as liz, you went to his side and did the same- [PLOW] You hit the same place and exploded the same way. It seemed like you two were copying each other. (Ce:
Did I do it right?) GM: And both of the zombies fall… (Ce: That's how you wanted it?) L: You did it... ...better than I did. GM: And there's just one left with half its face like: [growls] L: Hey, Big Guy, your son is a prodigy, huh? Ce: Oh yeah Cr: I know, I've always been proud of him. (J: Congratulations.) Calango: I laugh a little embarrassed. J: Congratulations, Cesar. Cr: But... Joui... I just met you and you have no idea how proud I am of you. You, boy so young, have been through so much and now
you're here with us. From what you've said, you've been through many other things too, and you’re here handling it. You’re a good boy, amazing, really blessed… Luba: Master, when he says- That I've been through a lot and i- It just gets worse, because I have a clear memory of when my friends died. Ce: fuck... Luba: And I start to get really- I start to get worse, like, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters, I just stay quiet, I bow my head and just, just... Don’t pay attention to what anyone else is saying. Gabi: Okay Gabi: I... L:
Joui. Gabi: I want to stand by his side. L: The last one is yours. Do you want to shoot it like we used to do in training? J: I don't know if I can do it, Miss Liz. I'm not so good right now… L: Let's go. I’ll help you. Like we did in training, let's go. J: OK, ok, ok. L: Ok, I... I’ll stay right behind you giving you instructions and... You shoot, go. J: OK! Luba: Ok, i aim. GM: Go, with an advantage. Luba: I'll shoot then. Calango: I aim… Luba: 18. (GM: Damage?) Luba:
It went… Very Good. Luba: It was 8. GM: You hit the rest of its face, that was left and [pcht] You explode the other side. It falls in a similar way. You just see his body going down without its arms. [melting noises] Falling through... Through the... Grade. Luba: OK. GM: You don't see none of the zombies’ bodies. The three of them are dead in front of the gate. (J: I got a little excited.) Ce: Nice job Joui. Ce: Nice job Joui. GM: The gate is covered with blood now. J: Thanks, Cesar-kun. L: I'm so proud
of having you as my apprentice. Ce: Let's go get the cables? J: Thanks, (L: Let's go.) J: Liz-senpai. Ce: Let's go get the cables then GM: Ok, you all go to the storage and there you find, in the midst of a lot of tools, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers... A black electric cable like this: With loose ends. Calango: Ok, I’ll take it. Ce: Is this the one you wanted? GM: It has about... 2 meters. L: I don't know, sweetheart. You’re the one who knows about it. Ce: No, no, no, let's use this one. L: Okay. Ce: Let's
try it out, I don't guarantee it will work, but we can try. GM: Going back then. You bring the cable and you are now in front of the control panel with the lever. Calango: Ok, before I do it, can I roll a Finding test to see if I see another... Another monster in this room? Like, is it dark enough, that I don't see anything- GM: The fog is very dense. You don't know where those two came from either, you thought there was just one, the other two appeared by surprise. You can roll a Finding test
to see if you find anything else. Ce: I rolled... 46... I think i passed. (GM: If it was success...) Calango: Let me see... Calango: It was.... I passed, but it with Regular success. Regular... GM: Right. In your regular success, you... You don't see anything in this room, that seems to be moving. But the fog is very strong near the ground. Calango: Okay. (GM: By the way, the bodies...) Calango: So I'll just come in. ...of those zombies disappeared in the mist. Calango: Geez… Okay. L: Will you connect those cables there? Ce: Yes, I will. Calango: I’ll
do it. (L: Come here, Joui.) GM: Roll an... (L: Let's keep our positions.) GM: Electronics. (J: Okay.) Calango: What? Electronics? GM: What exactly do you want to do? Calango: I want to put the cable in the shock guy there, I don't know, in his head. (Calango: And...) L: Geez, put it in the panel first. Ce: Why? Does that make any difference? L: Yes, because... The power will be passing through the cable, and you'll have to install it, with the energy passing through. (L: It will burn your finge.r) Ce: Damn, but my cable has- Ce: What
do you mean? The outside doesn't shock. J: Cesar-kun, technically Liz-senpai is right, because you have always to plug it in the... (Ce: No, no i knew...) J: Power plug after- ...I knew it, I was just testing you, You passed the test, let's go. J: Okay. (J: Just to remind you.) GM: Roll a “lying” test. (Calango: What?) GM: Roll a Fast Talk check. Calango: Wow, I rolled a 9. GM: You believe that he was joking. You really think he was joking. Gabi: Okay. J: Ooh, Cesar-kun is smart. L: He's way too smart, to think that he
should put the cable in the creature first. Cr: My son is really frisky, right? Calango: Then I put the... Calango: Then I put the cable in the panel, and the other... End in the 'Static-Shock's' head. GM: Okay. You start to touch the panel, roll another eletronics test for me please, of electric stuff. Electronic devices. Calango: I have ‘electronics”. Calango: Yeah, I passed. I had... 24, I had regular success. GM: You see that there are... Areas with... Where you can put the wires, that are bare and... Connect the negatives to the negatives. You put it correctly.
But you see that you need, some piece in the middle, to connect these two sources of electricity that are missing. Clearly there's... some kind of fuse, something, that is missing there. But, you can put those wires through the outside, and they seem to fit properly. It seems that this cable was fit for this work. Calango: Yeah. but nothing happened, right? Something's missing? GM: You put it... You put the other end on the monster, you wait for a bit and it [tzz]. And you see that the panel reacts like [tzz], and it sparks, but nothing happens.
Ce: Well, guys, we'll need another thing here. I tried to do.... An energy theft to see if I could... Open the gate without its last missing part, but apparently a fuse is missing, something that would give the driving force to contain the gear that's in the outside gate... The inside of the room, I mean. L: Holy shit, we could’ve screamed for Thiago to buy a fuse. Ce: But how would he give it to us? L: I don't know, he's strong he could pull the rocks (Cr: If, if...) ...if... ...we all try to pull the rocks
together. Ce: Isn't it easier if we just search for the fuse? J: Guys, weren't you in a room full of electric stuff? Did you look for that in the room? Ce: I looked on the table, I didn't think that anything else would be in the room. But we can (Ce: look for it) J: Maybe... ...the fuse is the same on that chair I don't know, after all... (Calango: Is...) ...Is there any sign that someone punched the panel or is it intact? GM: It's… it's not damaged, it seems... It's very old and rusty, it's at least
50 years old, but it still seems technically functional. There's nothing- Calango: Any blood stains near it? GM: There are blood stains everywhere, especially because a creature exploded near it. Nothing specific that broke the panel. Cr: What the boy said is true, there can be a fuse on the chair, it can be the same one. Ce: It can be on the chair or in the storage. Since we already know there's nothing here, we could split up. Two of us go to the storage room and the others go to... the Static-Shock room? Gabi: GM, I have a
question... Is there any place that... Like, the lights were flashing everywhere or is there somewhere with constant energy? GM: No, they were flashing every time- everywhere. The lights were sparking [tzz] and flashing. And they're not doing it anymore. Actually, the one near the Aberrated, the creature, it- When it flashes, the lights flash too. Gabi: Okay. J: I agree with Cesar-kun it seems to be safe for now, so... we can split up so our search is faster. Cr: Boy, what is that “cub” that you say? J: Huh… Cesar-kun? It's just a... just a way to treat
a close friend. Cr: Oh, I get it… So you’re “Joui-cub”? J: Huh, not- “cub”, sir “kun” there's a N in the end. (Cr: 'kun'.) Cr: Okay. I’m going to that room, the storage, is anyone coming with me? L: Isn't it a good idea for us to look for power panels in the walls? Usually there are fuses there. Ce: True. J: Okay, good idea. Ce: Let's look at everything, we can search the rooms and look for power panels, see if we find it. Let's go. Calango: I’ll go to the storage room with my dad. GM: You
split up. Cr: Let's go Luba: Let's go to the room first? J: Liz-Senpai... Gabi: Together, yeah. GM: Cris and Cesar, mute. You arrive in the room, and see this disturbing room. All destroyed. What do you do? Luba: I want to roll a Find to see if I can find the fuse on the chair. GM: Ok, you can roll. Luba: 'kay. Gabi: While he searches for the fuse... (Luba: I failed.) ...can I see something in the walls? Like, some space for an electric panel or something? GM: You notice that the chair is… It's... You don't see
any type of- there are some wires, on the chair there's some ripped leather straps, but you don't see an electric panel. Joui, even failing, you see that on the back of the chair there's just a big panel with lightning drawn on it. Still on the back of the chair. That panel has 4 screws holding it. J: Miss Liz, I think I've found something here. L: Oh, go ahead, sweetheart. J: Maybe if we take one of those screws off, we can find the fuse inside. L: Probably, probably. Gabi: I want to grab my survival knife and
use it on the screws GM: Ok, roll... (Gabi: to open the panel.) ...to see if you can use it as- to unscrew them. The screws are very rusty, the chair is rusty, covered in blood and in the goo that formed the monster. Gabi: Okay I roll for what? GM: Of... Probably Electrical Devices or Survival. Gabi: OK, Survival is better. Let me see… Survival, OK! I passed but with a Good. I mean- Regular. Normal- Regular. GM: You can remove one of the screws. You roll for all of them. Gabi: 25... I passed with a Regular. GM:
Ok you- You've already removed two of the screws. Gabi: Failed. GM: Okay, one last roll for the last screw. Gabi: 31, I passed with a Regular again. GM: You- one of them is really stuck because it's rusty, you can't... unscrew it, but since you removed the other three, you can take the cover and spin it so you can open it. Gabi: Okay. GM: When you do this, you see a lot of wires of all types completely dirty, full of spider webs. There are some bugs living in there, but what draws the most attention is that
all of those wires are connected to a big fuse, that is the same size as the panel. J: Miss Liz, be careful when taking the fuse. isn't it releasing sparks? Gabi: The fuse it.... seems to be... intact like- GM: It's very dirty and rotten and rusty, but it's not broken. Gabi: Is its structure complete? GM: Yeah. Gabi: So I’ll grab it with my hand and take it off. GM: With your hand? Roll Luck, please. Gabi: Wait, let me see how much I have… Oh my god... It'll go so wrong… I failed. GM: When you put
your hand, you hear you feel- [shock noises] from the Aberrated. The lights flash, and you have a bad feeling… You lose… 2 HP, you get shocked [tzz], but you take out the fuse right after you got shocked. You go and [tzz] take it off. Gabi: OK, I lost 2 HP? GM: Yes. J: Miss Liz, are you okay? GM: And your hand is burned L: Ouch ouch ouch ouch. Fuck. J: Is everything- (L: Ouch.) J: Are you alright? L: No. L: No it's not. Holy mother. L: You know when you mom... (J: [blowing]) ...well, you really
shouldn’t. Luba: I keep blowing on her hand. J: [blowing]. L: Glad it was my left. (J: Is it better?) L: No, it didn't. J: Sorry, at least I tried. Gabi: Ow, I'm a doctor, don't I have some healing ointment in my... first aid kit? (GM: Noo.) Gabi: Just an ointment? GM: Roll Luck to see if you have one. Gabi: Gee, but... ...my Luck points are horrible. (GM: Roll a...) ...Roll a Medicine- Roll First Aid. You can use First Aid, see if- Roll a First Aid... (Gabi: Okay.) ...to see if you have an ointment. Gabi: Wait,
1 0 0 is… GM: It's 10. Gabi: Okay, I passed. GM: OK. (Gabi: My First Aid is...) ...75. (GM: You have a healing ointment...) ...and you usei it. (Gabi: 70.) Gabi: Phew, Okay. Gabi: I want to use it on my neck too. GM: So it doesn’t get infected. You use it on the neck too. Gabi: Alright. GM: Joui, you see this and you remember that you have burns too, because of that shock you got in your chest. J: I hate to ask, but may I- use the ointment too, Liz-senpai? L: Right, you got burned too.
