The Anti-Sales Method that's Made me $250m

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Jason Fladlien
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Video Transcript:
Jason flin here I have a killer offer secret for you that has been written about in books that have sold hundreds of thousands of copies that were first inspired by the lesson I'm going to give you in this YouTube video and it's very simple and it's what you sell versus what you offer as a bonus so really good offers they have both of those things it's here's what you get when you pay me money and here's some extra goodies I'm throwing in to sweeten the deal every good offer that can be made should have bonuses
or at least a bonus attached to it so in this video I'm going to break down for you how you can set the structure up of what you offer in your core product and what you make as a bonus so where do we start here here's where we start we list every possible thing under the sun in a perfect world that if it cost us no time and money to deliver we would give to the client to get them the best result possible make the best offer that nobody else in the world could match and
so we write all of these components down on paper and I like to think in modalities so modalities are the different types of deliverables that you could give to somebody so if I wanted to teach you how to sell on webinars one deliverable could be a coaching program where you went through a set of weeks with me and that could be one-on-one coaching or that could be group coaching I could write a book like I have right here and you could buy the book and that could be another modality I could give you checklists I
could give you worksheets I could make some or all of it done for you or done with you I could give you templates that you could fill in the blanks on and on and on and on and on and these are different modalities and when consumers make decisions on what they want to buy uh quantity sometimes can become its own quality so instead of saying here's six training programs on how to do X if you have one training program one software one done with you one checklist one sop and one template that's six things but
people feel like it's six different offers in one instead of just more of the same and that's is what we want to do so when we list out all of these potential deliverables then we want to tighten it up based in reality like okay if we sold this at this thing we'd have to charge $6 million from it because it would cost us $4 million to fulfill so we got to eliminate this adjust this pair this down a little bit what we should be left L is a list of these core modalities these different types
of deliverables that are when paired together very powerful and even if it's the same thing in a different dress that is absolutely perfectly acceptable in fact it's a courage cuz I can take the same content and write a book about it and that same exact content can be coached upon and if I combine those together I don't have to do double the work I have to do this little amount of work to get this amount of value now I have a little hack for you if you are struggling to create your own types of deliverables
that you could package into an offer then do this go look at what everybody else who is selling to to your audience is selling them and make that master sheet list of competitor a these are the deliverables they give competitor B these are the deliverables they give CDE e f and g and all you got to do is take all of those together and then use as many of those as you possibly can so if your offer is competitor a and competitor B combined together for the same price who do you think wins in the
marketplace and if you can add on even more stuff than that all the better now let's break down the whole concept of core verse bonus because you have all your deliverables now and you could put them all in one package and say hey when you pay me money you get all of these things eh that's not going to work as well as if you say hey when you pay me money to get this one thing I'm going to give you these five other things for free so we start on price and end on value versus
most other people what they do is they start on value here's everything you get and then here's what it cost they end on price now there's a lot of nuance to this so I recommend training Wheels before you get on the motorbike and go down the 405 blindfolded and cutting in between cars right so let's start with the training wheels all you really need to really make an offer go to the next level is one killer bonus and you want to create something that when you drop it people go oh my God I can't believe
he's given that away for free and so what I will do when I'm selling a product I often use webinars but this works in any modality is I satisfy the content to achieve a certain thing and then the offer is just an extension of that thing so I used to for many years sell copywriting uh as a training a group copywriting program where I take a bunch of people through an 8we long class where I teach them the mechanics of how to write sales copy the pitch for that was in 45 to 60 Minutes I
give them an overview of lesson here's the nine-step process to copywriting that I've perfected that has helped me make millions of dollars blah blah blah and then the offer was this isn't enough a 45 or 60 or 75 minute session isn't enough to really go deep enough into this if I had to bet money on whether you were going to succeed or not that's why I'm creating a group coaching experience that you can get when you sign up here for this amount of money so the core offer is an extension of just what we taught
for free in the content section so it's very logical and then what I would do is focus on all the value being in the deliverables as bonuses and when you sign up you get this thing and you get that thing and you get this thing and you get that thing now in this particular case what I did to really have the oh my God bonus was I made a double your money back guarantee I said at $10 of these nine sessions write one sales letter and if you don't think this is the greatest thing you've
