Michael Singer - Learning to Unblock Your Natural Energy Flow

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Michael Singer's work has changed my life. I hope you find his talks helpful. My channel includes ...
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CH Masters as you come more and more to understand yoga and the teachings of yoga you understand they're about energy people who do yoga's exercise find that their energy changes their moods change their mind changes not all exercise does that it's because the great Masters in the past thousands of years ago it was all about energy and what you're going to find out I hope as soon as possible is that you are energy you're total energy you're filled with energy what you call love is energy what you call Joy is energy what you call depressed
is a lack of energy what you call high is energy it's all energy the trouble is the Energy's blocked and that's what you is all about is about the energy and removing the blockages there's nothing else that it's about anything else you want to to find it as it's wrong Mantra ASAS pranama everything it's about energy those are just techniques for cleansing blockages so that you can experience the energy they're not about building energy it's not it's not about building energy you going know one said if all the energy you're capable capable of inside of
you flowed you'd blow up that's how high you are that's how much energy there is well why don't I feel it because you're blocked I always talk about that what else do I talk about you can talk about how beautiful the sun is but it's covered by clouds you're just talking remove the clouds clear out the clouds you'll see the sun clear out the blockages and you'll feel the energy So eventually you'll catch on there to go for the energy without clearing the blockages one doesn't last it's just a temporary experience that you get to
have oh my God I got so high why is that the past tense I don't want to talk in the past tense the stage in my life I just said I don't want anything that I can't keep why don't keep going up yo-yo keep going up and down for same thing with love same thing with joy same thing with passion same thing with all this stuff what do you want to have it and it's gone have it and it's gone then what happens you have to chase it all the time don't you you chase love
you look for Joy you look for passion you look for things that are exciting why because you don't feel excited you don't feel love you don't feel Joy eventually you mature in this whole process and you realize I don't need what's temporary I need to find out why it's temporary I find out why I don't feel it all the time sure I can find somebody and get excited and have some fun but why don't I feel that way all the time why do I need somebody doesn't mean you don't it's not renunciation people so misunderstand
the path there's no true true renunciation on the path renunciation is the stupidest concept anybody ever came up with renunciation means I found a way to get happy but I'm not going to do it well I feel sorry for you well then if I'm not renouncing then what am I doing you're trying to find out why you're not happy all the time that's what you're trying to find out not what will make me happy because I'm not happy and then I'll do it or not do it that's why you've heard the teachings it's not about
doing and not doing was a very very deep deep Zen you've heard that right what they say it's not about doing or not doing it's about being but now you understand it's not about doing what will make you happy it's not about not doing what make you happy it's about finding out why you're not happy and if you sit there and say I don't feel love because I haven't found the right person I TR the example I always use you have a stomach ache because you been eating poorly but you keep a lot of Pepto
bism all around so somebody comes in and you're running around hurting so they say what's wrong I can't find the p abysmal no that is not what's wrong what is wrong is you're not eating properly and you have a stomach ache and you're trying to compensate for the stomach ache by taking Pepto bismal well if you say I don't feel love I need to find somebody you just said I need to find the Pepto vismo you didn't say what's wrong with me that I Can Feel Love sometimes with some people but I don't feel love
all the time and if the person I felt love with 10 seconds ago looked at at me at least I think they looked at me the wrong way or they looked at somebody else the wrong way I don't feel so much love in a billionth of a second that's where you work you work on what's wrong with me that I keep giving up love that I don't have love not work on trying to find somebody that doesn't look at somebody the wrong way or always looks at you the right way do Mak a difference that's
why this thing about finding passion finding jobs finding love finding things I need to find the right job no you need to enjoy every single job you ever do every single second how would you like that that's a little more fun is it it's my turn to do the dishes oh boy I can't wait the garbage too I can take the garbage out right oh could he come I get to pick at the kids at soccer and wait for 3 hours while they're busy oh boy how would you like to live like that you can
it's Just Energy It's Just Energy it's there all the time you're the one who said that because you look the wrong way it's not going to be there what I to say energy neither created nor destroyed there how's that energy is neither created nor destroyed it's a foundation of the universe it's the quantum field everything's made of energy Ein said equals MC s energy equals mass mass and energy the same thing just temporary State energy is always there how much the most you've ever felt the most love you've ever felt at any moment in your
life the most passion you ever felt the most inspiration you ever felt is there every every single moment of your life multiply times at least a thousand if not a million it's who you are just as it's true that every atom is made up of energy what part of it all of it electron neutrons protons there just different stages of energy different expressions of the quantum field physics teaches you that it's the same thing inside of you every single thing is energy there's no lack of energy never never but you can block it you know
