Get Rid Of Pimples,Acne Forever | How To Get Rid Of Acne and Pimples - Dr. Vivek Joshi

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Dr. Vivek Joshi
Get Rid Of Pimples,Acne Forever | How To Get Rid Of Acne and Pimples - Dr. Vivek Joshi For good qu...
Video Transcript:
if you are suffering from acne and they are occurring again and again and you don't have PCOS you're not suffering from PCOS that's polycystic ovarian syndrome then I have some tips for you try them out maybe they will be helpful and at the last of the video I will share with you name of some herbs that I have seen my practice helps a lot to reduce or remove the acne hi my name is Dr VI josi my website is welcome to my YouTube channel first mistake that I have seen and that causes acne is
overe exfoliating their skin they are using the products that exfoliate and they are using it very often and with this the biggest mistake that they are doing is not applying sunscreen exfoliating the skin and not applying sunscreen if you are against use of sunscreen then you have to protect your skin from sun damage that is by use of a head or use of an umbrella or to cover your face these are the only things that are going to protect your skin second big mistake is not taking care of your gut gut health is very very
important I tell you when a person comes to me for the treatment of acne what is always in my prescription is a powder named AI patiar cha it's an ayic formulation many Brands make it you can use of any brand I always prescribe this powder because it takes good care of your gut it is one of the best herbal powders to be used if a person is suffering from acne unless and until your gut is not going to be healthy acne are not going to go anywhere I that the holistic Medical Science also says if
you are treating acne you have to take care of gut that's why I prescribe A J but with this we also suggest PA diet P diet means avoiding the food that are hot in nature for example red chili or even green chili avoiding SAR or citrus fruits CD yogurt these things has to be avoided I'll try to put the link down below of PA diet this PA diet that I have made it has all the products that are find almost all over the world so you can go through it maybe some food products that are
written over there are new for you because I have try to collect data from all over the world so Focus only on the products that you know which you don't know are new to you just avoid them so start following PA diet it's going to take care of your gut health this is very very important without this treatment is not going to happen third and for me it's funny but not for the people who are suffering from acne it is use of two many products on the face when I do the treatment my recommendation is
not to use anything thing on the face except a light moisturizer or an herbal cream else than do avoid everything don't use chemicals on the face as much as you'll be chemical free that much better it's going to be for your face another mistake that generally people do is not washing their face at night in the daytime people use cream lotion sunscreen and I have seen many people they forgot to wash their face or even they are lazy because they are sleepy and this can cause e so clean your face well before going to sleep
and this will help in reducing the acne another mistake that people generally do is using dirty cloth to dry up their face or to wipe their face either touching or scratching their pimples I've seen this happening many times so whenever I see any of the person whom I know obviously catching the face and have some pimples I just go to them and I say stop doing this because this is either going to create stretch marks and there's a big chance that you are going to give more infection to your face through your finger dirty hand
and this will result in more acne production so we don't want this try not to pop not to touch your face not to scratch your face and yes of course stress plays a big role so try to change your reaction to stress now let's talk about name of some herbs that can be helpful my first recommendation is of course name powders or tablets are made from the leaf of this tree very very effective if a person is having any kind of skin issues especially acne start using two tablets three times in a day empty stomach
this will help you for sure whatever I'm saying do it for 20 25 days come back write your feedbacks in the comments down below I'm sure this is going to help you now what's empty stomach empty stomach is minimum 10 to 15 minutes before your meal or 1 and a half hours or maybe more after your own meal so see as you are comfortable but try to use two tablets three times in a day if you totally forget it's very hard for you to use NE two tablets three times in a day then use NE
three tablets in the morning three in the evening but best results you are going to get when you'll be using two tablets three times in a Day first recommendation second of course a CH AAR powder as I have talked about also one teaspoon two times in a day 30 minutes after your meal if it's hard for you to wait 30 minutes you can take it after your meal also you can mix it in water and then drink it or just take it and then drink with water so start using ATI CH third is hard one
it's Maha mesat I know it'sot write it down this is a syrup you have to take 20 ml in the morning 20 ml in the evening also after me but you have to mix it with equal quantity of water means if you have taken 20 ml of mahamad or mahisha you have to add 20 mL of water to it and then drink it yes all the medicines that are after your meal can be taken together and whatever medicines I'm saying you have to take all of them try it for 25 days just 20 to 25
days so M or two times in a day after your meal 30 minutes best will be 30 minutes after your mean and the last one is gandhak and this you have to use only for 20 days not more 500 mg to 1 G two time in a day also after your meal you can take it with this m four of these medicines take vitamin D3 it's very important check your vitamin D3 levels they should be on the upper normal side they should not be on the lower normal side if your deficit you have to concern
to a doctor and maybe you'll be needing higher doses of vitamin D3 so take care of vitamin D3 follow whatever I have said in this video write your feedbacks I'll be waiting for them and if you like the effort that I put in making all these video and helping you all over there don't forget to subscribe to this channel see you in next video with a big smile up to the Ile my War stay happy still
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