You can take the rest. J: Ok, thank you. L: Keep it, keep it. J: Thank you, thank you. Luba: I use it. on everything. (GM: You two...) ...mute now please. Luba: Okay. GM: Hiya! Calango: Damn, 17 months talking, dude. GM: Now you two arrive at the storage Luis: Hey. GM: What do you do? Calango: I will... (Cr: Let's-) ...look for the fuse near where I found the wire. Cr: Son, explain- what does a fuse look like? Explain it to me, so I can search for it too. Ce: Dad, a fuse can be like a cylinder
like… kinda of- it has the size of two cellphones. Search for a black cylinder, it can be a... Ce: There's 4 sides... (Cr: Okay) Cr: Okay, okay, okay. I understand, I understand. Cr: I'll search for it then. GM: Roll Find, both of you. Calango: I think I passed, but with a Regular. No, no, no. Yeah, it was Regular. Luis: I failed. Calango: I got Regular. GM: You start to search for it together, you keep a distance from each other, or do you split up to search? Calango: It's better to split up, right? GM: Okay. GM:
Ah, Cristopher, you find a black cylindrical object, that you believe to be the fuse. Cr: I found it, it's here, son! [screaming] Ce: Let me see... GM: You grab it and see that it’s some kind of metallic tool, that has two holes on each side, but definitely there’s nothing electrical in it. Ce: Dad, that’s not a fuse, it’s not because it’s cylindrical and black, that it’s a fuse. It has to have something written about the voltage maybe, or something, this is just a tool. GM: You notice that if you open it, it’s a screwdriver, but
it was covered. Calango: How compact is it? Does it fit in my pocket? GM: Yes, it does. Calango: Ok, I put it in my pocket then, it may be useful later. (GM: OK) GM: You have a screwdriver now. Calango: OK, let me just put it in my character sheet. GM: Eh... Searching in that storage, you see a hidden box that has a lot of… near where you found the wires, you see a cylinder kind of- probably is a fuse, but it’s all black and seems to be burned. Ce: OK, it’s worth trying, I think we
can try to put this in the panel. This is a fuse, see, dad? Cr: Ohh... Ce: A little different. (Cr: Different.) GM: It’s a glass cylinder, the two ends are metallic and round, you can fit it there. Cr: It’s very beautiful. Ce: OK, fine. In the old clothes, I want to look for a coat, I’m still cold. (GM: OK, you see...) ...some medical coats. All of them are dirty and dusty, but better than the one you’re wearing. Calango: Just medical coats? GM: Yes, just medical coats. Calango: OK, I'll take the screw- (GM: Actually, there are
some...) other clothes, like white shirts and pants, probably for patients. Calango: Okay, will just take another coat. I’ll take my screwdriver and put it in my pockets. GM: You grab the other coat that is also bloodstained, it seems like all of this guy’s coats are. You take the last one left and put it on. Calango: 'kay. Ce: This one is warmer. OK, so let’s go back there. GM: You head back there... (Gabi: Hey, hello) ...When you leave the room, you see in the hall Joui and Liz leaving- the four of you bumping into each other.
Gabi: I didn’t tell you at the time, but I rolled 0 0 1, so I rolled a one. Cr: We found it! [screams] (GM: You rolled a one? But isn’t it-) Gabi: I rolled a one. L: We found it too! [screams] Cr: We just needed to search for it earlier [screams]. L: I got shocked by that fuse, let me use mine… I got shocked, I got really hurt. Ce: Let me see the fuses, I want to compare both of them. L: Here, take it. (GM: Joui was left behind?) Calango: He actually disconnected, someone has to
move him. Luba: No, I’m getting back now. (GM: Oh, OK.) Luba: I don’t know why it keeps cutting off. Gabi: I want to give César my fuse. L: There, sweetheart, do what you want. Hey, Joui. J: Hey. L: Let’s keep guard at the door- At the gate. (J: Okay...) ...I think it’s a good idea. GM: Ok, what now? What do you do? Calango: Me? Oh.. (GM: Yeah.) Gabi: You have two fuses now. GM: You are holding two fuses and you see that one of them seems more complete than the other, that is clearly burned- the
one you got. Calango: The one I got is better? GM: No, the one they got seems to be better. Gabi: Yours is burned. Ce: So, we have two fuses here... Calango: Can I keep the fuse with me? The other one? (GM: You can put it...) ...in the pocket of the coat you took. You see that Cesar is now wearing a new coat, it’s not the same- It’s the same size, but this one is less dirty. he changed coats in that room. L: Hey, what did you do with that coat I gave you? Ce: Gee, I
changed for this one, because it’s warmer. I found this one there, then I changed. L: Oh, I will get it back, I like to wear coats, I’ll be right back. GM: You go, and you see that your coat is thrown in the corner of the room. You take it and wear it. Meanwhile… Cesar? L: Geez, he didn’t even thank me for the gift. Calango: I will put the better fuse in the panel, I’ll try to put it there. J: Truly, Cesar, what a disrespect to miss Liz. Ce: Sorry, I was feeling cold J: OK. GM:
Roll Electronic Devices, please. L: Oops. GM: Or Mechanics. Luis: [laughs] Sorry… GM: What? Calango: I succeeded. Luis: It was zoomed at everyone and Gabi said “oops” and her avatar showed up [laughs]. Gabi: Because I was passing by, I said “oops” because I was passing between you two. GM: You connect the fuse and notice that it really fits. You connect it and it does a [click]. You grab the electric wire and you put it in the Aberrant on the floor. Wait a little bit and it does like [tzz], and you see, that the fuse flashes. It
turns on, but then turns off again. Ce: Wait what- J: It didn’t work? Calango: I can identify the cause of the problem? Is energy lacking or is the fuse not working well? GM: It seemed like for a second, the fuse was working. L: Maybe we need a constant electric current, and the creature only gives energy peaks? Ce: Maybe we can try the other fuse too. L: Have fun. Ce: Let’s see. If it explodes, I will be very sad. I try to change fuses. GM: OK, you take off the fuse. Roll again to put the new
one in. Calango: Damn, but isn’t it the same procedure? GM: No, you’re doing it again. Calango: Aww, I think I Failed, wait- I failed, I failed. GM: Do you want to force it? You feel like you put it, but since it was burned, it didn’t fit as much as the other one. Do you want to force it into the panel? Or do you want to leave it like that and test it? Because it fits, but you can force it to see if you can do better. Calango: What I did worked, but I don’t know, like,
does it fit? (GM: Look, if you force it...) ... you can try to use your skill again to see if you can do it. If you fail, there’s a chance the result will be worse than it would normally be. But, if you succeed, you’ll make it. You always have a second chance when you’re using your skills. If you fail at first, you can force it. Calango: Ok, I won’t force it, I won’t GM: You put the fuse in, you feel that it should probably work like this. You’re connecting two sides, it makes sense for it
to work. Calango: OK. GM: Do you connect the wire? (Ce: Guys, look-) this fuse didn’t fit the way I wanted, we can try to turn on the power to see if it will work, but it can explode or not. I don’t know exactly because it’s quite burned, so no one knows- (L: Cesar, ...) ...did you bring your laptop in your backpack? Ce: Actually I didn’t even bring my backpack, my laptop is in the car. L: Shit, we could use it’s battery. Ce: So what? Should I turn it on? GM: Who’s holding the wire? Gabi: I’m
not, I went out to get my lab coat. Calango: Me, I am holding the wire. GM: OK, so you have to come here to place it. Calango: Okay. Ce: Okay, so what do I do? Do I risk it and put it in there? J: Yes. (Cr: Can be, can be.) Ce: So let’s go. GM: You connect it and wait a few seconds. It- [tzz] it turns on, you look at the fuse, you see that it lights up for a moment and it explodes! Throwing shattered glass in Cris’ direction, who has to roll Dodge. Gabi: I
just didn’t understand the logic in turning this burnt fuse on, but okay. Cr: I Failed. GM: Failed? You lost… you lost 2HP. The shattered glass pass near you face, cutting your skin, one of them pierces your skin, and you have a glass shatter near your eye. right in your scar, there’s a piece of glass that you- L: Joui, you still have that ointment? Cr: Ointment? There’s glass in my face! (GM: …And the burnt pieces of that fuse fall into the ground now) Calango: What? GM: The pieces of that fuse that exploded fall into the ground,
what was left of it, it broke and fell in the ground. Calango: The panel broke too? GM: No, the panel is still okay, just the fuse that had an overcharge and [psh] exploded the glass. Calango: Okay. Cr: It huuurts. Luba: Master, explain it to me again how is this panel- sorry, that grid. GM: It’s a metal panel, that has a big lever above it with some space for a fuse below it. Luba: No, the grid, where the zombies died. GM: The grid… it’s a gate actually, a big gate that has a wheel at the bottom
in… kind of a rail, that clearly is where the gate would be opened. But it’s very resistant and tough, the zombies were trembling like this and weren’t even reaching it, it seems to be very resistant. Luba: I want to roll Find to see if I can maybe find a way- a viaduct… I mean, not viaduct, that thing where the air goes through, those… GM: Air duct? Luba: Duct! That’s it, duct. GM: No, because you feel like this is- you don’t need to search for it because you feel like this was a house, that was reformed
into a Sanatorium. Luba: OK, isn’t there any other way to get there but fixing the panel, right? GM: You can try to look more ahead, in the other places, but what you’re seeing now is just this gate. (Cr: My face hurts.) Ce: I have an idea. L: My dear ones, can’t we just try to pull the lever when there’s an energy peak? Ce: I can try. But what if there’s something inside this super-shock’s corpse that gives more power when there’s a loud noise, maybe. Remember when I punched the locker, and all the lights flashed? What
if we, I don’t know, scream really loud or punch something while the cable is connected, maybe it provides more energy and opens the door? J: Actually this sounds like a really fun idea. L: OK, place the good fuse there. GM: Roll again. Gabi: Take off the wire before. Calango: I Failed. GM: Ok, you put it in and you feel the same ‘click’ as the other time, but after what just happened, you’re not sure, because the panel may have broken somehow. Ce: So, do you guys want to... What if we scream, will it work? L: You
can try to force the fuse so it fits. It’s not well fitted. GM: You can try to force it, you can try. Calango: OK, I’ll force it. GM: Roll the dice. Calango: Please… I Failed. GM: Failed? You fit it, kind of crooked… The wire is bent and you feel like you'll not be able to take it off. Calango: I can’t take it off anymore? GM: No, if you take it, it’ll break. Ce: The panel- (L: Holy shit, my friend.) was already fucked up, a fuse exploded there, so it didn’t fit the same way. I could
only fit it this way, if I try to take it off, the fuse will probably break and we won’t have another. (Cr: Let’s go, I want to scream, ...) ...it hurts! L: Why did the Order let this boy come with us? He can only play video games, how can he be useful in the mission? Ce: I killed 17 monsters until now, how can you call me useless? L: Dude, your only expertise is- (Cr: The only who’s useless here is you,...) that only killed monsters through the grid, and the boy there, who killed the thing and-
J: Guys, let’s not fight, that’s what they want. (Cr: [screams]) L: This electric creature here on the floor is dead because of me, you know? GM: [bzz] The monster shocks again. Ce: I do 17 things, but when I’m not able to- I don’t fit the fuse the way you want I’m useless, okay. Calango: No, okay. I just put the wire in the guy and don’t ask anything else, I get kinda nervous with this situation. J: Guys, you started to fight and shout and he did like [electric sound] again, did you see it? Yell more, fight
more! Cr: Shut up kid [screaming] J: Ah! GM: Nothing happens. Cr: Sorry, sorry! (Calango: Nothing?) J: It didn’t work. Cr: I was just testing to see if it worked, sorry Calango: I will run and punch the cabinet. GM: Ok, you run to the cabinet, you punch it [punch sound], you punch it, roll Strength please. Luis: If the boy breaks his hand punching the cabinet, I will get angry- Calango: Geez… Oh, no, I didn’t pass. GM: You didn’t pass? You punched it a little weak like that, you punched the cabinet, it made a noise, nothing happens.