M say you're he a toughy he say you're tired how can energy get tired well let's say You're really tired he really I so tired I going to I'm so tired and all of a sudden somebody haven't seen for 20 years that you've loved with all your heart came to the door and knocked are you tired answer me oh why don't you learn from your experiences I don't you teach you anything you're made of energy but it's blocked it can get unblocked and it can get blocked when it's unblocked you feel energy when it's blocked
you don't fair enough there's light look there's light outside all day there's light outside I'm going to put the blinds down where' the light go right and I can start putting artificial lights all over the place so I have my light back or I can pick the blinds up it's the same thing inside of you you are filled with energy you are filled with love you are filled with passion you're filled with inspiration you're filled with creativity woo kind of nice isn't it okay but you think that you have to get things or do things
outside so you can feel the energy all right first why do you think that you're not stupid because you've had experiences that showed you that you had experiences where I don't feel love I don't feel love and all of a sudden this person shows up I bump into them in the supermarket and they say something or give me a certain way like my my mother who used to and I love my mother very much and she died and just oh my God reminding me of my mother what happened you opened yes or no okay so
you had those experiences which said certain people certain jobs certain situations right certain music certain weather and I feel love I feel open others I feel closed therefore I have learned from my past experiences that love is not something I have all the time it requires a stimulus it requires something outside of person place thing poem something requires something outside and then I Feel Love so I want that something to happen more often and that's that's the human predicament it's a total misunderstanding what's going on the reason you don't feel love all the time is
you're blocked it is true that some situations outside at certain times can help you open they do they help your heart open they help your mind open things can help you open so instead of asking the real question that Yogi's asked and you should be asking why am I not open all the time you're asking how do I get that which will make me open aren't you asking that how do I find my soulmate how do I find the job that fits me perfectly so I feel enthused to go to work and encourage and so
on in other words the answer is outside and I need to find it and if I don't feel love because I haven't found it if I don't feel inspiration CU I haven't found it yet so therefore you are running around as fast as you can all the time just like everybody else is trying to find that which will open you and oh I forgot to say things can close you too can't they a lot of things can close you can't they like I scratch my hands on the Blackboard it doesn't take much to close you
does it wait a minute it's starting to rain darn it it's so hot all these things oh I got the blouse oh my God it faded oh my God I Dro something on it oh my God like how many things enclose you probably as many stars are the sky so you not only have to go out there and look for that which will open you you have to make sure you don't find that which will close you you have to get what you think will open you and avoid what you think will close you have
I covered your life is that not what you're doing all day trying to avoid that doesn't do good and trying to get which makes you feel good did you have a good day 5050 what does that mean it's just you got it once in your life just just once you have to listen to the truth the truth is there's nothing wrong with you you don't need anything you don't need anything you don't need anyone that doesn't mean you don't have relationships but you don't need them you do not need things you're whole and complete within
yourself you're filled with Shak you're filled with Spirit you're filled with energy all the time regardless of what happens no matter what you're filled with it that's who you're made that's what you are now go on and share it not I need to go out and find it that's the difference that's the difference between a worldly life nothing wrong it's not a dirty word money or greedy no a worldly life means I think the answer to my issues are in the world a spiritual life is I understand if I have any issues they're mine I
did it I blocked myself just because you look at her a certain way does not have to block me I have to have this whole complicated psyche inside of me that says well I like you and I don't like her so much and if you look at her that way maybe you'll end up talking to her and find out that she doesn't like me either otherwise just somebody's looking at somebody but not to you it's not is it you did that you created the psychological patterns inside of you that are blocking you and therefore you
don't find energy so a worldly life is the answer to my issues why I don't feel love I don't feel Joy why I feel pain and fear and all that kind of junk is outside in the world so I need to find what will open me and avoid what will close me a spiritual life says not chance in the world the world changes all the time everybody changes all the time you change all the time that which you want changes all the time that which you don't want to change it all the time that's what
the Buddha say it's temporal Buddha said all of life is temporal Christ said don't build your house on Sand what does that mean does it stay all the time does everybody end up exactly the way you thought they were ever no of course not you're building your house not saying you're complicated aren't you psychology says you are the Su of learned experiences ever heard that it's a man's a some of learned experience I have to qualify that you are the Consciousness aware that your psyche is the Su learned experiences you are watching the Su learned
