The Seven Densities of Consciousness // Law Of One 001

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Aaron Abke
*👇🏼ENLIGHTENMENT IS YOUR DESTINY👇🏼* Ready to master your mind & expan...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel and this is gonna be the first episode in a brand new series on my channel which is based upon a book that's tied for my favorite spiritual work of all time and that is the law of one and so the law of one is a channeled work from the early 1980s by a group of three people who were sort of dedicated channelers named Don Elkins who is the questioner Jim McCarty who is described and Carl arucard who was the channeler this group ended up contacting an entity named
raah who explained that it is a sixth density social memory complex and I'm sure that most of you have no clue what that means right now but don't worry because you will so Rock explains that they apparently visited ancient Egypt a few thousand years ago to dictate their message that they call the law of one as well as teaching them how to build the pyramids as healing centers how to use crystals the seven chakras the tarot deck the archetypal mind many other concepts such as these but a few hundred years after they have stopped communicating
with Egypt their message had been severely distorted in a number of ways and so because of this Ross says that they felt a sense of obligation or duty to eventually return and dictate the law of one again to a group that had a lower probability of distorting their message and so that's why Rock contacted this group of Jim Don and Carla in the 1980s this book is really remarkable and unique in a number of different ways but most notably because it is like a PhD level dissertation in metaphysics the only difficult thing about reading this
book is that because raw is orders of magnitude more intelligent than the average person the language he uses can be very dense and intellectual which can make it a little bit tricky to follow raah always uses the most accurate possible word available for the message that they're trying to send and so this means that most of the words that raw chooses are let's just say very big words so the book kind of has its own unique language that takes a little bit of time to adjust to because raw also will use verbage to refer to
concepts that's different and understanding that our verbage of that concept so for example instead of saying person or human raw will say mind/body/spirit complex so it does help to have someone who understands the language of the book to translate it for you which is what I'm going to attempt to do in this series I do recommend that anyone who's interested in this kind of material should read the books for themselves or listen to the books because it's really an experience unlike any other I've listened to the books three times through now and each time I
listen to them it becomes more and more incredible and the coolest part is you can actually listen to all 106 channeled sessions from the 1980s if you go to their website law of one-dot info so with that being said let's get into the topic for today's video which is gonna serve as sort of the foundation for every other lesson that we will learn in this series and that is the seven densities of consciousness now this subject is really interesting because it goes very deep into the science of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul the
number seven is a very important number within the metaphysical structure of the universe the seven densities of consciousness correspond to each of the seven energy centers in our body the seven musical notes on a scale and the seven colours within the rainbow and so this topic will really make sense for you out of some of the mysteries of life evolution and consciousness in a way that nothing else really can so raw explains that the universe is the mechanism for the one Infinite Creator to know and experience itself there are infinite universes which raw calls octaves
and the one that we're in is merely one of these infinite number of octaves raw explains that the evolution of consciousness within each octave works in seven major stages or densities a density represents the entanglement of light within a certain vibration range soba lower the density the slower the vibratory rate and the less capacity for the expression of consciousness the higher densities have a faster vibratory rate and more ability to express consciousness in its fullness and this is what drives the engine of evolution now evolution is a fundamental principle within the universe everything in creation
must be an organic authentic experience which means that everything must come through evolution so in the same way that everything within the physical world evolves everything within the metaphysical world also evolves including consciousness so if we go all the way back to the formation of our solar system we can see what happened at the beginning of the formation of the first density of consciousness the first density is that of beingness or awareness and is associated with the red ray or root chakra energy center and the atomic body this includes all organic matter which are the
four elements of earth water fire and air as the Sun condensed into our star and planets began to form the Earth's spent billions of years in a timeless state of being after a few billion years of rock magma water and air interacting with one another the friction of this interaction eventually began to evolve consciousness into the second density which is the density of growth and movement and is associated with the orange-ray sacral chakra and chemical body the second density includes all biological life and organic matter that has autonomous movement all the way down from microbial
life up to plants and animals in this density consciousness becomes aware of different portions of itself communicating with one another and through this communication a second stage is reached where consciousness has learned the lessons of beingness and can now begin to respond to its environment through this newly learned awareness so as it begins to generate a realization of space and time consciousness takes on a new vehicle of exploration the latest stage of second density would animals who become pets and through their interactions with humans such as being given a name boundaries and affection the animal
begins to develop a sense of self-awareness which allows consciousness to begin evolving into the third density third density is that of self-awareness and the choice it is associated with the yellow ray or solar plexus chakra and also chemical body the third density is where each and every one of us find ourselves right now and is actually the shortest and most intense of all the seven density levels in terms of incarnations cycles this is because of two major factors the introduction of polarity and what rakhal's the veil of forgetting the veiling process occurs in third density
to shroud each entity's memory from their previous incarnations so that there is no awareness that the soul is on an evolutionary journey this allows each entity to make a completely authentic choice between the positive and negative polarities the catalyst for evolution and third density is psychological suffering and this is why the third density is so difficult in comparison to all the others suffering forces consciousness to gain freedom from the ego which was built through the second density and this allows the entity to eventually become truly autonomous and possess free will catalyst and third density is
