The Principles of Creation

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Olanrewaju Gabriel Ibironke
Myles Munroe
Video Transcript:
didn't get it so don't miss a Sunday evening and today we are going to try and finish Genesis chapter 1 it is such a loaded chapter in chapter 2 has more than Genesis chapter 1 so you know you're going to be stuck in that for a couple of weeks but I want you to give a big hand to our friends joining us by television as they become a part of our session tonight thank you very much and I want to welcome you to our Sunday evening session we're going to be teaching on the topic the
principles of creation please say that with me the principles of creation that's what we want to put an put at the top of your page and we're going to talk about the the principles that God used to create these printers are important because they explain everything about God they explain why the world is the way it is they explain why creation functions the way it does they also explain you and that's why it is so important they explain some things about you that are very natural you're going to see exactly why for example when you
understand the principle of creation you'll understand why God had to become man you'll also understand why we need God they all locked up in this Genesis chapter 1 I want to begin with the scripture and we're going to read Genesis chapter 1 if you get your Bibles are we going to go through remember the whole Old Testament and they'll probably take us a couple of years but we're going to see we can do in Genesis chapter 1 it begins in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and
void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters then God said let there be light and there was light then God saw that the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness God called the light day and he called the darkness night so the evening and morning were the first day then God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters thus God made the firmament
and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and then he so the evening and the morning were the first day then God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry ground appear and it was so and God called the dry ground the land earth and the gathering together of the waters he called seas and God saw that it was good then God said let the earth bring forth grass
and herb that yields seed and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind whose seed is well in itself on the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth grass and the herd that heal seed according to its kind and the tree that yield fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind and God saw that it was good so the evening and the morning was a very day then God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them
be for signs and seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light to the earth and it was so then God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also what a slight way to say that huh the billions of them and God just kind of threw them in he made the stars also kind of you know I like that then God made two that then God said them rather in
the permanent of the heavens to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that this was good so the evening in the morning with a fourth day then God said let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the permanent of the heavens so God created great creatures and every living thing that moves with which the waters abounded according to their kind and every winged bird
to their kind and every winged bird according to its kind and God saw that this was good and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth in the seas and let the birds multiply on the earth so the evening and the morning were the fifth day then God said let the earth bring forth living creatures according to its kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth each according to its kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the earth according to its kind cattle according to its
kind everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind and God said that it was good then God said now let us make man in our own image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the earth the fish of the sea the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over everything that creeps everything that creeps upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them then God blessed them and God said
to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth hallelujah praise God and God said see I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the earth and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you it shall be food also to every beasts of the earth and every bird of the air and everything that creeps on the earth in which there is life I have given every green
herb for food and it was so then God saw everything that he had made an indeed he said it was very good so the evening and the morning were the sixth day and all the people say Amen that's a lot of work gardener no wonder why he was needing a rest after that in that simple chapter you have all of the great mysteries of creation and I want to begin first of all by clarifying some words the first word in the Bible that describes God is create and I want you to write this word down
again the word create is defined from the Greek word bara ba ra and it literally means to form from nothing but there's another word that is found in this chapter and it's the word made or make now that word made or make has a different meaning from the word create to create the Greek mini Hebrew word bara means to form from nothing the word make or made is the Hebrew word Asad some scholars spell it s ä s ä å få other spell it a as H a but it means the same thing is the