experiences aren't you I like this I don't like that how do you know how do you know it's said that because you're Consciousness you're aware but psychology is right you are watching the sum of your learned experiences everything your mind says some of your learned experiences everything your heart does personal some of you learn experiences and you're very complicated because you had a lot experience experience every day you could love somebody tremendously I'll do the other just I don't like them I never liked them right somebody comes up to you no you told just told
five people I don't like that guy High School all right and somebody walks up to you and says have you met Paul my God he adores you he like you should Harry talks to me he's like you walk on water I can't believe he says ever since kindergarten he's just so embarrassed that he he can't talk to you right sh how do you feel about them now changed a little bit didn't it the sum of your learned experiences don't say well that's logical it it's just a sum of your learned experiences that's what your psyche
is it is a computer that is the sum of your learned experiences your mind is that and your personal heart is that there's a deeper heart and there's a deeper mind but your personal mind and your personal heart which is the one you hang out with is the sum of his learned experiences well if you're the Su of you learn experiences and that's pretty complicated so is everybody else so what do you mean I thought I knew you I never thought you would do something like that I thought I knew you there's no way you
knew them they had 700 billion zillion trillion experience that you never had and they are the sum of their learned experiences and you're the sum of your learned experiences and since those are the only experiences you've had you think everybody's like you news flash anybody been disappointed yet nobody's like you nobody nobody had the same experiences as you then now we're talking about the intellectual mind the higher mind this one's good to hang out with right at any moment you have an experience how many are you missing 10 100 700 billion zillion how many experiences
are happening that you're not experiencing at the moment you're experiencing this experience well everybody else is having a different experience from you you're missing every single thing you have this tiny little experience of the moment then the next moment another experience in the meantime you're missing everything else and you think you know something something don't you you don't know anything nobody knows anything cuz you know 0 * 0 * 0 plus 0 is zero okay that's where a wise being comes so what's happening is you're sitting there you're not okay we'll talk about why it
got that way your Psych is that way but you're out there trying to reach outside for things to be the way you want them to be and then not be the way you don't want them to be and and building a house on sand that's ridiculous there not even you built your house on not even sand have you noticed that's why I have anxiety why are people anxious ready cuz I'm afraid that something might happen that bothers me well let me tell you a secret since everything bothers you the only thing that doesn't bother you
is what matches you exactly and nothing does so like I said worldly life is you believe the answers to my problems are outside I have to get things the way need them to be and make him avoid what I don't want him to be a spiritual life says been there done that I don't work too good right I'm inside I live in here if my heart can open it's my heart do you stand at the front door of your house and wait for someone to open it I can't get in why you got a key
no it's unlocked why aren't you going in no I can't open it myself that's what you're saying about your heart do you know how to open your heart no you have to have somebody else do it for you and then they don't do so good either do they so spiritual life is when you wake up and you realize I'm in here who else is in there with you your mother your father husband wife nobody you're the only one who lives in there and you're the only one that's ever been in there and no one else
will ever be in there then it's your heart it's your mind if you're having a problem with your heart you did it and problem with your mind you did it no when I was young the blanky way too soon how old are you now 63 you're doing it the blank you're not going away every day no the ex-husband's not still there you know your sister the problem you have with your sister and you don't talk to each other it's not happening you were 10 years old this is crazy but we don't live like that we
don't pay attention to that so we go out there like I said you're not stupid you found that certain things will make you feel good you found other things will make you feel bad say I'm not stupid I'm going go run after make feel good run manipulate and control do you manipulate and control people do you manipulate and control people do you dress certain ways talk certain ways walk certain ways read certain books do certain thing when somebody's coming to visit your house do you straighten up a little certain way do it come on it's
wonderful all right don't be embarrassed what are you doing you're trying to manipulate you're trying to get them to like you and trying to make sure they don't not like you has anybody ever got bothered because they thought that maybe somebody thought that somebody thought they didn't like them probably bothered you right there all right that's building your house on Sand it just comes and goes so spirituality let's go to it says there's another way to live and it's not renunciation in any way shape or form renunciation means I believe the answer is outside but
I'm not going to do it because God told me not to how much you going to love that God how do you love someone like that you think this is maybe the half in the world but I'm not going to do because God don't want me to whoa don't you dare talk about God I love God don't you dare talk about God that way you're the stupid one that's doing that so therefore I'm back to where I started Oh you mean I should do what I want it's not about doing or not doing it's about
