Pricing, Price Objections, and Lying Customers- Grant Cardone

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Grant Cardone
Do you struggle with customers giving you price objections? The key to handling a price objection is...
Video Transcript:
how many of you got customers that will lie to you then stop them from lying to you [Music] how do you guys decide what your price is on your product how many have price objections how many a price objections talking about what's your product that you have price objection on gray shirt 30 and 30 yes sir good once you just you get price objections at 169 change it to 269 they're gonna complain about it either way so look he's got a 169 product they complain about the price he should have a 269 product let him
complain about the price a 469 product complaining about the price he ought to have $1,000 and $99 product and let him complain about the price he ought to have a 3900 $99 product and let them complain about that price too cuz that's all they're gonna do is complain about it oh well that's a lot of money oh my god that's oh that's crazy you know what he does he he goes to Whole Foods and complains about the price they go to dinner complain about that price now this gentleman back here is like he's like man
I I sell up where was the guy that asked the high-end question long sales cycle very professional he's like man I can't do that why can't you do why can't you the people that you call on they're spending money on stuff they have fun on right or wrong so it doesn't matter I'm telling you look I've done eighty million dollar deals when we get to start laughing with people we can do a deal when you get people laughing you can do a deal with them if you're always like I don't want to do this I
don't want to say that I got to keep it professional you need to be yourself and you need to remember this nothing you say to a customer can blow a deal ever number seven you can never blow a deal on something you said or did you blow deals because you didn't do something nobody ever says oh I blew that deal cuz I didn't do something they say oh I said this and it blew it I did that and it blew no it's what you didn't do they blew the deal he didn't call you didn't follow
up you didn't push you didn't get him to laugh you didn't take a chance okay so on a handle prices the myth how many places did I just make up 169 269 469 199 would you just learn about this how many it's all made up man all the prices you've ever made up right you got a price objection in 1 69 change the price who would you rather do business with me or them if the money was the same who would you rather do business with are you asking me that's kind of what I just
did who would you rather buy from if the money was the same what did I not do right there ask how much I didn't ask him how much what price they did give him because he's gonna lie to me okay so so don't don't ask how much it is because that you lose control everybody great he's gonna fib I'm once a fib you're done so who would you rather buy from it the money was the same I never got an answer to that question why because I like what you presented today like why else reputation
why on sation presentation you look more professional that's it yes that's all you got but my main thing is they say before I even asked them the next company last year did it for 80 bucks yeah you need to stop him from saying that to you man before he can say it's 80 bucks you need to say excuse me excuse me don't let him tell you man don't let him tell you because you know they're gonna lie to you man how many of you got customers that will lie to you then stop them from lying
to you so when I go to do my presentation okay whatever it is right there shopping and they're telling you they all set it up for you they're professional negotiators maybe they're getting second third bits and they're like okay man let me tell you what we got I want to bid from you but let me know I don't want to know that number it's not even fair for me to know let me present my number let me present what we do let me present why everybody does business with let me present while we're number one
in the marketplace let me present why we literally crush the competition I'll give you the names of them in just a second and then you tell me okay now our normal package is a hundred and twenty dollars per excuse me we also have a program that we can do for 145 okay and one for for 165 how many how many different windows will we be doing about eight eight eight windows you're at eight is there any way we could get to twenty eight take the eight and add a 20 good do you have 28 anywhere
in your portfolio maybe the guy owns apartment and then he's gonna say what hey man let me tell you something you're not even in the ballpark bro I'm at $85 right but at least I got to pitch my numbers first everybody with me I got the pitch in without doing it you you got a price at $85 that's unbelievable why didn't you do it why didn't you do it [ __ ] man that's when you want 800 dose hope I eat why didn't you do it man why didn't you do it by the way if
the money was the same if I'm at 85 and they're at 85 who would you rather buy from okay and then you want to find out I'd rather buy from you why is that because I did a yelp review and you got great reviews and they don't really why else because my sister said I should do business with you guys okay good good good good why else see and then you're gonna make a difference between the 120 and the 85 and you're gonna make a decision on the 35 bucks I'm gonna sell the 35 not
the 85 but most of you never get there because you don't have a format you don't you don't have a structure in your deal you don't know where you're at in the deal
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