word I saw and it means to form from something that was already created so when you see the word made in the Bible it's different from the word make or create rather the word create means God began with nothing the word make means God used what he created he used material and then he made something else so in the book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 you have these two words use and you got to be cautious with them because they describe the difference between the metal excuse me of creation now everything was created before
it was made that's logical isn't it because in order to make something you've got to have something that was already created creation therefore is the act that started the process very important statement in the Bible the first verse of the Bible is a very powerful verse in beginning God the word there's Elohim created from from nothing the heavens and the earth period in order for someone to create anything they must begin with nothing that is why creation is ascribed only to God because only God could start with nothing and produce something this is why no
other being that exists or no other thing that exists can be greater than God because God produced it are you with me that includes all the Angels seraphim's cherubims it includes even the one who got fired they are all products of God that includes you because God created you before anything was created everything was in God because everything that is was created by God so before God created anything there was nothing except God so there was a time when there was nobody but God and there was nothing but God but God being a creative God
started to do what it's naturally God he began to produce and so he created so he is the only one who is creator there is no other creator because nobody else could start with nothing we hear people say often I created this house I created this piece of artwork that's wrong that's impossible because the moment you use something to do it you are no longer creator so your house was made from things God created the clothing you wear is from a sheets that God made there for you created nothing you made the clothing this is
why God has a problem with idol worship because when you worship an idol you worshiping something that is less than God so when Satan told Jesus the Last Temptation was if you bow down and worship me I will give you all the powers and the authorities of the great cities of the world Jesus response was very appropriate he said get away from me because we shall worship God only on only him shall we serve would it Christ would it take maximum worship what did Jesus say there's only one person worth worshiping and that's the one
who made you Lucifer that's why we should not worship anything but God everybody say God so singular now let's take a look then at some of these statements made in this chapter to dig into this a little bit after God had created the heavens and the earth in verse 1 that's a statement of emphatic declaration then in Chapter 1 of the Bible God reveals to Moses the process he used in verse two of the Bible we have a problem don't we in verse 2 it says and the earth was without form and void and darkness
was upon the face of the deep remember verse 2 write these down please there are three things wrong with verse 2 1 the Bible says it was without form that means it was out of formal order so number one problem was disorder there was no order to the planet secondly the problem was it was void the word void in the Hebrew language means chaos or confusion and the third problem in verse 2 is darkness the Bible says that there was darkness covering the whole earth now these three problems disorder confusion and darkness are not products
of God's action how do we know this because the Bible states very clearly that God is God does all things decently and in order how many things all things that means that things are out of order somebody else is at work secondly the problem is what confusion chaos we know God didn't do that because the Bible says God is not the author of confusion so when you see confusion somebody else is at work not God and the third problem is what darkness the Bible states God is light and in him there is no darkness at
all so god when you see darkness and darkness here actually means absence of knowledge for ignorant whenever there is darkness God is not at work there as a matter of fact the Hebrew word for ignorant is the same word as darkness and this is important because if ignorance is darkness and in God there is no darkness then when God shows up darkness flees what is that myth ignorance was the opposite of ignorance knowledge with the Hebrew word for knowledge like God never says he has light God does say he is like my lord he is
revelation he is knowledge so if you are ignorant the missional of information all God got to do is show up in your life hallelujah so God Himself is knowledge which means you cannot know unless God allows you to know you cannot know God without God revealing himself to you because he is knowledge in him is light he is light and in him was the light and that light was the life that lighteth every man that comes to the world that's not talking about growing like a bulb is talking about revelation truth God has come to