coming inside and noticing what I want is inside of me I want to feel love I want to feel Joy I want to feel excitement and enthusiasm why do I need something outside of me to feel a certain thing inside of me why now we're down to the essence right the only reason you don't feel love joy inspiration creativity and everything just totally Bliss out all the time it's because you're blocked not cuz it's not there whoa you better get to realize that and that's what every Master taught you that's what Christ taught you that's
what Buddha taught you it's what every single high being ever taught you Christ didn't say I'm the greatest thing you'll never be like me he did not say that he said is I sit by the Throne of my father say the Consciousness as I sit by the Throne of my father so you shall sit by my throne and these things that I do you should do these and even greater things it doesn't sound like there's something wrong with you sounds like you're pretty high dude didn't do this why don't I feel it that's a different
question then how do I get people to help me feel what I already have inside all right the question becomes why don't I feel it if it's inside of me very good and what you're going to find out is because you blocked it you blocked it no mommy block no no no know if there were situations now I'm get to get in what a blockage is if there were situations outside yesterday or 50 years ago it does it matter that were not comfortable to you when they came inside I got go slower is there an
outside I don't want to get philosophical on you all right there's atoms out there I mean I know they're not just Quantum energy but okay there's atoms out there they have a certain form in shape and you have experiences those experiences are outside they're outside the events are outside if I see her does she come in no what happens is light reflects off of her comes in and my senses pick it up the only reason you see the outside is that you have sensors computers will call them sensors you choose to call them senses s
touch spells Etc so energy from outside comes in it comes in through your senses and it comes inside there's an inside any of you in there is there an inside or just an outside I can ask a child that that they would answer properly you're in here and the stuff comes in and you experience it of course you do it came in you experience it if you open your eyes you see what's there if you're inside you feel what came in don't you all right sometimes it feels good sometimes it feels bad sometimes it feels
really good and sometimes it feels really bad okay ready you know what yoga says yes everything has its nature so certain things have a nature they come in a rattling rattles snake all coiled up 10 ft from you wo that's some I felt it right that's something else to feel Al together it doesn't feel good it it feels like it's supposed to feel it has its nature there it comes something else butterflies landay on you it's just who it's just a beautiful thing it's called reality isn't it you want a shark to feel like a
butterfly so you go pick it up a rattlesnake oh come here no they're supposed to be the way they are they have their nature they have their vibration it's part of creation has nothing to do with you I like to ask you all the question is it okay with you let me slow down before we answer is it okay with you that Saturn has rings you better just look at me like what kind of question is that has nothing to do with me I have no right to even have an opinion how about that's true
of everything is it okay with that a rattlesnake feel scary they'll okay that the butterfly is neat when it lands on you it's not about changing the experience it's about being able to handle the experience the r snake doesn't stay there but inside of you it does that's your blockage that's why I always use that example people say you always use the same example yeah it's a good example Ratt snake's there you're feeling fear you feel this okay and then it crawls away for the next 10 years you won't go to the zoo cuz there's
a reptile exhibit you're afraid to walk in the woods you walked in the woods all your life until that moment all of a sudden it's full R thanks no it's no different than it was before but you are why because you didn't let it go it's so easy to talk about what a blockage is it's so easy to talk about how he got screwed up now we're talking about the inner life events come in they're supposed to they come in and they have different vibrations they have their nature if you're okay with it doesn't mean
you like it doesn't mean I'm not lying I'm not saying oh the Ratt snake was fun no I thing was scary as hell okay fine but it left why do I need to keep that inside of me well if I want to remember what rake looks like what's wrong with that nothing there's nothing wrong with memory memory is a natural function of your mind just like memory is a natural function of a computer but your computer does not come back and haunt you for the rest of your life because of a memory you put in
there does it well same thing yes you have a memory and it will remember things if if you choose to bring them back up but the rattlesnake was not just a memory you didn't just store the rattlesnake you stored your fear your anxiety your repulsion toward it everything you stored this whole package that basically said which you really stored was the following I don't want to have had that experience how's that that's what you stored I don't want to have had that experience anybody ever have an experience they didn't want to have anybody in essence
said I want to have this experience is that not what Freud talks suppression is that what you do when you don't want to have an experience what can you do with you had the darn experience that's so silly I don't want what just happened to have happened I'm sorry cuz you big better yourself a time machine cuz nobody has ever made something not happen that happened ever well what if I make you apologize it still happen it just kind of put a sandwich on top of it I put Pepto bismal on top of it I'm
so sorry I didn't really mean to hurt you I didn't know you take it that way please forgive me okay that's just a pepis w cuz you still got that down there you're still afraid he'll do it again do you understand that so what happens is experiences come in because they're natural they're there they happen and there're what's in front of you I told you you're missing all the other ones 100 billion zillion experiences at least have the one you're having no I didn't want to have that experience what do you do honestly inside what