Luis: I take him out of there, when he is leaving I- GM: [bzz] the monster shocks again. Luis: I will punch the cabinet very hard, I want to punch it really hard. Try, at least. J: Guys, it made [bzz] again! L: Don’t you think that those power spikes happened when we screamed because he was so angry, wanting to leave the room to kill us and every time he heard us he grew more restless and just- (Luis: Regular.) GM: The punch? Luis: Yes, it was Regular. GM: Ok, you punch the cabinet and [metal sound] you knead
the cabinet and… nothing happens. Gabi: I’ll go to the lever while they do that. Calango: I would try to pull the lever when he has these spasms. GM: But the monster is far from the lever, if you are putting it, you can’t reach the lever at the same time, you need someone else. Calango: Wait, wait, what? GM: Someone has to put the wire in the monster, right? Gabi: And the other one needs to pull the lever. GM: Yeah, you can’t reach the lever, someone else has to be there. You can’t pull- (Gabi: I’m in front
of the lever.) Ce: Liz, excuse me please, you disrespected me, you know? Now I’m kind of upset. L: You destroyed this panel, go put the wire in the monster. J: This was so good, he said “Liz, liz-cuse me”. Ce: Okay, I will just lean against the wall and just not do shit. Cr: Boy, it was funny [laughs]. J: [laughs]. GM: Just to clarify, who’s holding the wire? Calango: I gave it to her. GM: Liz is holding the wire, okay. Gabi: I have the wire and the lever. GM: OK. Calango: You’re not holding it, you’re in
front of the- (GM: [bzz] the creature shocks again) L: Joui, come here, please. J: OK. L: You’re the most helpful person in this group. Ce: Oh my god. L: When I drop the wire in the monster- Ce: The drool is oozing… L: At the first sign of power, you pull the lever, okay? Any sign of electric power. (J: Ok, I got this.) Gabi: Ok, I go to the monster- (Luba: I just ignore Cesar) GM: Okay, how’s the formation? You come here, to the monster. Gabi: Yes. GM: He’s got his hand in the lever, right? Gabi:
Yes. GM: OK, you put the wire, some seconds pass… [bzz]. You see, Joui, the fuse energizing for a while, it shines… do a- Actually, roll Dexterity. Luba: Ah- the dice fell, does it count? GM: No, roll it again. Luba: I rolled Good… GM: Burnt dice. Luba: I got bad- no… yeah, it was bad, bad. GM: You’re looking at Liz, the monster shocks and you’re looking at her, and with the shock you “oh, the lever!” Finally, you see the fuse. It’s shining so bright, and you pull the lever in the last moment. The fuse explodes right
in front of you and the gate starts to move [gate sound] and the big gate moves. But you lose… I mean, roll Dodge, because you took a while to pull the lever, and the fuse exploded because it was crooked. Luba: I passed. GM: Passed? You lose… ...1HP... (Luba: Yes, Regular.) ...You manage to dodge the glass, but you lose some HP. Luba: OK. GM: And the gate finally opens, slowly- Luba: GM, just a question, when I used the ointment,... (GM: You can now see the bodies in front of it.) ...did I recover HP or not? GM:
What? Luba: When I used the ointment, did I restore HP? GM: No, you just prevented it from infecting, in case you didn’t- didn’t treat it for a long time. Luba: OK. J: Oh! GM: But finally the gate opens, (L: Joui!) ...and you can now enter the next room. (J: Yatta!) L: Are you okay, sweetheart? J: That was the least that happened today, thanks for asking! Cr: Be careful when you get in, there can be another zombie. Ce: Okay, I’ll stay behind. (L: Do you want to go ahead, Big Guy?) Cr: I’m going to the left
side, I’m going through here. Gabi: I’ll go to the right side,... (Calango: I’ll go behind him) ...I’ll have to go through the bodies of the zombies. L: My dear ones, let’s keep our voices down here, since the fog is so deep, we need to stick together, stay close. GM: OK, so you get into this big area, you step on the bodies of the zombies, and you hear [stepping on goo] from the remains, the heads that you exploded. And you see that, ahead, there’s a gate similar to this one, but it’s already open, and it leads
to a corridor that goes both ways. L: Stay close, stay close. (Cr: Let’s go...) ...or do you want to look at anything here? There’s no need, right? L: In this place, I think it’s better not to. Ce: To find something with this fog will be complicated. GM: So you just keep walking. What’s the formation again? Just to- just to know exactly. (Calango: I’m behind my dad.) GM: There can only be three people huddled together. Luba: I’m- OK, so I’m by Liz’s side. GM: When you pass through the gate, you go slowly, you see, waiting for
you to arrive, another one of those red beastly creatures. Another blood zombie with a big mouth, and it- as soon as you enter his field of vision, he attacks who’s closer to him, which in this case is Joui. Let me just place him here. (Luba: It’s me, of course) GM: One more... Let's go. Luba: He was on the wall? GM: No, no, he was down here. Luba: Oh, OK. [laughs] GM: He shows up here. Luba: OK. GM: And as soon as you arrive, you look quickly [growls] and it jumps towards you. Luba: OK. GM: You
can roll Dexterity, since you- since it wasn’t a surprise attack, because you were already being careful, walking slowly. (Luba: Yes...) ...I am- look, I’m always with my gun in hand now, I’ve already said that. (GM: Okay, you’re holding your gun.) Luba: Do you want me to roll Dexterity? GM: Yes. Or Dodge or Fight Back. Luba: Can I jump and shoot at the same time? GM: No. Luba: So I’ll fight back. (GM: You can do a move to...) ...dodge and jump back. Luba: OK, so I’ll- I’ll do it then, I’ll dodge. GM: Ok, let’s see… it
tries to attack you and he jumps on you with its claws- Luba: I Failed. GM: Failed? Ok, it… it jumps on you and tries to cut you with its claws and you lose 1HP. You still manage to dodge a little but he… grabs you and scratches near your chest,... (J: Ouch!) where it was already hurting. GM: It [growl]. And it’s ready to attack again. Now, roll Initiative everyone. In order of success, let’s go, starting with... (Cr: Failed.) extreme. (Gabi: Mine was…) Calango: No. Luba: Mine was good- regular, it was regular. Gabi: Mine was regular, too.