very high because both polarities must be presented in equal proportion the formation of the ego creates a sense that the entity is separate from everyone and everything which initially creates a barbaric and hostile behavior at the beginning of third density this is exactly what we've witnessed in our own human history but as thousands of years go by and many incarnations are experienced the soul learns the lessons of love and understanding and begins to remember that it actually is an eternal being having a temporary physical experience at this point the choice between the two polarities is
made if an entity decides that it prefers the negative polarity then it begins its evolutionary journey on the service to self path if it chooses the positive polarity it begins its journey on the service to other's paths so everything about the souls evolutionary journey hinges around this choice point in the third density that we experience right now the following fourth through seventh densities are spent exploring learning and enhancing the chosen polarity so we can summarize the first three densities by saying that consciousness sleeps in the rock it dreams in the animal and it awakens in
the human what's really cool about this understanding is that it gives you a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the life that you're living now because in order to get to the point where your soul understands all the complexities and variables of the human experience your consciousness had to first spend billions of years evolving as rock and water and plants and animals and not to mention probably hundreds of human lifetimes and so nothing I've shared thus far is really new information because we already know that the first three stages or densities of consciousness exist
because we can observe them and see them in our own life experience what we don't know however is where the evolution of consciousness goes after the third density and this is where raw takes the liberty of informing us and as you'll see just like everything else we've ever discovered the truth of how our universe actually works is always far more amazing than we could have possibly predicted the fourth density is that of love and understanding and is associated with the green ray or heart chakra and possesses a chemical and light body raw states that the
average lifespan of a fourth density being is around 90,000 years and the full evolutionary cycle is around 30 million years also according to raw our planet also became a fourth density planet in the year 2012 what this means is that our planetary frequency is now hospitable to begin evolving fourth density bodies this will obviously take hundreds of thousands of years but the signs of this evolutionary process are already becoming apparent on planet we can actually see the shift in the evolution towards fourth density love in our society because of the dramatic changes in social justice
equal rights for minorities and awareness of global corruption which have exploded since the year 2012 the shift into fourth density explains the acceleration of spiritual awakenings technological advancements and global communication as the world is becoming increasingly unified and less divided and this is why so much of the corruption and hypocrisy of our world is currently being exposed in the fourth density cross communication between densities opens up gradually as the veil gradually begins to disappear this is why we also see a huge increase in channeled works since the 1970s and this will become increasingly common in
the later stages of fourths density we're talking millions of years in the future individual beings begin to join or merge consciousness together to form what is called a social memory complex these individual entities become a larger entity that serves as a sort of walking library where each entity in the social memory complex has access to everyone else's memories and knowledge and this process continues to happen through the fifth and sixth density as social memory complex is become larger and more powerful as a quick side note the service to self path evolves through the fourth density
with an intense narcissism self obsession and hatred of others the fourth density negative being skips over the green ray chakra because it sees love and understanding as completely useless and because the entity skips an entire energy center the evolution through the fourth density is much longer and more difficult for the negative path this is why almost every channeled book ever written uses the terms we and us instead of I because after the third density individual consciousness becomes more and more unified as love increases and spiritual entropy decreases and so this is also why teachers such
as Abraham Hicks and Bashar will say we and us when they speak instead of I because the entity that they are channeling is a social memory calm flex this is also why at the beginning of the Bible it states in Genesis let us create man in our image and after our likeness and so due to the formation of these social memory complex --is communication quickly becomes more and more telepathic and this results in the complete disappearance of any ability to be dishonest and so as the veil of forgetting gradually disappears over the coming millennia we're
gonna see more and more people commonly being born who remember their past lives as well so being in a third density incarnation each one of us currently possesses a yellow ray chemical body each density level has its own energy body that corresponds to that energy center so a first density or red ray body would be purely atomic such as rock or water and this body has much less ability to express consciousness than an orange or yellow ray body of the animal or the human but when you dream at night or if you know how to
astral project the body that you take with you is your indigo ray or pineal gland body while your yellow ray chemical body is sound asleep in bed and this indigo ray body which is essentially made of pure light can walk through walls and transform itself and basically do whatever it wants that is the type of body that a sixth density being possesses natively all physical material is essentially electromagnetism and so light bodies exist farther up the scale of electromagnetism which means that they have more ability to express consciousness so you can see that there's a
really drastic difference in the ability to express consciousness at each density level because of this sliding scale of electromagnetism so it doesn't mean that it's impossible for us at this level to do things like physical healing or psychic powers or telepathy it just means that it's much more difficult due to these heavy dense chemical bodies that we possess so if a fourth density extraterrestrial being came to visit us here in physical form they would be able to do things and know things that would appear godlike to us in the same way that our ability to