do you do I'm talking to you in there what do you do when something comes in that you don't want to experience it it's really beautiful you push it away you in essence outside it happened that doesn't mean it has to happen inside I got some power in here don't I I got willower can you push things away inside have you ever pushed things away inside you're in there manipulating everything aren't you so what it's basically saying is I'm the consciousness back in here I'm the experiencer this experience is coming in I don't have to
let it I can't stop from having happen it's going to come in I have to let it all the way in can you understand what I mean by that have you ever turned the corner and seen a sunset that blew your mind just like oh my God all the colors magenta and you tell somebody it was so beautiful I felt like I was in the presence of God it was a spiritual experience you're right it was why because you let it all the way in wait how about this one I want to see if you
ever said it touched me to the core of my being whoa that's what you're just talking about isn't it what's the core of your being your being that's you in there the experiencer your being if you let it all the way in it's like the river flowing into the ocean so beautiful it's like whoa but I ain't letting that r s in there no way the vibration is too scary right I can't handle it so what do I do I push it away I had the experience but I didn't fully have the experience that I
I suppressed it I repressed it I resisted it I did something to keep it away from me so that I didn't have to experience the fullness of the fear the fullness of the self-consciousness or the embarrassment or the whatever it is I didn't want to feel it and so I push it away lots of ways to do that you can suppress it you can rationalize oh he didn't mean that I know he didn't mean that he would never have meant that no no no I must have misunderstood that it's a nicer way to do it
right at least something goes through a little bit you still didn't let it all the way in did you okay there's no way so basically when something comes in that does not feel good you don't want to experience it you have hands in there hands of Will and you push them away that is what's meant by a blockage that's putting the blinds down what do you mean it's just an experience it's over it's not over in you it will affect the rest of your life anybody in Psychology that will disagree that was you push down
there like Freud Sigman come over here if they push it down there will will it just dissipate down there and just fly away someday no it will be there for the rest of your life won't it when you're 60 years old and you see your sister it remind you that she got the bicycle that you didn't want I I want to know is it true or not okay it's because those are blockages you stored they call them some scars in yoga told you yoga's all about energy energy well why are we talking about blockages cuz
that's what's blocking the energy there's no reason to talk about energy if you're going to block it and say I want it it's real real spirituality is not about all this mumbo jumbo stuff it's about getting rid of blockages it's called cleansing cleansing doesn't mean washing more often cleansing doesn't mean never swearing you know that for me cleansing cleansing doesn't mean wearing white it's okay you can wear white don't worry I'm not saying you can't do things I'm just saying cleansing means what I'm talking about you got stuff in there and it gets hit doesn't
it and what do you do when it gets hit you push it back down you yell at somebody you manipulate don't do that again that you dare ever talk to me that way again get out spirituality is not about developing a life outside that doesn't hit your stuff inside that's like making sure I never run a pepis mol but I keep eating garbage that makes me sick spirituality is not about attracting to yourself that which you want so that you feel better it is not about repelling using mantras and stuff so you don't have to
experience things that hit your stuff spirituality is about getting rid of your stuff spirituality is about if there are things out there that can hit my stuff that's my fault it's my stuff and I don't want it in there I want to wake up in the morning I told you how a great being wakes 7 in the morning I'm back I wonder what will happen today are you anxious for what what do I care it's going to be fun I don't understand don't you have to go to work no I get to go to work
I don't have to go to work I get to go to work I'm going to be doing something I going just sit around do nothing I don't like doing that I'll go to work and I'll put widgets on an assembly line but you've been doing it for 30 years yeah I do it better every day why not be like that cuz you can't cuz you're blocked and now what you need to do is avoid the things that hit your blockages and find the things that get around your blockages oh my God he looked just like
my uncle and I love my uncle so much right I hav't seen he died years ago I want to go out with him he's not your uncle you hear me it's just it managed to get around your stuff and bring some energy up CU it brought something nicer here some scars move around in there don't they that was the problem today it wasn't a problem yesterday it may not be a problem 10 minutes from now okay so you try to create situations outside that will let you be okay let's get to the point the point
is you have another way you can do this and it actually works cuz that don't work there's no way no one has ever gotten what they wanted and not wanted something else are you the acception right you got the toy didn't you it's over rest of your life done now don't look next to you you found the husband or wife huh it's over had the kid it's over that's the beginning and end of your whole life it's wonderful children are wonderful I don't need anything else nothing will ever bother me ever again I I'm done