show you and tell you and exposed to you the truth about everything now if God is not the author of confusion and God does all things in order and goddess has no darkness in him then wood has happened in verse 2 that's the question in verse 1 God created what the heavens as a plural that means all the galaxies and all the milky ways and all the eons of space God did all of that and then God created the earth but God doesn't create confusion he doesn't create darkness and he doesn't create disorder so what
happened between verse 1 where everything is perfect and verse 2 where things seem to become chaotic scholars have taught and believed that when God created the heavens and the earth it was during that project follow me carefully when there was a little commotion in heaven it was during the project you will find if you will follow me for a brief moment trying to Ezekiel chapter 28 let's see what happened Ezekiel 28 should be between Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 2 so let's go to Ezekiel 28 Alessi was supposed to be happening in Genesis
chapter 1 verse 1 and a half you'll miss that in Ezekiel 28 there's a description of what has believed happened during the creation process please read chapter 28 come on out get your Bibles even a recent stuff you never thought was in the Bible so you got to read it for yourself here's what it says verse 12 son of man take up a weeping or lamentation for the king of tyre and that's referring to the Prince of demons the spirit that controlled the leader of tyre was Satan himself gods or the prophets speak to the
demon the chief spirit that is influencing the king of Tyre and say to him so who's God talking to until to the prophet Ezekiel he talking to Satan Lucifer Lucifer is influencing controlling this man and God is had enough of it and God says Ezekiel I want you to go to Tyre and address the devil directly so the word you're about to hear are coming from God directly to the Prophet to Lucifer the unemployed Jared now watch God's words he starts out he's talking to who come on say la who you talking to I want
you to get the spirit of this message now he's talking to the devil he begins you were the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in Eden the garden of God come on get your pen underline that you know what eating right eating is what the place of the presence of God the Adam was not the first one in Eden now remember what was Lucifer's number-one responsibility worship what does worship do attract the presence of God he was in charge of the presence would it even the presence of God so
here God is telling Lucifer you used to be in the place where I put my own kids every precious stone was you're covering for he must have been beautiful the sad the fattiest the Topaz the diamond the barrel the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the turquoise the emerald on the gold now that was a beautiful angel come on y'all talk to me man let me tell you something that means now I want you to picture somebody made of that stuff that means that all the light of glory in heaven everywhere he turns you could
tell he was sparkly no wonder why it went to his head lord have mercy I mean Lucifer must have been the most beautiful angel in glory matter of fact when God says you were perfect in beauty you must have been something else because you know God knows beauty he had diamonds set into his body Jasper all of his head my god every time he moved there was light coming on him when he moved he just Sparkle what a glorified look read on the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day
you were created and the liner please Satan wasn't born he was created now for those of you who may have believed some of the writings of the moment and you are mom and listen carefully keep the TV on according to the Word of God this Lucifer was created but it never refers the Jesus of being created any time he was the first born of the father would not create it come on praise the Lord somebody so he cannot be the brother of Jesus are we all clear now stay with the Bible but go back to
this verse he says your workmanship of your timbrels with the timbrels tambourines and your pipes like organ pipes were prepared for you now that the original hebrew says in you so put a little circle around that for it is actually the King James and have it already does it yeah you got a King James right the King says it would built into you in other ways this this was an awesome angel first he got all these stones all over him and then the Bible says there were tambourines built him into his body and there were
organ pipes Dilton injuries into his body now how do you how do organ pipes make music very simple they blow wind over them so that's why when you see if a big pipe organ at church they got a big fan under that engine and that's an Indian burn up the air over those pipes and that's what makes the music a sound well the Bible says Lucifer didn't need play an organ he was one now this may teach us something about God and propose it whatever God creates something to be he built sit into it so
whatever you were born to be you carrying it my lord I saw God works God built birds to fly so he built flight into the bird the bird doesn't go to flight school he built Lucifer to make music so he build the music into the guy so when the winds of heaven blew over this Lucifer my lord then worship started automatically what uh what an awesome angel just a wisdom he goes don't belong to run to the room I mean music an angel started singing when Lucifer showed up worship starts my god he don't need
no choir he is the choir it's a powerful angel no wonder why they went to his head he knows why God don't give you all the gifts because the last place he gave all them gets to got carried away that's why God make you sing but you can't listen to yourself somebody got to listen to you that's why the best ships to eat their own food somebody got to eat it this was an awesome angel his organ pipes prepared in him on the day he was created verse 14 you were the anointed cherub who covers