ever purchased not only will I give you your money back I will give you double your money back now there was a few conditions involved they had to show up for each thing they had to do the homework but they were minimum cuz I knew that if I could get people to actually go through the program and show up it was a very safe bet so in that case the bonus was a guaranteed the bonus could be a deliverable so in another instance what I would do is I would train on an Amazon program where
we'd show them how to do a certain type of selling on Amazon that was kind of manual so I'd get them to commit to this manual process of finding products it would take about 2 minutes to research a product and about one out of 10 maybe one out of 20 products that they research would satisfy the criteria of what they should sell so the audience was willing to do manual labor work 30 minutes work 60 Minutes work 90 minutes to find that product that they could list and start profiting from on Amazon that was the
core training that I gave for free and then the offer I made was the coaching to support them as they went through found the products listed them monetized them so on and so forth now the bonus that blew their mind away is the call back that I said remember earlier when I showed you how to find these products well what if there was a software that if you pushed one single button in one second could give you all the products that you could ever hope to sell so you would never have a problem finding a
product anymore your only problem was how do I continue to list product after product after product would you like that and everyone's like I would love that and so then I revealed that we had a software app that did just that as a bonus and you could not buy this software app anywhere else it was exclusive and it was only exclusive from us when you purchased this product so if you run it back there the core content the training that we gave for free got the audience in the mindset to be most accepting of the
offer which was how to do what we taught manually with support with Resources with coaching and so on and we linked the price to that and then the bonus was that thing you said you were going to do that was really hard but worth doing we've now made it a button push and you can't buy this software on its own you only get it for free when you buy this course I took a product that converted really well that had already sold millions of dollars cuz we were the marketing Partners in this product and we
3x the conversion so we took something that was already killing it and maing it killing it times two or times three in this case quite literally and several million more dollars of sales flowed through that so here's the questions to help you as we wind this video up first question core verse bonus your core how you going to pay off the major promise you make in your pitch and then link your offer to it second question the price how are you going to position the price as insignificant compared to the value third question your bonuses
how are you going to drive the value Way Beyond the investment with one or more killer bonuses fourth question risk how are you going to make the audience so comfortable with buying that the only risk is in not giving you money and number five scarcity how can you force with energy the decision that needs to be made made whether they should purchase your product or not so I'll give you a couple examples here with the copy E class we taught in the webinar here's a step-by-step process to write the copy now you need me working
alongside you to actually implement it and then how is the price position as insignificant compared to the value well when you got eight different weeks of me in your ear doing this and my rate is $3,000 an hour 8 * 3 is $24,000 and you invest in group coaching for $99.97 that helps make it a no-brainer now the next question how will the bonuses make the value completely insane so in this particular case it was the guarantee as the bonus but for the wholesale formula the other product that I was talking about the bonus was
we have an app you push a button and you do the thing that you were willing to do for 50 minutes and now you can do it in 5 milliseconds mind blown how will you address the risk now in the copy E Class the risk was the bonus we made a better than money back guarantee this is a little secret nobody understands all of my best promotions have came with a conditional better than money back guarantee where maybe I have to pay a little bit more for those guarantees that qualify but if I can convert
a lot more for a minor increase in expenses doesn't that make sense to do and then the last question scarcity how do you make what you use believable that it's scarce and the time to act needs to be now not later with copy e- class it was really simple hey the training is live I'm starting next week so I'm closing this offer when I'm done selling this to you to take the customers and then once we have the customers we close the offer so we can focus 100% on our customer base and that's how you
make scarcity believable powerful with a reason why that gets people excited but if you forget everything else I said in this video here today know this core and bonus what are all the things you could sell what should you sell and then from what should you sell what should be the main part of the offer and what should be the extra bonus features the bonuses almost always are more important than the thing that they pay for so put that in your pipe and smoke it tell me what you come up with what was your favorite
part in this what are you going to implement on first drop it in the comments I'll see you in the next video
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