it doesn't work like that but you can be done you can every single moment of your life walk into that moment and be honored and privileged that you are the one that's experiencing that moment no one has ever experienced the moment you're experiencing you're sitting behind her you're looking this way the light is falling your no one has ever is right now experiencing the same moment you're experiencing no one ever has because never happened before no one ever will because it won't happen again so you're pretty special people like to feel special how special is
that you get an accustom moment that no one else will ever have or ever had I don't understand why you don't get that so that's how you live he like wow hi moment hi R snake scary as hell hi tennis coach that opened my heart when I'm married hi thanks bye it's just a moment passing before you of course it's going to feel different it's meant to feel dir you want every moment to feel the same how would you like that go to Mars it's just dirt there's nothing ever happening right every moment feels different
doesn't it that's God's gift to you and personally to you I bet never thought about that no one has ever experienced the moment you're experiencing and has ever or will ever and that's true for every moment you ever experienced wow quite a video game he made is it so what's wrong with honoring the moment because you can't why because you stored all this garbage cuz the moment hit your stuff is not exactly the way you decided you needed it to be for you to be okay and maybe this exactly the way you don't need it
to be to make you be worse and so you're afraid of the moments you need the moments you're afraid of the M I don't even know how to talk about it it's unbelievable isn't it that is the human predicament what's Buddha's first Noble Truth all of life is suffering that's pretty negative what kind of thing is that guess what we just said it do we all the life is suffering you're either not getting what you want or getting what you aren't afraid you're going to lose it has someone find you really attractive to figure out
why so you're going wear the same thing next time or talk to and it creates anxiety doesn't it everything creates anxiety you're afraid that something will happen that you don't want to happen you're afraid that something will happen that you do want to happen you don't know what you did to make it happen how do I get it to happen again so the solution to all this is very very simple not easy to do but simple to understand you have stored blockages inside of you and that's why you don't feel this infinite gorgeous uplifting flow
of Shakti that's the only reason it's there all the time it's there right now inside if you say I'm depressed no you're not you're looking at a depressed psyche Consciousness does not get depressed Consciousness is such yoga Eternal conscious ecstasy that's what they they word for for your soul for Consciousness satand Eternal conscious ecstasy that's all it is but you're being distracted by the blockages and the garbage you have inside so you built a psyche that's not so much fun to live in is it okay So eventually you finally get to the point of understanding
the purpose of yoga and of all spirituality cleanse the blockages how you don't start with the big ones don't ever start with the big ones don't let me tell you to start with the big ones because you can't handle the big ones that's perfectly fine okay don't don't go out there and play tennis with the Williams sisters play with one of the ball throwers or a coach that make sense all right you wouldn't even think about doing it would you but here you try to do your junk I'm too full of stuff I can't handle
it I can't do this I can't handle this well of course you can't handle the big ones the traumas the terrible situations that get left you can't right now you can't but that's like saying I can't play tennis you can play tennis but you have to practice you have to practice being able to handle reality how's that for a spiritual statement don't you you does anybody need practice any find they need practice handling reality the driver in front of you then uses blinker you tell everybody about it for the next week it it rains when
you have to get out and carry some some paper somewhere you drop some ketchup on your pants you good at handling reality somebody beefs at you in the car how you doing you want the person to pull up next to you so you can see them in the eye when they beef at you we're all the same right wake up that's what it's ego is it's it's a problem to have one of these things isn't it okay you need to learn to handle reality just like you need to do your scales to play the piano
you need to practice to play tennis right or wrong okay then why don't you understand you need to practice handling reality why is that such a novel concept you practice well where's the practice court life the practice court is every minute of every day of your life things are coming in are they not things are coming in they don't always do well when they come in do they there are ones that there's nothing wrong with them you just decided to not like them there a line in the new book living un te the moment in
front of you is not bothering you you're bothering yourself about the moment in front of you the driver in front of you can't be bothering you they're in front of you you're just bothering yourself about it the rain can't bother you you're bothering yourself about it do you bother yourself about things okay well okay that's what I call the low hanging fruit you start there you start by saying if I'm bothering myself I wonder why I'm bothered can I start practicing not bothering myself so much about what about the things that don't need to bother
you the fact that somebody didn't say hello the fact that it's drizzling out and it might rain later I just asked you I asked you is it okay with that Saturn has rings you took it the right way just stood there like answer that right is it okay with you that it might rain later it should be the same as Saturn's rings it has nothing to do with you later will be later you'll deal with it when it happens later if it does rain but to do that with your mind that's crazy you ruin your