GM: Okay, good? Who got good? Calango: No one, I think. GM: Okay, regular? Gabi: Regular Calango: Mine was regular too. GM: Okay, so tell me in order of who has the highest dexterity. Calango: I think it’s Liz. Gabi: I have 75. (GM: Liz, César…) Luba: 55. GM: OK,, so... Joui and the last one is Cristopher, OK. GM: OK, so now it's Liz. (Luba: So i'm the last one..) GM: The monster attacks Joui, it jumps back and as soon as it does that it’s- it leaves some space for Liz to attack, and she’s already with her
gun in hands. Gabi: OK, it’s right in front of me, right? GM: Yes. Gabi: I want to shoot it in the head with my deagle. GM: You can use one round to aim at his head, there’s no guarantee that you’ll hit it in the head. Gabi: No, I want to shoot it now. Do I have any advantage for being at point-blank? GM: You have a bonus dice, yes. Gabi: Perfect. GM: …Your advantage for being at point-blank. Gabi: I got 49, it was regular. GM: OK, how much is the damage? Gabi: The deagle is 1d10… The
d6 + 3. OK. Holy mother, seven... three, 10. Plus three, 13. Do I have any other advantages for being close? GM: No. 13? Okay. Gabi: 13. GM: You hit it, but not in the head, you hit it near its jaw, when it gets down [GROWLS] it bites- it opens its mouth and you hit in the bottom of its mouth and burst a little bit of its chin, but it’s fine. Now it’s Cesar’s turn. Calango: OK, eh… GM: You’re behind them, you don’t have direct access to the creature GM: You get a penalty if you shoot-
What? (Calango: But can I see it and aim?) Calango: Can I see it and aim? GM: You can aim, yes. If you use your aim , your round will be normal, because you already have the penalty. Calango: OK… I’ll step back actually, a little, not much; I’ll come here and aim. GM: OK, you begin to aim… You see Joui going back, Liz is already shooting the creature’s jaw and you’re trying to focus. GM: Now it’s… Joui. Yes Calango: In the head, in the head… Luba: OK, since I’m holding my gun, I’m going to shoot too,
without spending one round aiming. GM: Nice, go./Luba: OK. GM: You have one advantage for being close. Luba: Fire weapons, right? GM: …Or if you want to shoot straight into the head, you lose your advantage. Luba: I’ll try to hit its head then. GM: OK, you lose the advantage. Luba: Okay, Fire weapons, right? GM: Yes. Luba: Geez, I failed GM: OK. Scared, you turn and [GUNSHOT], you shoot and the shot hits the floor, you don't hit it. Now it’s Cristopher’s turn. Luis: Isn’t it the monster’s turn? GM: No. Luis: Damn, first time. It’s- it can’t bite
me, right? GM: It can, it just got shot but it didn’t lose its jaw. Luis: It didn’t lose its jaw. GM: No. Luis: Dude, I’ll try… to punch it like, up to down, in its head. GM: OK, you come here, and you can punch it. Luis: OK. I got regular success GM: OK… You hit it. Damage? Luis: It was… five. GM: You close your hands, you punch it so hard [PLOW], you feel like you smashed its skull. Its head kind of sank, it [growls] you hear it squealing like [squeal]. It’s really hurt. Now it is
its turn. It turns to attack and tries to scratch Cristopher, who just hit it. Luis: I have to dodge, right? GM: Yes, roll it. Luis: Can I fight back? (GM: You can fight back if you want to.) Luis: I want to do a fight back. GM: OK, roll the dice twice and tell me the results. Luis: For…? GM: He scratches Cris twice. It’s Fighting, Fighting. Luis: Fighting? GM: Yes. Luis: Geez, dude... Luis: I got 100 in the first one, let’s see the second one. GM: You got 100? Luis: In the first one, but I can
roll it again. (Luba: 100?) GM: It’s a disaster. Luis: But I can roll it twice, I can get a better value. (GM: OK, roll it again.) Gabi: No, but you take the first scratch. GM: Yes, you take the first one. Luba: My God, he’ll lose an arm. (Luis: Oh my God…) ...God is good! Luis: I got… for Fighting? GM: How much? GM: Yeah, Luis: Where’s it? Gee… Ah, here, I got good. GM: OK, so the first scratch… You smash its head and it takes advantage of it- it’s like [scratch sound]. It tries to scratch your
back and it hits your arm. You lose 1HP. It rips your arm but not so deep, and as soon as it scratches your arm, it tries to do it again, you felt- and when its arm passed near you- You have the chance to hit it with your elbow. How much is the damage? Luis: OK... wait... Five, again. GM: Five? You smash even more that hole that it already had and you feel your- your elbow sinking [sound of goop being smashed]. You hear a sound similar to jelly and [PSITCH] explodes a lot of red goop and
it-. And you... ...you look down and there’s nothing left of its head, you smashed it with your elbow. Gabi: Woooow… (Luba: Ooh-) GM: And it falls…dead on the floor. (Calango: Damn...) J: Mr. Cristopher, that was very cool. L: That was very cool. Cr: Son of a bitch. (J: Huh-) L: The best part is that while he destroyed it, Cesar spent all this time aiming. Ce: Huh, what did you want me to do from over here? Y’all were in front of me. L: No, it’s okay, it’s just that your dad is very cool too. J: Ah,
Mr. Cristopher, can you please pose to the picture by its side? Cr: Just this time… (Ce: Another picture, you’re all fucked up.) J: But it was so cool, your dad is so cool. (Ce: Indeed...) Cr: Take it already, boy. J: I already took it, OK, OK... GM: Do a Photography test to see what the photo looks like. Luis: Me? Or him? GM: Test of Wisdom, test of Wisdom, go… Luba: I didn’t even know there was photography- OK, wisdom? GM: I think there’s Photography on “arts and crafts". (Gabi: There is.) Luis: But it's him or me?
GM: No, him, him, him. Luba: Me, me. GM; Do an Appearance test, Cristopher, to see how you looked in the picture. Luba: Dude, I got… I have 45, I got exactly 45. GM: OK, you took a good picture, you took an “OK” picture, like, you took a “oh, cool, I can post it on Instagram” picture. Luis: [laughing] I got 100. GM: Cristopher prepared himself, He is… so crooked. Luba: Like, he’s so blurry, you know, the monster is perfect- GM: No, you can see him because the picture was well taken, but he’s geez… All fucked up,
like, his face is crooked. Luis: Surreal, dude. GM: Doing a “shaka sign"… How are you in the picture, Cris? You can narrate it yourself, you can describe how this photo turned out. Gabi: So good. Luba: Damn. GM: Okay, the creature is still and you can now see the long corridor, and there's only a window on the end of it, and… a door that apparently- You didn’t look on the other side. Maybe there was a door there before, that led to that therapy section, but now it’s covered, probably some type of renovation in the house, in
order to not give the patients direct access to the therapy section. On the other side there’s just a long corridor that goes on to the end and there’s a big entrance at one side, and also a big panel at it’s side, but the gate is already open. Gabi: And… I can try to- now that Joui has low HP, can I try to use First Aid on him? GM: You can- wait, did he lose more than 6HP at once? Luba: No. Gabi: Not at once. GM: You can try to use first aid to recover 1HP. Gabi:
OK. Luba: I have 4HP left. Gabi: OK, I’ll use First Aid. (Calango: Four, huh, gee.) Gabi: 39, I got… good. GM: OK. Joui restores 1HP. J: Ah… Luis: I want to use First Aid in myself. J: Thanks, Liz-senpai. GM: You can, but with a penalty. I’ll let you do it with a penalty. And remember that – our rule – you have a Medicine roll, each one of you, that you can use to restore 1d3 in general. Luis: I failed… GM: It's one per day. Ah, you failed? You all see Cristopher trying to, like, do some
kind of bandage, but he’s shaking, like, he’s all fucked up. And he actually stops the blood since he has some experience, but it’s- it’s weird, he’s better at getting hit than healing. Gabi: Can I help him too? GM: You can do a test of… (Luba: Yeah.) GM: No, no, it has to be someone else. Luba: Uh… I’ll try to help then. Luba: I felt bad for him. J: Mr- Mr. Cristopher. Calango: Am I still insane? Cr: Hi, boy… J: Let me- let me help you. Luba: Can I- Cr: I can’t do it! I know how
to do it, but I can’t! J: Uh, daijobu, daijobu. I’ll help you. Luba: I failed. GM: How- What did you try to do and how did you fail? Luba: I tried to help him make a bandage, but I don’t know, the bandage [laugh] I dropped it and I slapped him in the face, unintentionally, like- GM: [laughs] OK! Luba: I dropped it, you know. Cr: Boy, what the fuck! J: Ah! Gomen, gomen. Sorry, Mr. Cristopher, I’m a little nervous too. GM: Uh, OK. Gabi: The group’s doctor sees this and just walks away. GM: Can you all
do a Listen test for me please? Luba: OK. Gabi: And… DAMN, I GOT 2. (Luis: Failed.) Luba: Failed. Calango: Listen? GM: Yeah. Gabi: Damn. (Calango: Oops...) Calango: Very good. Cr: Listen to my heartbeat from far away, can you? Calango: Actually, good. I got good. GM: Okay. You hear knocks coming from… from the opposite side of where the zombie was. In the bottom of the corridor, here, where there was that big entrance, you hear a lot of knocks of- in the- maybe in a metal door [knocking sounds] L: Hmmm. GM: Echoing through the corridors. Ce: Yeah,
there’s someone else here, huh. L: Let’s- Ce: Let me go ahead, oh, Miss. Liz, because… since I’m useless, I can at least take a bite for you, you know. L: Geez… Ce: Let’s go, I’m walking. Gabi: I’m right behind him. Luis: I say: Cr: SON, SON, SON! Ce: What? Cr: YOU’RE NOT GOING AHEAD OF US. Gabi: I’m now feeling a little- Cr: YOU’RE NOT GOING AHEAD OF US. Ce: I’m the only one who’s not hurt. Cr: I DON’T CARE, I’M YOUR FATHER. YOU’RE NOT GOING AHEAD. J: Shh, okay, he got it, just don’t shout, Mr.
Cristopher. Sorry for the slap, by the way. Cr: Don’t worry, boy. J: OK. Calango: OK, then I’ll go in the middle. GM: When you arrive, then… GM: In this corridor, you see- Eh… going straight into this corridor, on the other side, that same door you saw in the beginning, when you arrived. Thiago is not here anymore. And… that door with a grid had a deep fog, the fog- on the other side, you were not able to see anything, but now that you’re inside the fog you can, you know how the fog works. There are some
numbered doors, made of metal, with the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, but the door number four, the fourth cell, is open. J: Ahh. L: My dear ones, I- I have the keys here. I think… Ah, and I think I have the key that opens that gate. Remember that key we found near the electric chair? It seems to be the gate key, I think. It's a metal key. Gabi: Is the gate made of metal, Master? GM: Yes. L: So… it may be. Cr: Do you want to open the gate first? Because if anything
happens, we have an escape route. Gabi: And... Which one of them is the door four? GM: The one in the middle, on the bottom. The top ones are odd and bottom ones are even. (Gabi: So… we’ll have to pass in front of it) From the- from where you are: 1 on the top, 2 on the bottom, 3 on the top, 4 on the bottom, 5 on the top, 6 on the bottom. L: I… I think it’s dangerous to pass in front of the cell four, since it’s open. We have to be prepared for whatever’s inside.
GM: You hear it coming from the cell that is right- right at Cristopher’s side, the cell at his right side [knocking sounds] something knocking at the door, but not so hard, it seems like it’s just… a person knocking. Ce: Okay, can’t we- Let’s go near it, let’s see what is this sound and at least try to walk a little more. L: Hmmm. Cr: What- GM: All the doors are locked, you can’t see what‘s inside. (L: What do you think-) Gabi: Okay. Calango: Ah, we can’t? GM: No. They are metal doors, closed. L: Let’s see the
4th first. Cr: IS ANYONE THERE? J: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no GM: [loud knocking sound] And when you say this, you hear from the door behind you [knocking sound] as if something had knocked on the door. J: Oh no, no, no, no, no. L: Shh! Cr: There’s no human, I wanted to see if there was any human, guys. L: [Whispering] Cristopher… shhh. Cr: Let’s- Let’s see the fourth door. J: No, no, no, no, no. Ce: We have to go somewhere. Do you want to try to open the gate first so we
can escape at least in case of- L: No, but that’s exactly the problem, the door four is open, we’ll have to pass in front of it anyway. Cr: Okay let’s do this… Ce: Oh, true. Cr: Let’s not… get too close. Come here and let’s see it from afar, so there’s no problem. L: Okay. GM: When you go near one of the doors… yeah, you see that one side has space for a record and… on the door number 1, sorry, let me just- I forgot to narrate this, because I just saw the note now, I’m stupid.