let's pause here a minute you were what the anointed cherub now what is the word anointing means was it me anoint to anoint the anointed cherub ah not just set apart but anointed means that he has the ability the power to do what is listed here what is what it's covering he was annoyed her to cover not only was he appointed but he had the ability to do it that Miss Lucifer's job was not only to boy to create the presence of God attracted but he also was responsible for protecting it you worship leaders listen
carefully your responsibility is wood Lucifer pad when you worship God and I'm talking to everybody here when you worship God the Bible says God dwells where in the praises of his people so when you praise God you attracted presence but that ain't enough he says now protective that means when God's presence is among his people and then you start talking to somebody looking at your clothes going in the bathroom messing up the service you are on the side of Lucifer he's a covering charity what a man this is magnificent Angela by the way covering means
that you guard the presence of the Lord next I established you and you were on the holy mountain of God you walk back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones when this angel was right in Eden he was in the he was in the personal circle right around the throne look at that it says that you were in the holy mountain Mountain you doesn't mean it's any physical place Mountain has to do with stronghold in other words you are not them in angels who were far away saying holy holy no you were right
next to the throne you were on the rug around thrown you were among the fiery stones you know the the rug that is around God's throne is made of jewels that's what John saw he consorted - we fight over diamonds and God walks on them by the way you think those are interested in diamonds lucifer glad you like these things he thinks they're stupid because he used to walk on them but he have used him to mention life up if you like them he sell your soul for a rock that he walks on even sound
I'm saying we do dumb things and the devil plays along you want a gamble he lets go gamble and he let you win a couple of times why he's after your loyalty you want to break your control you want to destroy your discipline and lose all your money in your house Michal and your wife in your children mess your life up he let you win some of your paid a lottery and the devil will let you win a couple time the stuff you go after he used to them the devil is used to little money
is useless you want a million the devil laughing at that cuz that's garbage in heaven and he's a sinner on a walk on it no wonder why Jesus laughed at him any action to turn the bread too soon in the bread he was in the Mount of God now look at verse 15 you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created and the line it again this is was a created angel but the next statement here's what happened between verse 1 and 2 of Genesis until iniquity was found in you now I'm
not teaching on Ezekiel yet but let's just touch the word iniquity write it in your notes iniquity now there's a difference between iniquity and sin iniquity is a quality of sin the word iniquity is different from sin even though it is a quality of sin because iniquity has to do with sins you cannot see the down iniquity is sins you cannot see for example if I stole your wallet tonight you could see it if you found out about it I have it so you can then accuse me rightfully so of stealing therefore I sinned the
Bible says thou shalt not steal so I break the law and you can see that I break the law of God adultery physical adultery the woman who was caught in the dirty you get caught sleeping with somebody so they physically see you and then they report it to the Lord and say you commit adultery so they caught you physically that's called sin that's physical experience so they caught you physically that's called sin that's physical experience however there is a sin that's worse than sin and its iniquity Satan was found with the highest level of sin
the highest level of sin is iniquity why iniquity is sins you cannot see let me describe some jealousy deceit envy coverages net see if I'm jealous of you you can't see it that's worse than telling me you don't like me that's why iniquity is worse than sin for example when Jesus Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God in the New Testament and in his first message he went from sin to iniquity remember matter of fact from chapter 5 of Matthew all the way to chapter 9 Jesus is teaching one message and he's sharing that dip
between iniquity and sin so he gave some example this is a you have heard it said he thou should not commit adultery he says of course what you mean is don't get caught he said but I say unto you that if you look upon a woman or man and desire them in your mind you've already done it now if that's true then all of you in here have committed adultery but we couldn't see it so the Bible says if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear my prayer now here you I
say but I don't steal you know I haven't be in a jail I don't know if they can say but I know what you thinking and that cancels your breath because the iniquity is worse than open sin when a woman caught in adultery they dragged her and they said look Jesus we caught the woman we got a STONER the law said if you commit adultery you should be stoned and they pick the rocks ready to go and they said what should we do and Jesus now down began to write we don't know what he wrote