life by doing that learn not to do that how here I am I'm driving my car I'm in a rush that's me guess what if there is traffic you're not going to be in a rush are you come on you you understand physics objects hit each other you okay so it's going to be it's like Saturn's rings right do I like that there's traffic it's none of your business you're in traffic that's what it is is okay you have two choices honor and respect the moment that you're experiencing or decide not to by bothering yourself
that's what you did about it what' you do about the fact you're caught in traffic how'd you get out of it oh I didn't I just bothered myself a lot that helped a lot how did it help this is where the practice field is there are moments going to unfold in front of you that are not bothering you you're bothering yourself about them big deal you're in traffic do your Mantra breathe listen to music I don't care do you see what I'm saying take the ones that there's how do you know it's low hanging fruit
ready if you don't bother yourself about it there's nothing else to do I'm bothering myself that it might rain later okay I won't now what do I do nothing it's over is that neat you can do this can't you and don't you dare think that this is not spiritual growth this is spiritual growth not only here's your double benefit not only do you not be bothered you stop bothering yourself that's a fringe benefit how would you like to not be bothered as much as you're bothered you don't say yeah what do I do stop bothering
yourself how would you like to love your husband or wife more than you do now right stop picking on everything they do and deciding you don't like it guess what I I assure you if you do that you love them more how can you love somebody that he slurps a soup I can't believe tell everybody go tell your friends what's wrong with your husband or wife don't you dare it's enough that you did it now you're cementing it by telling somebody else your blockages need to be released okay so during the day when little things
are happening be conscious be centered all right what do I do if I'm sitting in traffic or I got stopped at a light and I'm just I right or somebody didn't use their blinker and I had to slow down they use their blink come on buddy but I'm bothering myself am I not okay what do I do my experience is you relax what do you mean you relax just instead of participating in this Neurosis of bothering yourself about a meaningless thing you catch yourself you feel the tendency to resist to push the energy away and
instead you relax and what people misunderstand they think I'm saying get the energy that's uncomfortable to relax if you're going to sit there and try to manipulate and change all the energy that doesn't feel good you'll be a very very busy person and you'll be neurotic like everybody else that's not what you do you sit there and say I feel this he didn't use his blinker I'm stopped at the light I feel the anxiety coming inside of me don't you dare try to change that anxiety into love later it will do it by itself it's
called transmutation but that's it's not your job your job is can I relax while this energy passes through not I'll resist it then turn it into something nicer because I can't handle it in the end you want to be able to handle energies that come through you're capable that's your spiritual growth that's called spiritual Evolution you're now a more evolved being because you're able to handle some who didn't use their blinker you're able to handle the fact that you're caught in traffic and you look at it that way that is is literally evolving you're evolving
by oh oh I didn't used to be able to handle traffic now I relax good that's very nice I didn't used to be able to handle then when you came home you were in a bad mood you came in Clos the door to your room and you didn't say hello I wasn't able to handle that before when you came out I said what the heck was that how dare you come in all day I was looking forward to seeing you and he just marched in the clothes don't you dare do there that means you couldn't
handle it what happens if he or she comes in that hard day they go in close the door they didn't want to yell at you or anything go in close the door they come back they're feeling better you say hi guess you have such a good day but we're going to have a good night that a little nicer you handled it that's what it means to grow spiritually that's spiritual growth not seeing angels and bright lights that are there one second and gone next what is that what is that it's inspiring I like it fine
I'm talking about change I'm talking about evolving and I'm telling you it's starts with these little tiny things the little things that happen when you're practicing are what matter they create the changes that make it work better so from now on play with these loow hanging things are they not there every moment of your life do you not bother yourself with all kinds of things all the time it's just amazing it's amazing do you ever worry about what somebody's doing when you're not with them like your kids left at home it's not going to to
change the situation how did that change the situation it just messed you up so when you get home you don't have the love and peace and well-being to share with whoever you are worrying about or thinking about and so on there's all these opportunities to let go that's called letting go so he said there's multiple aspects of not resisting of you relax if you relax I'm telling you if you relax it will come closer it will pass through you but it won't be as bad as you thought it was going to be nothing's ever as
bad as what your mind can make it that mind knows how to make things look really really really bad like some people don't drive if I drive am I get an accident yes no I don't want to get an accident okay fine just sit at home you know that when you drive you might be an accident okay I've met people say well you know there are drunk drivers that person next to me could be drunk there no way I'm I'm going to be on a road drive 70 m an hour with some drunk oh no
way it sounds rational when I talk about it doesn't it okay don't fly don't drive don't eat F could be bad who knows check the kitchen out first right you know you can make a mess with your mind can't you all right or you can say if I'm bothering me if that's what's happening I'm bothering me I'm going to learn how to stop bothering me that's my lowest level now something else is bothering I have to deal with it but I'm talking about the stuff that you don't have to deal with I told you the
