all right so right here what we do have we're on a you know regulation pickle ball court and what I do have is three pickle balls on the court here and what I'm working to do is about lateral core coverage really making sure that we cover as much ground as possible and be able to move out of it smoothly cleanly and with some athleticism a lot of times we have this change of Direction where we turn our hips and we run to the ball and then all of a sudden maybe they hit backhand and they
go or behind you if you would and then you have to turn your whole entire body to recover to go to the opposite side not that efficient when you're working to cover the cord you can hide a lot of those if you have enough endurance but unfortunately eventually you're going to get worn down and as the game play continues you're going to get more and more fatigued which again as a more advanced player will start noticing they're going to beat you that way the whole entire time so to increase your agility and lateral core coverage
this one drill can really truly help not only how to say balance and control through your movement patterns but be able to get you a really clean and controlled movement pattern so that you stay facing the the net and so that you can rally quicker and be smoother and more efficient with your paddle play so here with this drill we're going to work on a couple movements first thing is you got have to have the understanding of what a crossover step is so if you don't know what a crossover step is this is the time
to kind of understand what you're trying to do and understand how you can be efficient because what you're going to see within the first really five yards of this drill I'm not going to be changing my hips directions or at least that's the goal so what we're going to first start off on is how do we do a crossover step real simply you just want to be in this nice position athletic stance and you want to bring that knee across the midline of your body first break that imaginary glass you do not want to lead
with that foot because as you can tell in this position it doesn't look clean and chance of injury Skyrocket with this very awkward positioning and you're not being very efficient so what you want to do is you want to cross that knee across the midline of your body be able to hit and load you then get into that position nice and simple body position really nice and controlled ready to St on the balls of your feet to move in either direction we're going to head back now you're going to break that imaginary glass hit that
paddle if you have it boom great queuing right where you cross over hit and load nice and smooth let's do that a couple times so here as you move it's cross load cross load if you know anything about the squat push lateral that you do in their warm-ups all we're doing is pushing off the inside surface of our feet and really learning how to be explosive off of the surfaces of our feet and not just forward and backwards we have to be multi-directional here on the CT so as we start crossing the midline and we
get that how we're going to get to that second ball how do we get that much further doing just the same exact movement it might seem difficult like you might might need to take more than one or two steps to get there but the reality is you're doing the same exact concept of the crossover step you're just putting more Force into the ground now I also stress here when you see me do this this is not necessarily how I want to see you playing on the court and you're going to see in a second why
but what we're trying to do is work on how to drive more force and power into each step so that you can become better at understanding how to put Force into the ground and use it and flow with the athleticism that we're working to build so another summary here here's a quick step quick crossover step quick snap load punch boom come back now same exact movement with adding a little bit more Force watch how much further we go here load with a big jump now we cross back over and we should be able to make
our energy back to where we started here's the thing if you find that you can't make it back that means there might be some asymmetries or some power kind of deficiencies that you might have to work on both right side and left side hey this is a multidirectional sport you got to feel balance on both sides let's get back to the drill here now we're going to combo both of them we're going to go quick step boom quick quick Now power and power same exact movement just adding a little bit more Force to every step
now you might be questioning what is that ball over there doing are we really going to only take the same amount of steps to get to that ball the answer is abs absolutely not there's no way you're going to be able to keep your hips Square to get to that ball with just two steps but because of what we're going to teach you on how to work your lateral movement I consider this crossover pull land right or crossover pull hockey stop is how I've kind of deemed it a lot but what we're going to do
is we're going to get this natural momentum that you build from Power driving adding a quick little lateral pull across your body a little adduction and then all of a sudden fluidly move over to that ball so here's how it looks in real time you're going to end up going cross pull load right now I might not have made it out to that ball and that's okay the goal is to be able to flow through that movement pattern and be able to get everything so that you keep Square so you can move yourself back in
the same direction or in the opposite direction so you can help yourself out and cover a lot of core all right so now you question how do we get to that ball I'm talking and teaching you right now but if I was to go into game mode all I got to do is start learning how to put a little bit more force in every single step so what we try to work on is being able to say let's get into it and now I'm going to try to make it down and then we're going to
try to make it back so here it's going to go cross pull load cross pull load awesome made some good coverage made the fluidity happen kept my hip square and like I said earlier is this how I'm going to want you to run across the court when you're playing the answer is no but what we are working on is offc Court work where you're working on how to be more fluid with your body movements because now which is what I'm going to show you this is what is going to happen when you play and this
is how we have to adjust with your athleticism to understand do I add quickness do I add power do I have to have a little bit more force in this step and eventually as we will talk a little bit later with some other drills and other things that we work on with the sports performance side of pickle ball when do you decide to actually twist your hips and move and that will eventually happen but here working on lateral movement working on this lateral connection where you're fluidly moving from Quick Step to powerful step to blending
it all together all with the one simple movement of your crossover step that's why the crossover step and learning how to do that is so important so here we're going to go game speed mentality and this is how you're going to practice when you get into it again stay low stay in control because your speed is only as good as how well you control it so keep that in mind when you're doing it here's how we want to do it we're going to go quick a little bit more power then all the way down and
then all the way back ready and let's go quick quick power power blend them all together boom blend them all together then go quick quick more power same step and then cross pull load cross pull load and that's how you do the crossover step and 357 drill for pickle ball offc court training [Music]