And… on the door number 1, there were… Calango: The records. GM: Just the num- written “patient 32” and below, eh… a note from a nurse “babbles about someone called Ellen” Gabi: Ellen… GM: On the door two, you’re passing in front of it right now, there’s just… just a note about Patient 91, written “signs of self-cannibalism”. J: Self-cannibalism? Blurgh…' GM: You, arriving at cell number four. Will you pass in front of it? Luis: I’m already in front of it. GM: OK. Gabi: We're kinda far from the door. Luis: Looking from afar. GM: The cell- the door
is open to the outside of the corridor, not to the inside. And… so the record would be on the other side, but when- Who sees it first? What’s inside? Luis: Me. GM: OK, you see it, then. Gabi: I’ll be right behind him. GM: You walk… and when you arrive in the cell you see… nothing. Just an empty cell, with bloodstains and… some papers- toilet papers and some random papers thrown on the floor. Luis: I get in to get the record. (Gabi: Wait-) J: Hey! Be careful, Mr. Cristopher. GM: No, the record is on the other
side of the door. Cr: Let me get the record! GM: You would have to turn around here. Then you get it. Yeah, then you find… ah, patient 71's record and the note “the patient claims to be infected and scratches his stomach a lot”. J: Uh oh… guys, I think we found our… Cr: Here, here, 71! J: Our patient 71’s file. Luis: I give it to them. L: Hmm… The patient 71 is the monster we killed, right? J: Probably. Ce: No… I don’t know, I don’t know. L: He used to complain about his stomach. His stomach
had a big hole, which he used to throw electric balls from, I believe he was patient 71. J: Me too. L: Al- Also the record we found there, before, was about the patient 71 and the doctor was doing tests with the patient 71, then they went wrong and he died. Ce: Makes sense, makes sense J: Okay, one thing I’m worried about: What if inside this place there are the exact same creatures? But as time went by, they transformed into that? L: I don’t think so… that sound we heard before was really loud. The knocks we’re
hearing now are… calmer. Cr: Don’t you think it’s better to read all the records now? L: Please. J: OK. GM: OK. Which one now? Gabi: The one on the bot- (Luis: The third one.) Gabi: To- to the one at this side, the third. GM: You get the record, the patient three- sorry, the cell number three. Ah, the patient is marked as “Patient ??” and there’s nothing about them. Gabi: Hmm… OK. Calango: Okay. Luba: I… wait, I want to put my ear there to see if I hear something. GM: Do a Listen test. Luba: OK, failed.
GM: You put your ear there and you hear, maybe, what seems to be a melody, or you don’t know or if you imagined it because- because of what you’ve just been through. But it doesn’t seem- as if there was a music box playing in there. J: Uh- uh… Guys, I don’t know, it looks like- (GM: Do a sanity test.) Luba: Sanity test? GM: Yeah. Luba: I failed, obviously. Calango: Gee… GM: This melody echoes in your head, you… you hear it and it… you just hear, hear… (J: Uh, is-) GM: You feel like this melody is
playing inside your head now. J: Can anyone else hear this song? GM: No one hears anything. Cr: I didn’t hear anything. Ce: No… J: Uh… I must be going crazy. Cr: Wait, let me see something. Luis: I go in front of the door and I knock on it, like this [knock] GM: OK. Silence… Cr: It’s weird, every other cell has something. If you knock, if you talk, it makes some kind of noise back. Ce: We can come back afterwards and look cell by cell, let’s see the records first, then we start to look into every
cell, depending on the situation. L: Let’s see the fifth cell, here, look. GM: You arrive in the cell number 5 and you see this record. Gabi: Wait, I have to spin it. L: Eh… does anyone want to read it? GM: Who’s reading? Wait, let me see who’s ahead. Uh- Cristopher is reading. Cr: Here, uh… Patients 21 and 22. Patients, mom and daught- huh, they must be the children- the mom and daughter of that guy there, the doctor. L: Read it, read the record. Cr: "They are obsessed with spirals. Kept whispering and drawing words like: “the
five guardians”, “the Cradle”, “the endless maze”, “our Holy One”, besides the same drawing, non-stop. If separated, they scream until they are together again." Guys, they were crazy. Look at this! GM: He gives it to Liz, who’s closer to him. Ce: Read it. L: “If separated, they screamed until they were together again”. Hmm, maybe these were the screams they said they used to hear at night? “The doctor told us to give them books and writing tools, so they wouldn’t use their own blood as ink. They used to walk in circles and didn’t show interest in eating
or sleeping. Dr. Ver- Verruckt told us to force-feed them! They’re getting malnourished! If they stick to each other, you can use force. The patients were family members of our former employee, Dr. Virgulino, who sent his resignation letter in 1917”. Hmm… we have a great place to look for files, huh? Ce: Yeah. Cr: Before that, let’s just see up here, this other spot over here... Cell 6. L: Feel free. GM: You can put it on your cards, cell 6 doesn’t have any record. Ce: Did we look on cell 2? Cr: We did. L: We did. L:
The one who practiced self-cannibalism Ce: OK, do you want to take a look inside cell 4, that is the only one we know there’s nothing in? J: I think that is a terrible idea. Gabi: Master, I want to come here and try to use that metal key. GM: OK, you go near the door and you see that the key fits perfectly on the lock and you unlock it and hear a loud [unlock sound] and you open it. Gabi: OK, I’ll leave it open. GM: OK, you open it but like [creaking door sound]. It’s very rusty,
but you open it. Cr: If we hadn’t told Thiago to leave, he would be here now Calango: How much time passed? Since we told him to go? GM: About 25 minutes. Calango: Fuck… OK Ce: OK, I think we should look inside the cell 4, since we know that there’s nothing in there, maybe we’ll find something. J: I won’t get in cell 4. Gabi: I’ll go with César. GM: OK. GM: You get in. The room stinks,- (J: Miss. Liz, be careful) GM: -smells like feces, urine... There’s some blood but nothing so visible. And the bed is
a mess. Calango: OK and… Is this just figurative? Are there papers on the floor or not? GM: It’s figurative, there’s nothing. Calango: What about the desk? Cr: Guys, did you find something in there? GM: There’s no desk, just a bed and a hole for needs. Gabi: Isn’t there any drawing in the wall, something we didn’t see, nothing? GM: Nothing. Gabi: OK. GM: There are scratches in the wall that he probably did when he was crazy, but nothing discernable. Ce: OK, so let’s go… Yeah, there was nothing in there. L: OK, sweethearts. Ce: We have the
key to all the cells Cr: Let’s- let’s open the key- the cell 5, this one. I think it’s where we can find more answers. Ce: Yeah, indeed. Gabi: I’ll give Cristopher the key. Luis: I take the key and open the door. GM: She gives you the key five. It fits perfectly, you [unlock sound] you hear it unlocking. Luis: I push the door to open it. GM: You start to push the door and you- you open it and you see a weird creature. First, do a Sanity test, everyone who can see it. Luíi: I failed. Calango:
Aw man, I think I narrowly failed dude, shit! Gabi: I passed. GM: What you see crawling on the floor- (Luba: Ugh, I failed.) GM: -is a black form covered with a gray transparent layer, it keeps crawling and you hear a sound [Growls] while it moves slowly. It looks like a giant black maggot. It covers the floor with a black sludge. Throughout the cell is the same spiral symbol drawn over and over again, several times and you recognize that symbol as the same that was burned on the forehead of the victim of the esoterrorists. This maggot
has a mouth full of very sharp teeth, but looking closer, you notice that it’s not a maggot, but two people that have been merged, the mouth is actually their heads that opened and grew teeth. It’s moving slowly. Calango: Is it coming towards us? GM: Sanity test everyone, tell me the result, please Luba and Calango: I failed. Luis: I failed. Gabi: I got good. Calango: We have to get more than our current sanity, right? GM: Yeah. Calango: OK, I failed. Luba: You have to get more? It's less, sorry. Calango: Less, right, sorry, less GM: OK, those
who failed lose 5 sanity points, and everyone who failed has gone mad and those who didn’t fail, lose 1. It’s an aberration, those two people merged in this black sludge is terrifying J: Not again… GM: About your madness crisis, Let’s go everyone, roll a D10 please. Gabi: Everyone? GM: Yeah. Calango: I got 7. Gabi: I got 5. Luba: 0. Luis: I got 1. GM: No, no, everyone who failed. Gabi: Oh, OK. GM: OK, César, you start to feel a terrible fear, you really want to get out, you desperately want to run away in panic. Joui,
what did you get? Luba: 0. GM: 0? You now have another mania [laughs] Cristopher? Luis: I got 1. GM: 1? Do a Wisdom test for me. Luis: I passed, regular GM: You passed? Sadly, you will not recover the points you lost, and you will remember this forever. If you had failed, you would repress this memory and you wouldn’t remember it, but since you passed you will remember it and you will lose your sanity points. About your mania, Joui, roll a d100. Luis: Wait, so I lose 5 sanity points for the rest? From my total… I
lost 5? GM: Yes, you lost 5, you took that damage. Luba: 23. GM: 23? OK. You now have catapedamania, you’re obsessed with jumping from high places. Which makes a lot of sense. (Gabi: Holy shit.) Calango: OK, I see this maggot and- Ce: DUDE OH MY GOD WHAT- GM: It moves slowly like this, it starts to- you open the door and it starts to turn to you and crawl in your direction Gabi: Is it still far away from the door? GM: It’s far away, it was inside the cell. Gabi: OK, I see everyone going crazy and
I pull the door to close it. Calango: OK, I go crazy and: Ce: OH MY GOD? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE FUCK. Calango: I run up here. GM: OK, perfect. Gabi: I want to pull the door. GM: You can close it. Gabi: OK, I’ll close it then. GM: You close it. The next round would be... it was César, Liz, now it's Joui. Luba: OK, I’m- (GM: You had a madness crisis) Luba: Madness crisis, right, what do I do? You will control me, won’t you? GM: I’ll let you do it now, because it’s not a battle,
it’s just a RP. Luba: OK, I’ll fall back, I’ll push myself to… to the wall behind me and I lean my back and I slide down slowly. And I sit on the floor. GM: Shocked? OK. Luba: Yeah, shocked, I’m absolutely paralyzed (GM: What about Cristopher?) GM: That’s the most terrifying thing you have ever seen, maybe not Liz, because she has already seen something worse because of a friend of hers, but the rest of you, visually it’s a terrible aberration, terrible, terrible. Recognizing those people was terrifying to you. Cr: Girl, I’ll- L: Cristopher. Cr: Wait, I