but something can and then he went from sin to iniquity he said the first one of you without sin the way there's iniquity if you didn't wish she was with her throw the first oh my god my god see ah iniquity is dangerous because and eventually manifests itself every sin that you commit you committed it before you committed it you thought about it iniquity is only waiting on opportunity so look where God went for Lucifer goss's look even before you started the coup you had a cool my god because it's look at the way it's
written you were perfect in all your ways until iniquity secret private undetected sin he says I found it in you that means I knew it before you even knew I knew it Lucifer God got him covered let me tell you something everything you hide is wide open and glory hey you are sneaking around the night a bee check and check it God why so but I mean if you could see what the Angels say you stop doing what you do it people get his idea ain't nobody watching ain't nobody you got millions watches not only
that taking notes and guess what Paul says they even got movie camera recording he said with every work that you have done you will see it again Paul says that means everything you do God making a movie home movies backseat movies hey neighbor you better live right from now on it tell your neighbor you want a best-selling movie you want me to starve a movie that's a lot of big you know mess see the boy use a style of mess the iniquity was found in you God says verse 16 but the abundance of your trading
by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within by the abundance of your one trading that means his influence he was able to see now remember he was in charge of these angels and God says because of the great influence you had the respect of these angels it went to your head you became violent that means you decide to violate your position you only sing a brother you ain't God you sing but you want to walk by or late your position violence violence simply means to violate the laws of your position he
couldn't handle the power that's why some of you God takes long to give you power some of y'all walking promoting the church is a bypass imagine leave God alone he working with me and he know you one entitled your head gone I've been a long time while he ordained me God in flesh are you yet you ain't ready you sit in the oven you're baked yet you uhyou problem your cake still soft in the middle do you know why must hitting somebody do you do you know that do you know that in the book of
Psalm 82 when it talks about us being gods verse 6 says ye are gods and children of the Mahatma's high as well 6 verse 7 says but you will you will fall and die like mere men even as one of the princes is referring to Lucifer another way the same weight went to his head it go to your head God says used because of your influence in your trading violence was found in you and you work and you sinned ok underline a statement and you sinned what was found in him iniquity then what did he
do he sinned - the difference God says now when you thought about it there was a chance you didn't have to manifest this thing if you didn't want to he said but but the influence was so juicy you began to feel them angels admire in you hey whoa I must be alright damn Sarah field burn down here he said all of a sudden you began to feel I could be gone too and then you proceeded and you manifested it you see next statement therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of my presence that's
what that mountain meet you were kicked out of the location you were born to be in let me tell you what a demon is a demon is an angel dislocated therefore you could be a demon that's why demons are completely crazy they are tormented all the time and they torment who they with why they in the wrong place so they don't feel right where they are I know like you where you answer they won't where you are but then got no place remember when Lucifer came before God in the book of Job with the sons
a net causes ferments comes down what's his answer to and fro crazy man your turn for a wife you forgot you kicked me out I got no place to go God is what I placed you in my garden in the place of the Mount of God that's where he's supposed to be but because of iniquity and sin I cast you out now Satan is an unemployed and undeceased demon spirit looking for a home dangerous creature read on verse 70 your heart was lifted up because of your beauty oh you corrupted your wisdom for the sake
of your splendor now please underline this he did not lose his wisdom you all stop thinking Satan is stupid did I still smile the guy knowing exactly when to bring your old boyfriend right he know when to set up with your girlfriend and you married bring your ex right there when you feel depressed wrong phone call Satan know just when to make the calls he ain't stupid it's just that his wisdom is what corrupted he uses it for destruction that's why he will let you win the lottery you gambler the first time you win you
pay them stock machine for you look warden he fixed on getting now you get $15 right there that night Brian and then for the rest of the year you thinking about it boy I can just go back just try it one more time just me four years you figure oh you every time you pass when you feel convulsions ooh my god then one day you go you owe a water bill Lucifer says remember its quarter it's wisdom is correct corrupt Satan will help you justify wrong and make it sound right he has wisdom but it's
