Save Your Money: My Honest Take on ChatGPT4, Claude Pro, Gemini Advanced, Perplexity Pro

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Grace Leung
ChatGPT4, Claude Pro, Gemini Advanced, Perplexity Pro, I believe we all start using the free version...
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CHD plus clock Pro G advin perlex Pro I believe all of us start using the free version and at certain point you start wondering if you should upgrade to those premium versions I know that lots of AI models leader bosss lots of videos talking about which is the single best AI but do you really trust that's going to be an absolute ultimate winner I don't trust that AI is changing so fast so instead of tily chasing the so-called best AI what you should really do is pick the one that you actually going to use every
day and not waste money in this video I'm going to share my honest take from my own experience of using these premium versions and hopefully help you pick not the best one but the most suitable one disclaimer though I use this tool mainly for digital marketing and business Tes I don't use them to code or building apps if you a coder then this video is not for you also I use mainly the desktop versions the only app that I use is actually perplexity for all these chatot I personally use both free and pay versions except
for gerini and mainly has his Advanced model using his AI Studio but not the PID subscription the first one cha gbt it is the earliest AI chb that launched in the market amount the four making it a very popular options for most people I still remember the time I use it when the 3.5 model was first launched I was super excited now with all other AI players coming and all the advanced AI models I would say Char gb4 performance is still good but it is not as exciting as it used to be sometimes I even
feel that that open AI is facing lots of pressures to add lots of features to chat your before like voice recognitions web browsing but not able to promise a really Superior performance in certain areas for example like web browsing to me is almost useless no one is talking about it why because even if you turn on the response is still outdated it's just not real time browsing so the biggest strain that I found is that it is suitable for any kinds of simple or complex tases unlike other a BS which perform really well well in
certain areas I use it mainly for generating ideas and brainstorming doing small scale data analysis like getting summarized Insight from charts data PDF reports to save my time another big bonus is on customerization there are thousands of gbts you can choose from which are custom versions of gbts for specific tasks like writing research analysis or some big categories or you can create your own custom gbts if you don't find anything for specific needs because of its high popularity that's great integration supports with system like Sapia notion Shopify it also has the best support in terms
of input file formats and a surprising thing about using char4 is that it has a super high usage limits especially compared to clock since I used the pay version I have never encountered hitting the usage limit even when I ask it to analyze a big data sets of Excel data it never hits the usage limit is much more generous than other AI chaples however it also has limitation the biggest one of found now is hallucination this really annoys me Char B before tends to hallucinate more amount all the four AI TRS I've used it it
is super conversational and sometimes it will make up a response that it actually doesn't have information about and you need to verify the information yourself although you can still twist your prom or use custom instruction to reduce hallucination it makes it less useful when you need to use it as a learning tool or getting factual updated information another thing is it tends to forget things as the chat message get long you will finally suddenly forget some of the details and that probably because the information you're giving to it hits the contextual window limits and in
fact chat B4 has the lowest contextual window limits compared to clock Pro or German Advanced probably this may be the reasons why they launch the memory features which I found useful you can just ask it to remember anything related to the chat so if you want more all in one solution and are able to handle a variety of different tases chapter before is a great choice for you I wouldn't say is performance across all areas is superior like I mentioned but definitely good enough if you want a daily productivity boost out of your existing routine
Tes while you don't have a specific preference on AI models but if your Tes mainly involve test writing and test document analysis and you really appreciate a very thoughtful coherent humanized respon then you should consider the next one clock Pro clock is now my new favorite I immediately upgrade it as soon as it's available in Canada it had never never disappoint me so far since I've grade now I use it daily and start using it more than I use charg before to be honest I use it mainly for brainstorming and test generation from video titles
thumbnail text to even strategic thinking for my business because the response is always useful and not generic it always think from a dynamic perspective I get lots of fresh angles that I probably wouldn't be able to think of myself it always make you feel comfortable to chat with and this is an experience you won't get from chaty before and when you explore about his company en thropic the CEO Dario is actually coming from open AI he love open AI because he decides to focus on AI safety and alignments with human values then you won't be
surprised why the experience is so different on claw compared with Char bd4 it is also a really good writer that can mimic your writing style well with use of complex sentence structure but still sounds natural sometimes I also use it to generate drive for my social polls prly to optimize the sentence flow video description or other mini test generation Tes the biggest strength of clock Pro is the large contextual window size which has 200,000 tokens that means it can intake about 500 pages of Tex more while on the free versions you may encounter a lot
more restrictions in terms of the message length you can fit it with lots of documents tags and do analysis summaries and I found this is particularly useful if you use it together with its project features which is only available on his paper version so under each project you can fit it with all relevant information background information and you can set custom instructions for all the chest that's happening in the project it is similar to chat gbts custom gbts but I found is even more useful because it's Project based so you don't need to restate all
the contacts and background whenever you start a new chart now there are some surprise to me clock is really excellent in retaining contacts it never miss a single detail is respond is always human with excellent understanding of the whole context and attention to detail it always try to think like a human it gives you suggestions even if you don't ask unlike other chat BS they just list up pros and cons and response is always inconclusive there is an official prompting guide library and even a prom generator specifically designed for use with clock that is super
useful so how about the weakness I think the biggest one is that it can access to Internet for realtime information so the response can be outdated often has a few months of legancy so I don't recommend you ask questions related to Trends or news also even though on the Pro Plan the usage limits on the message Lane can be restrictive sometimes and I found the most annoying thing is it lacks transparency on the usage limit except just a warning message this is particularly obvious when you use it to analyze large data size in Excel or