need to breathe. Luis: I go to Cesar and hug him from behind. Calango: I’m crouching like L, with my hands in my hair, grunting like this. Ce: [gasping] Luis: So I’ll sit next to him and I kind of… I put my hand on his knee, my left hand. And I look at him. Motionless. L: Cristopher, do you still have the key? Cr: I do. Luis: I give it back to her. Gabi: I take it and lock the door again. L: Uff… Joui? J: What? L: Can you talk? L: Is everything okay? J: Uh, yes- Kinda,
we just saw two merged humans who became a mortal maggot. L: Do you want to do the breathing exercise again? J: Yes, let’s go. (L: Let’s go.) Calango: Amid my madness crisis I take my- GM: It passed, it was just for a moment, just in that round. Calango: OK, anyway, I want to take my wallet and open it to see my mom’s photo that I keep there. GM: OK, do a sanity test, if you fail, you restore one point. Joui too Luba: If I fail I restore one point? Calango: I failed GM: So you restore
one point Luba: Damn, I failed so much GM: You can restore one point too, you have 30 Luis: Extreme fail, 100 Gabi: [Laughs] Luba: I restored one point then GM: Actually I’ll be good. Roll 1d3 to restore sanity, each one of you Luba: Another? GM: Can be, yeah, roll 1d3 Calango: Another? Ok Luba: I got 5, rounds to 4, I got 2, right? Calango: Yeah, I got 2 too GM: Ok, +2 to each one of you J: Liz-senpai, thanks for helping me, I promise to get better on the next missions, I want to make you
and Thiago-senpai proud of me L: Joui, worry less about me and Thiago and more about you. We’re fine, but you have to take care of yourself too, ok? J: Ok, ok, thanks L: You’re welcome Calango: I’m looking at my mom’s picture Cr: Your mom was beautiful Gabi and Luba: [chuckles] Ce: Yeah… Calango: I’m looking at it. Ok, I get up and... look up, breathe a little and that’s it Luba: I get up confident about what Liz told me and I say J: We have to finish what we started, these creatures can’t keep living here, if
we found them someone else can find them too, and the membrane will get even weaker Luba: I get up and walk to the door GM: Ok Luba: I say to the group… J: Let’s prepair ourselfs Ce: Ok, let me… GM: As you know- (Gabi: I’m here, prepared) GM: if you want to prepare to shoot, since you know where it is and the size I’ll let you aim at it one shot each one Gabi and Luba: Ok Calango: I can… Do I still have the temporary insanity? GM: Yes, yes, yes Calango: Ok GM: It will last
until the end of this dungeon Luis: I get up too, turn to him… (L: Cristopher) GM: The insanity is more about the roleplay, so you won’t act as the characters would usually act, you’re shaken Calango: Ok Cr: Let’s go L: Cristopher, I’ll be aiming, I’ll give you the key again, you unlock it and- GM: Cris, you now have- you can check temporary insanity in your checkmark too- Sorry for interrupting you, Liz Gabi: No, it’s okay L: Take the key, Cristopher, and let's go I’ll be aiming Luba: I’ll aim too GM: Ok GM: You unlock the
door (Luba: We are all aiming, right?) GM: Who opens the door then? Luis: Me GM: Ok, you open it, you see that aberration and it’s already a little bit closer, coming crawling [maggot sound] Luis: I step back, when I open the door I get out of their way GM: It’s very slow (Luis: along with the door) GM: It’s very slow. It leaves this black sludge, this black goo behind Luis: I leave them GM: You can shoot if you want to Calango: I want to go in front of them and shoot, dude Luba: Weren’t you aiming?
GM: Everyone was, I think Luba: Ahh, he was already aiming GM: Roll the die Luba: I’ll go first. The normal damage right? No, no, sorry GM: No, you attack with advantage Calango: Ok, I… Ah, with advantage Calango:I got good (Luba: Fuck) Gabi: Oh my God… GM: You can attack, you can give the damage. (Gabi: damn) GM: Cesar’s first shot hits it Calango: The damage is 13HP GM: Ok, you shoot. You hit right in the middle of the mouth, you see [explosion sound] a lot of sludge goes out of it, dirtying the cell and all those
symbols… Luba: I hit it GM: Ok Luba: 14 damage GM: Ok Luba: But I shot twice and the first one missed GM: Ok. Liz? Gabi: I got good Gabi: I gave 16 damage with the deagle (GM: Fine) GM: Ok, you three shoot at the same time. Joui’s first shot misses and the second one hits the maggot. the maggot. You see [shot sound] and [explosion sound] that sludge. The monster exploding everywhere you hit it, and he basically turns into a black goo on the floor and spreads out. Luba: Ok Gabi: Eh… J: It’s over for this
room, now we have to do the same on the other ones L: Check if this thing isn’t coming together again GM: You see this black sludge on the floor… Joui, you feel… you feel... You feel attracted- everyone who failed on the sanity test earlier, you’re feeling… you feel... something weird coming from this sludge, something that probably you need to look closer to understand Luba: Ok, I’ll get closer and- Ce: Joui, are you feeling this too? J: It seems like it wants us to go there L: What are you feeling? J: I don’t know, It looks
like it’s calling us somehow Ce: I Think we need to get closer GM: Not exactly calling you, it’s like… you feel like there’s something else in this goo and you need to get closer to see what it is L: Wait, wait, wait, you- Cr: I feel it too, I feel it, the same thing you’re feeling as if I needed to go there L: Why ain’t I feeling it? J: I don’t know, Liz-senpai, but I think there’s something important in there L: Ok, Only you three are feeling it, so I think it’s safer for me to
go check it J: Ok L: Can you just stay there by the door? J: I think we can Cr: Ok Gabi: I enter the cell then GM: Ok, you enter, you get closer to analyze this sludge. What do you do? Gabi: What’s inside the cell? GM: Just this symbol drawn with blood everywhere, every wall, drawn with feces on one side. The smell is terrible, as if someone... Starved to death, you know? They kept clinging to each other until the end of their lives and kept drawing this symbol non-stop. And there’s this sludge on the floor,
it smells... different than anything you’ve ever seen before, it’s a very specific smell, you’ve never felt something like that Gabi: I want to touch this sludge with my survival knife GM: Ok. You see that it’s… the sludge is still moving. you take it with your knife… What do you want to do? Gabi: I don’t know, I want to keep touching it with the knife to see what happens, like, put some on the top, see how it moves GM: You start to touch it, you feel... Weird… You feel good. Do a sanity test Calango: Only her?
GM: Only her, she’s the only one touching it Gabi: Damn, I failed GM: Ok, you failed? Gabi: Yes GM: You feel like it and you take off your glove and touch this sludge with your finger and start to touch it, drawing spirals with your finger, you restore 1HP. And you start to feel good doing it and you three behind her, you see her doing spirals in it as if she was analyzing it she started analyzing it, she took her glove off and started to touch the black sludge with her fingers Luba: I’ll go after her
GM: Ok, you get closer GM: She’s looking at it curiously touching it and drawing spirals on it (Luba: I’ll do the same) Luba: I’ll do the same GM: Ok, You put your fingers on the sludge and start drawing spirals and you restore… 2HP J: Liz-senpai, are you feeling this? L: I… am… J: It’s a good sensation, isn’t it? Gabi: I’m not in some kind of madness crisis, am I? GM: You’re feeling great L: I feel good but… it doesn’t feel right J: Exactly! GM: You two keep touching it (J: But it’s still good) GM: and
Liz restores more… 2HP and Joui restores more… 2HP Gabi: I want to go away, I want to take my hand off GM: Sanity test Gabi: Or try to take my hand off- I passed GM: Ok, you take your hand off… when you do it you lose all the HP you restored, you were losing sanity, not healing Gabi: The points I restored I lose again GM: You lose it again, and you were actually losing sanity Gabi: Ok, I lose the HP I restored and sanity too (GM: Yeah, exactly) Gabi: Ok GM: You take off your hand
and you notice that that sludge was trying to pull you in, you were feeling so good but when you [fright reaction] you break it, you take your hand of- “WHAT THE FUCK” and you realize that it was pulling you in. Joui keeps drawing spirals on the sludge and he restores +2HP Gabi: I will grab Joui’s shoulder and pull him back GM: Ok, Joui, you lose your HP again and your sanity too Luba: 5, ok GM: 5? You have a madness crisis again and you REALLY want to go back, you really want to touch that sludge
again, it was so good, it was healing you, you were feeling great J: But Liz-senpai, it was so good Gabi: I try to hold him (GM: Do a strength test, Liz, to see if you can hold him) GM: Do a strength test Joui? (J: I’m getting better…) Gabi: Let me see how many strengh points I have Holy shit. J: That’s good, it’s good Gabi: I got good GM: Ok GM: Both got good? Gabi: Yeah Luba: Oh, I have to roll the dice too, right? (GM: Yes) Gabi: Yeah Luba: Okay, sorry, sorry. Uh… strength, right? GM:
Yeah (Gabi: Right) Luba: Ok, I got… Oh, no, strength is here. I got good GM: Ok, you- (Luba: Good) GM: You start to fight, Li- you try, you put your finger on the sludge again. And you heal- actually, you lose sanity… -1 sanity point, you lose one more. And you’re seeing- Cesar and Cristopher are seeing Liz struggling to take him away from this sludge Cr: But why? L: Guys! (Luis: I’ll help her, I’ll pull Joui away) GM: Ok, strength test Calango: Ok Luis: I... passed, regular success Luba: I failed GM: Ok, you pull Joui back,
he is… Joui, sanity test, just to see if you can get out of that trance Luba: I have to do the sanity test with my current sanity, right? GM: Yeah, you have to roll less than your current sanity Luba: Less than 26? Nice… I got 24 GM: Ok, you notice that something was weird, this sludge wasn't doing you any good. It was- it seemed- it was tricking you, it was just an illusion and now you get it Luba: I restore… GM: Nothing Cr: Boy! What were you doing? J: Ah, I- Ce: Guys, what happened? (J:
I don’t know) L: No, no, no, don’t touch the sludge GM: Ah, Joui, how many sanity points you lost in this- in all of this? Luba: Oh, 6 GM: Ok, check that you lost 6 sanity points because of the sludge. Liz, check how many you lost too Gabi: I lost 3 (GM: Ok) Luba: On… paranormal encounter, right? GM: No, no, it’s on… yeah, on your character sheet (Gabi: On the sludge) GM: You lost 6 sanity points for the sludge L: Guys, Cristopher, Cesar Ce: Huh? L: Do not touch the sludge. Under any circumstance, don’t touch
it Gabi: I will go away J: It- it seems to be doing you good, but it drives you crazy L: Doesn’t- doesn’t matter how much it calls you, don’t touch it J: It feels like drugs (Ce: Ok) J: and my body is a temple! I don’t like this kind of thing. J: I feel… dirty (Cr: Uh, boy look) Cr: Stay calm, you’re very- very shaken. Stay calm Stay calm L: The sludge somehow- for some reason- it’s like drugs, it makes you feel good, but it’s actually slowly damaging you Luis: I want to look at it