corrupted by the time he's finished with you you will be you you you'll be enjoying sin calling it salvation 4:17 I cast you to the ground I laid you before Kings that they might gaze at you now can we shake a little bit because this is good look at the word Kings small K huh guess what he talked about lord have mercy he says I kicked you out and my kids just look at you now and they gaze at you and wonder how could such a great awesome beautiful fantastic splendorous splendorous awesome being be so
completely abased you and I suppose the gaze at him not be afraid of him and that gauge means and wonder how can we be greater than such a beautiful creature because he's created and we are sons born after the image of our father verse 18 you defiled your sanctuaries with the module of your iniquities you defile your sanctuaries by the module of your Nick Nick WA T's you defile your sanctuary by the multitude of your iniquities in other words his brain his mind got more corrupt and more corrupt until he had not just iniquity but
now you got iniquities sounds familiar when you start taking one sin to hide another sin to hide another sin you got yourself full of iniquities so if you do wrong and you get a lie about it then you get lighter but take the lie you told about the lie you told about the first lie that lied to toe the line and you lied lied bite on your friends you just one big liar now you get iniquities all in your spirit and then you try to pray in church on Sunday morning closet I will hear you
by the iniquity of your trading therefore I bought fire from your midst and it devoured you and I turned you to ashes upon the earth underline that please this where the problem starts in Genesis 1 verse 1 and 2 when he was kicked out the fire of God went out after him and burned him and he fell scattered like ashes where did he land where was he in eden around the throne amount of God where did he land God Hillary landed he landed in the earth territory when confusion hits order you get confusion he fell
to the earth and so now the earth was birth was without form and void and what darkness now what's wrong with his wisdom corrupted that's where the darkness comes from ignorance began to rule Lucifer and he infected the whole atmosphere he infected everything when he hits the Earth's area the clouds fell to the ground of the feminine and they said and they became one with the waters and therefore there was no permanent there's no space in between there was no atmosphere no heavens I meant many in the earth the water covered the dry ground and
all the life in the earth was hidden I mean when he hit this thing everything fell apart God says he was scattered over the earth in the sight of all who saw you all all knew you among the people are astonished at you you have become a horror and shall be no more forever in other words you will never be a covering cherub again by the way that's why God created us you know that God created man because God had a vacancy if someone gets fired there's a vacancy oh gosh so in John chapter 5
when Jesus came to a woman to do well he's not talking about Lucifer's job remember that discussion was about Lucifer's job woman says we worship in the mountain your worship in Jerusalem Jesus says hey I'm God I come to tell you about wishing he said they that worship God we're not waiting in a mountain nor in the Temple in Jerusalem no in some locations or in some building he said but the time has come and now is that the father what this is seeking why is he thinking they can see open tell your neighbor prison
or say praise him right now you are created because God wants to fill the spot in heaven with worship from not a created angel now with his own children the chanson gets rid of just a little bit little anger began to fill this spot let heaven hear the glory come from the earth go ahead and praise Him what see if splendour describe those stones tell them how beautiful his throne room is and talk to him about his awesome power that would praise is praise is when you begin to fill that vacancy with the praise of
your lips out of your heart and God dwells and Eden comes again hallelujah hallelujah I say hallelujah when you wake up in the morning you just slip out of your bed spin around put fur on the ground and say let me fill the vacancy for a lil good eco la la marca Sandara vaca frita when you drive into work fish quiet kids let's fill the vacancy hallelujah glory to God time when they go into ballad miss fill the vacancy wrong dorababu son balarama maka SATA and you fill the vacancy there'd be no more Lucifer I
believe that is why when God started to reorganize the planet in chapter 1 God created a planet with two sides day and night why because God wanted to make sure that there was never a lapse in praise and worship so while we're sleeping on one side there's my decided Church awake and they worship in God then when night come them to go to sleep we wake up and we start worshipping God and that means every single minute of the day somebody come on praise the Lord is filling the vacancy that's what God walks a fighter
Bible God says God says that we ought to bless the Lord in the rising and the Sun under going down of the same the name of the Lord shall be praised come on praise Him one more time he wants a vacancy filled all the time hallelujah that's what happened between verse 1 & 2 let's go back real quick to chapter 1 of Genesis tell your neighborhood this is gooder than I thought hey neighbor and this only chapter 1 in chapter 1 verse 3 is the first statement of God to fix the thing it says I'm