definition of low hanging fruit is if you stop bothering yourself about it there's nothing to do what do you do about the fact that somebody might be drunk driving next to you nothing there's nothing I can do either don't drive or okay fine it's a risk you take it's not very big by the way same thing with flying yes there are plane crashes but you all fly you just don't do that with your mind you don't use your mind to make every experience a bad experience because it could have been I guarantee you if you
went to the doctor and they misread your xrates and your CAT scans and said oh my you've got cancer and it just you don't have very long to live and and then 3 days later call job and say I look at the wrong x-ray I'm so sorry all right okay I guarantee you that's not the end of the experience with you you're now scared to death of getting cancer nothing changed F inside your little mind it did didn't it okay the sum of your learned experiences okay that's not low hanging frood that's a little bigger
but if you will start with the simple ones that there's no reason to be doing this I said there's two benefits one you won't be as bothered there's a bigger benefit what you just practiced not being bothered therefore when something else happens you'll be better at it just like when you play the scales you get better at it so the benefit of playing the scales oh look I played them right it's not as big a benefit as the fact that you know how to play the things and you can play something more complicated it's the
same thing inside if you will deal with these lwh hanging things and stop bothering yourself about all this little stuff you're going to find out that you can handle things better CU you practiced and then something bigger will happen and I guarantee you somebody once said to me I went to work and something happened to work I didn't even think about I was driving home I thought you know that used to bother the heck out of me oh my god I didn't even notice it oh that's spiritual growth you evolved and what's beautiful is it's
not just about the weather it means if I give a talk maybe I I'll mess it up a little bit people Olympics they get on that that that horse right and they go there and do their stuff after four years of studying they slip a little bit don't they well what if they were afraid then they wouldn't be in Olympics they wouldn't do anything you can be like that you can sit there and say fine I'll give a talk and if I mess up I'll have fun having messed up and the next time I give
a talk I'll do better not I won't give them anymore work with yourself to raise yourself this is spiritual growth and you little by little and if there's ones that I talked about you can't do then don't do them do the simpler ones but you'll find out you get stronger you get more open more capable of handling reality imagine if you could really handle reality then you can handle reality there's nothing to be afraid of what's going to happen I don't know is that okay with you of course what choice do I have what's going
to happen happens what isn't isn't what if you don't get what you want what if your ship doesn't come in I don't have a ship it's right in front of me all the time I know don't have any concepts or views or hopes or dreams or any of that stuff that the Mind makes up because I'm not okay what are your hopes I hope someday it'll be the way I want what are your dreams I dream that someday the world will be exactly way I want it to be what if you're filled with love and
joy you don't have hopes and dreams you have so much love and joy that every moment you're interacting with you're bringing light and love into the world I you like to be like that not I want to change things you will so anyways we started this talk by talking about the fact that yoga is about energy that's how you get energy let go your blockages you do anything else you can they're good techniques it's good stuff prama is good yoga is good ASA is good meditation good all of it's really really good but they're all
about removing your blockages they're all about getting energy I'm telling you if you remove those blockages which you get to do every minute of every day you will feel more energy and then more energy and then more energy and then more energy you don't to know a single thing about the chakras all of a sudden you start feeling energy pour out of here right and then out of here and out of there and just you don't know anything about it good I don't want you to know anything about it because it's real they're energy centers
but they're blocked don't mess with them just unblock them and you will feel the essence of yoga all right and I just I always finish the same way nothing I've talk about yet is high heart chra opens you feel love all the time no matter what happens inspiration the ability to have wisdom pouring out of your being without ever thinking or anything you know fifth chakra witness Consciousness you're centered completely right energy coming out the HRA right the great ones went way past all of that there was so much energy pouring inside of them that
they were intoxicated every second they couldn't walk Rach Krishna had to walk behind them all day at any moment he'd hear the name of God or see something arm would go flying up eyes would turn up and oh and fall over backwards and could stay there for days in ecstasy me I'll do that I w't be that but I'll be embarrassing no it's not embarrassing at all because you're not there what happens is the energy gets so high that your conscience gets absorbed in it it's the most beautiful thing you ever experience and eventually just
like when you with a lover you wish you could just merge get so close at merge that you have the ability for Consciousness to merge with energy chiaki Consciousness merged with the energy and that's Union that's what enlightenment means you become one with the whole universe yoga very special thing in it thank you for listening and thank you for working on yourselves if you work on yourself you change the world Jag
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