from far away, see if I find some note, something different than just those marks GM: Uh, you see a lot of papers thrown behind those slimes, all of them with the same symbol drawn Cr: But then it’s hard, because it’s the same thing there L: When- when we touched the sludge. It made us draw the symbol… over and over again J: Oh, that’s what we were drawing, Liz-senpai? L: It was… the symbol J: Huh! Ce: You drew it unconsciously? (L: That’s...) L: ...the same drawing Gabi: Was it unconsciously, Master? (Cr: I don’t know- I don’t
know about you, but I think-) GM: You didn’t start it, You put your finger and started moving it roundly, It was unconsciously because you didn’t know, you were just touching it roundly Cr: Guys, I think it’s better for us to close it, leave it closed and go check the other cells, because it might come back. L: Maybe this sludge can regenerate… L: Well, I agree with closing the door (J: Uh…) Ce: Let’s keep it closed, let’s keep it closed (J: I don’t know) J: Ok Cr: How do you say it? I’d rather… not wait to
see it J: Good Ce: Yeah L: Yes J: Yes GM: You close the door and leave that sludge and it’s almost a relief, because it was so attractive Calango: Because of the relief, one more sanity point… GM: [laughs] Ce: Ok, now what’s next? L: This one near us, above GM: The one next you? The empty one? The one that didn’t have any record, right. You open the door, you unlock it with the key, open it and there’s a mattress with a lot of bloodstains, but it doesn’t seem to have anything inside, no creature Calango: Is
it the same as cell 4? GM: Kind of, yes Gabi: Ok (Calango: Ok) J: Well- Cr: Let’s take a look inside the others Ce: Let’s look inside the other cells Gabi: The mattress is destroyed or just tipped over? GM: Just tipped over Gabi: Ok L: Let’s go? Ce: Let’s go J: Maybe on… the one in front of the number 5, Uh, sorry, the one in front of the number I don’t want to say L: Hmm… the cell 3 was the one with the question marks, (GM: You’re on the cell 3) L: I don’t like this
one Ce: Let’s keep opening the cells carefully, we won’t know anything if we don’t open it. Gabi: Ok, I want to give Cristopher the key for him to open it Luis: I take it and open the door Calango: I’ll be right behind him, aiming, aiming (GM: When you open it-) GM: You open it, you unlock the door- the key of the door that you or- Who heard it before, the door? Calango: Joui (Gabi: Joui) Luba: I heard some music GM: The door that seemed to- you thought you heard a song. You open it and it’s
also empty, but on the wall there’s someone’s silhouette as if- burned, as if someone- just someone’s silhouette that is burned on the wall J: That’s scary, guys… I heard that weird song coming from this cell Ce: Do you still hear it? J: No… not anymore, but- (GM: No) Luis: I enter the cell… try to see if I find something different J: Mr. Cristopher, be careful (GM: You didn’t see anything, the only thing is that shadow) GM: as if somehow, the wall had been burned, someone used a flamethrower just in the shape of a person, as
if someone has [spray sound] printed it on the wall, you know? Calango: There’s anything else like- is there something burned? Calango: Is the bed sheet burned? (GM: No, just the silhouette) Gabi: I want to touch it, with my gloved hand GM: The wall is burned, there are ashes Gabi: Hmm… ok GM: You pass and you... (Cr: Let’s see another one) GM: ...take off the layer and it’s really clean behind it J: Well, there’s just two cells left now Ce: The ones that made noises GM: Yes. Occasionally, you still hear a [pounding sound] coming from above
Cr: Let’s see cell 1 first… (J: Oops) Luba: Uh… I stay behind them aiming too, aiming at the door GM: Ok, you open it? Cr: I don’t have the key. Where’s the key, girl? L: Oop, here Cr: Thanks Calango: I’m aiming GM: When you unlock it and start pulling it you see that there’s a creature inside, another one of those humanoid zombies, it’s skinny and behind it there’s a big pentagram drawn and it comes to attack you. There are something written, but you cannot see it well and it comes- comes to attack you, but all
of you can attack before Luba: Ok Luis: Since I’m on their way, I’ll just step back Luis: I step back a little and let them do their work (GM: Ok) GM: You were already aiming too, because you were expecting something, GM: so you have advantage against it (Calango: I’ll shoot) GM: Before it (Gabi: Ok, I…) Calango: Damn! (Gabi: Ok, I’ll shoot too-) Calango: I got 9, but I’ll roll it again Gabi: Gee, I have 90 and I failed GM: Ok- Even with the advantage? Gabi: Oh, I have advantage (Calango: Mine was extreme) Gabi: Ok, wait-
no, now I hit him Calango: When I get extreme success, do I have any extra damage or not? GM: No- Uh, extreme… only if you get 1 GM: If you get the maximum damage (Calango: Oh, I got 9) Gabi: Dude, I think I got the- I think I got the highest damage I can get with this gun Calango: Oh, I didn’t roll the dice for the damage, sorry Gabi: I took 18 damage with the deagle GM: Before you could hit it with your shot, Liz’s shot [gunshot sound] explodes the zombie, it falls back. It didn’t
even had the chance to fight, poor thing Luba: Ok Cr: The girl is professional just like you, son! (GM: It falls) GM: I’ve never seen so many heads exploding on the same place, man Gabi: I think I need- I need to recharge the deagle, I think J: Uh, congratulations, Miss. Liz. I didn’t even spend ammo this time Gabi: I had 7 ammunition, I already spent 5… (Cr: You’re doing great today, huh?) Gabi: Ok, I still have 2 bullets GM: When you- now that you destroyed this zombie, some of his blood stained that pentagram, but there’s
a- he wrote it with blood on the wall a message: “Gods of death eat apples” under the pentagram Calango: Ahahah no, no way Luba: So otaku, so weeb Gabi: Oh my God… GM: This record belonged to someone who was saying a lot of things about someone named Ellen Calango: Wait, y’all talked at the same time, I didn’t understand GM: This one’s record was about something that kept talking about a woman named Ellen J: Guys! (Calango: Ah) J: I read about this in a manga once Ce: Yeah, I know what you’re talking about GM: There’s no
manga, it doesn’t exist in this universe (J: You read it too?) (Calango: No?) Luba: Ok Cr: Guys, wait, my phone rang Ce: Gods of Death eat apples… Cr: I have to answer it GM: Your phone didn’t ring, there’s no signal here J: Why did his- ok L: How did he get a call if my phone doesn’t have any signal? J: I don’t know, those… I don’t know Ce: I put a different thing that gives more signal to his phone, he asked me to, so I installed it before we came here J: I want it too!
Ce: I only bought one on AliExpress, Joui, but when we get out of here I can buy one you one J: Oh, ok, thanks Cr: Guys, sorry [Shhh] GM: He’s back J: Guys, we still have one door left to open Ce: Yes Calango: Wait, just… so we won’t think about it later, there isn't anything else written, right? GM: No, just this pentagram with the message Ce: Ok, let’s go to the next one then Gabi: Did the pentagram react with the blood landing on it? GM: No, no, it looks like he just drew it with his
own blood and wrote that message too L: This door it the one with the self-cannibalism patient J: Hm L: I won’t open it. Take the key, Cristopher, it’s yours Luba: I’m already aiming at the... (Cr: Gee… let’s go) (Luba: ...door) GM: Ok, how big- where do you aim at? (Calango: Me too) GM: At the height of someone’s head, down… Gabi: Ok, I’ll aim more or less at the height of the head, in this diagonal here GM: Ok Luba: I’ll aim at the middle, at the door too Calango: Ok, I see them aiming and I aim
below where they are aiming GM: Ok Calango: More over here, at the left side Luis: I open the door and get of their way while pulling it GM: Ok, you’re opening it and when you do it, inside this room there’s a bestial blood zombie… but it’s missing an arm Calango: Disadvantage, huh? GM: And it’s here. Since Liz was aiming at its head she doesn’t have any advantage. You all get a reguar attack Luba: Ok Gabi: Wait, i don't have advantage? GM: You don't have it cause you're aiming up GM: He's bending down, he doesn't have
an arm Gabi: Ok. I got 84 and I have 80 fire weapon points GM: You failed? Ok Gabi: Yeah Calango: Ok, I… Luba: Damn, I shot three times and I failed, it’s not possible Calango: I got regular. I shot just once and I got regular. Calango: Can I roll the damage? (GM: You can deal demage) Calango: It was… -11HP GM: Ok, you hit its body, that creature that doesn’t have an arm, it [shot sound] gets scared, it jumps to attack Liz and tries to hit her with its claw Gabi: Can I try to dodge? GM:
You can dodge or fight back Gabi: I’ll dodge GM: Ok Gabi: Ehh… Damn… No, wait, 0 0 9. Ok, I got 9, I dodged GM: No, you didn’t dodge. (Gabi: I dodged, I got good) GM: It hits you with the claw and you lose… 3HP J: Liz-senpai! GM: You hit it, it gets shot... (L: Ouch!) GM: You hit it, it gets shot on its body, but it uses its legs and [scratch sound] with its only claw, it scratches near your ribs L: Ouch… Luba: What’s the action order? GM: It’s your spee- let’s go, dexterity test
everyone, quickly GM: Oh, so you can go (Luis: I didn’t attack yet, I didn’t act) LuIs: I’ll do the same thing I did with the other one, I’ll run and smash its head GM: Ok But before that, how much damage did you give, Calango? Calango: 11 GM: Ok Gabi: I’m incapacitated Luis: Damn, I hit him! Regular. I have 50 and got 49 GM: Ok, you… Let’s see if it doesn’t hit you back… Ok, you hit it, go Luis: Ok. 4, 2… It lost 3HP GM: 3? You hit it, when it hits Liz you punch is
so hard on its rib [sound of bone breaking] It bends down It looks at you- [growl]. And now… Who has the highest dexterity? Luba: Liz GM: Who has a dexterity higher than 60? Calango: Me (Gabi: Me) GM: Ok, so you can attack before the monster. Go. Calango: Liz first Gabi: Ok, I’ll aim to shoot again GM: Ok Gabi: I hit it, regular GM: No, yeah, you hit it, it can’t do anything against a fire weapon Gabi: Ok Gabi: Wait… (GM: You can deal the damage) Gabi: 1d10 + 1d6. I got 9, 5… 14, 15, 16,
17. GM: You shot it and exploded its only arm, and it [zombie getting shot] falls dead on the floor [creature grunting] J: Whew GM: It falls, there’s just a creature without arms, just two legs because its only arm fell. It’s dead now in front of you L: I’ll stay on the floor, I can’t get up guys J: Miss. Liz… Luis: Can I give her first aid? GM: Yes Calango: No. What? GM: You can but just only if someone still has first aid (Gabi: I lost 5HP at once) Luis: Oh, I used mine Luba: I didn’t,
I want to use it GM: Ok Gabi: Please Calango: Spin your finger in that sludge again. Just kidding Luba: I got good, good GM: Ok, she restores 1HP L: Damn J: Liz-senpai, are you okay? L: I’m better, a little better. I can get up now. Thanks, Joui J: You’re welcome Ce: Are you okay? L: No Ce: Yeah, I think no one is Cr: Guys, I don’t think we’ll find something in those cells, I think- Calango: Wait, but- there’s nothing in this cell? Apparently GM: Nothing, just this. An armless blood zombie Cr: I think we should