God said like be the words God said are important because they explain the power of his word they also define the pre-existence of Jesus you know when the book of John introduces Jesus it does not call him Jesus it calls him the word in the beginning God said hallelujah now hey buddy look at me it's very deep the word word in the Greek language used in the book of John write it down word the Greek word that is useful word is the word logos logo107.png at means expression of a thought logos means expressed thought this
is heavy what does he thought a silent worried what is a word an exposed thought so what is a word before it's a word it's a thought whereas the thought it's in you where's the word it's out you so in the beginning was the word I was just under word was god under word was in god god had a thought first glory hallelujah that's the pre-existence of jesus my lord so until God spoke Jesus was thought now according to John it says in the beginning was the word and the word was also God well that
makes sense as a man thinketh so is he so I forgot thinking so is he so as God thinking it so is got it so God will think of it the words of God was the word because of the man thinketh so is he that's why Jesus says I am my father I want on the Word was with God on the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God net worth - and all things were made by this word halle-loo John and God said he spoke all things were made when God released
his thought and the thought became what word by word is power as a man thinketh so is he as a man speak it so he becomes I must say it again you missed it as a man thinketh so is he but as a man speaketh so he becomes when you start saying what you are thinking you'll become what you were thinking you got the same principle power that God had that's why God wants you he says look death and life is not in heaven or hell it's in the power of your town the same was
in the beginning with God verse 14 of John chapter 1 says and the Word was made flesh and we call the flesh Jesus so the pre-existence of Jesus is worried his first name that we know him as his word hallelujah that's why the Bible says in the beginning was the word not Jesus not just he was in the beginning Jesus is a recent arrival the word is the pre-existent one the word is the Ancient of Days but the word when he put on flesh to deal with us he was trapped in the body called Jesus
but he still the word hallelujah that's why Christ didn't worry about food and clothes and shelter and I'm riding on any carrot or something what he made the place the whole place was laid by him that's right efficient you him that's why the tree recognized him you're saying in somebody whew what a glorified manifestation that must have been the wave knew him well the wind here's the captain they say he's coming he says shut up that's why he could sleep in a hurricane hurricane is is I feel like shouting all by myself myself you lie
and you wonder if you're gonna make it through this week the chance and thank God you have a good week if Jesus is in your ship lord have mercy the ocean you are rocking on is is he created everything God spoke and things came into be that's why he owns everything he is the king of all creation my god you get bless yet verse 4 the Bible says and God saw that it was good I want to know here that this word is really a divine approval and it occurs seven times in the creation chapter
and God said that it was good seven means what perfection that means when God created everything when he finished producing the product it was perfect I really finished all of them he perfected them he said it's good seven times seven means perfection everything is perfect by the way God wants you to be just like him you know that here's the way God wants you to be whenever you do a project you should be the one to say that's good if you do something at your job at home in your school and you cannot say that's
good then you are not finished yet you know God is the only being I know who is his own critic he could take his own work and say that's good God says now imitate me like they're children so you type a letter for your boss if you see it smudge with all this corrective ink misspelled all kinds of funny sentences and you know that shouldn't leave your desk if you cannot say now that's a good letter then you ain't finish it going to work at 9:15 it should be there nine o'clock you can't say that
that's good I came late then you ain't finished getting discipline yet God wants to be just like him if you ain't proud of it it ain't finished yet if you don't think it's good no one else should what a God I believe God said it was good because there's no one else to tell him so you're the critique his own work just like you when you're working you should be your own critic don't let no one see it and tell you no I can do no better than that that is the best I could do
in verse five this statement the evening and the morning were the first day now this statement I put here is really Moses's view of how creation took place you would notice that we kept repeating the statement remember all through the reading tonight that's because most of this view obviously was that the days from his perspective was twenty-four hours God did all his work and then there was an evening and then there was the morning did all this work there was an evening in the morning now by the way you will notice in verse three and
four it says when God saw the light was good undivided light from the doctors and called the light day in the darkness night now if you've got a good Bible with some some reference to the bottom you'll find out it says in that reference the mind actually says it that the word light there is not referring to the Sun so when God turns use a term day and a night he's referring to a description of the quality of those two experiences
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