CSV format you also can generate images which I tend to believe is the intention not to explore in this area because of its potential safety and copyright issu issues and also it doesn't have external plugins or extension to extend the functionalities the biggest reason you should consider switching to clock Pro is that you really use it a lot other than that the free versions should be sufficient unless you also want is Project features because on the free plan you enjoy almost the same set of features you can upload documents use artifacts the only difference is
the message you can send is very restrictive around 40 shot messages per day which makes it not really useful the next one gini advice to be honest Google Gemini is the only AI out four that I haven't subscribed yet until now I'm still using his free version when it first rote out I was impressed because of its multimodel capability and particularly its creative writing ability Gemini is always able to generate lots of creative ideas Tech lines hes they sounds natural and human I also like how it always provide three versions in its response and the
double check response which is very helpful and unique features that you won't able to find from other chat Boots the biggest strength for Gemini advice is definitely is 1 million tokens contextual window with its latest a models 1.5 Pro that's approximately up to 1,500 Pages PDF so you can upload different large documents images for analysis it also has much reduced hallucinations compared with chachu B before and its latest updates is also giving 2 Millions tokens to gini API and Google AI Studio this will be a big plus if you use it for coding if you
want to give it a try you can go to AI Studio I will include the link below another stream is this integration with Google ecosystem using the gini extension like Google Maps your Gmail drive and YouTube and with gini advice you can even use gini directly on Gmail and Google doll and you can execute Tes more efficiently a great surprise to me is that the over upgrade package is really attractive you have one month free trial you got two t of Google one storage along with your subscription which is a big deal you can also
share with others and also it has the biggest coverage of support country out of the four so very likely you're able to use it no matter where you are but why I did an upgrade first I found the performance of Gemini is not quite predictable and I found it's quite restrictive in its response after I have used it for a while I kind of understand this because it's developed by Google which is one of the biggest Tech corporations in the world so the expectation from a public on German to say the right things is just
so high so some times it say it kind execute the toses but then after a few attempts it will try to give you the response you will also find it to refuse to provide answers to questions that might involve even minimal risk or potential liability I would say is even more obvious than clock so although I'm impressed by its creative rating capability its fluctuations and response quality just make it less useful compared with other popular air chat BS and this also makes me hesitate to upgrade and this restriction is so obvious that Google even pause
the generation of image of people capability and second it response on the same question it's just not as in-depth as compared with Char gbt and clock Pro although the answer is correct and also I find most of the features on the free versions are already sufficient for most of my use cases and because other AI like clock perplexity is really strong so there's not a strong push for me to do the upgrade so when you should consider going for Google gini advice if you are heavy user of Google we place and you appreciate the stimulus
Integrations of using German in this product German advice definitely has an advantage also Google is a top player in search I think if they fully integrate that realtime search capability into Google German then it will be a complete different story than it is right now now let's move on to perplexity Pro since I started using perplexity for a while I immediately switch to Pro I use it daily and I even instore is app so I can search things on a go whenever I come across a piece of news a trend and a new tool it
just tanic my productivity in researching finding information and learning as well and you got so much value added when you do the upgrade you get more researches for more in-depth research and breaking down complex questions which means even if you type a very complicated question loss of contacts it can still understand very well and be able to give you organized answers you can also switch to other Advanced models on perlex Pro which is not a bonus but I would say the biggest strength of perlex pro is actually is response freshness and with lots of sources
as backup it always pull the latest information whenever you ask time sensitive questions almost in real time making it no difference compared with a standard search engine and I can say perplexity is the most outstanding AI search engines that I have used it so far and I found as surprisingly useful features on perplexity Pro is the reite function you can just out it to rewrite any sort of response using different am models to get a more satisfied response for example examp Le I really like clock free because it's great for summarizing information with humanik response
and so I can even change it to my default am model if I really have to say something about its limitation I would say it's not good to do any kinds of tosses other than search based cury so for example if you needed to do data analysis image generation or text Generation all the air tools like chat gbt just do it better I'm not saying that perplexity can do it but the performance definitely wouldn't be that outstanding as you compare with other chat BS I also have a very in-depth comparison video about proplex Pro and
chil 4 you can check it out also sometimes the surface is not stable since I've used it it for probably 3 to four months I've encounter at least two times of surface outage and sometimes the response will be quite slow and a bit laggy so if your daily Tes involve lots of researching finding factual up-to-dated information or even learning new knowledge on Google you should consider perlex Pro it will save you lots of time finding the right information and to be honest nowadays I seldom use Google I think I use Google mainly because I need
to check ranking results or search features or I have a really specific question that I want to manually check on Google so here's the wrap basically it really depends on your needs as I said there is no absolute winner some AI excel in certain areas while some don't you just need to weigh in your case which is the most important factor for example if getting the most updated information is the most important factor then Absol go for proplex pro and if you think a humanized wrer is a non-negotiable then go for clock I also make
a cheat Shi for you you can find the down link below now some of my final thoughts regarding upgrading first try to lay out all your important factors and see if you can still able to achieve each one with the free versions sometimes the free version can still do the job but perhaps they're just more constrain like usage limits so be open to using a mix of premium and free tools depending on your needs and second I don't recommend subscribing on any plan but monthly basis as this AI just changed super fast like perplexity I'm
still subscribing on a monthly basis and finally don't fear of missing out in the end you don't need to chase the so-called number one because in reality the difference in the outcome is just not as much as you think you still need to review the response with your strategic thinking critical judgment AI is just a compliment it won't 100% replace your input as a human if you enjoy this video please show me your support by by hitting the like And subscribe button and before you go make sure you also watch my other videos about some
great AI prompting techniques that you can use on all these AI Cho BS I guarantee you will like it see you soon [Music]
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