go back to that place where they kept the files, records. Since we now have information about Virgulino… Virgulino, right? Worked here in 1917 we could use this information to look for files. L: We could search for that Ellen that the patient on the first cell was talking about Ce: We can search for everyone, Virgulino, Ellen Cr: About the patients too, 91 Ce: Yeah, we must find a lot of information there GM: Ok, so you go back to the archives? Gabi: Let’s go to the archives (Calango and Luba: Yes) GM: Ok, you all pass through all
the zombies’ bodies that you exploded, that Aberrant’s body that was still shocking sometimes all this journey you did. You get to the files. Do a finding test for me, please. You look for information about doctor Virgulino that worked here back in 1917 Luis: I failed Calango: I got regular (Gabi: I…) Calango: 54, regular Gabi: I got good GM: You find not just that, but a patient history sheet… With information about Batista, Batista family Calango: Ok GM: And a letter written by Virgulino. This one is better than the other one. Ok. You find these information Calango:
Ok, I’ll read one and Liz reads the other? (Gabi: Alright) GM: Ok, which one you want to read? Gabi: You can choose, darling Calango: I’ll read the history because I hate reading GM: Ok, go Ce: Ok, guys, I found the patients’ history here: “Register: Patient cell 5”– the cell that had that thing. “Date of hospitalization: November 21st, 1949; Family name: Unknown; Former address: Carpazinha’s square”– Calango: There’s a hand in front of the paper Ce: “Repla**d by: Patient 56; Date of hospitalization: Nothing” Luis: Son, I think if you press the key “alt” on your keyboard it’ll
help Calango: Oh, true. Ce: “Replaced by: Patient 3- Date of hospitalization: September 2, 1915 Family name: Verruckt“– Verruckt? “Former address: Austria Replaced by: Patient 62 Date of hospitalization: August 13, 1943 Family name: Unknown; Address: Unknown Replaced by: Patients 21 and 22 Date of internalization: March 21, 1918 Family name: Batista Former address: Correct address on the patients records” L: Wait, there’s an interesting detail here. Patient 62 was admitted years after patients 21 and 22 Ce: True L: And he probably died? So there was the replacement of cells by the patients that were already here for so
long. Ce: But it doesn’t make sense… Patient 78 was admitted in 1949 and patient 3 in 1915? L: So they were here for a long time but they switched cells maybe? Ce: But how did they time-travel? GM: [Laughs] L: What? Ce: I don't understand. L: No, no one time-traveled. Look, that’s the date they got admitted, right? Some people... Ce: Yeah but the first one, 1949, then he was replaced by a patient from 1915? L: Cesar, come here, come here, come here. Ce: Hold up, I’m a little dumb L: I’ve worked in this area, let me
help you. Look, the first patient was admitted in 1949 in this sanatorium, then he was placed on cell 5. But then he died or switched to another cell and the patient admitted in 1915, that is, they were already here for years. (L: ...they started to live in this cell) Ce: Oh, ok, I got it, I got it. Ce: Oh, ok, I got it, I got it. Ce: I’m still a little shocked because of the monsters we killed. Cr: That’s the part that doesn’t make sense to me, because Verruckt was the third patient. L: Hmm… (Cr:
Patient of what?) L: But maybe… L: But maybe… here, “family name: Verruckt”. His last name was Verruckt, but we don’t know if… which patient Verruckt was. Maybe this is… Ce: His wife and daughter? L: No. Verruckt was looking for… the cure for some mental illness, maybe he was looking for the cure for this person that was admitted because of this mental illness L: So his experiments started in 1915? He was trying to cure someone in this family, maybe his wife? J: Maybe his daughter and wife? L: Maybe his daughter and wife. J: Liz-senpai, since we-
touched that sludge I can’t... Cr: But it can’t be his wife and daughter- sorry to interrupt you, Joui J: No problem Cr: But it can’t be his wife and daughter, because when there were two people in the same cell we could see two numbers, 21 and 22 L: No, ok, we don’t know if Verruckt had children, if it was his wife, who was it, if could’ve been anyone in his family. Ce: But that thing in cell 5 was one thing or two? L: No, but they were Virgulino’s family. Ce: On cell 5? L: Yeah. Look,
look at the letter I have here in my hands. Virgulino Batista. And in patients 21 and 22, last name: Batista, so they were Virgulino’s wife and daughter Cr: Ok but wait, that doesn’t make sense L: Of course it does. Cr: No, look: She… wait, the girls were admitted… Unless the register is upside down. But it still doesn’t make sense because we went to cell 5 and the girls who didn’t let go of each other and used to draw symbols were there. L: Yeah, because they were the last patients to be on cell 5. Ce: Yeah
Cr: But where’s the marks on the other cells? L: Which cells? GM: You can look for the records of the other cells and you’ll find a lot of papers about patients that changed cells, the patients’ history. That’s the one that matters because it has the family you were looking for Luis: I want to look for the other ones (L: Guys-) GM: Ok, you find a lot of records of cell 1 and there’s a patient replaced by another, then another, and the dates of information are the dates they were admitted, not the dates they were placed
in this cell. Luis: Ok L: Let me read the file I have now. “Virgulino’s resignation letter; Employee Virgulino Batista, 53 years old, psychiatrist doctor”. The date is April 25, 1917, a year before his wife and daughter were admitted here. “Address: House on Terçalho Freitas”- We now have the address. J: Yeah L: Ok. “Dear Dr. Verruckt, I hereby declare that I disagree on the extreme transformation of the patients. You treat them like animals, torturing them and making them get even worse than when they were admitted. There are no indications that shock treatment works on mentally disabled
patients and I think the hygienic conditions of this sanatorium and your tools aren’t pleasing either. It seems to me that I was correct in my initial suspicions that you left Austria, where you were outlawed and opened an institution in Brazil’s countryside to perform experiments on humans without any kind of verification. I feel sorry for anyone who happens to fall in your hands in the future. Virgulino.” Cr: I don’t know about you, but I think we should visit Virgulino’s house. L: I think we can find more about his wife and daughter before. Cr: I’m not feeling
good here… because if that’s true we saw that… Gabi: I want to look on 1915’s records for someone with the last name “Verruckt”. GM: You find a record… some records, most of them really don’t have much information on… “Abby Verruckt”. All of them are censured or covered and it seems to be confidential. It seems like Dr. Verruckt really difdn’t want much to be registered about this patient. Gabi: Ok. When we went to Verruckt’s office we saw everything or was there any place that was locked or something? GM: You looked at everything. GM: But you didn’t
search for anything about Abby Verruckt, you weren’t looking for it. Gabi: Hmm… Ok. I’ll leave everyone here and I’ll go to the office- Oops, sorry. I’ll go back to the office and look for something about his wife. GM: Looking again at the same files you looked earlier, but now understanding more about the familiar context, you find out that he had his mom history, she suffered from schizophrenia, he was trying desperately to find a cure, making people… trying to induce them to schizophrenia, trying to get them completely insane and using every kind of treatment to revert
it, so then he could finally use it in his mom. You can see a lot of guinea pigs that died in absurd circumstances, like hallucinogen drugs, overdose or electrocution. And all of them were… kept being dumped and replaced by others. He was desperately trying to cure his mom L: Oop, I’m back guys. So, apparently Verruckt was driving people crazy on purpose to try to find the cure for his mother’s illness. That includes Virgulino’s wife and daughter. He worked here before and disagreed with the means Verruckt used (Cr: But why-) GM: When you say that… everyone
do a listening test, please Gabi: I didn’t pass (Luis: Wow, I passed) Calango: Me neither Luba: I didn’t pass GM: Cristopher, you hear the sound of a car arriving and parking on the outside of the sanatorium Cr: Guys, I don’t know how I heard it but I think Thiago is here L: Damn, you have a good ear (Ce: Let’s meet him) L: I don’t know if it’s safe to let him come alone, this room is... Gabi: Oh, and how’s the situation of this room with the… the chairs? It still has a deep mist? GM: It
has dissipated a little after you cleaned everything, there’s almost no mist anymore. Gabi: Oh, ok L: Oh, so he can find us Cr: I’ll get him GM: So you… when you turn, you see Thiago coming from the corridor below. You come here- actually, sorry, it’s the other side, right? He passed all this and he got there and he T: Guys? Cr: [screaming] Boy! (Ce: Big T, Big T) GM: And now… we’ll end our today’s session. J: Thiago-senpai GM: Now that you have already explored the entire Sanatorium, with Thiago coming back to meet you. Thank you
so much for everyone who watched it. Next Saturday 6PM we have more of this RPG Gabi: Wait, we won’t even be able to rest a little? We got hurt. GM: You can rest in the next session. GM: Where you’re going now is… Next Saturday at 6PM. Thanks to everyone who watched it. Remember that you can always use the #OSegredoNaFloresta to talk to other people, post fanarts and everything. Thanks for the love, everyone. If you lost the stream, you can watch the reprise on my twitch channel on Tuesdays 6PM and on Thursdays I always post the
recording on my youtube channel. Again, lots of love to everyone who participated in the team that made all of this possible Luba: Thanks, buddy GM: You’re amazing. All of you watching are amazing too, thanks for the support, thanks for doing all of this possible. Now rest, drink water and 6PM next saturday The Secret In The Forest will be back to continue this [kiss] awesome investigation (Luis: [Kiss] Easy peasy) GM: Congrats to all of you, you did great once again Calango: Thanks Luba: Thanks guys, thanks. I’m… psychologically shaken because of this episode, literally GM: Everyone is
so fucked up [laughs] Jesus Christ, look at these characters, that’s ridiculous Luba: For God’s sake… GM: You did great (GM: This strategy was really good) Luba: But it’s being very good, man, really good. (Luba: It was.) GM: Thanks for today, see you next Saturday 6PM. Stay safe! Calango: Thanks, thanks, thanks Gabi: Goodbye sweethearts Luis: Kisses! Luba: Bye! Transcribed, Translated and Subtitled by: Equipe T (@Equipe__T on Twitter)
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