we all share the desire to improve to be wealthier become healthier but along the path of self-improvement an unexpected turn takes us all by surprise a war begins to unfold a war between our burning desire to make change and a resistance that doesn't seem to let that happen a resistance that you've definitely experienced before and are likely experiencing right at this very moment [Music] [Music] which poses the question what is this resistance and more importantly how do we overcome [Music] it the self-improvement industry today has become a machine a machine that pushes you to do
more stuff at a more efficient Pace than everyone else while productivity isn't the enemy here the way it's being understood is having the complete opposite effect what started as practical advice for achieving a successful life has turned into advice that appeals to the masses and only sounds good on paper we all know a good night's sleep is one of the most productive things we could do yet we substitute that for sleep deprivation and an absurd amount of caffeine after all you can sleep when you're rich we've created complex routines and to-do lists with the belief
that they serve us which paired with the fact that we already have too much to do just leads us to failure we've been led to believe that our success lies in the tasks we complete the hours we work and the consistency we keep and it's within this Tunnel Vision on the tasks in front of us that we fail to see the bigger picture but with our eyes fixated on climbing up the mountain we fail to see the force that's pulling us down to find out what that force is we first need to answer a question
in the modern world the idea of truly knowing ourselves has become extremely uncommon there's become a widespread confusion in life we don't know what we want we don't know what to do a large part of this is down to the overload of information with a phone by our sides near enough 24 hours a day we've lost the time to truly sit alone as a result we've lost touch with who we truly are many of us have fell into a society crafted identity molded by what's popular or what's socially accepted the mass influence of Trends and
material rewards has shaped our perception of who we think we are the information age has opened countless doors and opportunities for every single one of us yet paradoxically has also led to the biggest reason why the majority of us fail during Evolution our mind adapted for one reason and one reason alone Every chemical reaction in our brain every emotion we feel has one particular purpose survival this is what we call a survival bias in simple terms if the outcome of a situation doesn't lead to either one survival of self or to survival of the species
then our brain will attempt to prevent us from doing it for example pain exists to protect your body and fear to keep you away from danger but this doesn't just stop at the physical the survival bias also extends to our sense of self our identity our brain is deeply invested in preserving who we currently are just as much as protecting our physical body but here's where things get complicated many of us are operating from a weak Foundation a false identity that's been shaped by external influences and society's acceptance as a result we're often chasing goals
that are not aligned with who we truly are and when you stack that on top of our brain survival bias our brain has no other option but to take that as a threat so it resists the change meaning you're now not just fighting to achieve your goals you're fighting against your own instincts this internal battle is a reason self-improvement often feels unwinable like you're constantly fighting a war that you can't physically win the resistance of change is something you're always going to feel there's no real way around it but instead of looking to avoid it
as a whole what we can do is take the path of least resistance the path that promotes growth instead of resisting it to do this we need to rethink of self-improvement from the ground up the first step is realigning with your true identity i' suggest you take some time maybe a few days away from all the noise to find what it is we truly desire from life we need some time alone this video isn't as shame you for being motivated by wanting material things but to make you question why you want them often our true
desires lie in the why rather than in the object itself if you if you want a nice car to show off on Instagram deep down you probably just want to be respected when we found out who we really are we then need to take a different perspective often times we get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks that we forget the reason we started this in the first place the goals that you have in your life are not there because you desire the goal itself but because you desire becoming the person who can achieve them
this is the true essence of self-improvement at its core this is a journey a journey of transcending identities so next time you get lost in the weeds of self-improvement take a second to zoom out realign with why you're doing this and what the purpose of this journey is really about you're on a mission to become someone who you desire to be not a mission to tick off some to-do list