use a verbal language and make to and technology appears godlike to a second density animal and so with that in mind the difference between fourth and fifth density is equally as drastic the fifth density is that of wisdom and light and is associated with the blue ray or throat chakra and is the first body in the density's to be entirely made of light there's certain imbalances in the fourth density that seek to become balanced in the fifth density because there's an overzealous Ness in the fourth density service that can lead to martyrdom meaning the sacrificing
of oneself in order to serve another self and so the fifth density balances out the love and understanding learned in fourth density with the wisdom of the fifth later density souls do often choose to incarnate back into the third density to be of service by bringing their higher frequency to the third density plane of the choice this is what the term an old soul refers to so mother Teresa and Martin Luther King are perfect examples of fourth density beings while a fifth density being would be akin to the Buddha or an enlightened master or sage
it's almost a guarantee that many of the enlightened masters we know of our fifth density souls who have been car nated into third density to be of service to our collective by bringing their light and wisdom because the fifth density body is one of light this is why angels in every spiritual text throughout history are always said to be beings of light the fifth density being retreats completely in itself and spends much of its incarnation alone learning the lessons of wisdom this is essentially where the total selflessness of fourth density learning meets the total self-sufficiency
of the fifth the lessons of fifth density are knowing that all is unfolding according to divine purpose and right action is only taken when it is felt to be appropriate and honoring to the free will of the other self fifth density beings have almost total freedom in time and space such as the ability to teleport through thought the power to manipulate consciousness to create matter out of light and so forth basically anything that you can do in a lucid dream a fifth density being can do in this dimension by the fifth density social memory complex
has become much larger and more powerful usually containing an entire planetary civilization each density level reaches for the next one or you could say is pulled by the spiritual gravity of the following density level so in the same way that the third density is pulled by the gravity of love and understanding in the fourth the fifth density is pulled by the desire to attain perfect balance of love and wisdom in the sixth density the sixth density is that of unity and balance and is associated with the indigo ray or third eye chakra and is also
a light body the sixth density turns its gaze towards the balance of love and wisdom it is an extremely fine-tuned state of consciousness as perfect balance between love and wisdom has been achieved however raw states that the negative path cannot progress past early sixth density because the spiritual entropy becomes too great by this point and so the negative entity realizing in its gathered wisdom that further evolution is impossible then concedes to the path of love and light and reverses its polarity after of course much internal struggle on the positive path and sixth density all polarization
that can be achieved through service to others has already been achieved and so this is when the sixth density soul essentially turns backwards in time and becomes what we call the higher-self in order to complete its polarization through the sixth density that's correct your higher self is literally you from the future albeit billions of years in the future being outside of space and time the sixth density soul serves as a guide to every previous incarnation it has lived and this service allows it to polarize further towards the seventh density while rod does not state how
long a fifth density and carnation cycle is he does state that a sixth density incarnation is around 75 million years after this time period the soul begins to approach the final stage in the evolution of consciousness the seventh density is the Gateway density and is associated with the violet ray or crown shock or a light body this is the final density of this octave this is where all personal identity and memory is lost as you merge back into the source this doesn't actually mean that you lose anything but that you actually gain everything else not
much is known about what the 7th density is like because as raw States they have not progressed that far yet and so they only know what small details their own seventh density masters have shared with them so what we do know is that the seventh density serves as teachers and guides to the higher self of sixth density but it's essentially as if the seventh density has one foot in eternity and one foot still in manifestation right before the merge is complete and total oneness with the Creator is achieved everything in creation down from the first
density of a rock is being pulled by this ultimate desire to merge back with The Awl after seventh density is completed the eighth density is essentially the first density of the next octave in the same way that the eighth note of a musical scale is actually the tonic or the octave above that same scale a brand new universe with brand new experiences of that which we cannot possibly imagine to give you one last caveat to the seven densities raw states that each density level has seven sub densities within it which each have seven sub sub
densities and so on for infinity so there is no actual dividing line between the densities of consciousness as everything just exists on a spectrum but this is essentially the way that the higher density beings have mapped this out for ease of understanding so as you can see the evolution of consciousness works much the same way as grades in school or a belt system in martial arts once a certain grade has been mastered or a certain belt has been mastered there comes this natural desire to continue progressing the innate desire that all of us have to
continue progressing in everything that we do is actually the pull from the Creator that is compelling us to continue evolving and growing and eventually merging back with the source everything in all of creation even the negative path everything eventually returns to the same source so not only is this the only life you have it's actually just the beginning the incarnation that all of us find ourselves in right now is actually a type of consciousness kindergarten we're here to learn the nature of polarity and eventually make our choice between the two and based upon the choice
that we make we will spend the rest of our souls evolution progressing up the densities of that polarity neither choice is right nor wrong it's simply up to you so I hope you enjoyed this lesson and found it as incredibly inspiring empowering and uplifting as I do and if you did enjoy this lesson then just strap in your seat belts because this is just the beginning of the amazing knowledge and insights that the law of one has to offer so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next episode
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